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Photo of Yellow Coral Fungi
Directory of Bradford County, Pa.
Directory is arranged as follows: 1st. name of individual or firm; 2nd, post office address in parenthesis, if different from the name of the town; 3rd, the figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work; where no road number is given, the party is supposed to reside in the village; 4th, business or occupation; 5th, figures placed after the occupation of a farmer indicate the number of acres owned or leased.
Abbreviations: Adv., advertisement; asst., assistant; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bldg, building; cor., corner; Co., company; do., ditto; E., east; h., house; ins., insurance; pres., president; R. R., railroad; Ry., railway; S., south; W., west; com. trav., commercial traveler; emp., employee.
1900 New Albany Borough Directory
Post office address New Albany
Ackley, Joseph L. laborer, h and lot Main
Ackley, Orin, planing and cider mill Main, h do
Albany Mirror, weekly, Charles A. Corcoran editor and prop, Front. See adv. page 32
Albert, Leon, teacher graded school, bds Main
Allen, Calvin, h and lot owned by wife, Front
Allen, Charles J., blacksmith, Front cor Fawcett, h do
Allen, James, carpenter, h Front
Allen, James, laborer h and lot Front
Allen, Lowell (Corson & Allen), h Front
Belles, R. Bruce Rev., pastor M. E. Church Laddsburgh, h Main
Bender, Liss P. blacksmith Main cor Division, h do
Bennett, Darius, h and lot owned by wife, Railroad
Benninger, Richard J. dealer in butter, eggs, and produce Front, h Lawrence
Billings, Elmer J., hay and grain Division, h Main
Blitho, Emma, widow John h and lot, Division
Boston, Delance, driver M. Brink, h Front
Brink, Charles, h Front
Brink, Maurice, boro collector and grocer, Front, h do
Brown, Ella S. Mrs., bds Front
Campbell, Charlotte, widow John, bds Fawcett ave
Campbell, Edgar S., boro councilman, coal, agricultural implements, stoves, furnaces Main cor May, h Front cor May
Campbell, John A. (agent) plumber and tinner, h Front cor May
Campbell, Joseph, h and lot Front
Campbell, Mary J., widow William, h and lot Main
Campbell, Ode, laborer, h and lot Fawcett ave
Carey, Chester h and lot Front
Coleman, Orin, h and lot Fawcett ave
Coons, John J., laborer, h and lot owned by wife, Front cor Fawcett ave, removed to asylum
Corbin, William, laborer, h and lot owned by wife Front
Corcoran, Charles A., editor and prop Albany Mirror, job printer, bds Hubler cor Main. See adv. page 32
Corcoran, Frank P., farmer 88 off r 18, h and lot Hubler cor Main
Corcoran, Rachel P., school teacher, bds Hubler cor Main
Corson & Allen (Millard M. C. and Lowell A.) general hardware and agricultural implements and bicycles, Front cor Wood
Corson, Millard M. (Corson & Allen) h Front
Corson, Perry farm 40 on r 16 ½, h and lot Fawcett ave
Cranmer, Chester W. farm 100 in Smithfield bds Front
Cranmer, Orvel C. (C & Vial) furniture and undertaking, Front h do
Cranmer & Vial (Orvel C. C. and John F. V.) shingle manufacturers
Davidson, Edward laborer h and lot owned by wife, Railroad
Davis, Charles W., farmer 90, on r 10, h May
Davis, Emma dressmaker, h May
Davis, Wesley P., town clerk and jeweler, Front cor Hubler, bds r 10
Deegan, Jerry, propr Exchange Hotel, Front, h at Dushore, Sullivan Co.
Eddy, Reuben, laborer, h Lawrence
Ely, Betsey A., widow James, h and lot Front
Ely, Ernest, laborer, bds Front
English, Alexander, farmer 50 on r 13, h and lot Front
Estelle, Ahira M., farmer 40, h Lawrence
Exchange Hotel, Jerry Deegan prop, Front
Fawcett, Abraham L., jeweler and insurance agent, Front h do
Fawcett, Winifred, milliner Front bds Main
Felton, Fred S., printer Mirror Office, h 304 Bridge St., Towanda
Finch, Philo, laborer, h Lawrence
Fitzgerald, Ella, bds Front
Fitzgerald, John, section foreman, L. V. R. R., h Front
Hall, Elma F., milliner and dressmaker, h Front
Hall, Malvina M., widow Daniel C., milliner, Front, h do
Harshbarger, David W., retired physician, h and lot Front cor May. Died since canvass.
Harshberger, Wilson F., school director, physician, Main, h do
Heiser, William H., physician and surgeon, Front, h do
Heverly Drug Co. (G. W. Heverly and E. P. Kester & Co.) mnfs Heverly distemper powder, Front
Heverly, George I., shoemaker, h and lot, Fawcett ave
Heverly, George W., com trav., h and lot, Lawrence
Hewitt, William, h and lot, owned by wife, Front
Hoffman, George (clerk Hotel Wells, bds do)
Hotel Wells, Henry R. Wells prop., Front cor Hubler
Hubler, Alfred B., grist mill and wood carding, foot of Hubler, h do
Huffman, John, farmer, 184, bds Hotel Wells
Johnson, Daniel W., laborer, bds Overton
Johnson, William, laborer, h Front
Jones, Lewis, bds Hubler
Keeler, Charles H., machinist, stenographer, bds Front
Keeler, Elisha S. (Keeler mfg Co., Landon, Keeler & Co.) h Front
Keeler, Leroy E., machinist, bds Front
Keeler, Mfg Co. (E. S. Keeler) manfs bicycle couplers, seeds and garden tools, Front
Kelder, Thad A., bookkeeper, F. T. Maynard, bds Second
Kester, Elias P. (E. P. Kester & Co.) h Front
Kester E P & Co. (E. K. P. & F. E. Richart) drugs, paints and oils, newsdealers, etc. Front
Ladd, Jane, widow Ashley, h Fawcett ave
Landon, George H. (L. Keeler & Co.) Front, h do
Landon, Keeler & Co. (Geo. H. L. & Elisha S. K.) general merchants, Front
Lee, Lucellia, widow Uriah, bds Front cor Hubler
Lewis, Frank D., farmer, 115, h Front
Magee, Lola, clerk M. Brink, bds Front
Mahaffy, Thomas, clerk Exchange Hotel, h at Dushore, Sullivan Co.
Marcy, Libeus L. (Marcy & Rhodes) h Front
Marcy & Rhodes, L. L. M. & A. H. R.) wagon makers, Front
McCarty, William, laborer, h Front cor Division
Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Willey A. C., pastor, Front
Miller, Martha A., widow John W., bds Front cor Wood
Miller, Raymond E., tobacco grower, breeder of Jersey cattle, dairy 10 cows and farmer 78, Front
Molyneux, Jabez M., carpenter, h Lawrence
Murphy, Jerome, laborer, bds Fawcett ave
Murphy, John, farm 150 on r 30, h and lot Fawcett ave
Murphy, John, laborer, bds Fawcett ave
Murphy, Michael, porter Exchange Hotel, bds do
Murphy, Stephen, brakeman L. V. R. R., bds Fawcett ave
Mynard, Frank T., grocer, meat market, produce dealer, Front
New Albany Creamery, Ray S. Wilcox prop, manuf butter, Main
New Albany Water Co. (New Albany) A. Wickizer pres, S. D. Sterigere treas., J. M. Wilcox sec, Front
Norton, George L., merchant, Front, h Main
Norton, Henry (H. Norton & Son) boro councilman, h Main cor May
Norton, H & Son (Henry and Hiram A.) gen merchants, Front
Ormsby, John B., burgess, station agent L. V. R. R., agent U. S. Express Co. and W. U. Tel. Co., h Main
Ormsby, Sevellion, h and lot, Mechanic
Park, Sarah, widow Elbert, h Front
Platt, Eliza, school teacher, bds Front
Platt, Lewis, farm 60 in Terry, h and lot, Front
Richart, Frank E. (E. P. Kester & Co.) res Towanda
Rhodes, Harry (Marcy & Rhodes) h Front
Roberson, Elizabeth, widow Manuel, bds Overton
Sabin, Morris K., com trav, h Main
Sadler, Charles R., barber, Front, h do
Saxe, James, carpenter, h and lot Hubler owned by wife
Schrader, Charles, laborer, bds Mechanic
Schrader, Frank, laborer, bds Mechanic
Schrader, Frederick H., h and lot Mechanic. Died since canvass.
Schrader, George, asst station agt L.V. R. R., h Hubler
Schulze, Fred, laborer, h Front cor Division
Shreckengast, Harvey B., harnessmaker, Front, h do
Silvara, John K. (J. K. Silvara & C. J. Sumner) gen merchants, produce and hay shippers, Front
Silvara, J. K. & Co. (J. K. S. & C. J. Sumner) gen merchants, produce and hay shippers, Front
Smith, Boyce, clerk, bds Front
Smith, Henry A., florist, Front, h do
Smith, Lillian, stenographer, Keeler Mfg. Co., bds Front
Smith, Sophrona, widow George, bds Front
Sterigere, Augustus, farmer 65, off r 31 h and lot, Front
Sterigere, John B., h Front cor Wood
Sterigere, Stephen D., justice of the peace, Front, h do
Strevey, Edward E., Front. Refused information.
Strong, Mary, h Front
Strong, Mary, farm 30, Terry township, h Front
Sturdevant, Edmond S., wagon maker, Front, h do
Sumner, Corington, (J. K. Silvara & Co.) h Front
Swackhammer, John, painter, h Front
Tanner, John Z., photographer, Front, bds Hotel Wells, see adv.
Taylor, Freeman L., groceries and restaurant, Front, h do
Terry, Fred, clerk in post office, bds Lawrence
Terry, George, postmaster and farmer 100, h and lot owned by wife, Lawrence
Thorp, James, restaurant, Railroad
Turner, Isaac H., wagon maker, Main cor Division h and lot Front
VanDyke, Edgar W., carpenter, h Front
VanLoon, Harpin R., carpenter, h and lot, Front
Varguson, Miles N., stone mason, h and lot Front
Waltman, Jennie Mrs., Front
Wells, Henry R., boro councilman, prop Hotel Wells and livery and farmer in Terry 135
White, John, h and lot owned by wife, Fawcett ave
White, Willie, laborer, bds Fawcett ave
Wickizer, Andrew, h and lot, Front
Wickizer, George, bds Front
Wilcox, Boyd W., school director and assessor, tobacco grower 3 dairy 21 cows and farmer 160, Front
Wilcox, Frank L., clerk, h Main
Wilcox, Georgie, dressmaker, bds Main
Wilcox, Hannah, widow Benjamin, bds Front
Wilcox, Harry M. J., restaurant, Front, bds do
Wilcox, James M, h and lot, Front
Wilcox, Lynn, bds Main
Wilcox, May, milliner, bds Main
Wilcox, Mazie, dressmaker, bds Main
Wilcox, Minor J., pool room, Front, h do
Wilcox, Ray S., prop New Albany Creamery, h Front
Wilcox, William F., clerk, h Main
Willcox, Freeman C., school director, farmer on shares for Freeman N., 75, h Overton
Willcox, Freeman N., justice of the peace, tobacco grower, 2 ½, farmer 75, h Overton
Willcox, George H., son of Freeman N., bds Overton
Willey, A. C. Rev., pastor M. E. Church, Front, h do
Willey, Walter, laborer, bds Main
Williams, John H., laborer, h and lot off Front
Wilson, Erastus, boro councilman, farm in Terry Township, h and lot Main
Wood, Azra, laborer, bds Mechanic
Wood, Christopher C., planing mill and crate mfr., Fawcett ave, h Mechanic
Wood, Henry L., laborer, bds Mechanic
Wooster, Alfred H, veterinary surgeon, Main cor Hubler, h do
Yaw, Ella M., stationery, notions and fancy goods, Front, h do
Yaw, Harriet E., bds Mechanic
Yaw, John B., laborer, h Overton
Yaw, Samuel D., h and lot, Mechanic