Note from Joyce - We have many diaries scanned from Dewey Hamilton from 1917 to the 1980s. I will include pictures in some of the others as we get them transcribed. Most of the photos I have of this family are photocopies so quality is poor. If you have photos of any mentioned, please send as high resolution .jpg files and reference this page so I know where to include them. I also have the Hamilton Family Genealogy compiled by Loren Hamilton in the 1970s so will include some of that eventually as well.
Wednesday, January 1, 1947
Cloudy and snow some and a bad evening.
We all went over to Delos & Marybelle Wilsons in evening.
Richard & Christine and Florence and Joe and Ruby and Bill & Melanie and Bob Wilson and his wife are all there.
Thursday, January 2, 1947
Cloudy and are.
I did chores most of the day.
Friday, January 3, 1947
Cloudy and some stormy.
I worked on my school tax report.
Saturday, January 4, 1947
A very nice winter day.
Took the women folks all to Elmira. Iva Jean bought a formal gown and Lillian bought her three sweaters.
Ruth and I went over to Lloyd & Glady’s and play games in the evening. We had oyster sue for lunch about 11-00 p.m..
Sunday, January 5, 1947
A beautiful day. It thought a little in the sun. Took the girls to church and went over to my folks for a little while.
Monday, January 6, 1947
Fair and moderate.
Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit and took school taxes over to CE Paris. There was well over $9,000 .00 of the discount collections.
Tuesday, January 7, 1947
Fair and moderate.
I went over to Daggett Hollow and checked Merle and Martin Daggett farming operations for the Farm Emergency Labor Office.
Wednesday, January 8, 1947
A beautiful winter day. Bill brought Ruby & Melanie over and left them for the day, and come and ate supper with us when he came home from work
Shirley Sheive came over and helped me put my corn harvester, Binder and hay loader in the barn. I ground some feed and hauled out the door & did chores.
Thursday, January 9, 1947.
Snowed about three inches.
I had to investigate the report of the neglect of a pair of horses up on Parmeter above Millerton and notify the state troopers.
Friday, January 10, 1947
Cloudy and moderate.
I went with the State Troopers up on the Chas. Bly Estate to investigate a report of the neglect of a pair of horses.
Saturday, January 11, 1947
Fair and pleasant. It thawed.
Took Iva Jean to Elmira to play on the radio and take her music lesson.
Ruth and I took Lloyd and Gladys Sheive to Elmira to the Colonial Theater To See "the Al Jolson Story".
I was a wonderful picture with some great singing.
Sunday, January 12
Fair and colder.
Did chores and took the girls to church.
We went over to Leroy and Rena dollars and p.m.
Monday, January 13
Cloudy and dark.
Did chores and took Lillians eggs over to the Summit.
Worked on my 1946 tax reports
Tuesday, January 14
Cloudy and rainy.
Went to Wellsboro with my tax reports and money. Got my car greased. Went to the Agr Conservation Office.
Lloyd and Gladys came over in evening and we played "Rook".
Wednesday, January 15
Cloudy, dark and rainy.
Took a Ruth and Lillian over to Ruby’s.
Did chores I got my dinner.
Ruths birthday
Thursday, January 16
Cloudy and rainy.
Did chores and worked on my 1946 in income tax report.
Friday, January 17
Cooler and fair.
I worked on my income tax report 41946 and finished it and took it over to Noel Cards.
Maisie had a nice heifer calf.
Saturday, January 18
Fair and moderate
Went to Elmira and took the women with me
Ruth and I went over to Lloyd and Glady’s in evening and played, "Rook"
Had a good time, also had lunch over there.
Sunday, January 19
Fair and pleasant. Did chores and hauled out two loads of manure. Had two days but no were in the stables to clean out.
Went over to my folks a little while before doing chores.
Got my Dairymans League Secretary book ready for the meeting tomorrow.
Monday, January 20
Rainy most of the day.
Did chores took Lillians eggs over to the Summit and went to our annual meeting of the Jackson Summit local Dairymans League at Jackson Center. We had and oyster dinner. Charles Swimelar and Mr. Payne were there. I was reelected Sec. Have had the office for 18 years.
Tuesday, January 21
Fair and moderate.
Did chores and hauled manure the most of the day.
Wednesday, January 22
Fair and moderate.
Did chores most of the day.
Thursday, January 23
Fair and moderate.
Ruby came over and spent the day. Had fried oysters for supper.. Lloyd & Gladys came over in the evening and we played Rook and checkers. I played two games of checkers with Bill. We each got a game.
Friday, January 24
Fair and moderate.
Was sick all day with Gall bladder trouble and could hardly do chores
Went down to see Dr. Pratt in the p.m. and got some medicine.
Saturday, January 25
Fair and warm.
I went to Elmira to do my shopping. Iva Jean did not go. Mrs. Devitt wrote down with me. Ruth and I took Lloyd and Gladys to Elmira to the colonial theater in evening to see, "Room 13" starring James Cagney. It was good. Got an impression made up my mouth at Dr. Connelleys.
Sunday, January 26
Cloudy and rainy and warm.
We went over to my folks in p.m. to take them over a little president of candle holders and played with gold for the fiftieth wedding anniversary. I did not feel well. Took the girls to church & went and got them.
Monday, January 27
Fair and warm.
Did chores and took eggs over to Jackson Summit for Lillian. Went over to Daggett Hollow to the garage to get my spark plugs changed the garage was locked up. Lloyd and Gladys Sheive went to Wellsboro to make out papers to buy the farm of his father. Ned Clark here to buy some cows.
Tuesday, January 28
Fair and warm & pleasant
Did chores and when to Elmira to the bank and did some shopping. Lloyd and Gladys were over in the evening to play games. Bill called up at night and said Ruby was sick is p.m.caSsius Paris gave me a check from the school board for my commission on tax collecting.
Wednesday, January 29
Fair and moderate. Their pros last night and snowed a little but thawed some today. I did chores and cleaned out the pens. Milford Smith here to inseminate breed Iris.
Thursday, January 30
Fair and warm.
The ground are pretty soft to draw out manure.
Dead Clark came over and bought two cows and a bull. He paid me $700.00 for them.
Friday, January 31
Fair and pleasant.
I went over to Lloyd & Gladys Sheives in the evening and we played Casino
I went to Wellsboro to the Conservation office
Saturday, February 1
Fair and pleasant.
Iva Jean and I went to Elmira.
I went to the dentist
Ruth and I and Lloyd and Gladys went to Elmira to see "Humoresque" at the Keeney Theatre.
Quite cold and snow while we were in the theater.
Sunday, February 2
Snowy and blustery.
We went over to Ruby & Bills for dinner. Bill and I played chess in p.m.
Monday, February 3
Colder. I did chores and took Lillians eggs over to the Summit
Checked farms at home in p.m. and evening
Worked on Cons. 5 hrs.
Tuesday, February 4
Worked 4 hours on Con.
Cold and blustery. Snowed in a.m.. Rode out several notices to the farmers to be at Jackson Summit Thursday PM and saw Earl Spencer about helping me and took the work to Millerton to mail.
Wednesday, February 5
14° below zero this morning. Cold all day. Lady lost her calf and
died. Pliescat came from Mansfield and got her. Lillian went up to please
pour with Ruby and Bill and Melanie to see Maida.
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Card from Joyce's Museum |
Thursday, February 6
Worked 5 hrs.
Cold & cloudy
Worked on Agr. Cons. Earl Spencer and I checked farms at Jackson Summit. Ruth and I went over to Lloyd & Glady’s in evening to play games.
Friday, February 7
Worked 5 hrs.
Cold and blustery & snowed some.
Work on Agricultural Conservation
Earl Spencer and I checked eight farms at Millerton.
We went down to Jackson Center Church in evening to a supper and entertainment. Mr. Vickery from Gillett was over and put on a Charley McCarthy ad.
Saturday, February 8
Fair and cold most of day I had a few snow squalls.
Iva Jean and I went to Elmira.
I served a Summons on Floyd Adams and Geo. Bement for Truancy to appear before Max Sedinger the Justice of the Peace next Wednesday evening. Went up to serve a Summons on Grace Cole for the same thing but she was not at home.
Sunday, they were in nine
Very cold and windy and blustery.
Bill, Ruby and Melanie here for dinner and supper.
Bill fixed Ruth s washing machine. We had waffles for supper.
Monday, February 10
A very bad day. Windy cold and blustery. Froze my tractor radiator while hauling out a load of manure.
Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit.
Served A Summons on Grace Cole on account of Truancy of her boy.
Tuesday, February 11
Warmer and sunny.
Clyde Jones and I had a spat over his not coming after my milk after Walter Garrison and I shoveled out the road.
Went over to dads and we went down to the Seeley Creek Milk Plant.
Wednesday, February 12
Fair and warmer.
I took a calf to Troy, weight 88 lbs. and got 17.75 per hundred for it.
The high calf sold for about 33.00 per hundred.
Ruth and I & Lloyd & Glady’s went to the Colonial theater in evening and saw Tyrone Power and Jean Tierney In "Razor Edge. A Swell Show.
Thursday, February 13
Worked 8h hrs. On A.A.A.
Fair and pleasant. Worked on Agr Cons. Work checking farms at Daggett Hollow.
Ruby here for the day with Melanie and Bill came for supper.
When down and got Grace Cole and her boy and took them to Max Sedingers to a hearing for her boys charge of Truancy.
Friday, February 14
Worked 5 hrs. on AAA
Fair and moderate. Thought quite a bit. Earl Spencer and I sat in CE Paris feed store and checked 1946 performance and signed up farmers for the 1947 program.
Went over Daggetts to Thorpes garage and got my oil changed and also put in new spark plugs.
Saturday, February 15
Fair and moderate.
Took Iva Jean to Elmira.
Got my front tooth fixed.
Lloyd and Gladys came over in the evening and we played games, after which we had hot dogs and coffee.
Saturday, February 16,
Cloudy and cool. Went over and got the paper and took the girls to church. Stayed home all day.
Monday, February 17
Worked 4 hours on Conservation trip to office
Fair and cool. Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit and Went to Wellsboro with lime orders.
Got some were down on my car at Evans garage.
Tuesday, February 18
Cloudy and cold.
Did chores and went to the Summit after some calf meal. Went up to Noel Cards and over to Earl Spencers to see if they wanted to go to Lock haven tomorrow to the Conservation meeting to be held in the courthouse.
Wednesday, February 19
Worked 8 hours for conservation
Fair and quite cold.
We went to Lock haven and a Mr. Benson from Westfield went with us. I drove Earl Spencers new Frazer.
When from Lawrenceville to Lock haven, a distance of about 100 miles in 95 minutes. Average about 25 miles to the gallon of gasolene. Morton Barnes helped with the chores.
Thursday, February 20
So hard in p.m.. Cloudy and a cold east wind. Probably about 10° above zero.
Morton came over and helped me with chores this morning. I paid him four dollars for helping with chores yesterday and this morning.
I went to Wellsboro in p.m. Ruth and Lillian went over to Ruby’s while I was gone.
Friday, February 21
Cloudy and windy. I took my milk to the Center in my car. Walter Garrison and Mcclures milk did not go.
Walter lights were off last night and this morning. A service man come along in the ADM and fix them.
Saturday, February 22
A bad day. Windy and blustery & cold.
Walter Garrison took McClures and my milk to the Center. I went down with him.
Did chores and hauled out of a load of manure and tried to make the cow barn warmer.
Sunday, February 23
Walter took our milk down with the horses this morning and I went with him. The snowplow came along about noon.
Lloyd and Gladys came over in evening.
I went over to Daggett Hollow to the store to get some groceries.
Monday, February 24
Older blustery.
Had a front tire down and had to fix that
Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit.
Tuesday, February 25
A little warmer. Temperature about 32°. I took my milk checked down to the bank. It was $598.00.
We went over to Lloyd and Gladys Sheive’s in evening and played games and popped corn. Got home about 10-45.
Wednesday, February 26
Cloudy and cold.
Sent a cow "Jenny over to Troy Sales. She weighed 1350 # and received $12.50 per hundred for her. Mr. Jones drove her over for me. Iva Jean had bad cold and did not go to school.
Thursday, February 27
Cloudy and cold.
Iva Jean did not go to school again today. She can hardly talk because of her cold.
Friday, February 28
Cloudy and cold.
Work 8 hours on Conservation
Iva Jean went to school today but I think she caught more cold.
Saturday, March 1
Wind NE. Ida Jean and I and roofs & Lillian went to Elmira to do shopping and so Iva could take her lesson.
Sunday, March 2
Snowed hard all day.
There was about a foot of snow on at night.
The inseminator had to walk up here from the Center about 7-15 p.m.
Monday, March 3
A very bad day. The wind blew very hard We managed to get the milk down with the horses. The snow was going so we could hardly see.
Tuesday, March 4
A very bad day. The wind blew the snow in huge drifts.
We did not get our milk out this morning.
Wednesday, March 5,
Quite cold.
Walter took his and my milk also Mcclures to Jackson Center with the horses.Raymond Goodwin and I went down with him to shovel the roads so the horses could get through.
Thursday, March 6
Fair and moderate.
I made a vitaglass window for my calf shed.
Dick Smiths boy cleaned out our road with his dads snowplow.
I shoveled part of my driveway out. Iva Jean went to school.
Friday, March 7
Fair and moderate. I checked to Rexford Garrison and Harry Friends for the draft board.
Ate dinner over to my folks.
Saturday, March 8
Fair some cloudy some, 12° in morning.
Iva Jean and I went to Elmira. She took her lesson and broadcast with her class and I did my shopping.
Ruth and I took Lloyd and Gladys to Elmira to the Colonial Theater to see The beginning or the end a picture on the research & experiments for the atomic bomb.
Sunday, March 9
Partly cloudy and thermometer about 20° and a.m. Ruby and Bill and Melanie came up to spend the day, it being Ruby’s twenty ninth birthday.
Monday, March 10
fair and moderate
Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit and went to Wellsboro. They told me they would have a car for me about Thursday. Took some work up to the conservation office.
Tuesday, March 11
Nothing entered
Wednesday, March 12
Nothing entered
Thursday, March 13
Fair during day and rained at night. I bought a new 1947 Buick Super 2 door sedan home from Wellsboro. Ruth and Lillian went up with me. When to Millerton to the senior class play in the evening and took Lloyd and Gladys with us. Got the car very muddy.
Friday, March 14
Partly cloudy and moderate.
I took Earl Spencer to Wellsboro with me to a conservation meeting.
He drove my 1937 Buick home for me and then I took Ernest home.
Saturday, March 15
It got cooler this p.m..
We all went to Elmira today.
Ruth bought her a new suit.
Ruth NI & Lloyd and Gladys went to the Colonial Theater in evening in my new Buick for which I paid $2240 .00.
Sunday, March 16
Fair and quite cold.
We went over to my folks and took them for a ride up to see Maida.
Lloyd and Gladys came over in the evening.
Monday, March 17
Worked on conservation 8 hours
Cold & snow flurries.
Took Lillians eggs to the Summit and hauled out two loads of cow manure.
Tuesday, March 18
Fair and cold.
Ruby and Bill & Melanie were here for supper, and Ruby & Melanie here for dinner also.
Checked Harrison H. Wales for the draft board.
Wednesday, March 19
Worked on Conservation 5 hours
Fair and pleasant.
I checked farm and took lime orders over to Daggett Hollow in Dick Smiths store.
Thursday, March 20
Fair and pleasant
Took my folks down to Waverley to Stanton Palmers "Jenkins Inn" for dinner to celebrate my fathers birthday.
Friday, March 21
Worked 6 hours on conservation
Fair and pleasant.
I checked farms and took lime orders down to Millerton.
Went over to Lloyd and Gladys’ in evening.
Saturday, March 22
Fair most of day. Snowed last night.
Drove my old Buick to Elmira in day and drove the new one down in the evening to see the show "The Return of Monte Cristo at the Colonial
Sunday, March 23
Fair and moderate.
Ruby, Bill and Melanie came over and we all went over to Leslie’s in my new Buick.
Enoch Noble went with us and then came over and tested my cow was at night.
Monday, March 24
Cold and a regular blizzard.
I took eggs over to The Summit and went to Elmira and took my milk checked down. Dad went down with me.
Tuesday, March 25
Worked 4 hours on Cons
Still very cold. I worked on the Soil Conservation. Checked James Slocums farm
Wednesday, March 26,
Worked 4 hours on Cons
Still cold and blustery.
I took a lot of work out too Wellsboro to the Agricultural Conservation Office. Got a hubcap put on my new Buick. Lloyd and Gladys came over in evening and played games.
Thursday, March 27
A little warmer.
I went down to Jackson Center To a Cemetery meeting. Lillian went with me.
Took out to loads of manure and got stuck with one when the tractor and spreader broke through.
Bill & Ruby came over in evening. Bill worked on Lillians brooder to get it set up & ready.
Friday, March 28
Worked 4 hours on conservation
Cloudy & moderate.
Went down to Harry Daileys and Norman Everetts in evening to check for conservation.
Saturday, March 29
All kinds of weather from sunshine and rain to snow & cooler.
Iva Jean . & I went to Elmira
Bought a cocktail table for Ruth for our 30th wedding anniversary.
Sunday, March 30
Windy, cool and sunny.
Leslie & Bertha came over & we drove out to Florence & Joe Grahams in my new car.
Monday, March 31
Fair and moderate.
Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit, hauled out three loads of manure, did chores, and went over to The Corners to get Bill to come over and fix Lillians new electric brooder,
Tuesday, April 1,
Fair and pleasant.
I drove my new car to Wellsboro and got it washed. Took tax money up to a County Treasurer. Got my hair cut.
Bill & Leroy took the magnets off of my tractor to send in and have it overhauled.
Wednesday, April 2
Rained & quite warm.
Took a Ruth & Lillian over to my folks and we stayed for dinner. Had two heifers freshen today Hedy & Jenine. Annabelles & Freidas heifers.
Thursday, April 3
Fair and moderate.
Had Rachel artificially bred.
Friday, April 4
Fair and cool. I hauled the piece of bent sluice pipe from the lower place and tried to straighten it with my hydraulic jack. It was pretty tough but I got it started.
Reverend Terrell called for a few moments.
Saturday, April 5
It rained very hard in a.m. started to Elmira with Ruth and the girls but found the water so high that they all wanted to come back home when we got down to Joe Smiths so took them home & then went down to Elmira to get groceries.
Sunday, April 6
Cloudy and morning but cleared off and it was a beautiful day. Temperature about 78°. We took a Ruby and Bill and went to the Hedding church in Elmira in a.m. ate dinner at Hats Tavern, then drove up to Newfield to see Tracy & Marian Toby.
Tracy was sick in bed with the flu. The wind blew very hard
Monday, April 7
Fair and cooler. Lillians little chickens came and I went to Millerton after them. Took out a load of manure and nearly got stuck crossing the ditch below the barn.
Tuesday, April 8
Fair and moderate
Took a load of manure up in the garden. Took Ruth & Lillian to Elmira . Bought me a 127 camera. Had to serve a warrant on Seth Rumsey and take him over to Max Sedingers .Justice of the Peace. Finished straightening out the sluice pipe.
Wednesday, April 9
Some snow on the ground in the morning but warmed up some. Took my old Buick over to Ernest Thorpe’s to get the oil changed and the transmission greased. Ed Pack came up & paid his Real Estate Tax.
Thursday, April 10
Fair and pleasant. I went to Wellsboro in a.m. & got my car greased and serviced. Ruth and I went down to the Florham Park, NJ to Cecil & Mildred Jewells in p.m. We left my folks at 2-15 in p.m. & got down there at 8-00 p.m.. We surprised them very much as they were looking for us tomorrow.
Friday, April 11
A beautiful day in New Jersey. I went with Cecil Jewell on his route during the day. Cecil & Mildred & Ruth’s & I went over to New York & saw Ringling Brothers & Barnum Bailey Circus at Madison Square Garden in the evening.
Saturday, April 12
Another beautiful day.
I went with Cecil on his route
Eugène & Margaret & Edward & Jean were over to Cecil & Mildreds & had a turkey supper with us.
Sunday, April 13
A beautiful day.
I drove my car down to Asbury Park to see the ocean but it was rather cool so we drove over to Freehold & back to Staten Island & took a ride on the Ferry over past the Statue of Liberty to New York & back then drove back to Cecils. The traffic was heavy but we had a wonderful trip & a fine time.
Monday, April 14
Another fine day.
We drove back home. Had a nice drive home in my new car. Stopped to Troy for dinner and stopped to Ruby’s & Glady’s Sheives on the way home.
Found things in fine shape when I got home except for a sick cow. Charles Swimelar stopped here & over to Lloyd Sheives’.
Tuesday, April 15
Fair & warm
I hauled out a big pile of horse manure. Worked hard all day. Burned over some old grass. Went over to the Summit to get some feed for calves but Cassius was all-out of calf feed.
Wednesday, April 16
A cold rain fell all day.
I worked at taxes and went over to my folks a little while & went down to Elmira to tell Sears Roebuck & Company the wind blew a number of shingles off my house.
Thursday, April 17
Fair & cool.
I worked at taxes & went over to the Summit after some calf feed.
When down to Elmira & got some shrubbery at the Express Station that I had ordered.
No entry on April 18,-April 28-
April 28
Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit.
No entry on April 29-May 2
May 2
Friday, cloudy and rained some. Gladys took their eggs to Elmira.
Had a Victory supper down to church. Lloyd and Gladys were there.
Saturday, May 3
Did not go to Elmira. Worked on the textbooks until about 1-a.m..
Sunday, May 4
Fair most of day. A little shower in p.m.
We went out to Breesport, to see my sister Maida.
My folks and Ruby, Bill and Melanie were there.
Monday, May 5
Rainy and cool.
Worked on my land returns until 3-30 a.m. this morning and all day today. Got them into Wellsboro about 3-45 p.m.
Tuesday, May 6
Rainy and cold.
Lula, as was buried. I went to Wellsboro and had a Ford carburetor put on my old Buick. Like it very much.
Wednesday, May 7
Very cold.
Froze hard at night.
Talk lime over to Wellsboro.
Thursday, May 8
Cold, froze hard last night about 27° degrees. I fixed a little fence along the lane, and went over to the Summit and got some drinking cups for my cow barn.
Friday, May 9
Snow flurries and cold. Went over to Ernest Thorpe’s and ask him to come over and cut off my well casing. Dug a ditch from the well to the barn.
Worked on Supervisors tax duplicate. Lloyd & Gladys came over in the evening.
Saturday, May 10
Fair and cold. Took the women to Elmira. Iva Jean got a new cotton dress, intending to enter the beauty show at Wellsboro.
We took Lloyd and Gladys to see Michigan kid have at the Colonial. Drove my old Buick.
Sunday, May 11
Fair and pleasant and warmer.
Mother’s Day. My folks and Roger Hurd & John Busia here for dinner. We drove off on Tower Hill to Albert Millers hunting camp in p.m. went over to Daggett Hollow and got the paper. Gave mother a table cloth.
Monday, May 12
Fair and pleasant. Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit and went up on inside Hill with my John Deere field cultivator and dug it up a couple of times and dragged it over once. Worked on it until dark.
Tuesday, May 13
Fair in a.m.. Rainy in p.m Got the 3 acre field up on side hill above granary broadcast to oats. Got soaking wet doing it.
Burton Holick came and put a pump on the new well and put in a couple of drinking cups.
Wednesday, May 14
Rainy most of day.
Drove my new Buick to Wellsboro and got it serviced and inspected.
Came back by way of Jobs Corners and stopped to Ruby’s the few minutes. Gladys Sheive was over to Frank Devitt’s visiting Doris Rowe when I came by.
Thursday, May 15
I fixed fence around the cow pasture. Drew out to loads of manure and cleaned out the cow barn.
Drove over to Sheive’s and my folks to ask them to go to Wellsboro tomorrow night.
Bill came over in evening and wired up my water pump.
Friday, May 16
Rainy.I fixed fence around the cow pasture.
We went to Wellsboro in evening to a party for the selection of the Dairy queen. Iva Jean entered the contest and was a near winner being one of the best for chosen.
Saturday, May 17
Fair in a.m. Rained in p.m. and at night. Took iva gene to Elmira to take her lesson and play for the radio.
Did some shopping.
Went up to Casner Sheive’s to get some meat that Gladys forgot. Burton Holick came up and put in a feud drinking cups.
Sunday,May 18
Fair and a.m. Thundershowers in p.m.. The girls went to church with Roger Hurd and came back with Robert gaige That.
Went to Millerton to church in the evening to the Baccalaureate sermon for Millerton 1947 High School class.
Monday, May 19
Fair and warm.
Took Lillians eggs to Trowbridge and went over by Lloyd Sheives but found no one at home.
Tuesday, May 20
Fair most of day.
Went to Elmira.
Wednesday, May 21
Fair and a.m. Rainy towards night.
I dragged for oats in field above the house. It was wet in some spots.
Sears Roebuck sent me up a new corn planter.
Thursday, May 22
Fair and more.
Sears Roebuck sent me off a couple of men and set up my corn planter.
Lloyd and Gladys came over in the evening.
Friday, May 23
Fair and pleasant.
Went to Herman Fish’s sale in the evening. Got $123.00 for a yearly bull and $50.00 for a calf.
When to Millerton to the graduation exercises in evening in the High School.
Saturday, May 24
Fair in a.m. Rained in p.m. and rained very hard in the night after we got home from the show
Took Iva Jean to Elmira and Ruth & I took Lloyd and Gladys over to the Summit to Leora Woodbury and Robert Earley’s wedding after which we went to Elmira saw "Smash Up" and Colonial Theater.
Sunday, May 25
Showers during the day.
The girls and John Busija and Roger Hurd & Ruby, Bill and Melanie went down to Forksville and Eagles Mere in my old Buick and Ruth and I took Delos and Marybelle for a ride in my new Buick. We went up to Cambell to see Richard & Christine Wilson. Ruth & I went over to see Lloyd & Gladys Sheive in the evening. Got some sweet corn planted.
Monday, May 26
Fair and a little cooler.
Had a carload of lime come in at Tioga Junction for E.N. Garrison, Ernest White, and Hattie Adams.
Fixed fence around the pasture for the young stock in p.m. Paid Ernest Thorpe for cutting off my well casing.
Tuesday, May 27
Fair and pleasant.
Went down to Tioga to give Earl Smith, the R.R. Station agent the Bill of lading for the car of lime.
Went over to Ernest Whites to get him to sign for his lime.
Wednesday, May 28
Fair and pleasant.
Went over to Ed Garrisons and up to Hattie Adams to get them to sign for the lime they got off the car.
I put in a little piece of oats on the Collum place.
Thursday, May 29
Fair some and a very hard shower during the day.
Mother and dad were here for a little while.
We took the girls and John and Lloyd and Gladys to see "Rebeka" at the "Capitol" theater on State Street in Elmira.
Friday, May 30
Fair and pleasant. My Birthday
We went to Elmira to see "The Yearling", at the Colonial in evening.Lloyd and glad us with us. My folks came over and brought me a box of candy yesterday for my birthday.
Ruth the girls and I went over to the cemetery at Alder Run and also Jackson Center.
Saturday, May 31
Took Lillian and Iva to Elmira. They had to grow to the dentist. Went to lodge in the evening.
Sunday, June 1
Took Jesse Gaige and Emily to church also the girls. Went over and got a Sunday Telegram, and Ruby Bill & Melanie came over in p.m. and we went fishing over on Mill Creek. Caught 25 chubs, etc. and had them for supper. The tasted fine.
Monday, June 2
Fair and pleasant.
Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit.
Put in about three acres of oats on upper side of the field above the house.
Dad came up to see me about hauling my milk.
Went to school meeting in evening to settle with the School Board.
Tuesday, June 3
Rained very hard last night.
There were floods from Elmira to the New England’s States. Lake Street and the northern and of Elmira were flooded.
Took my old car to Wellsboro to get the ignition checked and to get some fluid in the brakes. Got a fishing license for Ruth Lillian and Iva Jean.
Wednesday, June 4
Fair and cool. I dragged over about three acres for oats so that it could dry out quicker.
Dad and I took my old lumber wagon over to leslies That. He said he would put rubber tires and wheels on it and make me a hay rigging. Spent forenoon asking neighbors if they were willing that Dad should hall their milk.
Thursday, June 5
Fair and windy. Went to Wellsboro and a.m. to bring Elmer Covert home. He took his car out to Evans Auto Co. to get the fender fixed that Iva Jean ran into with my old Buick. Dragged for oats in field above the house and broadcast about three acres. The girls and Roger and John went to Elmira to see The Yearling," at the Colonial.
Friday, June 6
No entry
No entry until Sunday, June 16
Father’s Day.
Partly cloudy and cool. Ruth, Lillian, and I went over to Ruby and Bills.
Monday, June 16
No entry
Tuesday, June 17
No entry
Wednesday, June 18
No entry
Thursday, June 19
No entry
Friday, June 20
Fair and moderate
I disced for corn all day.
Saturday, June 21
Fair and moderate.
Planted corn all day in a field between the gulley and the Woods. Put in about six acres today.
We went to see "Boom Town" at the Colonial in the evening.
Took Lloyd and Gladys with us
Sunday, June 22
Fair and pleasant.
We were home all day but Leroy Miller & family, Leslie Wilson & Bertha and John Busija were here in the evening. We went over to a fire at Lee Wilson’s over on Patchogue hill in evening. His barn burned. Estimated a $30,000 fire.
Monday, June 23
Fair and warm.
I put in my last piece of corn. It was down by the Road & gulley.
When Millerton in evening to see Richard Seeley about taking a cow Troy for me Thursday.
Used my field cultivator on about three acres of wet land above the spring.
Tuesday, June 24
When to Elmira and got a new pin in the Pitman wheel to my old Deering mowing machine.
June 25
Fair and pleasant.
Sent Mike Howell "Duchess to the Troy Sale by Richard Seeley. She weighed 1210 lbs. and brought 15.90 per hundred.
Thursday, June 26
Fair and pleasant.
I plowed for buckwheat over by Jay McClures woods.
Mowed a little hay below the driveway. Guess the old machine needs new guards.
Friday, June 27
Fair and warm.
I use the weed hog or field cultivator on about 3 acres above the spring and mowed an acre of clover out on the Hill north of the house. Ruth and I took Lloyd and Gladys to Elmira to the "Colonial Theater" in evening.
Saturday, June 28
Warm and pleasant.
Lillian, Iva Jean and I went to Elmira.
I bought a new Gabardine suit of clothes for 39.50
Went to lodge in the evening
Sunday, June 29
Very warm.
Lloyd and Gladys and Ruth, Lillian and I drove out to Letchworth State Park in p.m. Iva Jean did the milking. We got home just before dark. We had a nice trip about 212 miles, and it was a nice park.
Monday, June 30
Very warm and humid. Thundershowers went around, only sprinkled a little here. Ruth and the girls picked sixty quarts of strawberries. Ruby took twenty one quarts home with her. I put in an acre and a half of barley above the spring house.
Tuesday, July 1
Warm. A hard wind rain and hail storm in p.m.
Wednesday, July 2
Warm and some showers
Ruby came over and helped pick strawberries
Dad and I went over to Leslies and brought home my wagon that he put on rubber for me and also the hay rigging he made.
Thursday, July 3
Warm and showers
Gladys Sheive and her boys and Cecils wife started for West Virginia about six-15 p.m..
Took 17 boxes strawberries down to the locker at the Hygeia Refrigerator Co. Elmira, NY.
Finished plowing for buckwheat.
Friday, July 4
Warm and some showers. We had a picnic dinner with Bill Ruby & Melanie and Bills folks And John Busija At the Troy Fairgrounds.
Took my folks to the Colonial Theater in evening to see "The Egg and I".
Saturday, July 5,
Warm and local showers. Only rained a little here.
Dad and mother came over also bill Ruby & Melanie
The girls picked berries and Dad, Bill & I got things ready for haying & drew in my first load of hay.
Sunday, July 6
Fair and pleasant
The folks all went to church
John Busija brought his things over preparatory to working for me.
Monday, July 7
Rainy most of the day.
Cecil and Mildred Jewell came up from Floyd & Susie Jewells in p.m. and stayed all night with DOS.
Bill, Cecil, John & I went over to Hurds in the evening and got Johns bees. It was a tough job on the boys. They got stung very much. John began helping me.
Tuesday, July 8
Cloudy and wet under Fort.
Cecil and I went out over the fields and Woods and took along for 22 & shotgun. Got a woodchuck, crow and four hawks.
John worked at his bees. Cecil & Mildred went back to Floyd & Susies in the evening.
Wednesday, July 9
Fair and warm.
Dad & I went down to Dr. Marks in p.m. to get our feet doctored. It cost me 12.50 a pair of shoes.& 3.00 for the doctor.
Cecil & Mildred & Floyd & Susie Caldwell I was away.
Thursday, July 10
Fair and warm.
I went to Elmira and took down several quarts of strawberries.
Stopped to Floyd & Susies to see Cecil & Mildred.
Friday, July 11
Fair until evening when we got a thundershower.
John & I called three loads of Haiti and made a stack below the cow barn with them. The hay was out so long it was pretty black.
Saturday, July 12
Fear and pleasant
John and I went to Elmira to do some shopping and I had a treatment on my feet and John took along some honey to sell. It sold very well. He got 40 cents a pound for some of it. We took Lloyd & Gladys to the Colonial in the evening.
Sunday, July 13
Fair and warm
We all went to church but Ruth. Leslie came over and also Bertha, Ruby and Bill. We fixed up my old hay rigging.
I went over to my folks for a few minutes.
Monday, July 14
Warm and showers.
Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit and went to Wellsboro.
Tuesday, July 15
Fair and warm
Charles Swimlear stopped here for a few minutes and over to Lloyds.
Went over to the Summit after some mowing machine knives.
Wednesday, July 16
Rained very hard.
Work done report for Bureau of Internal Affairs.
Cultivated corn until I got rained off.
John went over to Ernest Thorpes to get some welding done for me.
Thursday, July 17
Fair and warm until about 6-30 p.m. when we had a thundershower.
Went to Elmira to the Hygeia to take down some cherries and do some trading.
Came home and did some mowing.
We had a picnic supper over to Ruby And Bills. Norman Barnes & family were there. It was Bills birthday.
Friday, July 18
Fair during day & more. Reigned about 5-00 p.m. DST (daylight saving time)
Went to Wellsboro to get information for my State Report for 1946 taxes collected and worked on that report up there and mailed it in.
Saturday, July 19
Oh and some showers
John and Iva Jean drove my old Buick to Elmira and went to the "Colonial," in p.m. and saw "Fiesta". Dad and I went down and got a treatment on our feet. The Odd Fellows of Seeley Creek Lodge 641 held a picnic at Mosherville..it was a swell picnic and did not close until about 2-00 p.m..
Sunday, July 20
Fair and pleasant.
We took Iva Jean, Joan Balch and Walter Griffins girl up to Cassawascs. Stopped at Locke on our way home for some fish fry.. got home about 6-40 5 p.m.
Monday, July 21
Cool & rained in a.m.
Went to Elmira and got five small rugs we ordered of the Olson Road Co.. The large one is still missing.
Wednesday, July 23
Cool and sprinkled a little.
The forester was down and we marked some timber. Enoch Nobles, "the cow tester" was here.
Ruby, Bill, & Melanie were here in the evening. John & I did not feel well. Guess we got too much dust, grinding feed.
Thursday, July 24
Fair and a good hay day.
John and I called five loads of hay after to p.m.
Friday, July 25
fair and a good hay day.
we hauled for loads on hay and I mowed about three acres.
Was rather tired at night.
Saturday, July 26
Fair and warm.
I went to Elmira to do my shopping. Came home and hauled for loads of hay.
Dad, mother and Aunt Sybil Mitchell, dad’s sister were here for a while in evening.
Iva Jean came home from Cassawasco.
Sunday, July 27
Warm and fair in a.m.. Had a hard thundershower in p.m. & rained quite a lot during night.
Ruby & Bill & Melanie here for dinner.
We had children’s Day.exercises at church and we all went to church.
Monday, July 28
Warm and humid
I took the eggs over to the Summit for Lillian.
Mowed a little hay infield below the horse barn.
The ground was rather wet.
Went over to Lawrence Breese’s in evening to get the tax books ready for auditors. Went over to Lloyd & Gladys.
Tuesday, July 29
Fair most of day, a little rain about 4-30 p.m.
John & I called three loads of hay. One was rather tough from the shower. I went over after Ruby and she & Lillian canned some chickens.
Mowed some while John and Iva Jean were milking
Wednesday, July 30
Fair in warm. Rain towards night. Got in four loads of hay. The hay car did not work good. Found that the track was sprung.
Thursday, July 31
Cleared off and was nice by mid forenoon.
Had severe thunderstorms most of the night last night. Got one load of hay. Went to Elmira and got our row we ordered of the Olson rug Company. Dad went with me and I stayed to dinner with him & mother. And Sybil Mitchell and Aunt Nellie Thorpe were there.
Friday, August 1
Fair and cool. Hauled to loads of hay from below the horse barn. The auditors came over in the evening to audit the tax books. Went over to Richard Myfelts in evening to pay him for horse shoeing. Found a note on Lloyds door saying they had gone for apples. Straightened the track up on the barn.
Saturday, August 2
Fair and pleasant.
Went to Elmira with Iva Jean and Lillian.
Came home and drew four loads of hay.
We went to the Keeney theater in Elmira in evening. Took Lloyd & Gladys with us.
Sunday, August 3
Fair and warm
We all went over to my folks and had lunch on the lawn.
Bill Ruby & Melanie were there also Wayne Dorothy & her boy.
Went over to Lloyd & Gladys in the evening and went to church and Sunday school in morning.
Monday, August 4
Fair and warm during day. Shower about 6:30 p.m.
John mowed out by the granary and we got in three loads of hay.
Went to school board meeting in evening.
When too Elmira to look for Ashford Benson to tell him his stock was out.
Went to school meeting in Millerton.
Tuesday, August 5
Fair and warm.
Went to Wellsboro in a.m. to get my tax notices printed.
Came home and drew four loads of hay from the sidehill over North.
Lloyd & Gladys came over in evening to play games.
Wednesday, August 6
Fair and very warm.
Hauled hay and mowed out the swamp below the barn.
Thursday, August 7
Fair and very warm.
Hauled in three large and two small loads of hay. Dad, Mother and Ruby came over in p.m.
Dad helped John load a little to hay below the horse barn.I mowed the field below the cow barn.
.it was so thick it was a tough job.
Friday, August 8
Fair and very warm.
Put my ensilage cutter up to the south and of cow barn. Dad came over and helped us.
Blowed one load of hay up on the hay mow.
Saturday, August 9
Fair and very warm in a.m.. Green very hard and got very dark in thundered & lightning a good deal in p.m.
Blew the fuses out for my milk cooler and broke the pole light bulb and a few other things. When too Elmira about 4-30 p.m. and got my groceries. Took Lloyd & Gladys down to the Colonial in evening.
Sunday, August 10
Fair and warm. Went to church and then came home and got our dinner and got Lloyd & Gladys and went up to Eldridge Park. Lloyd & Gladys came over in evening and we played games.
Monday, August 11
Fair warm and very humid. Ground feed.
Took eggs over to the Summit. Drew two loads of hay from below the cow barn.
The ground was very wet. Got my grain binder out.
Thursday, August 12
Fair and very warm. 108 in the sun. Dad, mother, Aunt Nellie and Aunt Sybil came over and dad helped us chop up to loads of hay in the ensilage cutter.
I went to Wellsboro in p.m.
John went to a bee meeting up on Tower Hill to Albert Millers camp. Finished the field below the cow barn. When down to Joe Smiths in evening to pay my grange dues.
Wednesday, August 13
Fair and very warm
I mowed the hay above the granary and finished the field on the Hill north of the house.
John and I cut the 23 on the sidehill up next to Fred Gaige orchard. John set them up in p.m.
Thursday, August 14
Fair and very warm. Dad came over and help John and I put some hay through the ensilagecutter.
We put to loads of chopped hay in and to that were not chopped.
Friday, August 15
Fair and very warm. Rained in evening about 6-00 p.m.. Bill & Ruby were here for supper. Had hot dogs on the porch roasted with my charcoal burner. Dad came over in p.m. and help John & I chop up to loads of hay & get another one. Ruth & I took Elmer Jewell over to Leland Gaiges and we stayed a little while in evening. Went to Elmira in a.m. after a piece of pipe for my ensilage cutter.
Saturday, August 16
Cloudy and rainy. Went over to Grace Jennings to get Lloyd Sheives membership transferred from the Jobs Corners Dairymans League to the Jackson Summit Dairyman’s League. John fixed fence and I worked on gun 1947 tax books.
Went to the "Regent Theatre" in Elmira with Lloyd & Gladys & saw Red Stallion.
Sunday, August 17
Cloudy most of day. I drove over after the paper and went down to my folks for a little while it stopped to Lloyd & Gladys for a few minutes.
Monday, August 18, 1947
Cloudy and a.m. partly cloudy in p.m. and quite warm all day. I finished mowing above the grain me and started mowing on the lower place. John and I unloaded one load of hay in the horse barn and got another on the wagon. John and Iva Jean went to Elmira in evening to see the movie "Alexanders Ragtime Band."
Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit.
Tuesday, August 19
Fair and very warm in a.m.. Thundershowers in p.m.. Rained quite hard. Dad came over and we put a load of hay through the ensilage cutter in the South mow. We set the ensilage cutter up to the horse barn
Wednesday, August 20
Very warm & humid. Took lime orders of Fordyce Baker, Grant Stone andThomas C. Butcher.
John put in an iron sluice on the lower place so we could haul hay in road. John and I build some electric fence so I could pasture the SW field as it is getting late for so much haying. Went over to see Lawrence Breese and down to see you Noel Card.
Thursday, August 21
Raining all day. Mowed out the electric fence south of barns in the rain.
When too Wellsboro to get my 1937 Buick greased and I tend to some business.
The water was over the road in several places coming home by way of Tioga. Ruth and I went over to Floyd & Gladys and evening
Friday, August 22
Very humid & a little rain.
John finished digging for foundation for the horse stable north of old horse barn and painted roof on the cow barn. Ruby was here with Melanie and Bill came for supper. I went down to see Chapels about some sewer tile and milkhouse tile.
Saturday, August 23
Cloudy & foggy in a.m.. Fair & warm p.m. we went to a Sunday school picnic at Jackson Center.
Bruce and I went down to Pine City to the store in evening.
I bought some hot dogs and Lloyd & Gladys came over and we had a hot dog roast.
Sunday, August 24
Foggy and morning. Sonny & very warm in p.m.
I went over after the paper.
Ruby, Bill and Melanie, Ruth and I drove up to Seneca Lake to Joe Spirawk’s place and had a good time swimming and boating. They gave us a bushel of peaches. We roasted hot dogs and corn when we got home for supper.
Monday, August 25
Fair and very warm. Thundershowers went around. John and I chopped up a load of hay and put it in the horse barn. Took eggs over to the Summit, cut the oats above the house and hold the last load of hay from the field above the granary..Enoch Noble, the cow tester was here. The butterfat average for the month was 29.2.
Tuesday, August 26
Fair most of day. Rained a little about noon. Went to Elmira to deposit my milk check and do some shopping.
Unloaded a load of hay in the morning, cut the field of oats between the pasture and lain above the stump fence on the Collum place and set it up. Lloyd & Gladys came over in evening.
Wednesday, August 27
Cloudy and cooler, rained some.
Went to Wellsboro in a.m. to take up some lime orders for Lloyd Sheive, Fordyce Baker and myself.
John hauled manure. I mowed some and set up some oats. Norman, Mildred and LaRue Garrison. Here in the evening.
Thursday, August 28
Cloudy until about 11-00 a.m. then fair and pleasant remainder of day.
John and I called hay to a stack over and the pasture for the young stock.
I went over to the Summit in a.m. and paid Cassius Paris $168 .00 for feed.
Went to Daggett Hollow for bread & groceries in evening.
Friday, August 29
Fair and pleasant.
I mowed down some hay and we hauled some in. Worked at it until 7-00 p.m.
Ruth and I went over to Lloyd & Gladys in evening & played games.
It began to rain before we came home.
Saturday, August 30
Fair and pleasant in p.m. Rainy in morning
Went to Elmira and got a treatment on my feet and was measured for a pair of arch supports.
Lloyd & Gladys came over in the evening and we went to see, "Cry Wolf," at the Keeney in Elmira.
Sunday, August 31
Fair and pleasant
Had a family reunion over to Leslie Wilson’s bought Florence and Richard were not there. Had a good dinner and a good time. Ruby and Bill came over and stayed all night with us.
Monday, September 1
Fair and pleasant.
We all went up to Pine Creek fishing including Ruby & Bill and John. I caught for bass. Bill caught two and Ruby one.
We roasted corn to have for dinner and John broiled a fish.
Tuesday, September 2
Fair and pleasant
I collected taxes and went to Elmira. Took 14 quarts corn down to the locker in evening. Went down in seventeen minutes. Was back home in an hour.
Iva Jean started to school. Tthis is her Senior Year of high school.
Wednesday, September 3
A beautiful day.
John and I chopped up a load of hay and put it in the horse barn and cut the oats in the SE field, and hauled in a load of hay.
Thursday, September 4
Fair and pleasant.
I mowed about three loads of hay over back and raked it up and got one load in.
John set up part of the oats in a.m.
My folks here for little while with Maida in p.m..
Friday, September 5
Cloudy and rained some.
John and I put a drain in the milkhouse and put some of the floor in.
Ruth and I drove over to see if Lloyd & Gladys would like to go to the Bath fair with us.
Gladys & Shirley had gone to Waverly in evening to see her mother who is ill.
Saturday, September 6
Foggy and a.m.. A nice p.m.
Lloyd and Gladys Sheive went with Ruth and I to the Bath fair.
We ate dinner and supper in Corning, NY and came back to Elmira to see "Great Expectations" at the Colonial Theater in the evening
Put some of the milkhouse floor in during the morning.
Sunday, September 7
Fair and pleasant.
Went over to Daggetts after the paper and Bill & Ruby came over in p.m. with Bills brothers Morton and Sherman and about 4-45 we started for Pine Creek. Only caught four rock bass.
Monday, September 8
Fair and pleasant in p.m. very foggy until about 11 a.m. we went to Wellsboro in a.m. and set up oats and hauled a load of hay in p.m.
Mowed hay until dark. Ruby and Bill came over in the evening..Bill went up to Walter Garrison to see what was wrong with his cooler.
Tuesday, February 9
Fair and pleasant.
I had to guard the polls and election all day.
Got home about 10-00 p.m.
John set up the oats that had fallen down.
Wednesday, September 10
Fair and pleasant.
John and I hauled a load of hay and put two loads through the ensilage cutter and in the horse barn.
I took 2 ½ bushels of pears over to Mosherville and left at my folks in the evening.
I mowed second cutting of hay in p.m.
Thursday, September 11
Fair and pleasant. I took to team up to Walter Garrisons and helped him thresh his oats.
Friday, September 12
Fair and pleasant. Rained about 2-00-p.m. I got part of my oats threshed, before it rained. Raymond Goodwin, Stanley Lewiswho works for Clarence Devitt, Walter and Norman Garrison helped me thresh.
Raymond Goodwin and I got very wet.
Saturday, September 13
A nice day. I went to Elmira in a.m. and threshed my oats in p.m. and went to Wellsboro after I got through threshingand then Ruth and I went to Elmira to the Colonial in the evening. Lloyd and Gladys drove their car and they went to the Keeney theater and we went to the Colonial.
Sunday, September 14
A beautiful day. Ruth and I drove over to my folks and got them and then up to Weston’s & Maida’s and got them and Barbara and another girl in went Breesport, NY and took them all up to Binghamton, NY to see Walton’s widow Dorothy and her husband, Wayne Smith. Ate supper over to my folks.
Monday, September 15
Fair most of day. A light shower in morning about 10-00 a.m. and again about dark. Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit and went to Millerton and took mother’s purse over to her would she left in my car and Sanyo Cobb and I marked timber and got it all marked. John helped Clearance Devitt and Norman Garrison thresh. We hauled a load of hay and just before dark.
Thursday, September 16
Fair and much cooler.
I turned over the hay I had cut, & raked up, and mowed a couple of acres of hay.
Went over to the Summit after some Bickmores gall cure & took 60 feet bags over for $12 .00. John helped Norman Garrison thresh oats all day.
Wednesday, September 17
Fair and pleasant.
John and I went over to the woods and cut down some wood and hauled in and stacked five loads of hay out by the granary..
Thursday, September 18
Fair and sunny. About 60° last night John and I cut my buckwheat and finished calling all the first cutting. I intend to haul this year as it is getting so late.
Went over to Manley Voorhees farm to see a Mr. Cassidy because he has not sent his children to school.
Friday, September 19
Fair and moderate.
Went to Elmira and did some shopping. Got a hopper for my distributor pipe to the ensilage cutter and got some knives for my corn harvester.
Took a Ruths pressure cooker to Wellsboro to get the gauge checked..
Saturday, September 20
Fair and pleasant.
John and I finished setting up the buckwheat. John put a door in front of the cows so we could get out in the shed easier.
I went to Elmira and got some braces for my feet. They cost me $25 .00 Lloyd & Gladys, Ruth and I went to Elmira to the Colonial in the evening.
Sunday, September 21
Cloudy and windy.
I went over to see mother and dad in the morning and Bill and Ruby and Ruth and I went up to Pine Creek fishing at Barbour’s Curve. Only Caught four Bass. Iva Jean and John went over back and got some apples.
Monday, September 22
Rained some and cooler.
I tore some muscles in my back while lifting on the no cooler and went to Elmira to get a treatment of Dr. Hood.
Tuesday, September 23
A hard frost last night. John and I got out the corn harvester and cut the piece down by the old barn and started on the one between the road and the gulley.
My back so sore I could hardly write the tractor.
Wednesday, September 24
Fair and moderate.
John and I finished the piece south of the gulley and started on the one north of the gulley.
Went to a GLF meeting in Millerton.
The children went with me.
Thursday, September 25
Quite cool all day.
John and I cut corn. A pin broke in the Harvester and it took a couple of hours to fix it.
I went up to Jesse Gaiges and down to Milford Smiths to get the church books to audit. When over home a few minutes and stopped at Lloyd’s in evening.
Friday, September 26
Fair and cool.
John and I cut corn all day.
Finished the field over by the woods and got the little piece on Knoll north of how started. Hard frost at night.
Saturday, September 27
Fair and very cold.
John and I finished cutting corn and we went to a sale up near Nelson. Ruth and I and Lloyd & Gladys went to Elmira in evening to do Colonial Theater and saw the show "Mother Wore Tight," starring Betty Grable.
Sunday, September 28
Fair and cool.
We all went to Albert Miller’s camp on Tower Hill and heard Warren Barrett tell us some of the things he saw while in Japan in the army of occupation.
Monday, September 29
Fair and quite cold.
John and I started filling our silo. We got in 10 loads and field first three doors.
Tuesday, September 30
Fair and very cold.
John and I put 10 more loads of corn in the silo. I mowed some second cutting clover in evening. Got pretty cold. Went to bed early.
Wednesday, October 1
Fair and warmer.
John and I filled silo again today we run through five loads of corn and to loads of grass. I went over to Mosherville to get the extension to my green crop hay loader which I had bought of Dick Smith and which he never delivered. Dad went with me. And Sybil Mitchell was over to my folks.
Thursday, October 2
Fair and moderate.
John and I put some second cutting clover and alfalfa in my silo. My back very lame from getting her the 22 of September.
Friday, October 3
Fair and warmer
John and I worked at silo filling in a.m. I went to Elmira in p.m.
Went to a brotherhood meeting at Jackson Center Church in the evening.
Saturday, October 4
Fair and warm.
Put for loads of corn in the silo, went to Elmira to get a treatment on my feet and get some groceries.
Ruth and I took Lloyd & Gladys Sheive to the Keeney Theater in evening to see "Bing Crosby".
Drew in two loads of second cutting hay.
October, October 5
A beautiful day
We Went over to Ruby & Bills for dinner and stayed to supper and John and Iva Jean & Lillian went home and done chores. Stopped to Lloyd & Gladys on our way home and asked them to go down to New Jersey to Cecil Jewells with us.
Monday, October 6
A beautiful day.
Took Lillians eggs to the Summit and took the old Buick over to Ernest Thorpe’s to try and find why it leaks. Dug our potatoes and hauled our buckwheat.
Went to Millerton to school meeting but Brese postponed it.
Tuesday, October 7
Another beautiful day.
I took Sherman Warner and J. D. McClure to Wellsboro. Attended a meeting of Township Supervisors, Auditors, Assessor’s, and Tax Collectors.
Wednesday, October 8
A beautiful morning, becoming cloudy in p.m.
John and I set a corn and I also helped Walter Garrison thresh his buckwheat.
Thursday, October 9
A beautiful day.
John and I finish setting up my corn and threshed my buckwheat and also helped Mc Clures get their buckwheat threshed.
Friday, October 10
A beautiful day.
I try to plow but the ground was so hard could not keep the plow in ground so John and I went to Elmira and did some shopping and I got some new plow points of Sears Roebuck & Co. John got a new projector and Lloyd & Gladys came over to see his pictures out Mexico and Guatemala.
Saturday, October 11
A beautiful day and warm. I plowed buckwheat stubble on strips by McClures woods. It was very hard dry plowing. John hauled stones for the addition to the horse barn. Ruth and I took Lloyd and Gladys to the Colonial Theater in evening.
Sunday, October 12
A beautiful day.
Ruby & Bill, John, Lilian & Iva Jean all went to Letchworth, a park near Portage, NY
Ruth and I went to church and then went over to my folks in p.m..
Monday, October 13
And other beautiful day.
I went to Wellsboro on business concerning taxes and got my car brakes taken up.
We had a birthday party for John in evening. Mcclures & Raymond & Gladys Goodwin Norman, Mildred & LaRue Garrison, Ruby & Melanie and dad and mother were here.
Tuesday, October 14
A beautiful day.
Worked on the wall for the horse barn.
Wednesday, October 15
A beautiful day. Went to Lawrenceville to the bank and to get some groceries but found they all closed up Wednesdays.
Thursday, October 16
A beautiful day.
I worked on the wall for the horse barn.
Went to Lawrenceville to the bank and got some groceries and came home and took the women to Elmira to do some shopping. John went with us.
Friday, October 17
A beautiful day.
Lloyd & Gladys and Ruth and I left home at 9-40 5 a.m. for Cecil Jewells at Florham Park, NJ arrive there about 5-00 p.m. Had a pleasant trip down.
Mildred had a 24 pound turkey all roasted and had Eugène & Edward and their families over to eat supper with us.
Saturday, October 18
Fair and pleasant.
Mildred Jewell, Lloyd and Gladys Sheive Ruth and I went over to New York City in morning and Cecil Jewell met us at Madison Square Garden in evening. We saw "The Rocketts" and A Song of Love at Radio City, Took a sightseeing bus saround lower Manhattan, China Town, The Bowery Battery Park & etc. Saw Gene Autry and his rodeo at Madison Square Garden. Went over to Staten Island on the Ferry and got lost in the subway. Quite a day.
Sunday, October 19
Rainy in a.m. here in NJ
Very nice in p.m.
We took our lunch along and went to Asbury Park about noon. Eight hour lunch along the road by the Naval Reservation. Saw to deer just over the fence. The traffic was heavy after dark.
Monday, October 20
A beautiful day. A little cooler.
We came home from New Jersey had a pleasant trip back. Ate dinner into Towanda. Arrived home about 3-30 p.m.
John sowed lime in field above the house. I worked on horse barn wall. Iva Jean sick with the cold.
Tuesday, October 21
A beautiful day and warm. John sowed lime above the house. He had tire trouble on lime sower.
I worked on the wall for the horse barn.
Win over to the Summit for some tire patches and to get the adding machine of Lawrence Breese.
Wednesday, October 22
Fair and pleasant.
I went over after Ruby to get her to help Lillian total the tax books. Worked at the wall for horse barn.
Collected taxes at Jackson summit.
Went to Elmira in evening to hear Goromitski famous pianist at the Keeney Theater John, Iva Jean, Lillian, Ruth & Gladys went with me.
Thursday, October 23
Fair and pleasant. cooler towards night.
Went over and got Ruby again to help Lillian total the tax books.
Collected taxes at Jackson Center.
Revival meetings were started at the Jackson Center church.
John took some apples to Lawrenceville to the cider mill. Joe & Florence and Alberta & her husband & baby were here in p.m.. The cow tester was here.
Friday, October 24
Fair and pleasant.
Collected taxes over at jobs corners.
Did not get home until quite late.
Worked on the wall in a.m.
Saturday, October 25
A beautiful day.
Went to Lawrenceville to the bank in a.m. and went to Elmira to do some shopping get groceries etc.
Lloyd & Gladys came over in the evening and we played games.
Sunday, October 26
A beautiful day.
I took Ruby and Bill down below Wysox fishing. The river was beautiful but the fish were not biting.
Went to church at Jackson Center in the evening. Floyd & Susie Jewell were there. Reverend MaComb was the speaker. John took my 1947 Buick and went to McIntyre to see his folks.
Monday, October 27
Fair most all of the day. John stayed down and did not get home today. I took the eggs over to The Summit for lillian. I went over to my folks and took them to Elmira. Bought dads truck of him.
Gladys went to Elmira and got her mother.
Tuesday, October 28
Rainy most of the day.
Worked on the wall awhile but got rained off.
John got home in time for chores.
Wednesday, October 29
Partly cloudy and cool.
Collected taxes that Jobs Corners in p.m. Was pretty busy.
Thursday, October to 30th
Cloudy and a little rain.
I collected taxes and Alder Run in p.m. Went to Lawrenceville to the bank in a.m..
Friday, October 31
Fair and cooler.
I collected taxes in Millerton all day. Wrote 220 receipts.
Saturday, November 1
Fair and pleasant.
I got the tax money ready and took it to the bank.
Went to Elmira in p.m. and to church in evening.
Arthur Krug came home from church with us, also Ruby, Bill, and Melanie and John showed them his pictures, of Guatemala etc.
Sunday, November 2
A very nice day. There was a frost in the morning. We went to church in a.m. and p.m. John joined our church and Walter Garrison was baptized.
We went over to my folks for dinner.
Monday, November 3
Fair and moderate
I took eggs over to the Summit and went to Millerton to get some money orders cached.
John went to Mansfield to the bank.
I worked on the wall for little while.
Tuesday, November 4
Cloudy most of the day.
Was at Millerton today to election performing my duties as Constable.
Got home about midnight.
John brought Ruth and Lillian down to vote.
Wednesday, November 5
Cloudy and some rain.
I worked on the wall for worse barn.
Went over to the Summit in the evening after some feed. Iris had a heifer calf.
Ruby and Bill & Melanie here for supper.
Thursday, November 6
Cloudy part of day. The sun shone a little.
Went to Elmira. Got Albert Millers taxes.
Friday, November 7
Fair and moderate.
I finished laying stone for the horse barn wall.
The children went to Elmira in evening to see "Gone with the Wind," at the Colonial Theater.
Ruby & bill That & Melanie here for a few moments.
Saturday, November 6
A severe snow and rain all the a.m. The Freedom Train was in Elmira. I got to see part of the parade.
Got a treatment on my feet at Dr. Marks.
Ruth & I went to see "Gone with the Wind" and Lloyd & Gladys went to the Capitol ..we ate supper together at "The Club" restaurant.
Sunday, November 9
Fair and cool in a.m. partly cloudy in p.m.
We all went to church and SS. I went over and got a Sunday Telegram.
Monday, November 10
Fair and cool.
John and I put a couple loads of corn in the silo. I took the eggs over to the Summit. My folks came over for a while.
Tuesday, November 11
Very windy in a.m. Rained in p.m.. John and I put three loads of corn in the silo.
I took Ruth over to Ruby’s and went down and got dad and had his truck title transferred to me.
Went up to Jesse Gaiges to a official board meeting of the Jackson Center church.
Wednesday, November 12
Windy and cold.
John and I finished filling my silo.
I plowed with the tractor infield between Rd. & gulley on lower place.
John fixed the wheelbarrows.
Thursday, November 13
Fair and quite cold.
I went to Wellsboro.got my car serviced for winter driving. Made a $79 payment on my car.
Friday, November 14
Fair and pleasant.
Had Dr. R. J. Lynch come over and treat teat on Delight which had got injured on the end of it. Bought 127 gal. Gas for my tractor for $24.38/100.
Saturday, November 15
Cloudy and snowed some.
I went to Elmira in a.m.
Got home about 2-30 p.m..
The young folks went to Elmira in p.m. and did not get back until dark.
Lloyd and Gladys came over in the evening and we played games.
Sunday, November 16
Cloudy and cool.
Bill, Ruby and Melanie were over for dinner.
The young folks went to church.
Ruth and I went over to Lloyd and Gladys’ in evening.
Monday, November 17
Fair and quite cold.
I took eggs to the Summit and took some tax money to Lawrenceville bank and went to Mansfield to the GLF Store and bought me a pair of buckskin gloves of Fred Jupenlaz
John plowed for corn in field south of the road along McClures.
Tuesday, November 18
Fair and moderate.
I contacted several farmers and requested them to come to the Agr. Conservation meeting in Millerton high school this evening.
Had 21 farmers to the meeting. I was elected chairman of the community committee. Took Raymond Goodwin and Lloyd Sheive to the meeting with me.
Wednesday, November 19
Fair and a little above freezing during the day. John and I put up the forms and poured cement for wall of the addition to the horse barn..
We All Went to Elmira and Took Gladys Sheive with us in evening to see the concert "Madama Butterfly" at the Keeney theater. Enjoyed there very much.
Thursday, November 20
Temperature 26° in morning. Partly cloudy and it little above freezing during the day.
John went down to school and got Iva Jean and took her to Elmira in a.m. to get a picture taken up those who are to be in the play at the high school.
We finished pouring cement for the horse barn wall in p.m.
Friday, November 21
Fair and moderate.
I went to Elmira to do my shopping as I plan to go bear hunting tomorrow.
Got home in time to plow some over by the stump fence. Lloyd and Gladys came over in the evening and we played games.
Saturday, November 22
Fair part of day. Got a little sleet for about an hour. Bill, Morton, Norman Barnes and I went up to Colton bear hunting. Had a good time. I found a bear trap and saw lots of bare sign bought no bear although I think we heard one that we flushed. Lloyd and Gladys, and Ruth and I went to Elmira in evening to see Ginger Rogers and Cornell Wilde in "It Had to Be You".
Sunday, November 23
Fair and pleasant.
When over after the paper and just sat around all day. Lloyd and Gladys came over in the evening and we played games and had some toasted cheese sandwiches and coffee.
Monday, November 24
Snowy and dark & some rain most of day.
I took the eggs over to the Summit and took heating stove grates over to Ernest Thorpes to get them built up so we could use the Shaker.
November 25
I went to Elmira and got stuff for Thanksgiving including a 17 pound turkey.
Wednesday, November 26
No entry
Thursday, November 27
Bill and I over in Corey Land and shot 3 rabbits. Dad & mother Maida , Weston and Barbara were here for dinner also a couple of boys they are boarding.
Friday, November 28
No entry
Saturday, November 29
Went to Elmira to do some shopping looking forward to Cecil Jewell & Edward Jewell & Lee Smith & William Barnes to be here for deer hunting next week.
Sunday, November 30
Cloudy & quite cold.
Cecil, Lee Smith & Edward Jewell came up from NJ to go deer hunting with me tomorrow.
Monday, December 1
Some snow & 10° above zero.
We went hunting, Cecil Jewell, Edward Jewell, Lee Smith, William Barnes and I.
Cecil got a buck over by McClures Woods.
We drove down to Tioga to the hotel in evening.
Tuesday, December 2
Not quite so cold. We drove to the Baker Ridge and went back on the Grays Possession .
Saw a lot of doe but no buck.
Had a car of lime come in to Tioga Junction.
Lloyd & Gladys came over in the evening.
Wednesday, December 3
Snow getting off the South slopes.
We drove the Baker Ridge and Milford Heaters woods , and Leonard Friends and Ernest Spencers woods.
Cecil and Edward did not get back until after dark.
Herbert hauled 16 tons of lime for me this p.m.
Thursday, December 4
Warmer. We drove the Baker Ridge again and Drake woods and Jessie Gaiges Woods.
Got a shot at one going across Jessie Gaiges field but it was a long shot and I only hit it in the hind leg and as there was no snow he got away.
Herbert hauled the balance, 4 tons of my lime.
Friday, December 5
Some more snow and colder. I walked up through Norman Garrisons woods and over the Drake Hill and back over the Baker Ridge. Put up several deer but saw none.
John Busija got back in the p.m. but he said he had to put a new rear and in the Buick. I had to go to Tioga to check out the car of lime.
Saturday, December 6
Quite cold.
Bill was sick so I went to Elmira and did my shopping.
Served School District Official Notice to parents on Albert Gaige, Edson Sheive, and tried to contact Cecil Smith but he was not at home. Boyd and Gladys came over in evening.
Sunday, December 7
Quite moderate in a.m. Snowed in p.m.. Went to church and got the paper over to the Hollow and went to McClures party celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. We went over to Lloyd & Gladys in the evening.
Monday, December 8
Cloudy & moderate & muddy the snow being about gone.
Took the eggs over to the Summit and served a Summons on Burt Orlando and School Districts Official Notice of Absence on William Wales Sr., John Wells, Albert Wheeler, Herald White, and Mrs. Ford Miller.
Tuesday, December 9
Very windy and cold
John plowed all day, finishing the plowing for this fall.
I went over to the Summit and got some salt, calf feed, etc. and went over to my folks and brought the truck home that I bought of dad for $1100.00.
Wednesday, December 10
Fair and cold.
Thursday, December 11
Cold & pleasant in a.m. & cloudy in p.m.. I went deer hunting alone. Saw three doe and put up a buck but did not see it.
Had a light fall of snow last night.
Tuesday, December 16
Fair and pleasant.
I went to Wellsboro and worked on the County Tax Report.
Wednesday, December 17
Fair and pleasant.
Took the County Tax Money up to The County Treasurer.
Thursday, December 18
Very Windy.
Made out some of School Tax Report
Friday, December 19
Moderate and not so windy.
John finished sowing the lime on the pasture.
Saturday, December 20
Fair and pleasant.
Ruth and I went to Elmira.
We also took Lloyd & Gladys to Elmira in evening to see "Drums on the Mohawk" at the Colonial Theater.
Took school tax money over to Shirley Grinnell.
Have a very bad cold.
Sunday, December 21
Cloudy and acts like storm.
Ruby and Bill here for dinner.
I have a very bad cold.
John & Lillian went to church.
I went over & got the paper.
Monday, December 22
Fair and cold.
John and I cleaned out the calf pens and went to Wellsboro to a farewell dinner for our County agent Paul Korb and to meet our new county agent.
Tuesday, December 23
Cloudy and quite cold.
I took the 1937 Buick to Wellsboro to get it greased and inspected.
Was about sick with a cold all day.
Had Christmas tree down to church in evening with refreshments afterwards.
Wednesday, December 24
Fair and about 28°.
John and I cleaned out horse barn and got some of my tools sheltered.
Lloyd and Gladys came over in the evening and we played Rook & Dominoes..
Thursday, December 25
Christmas-Went over to Ruby & Bills per breakfast. Melanie got a tricycle a rocking chair a doll carriage and a couple of dolls, a set of dishes and a snowsuit. I got a hatchet and a hot water bottle and other things. Was home dinner
Friday, December 26
Cold and stormy, some snow. I went to Elmira and done some shopping. Took Ruth over to Ruby’s and left her while I was gone. We went over to Lloyd & Gladys Sheives in evening.
Saturday, December 27
Cloudy and about 28°.
I took eggs over to the Summit and bought a new one horse motor. Went to Lawrenceville in p.m. to the J. Peace Mr. Darling to get "Oath to Return" on Summons of Roger Wells. Stopped at the Sale on Lucy Baldwin farm a few minutes. Good cows sold for around $500 .00 each. About 26 inches of snow in New York City reported.
Sunday, December 28
Snowed a little last night. Quite windy today and about 22°.
Did chores & hauled out the manure with the tractor.
Ruth and I drove over to Rubys and my folks for a little while. Found the snow drifting in some places. Stopped to Lloyd & Gladys for a few minutes.
Monday, December 29
Fair and quite cold 6° above zero.
John went up in the calf pasture to clear out some trees and brush.
I went over to on Summit and got a ½ worst motor and some calf meal and ordered a ton of cow feed. It costs $104 .00 per ton.
Tuesday, December 30
Casner & Mrs. Sheive celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
Fair and moderate.
I went to Millerton to take care of my insurance at Flossie Seeleys but she was not at home. Ruth sick with a cold.
John and I cut a basswood and a soft maple for lumber. The basswood was not much good so put most of it up or sapwood. The soft maple had 240 feet.
Wednesday, December 31
Cloudy and thought some.
John and I cut some longs for lumber in my little woods. We cut a cherry, a hemlock and a couple of beech.
I took a Ruth and Lloyd & Gladys to a show "Green Dolphin Street" at the Colonial. Lillian and Iva Jean went to the same show with John in my old Buick..