Note from Joyce - We have many diaries scanned from Dewey Hamilton form 1914 to the 1980s. I will include pictures in some of the others as we get them transcribed. Most of the photos I have of this family are photocopies so quality is poor. If you have photos of any mentioned, please send as high resolution .jpg files and reference this page so I know where to include them.
Rainy in a.m. colder and snow and windy in PM. Took 90 doz. eggs over to the Summit for Lillian and got my car stuck in Charley Cummings driveway. Bob Wilson home on furlough. Got his car stuck in ditch below Minor Friends. I tried to pull him out but could not do it. I had to take my milk to Jackson Center. Left my car on church yard. Snow very heavy and deep. Raymond Goodwin came up in evening.
Tuesday, January 2
8° below zero at 8-00 a.m. I took my milk and McClures to Jackson Center on the old red sleigh. Was very windy all day. The school bus only got as far as Jackson Center. I opened up the silo. Left two bushels of apples which I bot of Roger Hurd in my car at Jackson Center last night but they did not freeze. I read the Readers Digest a couple of hours in p.m. in the evening.
Wednesday, January 3
8° below 8-00 a.m.. South wind blowing hard. I took the milk down again this morning. Wrote several tax receipts went to Millerton to the post office with some mail. Roads are full of snow. The Jackson Center Road has not been cleaned out yet and is hard to get through.
Thursday, January 4
8° above zero at 8-00 a.m.. Took the milk down, & did chores & took the manure out. Broke braces to tongue in long sleigh and took them over to Daggett Hollow to Ernest Thorpes to get them welded and got sled fixed so I can use it in the morning.
Friday, January 5
8° below zero at 6-30 a.m. Took built down, did chores and took out the manure.
Saturday, January 6
10° below zero at 6-00 a.m.. Took down the milk and took out the manure. Lillian, Iva Jean & I went to Elmira. Lillian got some groceries for Ernest Spencers and I got our groceries. Left the car to Jackson Center and walked home.
Sunday, January 7
Snowed last night and this morning. I took the milk to the Center, did chores and drew out the manure.I went over to Lloyd Sheives in p.m. and Shirley, Lloyd and I did some skiing. Left my car to Jackson Center and walked home.
Monday, January 8
Fair and sunshiny. Temperature about 25° during the day. Thought some on the Millerton Road.
Took 60 doz eggs to the Summit for Lillian. Got John Wheelers taxes. Went to Millerton for postal cards to send out notice all Dairymens League annual meeting. Took the milk down to the Center.
Tuesday, January 9
Fair and about zero. Windy. I went to Wellsboro and took up taxes for the County and got the amount of land returns paid in during 1944. Met Mrs. Wilcox and Mr. Crittenden, the County Auditors. Got the amount of my wages for Conservation work for 1944 and a milk subsidy payments. Left my car down to Jackson Center. Raymond Goodwin took my milk.
Wednesday, January 10
16° below zero at 8-00 a.m. getting warmer later in the day. The sun shines and it is fair. Worked on my income tax. Raymond took the milk.
Thursday, January 11
About 10° below zero. Dad and I went over to Troy to a sale. How is sold as high as 310.00 and hay in the mile sold for 23.00 per ton.
Friday, January 12
Very windy. The snow blowed in the roads very much. Raymond took the milk and I did chores and worked on my income tax report.
Saturday, January 13
Fair and about zero. Ruth and Lillian and Iva Jean, Raymond Goodwin and I walked down to Jackson Center and I drove my car to Elmira. Took eggs down for Raymond. When to lodge in evening. Gladys and Shirley Sheive downtown in the evening.
Sunday, January 14
Fair but cloudy & about zero in a.m. Did chores and wrote a letter to Ruby and Bill who are now in Paris, Texas.
Monday, January 15
Cloudy and began to snow towards tonight and snowed all night. Made out my income tax return and took it over to Noel Cards to get it completed.
Tuesday, January 16
Snowed all day. I took the milk down to Jackson Center.
Went over to Roy Schofields and bought a pair of bob sleds 450.00.
Very hard walking and snow is so heavy and meely.
Wednesday, January 17
About zero in morning. Sunshine and fair.
Took the milk down. Though roads are drifted badly. Raymond Goodwin rode down with me and also Iva Jean. Iva Jean walked Trowbridge as the buss could not get up through.
Thursday, January 18
Fair and pleasant and 10° below in morning. Went over to Mosherville to Ray Schofields and brought home a pair of Bob sleds behind my car. Got my car inspected at Walter Winners.
Ernest Thorpe told me they took my mother to the hospital last night. He said it was her asthma, heart and nerves. Lloyd, Shirley and Gladys Sheive walked up to our house from Jackson Center in the evening.
The cow tester and Roger Hurd here all night Mark Bumbaugh.
Friday, January 19
Fair & about zero in morning. Took milk down with my red sled and brought new sleds home. Did chores and shuffled snow in front of house by driveway. Went down to the center, to meet Iva Jean coming home from school. Drove my new sleds.
Saturday, January 20
Fair and cold. Raymond Goodwin and I took of their eggs down to Jackson Center in morning with our milk and we took them to Elmira in p.m. in my Buick Sedan.
Jay Jones truck froze coming home from Lodge.
Sunday, January 21
10° below zero at 8-00 a.m. Daylight saving time.I took our milk down to Jackson Center on my new sleds. Sun shone brightly through the day. We walked down to Jackson Center and took my Buick and drove down to Elmira to Maidas to see my mother, who just came to her place from the Arnot Ogden Hospital this p.m.
Monday, January 22
Fair and zero in morning. Cloudy and started snowing about 10-00 a.m. I took the milk down on my sleds to Jackson Center. Went over to Ernest Thorpes to get new distributor points put on my Buick and also got a new wheel. And took out a broken wheel bolt and put in a new set of them. Was a lot of snow fell in p.m..
Tuesday, January 23
Windy and blustery and snowed quite a lot. Did chores, took out the manure and went down to Jackson Center and brought up to loads of feed with my bobsleds and team.
Wednesday, January 24
About zero. Did chores and took out from the manure. Was very windy and snowy. Could hardly see to drive. Went down to Jackson Center to get Iva Jean from a school bus in p.m. very cold & windy. About as bad a day as I ever remember seeing.
Thursday, January 25
27° below zero in morning. It warmed up to 10° below in p.m. and got colder when a sun got low.Cecil Smith told my car with his tractor to start it at Jackson Center. I went to Millerton to the post office and store.did chores and drew out manure. Fawn had a bull calf. Our milk did not go to day because of snow and cold.
Friday, January 26
22° below zero this morning. Raymond Goodwin took the milk. I did chores and went down to the Center and got my car and went up to Jackson Summit to get Earl & Lucy Smiths taxes and pay my feed to bill to Cassius Paris and drove to Elmira and got 200 of hard coal & two bags of coke and drove up to my fathers at Mosherville and ask him to get me 3 tons of coal. Mother was home from the hospital. Said she came home yesterday.
Saturday, January 27
12° below zero. Raymond Goodwin took the melt to Jackson Center. Iva Jean & Raymond Goodwin and I went to Elmira in p.m.
Roy Impson and Jay Jones parked their talk on Trowbridge Hill and road from there are two Jackson Center on their way home from Lodge.
Sunday, January 28
Cloudy and begin snowing in evening and snowed two or three inches at night.
Raymond Goodwin took the milk.
Roger Hurd and Mark Bumbaugh here in the evening.
Monday, January 29
Cold and wind drifting snow quite badly. Raymond Goodwin took the belt and I went with him and took my eggs down. Took the eggs over to Jackson Summit with my car. Mr. Persons car got in the ditch below Minor Friends where Robert Wilson got stuck. I helped him out also Milford Smith & the schoolchildren helped.
Tuesday, January 30
5° below zero. I took the milk to Jackson Centergot taxes from Norman & Leora Everett and Austin & Leah Andrews. Vincent Andrews has to go into a army tomorrow. So mother and she said dad had given up his milk route.
Wednesday, January 31
About zero and windy. The sun shone some. Raymond Goodwin took the milk. Clyde Jones, Milford Smith and Earl Spencer went to Wellsboro with me to and Agricultural Conservation meeting in my Buick Sedan.
6° below & windy. The sun shone. Clyde Jones & Milford Smith went to Wellsboro with me to a Agr. Conservation meeting. Raymond Goodwin took the milk.
Got my fender welded and got material to do a farm checking.
Friday, February 2
2° above zero. Sun shines & windy. I took a milk to Jackson Center. Clarence Devitt & Jay McClure sent their milk down by me & Iva Jean rode down with me to go to school. The snow banks out by the horse barn are nearly up to the door where we pitch in hay and the spring house has long since been out of sight from the house.
Saturday, February 3
4° below zero. Sun shone brightly. I took the milk to Jackson Center. Raymond Goodwin went to Elmira with me and we took 48 doz eggs to Elmira for him.
Sunday, February 4
14° below in a.m. Sun shown in a.m. Wind turned to south in p.m. & cloudy with some snow. The girls, Ruth & I walked down to Jackson Center and took the car and went over to my folks for a short time. Had to cows freshen. Snowball & Spot.
Monday, February 5
A fair and cold. Took 90 doz eggs over to Jackson Summit for Lillian and got Lynn Smiths taxes. Ordered some coal of dad for Floyd Adams.
Tuesday, February 6
8° below zero. Raymond Goodwin took the milk to Jackson Center. I took the tax money to dull Lawrenceville bank. Took a few pictures of the snow & Iva Jean.
Wednesday, February 7
Cloudy & warmer. Raymond Goodwin & J. D. McClure took a couple of calves down to Jackson Center for me and Raymond & I took them to Troy, PA to sell. One weighed 94 # and sold for 11.60 per hundred lbs and one waiting 86# and sold for 9.00 per hundred. Took school tax money down to JC Smiths.
Thursday, February 8
Cloudy & moderate. Raymond took the milk. I did chores and started checking farms for 1944 production and signing them up for 1945.
I heard that Floyd Adams thinks identity his car door while it was parked in front of the church.
Friday, February 9
Fair and moderate. I walked over to Floyd Adamn to tell him I did not jam his door, also to check his farm and investigate his claim for priority for a bath tub.
Raymond took my milk down to Jackson Center.
Saturday, February 10
Wind south and warmer. The snow settled quite a little bit. Raymond took the milk down and he and Lillian and Iva Jean & I went to Elmira. Got home so late that I did not get the chores done until 9-00 p.m. did not see any of the Sheive’s in town. Rained some in early part of the night. Dad brought me a load of coal as far as Jackson Center.
Sunday, February 11
Older in a.m. and froze some last night. Warmer during day & pleasant. We went over to Leroy Miller’s in p.m. to see their baby Shirley Lee. Had to walk down to just Center and also up the Summit Hill because of snow banks.
Found my right rear fender jammed in and footprints on it. Looked like someone had kicked it in.
Monday, February 12
Fair and thought a little. Raymond Goodwin and I called for loads of coal from Jackson Center to my place and I called one load Saturday a.m. making five loads of coal to make 6250 lbs.
Raymond and I took Lillians eggs to Jackson Summit in p.m.
Tuesday, February 13
Wind south-East. Started snowing about noon and snowed hard all the rest of the day. I helped Raymond Goodwin and Jay D. McClure butcher a cow. Charley Harris also helped and we both stayed there for dinner.
Got home at 2-00 p.m. and hauled two load the feed up from Jackson Center and hauled out the manure.
Got a letter from Mildred Jewell.
Wednesday, February 14
Fair and pleasant. Took the milk this morning. Made out dad Hamiltons application for tractor gas. Had to put chains on my car.
Thursday, February 15
Fair and moderate. I did chores and took the milk down.
Checked some farms and took lime order of Hugh Hauser..
Friday, February 16
Fair and moderate. Took the milk down and done the chores and hauled out the manure.
Saturday, February 17
Fair and thawed somewhere the win did not hit. Raymond Goodwin and Iva Jean & I went to Elmira. Took 48 doz eggs down for Raymond. Went to lodge in evening. Jay Jones rode home with me. I took the milk down to Center in morning.
Sunday, February 18
Fair and moderate. I took the milk down and done the chores. Read some and rested some.
Monday, February 19
Fair and moderate.
I took the milk down and took the eggs over to the Summit in the p.m..
Took orders for lime of Dan Utter & Bob Deming.
Tuesday, February 20
Cole, about 2° below. Raymond took the milk down.did the chores & drew out the manure and went to Wellsboro to a meeting to be instructed on investigating the applicants for draft deferment.
Wednesday, February 21
South East wind. Fair & warmer. Raymond took the milk. I took a calf down to the Center and then to Troy. Got 10 ½ cents a pound and it weighed 94 lbs.
Thursday, February 22
Rained hard in morning. Raymond took the milk down. I broke a runner in my old red sled. Went over to Daggetts and took orders for 94 tons of lime. Sun shone in afternoon and the snow settled fast and water began to run. Heard that Uncle Sam Mitchell probably got drowned in San Pedro breakwater.
Friday, February 23
Thought a little. A few snow squalls. Checked farms and took a lime order of Gates Ayers. Brought up 500 of chicken feed for Lillian. Took a stove down to Bertha Harris that I sold to her.
Saturday, February 24
Windy and cool in a.m. thought some down on the low lands and where the wind did not blow. Raymond Goodwin, Lillian, Iva Jean, Ruth & I went to Elmira and p.m. Walter Garrison came down in the evening as I was about to get ready for lodge so did not go.
Sunday, February 25
Fair, sunshine bright and warmer. We walked down to the Center and took the Buick and went over to Mosherville to my folks for dinner. Mother had chicken for dinner.
Monday, February 26
Cloudy and thawed. I took the eggs over to Summit for Lillian and worked on the Agricultural Conservation job. Checked Fred Everetts farm and took several papers down to Earl Spencers for him to do.
Tuesday, February 27
Fair most of day. Checked farms and took lime orders and also took the milk down to the Center.
Wednesday, February 28
Fair and moderate.
I took the milk down this morning. Checked farms and took lime orders. Got my hair cut.
Fair and pleasant.
Took my work to Wellsboro. Saw about 200 deer feeding on the flats up near Hammond. Probably over a 100 in one flock. Got our road scraped out last night by Web Rices bull dozer. Snow banks very deep. Worked ½ day on conservation. Trip to office.
Friday, March 2
Fair and pleasant.
Though no truck got up as far as McClures for the first time since December 26 . The snow settled rapidly. Went to William Gotts sale in p.m. and bought two bags of Millet seed.
Most of the cows sold for less than $100.00 each. High cow 148.00
Saturday, March 3
Fair and pleasant
Went to Elmira in p.m.
The milk truck came up this morning for the first time since last Dec 6.
Lloyd & Gladys Sheive and us went to see the show "Thunderhead," at the Colonial Theater last night.
I went to lodge in evening.
Sunday, March 4
Fair and pleasant.
Went down to Richard Wilsons in p.m.
The milk truck got up without chains on.
Monday, March 5
Fair and windy Wind South
Did chores. Took Lillians eggs over to does Summit
Checked Charles Jennings, Macy Dunbar & Fordyce Baker farms.
Went to school board meeting in Millerton high school in the evening. Work 1 day on Conservation
Tuesday, March 6
Cloudy and rainy.
Took Iva Jean down to the school bus.
Approved several gasoline application papers for tractor use.
Wednesday, March 7
Dark and gloomy.
Approved several gasolene applications for tractors. Bonnie had a bull half.
Thursday, March 8
Fair and pleasant.
Went to Wellsboro in p.m. took up several gasolene applications.
Received a nap & material in the office to locate put all the farmsteads on and tell whether the milk from that farm grows to Dairymen’s League or other dealers and their names.
Worked ½ day at conservation work.
Friday, March 9
Fair and pleasant.
Drew out seven loads of manure in about 2 ½ hours in p.m. with the tractor.
We all went to Elmira in evening to see the show "A Song to Remember at the Colonial in Evening. Lloyd and Gladys Sheive went with us.
Saturday, March 10
Snowy and rainy.
Iva Jean and I went to Elmira in p.m. I locked the car and left the keys on the inside on Columbia Street Got.
Found a piece of wire and got the window open.
Went to lodge in the evening. Some of the Austinville folks were there.
Sunday, March 11
Fair and pleasant. The snow that fell yesterday thawed off. Lillian and Iva Jean went to church. Delos Wilson and family came over in p.m. Ruth and I went over to Lloyd & Gladys Sheives in evening.
Had coffee & cookies after playing cards.
Monday, March 12
Wind blew hard from the south all day. Tried drawing manure with my tractor but got stuck with the second load and had to unload. Think I burned out a bearing in my tractor. Drew two loads with the horses. Sold a stack of hay to Norman Garrison for $90.00. Took eggs over to Jackson summit That.
Tuesday, March 13
Fair and wind NW. Quite a cold wind but it thawed some. Drew manure with horses
Wednesday, March 14
Fair and pleasant.
Worked on conservation job in p.m.
Lloyd and Gladys came over in evening and we played games.
Thursday, March 15
Fair and pleasant. Very warm. Took a Ruth & Lillian over to my folks and I went to Corryland to a sale at Cary Cokes. Everything seemed to grow high.
We took Lloyd & Gladys Sheive to Elmira to see "One Mans Navy" starring, "Wallace Beery" at the Colonial. It was very good.
Friday, March 16
Fair and about 70° degrees.
Took Lillian over to the Summit to Evelyn Hoyts to get her a permanent. And went after her. Drew manure.
Lloyd & Gladys came over in evening and took us to Elmira to see a show at the Regent in which Cary Grant & Ethel Barrymore starred.
Saturday, March 17
Fair and warm in a.m.. Had a hard thundershower in p.m.
I went to Elmira with Iva Jean and Lillian in p.m. was very sick. Lloyd & Gladys Sheive did most of my shopping for me. Called at Dr. Pratts coming home and he said I had intestinal Grippe.
Had chills that night. Iva Jean fed all the stock & Ruth help her milk.
Sunday, March 18
Fair and pleasant.
Did not feel well all day.
Clifford Crum, Luther Benson and Walter Hewitt were here to look at some bulls. I had offered for sale.
My, March 19
Warm and some light showers your did chores, took the eggs over to do Summit and drew out four loads of manure. Frieda had a large bull calf. Sold a bull to Clifford Crum $150.00 and 80 own cow to Luther Benson $200.00. Lester Copp came over and got them.
Tuesday, March 20
Warm and a few showers. Took lime orders of Bertha Carly & Clarence Carly. Was over to Mother Hamiltons for a little while. Loren came while I was there and we had a good visit.
One half day on Conservation
Wednesday, March 21
Rainy and nasty most of day. I sent one cow to Troy by Myrt Scott. It was Josie. She had two teats stepped on. Roads very bad. I took three calves to Troy. $12 .00 per hundred lbs. for 11.40 per hundred for another, each weighing 100 lbs. and 4.00 per hundred for one weighing 66 lbs.. The couch Esther was here when I got home.
Thursday, March 22
Snowy, wet and cold.
Held out a load of manure did chores and butchered a nice veal calf.
Mark Bumbaugh helped me butcher the calf. Snowball gave 65.3 lbs. of fat for the month. Seven out of 11 milkers gave over 40 lbs. of fat each.
Friday, March 23
Fair and pleasant.
Lloyd and Gladys & Ruth and I went to Elmira in the evening and went to the Regent Theatre
Saturday, March 24
Fair and pleasant.
Iva Jean, Lillian and I went to Elmira, in p.m.
Sunday, March 25
Fair and born.
Took the girls down to church and came home and finished up the chores.
Gladys Sheive and Shirley came over for a little while in p.m.
We all went down to Elmira after Ruby and Bill who came in Elmira about 10-00 p.m. from Paris, Texas.
Monday, March 26
Fair and pleasant. Ruby, Bill and I went to Elmira to get their baggage and went up to the International Harvester Co. to get connecting rod bearings for my tractor.
Oliver Greenwalt and Edward Wilkins were here to sign up for the 1945 Agr. Conservation Program. Snowdrop had a nice heifer calf.
Tuesday, March 27
Fair some with showers in the morning. Quite warm. Bill worked on my tractor. I went out in p.m. to work on the conservation. Bill and I set up until it 7-00 p.m. visiting. Shirley Sheive went to Wilkes-Barre for physical examination for the Army.
Wednesday, March 28
Fair and very warm.
Ruby, Bill and I went to Wellsboro and back home by the way of Troy and stopped in to see that cattle sale. Bill and I each got a fishing license and I got a dog license for Iva Jeans dog Tippy.
Thursday, March 29
Fair and pleasant.
I drew manure all day.
We all went down to Evelyn Lewis, Bills sister , at Webb Mills to spend the evening. Had a good time. Bill got my tractor connecting rods fixed and I used it for hauling manure.
Friday, March 30
Fair and pleasant. I drew manure and took Ruby and Bill up to Sherman Warners and went on to Jackson Summit to the feed store. Charles Swimelar and Mr. Payne & G. Sheive took dinner together down on College Ave. Elmira, NY
Saturday, March 31
Slightly cloudy. Bill and Ruby are over to his folks. We went to Elmira in p.m. to shop and for Iva Jean to take her music guitar lesson.
So a heifer calf to Luther Benson for eighteen dollars at night. Shirley Sheive took the iantiatory degree in the Odd Fellows.
A beautiful Easter Day.
I took the family to church.
Billy Barnes was baptized.
Ruby & Bill, dad & mother Hamilton and my sister, Maida Brown and her little girl Barbara were here for dinner.
We all went down to McClures to spend the evening.
Monday, April 2
Cloudy & rainy
Took Lillians eggs to Jackson Summit
Tuesday, April 3
Fair and moderate.
Milford Smith came up in the evening to ask about that dairymens league dinner if oyster should not be available.
Wednesday, April 4
Fair and pleasant.
Took a calf to Troy Sales Cooperative. It weighed 80 lbs. and received 10.30 per hundred, netting me $7.66 after expense of 58 cents was taken out.
Thursday, April 5
Cool & fair.
We held our annual meeting of the Dairymens League in the Jackson Center Church Hall having oysters for dinner. Mr. Payne & Mr. Swimelar were they are and showed some pictures on the screen. I bought two quarts of oysters for $2.96.
Friday, April 6
Fair and cold.
Went to Bill Beemans sale over above Soper Town to look for a grain drill.
An Ontario 16 hole tractor drill sold for $480.00.
Saturday, April 7
Fair and pleasant
I took Iva Jean to Elmira to take her music lesson and to do my trading in p.m.
Bought a hammer feed mill of Sears Roebuck & Co. for $110.75
Sunday, April 8
Fair and pleasant.
We went up to Joe & Florence Grahams in p.m.
Birtie was in a cast to her hip on one leg because of an operation on that leg. We Went over to Lloyd & Gladys Sheives placing evening.
Monday, April 9
Fair and pleasant.
Took Lilians eggs to Jackson Summit
True manure and lime on field down by J. D. McClures. Dairymens League inspector here in p.m.
Tuesday, April 10
Fair and pleasant
I went to a sale over on Bentley Creek and did $259.00 on a Superior 11 hole grain drill about five years old but did not get it . A lime sower bought 10 years ago for 37.50 sold for 102.50
Wednesday, April 11
Fair and pleasant
I finished fitting 3 ½ acres for oats down by McClures line. The ground seemed in nice shape.
Thursday, April 12
Fair and pleasant. President Roosevelt died today in the p.m. at warm Springs, Georgia, of cerebral hemorrhage. I went over to Gilletts and bought an Empire 11 hole, disc grain drill of M. H. Sterling. One of my tires blew out before getting to Gillette.
Friday, April 13
Fair and warm. I drilled in my first oats of this spring. Put three and one half acres in the field south of the road by J. D. McClures line. I used the Empire drill I bought yesterday.
Felt rather tired at night.
Saturday, April 14
Fair & pleasant.
I took Iva Jean & girls to Elmira and got our groceries. The stores closed at 3-30 because of President Franklin D. Roosevelts death.
Sunday, April 15
Fair and pleasant.
Did chores and took the girls to church.
Took a nap in p.m.
Lloyd & Gladys Sheive came over in the evening and we played pitch and domino’s.
Had a lunch of coffee & crackers afterward.
Monday, April 16
Fair and pleasant.
I called the rest of the pile of manure by the road. Investigated Herbert Andrus for the draft board in p.m.
Claire Balmer made out an application for me to get some new tires.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was very today at Hyde Park, NY.
Tuesday, April 17
Light showers & cool in a.m. fair p.m.
Investigated Shirley Sheive and Dean Wheeler for the draft board in p.m.
Norman Wheeler & Josephine were here to see about getting their boy deferred.
Bargained with them for a couple of shoats and they want a calf.
Wednesday, April 18
Cold & squally. A little snow. Did chores. Hauled a load of manure.
Went over to Summit and got some gas & kerosene
Started dragging field by the granary with my field cultivator. Got very cold
Thursday, April 19
Fair and cool.
Dragged the field by the granary with the field cultivator.
Investigated, Wendell and Richard Garrison in evening.
Friday, April 20
I dragged field by granary and thrilled out about one acre of it. Got quite damp before I quit
Went to a Cemetery meeting at Jackson Center and had supper they are in evening.
Saturday, April 21
Got ready to trail but it rains so went to Elmira with Iva Jean and Ruby.
Raymond Goodwin to someone sum in morning but got rained off.
Sunday, April 22
Fair and cold. Thermometer 26° in morning. Froze the ground hard.
Took the girls to church and took some conservation papers over to Clyde Jones. Mark came tonight.
Monday, April 23
Fair and cool.
Mark Bumbaugh here to test cows for milk & butter fat. Bought a disk harrow of Sears Roebuck & Co.
Took eggs over to Jackson Summit I sowed 2 acres oats infield by the granary. Rode over to this Summit with Lloyd & Gladys in the evening. They stopped a little while and we played pitch.
Tuesday, April 24
Cloudy and cool. Finished putting in olds in the field by the granary
I walked over to a farm in the evening.
Wednesday, April 25
Rainy and cool. Took Jennies calf over to Troy Sales.
Thursday, April 26
Cloudy & cool. Hard showers went around. I built a fence for a couple of pigs or shoats that I bought of Norman Wheeler.
Dad & mother here for a little while in p.m.
Norman brought the shoats about 5-30 p.m. Took Ruby to Elmira to the doctors in evening and went to a show with Lloyd & Gladys.
Friday, April 27
Very cold & windy with some rain.
Checked Rexford Garrison’s draft deferment.
Stopped over home to see mother a few minutes. Took the girls down to Elmira to the Centenary Church Iva Jean played her guitar there.
Saturday, April 28
Fair and cool. The girls and I went to Elmira in p.m. Got a print of Eugène Jewell. Went to the Grange in the evening and signed up for the Blue Cross insurance.
Sunday, April 29
Fair and a little warmer. We went down to Richard Wilsons for a little while in p.m. as he intends to go to the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore for an operation in a short time. The news is that the war is practically over in Germany. Ruby & Ivy Jean went to church.
Monday, April 30
Fair and moderate
Went to Wellsboro to get some papers to make out my land returns.
Fair and moderate. Worked on Agr. Cons work all day.
Worked on Agr. Conservation work all day.
Thursday, May 3
Worked on my tax duplicate collecting & making out my land returns
Friday, May 4
Work that my tax overland returns
Saturday, May 5
Cloudy & cool.
When to Elmira with Lillian and Iva Jean
Had a Dairymens League meeting in the evening at Jackson Center
Sunday, May 6
Fair and cool.
Ruby took the car in she and Lillian went to church. I went over to West Jackson to see about some taxes so I could get my land returns me.
Lloyd and Gladys came over in the evening. The girls went to Elmira with Roger Hurd & Mark Bumbaugh.
Monday, May 7
Fair and moderate.
Went down to Pine City to get Emerson Holtons taxes and took my land returns to Wellsboro. Saw Adrian Garrison and checked his farming operations for the Farm Labor Office. Left cows out to pasture tonight.
Tuesday, May 8
Cloudy and rainy. Work on Conservation work.
The war with Germany was officialy declared at an end.
Went to the bank at Lawrenceville.
Got some tax money of Irving D. Booth, and Elmira.
Wednesday, May 9
Fair and pleasant. Snowed in morning. I worked on the Conservation program after I got the chores done.
Lloyd and Gladys stopped for a while in the evening after going to Dr. Pratts to get a statement from him as to the ailment of Lloyds, for the Farm Labor Office.
My disc harrow came from Sears Roebuck Co.
Thursday, May 10
Snowed all day. Worked on Agr CC all day. Got a couple of bags of coal of dad.
Friday, May 11
Snow partly melted off. Fair and pleasant. Investigated Duane Curran Henry Friends & Wilbur Friends.
Saturday, May 12
Fair and pleasant. Took Iva Jean down to Elmira to play on the radio program for Knapps school of music. The rest of the family went with me.
We all went to Elmira to a movie in the evening.
Left cows out to pasture tonight.
Sunday, May 13
Mothers Day
Went to church
Warmer and showers.
Iva Jean, Ruby & I went over to Mosherville to my folks in p.m. to see Loren and his family. Weston, Maida and Barbara were also there. Loren Jr. was there, having arrived home from India on a forty five day furlough. His bride to be Jen Brotzman was also there. Ruth & I went over to Lloyds in the evening.
Monday, May 14
Fair and moderate.
Work on conservation all day and until late at night, checking 1944 performance and taking lime orders.
Tuesday, May 15
Fair. Work on conservation job all day and until late at night.
Wednesday, May 16
Fair and pleasant. Went to Wellsboro with my conservation work.
Got my car fixed up and inspected.
Thursday, May 17
Shirley Sheive helped me fix fence and set up disc harrow. Rained hard at night. Roger Hurd came over and took the girls to Elmira with Mark Bumbaugh.
They got my tire certificates of Laura Andrews.
The wind blew the end of Frank Everetts barn in, also blew a silo down for Alvin Jones and a barn for Gerald Smith and much more damage.
Friday, May 18
Quite cool and cloudy.
Shirley Sheive helped me finish setting up my disc harrow. We went over to Daggett Hollow to get an iron ore braced twisted for it.
Went to Elmira to a show in the evening. Took Lloyd and Gladys.
But me two new tires of Montgomery Wards.
Saturday, May 19
Fair and pleasant.
Took Iva Jean and Ruby to Elmira. Iva played over the radio. Got a tooth filled. Loren Hamilton Jr. and Jan Brotzman were married in the Trinity Church in Elmira at 2-00 p.m.
Sunday, May 20
Fair and pleasant.
Took some heifers up to the pasture. Fixed a little fence. My folks and Weston, Maida and Barbara were here a little while in p.m.
Monday, May 21
Fair and pleasant
Took out three loads of manure in front of the cow barn to do sidehill over back.
Started plowing. Plowed about an acre of side up on Knoll north of the house.
Plowed a little below the House driveway. Took Lilians eggs over to the Summit.
Tuesday, May 22
Had a very severe wind & rain in p.m. Blew Albert Gaiges barn down.
Fair unpleasant in a.m.. Drew out eight loads of manure from the horse barn to the garden and the cornfield over back and hauled about a ton of lime over back.
Read over to Herold Butchers to check on him for the Emergency Farm Labor office. Saw several silos blowed down of Bailey Creek, also Floyd Adams.
Wednesday, May 23
A fair of most of day and cool with some light showers.
I went up to Odessa to check on Donald Gaige for the Emergency Farm Labor board.
Ruth and I went over to see that damaged the wind did to Albert Gaiges barns yesterday. It blew the roofs off one about 300 feet and over the house. The other was a complete wreck. Went over to Lloyd & Gladys a little while in the evening.
Thursday, May 24
Fair and pleasant.
Ruth, Lillian and I went over back and sawed up some logs and buzzed them with the saw and tractor.
Ruby brought our dinner over to us.
We went to Elmira at night to take Ruby to the doctor and went to the Keeney Theater with Sheives
Friday, May 25
Fair and pleasant. Finished plowing the little patch below the driveway and disced it over, also disced my potato ground up on the hill. Plowed upper strip of about one acre on my strip cropping down on the Collum place. Nearly tipped the tractor over in the road while plowing. Gladys came over in the evening and she, Ruth & I went up to Walter Garrisons in evening
Saturday, May 26
Fair in a.m. rainy toward night. Took Iva Jean to Elmira to take her lesson and play on the radio.
Had a Dairymens league meeting down to the center at night
There was not many there. We had hot dogs and rolls for lunch.
Sunday, May 27
Cloudy and a little rain. The girls went to church. They drove my car.
Monday, May 28
Fair and moderate. Took Lillians eggs to the Summit. Went over to Troy to the bank.
Tuesday, May 29
Fair and Cool. I drew out the rest of manure by the horse barn. Deloitte and Gladys & Ruby went with us to Elmira to do Keeney Theater in the evening.
Wednesday, May 30
Cold and fair. We went over to Alder Run and I put four marble posts around mother and dad Wilsons graves. Lloyd & Shirley put in their potatoes. Dad and mother were over for a while in p.m..
Lloyd and Gladys came over and we went to Elmira to the Colonial Theater in evening. Saw Betty Grabel and "Billy Roses" Diamond Horseshoe.
Thursday, May 31
Fair and cool. I went to Tioga to the bank. Shirley Sheive put in some Sudan Grass. I made out my report for the taxes collected on the 1944 Tax Duplicate for the county commissioners.
Edward Jewell was married
Cold, rainy and sleeted at Wellsboro. I went to Wellsboro with some money for the County Commissioners.
Lloyd and Gladys came over for a while in the evening and we played pitch and domino’s
Saturday, June 2
Cloudy and rainy. Went to Elmira. Took about 27 chickens down for Lillian. She got 50 cents per lb. For some that were dressed and 35 c per pound for 10 live ones.
Iva Jean played her guitar over the radio for the Knapp School of music.
Sunday, June 3
Cloudy, foggy and rainy. I led some of the young stock up on the hill and one jumped the fence and came back. Boyd and Gladys went over to Corning to Raymonds. Mark and Roger here.
Monday, June 4
Rainy cold all day.
I got my tax books ready for that school meeting tonight, and collected taxes of Mary Dunbar & Georgiana Sherman. Saw Nina Hammond . Went to school meeting at night.
Tuesday, June 5
Rainy nearly all day. Brooks Boyden was here all day. He was here all night last night. Collected taxes. Brooks went over to the Summit with me while collecting taxes.
I took him over to the Summit to catch the bus at 6-10 p.m. for home.
Wednesday, June 6
Rainy. The graduation exercises were held at the Millerton High School in evening.
Iva Jean was one of the honor students in the freshman class. I collected taxes and sent out tax notices.
Thursday, June 7
Rainy. I collected taxes and sent out tax notices to delinquent taxpayers.
Friday, June 8
Fair and warm. I fixed fence so I could turn the cow was in the back fields. I also hauled out a load of manure. And hauled over two loads of wood.
Went to Elmira to a show in the evening. Ruby and Lloyd & Gladys went with us. Saw "Counter-Attack", at the Colonial.
Saturday, June 9
Fair most of Day. I went to Elmira. The girls and Ruth went along. Took nine chickens down town for Lillian. She got fifty cents a pound for them, dressed. Went to lodge an evening.
Sunday, June 10
Warmer. Cloudy some, rainy some. The women went to church with my car. We all went over to my folks in the afternoon.
Monday, June 11
Partly cloudy.
I worked on my state report.
Went over to Tom Andrus to see about Herbert working for me but no one was home. Took Lillians eggs to the Summit.
Tuesday, June 12
Fair and pleasant.
I went to Wellsboro to see if I could get Herbert deferred to work for me.
Iva Jean went up with me.
Fixed Lillians chicken park in p.m.. Lloyd and Gladys were here in evening.
Wednesday, June 13
Warm and rainy.
I went over to the Summit with some potatoes for Charley Shelman. Emily Andrus informed me that they had bought some more cows and were going to keep Herbert. Home after all my work to get him deferred, "Nuts".
June 14
Nothing entered-until Thursday, June 21
Fair & warm in a.m.. Hard showers in p.m.
Mark Bumbaugh, the cow tester here for the day to test cows. I planted a little corn with the corn planter below the drive way. That is the first that I have put in.
June 22
Nothing entered
Saturday, June 23
Fair and pleasant. Went to Elmira with Iva Jean and took down some chickens for Lillian @.50 per lb.
Sunday, June 24
Fair unpleasant.
My Family, Louis & Gladys Sheive & Martin Bumbaugh went down to Scranton and that Cecil Jewell & his wife Mildred and Edward Jewells wife Jeannie, and Jeannie’s mother Mrs. Jungling.
We had a picnic dinner there and went rowing & had a fine time and a lovely trip.
Monday, June 25
Fair and pleasant.
Herbert Andrus began helping me. I got the field of corn in below the driveway also the one below the cow barn & the one over by Cecil Smiths woods.
Tuesday, June 26
Had a car of Conservation lime come in for Shirley Garrison.
Went to Elmira to check it out. Dad helped haul it with his truck.
Wednesday, June 27
Went to Elmira to check out a car of Conservation lime for Stanley Hamilton, Shirley Garrison & Robert Segar.
Thursday, June 28
I plowed for corn. Fair and warm.
Went to Elmira to check out lime at State St. Elmira on the Lackawanna R.R. saw Grace Collier.
Friday, June 29
Fair and very warm.
I plowed a piece for corned over north and disced it over.
Worked until 7-30 p.m.
Went over to Daggetts to the store in evening.
Saturday, June 30
Fair and very warm. The people and Elmira said they had one of the worse electric storms to their remembrance last night.
Took a few hens down for Lillian.
Went to a movie in evening with Lloyd & Gladys.
Sunday, July 1
Fair and very warm during day. A shower in evening. Leroy Miller & family here for supper. He took a bushel of potatoes for $1.50.
Lloyd & Gladys here in the evening.
Monday, July 2
Rainy most of day.
Had a car of AAA lime come into Elmira at State and 5thstsfor Robert Segar.
Had a school meeting at Millerton in evening at which time I settled the 1944 duplicate with the school board.
Tuesday, July 3
Fair and pleasant.
Went to Elmira to see about the load or car of lime.
Served summons on Almond Kent Sr.
Wednesday, July 4
Fair and pleasant
Herbert Andrus and I drew in our first three loads of hay.
Sowed about three acres of corn on the side hill over back.
The girls went to Lechworth parked up above Hornell.
Tom & Emily came up after Herbert in the evening to get him to fix tires.
Lloyd & Gladys & Ruth & I went to the Keeney Theater with Lloyds car.
Thursday, July 5
Fair & pleasant
Drew in a load of hay and plowed & disced the ground it was on below the horse barn for corn..
Put in some millet on lower side of field below cow barn.
Cultivated the Garden & the corn below the drive way.. Went over to Victor Hurds about Herbert Andrus. Albert Gaige & O. J. Benson had a fight.
Friday, July 6
Fair and pleasant.
Had to serve a Summons on Maurice Bement and his wife.
Went to a Supervisors meeting in the Millerton high school.
Saturday, July 7
Fair and pleasant.
Herbert and I drew hay all day.went down to Millerton, Tioga and Lawrenceville. Had to serve a Summons on Boyd Belknap and his wife.
Ruby took Iva Jean to Elmira in my car.
Sunday, July 8
Fair and pleasant.
We went up to Harley and Juanita’s and so did Delos and his family and Leroy and his family and we all had a picnic dinner up on the Hill above Nelson.
Robert Wilson was home on furlough from the Air Force and he and his girlfriend were there.
Monday, July 9
Fair and pleasant.
Mowed the old garden and some in the 12 acre field next to the woods.
Took the eggs over to the Summit. Plowed and disced for corn below the horse barn.
There was an eclipse on the sun.
Tuesday, July 10
Fair and pleasant.
Herbert and I got the rest of my corn sowed or drilled in the field below the horse barn.
Wednesday, July 11
Fair and play cool.
Herbert and I drew in three loads of hay. We took the hay out of the old garden.
Herbert mowed the field down by the Collum barn.
I went over & help Lloyd & Shirley stack some hay in the evening.
Thursday, July 12
Fair and cool. Herbert & I drew and two loads of hay and he cultivated corn and I raked with the tractor.
A bolt came loose in the hay track and Herbert climbed up and fixed it.
Herbert and I went over to Lloyd Sheive in evening to help him stack hay. Ruth went along. I told her, dad & mother wanted me to go up to Moravia to see brother Loren & she did not like it.
Friday, July 13
Fair and pleasant.
Herbert & I drew and four loads of hay from 1 ½ acres down by the Collum barn.
Cleaned out all but hay we had down.
Saturday, July 14
Fair and pleasant.
Dad, mother and I went up to Moravia in p.m. to stay all night at Lorens..
We went down to Auburn to a show, "Valley of Decision," in the evening.
We stopped at Locke and had fish fry for supper before getting to Lorens.
Sunday, July 15
Fair and cooler. Had a little rain last night. Dad, Loren and I went for a motorboat ride on the Owasso lake. We stopped at Tracy Tobeys & on the way home up at Newfield.
Arrived home about 8-00 p.m..
Monday, July 16
Cloudy and windy.
I finished checking 815 for AAA Conservation program for 1944.
Went to Wellsboro with the work. Saw Emory Rockwell about Boyd Belknap Execution.
Took the folks to the Keeney Theater to see "Valley of Decision." Lloyd & Gladys went to the Regent Theatre as they saw this show Sat. Night. Brooks Boyden went with us.
Tuesday, July 17
Cloudy and rainy towards night.
I went over to Macy Dunbars to get a check made good which he gave me for taxes.
Wednesday, July 18
Fair and pleasant. Rained and evening. Dad & mother, Ruth and I went down to two spy to visit Wayne and Dorothy Smith, Waltons widow and her husband.
We were only 2 ¼ hours driving over to my folks, cleaning out the car and driving down to Binghamton Herbert and I put a sill in the barn by the silo chute.
Thursday, July 19
Fair and pleasant. Rained hard last night. Dad and mother, Ruth and I went for a ride around Binghamton with Wayne Smith.
We came home in the afternoon and stopped in Elmira at "The Club Restaurant", for our supper.
Friday, July 20
Fair and pleasant. Herbert Andrus & I hauled five loads of hay.fill the north mow & changed the fork over to the south mow. Herbert & I went over to Lloyds in evening to help him stack hay but he had to kill & dress seven hens so we did not haul hay.
Saturday, July 21
Fair and warm. Ruby took Lillian & Iva Jean to Elmira in my car. Herbert Andrus and I called six loads of hay.
Thomas Andrus, Herberts father, came over after Herbert in evening and said he had him deferred for farming on his own units.
Lloyd & Gladys, Ruth & I went to the Keeney Theater In Evening to See "Son of Lassie".
Sunday, July 22
Cloudy and rainy.
The girls went to church.
And Elmira minister was there.
Lloyd and Gladys came over in the evening and we played games.
Mark Bumbaugh here in the evening.
Monday, July 23
Fair and a.m. showers in p.m. very warm.
I cultivated potatoes in a.m.. Served a Summons on Russell Johnston in p.m.
Lloyd & Gladys came over and asked us to go for a ride over to the Summit and get some feed with them. They stopped & we played pitch. Herbert Andrus went to a show with the girls.
July 24
Fair and pleasant. I went to Wellsboro and settled up the 1944 Tax Duplicate with the County Commissioners.
Wednesday, July 25-Friday, July 27
No entry
Saturday, July 28
Cloudy and Humid. Went to Elmira to take Iva Jean down to take her music lesson. Gladys Sheive wrecked her car on First and Davis Streets , Elmira. I took them home.
Sunday, July 29
Cloudy and Humid.
The women went to church and I put some pokes on some heifers and put a ring in the bulls nose.
Dad and mother here for a while. We went over to Lloyd and Gladys Sheives in the evening.
Monday, July 30
Fair and cloudy.
I took the eggs to all Summit.
Went to a school meeting at night.
Gladys and Shirley went to Elmira to see about getting her car fixed and to see the insurance company. I mowed some in the evening. Paid Herbert Andrus 50.00. He owes me two days work.
Tuesday, July 31
Cloudy and humid
Shirley helped me draw a load of hay and unload two loads. Ruby and I drew one load of hay.
I bought a new hay rope and put it up. It bothered a good deal about twisting. I helped Lloyd and Shirley, finished haying. We put three loads on stacks.
Cloudy and humid. No rain. I went to Elmira to take Ruby to the doctors and to get my front wheels aligned on the Buick Sedan. Cost $18.00 Gladys and Shirley were over for a while in the evening. Got a letter from Cecil Jewell
Thursday, August 2
Fair and pleasant.
Ruby and the girls went for blackberries.
Ruth and I went over to Gladys and Lloyds and got them & went to Elmira to a show in the evening.
Friday, August 3 new line fair and pleasant.
I took a Ruby to the hospital.
She had a baby and named her Melanie Lucille.
Gladys Sheive and Ruth stayed down all day and I went down in the evening and got them.
Saturday, August 4
Fair and pleasant
Went down to the hospital to see Ruby.
Sunday, August 5
Fair and pleasant.
Went down to the hospital to see Ruby in evening.
Monday, August 6
Went down to the hospital to see Ruby in the evening.
Tuesday, August 7
Went to the hospital in evening to see Ruby.
Wednesday, August 8
Went to the hospital in the evening to see Ruby
Thursday, August 9
Went to the hospital in evening to see Ruby
Friday, August 10
Went to the hospital in evening to see Ruby.
Saturday, August 11
Fair and pleasant.
Took some chickens & eggs to Elmira for Lillian. Iva Jean got to the studio too late to broadcast and was very disappointed.
Went down to see Ruby in evening
Sunday, August 12
Fair and very warm.
Went down to the hospital to see Ruby in the evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Barnes were there when we got there.
Monday, August 13
Fair and pleasant.
Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit.
We went down to see Ruby in the evening.
Tuesday, August 14
War with Japan declared ended by President Truman at 7-00 p.m. A big celebration in Elmira.
Fair and pleasant.
I Went to Wellsboro and received 1945 Tax Duplicate of County Commissioners.
Got Master Cylinder to my brakes fixed. Went down to Elmira in evening to see Ruby at the hospital and take some peas and beans to the freezer. Came back up to Lloyd & Glady’s and played games.
Wednesday, August 15
Fair and pleasant.
Ruth, Iva Jean, Lillian and I and Gladys and Shirley Sheive went up to Enfield Glenn and up to Ithaca and stayed and saw the parade at 4-30 p.m. in Ithaca.
Ruth & Gladys stopped at the hospital and I came home and did chores and went back after them.
President Truman declares war with Japan ended at 7-00 p.m..
Thursday, August 16
Fair and pleasant.
I mowed down some hay and set up some oats. Had to put in several new fence posts up on hill where my cows got out on Walter Garrison.
Went down to the hospital and got Ruby and brought her home.
Friday, August 17
Fair and pleasant.
Iva Jean and I drew in one load of hay alone as Shirley Sheive was helping Frank DeWitt. Iva drove the tractor. I set up oats until dark.
Saturday, August 18
Fair and pleasant. It rained for about an hour and a quarter in Elmira.
Iva Jean and another girl played a duet on the radio in the Mark Twain Hotel. Set up oats until 10 a.m..
Sunday, August 19
Fair and pleasant.
Iva Jean & Lillian went to church.
We went over to my folks for it little while in p.m. Roger Hurd went with us.
Monday, August 20
Fair and pleasant.
I took Lillians a over to the Summit.
Iva Jean and I hauled in a load of hay alone. Iva drove the tractor.
Tuesday, August 21
Fair and pleasant. I went over to Daggett Hollow to see Richard Myfelt about shoeing my horses. He came over tonight and shod them. I set up oats all day and got them set up. Took some peas down to the Hygeia Refrigeration Plant in Elmira at night. Was very tired.
Wednesday, August 22
Fair and pleasant.
Dean Wheeler mowed hay for me all day.
I raked the hay with the tractor and side rake preparatory to having Charles Jennings bale it.
Thursday, August 23
Fair and pleasant.
Shirley and Dean Wheeler helped me stack my oats. We got them all hauled.
Shirley came over and helped me after milking.
Charles Jennings came over and started baling my hay.
Friday, August 24
Rainey all day.
I went to Wellsboro and Mansfield. Ordered tax cards printed for school and county taxes. Shirley and Gladys went to Elmira and got their car from the garage. It looks pretty good after getting it fixed from their wreck.
Saturday, August 25
Cloudy in a.m. Rained hard in p.m.I collected road taxes over at Jackson Summit in p.m.
I started to mow the orchard but got rained off.
Sunday, August 26
Rainy in a.m. Fair & windy p.m.
Gladys Sheive came over in p.m. Leroy Miller brought Ruby home in a.m.. My folks and Leslie & Bertha were here for a while in p.m.
Lloyd and Gladys came over to spend the evening with us.
Monday, August 27
Fair and cooled.
Shirley Sheive helped me set up some bales of hay and brought in one load and put in the horse barn. I drew one load alone and mowed hay and the old orchard south of the gulley. Ruby & Lillian collected taxes at Jackson Center.
Tuesday, August 28
Fair and pleasant.
I collected taxes over to Jobs Corners.
Wednesday, August 29
Fair and pleasant.
I collected taxes over to Daggett Hollow.
August 30
Fair and pleasant
The girls collected taxes over to Alder Run
I mowed down some hay.
August 31
Fair and pleasant
I collected taxes at Millerton.
Saturday, September 1
Fair and pleasant.
Took Iva Jean to Elmira to broadcast and take her lessons in music.
September 2
Fair and cooler. A few little rain squalls in a.m.
Cecil Jewell & Mildred, Mrs. Jungling and Jeannie Jewell came up from NJ to see us. We went up to Colton Park in p.m.
Monday, September 3
Fair & pleasant
We went up to Watkins Glen.
Cecil & folks left Elmira for NJ about 5-00 p.m.
Went to a school meeting at Millerton to see about putting our school bus back on.
Tuesday, September 4
Fair and pleasant.
Sherman Warner and Norman Everett came up to help frame a petition requesting our bus be put back on.
Wednesday, September 5-September 7
No entry
Saturday, September 8
Fair and pleasant
Took Iva Jean and Ruby to Elmira.
Sunday, September 9
Fair and cool.
Took the folks all to church but Ruby and Melanie.
Monday, September 10
Fair and pleasant.
Took Lilians eggs over to the Summit.
Tuesday, September 11
Nothing entered
Wednesday, September 12
Fair and pleasant.
Went down to Lawrenceville to the bank in p.m.
Thursday, September 13
Fair and pleasant.
Work done road tax report and took a check up to Sherman Warner who is secretary of the supervisors.
Friday, September 14
Cloudy and cool and rained some.
Went to Wellsboro to see about the lime business. Was informed I would be contacted the first of next week by a party from New York State to get me to take lime orders.
Saturday, September 15
Fair and pleasant.
Took the girls to Elmira.
Saw Harold Templer for first time since he went to Germany. Went to I.O.O.F at Moshierville in evening.
September 16
Fair and cool.
Took the girls to church. Ruth and I and two to & Gladys went up to on lake country for peaches. We stopped at Watkins Glen on our way home and went through the Glen.
Monday, September 17
Wind NE & South East
Cloudy cool & some rain
I went to Elmira to get Ruth a hose for her washing machine, took Lillians eggs to the Summit and hauled three loads of baled hay and put in the stack by the milk house.
The cows got out in my corn and I got soaking wet.Violet Holecek here in evening to pay her taxes.
Tuesday, September 18
Cool and rainy.
Ruby and I drove down to Elmira to the Lackawanna R.R. station to get her husband William Barnes came home on and eighteen day furlough.
Wednesday, September 19
I went to Wellsboro to see that draft board concerning Herbert Andrus.
Thursday, September 20
Fair and pleasant. Went to Elmira, with Iva Jean and Lillian, to the Bus Terminal. They took the bus to go to McConnelsburg to see Sam Taylors mother for a few days.
Friday, September 21
Fair and pleasant.
Billy Barnes and I butchered a veal for our use in the morning and I turned over some bales of hay in the field so they would dry out and also mowed a load of hay to top out a stack of baled hay I had me.
Bills folks and Lloyd and Gladys Sheive here in evening.
Saturday, September 22
Fair and pleasant.
Bills father took Ruby and Bill to Ithaca to see about Bills getting his job back in the GLF after he gets out of the Army.
I took no veal down to Elmira to put in the locker and do some trading in p.m.
Sunday, September 23
Cloudy & Rainy
We all stayed home all day.
Monday, September 24
Fair most of day.
I collected taxes at Jackson Summit.
Bill & I drew a load of hay to put on stack of baled hay. It got so dark we put the second load in the barn. Rained very hard at night
Tuesday, September 25
Fair and pleasant.
I collected taxes at Jackson Center. Went to Lawrenceville to the bank and to Wellsboro. Ruby & Bill took my car and went to Elmira .
Wednesday, September 26
Cloudy & rainy in a.m.
I collected taxes over to Jobs Corners.
Gladys & Lloyd came over to spend the evening.
Ruby & Bill & the baby Melanie went over to Bills folks for the evening.
Thursday, September 27
Fair and pleasant.
I went to Lawrenceville to the bank and then went to Elmira to see Aunt Nellie Thorpe about her request for me to be pall-bearer for Uncle Frank Thorpe. Saw Manley Thorpe and his wife, and also his boy was in the Navy and his wife and his son in law and one of his daughters.
Collected taxes at Daggett Hollow and took Ruby to Elmira in evening to see her doctor and Bill, Ruby, Ruth’s & I went to a show at the Colonial.
September 28
Warm and showers.
I collected taxes at Alder Run.
Saturday, September 29
Quite cold & rainy
I collected taxes at Millerton. Wrote about 200 receipts. Was very tired when I got through about 9-00 p.m.
Sunday, September 30
Fair and quite cool.
Uncle Stanley & and Aunt Herma Collum, mothers brother and his wife from Montebello, California, and Uncle Ben Toby and Aunt Bertha, mothers sister and her husband from Horseheads, NY and Dad & Mother Hamilton called on us in the afternoon. This was the first time I ever saw aunt Herma and the first I had seen Uncle Stanley in 39 years. Was sure pleased to see them.
Nothing entered-Wednesday, October 3
Thursday, October 4
Fair and cool.
Uncle Stanley and aunt Herma Collum were here in the afternoon and stayed for supper. We had a grand time.
When up to see Jesse Gaige, over to Ella Griffins, Allie Collumns, Bert Demings, and up on Tower Hill so he could see the old Alvin Bly place.
Friday, October 5
No entry
Saturday, October 6
Went to Elmira. Took iva gene down to broadcast and take her lessons on Hawaiian guitar.
Uncle Stanley, aunt Herma and my folks went to Elmira to the Keeney Theater and saw, "Rhapsody in Blue".
They went to the Club restaurant for supper.
Sunday, October 7
We all went to church at Jackson Center. Had Quarterly Conference and communion. Our new District Superintendent Mr. Swales presided. Had dinner at the church and several of the Millerton people were there. Uncle Stanley and Aunt Herma started back to their home in California.
Monday, October 8
Lillian did not have enough eggs to make a case so she did not ship any today.
Tuesday, October 9
Cloudy and cool.
I wrote tax receipts and mail them.
Wednesday, October 10
Fair and cool.
I went to Lawrenceville to the bank. Worked on tax books.
Thursday, October 11
I helped Walter Garrison fill his silo and went out in evening to find help to fill my silo.
Friday, October 12
Quite cool all day.
I field my silo. Only had about 3 ½ doors or 8 feet of ensilage.
Saturday, October 13
Fair and cool.
Took some hands to Elmira for Lillian and took Iva Jean down to take her music lesson. We got down to late for her to broadcast.
Went to lodge in evening. We had installation of officers. Harry Everett and staff installed. Was a large crowd present, probably about sixty men.
Sunday, October 14
Cold and rainy some and snowed some.
The girls went to church and then we all went over to my folks for dinner and spent the afternoon.
Took Ruby to Elmira in evening to wire Bill 10.00 to Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Went over to Lloyd & Gladys Sheive to spend the evening.
Monday, October 15
Cold and windy.
I took several orders for ground limestone, to be spread, including John Deming, Ralph Impson & Merle Daggett.
Tuesday, October 16
Windy but a little warmer.
Ruby, Lillian and I started digging my potatoes in p.m. We dug and picked up about thirty bushels of red potatoes. They are quite nice.
Jay French was here to pay his taxes. He is home on a 45 day furlough from Cristobal, Canal zone That.
Wednesday, October 17
Fair and pleasant.
Ruby, Lillian and I dug about 45 bushels of potatoes today.
Thursday, October 18
Fair and pleasant.
Dug potatoes. Got out about 45 bushels.
Friday, October 19
Finished digging piece of potatoes of about one acre up on the hill. Had about 160 bushels.
Went to Elmira in p.m. to get a tire recapped, and my car greased.
Feel very lame and sore from digging potatoes & carrying them down cellar with a cold. Took 90 bushels down cellar. Got out about 45 bushels today.
Saturday, October 20
A beautiful day. Iva Jean and I went to Elmira. She took her lesson and broadcast over at the radio at the Mark Twain Hotel.
I got groceries and myself a new hat.
Got my tire from Earl Hamilton’s $49.50.
Sunday, October 21
A beautiful day.
My folks and Mark Bumbaugh, Roger Hurd and Ruth & I & the girls drove down to Scranton to the airport and Matt Cecil Jewell and Mildred, Eugène & Margaret, Jeannie & her mother "Mrs. Jungling", and her grandmother, Uncle Lee Smith. We all came back to Rummerfield Móuntain by Twin Cuts and Lee, Eugène, Cecil & I went for a walk in the woods & flushed three growls, one rabbit, and a gray squirrel.
Monday, October 22
Fair and a hard south wind. Help Earl Spencer fill silo. Took Lillians eggs over to are a Summit and sold a Bull to Violet Holeck.
Tuesday, October 23
Rainy all day.
I drew in 82 bales of hay in a.m. and also hauled out one load of manure from cow stables. Got rather wet. Went to Millerton for some envelopes. Mark Bumbaugh brought Iva Jean home from school.
Wednesday, October 24
Cloudy and rainy. I worked on the textbooks and county and school reports all day. Cows in barn last night. Martin Bumbaugh here in evening. Frank & Doris DeWitt came over in evening to show me their lime and fertilizer bills.
Thursday, October 25
Fair and moderate.
Held and Agricultural Conservation meeting in Millerton high school in evening.
Iva Jeans class held a Halloween social and Millerton high school. She is now a sophomore.
Friday, October 26
Fair and pleasant.
Went to Wellsboro. Took tax money up to the County Treasurer. Had a little over $4000 .00 for them.
Saturday, October 27
Fair and pleasant. Took Iva Jean and Ruby to Elmira. Iva Jean and Eddie Macatie broadcast he do it over Elmira station. They did fine.
Sunday, October 28
He very nice day.
Ruth and I drove up to Florence and Joe Grahams above Osceola. The girls went with Roger Hurd and Martin Bumbaugh to Sullivan’s monument. Ruby and Melanie stayed at home.
Ruth and I went over to Lloyd Sheive’s in the evening.
Monday, October 29
Fair and pleasant.
Shirley Sheive and I drew in some baled of hay and put in the horse barn in forenoon.
Took Lilians eggs to the Summit in p.m. and helped Mcclure’s thresh buckwheat.
Tuesday, October 30
Fair and pleasant. It rained a little last night.
.Helped McClures thrash buckwheat in a.m.. Went to Lawrenceville to the bank in p.m..
Wednesday, October 31
Cloudy some with a little rain and fair part of time
Went over to Roger Hurds and Frank Everetts to see if I could sell them the rest of the baled hay that I had out.
Thursday, November 1
Fair and pleasant.
Went to Wellsboro as delegate to elect the County Agricultural Committee.
Got my car winterized at Evans Auto Company in Wellsboro.
Friday, November 2
Rainy most of the day. Started plowing up on knoll in potato patch. Shot a rain neck pheasant up in hedge.between Walter Garrison and I.
Was rather wet to plow good.
Saturday, November 3
Cloudy and cooler. Rain in a.m.. Took the girls to Elmira. Ruby got a telegram from Bill saying he would be at the DLW station at 7-00 a.m. tomorrow morning with ruptured duck.
Sunday, November 4
Partly cloudy and much cooler. Roger, Ruby, and Lillian went to Elmira at about 6-00 a.m. after William Barnes. He brought his discharge papers home with him. Ruby, Bill That and the baby went over to his folks for dinner and we went over to my folks for dinner. Had a grand dinner. Mother had a suet pudding and boy was it good.
Monday, November 5
Pros hard last night.
Took Ruby and Bill to Wellsboro so Bill could get his discharge papers recorded and get him a suit of clothes and outfit for civilian life.
Ruth and I went to Elmira to see "A Night at the Waldorf" at the Keeney Theater in evening.
Tuesday, November 6
Pros hard last night fair today. Had to spend all day in Millerton as Constable for the election. Did not get home until about 3-00 a.m..
Wednesday, November 7
Fair and pleasant.
We finished digging our potatoes. A good job done. Mr. Watkins from Little Marsh was here to see me about buying my hay.
Thursday, November 8
Fair and pleasant.
Halt some hay but it was in bad shape so I quit and Bill and I went hunting. He shot to rabbits with the new gun I bought for him. There was a meeting on artificial breeding at Millerton high school in evening.
Friday, November 9
Fair during day. Rained in evening. Finish plowing potato patch and started plowing over back but broke the draw strip and so took it to get it welded over to Ernest Thorpes but he did not have any gas.
Served a summons on Edwin Matson who is a state inspector on the Millerton Highway project. Went to Millerton in evening to see Luckner the magician.
Saturday, November 10
Fair and warm.
Bill and Ruby went to Elmira with Iva Jean and I. Iva Jean went to the Colonial Theater after broadcasting and taking her lesson. She got a pair of black suede shoes to go with her velvet dress at a cost of $6.95.
Sunday, November 11
Cloudy and moderate. Bill and Ruby took my car and went to church and then went over to his folks to dinner.
Lillian, Iva Jean, Ruth and I went over to my folks for dinner and spent the afternoon.
Lloyd and Gladys came over in the evening.
Monday, November 12
Fair and warm. Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit and Bill and I raised up the old chicken coop on the Collum place , preparatory to moving it up home.
Went over to Russell Johnsons twice to serve a summons on him but did not find him home so had to go over to Noel Cards, our Justice of the Peace, and extend the time to appear.
Tuesday, November 13
Fair until about 3-30 when it began to rain. Cecil Davidson brought his bull dozer over and Merton Sheive pulled a number of stumps, cleaned out a pond and hauled the chicken coop about half way up. When he struck a soft spot and had to give it out until sometime when it are freezes up.
Ruth and I went over to Lloyd & Gladys in the evening.
Wednesday, November 14
Cloudy and cooler.
I served the Summons on Russell Johnson and hauled out the horse manure pile.
Bill went to Elmira to look for a job. Montgomery Ward offered him a job preparing radios refrigerators etc. at $40.00 per week start and will give him two weeks of schooling. Sears Roebuck, Ritters, and another radio repair shop wanted to hire him.
Thursday, November 15
Fair and pleasant but cold. I hauled out the calf manure pile on sidehill.
Friday, November 16
Fair and pleasant.
Bill, Ruby and I went to Wellsboro . I took a petition up to Mason Owlett for our road to be hard surfaced. Went to Elmira in p.m. to see about a car load of lime. Shirley Sheive hauled 19 tons of it, but got some of it from another car.
Saturday, November 17
Cloudy and rainy in a.m. Fair p.m.. The kids all went to Elmira with me. Had a carload of lime to a tend to at Delaware Ave. siding in Elmira
.Sunday, November 18
fair and pleasant.
We all drove over to Leslie Wilsons in p.m.
Monday, November 19
Quite cold all day. Rained hard in p.m.. Went over to the Summit with Lillians eggs and then down to Elmira to check lime out of car.
Tuesday, November 20
Fair and quite cold.
Checked lime out of car at Delaware Ave., siding in Elmira for Myrt Scott.
Wednesday, November 21
Fair and quite cool. Rained hard most all night. Took Bill to Elmira to Montgomery Wards to work and checked lime out of car for Myrt Scott and Walter Tolbert.
Came back home and took a call to Troy then went to Millerton to take papers to the Conservation office and try finding and automobile for Bill. Mark Bumbaugh here to test cows at night.
Thursday, November 22
Fair and cool.
Bill and I went hunting in a.m. and got a rabbit and a partridge.
Dad and mother were over for turkey dinner. Leroy Miller and family here for a while in evening also Roger Hurd was here.
Friday, November 23
Fair and quite cold. Went down to Harris & McHenry’s in Elmira and bought three windows sashs’ for my barn.
Had a Dairymens League Meeting meeting at Jackson Center in the evening. Chas Swimelar was there and Milford Smith gave his report on annual meeting in Syracuse
Saturday, November 24
Took Iva Jean to Elmira to take her lesson and broadcast over the radio.
Went up to Noel Cards and over to see Thomas Andras in the evening to attach his car but did not find him at home.
Sunday, November 25
Fair in a.m. Snowed some in p.m. Bill got his father to take him to the train and Ruby stayed over to his folks for the rest of the day. Lillian, Iva Jane and I went up to Breesport to see Weston and Maida . and Ruth stayed home and to care of Melanie.
Monday, November 26
Took Lillians eggs over to Jackson Summit.
Drew out manure
Tuesday, November 27
Fair and pleasant. I worked on the old chicken coop to get it up out of the mud so we could move it up here from down in the field where we got stuck. Did not get all through. Went over home to get a jack of dad but he had gone after coal to Forksville.
Wednesday, November 28
Rainy all day.
Went to Wellsboro to an Agr. Conservation meeting to prepare us for the fall check up and signing for 1946 program. Got my spark plugs check cleaned and new distributor points and carburetor cleanned.
Thursday, November 29
Snowed all day.
Went over and got the young stock and horses.
Took out a load of manure that was on the spreader.
The horses could hardly pull it.
Friday, November 30
Cloudy and stormed some. I took the milk down with the horses. I got my car out and Ruby and I went to Elmira to get groceries for deer hunting season when we are looking for Cecil Jewell and his family up.
Left my car to Jackson Center and when home and got horses and sleds to take stuff home.
Saturday, December 1
Cold and snow about 12 to 14 inches deep. Very hard walking. Cecil Jewell left his car at Jackson Center and walked up about 4-0 a.m. and we took the horses and sleds and went down after Eugène and Margaret.
We went hunting over the Baker Ridge and Drake Hill bought found no sign of deer. Edward not yet out of service. Went to Elmira at 11-30 p.m. & got Bill.
Sunday, December 2
Cold and fair.
Cecil and the boys helped me butcher by pigs. Think they dressed about 400 lb. apiece. Went down to Jackson Center after my car.
Took Bill over to his folks in evening to get his father’s car
Cecil called Mildred up from Bessie Daggetts.
Monday, December 3
Cloudy and warmer.
We left my car up to Oliver Hughes and went hunting down toward Buck Hill above London Town. Saw three doe and a buck. Cut up some of the pork at night. Bill went to work for Montgomery Wards.
Tuesday, December 4
Cloudy and quite cold.
Very hard walking.
Mark Bumbaugh went hunting with Eugène Jewell, Cecil and I up on the Grays Possession. We found lots of deer sign but got no deer. Very hard traveling. Trees covered with snow.
Wednesday, December 5
Cloudy and cold. Cecil and I went hunting alone up on Tower Hill. I drove a 14 .buck out so another party got it. It was a dandy.
We hunted the hill above the Alfred Holton place.
I saw two doe. Went over to Daggetts.to call Mildred but everyone was in bed so went down to State Line.
Thursday, December 6
Rainy and very foggy.
Cecil, Eugène and I hunted up on Tower Hill above the Holton place. Cecil and I got turned around in the fog and had to call to Eugène who was on watch, to get our direction.
Friday, December 7
Cloudy and very icy. We went up to Albert Millers camp and went hunting.
Got no truth one.
Cecil and I went over to Daggetts in evening to get groceries and so he could call up Mildred down in NJ
Saturday, December 8
Fair and pleasant. Went up and hunted with Albert Millers bunch. Saw some doe but no buck.
Sunday, December 9
Fair and pleasant.
Cecil, Eugène and wife Margaret started back for New Jersey after Cecil and I went down to Jackson Center after his car.
He took half a hog 151 lbs. at 22 cents per lbs. and two bushels potatoes at 1.75 per bushel home with him.
Violet Holeck brot. my bull home.
Monday, December 10
Fair and cold.
I cut up my hogs and did the chores and took Lillians eggs to Jackson Summit.
Tuesday, December 11
Fair and cold.
I loved the pork with Morton’s smoke salt and done the chores.
Wednesday, December 12
Fair and cold.
Went to Elmira to get a stick to use for a reach for my bobsleds. Got a couple hundred pounds of coal at Chapels.
Took some pork down to the locker and some to Wagners at Pine City to make sausage of.
Thursday, December 13
Cold and snowy.
Did chores and went over to Daggett Hollow to get the blacksmith to shoe my horses. And to get Ernest Thorpe to order a muffler for my car.
Friday, December 14
Fair and real cold.
Did chores and drew out some manure.
Went over to Lloyd Sheive’s in evening to see if Shirley would go hunting tomorrow. And he said he went with Tracy Harrison and his boys and they got one buck.
Saturday, December 15
Fair and real cold. Took Iva Jean to Elmira to take her lesson. Ruth and I got Lloyd & Gladys and went to Elmira to see, "This Love of Hours" at the Keeney Theater in the evening. Had to put chains on to get home.
Got my sausage at Wagners. Had forty lbs. of it
Sunday, December 16
Sunshine & very cold. About zero. Did chores and shoveled out the drive way for the milk truck.
Froze my left year. Bill cleaned the stables for me.
Monday, December 17
Fair and about 10° below zero. Did chores and took Lillians eggs over to Jackson Summit. Went to Elmira to see the Pennsylvania RR Freight agent about demurrage on a car of lime for the Agricultural Conservation office. Got some Christmas cards to mail. Towed Bill down to McClures to start his father’s car. 42 inches of snow in Buffalo.
Tuesday, December 18
Fair and pleasant but cold. About zero-4° below. Went to Elmira after chores to get some 6-50-16 auto tires. Wanted six ply but Bill brought them up and he brought 4-Ply.
Wednesday, December 19
Snowed quite hard all day. Did chores and hauled out the manure. Colonel bit me back of my arm.
Did not feel well. Guess I have the flu.
Thursday, December 20
Fair and cold.
Ruth and I went to Elmira to do some Christmas shopping but could not find much that we wanted.
Friday, December 21
Fair and cold.
I was about six.
Bill helped to the chores.
Saturday, December 22
Fair and cold. Took Iva Jean to Elmira to take her lesson on guitar.
Sunday, December 23
Fair and cold. I was sick with the flu. Bill helped with the chores.
Monday, December 24
Cloudy & stormy. Took Lillians eggs over to the Summit. Was not feeling at all well.
Tuesday, December 25
Not too cold but stormy.
Ruby & Bill went over to his folks in evening. Did not feel well all day from the flu or grippe or something.
Wednesday, December 26
Cloudy and moderate. Did not feel very good. Hauled out three loads of manure besides what was made last night.
Thursday, December 27
Fair and cooler.
I took Bill to Wellsboro to get his car. Got home about dark.
Friday, December 28
Cloudy and moderate. Commenced checking farms. Went over to Allen Collums. Frank DeWitt’s & Lloyd Sheive’s.
Saturday, December 29
They are unpleasant. Took Iva Jean to Elmira to play on the radio and take her lesson. Ate dinner with Lloyd, Shirley & Gladys Sheive at the National Hamburger.
Went to lodge at Mosherville in evening.
Sunday, December 30
Cloudy dark and thawing. Ruth & Ruby and Lillian all sick with colds.
Bill took my car radio out to find the trouble with it and found a condensed or borne out. We went over to Daggets Hollow to Dick Smiths to get some fuses, and some hamburg. Put on a new spare tire.
Monday, December 31
Cloudy and snowed in a.m.. Dad, Morton Barnes and I moved Bill and Ruby’s goods over to Alta Garrisons at Job’s Corners.
Colder towards night..