Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of Tri-Counties
Hazel Nina FORREST Pease of Big Flats
Diary of Hazel FORREST Pease
Township: Big Flats Township, Chemung County NY
Year: 1937
Transcribed by Alice PEASE Hartford 
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Postcard submitted by Suzanne Gwinn
Joyce's Search Tip - December 2010
Do You Know that you can search just the 355 pages of our
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on this site  by using the Diaries button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? But diaries and letters are wonderful sources to understand the culture of time and place. Read them and enjoy them slowly.
This is one of my grandmother's diaries.  She lived here on Harris Hill in Big Flats at the time.  She had a hard life and a fairly short life.  She raised 3 children in the country here, and used an outhouse for a large portion of her life, and didn't get running water until about 1943 or 1944 or so.  And she died in 1947, at 47 years of age of heart failure.
HER father served during the Spanish American War, and his name is one of the six names on the Spanish American War Statue in Wisner Park in Elmira. It was an all volunteer army.  I have photos of it, and the names, and of my
great-grandfather in uniform back then.

Alice PEASE Hartford
Big Flats, NY

Jan. 1,  Fri.       Stayed at home.

Jan. 2, Sat.       DON and MINNIE here in evening.  Working road up by here.

Jan. 3, Sun.      BARBARA RHODES died.  Keeping road clear.

Jan. 4, Mon.     Children back to school after vacation.

Jan. 5, Tue.      BARBARA RHODES buried.  Very large funeral.   38 cars plus the hearse.

Jan.6, Wed.      Colder.  Served coffee and sandwiches to eight road men.

Jan. 7, Thu.      Canned pumpkin.  Nine quarts.  Had talk with  J. L.

Jan. 8, Fri.        Canned pumpkin.  Nine quarts.  Gave JIM a large one.  CHAS. WELCH half one.

Jan.9, Sat.       BOB sick with cold.  Fever 102 degrees.  GLADYS VIC KIEFFER buried son, ten months old.  HOREE’S(sp?) moved in GENUNG house.

Jan.10,Sun.     BOBBY still sick in bed all day.  LUCILLE H. and Cousin here.  Dad here.

Jan.11,Mon.    Did regular work.  BOBBY sitting up.

Jan.12,Tue.      STEVE and STELLA moved MYRA and JACK here with them.  Baked bread and cookies.  Did   Last week’s ironing.

Jan.13,Wed.    Cold.  Served coffee to four road men.  Paid 45 cents!  ELLSWORTH paid taxes.(Dog & House).

Jan.14,Thu.     Rainy.  Coffee 20 cents.  Sent order to Sears Roebuck.  Mary & I.

Jan.15,Fri.        Six coffees.  Some paid.  35 cents.  Baked.   Gave J.L.  jell for mother.

Jan.16,Sat.      Did washing.  ELLSWORTH worked at night.

Jan.17,Sun.     Fixed  ELLSWORTH’s pail for tonight.

Jan.18,Mon.    ELLSWORTH worked tonight.

Jan.19,Tue.     ELLSWORTH worked tonight.  Sent HELEN some tatting.

Jan.20,Wed.   Rode up to field with JIM and back with ELLSWORTH.

Jan.21,Thu.    Cleaned house.

Jan.22,Fri.        Received package.  Montgomery Ward.  MARY went to stay till Sunday with LUCILLE   HOREE’S.

Jan.23,Sat.     ELLSWORTH took NORMAN to town to fix glasses.

Jan.24,Sun.    Went to ELLSWORTH’s folks in afternoon.  Stopped and picked up MARY HELEN at

Jan.25,Mon.   HILAH’s and MYRTLE’s birthday.  Did wash.  “JOE” darky, came for coffee. I Got track of Mrs. RICHARDSON.

Jan.26,Tue.     Got box candy, “GEE – paid 25 cents for coffee.

Jan.27,Wed.   Ironed.  Coffee – 20 cents.

Jan.28,Thu.    Had visit with Mrs. AMLY(sp?).  MARY stayed with DOROTHY RUNDELL tonight.

Jan.29,Fri.       ELLSWORTH went for groceries.  Cleaned upstairs after ELLSWORTH put floor in front Bedroom.  Culvert set by men.

Jan.30,Sat.     Baked.  Cleaned up house.

Jan.31,Sun.    ELLSWORTH worked evening.

Feb.1, Mon.    ELLSWORTH worked.

Feb. 2, Tue.    ELLSWORTH worked.

Feb .3,Wed.    STELLA, STEVE, & MYRA here few minutes.  ELLSWORTH worked.

Feb .4,Thu.     MYRA here all day.  Had a good visit.

Feb. 5,Fri.       Did washing.  Went to STEVE’s.  Bought dresser.

Feb. 6,Sat.      ELLSWORTH took NORMAN for shoes, size 4, and groceriee, and dresser.

Feb. 7,Sun.     Stayed home all day.

Feb. 8,Mon.    Did big washing.

Feb. 9,Tue.     Got two tons of coal and one ton for kitchen also.

Feb.10,Wed.   NORMAN – Eleven years old.  Had Birthday supper for NORMAN.

Feb.11,Thu.    MYRA here.  Had a good visit.  Did up ironing.

Feb.12,Fri.      MARY & NORMAN went up on glider field.  MARY went to Elmira with teacher.  Dad here.

Feb.13,Sat.     ELLSWORTH went for groceries.  I did washing.

Feb.14,Sun.    I went to BARBARA RUNDELL’s with ELLSWORTH in afternoon.

Feb.15,Mon.   Sent letter to  L.C.S.  ELLSWORTH worked this evening.  Saw JIM L.

Feb.16,Tue.    Coffee at noon.  Ten cents.  Took  J.L. out some carrots.

Feb.17,Wed.   Coffee at noon – Ten cents.  ELLSWORTH watching on field.

Feb.18,Thu.    ELLSWORTH watching on field.  GEE paid what he owed me for coffee.  HELEN GORDON MAURO – new son.  ELLSWORTH 38 years old.

Feb.19,Fri.      Had ELLSWORTH’s birthday today as he worked yesterday.

Feb.20,Sat.     Dad here.  Has ordered Radio.  ELLSWORTH took ours down for tubes.  MARY HELEN to HOREES for weekend.

Feb.21,Sun.    Lovely day. Just like Spring Rain in evening.  Thunder storm.

Feb.22,Mon.   Colder.  Snow  4 inches all over.  Cleared up by noon.

Feb.23,Tue.    Have cold in head.  Same cough.

Feb.24,Wed.   Cold settled in ears and chest.  Card from  L.C.S.  Will be here 3rd or 4th of March.

Feb.25,Thu.    MYRA up in afternoon.

Feb.26,Fri.      Just about in bed with cold.  ELLSWORTH went over home to put aerial ground wires up for  DAD.

Feb.27,Sat.     ELLSWORTH watched on field all day.  MARY to HOREE’s for weekend.

Feb.28Sun.     ELLSWORTH watched on field.  My cold better.

Mar. 1,Mon.    ----------

Mar. 2,Tue.     My cold worse again.

Mar. 3,Wed.    Cold pretty bad in head.  ELLSWORTH worked tonight.

Mar. 4,Thu.     MYRA up.  ELLSWORTH went to Elmira.  Elec. R.

Mar. 5, Fri.      Cold better.  Looked for L. up.  N. came.

Mar. 6,Sat.      Baked for pail tomorrow.

Mar. 7, Sun.    Cleaned house.

Mar. 8,Mon.    ------------

Mar. 9,Tue.     Awfully cold and high winds.

Mar.10,Wed.   Still high winds.  Did wash.

Mar.11,Thu.    Finished drying clothes.  Sent some baby clothes to HELEN M.

Mar.12,Fri.      MYRA here.  Also LEON S (?) came.  NORM & ROBERT made picture (it came from Tom Mix  Yesterday)

Mar.13,Sat.     Did ironing.  Got things baked for ELLSWORTH’s pail tomorrow.

Mar.14,Sun.   ELLSWORTH worked today and yesterday.

Mar.15,Mon.   Big Snow storm all day.

Mar.16,Tue.    Still snowing.  ELLSWORTH worked in afternoon.  BOB CURREN died.

Mar.17,Wed.   Rain and snow.  ELLSWORTH face all broke out.  Looks like Battery acid.
  St. Patrick’s Day.

Mar.18,Thu.    ELLSWORTH went to Elmira.

Mar.19,Fri.      BOB CURREN funeral.  ELLSWORTH’s face all sore.

Mar.20,Sat.     ELLSWORTH works tonight.

Mar.21,Sun.   ELLSWORTH works tonight.

Mar.22,Mon.   ELLSWORTH worked tonight.  His face pretty sore.

Mar.23,Tue.    Did big washing at home.

Mar.24,Wed.   Did wash and ironing at ANNABELLE’s so they can move.  JIM LEONARD’s mother died

at   2:30 p.m.

Mar.25,Thu.    Party at school for BENNETT’s and Easter.  Went to tell BROWNELL’s good bye.

Mar.26,Fri.      ELLSWORTH’s face little better.  Got flashlight and mixing bowl from BROWNELL’s for my   Birthday.  Good Friday.

Mar.27,Sat.     DAD here, took NORM home with him.  I went Elmira, did shop for ELLSWORTH.

Mar.28,Sun.   Ver Cold and windy.  Stayed home.  ELLSWORTH’s face better.  Easter Sunday.

Mar.29,Mon.   Warmer.  Did last weeks ironing.  Went to mailbox.  Cleaned upstairs.

Mar.30,Tue.    Did big washing.  Went to mailbox.

Mar.31,Wed.   Did ironing.  Baked cookies and cake.

Apr.l 1,Thu.     Surveyers here for COBB place.  ELLSWORTH’s face nearly healed.

Apr. 2,Fri.        Went to Elmira, then up home.  Wrote ANNABELLE AND RUSH CREIGHTON. I weigh  169 pounds.

Apr. 3,Sat.       Got card back for Canada for more postage.  Fixed up for tomorrow.  Radio men here in  Evening.

Apr. 4,Sun.     LEON S. here for dinner till 5 p.m.  He and I went on field when ELLSWORTH went to work  And looked things over.

Apr. 5,Mon.     ELLSWORTH works tonight.  Have sick head ache all day.

Apr. 6,Tue.      ELLSWORTH works tonight.  LEON F. birthday.

Apr. 7,Wed.     ELLSWORTH works tonight.

Apr. 8,Thu.      Sent letter out to Duoform Co., for Mother.

Apr. 9,Fri.        Nothing Special.  ELLSWORTH went for groceries.

Apr.10,Sat.     ELLSWORTH worked all day.  Marked me out a quilt pattern.

Apr.11,Sun.    ELLSWORTH worked all day.

Apr.12,Mon.   Finished  “Ferris Wheel” quilt.

Apr.13,Tue.     Went to Elmira.  Got ROBERT shoes.  Size 9 ½.  Started  “S Tarry Crown” quilt.

Apr.14,Wed.   Did washing.

Apr.15,Thu.    Helped ELLSWORTH put slat work on sitting room ceiling.

Apr.16,Fri.       Washed all curtains and windows downstairs.

Apr.17,Sat.     Washed ceiling of sitting room.  Went to mailbox.

Apr.18,Sun.    Nothing special.

Apr.19,Mon.   Did baking.  Got card from HILAH –JACKIE in hospital with appendicitis.  Very bad.

Apr.20,Tue.     TILLY (cat) had 3 kittens.  MRS. AMLY (sp?) wants one dark one.

Apr.21,Wed.   Received letter ANNABELLE.  ELLSWORTH worked.  Sent fried cakes to JIM & wife.  Rained Hard all day.

Apr.22,Thu.    ELLSWORTH works tonight.  Just did ordinary work.

Apr.23,Fri.       SHIRLEY TEMPLE’s Birthday.  Went for groceries with ELLSWORTH.

Apr.24,Sat.     ELLSWORTH worked all day.  Letter from HILAH.  JACKIE better but must stay in hospital  Three months before operation.

Apr.25,Sun.    Nothing special.

Apr.26,Mon.   I spaded up some flower garden.  ROBERT and I put in gladiolas by creek.

Apr.27,Tue.     Rained all day.

Apr.28,Wed.   Rained all day till 4:30 p.m.

Apr.29,Thu.    Rain till nearly noon.  Then clear.  Went to Elmira with ELLSWORTH & ROBERT.  Got NORM And MARY stockings.  ELLSWORTH gave me $2.00.

Apr.30,Fri.       ELLSWORTH & ROBERT & I went over home. Got car full of plants and bushes to put out. Got green bowl and MARY a coat.

May 1,Sat.      Planted flowers out in A.M.  Went up to AMLY’s in afternoon.  Canned 8 quarts sourkrout.

May 2,Sun.     Set out more gladiolus.  HARRY HILL, wife & baby here in afternoon.

May 3,Mon.    Sent letter home.

May 4,Tue.      School meeting.  ELLSWORTH – Collector,  PETERSON – Trustee,  BEARDSLEY – Clerk.   EVELYN gave me a package of sweet peas.

May 5,Wed.    Sent EVELYN gladiolas bulbs.  MYRA up all day.  Went to AMLY’s.  Got plants after  ELLSWORTH left for work at 4. p.m.

May 6,Thu.     ELLSWORTH works evening.  Ironed all day.

May 7,Fri.        Baked.  MRS. SLOCUM up with boys.  Went on field with ELLSWORTH.  Back with  J.L.

May 9,Sun.     ELLSWORTH worked all day on field.  MRS. DECKER & ISHCAMIRAN here in afternoon.

May10,Mon.   Partly cleaned cellar.  Cooler.  Letter from HILAH & JACKIE.

May11,Tue.    Baked biscuits for RUNDELL’s.  Bread, cookies and cake.   Cool.

May12,Wed.   Went to Elmira with ELLSWORTH & BOBBY in  a.m.  Warmer – windy.

May13,Thu.    Did washing.  Rain all day.  Cleaned upstairs.

May14,Fri.      Ironed part of clothes.  Rain all day.

May15,Sat.     Finished ironing.  Baked.

May16,Sun.    Took walk up road.  Got wild plants and set them out.  ELLSWORTH worked all day on field.

May17,Mon.   Set out Four o’clock __eds.

May18,Tue.    Washed clothes.  Went up to AMLY’s.  Took kitten for them to see.

May19,Wed.   Did some ironing and baked bread.

May20,Thu.    Fixed for ELLSWORTH’s pail – works tonight.  Sent greens and horseradish to AMLY’s.

May21,Fri.      ELLSWORTH worked all night.

May22,Sat.     ELLSWORTH worked all night tonight.

May23,Sun.    Went to Corning & Big Flats.  FLORA’s and LOUISE’s .  Nobody home.  Watched at Airport And home.

May24,Mon.   Went to STELLA’s  in afternoon.

May25,Tue.    Did washing.

May26,Wed.   Ironed.

May27,Thu.    Baked.

May.28,Fri.     ELLSWORTH called in to Elmira.  W.P.A. (Works Project Assoc.)  No job for him.

May29,Sat.     NORM went to AMLY’s.  MARY  to RHODES to work all day.

May30,Sun.    Folks over.  No mail today.

May31,Mon.   ELLSWORTH worked all day on field.  MARY worked at RHODES all day.  I rode up to field and   Back with  J.L.  Gave me 3 pair of stockings.  Wants my glox plants.

Jun. 1,Tue.      No school.  Did big washing.

Jun. 2,Wed.    Went to Elmira with ELLSWORTH & ROBERT.

Jun. 3,Thu.     JIM L. got Cosmos plants.

Jun. 4,Fri.        HARRY FORREST here in a.m.  HILAH at Heights.  JACKIE operated for appendicitis, and    MYRTLE for gall bladder.  STEVE, STELLA, MYRA, B__, HELEN, and babies here after supper.  ELLSWORTH worked evening.  C.W. here 9 p.m.

 Jun. 5,Sat.      ELLSWORTH works tonight.  MARY at RHODES and boys at AMLY’s all day.

Jun. 6,Sun.     ELLSWORTH works tonight.

Jun.7,Mon.     ELLSWORTH works tonight.  Rode up to field with ELLSWORTH & ROBERT.  Back with  J.L.

Jun. 8,Tue.      Put baby chicks out doors.

Jun. 9,Wed.    ELLSWORTH went to fix HARRY RANDALL’s car.  I did wash.

Jun.10,Thu.    Fixed for Picnic tomorrow.  Did some ironing.

Jun.11,Fri.      School picnic.  ELLSWORTH went to finish HARRY RANDALL’s car, and children and I to Picnic.  Everything fine.

Jun.12,Sat.     ELLSWORTH worked all day.  MARY worked RHODES.  Coffee – GEE – 25 cents.

Jun.14,Mon.   Packed pail for CLEARY. MARY took regents in History.  CLYDE here in p.m. till 11 p.m.

Jun.15,Tue.    MARY took English Regents.  CLEARY lunch.  CLYDE here in p.m.

Jun.16,Wed.   MARY took Arithmetic Regents.  I did wash.  CLEARY lunch.

Jun.17,Thu.    All went to Elmira.  Boys got hats, overalls.  MARY shoes.  CLEARY lunch.

Jun.18,Fri.      Over home in p.m. 12:30.  Lunch for CLEARY – Paid $1.75, in full.  CLYDE here at night.

Jun.19,Sat.     MARY up to RHODES all day.  CLEARY lunch.

Jun.20,Sun.    ELLSWORTH work tonight.  CLYDE took MARY & NORMAN to Elmira in afternoon then on   Field.  To show in evening with ROBERT. And I got cream brought home.

Jun.21,Mon.   ELLSWORTH works tonight.  Picked and canned 2 quarts strawberries.  CLEARY lunch.

Jun.22,Tue.    ELLSWORTH works tonight.  Went up in field and picked enough berries for 2 quarts and  Five dishes.  CLEARY lunch.

Jun.23,Wed.   Have awful cold, and ROBERT too.  CLEARY lunch.  CLYDE down in evening.

Jun.24,Thu.    Did wash.  CLEARY lunch.

Jun.25,Fri.      Went up and saw gliders in afternoon.  Ironed.

Jun.26,Sat.     Fixed for ELLSWORTH’s pail tomorrow.  CLYDE, MARY & NORMAN to show in evening.  MARK and FLO brought quilt for me to finish.

Jun.27,Sun.    ELLSWORTH  worked all day.  CLYDE, MARY & NORMAN out 4 to 11 p.m.

Jun.28,Mon.   Partly cleaned upstairs.

Jun.29,Tue.    Did odd jobs.  Rain all day.

Jun.30,Wed.   Did big wash.  Mostly by hand.

Jul. 1,Thu.       Went on Glider field in afternoon.  HARRY CONNELLY here while we were gone.

Jul. 2,Fri.         Fixed for ELLSWORTH’s pail.  Cleaned downstairs.

Jul. 3,Sat.        ELLSWORTH worked all day on field.  I fixed dinner for tomorrow to take on field.

Jul. 4,Sun.      Went on field 7:30 – 5:30.  Saw  L.C.S.

Jul. 5,Mon.      ELLSWORTH worked night.  I worked at RHODES 10:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Jul. 6,Tue.       I worked at RHODES all day.   7:30 – 7:30.

Jul. 7,Wed.      Baked bread.  Fixed for ELLSWORTH’s pail.

Jul. 8,Thu.       Did ordinary work of house.

Jul. 9,Fri.         Cleaned boys’ room.

Jul.10,Sat.      ELLSWORTH worked all day.  MARY sick all day.

Jul.11,Sun.     ELLSWORTH worked all day.  NORMAN, MARY & AMLY’s went fishing.   NORM, MARY and CLYDE to show in evening.

Jul.12,Mon.    Canned 1 quart blackcaps.  Had redcap shortcake.

Jul.13,Tue.      HILAH,HARRY,JACK, & DON C., HARRY, ELSIE, and children here.

Jul.14,Wed.    Ironed “not” starched clothes.

Jul.15,Thu.     Ironed starched clothes.  Baked.

Jul.16,Fri.        Did wash by hand.  Baked bread.

Jul.17,Sat.      Killed 2 hens for tomorrow.

Jul.18,Sun.     CLYDE  & ELLSWORTH drove over home, and all went along.  MARY stayed for awhile.

Jul.19,Mon.    Cleaned up downstairs.  CLYDE helped ELLSWORTH put up aerial.

Ju.l20,Tue.      Baked for ELLSWORTH’s pail.  ELLSWORTH works tonight.  CLYDE down a few minutes. HARRY FORREST here with new car.

Jul.21,Wed.    ELLSWORTH works tonight.  CLYDE & NORM went to farm till 11 p.m.  I pulled weeds.

Jul.22,Thu.     ELLSWORTH worked evening.  NORM & I pulled weeds from garden.

Jul.23,Fri..       I rode up on field with J.C., and back with ELLSWORTH.

Jul.24,Sat.      Baked for ELLSWORTH’s pail tomorrow. Got quilt parts from F.M.F.   Got ROBERT’s
   Things ready for week on farm from tomorrow.

Jul.25,Sun.     ELLSWORTH worked on field all day.  C & M came back for ROBERT in evening.

Jul.26,Mon.    Head ached all day.

Jul.27,Tue.      Went to Elmira, had eyes tested.

Jul.28,Wed.    MIKE, ANNABELLE, HELEN & baby here in afternoon.

Jul.29,Thu.     Back to Elmira for glasses.  Canned 11 quarts beans, and did 5 loaves of bread. ELLSWORTH works tonight.

Jul.30,Fri.        Canned 7 quarts green beans.  J.L. stopped to see house.  ELLSWORTH worked p.m.

Ju.31,Sat.       ELLSWORTH worked tonight.  I rode up with him and down with J.L.  $1.00 for shoes. NORM went on farm.  MARY  and  ROBERT back in evening.

Aug. 1,Sun.     I rode up with J.L. and back with ELLSWORTH.  He went to show with C. and M. in evening.

Aug. 2,Mon.    LOUISE P. here in a.m.

Aug. 3,Tue.     J.L. left big bag of dresses etc.  Some fit me, others- MARY.

Aug. 4,Wed.    Started cleaning sitting room.  Over to LOUISE’s for supper and evening.

Aug. 5,Thu.     Worked in sitting room.

Aug. 6,Fri.       Helped paper sitting room.

Aug. 7,Sat.      Cleaned floor in sitting room, so ELLSWORTH could paint floor.  Put curtains back.

Aug. 8,Sun.     Emptied dining room so to start painting and papering Monday morning.

Aug. 9,Mon.    Canned beans.

Aug.10,Tue     Papered dining room.

Aug.11,Wed.   Went to Elmira and got shoes.  Hung pictures and straightened dining room.

Aug.12,Thu.    ELLSWORTH went for paint for bedroom furniture.  MARY & I cleaned upstairs.

Aug.13,Fri.      Baked, and cleaned downstairs.  HOREE’s moved in BROWNELL’s place.

Aug.14,Sat.     ELLSWORTH worked all day.  C. came just before supper, to stay till Sun. p.m.

Aug.15,Sun.   All went over home.  Left both boys for a week.  C. left for Kendall to work.

Aug.16,Mon.   Tore beds down and emptied dresser in boy’s room.  ELLSWORTH painted them First coat.  Worked night on field.  MYRA L. & DOT RUNDELL up.

Aug.17,Tue.    Canned beans and Koli Robi.  ELLSWORTH worked tonight.

Aug.18,Wed.   MYRA & LUCILLE up in afternoon.  ELLSWORTH worked tonight and painted bedroom thru  Day.  I canned 2 pints corn.

Aug.19,Thu.    Did housework.  Baked some.

Aug.20,Fri.      Canned shell beans.

Aug.21,Sat.     Canned string beans.  Cleaned downstairs.  MYRA up.

Aug.22,Sun.   Folks brought boys back home.

Aug.23,Mon.   Canned string beans.

Aug.24,Tue.    Sent letter  L.C.S.  Canned corn.  Baked bread.  MYRA  up in afternoon.

Aug.25,Wed.   HILAH & 3 boys came.  DAD brought Rose bushes and pears.

Aug.26,Thu.    ELLSWORTH went to Elmira and Big Flats.  Rain all day and night.

Aug.27,Fri.      Cloud burst last evening.  Everything under water.  This road by house washed Out.  Awful flood all over.

Aug.28,Sat.     ELLSWORTH had to work so I took HILAH & boys walking to RUNDELL’s , and BERT   Took her to HARRY.

Aug.29,Sun.   Picked beans, cukes, and corn.  MARY went to stay the night with LUCILLE . ELLSWORTH  Fixed road some.

Aug30,Mon.    Canned beans and corn.

Aug.31,Tue.    Did big two weeks wash.  Baked bread.  ELLSWORTH worked.

Sep. 1,Wed.    MARY went to Southside School to register the examined (sp?)  ELLSWORTH worked.

                        Canned 10 quarts of pears, and 6 of squash.

Sep. 2,Thu.     Canned pears.  Picked lot of vegetables to can tomorrow. ELLSWORTH worked tonight.

Sep. 3,Fri.       Canned shell beans, string beans, tomatoes, elderberries.  MYRA few minutes.  Rain after  3 p.m.  ELLSWORTH worked.  WILLIAM N. PEASE’s birthday.

Sep. 4,Sat.      Finished canning 18 quarts beans, 3 of tomatoes.  Back aches terribly.   CLYDE came  1:30 p.m.

Sep. 5,Sun.     C.,  MARY, and NORM went to Mainsburg all day.  Back very bad yet.

Sep. 6,Mon.    CLYDE here till 11 p.m.  Made cream for supper.  BOBBY sick all day. Our 18th Wedding Anniversary.

Sep. 7,Tue.     MYRA up in afternoon.  MARY to high school.  NORM down here.

Sep. 8,Wed.    Laid around all day.  Anniversary card from H.L. C.

Sep. 9,Thu.     Managed to bake cookies.  Laid down most of the time.

Sep.10,Fri.      Did big ironing.  Then sick 5:30 p.m.

Sep.11,Sat.     ELLSWORTH and boys went home to dig potatoes.MYRA came up and baked pie. I stayed in bed all day.  Brought bushel peaches.

Sep.12,Sun.   Didn’t do much all day.

Sep13,Mon.    ELLSWORTH in bed with cold all day.  I did some baking.  Canned peaches.

Sep.14,Tue.    Went to Elmira for MARY’s gym clothes.  Saw MRTLE PARK  and mother M. has Five children now.

Sep.15,Wed.  Not good for much today.  Tired and lame.

Sep.16,Thu.    MYRA came up and helped me wash.

Sep.17,Fri.      Did big ironing and some mending.

Sep.18,Sat.     ELLSWORTH worked all night.

Sep19,Sun.    Rain and couldn’t go to dig potatoes.  I did some mending.  Fixed for MARY lunch tomorrow.  H.F. family here.

Sep.20,Mon.  ELLSWORTH went Elmira.  Got peaches. 2 bushe.  ROBERT’s 6th birthday.

Sep.21,Tue.    Went over home with ELLSWORTH.  He dug potatoes with BOBBY.

Sep22,Wed.    Canned peaches, tomatoes, fixed crock of dill.  Cleaned chicken to can.  FLORA FORREST Birthday.

Sep.23,Thu.    Canned chicken, and more peaches.

Sep.24,Fri.      Finished peaches, and 10 quarts of tomatoes.  Mopped bedroom and sitting room.

Sep.25,Sat.     Mop upstairs.  Baked bread & cookies.  Mopped dining room and kitchen. CLYDE came 8:30 p.m.

Sep.26,Sun.   Canned ½ bushel of peaches that CLYDE brought.  He brought apples too. He MARY & BOBBY went down to Mainsburg.

Sep.27,Mon.   Canned tomatoes and peaches, and what pears were left.  ELLSWORTH got ROBERT Book for Birthday.

Sep.28,Tue.    ELLSWORTH got himself and I a cigarette lighter.

Sep.29,Wed.   Did big washing.  Didn’t all get dry.  CLYDE here at noon hour.

Sep.30,Thu.    Baked for pail tomorrow.  Made MARY 2 skirts.  Black and tan.  Mended her socks.

Oct. 1,Fri.        ELLSWORTH worked evening.  I ironed a.m.  MYRA & REG. here in afternoon, and  LUCILLE & DOT.

Oct. 2,Sat.       ELLSWORTH worked this evening.

Oct. 3,Sun.      ELLSWORTH worked this evening.

Oct. 4,Mon.     MR. LEACH brought another box of tomatoes.  Went to A & P with ELLSWORTH.

Oct. 5, Tue.     Caned 6 quarts tomatoes.  Sarted catsup.

Oct. 6,Wed.     Went to Elmira with ELLSWORTH and NORM.  Made MARY three blouses from dresses, that J.L. gave us.

Oct. 7,Thu.      Finished catsup – 5 pints.  Made 4 quarts mincemeat.  Washed some clothes in LUX.

Oct. 8,Fri.        Sent cards to DON & M___, L.C.S. , & F.D.  ELLSWORTH and kids went over home.  Dug spuds.

Oct. 9,Sat.       Cleaned up what was left in gardens.  ELLSWORTH worked 8 a.m.- 8 p.m.

Oct.10,Sun.    ELLSWORTH worked 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Oct.11,Mon.    Did some pressing.  Taxes due from now on.

Oct.12,Tue.     No school.  Columbus Day.  Banks closed, but mail goes.  Cleaned upstairs.  Saw    J.L. after work.

Oct.13,Wed.    Did some mending.  Baked bread and cake.  Finished pickles and catsup.

Oct.14,Thu.     ELLSWORTH worked 4 to 11 p.m.  Saw  J.L. in a.m.  Did big wash.

Oct.15,Fri.       ELLSWORTH works 4 – 11 all day.  Tomorrow 8 – 8.  Finished drying clothes.  Baked bread.

Oct.16,Sat.      Baked cake.  CLYDE came 8:30 p.m.  Went to show with C., & MARY.  Home 12:30. MARY HELEN – 14 years old.

Oct.17,Sun.    F. & M. stayed 10 p.m.  ELLSWORTH went to work.  C. M & N., went to Mainsburg.  Back at  9 p.m.  ROBERT & I walked to BILL D.’s .  M._.F. (sp?), came with C. home at 11:30 pm.

Oct.18,Mon.    C. brought bushel grapes Sat.  C.W. here in evening.  (Ice Cream).  ELLSWORTH got sample  Of coal to try out.

Oct.19,Tue.     Did last week’s ironing.

Oct.20,Wed.    MYRA  up in afternoon.  Baked bread.  Fixed 2 chickens to cook tomorrow.

Oct.21,Thu.     Cooked chicken.  Mended.

Oct.22,Fri.       Did work.  Baked for ELLSWORTH’s pail.  Went over home  11:30 to 4:30.  Got grapes.

Oct.23,Sat.      Did some wash by hand.  ELLSWORTH worked all day.

Oct.24,Sun.    ELLSWORTH worked all day.  Cold and snow.

Oct.25,Mon.    ELLSWORTH went to Elmira.  I sewed.  Rained all day.

Oct.26,Tue.     Rain all day.  Hunted  NORM Halloween suit.

Oct.27,Wed.    Rain all day steady.  ELLSWORTH went for groceries.  Cleaned downstairs.

Oct.28,Thu.     Got BOBBY outfitted for Halloween.  Baked for ELLSWORTH’s pail and school.  Rain Steady all day.  DAD here.

Oct.29,Fri.       Went to school in evening with children.  ELLSWORTH didn’t go.  Worked all day.  Halloween at School.

Oct.30,Sat.      ELLSWORTH worked all day.  I ironed.  Baked.

Oct.31,Sun.    CLYDE came 1:50 and took M.H. to Troy. Back here for supper.  Icre Cream after ELLSWORTH got home.

Nov.1,Mon.     Cleaned up house.

Nov. 2,Tue.     Went to vote, then on to Elmira.  Banks and some stores closed.  Election Day.

Nov. 3,Wed.    Baked cookies, bread, and beans.  Made white blouse partly.

Nov..4,Thu.     Did small washing.  MYRA up in afternoon.

Nov..5,Fri.       Finished blouse for MARY HELEN.  Baked for ELLSWORTH’s pail tomorrow.  J.L. here to see ELLSWORTH.

Nov.6,Sat.       Did part of ironing.  MARY HELEN walked to field.

Nov.7,Sun.      Stayed home all day.  Finished ironing.  HARRY FORREST’s Birthday.

Nov.8,Mon.     Ordinary housework.  Awful strong wind.  Couldn’t wash.  Sent F.B. Dove card,     At A.MURPHY’s., Hornell, N>Y>

Nov. 9,Tue.     Sent order Sears, and Montgomery.  ELLSWORTH got NORM shoes, hightops.

Nov.10,Wed.   Did washing.  Didn’t dry.

Nov.11,Thu.    Hung wash back out.  No school.  MRS LEACH & MRYA here in afternoon. ARMISTICE DAY.  No mail, but a paper comes.

Nov.12,Fri.      Ironed.  JAKE HOREE’s bad., so I went down there till 7 p.m.

Nov.13,Sat.     Rained hard all day.  Cleaned up house.  CLYDE came 1 p.m.  Brought cabbage and apples.

Nov.14,Sun.   ELLSWORTH worked. NORM  I HERE ALONE.  Mary & ROBERT went home with CLYDE.

Nov.15,Mon.   Package from Montgomery”s.  ELLSWORTH’s underwear, etc.

Nov.16,Tue.    Package from Sear’s .  Stockings all around, vests, bras, etc.,  Went to Elmira.  Got ROBERT Artics.

Nov.17,Wed.   Baked bread and pie for ELLSWORTH’s pail tomorrow.  M.A.P. – Birthday.

Nov.18,Thu.    ELLSWORTH worked on field.  Worked on quilt.

Nov.19,Fri.      ELLSWORTH went to store.

Nov.20,Sat.     ELLSWORTH worked.  Spot came in at 4 p.m. with leg broken, cut, and artery cut pretty bad.  Took to JOHNSON in evening, 6 p.m.

Nov.21,Sun.   ELLSWORTH worked all day.  Watched Spot.  Stayed up all night last night with dog.

Nov.22,Mon.   Took Spot to Doctor in afternoon.  Stayed up all night last night.

Nov.23,Tue.    Cleaned up house and watched dog all day.

Nov.24,Wed.   Dog acting dandy.  Fixed things to take over home tomorrow.

Nov.25,Thu.    THANKSGIVING DAY  Went over home.  Took Dog to Doctor on way over.  Bone is  knitting fine.

Nov.26,Fri.      ELLSWORTH worked.  MRS. LEACH here all day.  Didn’t do much but visit with her.

Nov.27,Sat.     Did big washing.  ELLSWORTH worked.  Dog getting along fine.

Nov.28,Sun.   ELLSWORTH worked on field.  MARK  & FLO here in afternoon.

Nov.29,Mon.   Ironed.  Did some mending.

Nov.30,Tue.    Finished ironing.  More mending.

Dec. 1,Wed.    Went to Elmira with ELLSWORTH.  Left ROBERT to school with NORM.

Dec.2,Thu.      ELLSWORTH worked from noon to 4:30 p.m.

Dec. 3,Fri.       ELLSWORTH worked all day.  I made ROBERT new waist and overcoat.

Dec.4,Sat.       ELLSWORTH worked all day.  C.W. killed me a hen.  Then backed truck over bank.  I  Cleaned boys room.

Dec 5,Sun.      Swept up downstairs.  ELLSWORTH worked.  I hunted things in cataloge most of day.
 Arctic League on air.

Dec.6,Mon.     First big snow storm last evening.  Made ROBERT waists.

Dec 7,Tue.      Made MARY scarf and hanky.  Worked on FLORA’s quilt.

Dec.8,Wed.     ELLSWORTH went to finish Christmas shopping.  I couldn’t leave Dog.  She bites at foot so.

Dec.9,Thu.      Did two weeks wash.

Dec.10,Fri.      Baked bread.  Took Spot back to Doctor.  Leg coming fine.  ELLSWORTH had to work all nightTonight.

Dec11,Sat.      ELLSWORTH home.  Didn’t do much.

Dec.12,Sun.    ELLSWORTH worked.  HARRY, ELSIE, & EDITH YATES here.  Listened to Arctic League.

Dec13,Mon.    Did general housework.

Dec.14,Tue.    Package came from Sears.  I started BOBBY’s waist.

Dec15,Wed.    ELLSWORTH went to Elmira.  I watched Spot nearly all day.

Dec.16,Thu.    Took Spot to Horseheads.

Dec.17,Fri.      Finished ROBERT’s waist, but buttons.  Did wash by hand.  ELLSWORTH worked.

Dec.18,Sat.     Helped kids fix Christmas things.

Dec.19,Sun.    Heard Arctic League program.  Did up Christmas for school and forf farm.  Cleaned up  Downstairs.

Dec.20,Mon.   Finished ROBERT’s waists.

Dec.21,Tue.    Washed by hand.

Dec.22Wed.    Went over to Doctor with dog, on up home.  Took their Christmas.

Dec23,Thu.     Did ironing.  Put up Christmas tree.  Had Christmas at school.

Dec.24,Fri.      CLYDE came before supper.  Had Christmas here after supper.  Arctic League toys came.

Dec.25,Sat.     Children all went over home for dinner.  ELLSWORTH worked all day.  MYRA up in p.m.   Sent JACKIE Christmas basket.   CHRISTMAS.

Dec.26,Sun.    ELLSWORTH worked all day.  CLYDE & MARY HELEN left 8 a.m. for Mainsburg.

Dec.27,Mon.   Dog’s leg doing fine.

Dec.28,Tue.    Did some mending.

Dec.29,Wed.   MARY HELEN & CLYDE came back for supper.  CLYDE didn’t stay.  Did big wash in washer.

Dec.30,Thu.    Went to Elmira for Arctic League clothes.

Dec.31,Fri.      ELLSWORTH worked part day.    ( Hem-roid – Dr. LEONHARDT Co. for Piles.)

This has been transcribed  as written,  by her granddaughter – Alice PEASE Hartford. May,2002.