Bessie ACKERMAN Gates of Wetona |
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Name..Bessie T. Gates
Address..Columbia Cross Roads. Pa. R.D. 2 (Note from JMT- Even today many residents of Smithfield and Springfield have Columbia Cross Roads addresses as that is one of the few remaining post offices.)
Birthday..July 25, 1885
Weight..167 (Date)..Dec. 26, 1932
Height.. 5 - 6 ½
Bust.. 40
Shoe size.. 5
Doctor.. W. R. Campbell, Smithfield, Pa
Family Record
Father..Frank Ackerman, born June 3, 1862, Chenango Forks, NY
Married.. Aug. 26, 1884
Mother.. Minnie Ackerman, born June 16, 1861
1st Child.. Bessie, born July 25, 1885, Wetona, Pa, married.. Feb. 16, 1905
2nd Child..Neva, born July 6, 1887, Wetona, Pa
3rd Child.. Hugh, born Feb 28, 1891, Wetona, Pa
4th Child.. Katie, born Sept 6, 1896, Wetona, Pa
Dates to Remember
Neva Storch……….. July 6
Hugh Ackerman…....Feb. 28
Katie Ackerman…….Sept 6
Frank Ackerman……June 3
Freeman Gates……...Oct 20
Mothers……………..June 16
Barbara Gates……...Oct. 21
Sept 1st 1932
Barbara is teaching her first year of school at Summit in Smithfield.
This depression is awful. butter to day Jan. 15 – 1933, butter is 21 cents per lb. eggs are 28 cents per doz. dressed pork 6 cents per lb I sold my heavy broilers at 10 cents per lb. old hens at 14 cents per lb potatoes 25 cents per bu. apples 50 cents taxes very high. Ours this year are $ 72.00. A cow is $20.00
April 3rd 1933.
eggs are 13 and 14 cents per doz butter. 18 cents per lb.
Sun. 1
Wind blew a gale all night. Mercury registered Zero. three good fires burning. invited up to Uncle Dicks to eat Turkey. Everett there. Don’t like idea. We went. Much warmer tonite. Xmas was like a summer day. Got 8 eggs today All pullet eggs but 1. Barbara getting lesson plans. Mrs Button died.
Mon. 2
I made bloomers for Red Cross for needy. Made a silk blouse for Barbara. Freem drew wood. weather very mild and pleasant. Mrs. Raymond is buried today. I have got the run quick. Barbara talked with Mrs. Shipman. Rose and boys were over. pullet went lame. eggs 25 cents per doz.
Tue. 3
Very mild and pleasant. Ansils house was damaged by fire. Freem went over. date was here. both went. Barbara has hard cold. Freem went out to see Sam. Sold my eggs 3 doz at Allyns (Jew) 24 cents for pullet eggs 28 cent s for hen’s eggs. My run quick is better. Mrs. Button was buried today.
Wed. 4
warm and pleasant. Emma came over and spent the day. Barbara has a cold. Hugh bought hay at Leona Bill Ogden drew it for him. application for drivers license came for Freem & Barbara. got 10 eggs today.
Thu. 5
warm and pleasant. Cora and Earl spent the A.M. with me. had a nice time. Freem took Date to Sayre when Barbara went to school, Aunt Alice stayed here. I finished a blouse (pongee) for Barbara, I drove car up to school after Barbara tonite. got 9 eggs. pullets lane 3 of them.
Fri. 6
Beautiful day. Freem & Hugh helped Wayne buzz wood in P.M. ate supper over there. I spent P.M. with Mrs. Foster, I made pajamas for Barbara. Mrs. F. stitched them for me. Barbara’s cold better. She coughed hard in night. A letter from Lola. got 9 eggs
Sat. 7
cloudy, cooler and showery. I made Fried Cakes, cake & pie, Bread I went to Dr’s with Barbara. she feels better. Freem butchered our pig, Wayne helped him. meeting in Towanda to see about reducing taxes. Going up to Bodines this evening. We went and had a goods time.
Sun. 8
Cool and cloudy. We went to church this A.M. Not many out. Barbara & I going to League and church this evening Freem busy with chores. We had roast pork for dinner. Paul French starts teaching Grammar school in morning. Mrs. Casterline has Mrs. Ballentine arrested for punishing her boy.
Mon. 9
Snowed hard all day, about 4 in deep to nite. I have been fixing the collars on Barbara’s dressed, And finished doing her pajama’s only 8 eggs today. Date called on his way back from Sayre. I feel lonely and blue, this depression is awful. Milk 2 cents per qt. eggs 28 cents per doz
Tues. 10
Cool and pleasant. Freem took Harry C. oats home and I rode up with him on bob sleds. Cora insisted we stay for dinner We did and had such a good time In evening we went to Barbara’s official board meeting. not many out. Barbara has eczema on her finger. pains her badly.
Wed. 11
warm. snow thawed off. I went over to see Marian Beach Jennie is so sweet & cute. Barbara went to see Dr. Campbell about her finger. He gave her some ointment for it & put on a rubber bandage. It is one big blister. It hurts her a great deal. Freem is hauling wood and Manure.
Thu. 12
pleasant. I went to Troy with Barbara to get her hair Marcelled. Rose went with us. Lawrence Ballard shot him self in F. L. Ballards Jewelry store where he worked. He was 36 years of age. I had the head & did not go to the Home & School league with Barbara & Freem.
Fri. 13
went to Ladies Aid with Mariam Beach. Barbara came from school after us. I had a very nice time. Albert Storch spent evening with us while Bijou and Barbara went to Basket ball game, He & Freem played cards. Hugh wants us to go to Endicott.
Sat. 14
Very pleasant and warm. we went to Endicott to see Neva. They are all well but feel the depression the same as we do. Hugh got mad and wont take our milk. One of his tantrums. Barbara got her a new green wool dress in Endicott paid $2.95 for it. Got yellow and orchid material for her quilt. Wayne had a warm fire when we got back.
Sun. 15
Cloudy and mild. We begin to take our own milk. Barbara will go that way to school. I can not go to church today. Must bake. I am wearing my coat the 9th winter nothing to get another one with. this depression is terrible. We did attend church and Sabbath school. sunshine and a beautiful day. Barbara sick with chills. Thornton Card was stabbed to death in Paterson. NJ.
Mon. 16
Barbara is ill. called Dr. Campbell he came at five P.M. says she has bronchial Grippe. temperature 101%. feels real badly this evening. Freem got Rose Parmenter’s ice cream freezer and we made cream for Barbara. Katie called on phone to see how she is. Freem hauled manure today I have taken care of Barbara.
Tues. 17
Beautiful day. Barbara’ very sick. don’t feel any better. Great many called on phone to hear from her. Mrs. Cecilia Vories died eggs are selling for 24 cents per doz. butter is quoted at 20 & 21 cents per doz.
Wed. 18
It’s a bright morning. Good bracing air. Barbara is better, she rested good last night. Freem is cutting buzz wood down on George(?)
Thu. 19
rainy, but cleared and sunshine. Barbara sitting up for the first. Freem is going to stay with her and at noon I am going to our Sunday School Class dinner at Laura Beach. Marion is going with me. I am secretary or I would not go. We had a very pleasant time. Floyd was there. they live over the bank.
Fri. 20
Very nice and warm. never saw such weather in Jan before. Barbara gains slowly. I came down with the Grippe. Will Knapp called from Mansfield to see how Barbara was.
Sat. 21
It was another nice day. I am awful sick. Freem coming down with it. Barbara up & dressed for the first time. we are all sick.
Sun. 22
Barbara better. Freem can just navigate Rose Parmenter came over & brought baked beans fried cakes & cake.
Mon. 22
Barbara went to school I feel better. Freem about the same. Ray Beach has pneumonia. Just wonderful weather. mercury around 55% days.
Tues. 24
One of the nicest and warmest days, seemed like Apr. I was up in P.M. Harold Scouter has pneumonia. Nurse came to day to care for him. Wayne still in hospital but doing well I had a miserable night Barbara don’t feel strong
Wed. 25
Cool and cloudy. rainy tonight. I feel better. Freem feels better. been hauling stone in road on the flat below here. 5 teams been doing same. Katie Cat got in a trap over to Marys. Harold Scouther no better. chances very slim. I am working on my quilt. double wedding ring.
Thu. 26
It is another warm and sunshiny day. A very sad day, Harold Scouter passed away of pneumonia. Freem feels real mean. has those awful night sweats. could not haul stone on road filling in on the flat. Will Sergeant & Eli Ogden ate there dinner in here. Fred Smith got out jail, is over to Dates.
Fri. 27
Freem feels better. helped draw stones on road. cold and dark. Robert Sargent(?) has pneumonia. has a trained nurse. Lula Chamberlin from Troy. Bijou & Barbara went to Sayre after school then to basket ball game to Smith field. in evening
Sat. 28
Barbara & Bijou went to Troy. I went with them. Robert very sick
Sun 29
Cold. we went to Harold Scouters funeral at 2 P.M. Freem was a pallbearer. He feels chilly & cold.
Mon. 30
Freem drew manure in P.M. took cold. had a chill. Barbara took him to the doctors tonite He has fever, 103. I have soap stones around him salt bags & turpentine & lard on his chest. He is sweating good now. doctor coming tomorrow.
Tues. 31
Dr came. Can not find any thing wrong on Freems lungs. temperature 102
Wed. 1
Doctor came. Freem has pneumonia. Has temperature of 100: May bring nurse in A.M.
Thu. 2
Freem rested during night. this morning 101.2. In A.M. 104.2 Very restless during night. Nurse did not come Wayne doing chores. Harry, Lori & Mr. Horton were here.
Fri. 3
Freem was restless during night. tem. this A.M. 101. this P.M. 102 Harry Campbell was here. Mrs. Lou Boutdette sent over pumpkin pie. He is doing well, doctor says Its very cold. Bob Sergeant s better
Sat. 4
Freems tem. 100- doing as well as he can. The neighbors and Sunday School Class had a wood bee for Freem up in Lou. Bourdetts woods. cut and buzzed 83 cord. Mark came up for first time. stayed until mid night.
Sun. 5
Freem not so well temperature shot up again. Harry & Glenn came down. Mark came again in evening. I rested from 8 to 11. Very cold and snowed
Mon. 6
Doctor been here. Says Freem is coming good. tem. 100, lungs clearing good. I feel rested
Tues. 7
Freems not so well. temperature 103 in morning doctor says must have help. He brought a nurse, Lula Chamberline at noon. temperature 100. Shot up to 101 4/5 at night.
Wed. 8
Freem very weak. temperature went down to sub normal at 2 A.M. at 5.30 A.M. he was very weak. tem 97. nurse giving him hypodermic
Thu. 9
Freem doing as well as he can. very weak temperature went back up to normal tonight
Fri. 10
Freem gaining very slowly, nurse went to Smithfield to doctors with Barbara to go home with doctor. She charged ? per day. Barbara paid her &15.00
Sat. 11
Freem eats a little solid food Mark called to see how he was. Edith called twice during week.
Sun. 12
no one went to church. Freem still feeling better
Mon. 13
Freem sat up a little while. Very weak
Tues. 14
Freem set up two or three hours. Delace and Bertha were here and Delace shaved Freem
Wed. 15
Freem sat up all the after noon. He is eating better and feeling better
Thu. 16
Freem is sitting in chair nearly all day. Doctor came for last time. Will Knapp came over. came while doctor was here had a good visit Brought Freem a doz oranges
Fri. 17
Freem was dressed to day. Uncle Dicks were here to see him. Cora, Mrs. Foster, Rose, Lloyd & Mary. Mrs. Ogden Florence Scouter, Jim Ogden, Marion Remsey, Bijou Storch.
Barbara Bijou & Marion Remsey went to Towanda to teachers meeting.
Sat. 18
Freem gaining.
Bijou stayed with Barbara. We washed and did part of ironing Bijou helped us so much. Howard Rogers came over from Louis in evening. Bijou & Barbara danced. Rogers played the mouth organ.
Sun. 19
Barbara went to Church Minister, Mrs. Stevenson called to see Freem.
I dug parsnips for dinner. Hugh’s truck broke and it is in our barn. Wayne is working on to for him.
Mon. 20
The weather is nice Its warm and rainy. Freem is gaining Barbara is worried about getting a school. It’s a very strenuous time. The depression, cutting salary’s, and taking up schools. I talked with Helen Clark. I washed windows sky cleared away beautifully warm & springlike.
Tue. 21
I do not feel well. It is squally and winds blows a gale. Freem is gaining Wayne repaired Hugh’s truck and took it over to him to go with milk. Dad stayed here. I baked pie & cookies Beans.
Wed. 22
It is a beautiful day. Freem went out doors for the first time in over three weeks. Edith & Stanley & Leon’s little girl was here for dinner. Joe Campbell came to see Freem. brought mu Zanol(?) products. Roy & Augie called. brought Freem some cookies.
Thu. 23
Beautiful weather. seems like real spring. Freem went out doors, down to wood pile, Charley May called. Mr. Stevenson called Myrtle Wilcox came home with Barbara. they went to Sayre after school. Barbara brought me new black 7 white silk dress.
Fri. 24
It is a wonderful nice morning. Freem went to the barn for the first time in nearly four weeks. I went to Senior play at Smithfield with Barbara. It was very good. She paid my way in. 25 cent admission
Sat. 25
Freem rode out to Smithfield to see the doctor. He said his lungs are clearing good. He gave him tonic and cough syrup. Freem is awful weak. I ironed real late last night. Barbara feels bum. has a hard cold. Wayne went over home and brought back ice.
Sun. 26
we went over home to dinner. So Barbara could celebrate Hugh’s birthday. She gave him a jig-saw puzzle. We took meat loaf (Barbara brought meat). And ice cream. Had a good time. Freem seems tired tonite. Wayne went with us.
Mon. 27
Cold but clear. Dad and Hugh called roads were drifted up on Lou’s hill. Barbara went in State road by Smithfield to school. that road was good she had no trouble.
Tues. 28
It is a beautiful day. Rose over for dinner. Freem don’t feel quite so good. Neighbors went for party for Hugh, his birthday He was 42 years old, I went with Rose. Bert Parmenter came over from Ionia to see Freem. Rev. Stevenson called.
Wed. 1
Nice day but over-cast. Aunt Alice came out for all day. Date & Fred went to Sayre to sell Maple syrup. George French called. Luke & Emma were here. Marcus came & brought Freem some Apple brandy Freem went to the chicken coop three times. We got 31 eggs. they are 12 cents per doz.
Thu. 2
It snowed all day. Freem about the same. Florence and Altheda called toward night We got 42 eggs. they are 15 cents per doz.
Fri. 3
Freem, Barbara, Bijou & I went to Sayre after school. got 15 cents for eggs. sold 16 doz. Bijou stayed all night with Barbara. It was cold.
Sat. 4
Barbara did the washing. Freem and I were invited over to Lloyd Fannings for dinner and hear Franklin Roosevelt take oath of office and his inaugral address. It was very good and came in very clear in the radio. The first time Freem had been away since pneumonia-
Sun. 5
Freem very tired and pain under shoulders. Barbara went to Church and Sunday School
Mon. 6
Roosevelt gave procamation that all banks in U.S. close for a period of 4 days as the gold currency has been heavily drawnout. We are all hoping Mr. Roosevelt will bring us out of this terrible depression, We are as a nation in terrible shape
Tues. 7
Freem does not feel so well. The pain in his side and chest is still keeping him weak. Harry Tracy called and brought two Jig puzzles. exchanged with us. Mr. Iaccona(?) told Barbara she can have her school. rainy to day
Wed. 8
Freem is not feeling good at all. Jim Odgen and Marion Rumsey were here in evening.
Thu. 9
Very cold, Banks did not open. Roosevelt issued a new proclamination that they would not open for several days. I went to Home & School League meeting with Barbara. It was postponed we went down to see Emma French a few minutes
Fri. 10
Wind blew terrible gale all day. Barbara took Freem to doctors after school. He says he has neuralgia They went on to Sayre with eggs.
Sat. 11
Freem is better. He & I went up to Elmira to visit Harry & Cecie. started about 4 P.M. I drove up and back. We stayed all night. Bijou stayed with Barbara. Wayne still with us. We had a good time.
Sun. 12
We came home from Elmira. Freem feels better. It did him a lot of good. Bijou & Barbara go along fine. We got home about 6 P.M. Bijou stayed all night and went to school when Barbara did.
Mon. 13
I washed. baked bread and feel very tired. Freem feels better. Barbara & Bijou went to Basket ball game at (?). I am very tired. We put Hughs Jig saw puzzle together Freem helped me wash
Tues. 14
It is a beautiful spring morning. We saw & heard blue birds today. Freem is lots better. He has watered cows today and been out considerable to day. I have done house work & cut blocks of Barbaras quilt. I have my wedding ring quilt finished
Wed. 15
Its rather cool today. I cleaned the house and moped. worked on Barbara’s wedding quilt in P.M. Freem helped milk tonight for the first time since he was sick. He milked 4 cows. The roads are terrible, mud & ruts
Thu. 16
It is a lovely morning We heard blue birds, song sparrows, & a Meadow lark. I took Barbara up to school. Wayne & Freem are putting brake drums & linings in the car. we are going to Robinsons to a party tonite.
Fri. 17
I have made a mistake and wrote for Thursday what I should today. I am ironing too. going to Sayre with eggs after school. I go for Barbara & from there on to Sayre.
Sat. 18
Drums did not fit the car and we took them back to Sayre. We went out after dinner then up to get Barbara. We were stuck in the mud by doctor C. farm. Barbara walked to this side of Hendricts. I went to Williams port with Hugh & Barbara. she got a new dress, Hat & shoes.
Mon. 20
Its still sleeting and raining. Freem went up to school with Barbara & stayed all day. My head aches very hard.
Tues. 21
Strom has ceased some what. Daymond went over to Hughs and they exchanged bulls. I feel better. Barbara drove alone to school. Roads bad.
Wed. 22
Very bad roads, storm over
Thu. 23
weather clearing
Fri. 24
We, Freem and I started up to Ayres Corner afoot to meet Barbara, rode with Cora Campbell from Fosterd. We went to Blanches for supper. Barbara had a Marcell. Katie is sick with the grippe.
Sat. 25
Freem and Barbara took the car to Bentley Creek for inspection. It broke the drive shaft coming home. Toed it back to Garage & she hired Crandells to bring them home. I did my Saturdays baking.
Sun. 26
Stormed all day. we could not attend church as car was in Garage Eli called in P.M.
Mon. 27
Quite cold. Freem took Barbara to school with the horse (Ned). Hugh took Freem to Bentley Creek to get the car. He came back by school for Barbara
Tue. 28
This is Waynes last day. He went over to Hughis. He is sick with the Grippe. Barbara stayed up to Roxie Parks all night with the girls to go to a fairwell party for Gavettes.
Wed. 29
Freem and I are doing chores alone. We went after Barbara she was sick all day. had chills and dizzy. real sick & went right to bed as soon as she got home.
Thu. 30
I called the doctor for Barbara. She had high fever all night and was delirous. doctor came about 7 A.M. She has the Grippe. Mrs. Odgen got 25 doz eggs of me for hatching in incubater
Fri. 31
Barbara don’t feel much better. Freem stayed with her in the afternoon for me to take my eggs to Sayre I went with Hazel. Mrs. Odgen sent up my money for eggs by Eli. She paid me 16 cents per doz
Sat. 1
Barbara feels a little better. her temperature has left her but she is awful weak. We are invited up to Uncle Dicks for dinner. She went but layed on couch all the time she was there. Aunt Alice was there. It rained all day.
Sun. 2
Freem and I went to church for the first time in eleven weeks. Barbara could not go. It seemed good to go. every one was lovely to us.
Mon. 3
Barbara was not able to go to school. I washed the clothes dried good. She is better. Katie & Dad & Hugh have the Grippe.
Tue. 4
Freem and I took Barbara to school. It rained hard. I swept the school room for her. Hugh was taken worse & doctor is afraid of pneumonia. temperature 104. Mrs. Foster was over & spent the afternoon. Edith Gates called on phone.
Wed. 5
It’s a beautiful spring day. Grass is growing. We heard a phoebe bird. doctor cam3e along and took us over to see Hugh. He is better. temperature below normal.
Thu. 6
They are not feeling much better over home. Jim Odgen is doing their chores.
Fri. 7
nice day. Dayton went to Sayre. Aunt Alice came out here and they both ate their dinner with Freem and I.
Sat. 8
It rained. Barbara and I cut out 3 new slips for her. relined her plaid jacket. let hem out of her old slip. sewed all day. Rose, Wayne, Kendel & Howard Rogers came in evening
Sun. 9
It’s a beautiful day. We all went to church and Sunday school. in P.M. Barbara took us up to call on Fred Peets. We met Neva, Chester & Bea Smith. In evening they called here until 10 P.M. put Jig saw puzzle together. Ward Braunds(?) have a daughter. Janet Ellen
Mon. 10
Freem and I went over to Aunt Alice for dinner Date got us & brought us back. I enjoyed it so much. I sold Llewellyn Jackson 30 doz eggs at 14 cents per doz. I met Barbara in Ayers corner and went to Troy. Bijou went with us and stayed here last night. Lovely day. warm. Howard Bailey wife died in hospital.
Tue. 11
Cool south wind. appears like rain to follow. Freem is log dragging the hill. I am baking some cookies & cake. Jim Odgen called on way back from Creamery
Wed. 12
It snowed last night ground white with snow. Rose and I went up to Marys. It is her birthday. We each took something for dinner. She is 74 years old. We had a nice time. Barbara gave her a blue hyicenth plant.
Thu. 13
It is sun shiney but a cold wind. I walked over home to see dad. He has the Grippe and does not recover from it. Merle Hubbard & wife called here this P.M. Merle wanted to sell hay.
Fri. 14
A lovely day. Freem went over this A.M. and shaved dad. He is about the same. doctor went over to see him. Freem log dragged road this P.M. and I spent P.M. with Rose.
Sat. 15
Its cloudy but warm. Barbara went to Creamery. We have been hauling our own milk & Parmenter’s. Aunt Alice was here for dinner. Guy and Elaine were here all A.M. Cora and Earl were here this afternoon. George Bird died this morning.
Sun. 16
It is lover(l)y we went to church It is Easter service. Barbara and I walked over home in P.M. I helped Freem milk as usual.
Mon. 17
It is rainy. Barbara went up to Big Pond to get Rex Gates. He was at his Grandmother Leonards. She went after school. Mary & Clarence Pelton & family called in the evening. they were on their way home to Salamanca.
Tues. 18
fair and warm. I had our first mess of dandilion greens for supper.
Wed. 19
Fair Freem and Rex got a load of hay over to Mr Titus. $5.00 per ton.
Thu. 20
Fair and cool. Freem, Rex, & I went to a supper at church in honor of George Beach who is home from Oregon on a visit. Mrs. Etta Dunbar died this A.M. very suddenly at Ruth Mitchells.
Fri. 21
Fair and warmer. Rex went to school with Barbara and she and Bijou are going to take him home after school. I am ironing and cleaning up the house.
Sat. 22
The girls did not get home until 11-45. We went to Sayre. Aunt Alice went with us. Rose went too.
Sun. 23
went to church. went to all in evening Lloyd & Mary Fanning were here. Will Knapp and Katie called in P.M.
Mon. 24
I sent setting of eggs to Sam Kniffin
Tues. 25
Aunt Alice is sick I went over and baked cookies and pie.
Wed. 26
Aunt Alice no better. Artie & Nellie were out & got 3 setting of eggs
Thu. 27
Went to Aunt Alice. I washed & baked bread at home. went over there and cleaned all thru down stair. doctor Campbell saw Aunt Alice. she has grippe but not real serious.
Fri. 28
Aunt Alice about the same. Freem and I went to Operetta at Springfield. benefit of high school. "Gypsy Rover" Barbara took us
Sat. 29
Barbara has a sore throat. Esther Lind and Mytle Hill called from Millerton & want her to come over for week end. she saw Dr. about throat. he told her to go. I took her to Troy. Katie went with us. The girls met her there.
Sun. 30
Lovely day. Barbara came home sick. We drove to Millerton for her. she has tonsillitus. temperature 103 very sick.
Mon. 1
Barbara don’t feel well, some better. neck & throat swollen badly I canned 8 qts dandelion greens. L. P. Jackson came for my eggs. 14 cents per doz 12 cents at store We got 58 cents per hundred for milk this month.
Tues. 2
Very warm. Freem did first dragging on oat ground Has corn ground all dragged over once. Charly & May Odgen called ordered 225 eggs Barbara better.
Wed. 3
Robert Parker Hospital burned down 9. P.M. all patients saved, no one injured. Barbara feels better. Hopes to teach tomorrow. Had a hard thunder shower last night. Freem gone to Titus after hay. nice and warm today. Ardie came for setting of eggs. I get 16 cents per doz for hatching eggs. 14 cents what I sell L. P. Jackson
Thu. 4
cold & clearing. Barbara went back to school today. She is not very strong. John Beach says if our $5.00 per capita tax is not paid, she can not get a school. And yet they had rehired her. Freem got a new bearing at Rose’s, Burlington. Wayne took him. I went to Sayre with Rose P. to see the fire ruins bearing (?) wheel of car broken
Fri. 5
Hard frost and cool. Barbara don’t feel good. but was teaching. Wayne was here to dinner. I cleaned the little bed room. Freem fixed fence and we turned the cows out for first.
Sat. 6
Aunt Alice was here for dinner. Date went to Sayre. She feels pretty good again. Hugh broke his truck. Freem took him to Miles Stones to get the part. Wayne repaired Freem Barbara and I went to Guy Mays and had oil changed to car & on to Sayre. Got a dress all made for 50 cents. rains hard
Sun. 7
We did not go to church. Harry and Cecile ask us up for dinner. We went by Stones Garage to have starter on the car fixed Harry came home with us for the week. He was laid off. A telephone tonight saying Edith is very low baby girl died. was born May 5. Freem & Harry have gone to Waverly to see Mark Edith in Hospital.
Mon. 8
Cloudy. Cool. Markus called at 5 A.M. Edith his wife died at 3.30 this morning in Waverly hospital. Freem & Harry went to Luthers Mills to see Markus this P.M. Harry went we me up to school after Barbara. I did a large washing. Land Bank man was here to see about the Schouters place.
Tues. 9
Cloudy. Freem is taking Harry home this A.M. I went up to school after Barbara and we went to Sayre and got my new coat to wear to funeral. Charley Odgen got 225 eggs & Mr. Jenkins 5 doz at 16 cents per doz, rained all night.
Wed. 10
Very rainy. fog is settleing down. looks like bad day for Edith’s funeral. flowers beautiful. Harrys and we took basket of snapdragons & Calla lilies funeral at 3. P.M. buried at Mt. Lake Six P.M. When we got to school house.
Thu. 11
Cloudy & cool. south wind. ground soaked. no oats in. Freem gone to Titus after hay.
Fri. 12
Barbara and I went to Troy after school. She got me a plant for Mothers day. A pink hydrangia.
Sat. 13
Aunt Alice was here while Dayton went "somewhere" We went over in P.M. and heard Edwin Dean sing over the radio.
Sun. 14
a lovely Mothers day. We went to Church & S.S. Went to Wentona Cemetery in P.M. saw Rena & Murry Woodward there. In evening I went to the doctors with Barbara. Her blood pressure is down & she is very nervous.
Mon. 15
Barbara and I went to Troy after school. doctor came along with a new car and took Freem with him over to Ida Tray’s. The roads are being worked and are in terrible shape. Freem dragger south road
Tues. 16
rained hard all day I cleaned up stairs I went over and swept up old Scouter house for Mr. Hoffman. He paid me one dollar.
Wed. 16
Very nice day. I cleaned up stairs work goes slow. We are milking 13 cows. 58 cents per hundred for milk this mo. eggs 14 cents per doz.
Thu. 18
Very warm today. Freem dragged the hill.
Fri. 19
Very warm & pleasant I finished cleaning up stairs. Will Young came and got 150 eggs for hatching. Jim Hicks was with him. Barbara is very tired. she is not well.
Sat. 20
we went to Towanda & got wall paper for the living room. I got it at Kirk(?) with my money I earned at Scouter house. It cost me &1.85 to paper the room. Aunt Alice was here. went with us. got her a hat & dress. Date was in a lark.
Sun. 21
Cool and pleasant. Sunday School at ten & preaching at eleven today. Fred & Anna Peet, Martha Farrel & Arthur Burnam were here in P.M. We went to Bacaleurate service in Baptist church in evening.
Mon. 22
I washed. And in P.M. went over to sale at Scouter place with Mary Tracy and Rose Parmenter. The farm was sold to Mr. Some body from N.J. Very warm day. got 13 cents per doz for eggs
Tues. 23
Very nice and warm. I went to the doctors with Aunt Alice. I got a bottle of Pain King of an agent. Freem is finishing plowing for oats. Am cleaning the parlor. sold a calf one week old for 50 cents. Myrtle Darrow has a baby girl 2nd girl.
Wed. 24
Nice this A.M. but hot thunder showers all day. I put my plants on porch. Am cleaning the dining room. A reception for Miss Moody at Church.
Thu. 25
We went to Commencement at Smithfield. Bijou Storch graduated also Weldon Sargeant Mr. Morgan of Mansfield College was speaker Freem sowed oats.
Fri. 26.
Barbara and I went to Sayre
Sat. 27
Barbara & I went to Troy. Katie & Bob Sargeant went with us. we got our flower crocks at Bob and went by way of cemetery at Wetona and Harkness. Freem sowed lime oat ground. Barbara bought ton of lime for Freem.
Sun. 28
We went to Church Mark and children were up all After noon.
Mon. 29
Very showery. I went to Barbara’s last day of school. She had a very nice dinner. I told Mr. Hendricks we had two cows for sale. saw him at picnic.
Tues. 30
Mark & Joanne were here all day. Mark & Freem did work at Harkness Cemetery Joanne stayed with Barbara. Mr. & Mrs. Hendrick came over and bought two cows. $80.00 for both of them. We finished paying 1932 taxes.
Wed. 31
I helped Barbara clean up her school house. in afternoon went with her to Troy to get a Marcel. Went up to Blanche
Thu. 1
Barbara & I papered ceiling in living room. have it papered. Luke & Emma were here in evening
Fri. 2
papering living room.
Sat. 3
I had hard head ache. In A.M. I finished papering the living room Planted Garden.
Sun. 4
We did not go to Church. Miss Ballentine & Edna Lincock called in P.M. Mr. Horton came for me to call to see if he could get ice of Bob Young. Clifford sick. later in the day was operated in the hospital for appendix
Mon. 5
Lovely day. We finished planting Garden. Aunt Alice was here in P.M. and Rev. Stevenson called Eggs down to 12 cents per doz.
Tues. 7
We finished cleaning living room today.
Wed. 8
I went to Sayre with Barbara to take her pre school children to clinic. terrible Wind storm trees across road and we had to drive in fields. We were 1+ hrs getting home from Smithfield
Thu. 8
Beautiful morning but very hot & muggy. Are cleaning Cupboards.
Fri. 9
Very warm. mercury 94 in shade. I had head ache cleaning pantry. Am painting and papering the pantry.
Sat. 10
Am finishing the pantry. It is very warm. Mr. & Mrs. Frenelle came for the eggs. 15 cent doz
Sun. 11
I did not go to Church felt tired. Freem and Barbara went. We went to church in evening
Mon. 12
We washed and worked Garden. cooler. We went over home to hive bee’s. Barbara took car to Burlington to have low gear put in car. sold eggs to L. P. Jackson.
Tues. 13
Cooler, worked in garden we went to Wetona & Harkness Cemeteries. mowed lot at Wetona
Wed. 14
We went to Troy to attend S.S. Convention. However, I stayed with Blanche and attended D.A.R. picnic at Elms. enjoyed day very much. finished planting corn
Thu. 15
Went to Towanda and paid our taxes. I got paper for dining room. cool. L. P. J. came for eggs sold them for 14 cents per doz. Freem planting potatoes in old of moon
Fri. 16
painting dinning room. Barbara is doing it. Mr. Beach went to the hospital. He is confused and is surely very bad Freem planting potatoes and beans.
Sat. 17
Still papering, Mr. Beach is no better. I finished papering at 11- P.M. Am very tired.
Sun. 18
Went to Church. Lebo party has charge. I wore my new dress that Barbara & Freem got me in Towanda. They are taking Mr. Beach to Philadelphia hospital He has a fractured skull Barbara is staying with Marion & Children.
Mon. 19
Freem painted floor in dining room. Mr. Schmans from Williamsport tuned and cleaned piano for $3.00 & reset 3 pegs. Mr. Beach stood trip to Philadelphia good. Barbara came home at night.
Tues. 20
Cleaned kitchen. Very warm went over to Edith Beach & got some paint for kitchen chairs that she got in Sayre. Called at Aunt Alice. painted chairs that night Mr. Beach was operated in at 8-P.M. large clot removed from his brain. Expect him to recover.
Wed 21
We went to Sayre for groceries and exchanged my dress. Grocery store closed. Got curtains for dining room windows for 39 cents per pair. Very pretty.
Thu. 22
Lovely day. Sunday School class met here. A very nice crowd. The Lebo party were here. all seemed to have a good time. Edith, Laura and Irene put worms down Rev. Stevenson’s neck. We attended church in evening
Fri. 23
Mr. Beach is making a good recovery. We went to Church. We Barbara and I went to church and we were followed on way home by strange car and two strange men we were very much frightened.
Sat. 24
Dad went to church with Barbara and I. Meeting are very good.
Sun. 25
We went to Church. Barbara is new pianist. It is very warm.
Mon. 26
Very warm. Luellyn payed me 16 cents per doz for eggs. Hazel and girls were here for supper.
Tues. 27
Very warm. No rain. Its very dry. Strong south wind burning every thing up I went to Troy with Barbara to have her hair marcelled We went to party in evening for Will and Jessie Sargeant. Their Wedding Anniversary & her birthday.
Wed. 28
Very warm. 98 degrees in shade. Could not work. Went to Church in evening.
Thu. 29
We went to Sayre and got me a Voile dress, 98 cents to wear to day. Barbara & I are invited to Wetona L. A. at Parsonage. We had chicken dinner and a lovely time. Went to Church in evening Edith & Elsie Storch came & went to Church with us.
Fri. 30
It’s a hot day. We went to Church in evening Nothing unusual happened
Sat. 1
We went to Owego to have Dr.Cady examine Barbara’s eyes. They are very bad. We saw a parade in Athens when we came home.
Sun. 2
We went to Church. It started raining at 3. P.M. rained hard we attended Church in the evening and at 11. P.M. is still raining hard.
Mon. 3
It is cooler. Rained hard all night. It is just wonderful. I sold L. P. J. 18 doz eggs at 18 cents per doz. Freem is plowing for buckwheat over to Rose’s. I called on Rose this P.M.
Tues. 4
Very nice and cool this morning. Very quiet for fourth of July. No celebrations. We are having a rooster for dinner, lemon pie. Mr. Beach left hospital last Sunday and came to Emma’s for a few days. Hugh, Dad & Katie drove over in the Nash.
Wed. 5
Cool and fair. We went to Sayre. Aunt Alice went & got shies. Freem got shingles to patch house with. 92 cents per bunch. I got me a pair of shoes 2.47. Barbara did not go. She recd her glasses in the mail. She is well pleased with them. Date gave us peas.
Thu. 6
We washed. Barbara took Freems dinner & horse feed over to Parmenter for him We have worked awful hard all day. Its cool in shade. Mrs. Foster spent P.M. with us.
Fri. 7
Warmer. I had head aches very hard. Rose went to Smithfield with Barbara Freem is dragging buck wheat ground. Barbara ought 10 qts of berries (black caps) of Mr. Rundel from York State. Mr. Beach came home.
Sat. 8
Rather cool. I went red rasp barring with Rose P. Joe Preston of Troy died.
Sun. 9
We went to Church in morning. We took our lunch and went down under our locusts by the spring and ate. We had the hammock pillows, blankets, reading. We rested. Mr. Beach was at Church.
Mon. 10
Its warm. I sold my eggs 15 ½ doz to Lleuwellyn Jackson. at 20 cents per doz. Freem is going to sow buckwheat.
Tues. 11
I gave an old fellow his breakfast who was down and out. Barbara went over to Blanche tonite I took her to Wenonah & she went on with Howard
Wed. 12
I went over to Aunt Alice all day. ironed and cleaned her house for her, picked berries. she gave me some. She feels real good. Freem is sowing buck wheat
Thu. 13
Freem got it all sowed. I went to Aunt Alice & picked more berries. I have gone to creamery for Barbara each A.M.
Fri. 14
I went to Creamery and on to Troy after Barbara It is very warm and dry. This evening some one called at door and it was Mrs. Ben Griffith to see Freem. He did not know her. Eliza Griffith was with her. Mable Lennox and two Griffith girls.
Sat. 15
Warm and dry. Barbara taking her boys over in Charles Storch flat for a picnic.(Sunday School Class)
Sun. 16
We went to Church Kenneth Kellogg is coming to help us. Barbara went to Church & I went over to see Emma French.
Mon. 17
Went to Sayre in P.M. Very warm. sold my eggs for 19 cents per doz.
Tues. 18
Hot & dry. Kenneth came to help in hay. I went over to Aunt Alice for berries
Wed. 19
drew hay
Tue. 20
Fri. 21
I went to Sayre with Rose to meet Myrtle at hospital her baby Margerette has club feet.
Sat. 22
baked and did general Sat. work Very warm.
Sun. 23
Very hot. Mercury 98 A surprise for me for my birthday. Neva & family Dicks Date & Aunt Alice. ____ Katie & Hugh.
Mon. 24
Tues. 25
Rained in A.M. Freem and I went to Helen Tripp’s funeral near Waverly. Barbara kept Jennie Beach.
Wed. 26
Worked at Haying Alice Storch was here in P.M.
Thu. 27
Went to Troy. I called at Belle Campbell’s while Barbara had her hair Marcelled. Louise was home I saw her and her baby
Fri. 28
Very warm. 98 degrees Barbara & Alice went swimming. Freem & Kenneth drawing hay
Sat. 29
Very Hot. Barbara & Alice went over and got Bijou they stayed all night.
Sun. 30
We all went to Church and Sunday School. went to League in evening. Then to Burlington & got ice cream. took Bijou & Alice home- Freem had gone over home with Parmenters awful Hot. Kenneth went home. Freem paid him 50 cent s per day
Mon. 31
Sold my eggs to Llwellyn 19 cents doz. went to Troy with Barbara in P.M.
Tues. 1
Went to Elmira to Riverside park to S.S. picnic. Had a good time Zeda went over town with us.
Wed. 2
Very hot. Aunt Alice was here. Freem got 4 qts black berries. D. A. Browne to see Barbara about S.S. work.
Thu. 3
Cooler and raining. Barbara getting ready to go Camping at Homer N.Y. rained in torrent. I baked cookies, Graham bread for Barbara to take.
Fri. 4
Barbara went with bunch from parsonage.
Wed. 13
rained, Very wet afraid potatoes will rot
Thu. 14
Fri. 15
Barbara and I went to Amstarys(?) for jars. rains awful hard Barbara sick tonite & vomited. stomach trouble.
Sat. 16
We set up stove
Sun. 5
Went to Church went over to May Ringlers after swamp berrys
Mon. 6
Very cold. ground covered with snow. Lawrence Tracy was here in evening
Tues. 7
continued cold, I spent day with Emma French Barbara took me over on her way to school and we voted at night. Barbara had to be sworn in as she is just over 21 yrs old
Wed. 8
I canned beets. Very cold.
Thu. 9
I cleaned my bedroom. Its very blustering and a strong south West wind Barbara & I helped serve a chicken supper at the Church. She waited tables. We after-ward went to Home and School league meeting Rev. Gordon from Ulster was the speaker.
Sat. 25
Rev Harry Rutchel is at Springfield to preach tomorrow. Rev Straw has gone to Vestal Center. Anna Peet has invited us up there tomorrow.
Sun. 26
We attended Church service at Springfield. Harry Rutchel preached. We were home with Anna & Fred for dinner had a nice time Harry was there.
Mon. 27
Attending services
Tues. 28
at Springfield
Sat. 2
I went to Sayre with Aunt Alice to get her some under wear.
Sun. 3
Rev. Harry Rutchel, Fred, Anna, Martha & Rev. & Mrs. Stevenson were here for 6 oclock dinner. We had a good time, Mr. Rutchel sang for us and had prayer meeting. We surely enjoyed it.
Mon. 4
It all happened today instead of yesterday.
Tues. 5
Attended Church
Wed. 6
Tue. 7
Went to choir rehearsal with Barbara. Not enough out. We went to Big Pond to Church Harry Rutchel is there. Mrs. Stevenson, Lucena Potter Luke French & Barbara & I went
Wed. 8
I had the ten club from our Church here for supper. 25 cents per plate to pay Church note. Rev & Mrs. Stevenson, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carpenter, Mr. & Mrs. Luke French, Mr. & Mrs. Levi Kellogg & Frank.
Sat. 9
Barbara went to Young peoples meeting at Federated Church. I went to see Agnes & Grace Brainard. had a good time. Car froze up. Very Cold.
Sun. 10
Very Cold. 2 below Zero. We went to Big Pond
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Diary of Bessie Ackerman Gates 1933
1/5/2002 7:06:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: ccfreema@mailbox.syr.edu (Claude and Merilee Freeman)
To: JoyceTice@aol.com
932&1933DiaryofB.Gates.doc (91648 bytes) DL Time (26400 bps):
< 1 minute
Dear Joyce,
I bought this 1933 Diary along with others for the years:
1943, 1945, 1949, 1951, 1954, 1956 at a Antique Show in Syracuse, NY this
past summer. I am sending this transcription on to you. Please add it to
your sight if you find it of interest. Bessie Ackerman Gates and her husband,
Freeman Gates are both buried in Union Cemetery, Smithfield, PA. Freeman's
is Walton Gates of Wetona, I believe. This information
was gleaned from your site. Their daughter Barbara Gates evidentally married
Don (?) and it does not appear as though there were any children of that
marriage. How the Diaries ended up at an Antique sale, I do not know, nevertheless,
here is the earliest one for you.
Happy New Year.
Lee Freeman