Thursday, January 1, 1920
Cloudy and blustery. Got load of feed.
Friday, January 2, 1920
Fair and cold. Worked over in the woods.
Saturday, January 3
Fair and cold. Milo came up to see me about oats.
Sunday, January 4
Fair and cold. Did chores and read the Grit paper.
Monday, January 5
Quite cold. I banked the house.
Tuesday, January 6
Fair and warmer. Went over to woods. Used Cecils saw.
Wednesday, January 7-
Fair and warmer. Finished sawing up logs.
Thursday, January 8
Snowy and cloudy. Ruths father took team over and skidded logs.
Friday, January 9
Ruths father skidded out some logs. I did chores.
Saturday, January 10.
Fair and cold. Ruths father took 12 logs down to Minor Friends.
Sunday, January 11.
Fair and cold. I did chores and read the Grit.
Monday, January 12
Ruths father took 6 logs to Miners. I got to subscriptions to Country Gentleman.
Tuesday, January 13
Fair and cold. Ruths father took 7 logs to Miners
Wednesday, January 14
Cold and blustery. Did not draw logs.
Thursday, January 15
Fair and cold. Ruths father to logs to Miners.
Friday, January 16
Windy and cold. Snowed some. Ruths father drew logs.
Saturday, January 17.
Cold and stormy. Ruths father drew on load of logs.
Sunday, January 18
Clear & windy. Snow drifting badly. Got cold coming from factory.
Monday, January 19
Fair and cold. I did chores and went to factory.
Tuesday, January 20
Cold and fair. I did chores and went to factory.
Wednesday, January 21
Cold & a very hard wind storm at night. Helped Delos butcher.
Thursday, January 22
Fair and cold. Ruth’s father drew logs & took milk.
Friday, January 23
Snowy & stormy. Ruth went over to her folks with babies. Her father drew logs.
Saturday, January 24
Fair and cold. Delos, his father & I got over rest of logs.
Sunday, January 25
Fair and cold. Did my chores and went to factory.
Monday, January 26
Fair and cold. Did chores. Had to feed my cows oats for grain.
Tuesday, January 27
Fair and cold. Did chores & Roy and I mixed up 300 of feed..
Wednesday, January 28
Fair and cold. Did chores and waited for load of coal but it did not come.
Thursday, January 29
Fair and a little warmer. Got a load of coal. Sold James Lain some chickens.
Friday, January 30
Cloudy and warmer. I went down to Ruths folks for dinner.
Saturday, January 31
Fair and cold. Did my chores and went to factory.
Sunday, February 1
Windy and very cold. Took Pat and Delos’ cutter and went over to my folks.
Monday, February 2
Fair and warmer. Did chores and went to factory. Got a load of coal of Orv. Morrell.
Tuesday, February 3
Did chores and got a load of coal of OU Morrell.
Wednesday, February 4
Fair and colder. Delos took my milk to factory. He borrowed Pat and when to Middlebury.
Thursday, February 5
Sunny and colder. Did chores and went to factory. Delos up to read the Country Gentleman.
Friday, February 6
Fair and cold. I thrashed out the beans. Had about a peck he for cleaning.
Saturday, February 7
Fair and a little warmer. I went to Lawrenceville to the bank. Walked from Tioga Junction, home.
Sunday, February 8
Fair and cold. Ruths folkscame off and were here for dinner.
Monday, February 9
Fair and pleasant. Went to factory and did chores. Got a new alarm clock.
Tuesday, February 10
Fair and cloudy. Went to factory and did chores. Did not get home until about noon.
February Levin
Fair and cloudy. Did chores and reported to factory. Did not get home until about noon.
Thursday, February 12
Fair and cloudy. Did chores and went to factory.
Friday, February 13
Fair and cloudy.
Did my chores and started oiling light double harness.
Saturday, February 14
Fair and pleasant. Stormed at night. When too Elmira to see about getting a job and to see if could move on Mar. 1
Sunday, February 15
Windy, cold and drifting badly. Had 198 lbs. Of milk.
Monday, February 16
Windy and cold. Elon took my milk. Had 196 lbs. of milk. Oiled light double harness.
Tuesday, February 17
Windy and cold. Elon took my milk. Had 181 lbs. Got load of hay on wagon box.
Wednesday, February 18
Cloudy and warmer.
Delos father went to Elmira. Had 190 lbs milk.
Thursday, February 19-,Tuesday, March 16
Nothing entered.
Wednesday, March 17
Worked all day in shop.
Thursday, March 18
Worked all day in La France shop. {LaFrance in Elmira made Fire Engines]
Friday, March 19
Worked all day in La France shop. Went to YMCA.
Saturday, March 20
Worked ½ day. Went up to Summit in p.m..
Sunday, March 21
Came home from Summit or to Elmira.
Monday, March 22
Worked all day in La France shop
Tuesday, March 23
Went to YMCA Worked all day in La France shop
Wednesday, March 24
Worked all day in LaFrance shop.
Thursday, March 25
Worked all day in LaFrance shop
Friday, March 26
Worked all day in LaFrance shop
Saturday, March 27
Worked ½ day in LaFrance shop.
When to Summit in p.m.
Sunday, March 28
Came home from the Summit in a.m. Went to church in evening.
Monday, March 29
Worked all day in LaFrance shop. Went to YMCA in evening.
Tuesday, March 30
Worked all day in LaFrance shop.
Wednesday, March 31
Worked all day in LaFrance shop. Went to YMCA in evening.
Thursday, April 1
Worked all day in LaFrance shop. Went to Colonial in evening. Took Dick ferret Avery.
Friday, April 2
Worked all day in LaFrance shop. Went to YMCA in evening.
Saturday, April 3
Work 10 a.m. over to LaFrance shop. Rode up to Seeley Creek with Dori Crum and fished.
Sunday, April 4
Rainy and nasty.
Came down to Elmira from up to Ruths folks. Red book of Tarzan and Jane of ___.
Monday, April 5
Worked all day in the LaFrance shop. Went to YMCA in evening.
Tuesday, April 6
Worked all day in the LaFrance shop. Went down to Richards in evening.
Wednesday, April 7
Worked all day in LaFrance shop. Went up to YMCA in evening.
Thursday, April 8
Worked all day in LaFrance shop. Went to Colonial in evening.
Uncle Loie brot. down a load of goods.
Friday, April 9
Worked all day in the France shop. I ran a race and came off 3rd best over to the Armory.
Saturday, April 10
Work in a.m over to the France. Richard and I put up my stoves. Went to Summit at night.
Sunday, April 11
Came downtown and helped straighten up the house.
Monday, April 12
Worked all day in the France shop. Ruth came down with children. Delos brot. them.
Tuesday, April 13
Worked all day in LaFrance shop. Staid home in evening.
Wednesday, April 14
Worked all day of the France shop. Got my pays slip. Morrow Plant closed of switchman strike.
Thursday, April 15
Worked all day in LaFrance shop. Bot. Me a new wheel. Paid Mrs. DeLong $6.00.
Friday, April 16
Worked all day in La France shop.
Saturday, April 17
Work during a.m. Got cleaned up in p.m.
Sunday, April 18
Fair and pleasant.
Went over to Richards in forenoon.
Monday, April 19
Work in the LaFrance shop all day.
Tuesday, April 20
Worked in the LaFrance shop all day.
Wednesday, April 21
Worked in LaFrance shop all day.
Thursday, April 22
Worked in LaFrance shop all day. Paid Mr. Amey $5.00. Paid Mr. DeLong 7.00
Friday, April 23
Worked in LaFrance shop all day.
Saturday, April 24
Work ½ day.
Took alarm over town to get it fixed. My folks here while I was gone.
Sunday, April 25
Fair and cool. My folks stopped in evening or p.m. Read some.
Monday, April 26
Worked all day in LaFrance shop.
Tuesday, April 27
Worked all day in LaFrance shop.
Wednesday, April 28
Worked all day in LaFrance shop.
Thursday, April 29
Worked all day in LaFrance shop. Paid Mr. Amy $5.00 paid Mrs. DeLong $7.00
Friday, April 30
Worked all day in LaFrance shop.
Saturday, May 1
Worked ½ day. Went up to my folks in p.m. Loren met us at pine city That.
Sunday, May 2
Fair and cool.
Father brot. us home in about 40 minutes. Halseys were down to see us.
Monday, May 3
Fair and cold worked all day at shop. Put 1 quart onion sets in evening.
Tuesday, May 4
Worked all day in LaFrance shops.
Wednesday, May 5
Worked all day in LaFrance shop. Nick and I went to see Jack Dempsey at Colonial
Thursday, May 6
Work 10 a.m. Sick abed with Grippe in p.m.
Friday, May 7
Sick of bed all day.
Father called in evening. Fred Langbell moved his goods in.
Saturday, May 8
Got up in a.m. and rode wheel over town.
Sunday, May 9
Read most of day. Fair and quite pleasant.
Monday, May 10
Worked all day in the France shops.
Tuesday, May 11
Worked all day in the France shops.
Wednesday, May 12
Worked all day in the France shop. Went to look for baby carriage & to Colonial.
Thursday, May 13
Worked all day and shop. Received only 17.72 pay. Bot. P ___ and took home.
Friday, May 14
Worked all day and shop. Put in some potatoes in evening.
Saturday, May 15
Fair and pleasant. Bot. A garden cultivator. Caught a fish weighing two pounds and planted some garden.
Sunday, May 16
Fair and pleasant. Read most of the day. Got only 5 eggs.
Monday, May 17-Thursday, May 27
Nothing entered
Friday, May 28
Worked in LaFrance all day. Had a large Aerial Truck sent in for repairs.
Saturday, May 29
Fair and warm. Delos, Harry Everett, Leslie, Delos and I went to circus.
Ruth & kids went up to her folks. Wrote my wheel to summit That.
Sunday, May 30
Was up to Delos’. Came home in evening.
Monday, May 31
Fair and very warm. Richard and I put in potatoes up on Ruths fathers lot and put in Richards Garden. Worked in LaFrance during day.
Tuesday, June 1-July 15
Nothing entered
Friday, July 16
Fair and pleasant. Worked over to shop. Got a calendar. Sowed turnip seeds in garden..
Saturday, July 17
Fair and pleasant. Got an application for Rail Way Mail Clerk and made out some of it.
Sunday, July 18
Fair and a little cool. Looked for Cecil and Mildred Jewell to come down but they didn’t.
Monday, July 19
Worked all day in shop.
Tuesday, July 20
Worked all day in shop.
Wednesday, July 21
Fair most of day. Worked all day in shop.
Thursday, July 22
Fair most of day. Worked all day. Paid rent for until August 8th.
Friday, July 23
Fair during day. Had one of severest Elec. Showers at night & ever had. Edson Gaige had barn burn up.
Saturday, July 24
Rainy and some fair. Delos & Leslie were down to see about Richard and I going berrying. Took medical examination.
Sunday, July 25
Fair and cool. Uncle Frank and and Jenny Bulow were here during p.m.
Monday, July 26-Wednesday, July 28
Nothing entered
Thursday, July 29
Work during day. We went up to summit That at night.
Friday, July 30
Delos, Harry Everett, Bill Brown and I went after huckleberries up to Black Forest.
Saturday, July 31
Rainy in a.m. fairThat in p.m. Picked huckleberries all day. Played cards in evening.
Sunday, August 1
Was up to Ruths folks. Delos & rest of us came home from Black Forest. Saw Rat. Snake.
Monday, August 2
Delos brot. us home from Summit.
Tuesday, August 3
Went to work again. We had about 7 bushels of berries.
Wednesday, August 4-Sunday, August 8
Nothing entered
Monday, August 9
Worked all day in shop.
Tuesday, August 10
Worked all day and shop
Wednesday, August 11
Rainy most of day. Took Railway Mail Clerk Exam at PO.
Thursday, August 12-Tuesday, August 24
Wednesday, August 25
Picked a couple of bushels of sweet corn to dry.
Thursday, August 26
Ruth took kids and went up to my folk with father.
Friday, August 27
Worked all day. Loren Dorothy & I went to Regent in evening.
Saturday, August 28
Fair and pleasant. I rode up to my folks with Roy to Stevens in Studebaker car.
Sunday, April 29
Fair and pleasant. Father gave us some pairs and took us home.
Monday, August 30- Saturday, September 4
Nothing entered
Sunday, September 5
Fair and pleasant. Richard, and Sadie Uncle Loie & Leda here in evening.
Monday, September 6
Irene came down to go to school. I worked on rocker.
Tuesday, September 7
Irene went to school.
Wednesday, September 8
I worked in shop. Irene went to school.
Thursday, September 9
Irene went to school. I worked in shop. Paid Dick 6.00
Friday, September 10
Irene went to school. I worked in shop.
Saturday, September 11
Work 10 a.m. Got Ruth a call under and light bulb. Soaked Bbl.
Sunday, September 12
I went to church. Irene went home. She rode up with Ross & Ivah.
Monday, September 13
Worked in shop. Dug bushel of potatoes. Ruth got Ruby some shoes. Went after Irene over to Lorens.
Tuesday, September 14
Worked all day. Irene went to school.
Wednesday, September 15
Father came down with butter. I worked all day. Irene went to school. Ruth & I went to Regent in evening.
Thursday, September 16
Received 22.58 for wages last week. Worked all day. Irene went to school.
Friday, September 17
I worked all day. Irene went to school. I took Irene over to YWCA. Went to Untamedat Majestic.
Saturday, September 18
Went to LaFrance outing at Cold Brook.
Won 100 yd. 2nd prize time 12 4/5 seconds.
" 50 " " " " 9 ¾ sec.
Sunday, September 19-Friday, September 15
Nothing entered
Saturday, September 16
Fair unpleasant. Work during a.m.
Sunday, October 17
Fair and pleasant. Richard & I got out potatoes & went for nuts.
Monday, October 18
Fair and pleasant. Worked all day and LaFrance shop.
Tuesday, October 19
Fair & pleasant. Received appointment as Railway Mail Clerk
Wednesday, October 20
Fair and pleasant. Left at three-16 a.m. for NYC. Staid all-night and Uncle Will Palmers.
Thursday, October 21
Fear and pleasant. Left Hoboken at 10-20 a.m. Arrived in Elmira at 4-38. Was about all in on arrival.
Friday, October 22
Fair and pleasant. Staid at home to get ready for work.
Saturday, October 23
Fair and pleasant. Got word to work from Salamanca to Susquehanna. [Apparently on Railroad]
Sunday, October 24
Fair and cool. Went to Salamanca on early morning train. Went to the Strand in p.m..
Monday, October 25
Fair and pleasant. Went from Sal. to Susquehanna & back. Worked pretty hard.
Tuesday, October 26
Laid in bed until 11-00 a.m. Shaved & studied in p.m.. Read some in evening.
Wednesday, October 27
Made round-trip to Susquehanna & back to Sal. Got quite cold during night
Thursday, October 28
Studied and changed Schemes during p.m. The weather is pretty cold.
Friday, October 29
A cold day. Made another round-trip. Trip takes from 7-10 a.m. until 2.00 a.m. next day.
Saturday, October 30
Fair and cold. Some snow on ground. Came home arriving about noon.
Sunday, October 31
Fair, windy and warmer. Killed a hen for dinner. Went up to Salamanca on the local leaving 5-21. Went from Salamanca & return.
Monday, November 1
No entry
Tuesday, November 2
Slept until noon. Studied and shaved during p.m.
Wednesday, November 3
Went from Sal. to Susq. & returned. Works from 7.10 until about 2.00 next morning. Slept until about 2.00 p.m. Studied during p.m..
Thursday, November 4
No entry
Friday, November 5
Went from Sal. to Sus. and return. Fair and cool.
Saturday, November 6
Fair and pleasant. Came down home. Got est. pay $32.41.
Sunday, November 7
Fair and cold. I was home & my folks came down & brought me 10 gal. cider.
Monday, November 8
Fair and cold. I worked from Sal. to Susquehanna & back
Tuesday, November 9
Fair and cold. I slept until about 12.30 p.m. Studied some during p.m..
Wednesday, November 10
Fair and cold. Worked from Sal. to Susquehanna & back.
Thursday, November 11
Fair and cold. Slept until noon. Went to see "The Heart of the Yukon at Andrews Theatre.
Friday, November 12
Worked from Sal. to Sus. & back. Snowed quite a lot at Sal. last night.
Saturday, November 13
Fair and cold. Came home for Sunday. Cut up a hog. Got to bed quite late.
Sunday, November 14
Fair and cool. Was busy all day left Elmira on #3 about 10.00 p.m.. Soft father & Irene a moment. Monday, November 15
Snowy & cold. Worked from Sal.. to Susq. & return.
Tuesday, November 16
Snowy & cold at Sal. Kermit Moore & I went hunting all day. Not much snow in Elmira.
Wednesday, November 17
Snowy & cold Was 90 minutes late out of Sal.
Thursday, November 18
Fair and cold. I went home as my orders had been completed.
Friday, November 19
Fair and pleasant. I put card board on the chicken coop and started making case.
Saturday, November 20
I finished making practice case.
Sunday, November 21
Fair and cloudy. I left on #3 in evening for Salamanca.
Slept part of way up.
Monday, November 22
Worked on trains 4 and 3 from Salamanca to Sus.and return.slept at mail club until 2.00 p.m. Corrected card after that.
Tuesday, November 23
Nothing entered
Wednesday, November 24
Worked on trains 4 and 3 over same assignment.
Thursday, November 25
Came down home for Thanksgiving. Ruth, Ruby & I were alone but had a good dinner.
Friday, November 26
Work down on 4. Mail car left Port Jervis so Helped in Express Car to Elmira.
Saturday, November 27
Ruths mother & father down. I bought a new Wilton Velvet rug.
Sunday, November 28
Ruths folks & Ruth went up to Summit at night. I went up to Lorens a few moments. Went to Sal. in evening.
Monday, November 29
Fair and cold. Work and same assignment. Neil was just moderate.
Tuesday, November 30
Fair and cool. Studied during p.m. got up at 10.30 a.m. Was quite cool today. Worked from Sal. to Sus. And back all Trs. 4, & 3. Was a nasty day all day.
Thursday, December 2
Slept until 10.00 a.m. Studied during the rest of the day. Heard a Edison phonograph. Worked in the same assignment. Mr. Giles heard his alarm when the catcher hit a boxcar.
Saturday, December 4
Fair and cool. Come down to Elmira and went up to Summit. Got 4 teeth fixed at Dr. Murdocks.
Sunday, December 5
Cloudy and stormed some. Stayed up to summit That. Had spare ribs for dinner.
Monday, December 6
Worked as Transfer Clerk at Elmira Term. RPO from 1.00 till 12-45 p.m.
Tuesday, December 7
Fair and cold. Worked as Transfer Clerk at Binghamton RPO. Went to theater in p.m..
Wednesday, December 8
Got through work 3.05 this morning and came down a home on Tr 7.
Thursday, December 9
Slept until late. Went over to PO. Was home all day. Irene here sick.
Friday, December 10
Slept until about 8.00 a.m. Irene went home with father. Was quite snowy. Ruth & I went to Mozart.
Saturday, December 11
Got letter to work giving orders in Sherman Hills Place from .Dec. 14 to 26 inclusive. Wrote letter to Charlie Graybill in evening.
Sunday, December 12
Fair and pleasant. I went up to my folks in evening. Ruth did not want me to go.
Monday, December 13
Came down home in morning. Father brot. me out as far as the Hollow. Caught bus at Seeley Creek.
Tuesday, December 14
Worked on NY & Sus. On trains 4 and 3. Threw of Hales Eddy pouch of Great Bend.
Wednesday, December 15
Slept until noon. Went to a show in p.m. Bot. book called "Kazan" by curwood.
Thursday, December 16
Worked on NY & Sal. on Trs 4and 3 Sal. to Sus. & return. Mail was pretty heavy.
Friday, December 17
Came down home on Tr 4 and back on 3 . Lillian was quite sick. Not feeling very well myself.
Saturday, December 18
Worked on NY & Sal. in the same assignment. Was very sick but Working. Went to bed in Susquehanna at YMCA.
Sunday, December 19
Came down home on Tr 4 . Was two hours late. Am not feeling well. Found wife and kiddies well & OK.
Monday, December 20
Was at home all day left on Tr 3 in evening for Salamanca.
Tuesday, December 21
Worked on Trs 4 & 3 from Sal. to Susq. & return. Sent out some Christmas cards.
Wednesday, December 22
Slept until 3.00 p.m. Got up and went over to give & ten cent store for some grease solvent.
Thursday, December 23
Worked on Trs 4 & 3 from Sal. to Sus.& return. Put off and 63 sacks of such mail at Bing.
Friday, December 24
Came down home on Tr 4and back on Tr 3. Was pretty sleepy.
Saturday, December 25
Work done Trs. 4 & 3. From Sal to Susq & return. Mail was heavy in morning & light at night.
Sunday, December 26
Came down home on Tr 4. Stopped over to Richards a while. Found wife, & kiddies well.
Monday, December 27
Fair and calling all day. I cut slots inside peace for book case and sawed off some shelves for it.
Tuesday, December 28
Work and trains 4and 3 from Sal. to Sus & returned. Was on time in Salamanca.
Wednesday, December 29
Went down home to spend p.m.. Rec’d. Check for $41.94 and do not know what for.
Thursday, December 30
Worked on Trs 4 & 3from Sal to Susq & return. Went down with Tom McHenry & back with Pouton.
Friday, December 31
Fair and quite pleasant. Went down home to go see Daddy Long Legs at Mozart with Ruth.
Saturday, January 1, 1921
Loren brought my shotgun home. Ruths father and mother here.