Mertie Wayman’s Autograph Book
An autograph book that belonged to Mertie Wayman was found among the possessions of her daughter, Violet Hakes "MacNeal" of Sayre, in 1990. The book was probably given to Mertie as a Christmas gift in 1892. Mertie was fifteen years of age and was probably living with her mother and grandparents in Albany Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. The earliest entry is dated December 25, 1892 and was made by David Wayman, Mertie’s grand-father.
The book measures 6 x 9 inches and is maroon in color. A profile view of a young woman is mounted on the cover left of center in a filigree frame. A church surrounded by mountains fills the upper right corner. A sailing vessel on a stretch of water is positioned near the lower left corner. The words "Autographs" and "Made in Germany" are engraved thereon and all remaining space is taken up by gold filigree.
The book contains 19 pages which appears about right for the binding that remains but the binding is broken and some pages may have been lost. The entries have been copied as they appear in the book and the spelling has not been changed.
The book now belongs to the Bradford County Historical Society museum.
Mertie B. Wayman Christmas
(Mertie, b. 4 Feb. 1877 Albany Twp.; d. 25 Oct 1925 Towanda)
To Mertie Wayman
When you get old and cannot see
Put on your specks and think of me
Yours truly
Jan. 16 1893 Addie Ellis
(Aunt Addie. Susan Wayman’s mother was Fanny (Ellis) Wayman.)
Mertie Wayman March 5 1893
May it be in the storm of life
Whe(n) you hafto cary any umberla
And may it always be carted by
A nice young fellow
Your Cousin
Arthur J. Ellis
Durell Brad. Co.
New Albany Jan 31, 1904
Remember me dear Mertie when on these
Lines you look remember it was Matie
Who wrote this in your book
Your Sister
Matie Hakes
(Mertie married Thomas G. Hakes 17 Sep 1902. Matie was her sister-in-law.)
To Mertie Hatch Hill January the 16, 1893
Let your books and trusted friends be
Ever well selected and few.
Be virtuous while thou art young, so
Shall thine age be honoured.
Written by Mrs Fanny Wayman
(Fanny (Ellis) Wayman (1832-1903), Mertie’s grandmother.)
David Wayman Dec. 25 1892
(David Wayman (1831-1914), Mertie’s grandfather.)
To Mertie (undated)
Sum write for pleasure
Sum write for fame
But I write simply
To sine my name
Matie Hakes
Hatch Hill Jan 31, 1904
May your friends never spread
Like graybacks on my shirt
I wonder why -
Hiram Campbell
Dec the 27 1892
With this book so pure and white
Let none but friends presume
To write and may each line
With friendship given direct
The readers thoughts A heaven
Mrs L. McClure
To Mertie July 30, 1893
The Happiest life
I ever saw led
Was to coart a week
And then to wead
From C. A. Voorhis
10,000 xxxxxx
To Mertie
Edwin Ellis
Jan16/93 Durell Pa
To Mertie
A line is sufficient for memory
Wilmot Ellis
2.12.1893 Durell Pa.
(Mertie’s great grandmother Ellis was also named Wilmot.)
To Mertie B Wayman February 3th 1895
Long may you Live
Happy may you be
When you get married
Come and see me.
From your friend
Mrs Eliza A. Wayman
Hatch Hill Pa.
(Eliza Wayman, b. May 1873, wife of Moses Wayman, Mertie’s uncle.)
Friend Mertie
Here I ask for a little
Spot just to write
For get me not
Mrs Sillman Ferriton
May 31 1896 Durell Pa.
Aug = the 10 = 1895
To Mertie
A good name is
Far better than
Yours truly
G. J. Larabee
Mertie Waymand Feb12 1893
Remember I say when
You look on
This page that writing
In albums is like
Working for wages
James McClure
To Mertie July 27 1893
May the angels of Heaven
Twine for thee
A wreath of immortality
Mattie Voorhis
Jamison City Penna
Miss Mertie B Wayman Hatch Hill Dec 26 1892
Be good do good and you will be Happy
Susie G Wayman
(Susan Wayman (1855-1929) Mertie’s mother.)
To Mertie April the 15
May you be Happy
Each day of your life
Get a good Husband
And make a good Wife
Your Friend
Maud Chilson
Miss Mertie Wayman February 2th 1895
Around goes the ring
That has no end
True goes the Love
To you my friend
When you are far
Away and friends
Are few remember
Me and I
Will you
Mrs Eliza Wayman
(Mertie’s aunt.)
New Albany Jan the 1st 1894
Honor thy Father
And Mother
That thy days may
Be Lengthend on earth
Orlando Wayman
(Orlando Wayman (1837-1900) Mertie’s great-uncle.)
Dec the 27 1892
I am the last in your album
And the last in your thoughts
And the (first) to be remembered
And the first to be forgot
Mrs A A Ketchem
T A Campbell Jacksonville, Florida
June 21 1896 May, 1990