1. Thomas Francis1 Morgan, son of Dwight Morgan and Clarinda Elizabeth Wood, (#15125) was born in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 18 APR 1849. Individual flags: Diary. Thomas died 29 JAN 1928 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 78. His body was interred 01 FEB 1928 in Pierce Cemetery, Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.
He married twice. He married Alice Rosa 3 JUL 1874.
(Alice Rosa is #15126.) Alice was born 20 JUL 1856. Alice was
the daughter of Giles Rosa and Mary Ann Wood. Alice died 8 APR 1897
at age 40. Her body was interred APR 1897 in Pierce Cemetery, Armenia
Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary Jane Harvey
3 JAN 1900. (Mary Jane Harvey is #15111.) Mary was born 20
FEB 1851 in Alsace Township, Berkshire County, Pennsylvania. Mary
was the daughter of James R. Harvey and Maria Martha Ripley. She
married Asa A. Jackson 13 JAN 1871. Mary died 25 MAR 1928 in Sullivan
Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 77. Her body was interred
MAR 1928 in State Road Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.
Francis Morgan and Alice Rosa had the following children:
2 i. Nellie2 Morgan
(#15165) was born in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 24
JAN 1877. Nellie died 10 FEB 1880 at age 3. Her body was interred
FEB 1880 in Pierce Cemetery, Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.
+ 3 ii.
Edward Dwight Morgan was born 14 JUN 1880.
+ 4 iii.
Ada Bell Morgan was born 19 SEP 1882.
+ 5 iv.
George Anson Morgan was born 3 APR 1885.
+ 6 v.
Ray Morgan was born 27 AUG 1887.
Thomas Morgan – 1876
Saturday, January 1, 1876
Frank I love you. Frank I do. Frank believe me for it is love
A. Morgan
Sunday, January 2, 1876
Remember me when this you see. A. Morgan
You I love and shall forever. You may change but I will never. A.M.
If you love me as I love you no knife can cut our love into. Alice M.
Monday, January 3, 1876
Wether cold. I eat breakfast to H. Woods. Start home. Come as far as S. W. Lyons. Eat supper then go to grange dance.
Tuesday, January 4, 1876
Wether cold. I eat breakfast. Come home.
Wednesday, January 5, 1876
Wether cold. I draw logs for P. Peck. Draw out 3 loads 1469.
Thursday, January 6, 1876
Wether cold. I draw logs for P. Peck. Draw draw out 5 loads in 11 logs.
Friday, January 7, 1876
Wether plesant fore noon draw 3 loads logs in all 9 logs
Saturday, January 8, 1876
Sunday, January 9, 1876
Monday, January 10, 1876
Draw horis Alexander one cord stove wood one dolar fifty to be credited on blacksmithing
Tuesday, January 11, 1876
Wednesday, January 12, 1876
Thursday, January 13, 1876
Friday, January 14, 1876
Saturday, January 15, 1876
Draw Thomas Macholm one cord stove wood. One dolar is to be paid in work when called for or money. Buy one gallon of oil of R. Monras. Paid for the same 90 cents.
Sunday, January 16, 1876
Wether cold. Go to church in the evening.
Monday, January 17, 1876
Tuesday, January 18, 1876
Wether thawing mud deep. I attend law sute at Troy for Mr. Baley as witness. Got one pure of sho? 2525
Wednesday, January 19, 1876
Wether still warm.
Thursday, January 20, 1876
Wether cold. Alice and I go to Smithfield to funeral
Friday, January 21, 1876
Wether cold and clear. I came home from Smithfield. Alice stays to E. V. Nichols
Saturday, January 22, 1876
Wether cold. I go to Flats.
Sunday, January 23, 1876
At home. Wether thaws and rains. Rains south.
Monday, January 24, 1876
At home. Wether cold. Wind west. Go chop stove wood.
Tuesday, January 25, 1876
At home. Wether cold. Wind south. I draw one cord of stove wood to Thomas Macholm. One dolar fifty to be paid in work when called for or money. Buy ¼ lb tobacco for father. 18 cts to be paid to me in money.
Wednesday, January 26, 1876
At home. Wether fare fore noon. Draw wood to dore after noon. Draw John Alexander one cord stove wood to be credited on blacksmithing ($1.50). Boris Wood here.
Thursday, January 27, 1876
At home. Wether rainy. Wind South. Fore noon saw wood to draw to dore and saw 3 pine logs. Boris Wood helps me.
Friday, January 28, 1876
At home. Wether fore noon rains after noon. I go to Troy after Alice. She comes from Smithfield on stage. Get home 9 o’clock in evening. Buy one fourth lb of tea of Redington and ?????
Saturday, January 29, 1876
At home. Wether rainy. Wind changes to the west.
Sunday, January 30, 1876
At home. Wether coldish.
Monday, January 31, 1876
At home to breckfast. Wether cold. I start to Wellsborough. Get to Frank Woods. Eat super then go to Henry Woods. Stay all night. Eat dinner at Mansfield. Pay out 30 cts. For L. Baley.
Tuesday, February 1, 1876
Wether cold. Eat breckfast at Henry Woods. Dinner at Wellsborough. Super at Frank Woods. Stay all night. Pay out 40 cts.
Wednesday, February 2, 1876
Wether cold. Eat breckfast at Frank Woods. Get dinner at Wellsborough. Pay 25 cts. Eat super at Franks. Stay all night.
Thursday, February 3, 1876
Wether cold. I eat breckfast at Franks. Go to the borough. Come back to Franks. Eat super. Stay all night.
Friday, February 4, 1876
Wether cold. Eat breckfast up Franks. Start home. Get to Mansfield. Pay out 30 cts for B. G. Baley. Eat supper at home. I. Blanchesor and Mr. Holis here to supper.
Saturday, February 5, 1876
Wether cold and clear. I draw logs on the road by house. Mr. Holis here to breckfast. I lend Hattie ?????? six dolars.
Sunday, February 6, 1876
At home. Wether coldish. I stay at home all day.
Monday, February 7, 1876
Wether warm and plesant. Fore noon make wood rack after noon get out ties to S. Baley here to supper.
Tuesday, February 8, 1876
At home. Wether warm and plesant. I get out ties.
Wednesday, February 9, 1876
At home. Wether warmish. I do nothing being sick. Rains some through the day.
Thursday, February 10, 1876
At home. Wether warm. I do nothing being sick.
Friday, February 11, 1876
At home. Wether lowery. Wind south. I do nothing being sick.
Saturday, February 12, 1876
Wether warm. E. S. Tracy comes to see me I being sick with bronchitis.
Sunday, February 13, 1876
Wether warmer. I feel some better.
Monday, February 14, 1876
Wether warm. Wind deep. I still get better sit to the table and eat supper.
Tuesday, February 15, 1876
Wether coldish. Snow, wind mostly.
Wednesday, February 16, 1876
Wether cold and squalley.
Thursday, February 17, 1876
Wether squalley. Gray calls to see me. Leaves medisin fifty cts.
Friday, February 18, 1876
At home. Wether fare. I draw four logs to Pecks mills.
Saturday, February 19, 1876
Wether thawing. Fore noon go to Troy. Buy one pare boots of Redington and Leonard four dolars get trusted to the same. Afternoon go down to grange. Stay to W. O. Seldens all night. Buy one lb of tea 69 cts. One lb of tobacco 55 cts.
Sunday, February 20, 1876
Wether plesant. I and Alice eat breckfast at W. O. Seldens. Super at Stanleys. Come home.
Monday, February 21, 1876
Wether modrate. Thaws some. I draw 16 logs on road. Sell W. M. Selden 30 bushels of oats at 40 cts per bushel. Trust him to the same. Stanley Lyon, W. M. Selden here to dinner.
Tuesday, February 22, 1876
Wether warm. I draw 2 logs to the flats. Father and mother goes down to S. W. Lyons. John Alexander makes me one cant hook. 40 cts. Fixes one bolt 10 cts.
Wednesday, February 23, 1876
Wether cold. Thermometor below zero. I make cant hood handles.
Thursday, February 24, 1876
Wether cold. Thermometor 3 below. Afternoon I draw logs on the road.
Friday, February 25, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon draw 8 loads of logs on the road. After noon draw wood out of woods.
Saturday, February 26, 1876
Wether warm. I draw wood on the road. 9 loads. Baley here to breckfast and supper.
Sunday, February 27, 1876
Wether stormy. Wind south. Alice and I goes up to Simeons and eat dinner. Sylvester and Giles at home. C. G. Baley here.
Monday, February 28, 1876
Wether fare. Draw wood to dore and draw some four wood on the road.
Tuesday, February 29, 1876
Wether modrate. Snows some. Stanley Lyon comes here to draw logs for me. Fore noon draw wood out of woods. After noon draw 5 fine logs to Flats.
Wednesday, March 1, 1876
Wether fare. I draw one load of logs. Stan draws one load for me. Goes home at night. I go to sale to Joseph Larcours. Buy one pitch fork fifty cts, one pare Bob sleds $9.95.
Thursday, March 2, 1876
Wether modrate. Snow squalls some. I draw 2 loads of wood to dore.
Friday, March 3, 1876
Wether clear and cold. Sylvester goes to Troy to mill for me. Father buys one sack flour 50 lbs. I buy one sack meal 25 lbs. Anton Furman here to super and wife.
Saturday, March 4, 1876
Wether thawing. I draw one load of stove wood on the road. I loose a cow. Anson Furman and Lydia here all day.
Sunday, March 5, 1876
Wether warm. I go down to John Woods to get home at four o’clock. Stan and Laura, Will Selden and wife make visit at our house. Alice goes down with me at Frank Woods.
Monday, March 6, 1876
Wether warm and plesant. Fore noon draw 2 loads of wood to dore. After noon tap sap trees. Sap runs fast. Sylvester draws wood to Shugar bush.
Tuesday, March 7, 1876
Wether warm. Wind south west. I tap some trees. Make 26 troves. Baley helps me some. Sylvester gether 30 buckets of sap. Father boils it in.
Wednesday, March 8, 1876
Wether colder. Snows some. Wind northwest. I boil sap gether some syrup down. Chop a little.
Thursday, March 9, 1876
Wether warmer, thaws. A litle shugar of 28 lbs mak 20 sap troves. Chop down one hemlock for stove trough. Sylvester helps me.
Friday, March 10, 1876
Wether fare. I tap shugar bush after noon. Sap runs fast. Gether 16 buckets.
Saturday, March 11, 1876
Wether warm. Sap runs. We gether 120 buckets. I boil sap in evening.
Sunday, March 12, 1876
Wether colder. I shugar as gether 16 buckes of sap. Shugar of 49 lbs. Harvy Peters here. Stays all night.
Monday, March 13, 1876
Wether cold. Shugar of 54 lbs. gether 75 buckets of sap. Harvy Peters here all day. He is sick in the after noon.
Tuesday, March 14, 1876
Wether cold and blew. I go to Troy. Sell 116 lbs of shugar at 12 ½ cts a lb. buy one lb ginger 40 cts. Pay Sylvester three dolars. Buy 40 lbs salt 80 cts. Father pays for one half of it. Buy battery 45 cts, pills 25 cts.
Wednesday, March 15, 1876
Wether cold. I shugar of 47 lbs of shugar. Father has 24 lbs. I have 23 lbs and 12 oz.
Thursday, March 16, 1876
Wether cold. Snows. Wind south. Shugar of in house.
Friday, March 17, 1876
Wether warmer. I pay Gray and Tracy one dolar and 90 cts. To be credited on docktors bill. Gray leaves me medicine for cold.
Saturday, March 18, 1876
Wether cold and snowey. Wind northwest. Thermometor at night stands at zero. Percilla Peters comes here after Harvy he not being able to go hom a boat. Take supper and go home.
Sunday, March 19, 1876
Wether clear and cold
Monday, March 20, 1876
Wether snowey. Wind southeast. Snow falls. 8 inches. I go to Flats. Go to H. Bixbys to look at cows. Father sends one dolar to Petes Monroe to be credited.
Tuesday, March 21, 1876
Wether cold. I go to Troy with Sta?. Buy one sack flour 50 lbs.
Wednesday, March 22, 1876
Wether warmer. Thaws. I go to the Flats.
Thursday, March 23, 1876
Wether warm. Thaws. I draw Daton Holunbeck one cord four foot wood three dolars making my one 1.45 cts. Gave 12 ¾ lbs shugar to Sel? to be paid for when sold. Buy one box matches of him 20 cts.
Friday, March 24, 1876
Wether plesant and coldish. I make sap troves. Father, Baley and Sylvester helps me. We make 55.
Saturday, March 25, 1876
Wether thawery. Snow falls 8 inches in morning. Sap runs some. We empty troves. Rains some through the day.
Sunday, March 26, 1876
Wether modrate. Wind west. I go to funeral of W. Jonsons boy aged 6 years. Alice and mother goes.
Monday, March 27, 1876
Wether modrate. I chop and draw wood in shugar bush. Sylvester, Giles and father works.
Tuesday, March 28, 1876
Wether fore noon fare, after noon rains. Fore noon draw wood on road and cut wood for shugar bush. Father moves grandmother up to Lymans in her room.
Wednesday, March 29, 1876
Wether cold. Wind west. I take 20 bushels of oats to Pecks mill to get choped for cows.
Thursday, March 30, 1876
Wether Coldish. Wind west. I chop some stove wood on the road. Out of logs. Susannah Cumfort and Lotie Peters here. C. G. Baley here all day.
Friday, March 31, 1876
Saturday, April 1, 1876
Sunday, April 2, 1876
Monday, April 3, 1876
Tuesday, April 4, 1876
Wether modrate. Wind northwest. We set up sap troves. We milk four cows.
Wednesday, April 5, 1876
Wether fare. I draw 2 loads wood to dore. Cut over trees and set troves tap 36 trees. Sap runs some.
Thursday, April 6, 1876
Wether warm. Sap runs. We gather 40 buckets. Frank Wood here. Stays all night. W. O. Bixby looses child too weeks old.
Friday, April 7, 1876
Wether fare. Noon fare. Saps runs some after noon. Groes cold. Wind blows hard. We gather sap syrup down. Frank Wood here. Stay all night.
Saturday, April 8, 1876
Wether coldish. Sap runs some. We shugar of 75 lbs. Frank Wood here. Eats breckfast and dinner. I send Panshlin Smith 31 lbs of shugar at 13 ct. 3 ¼ lbs at 15 per lbs to be paid for when sold.
Sunday, April 9, 1876
Wether clear and cold. I stay at home. Baley here to supper. Stay all night.
Monday, April 10, 1876
Wether pleasend. I gathered sap 60 buckets and chop wood.
Tuesday, April 11, 1876
Wether still plesand. We gether 90 buckets of sap. Father boils it in. I come down with the mumps.
Wednesday, April 12, 1876
Wether unplesent. I do nothing being sick. Mr. S. Simerson work for me half of a day.
Thursday, April 13, 1876
Wether stormy. I do nothing being sick. We sugard of. I had 70 lbs. Father had 65 lb.
Friday, April 14, 1876
Wether fare. Snow some in morning. Father ???? troves. I being sick. Doctor Gray comes up to see me.
Saturday, April 15, 1876
Wether fare. Snows some. Doctor Gray calls to see me. I got one gallon of oil at Smith – 20 cts. Father buys 50 lbs of flour.
Sunday, April 16, 1876
Wether fare.
Monday, April 17, 1876
Wether squalley. Sap runs fast. I set a few troves. Not being able to work father gathers. Boilers full. I do chores at night.
Tuesday, April 18, 1876
Wether fare. I do nothing but chores.
Wednesday, April 19, 1876
Wether fare. I go to Flats. Sell 100 bushels of oats to Peck to be drawed soon. Anson Furman here to super. Stays all night. We milk five cows now.
Thursday, April 20, 1876
Wether fare. Wind southwest. I gather sap. Sap runs fast. We gather 60 buckets.
Friday, April 21, 1876
Wether warm. Wind blows hard. Sap runs some. We gather 130 bux. Boil and syrup down. Giles draws one load of oats for me to Pecks.
Saturday, April 22, 1876
Wether fare. Sap runs some. We gather 90 buck. Boil all day. Giles draws one load of oats to Pecks for me. Making in all 108 4/36 of bushels.
Sunday, April 23, 1876
Wether fare. We finish boiling sap. Harvy Peters and wife here to super eat warm shugar.
Monday, April 24, 1876
Wether fare. Rains some. We shugar of. I have 84 lbs and 9 oz. Father has 79 lbs and 8 oz.
Tuesday, April 25, 1876
Wether fare. Snows some. We shugar of 86 lbs. I go down to George Beardsly’s to law sute between A. Furman and J. Blanchard. Eat super to Stanley Lyons. Come home after supper.
Wednesday, April 26, 1876
Wether plesant. Fore noon chop stove wood. After noon build brush fence. Father shugars of 15 lbs.
Thursday, April 27, 1876
Wether warm and plesant. Fore noon build fence. After noon gather sap for vinegar. Alice goes up to bur woods on visit.
Friday, April 28, 1876
Wether fare. Rains some. Father boils sap syrup down. Fore noon I clean seller. After noon chop some in follas.
Saturday, April 29, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon split rails. After noon plow some. Lydia Furman here to dinner. Anson here to supper. Stay all night.
Sunday, April 30, 1876
Wether colder. Snows some. Wind west. Anle and Lydia here to breckfast and dinner.
Monday, May 1, 1876
Wether cold. Fore noon do nothing. After noon split rails.
Tuesday, May 2, 1876
Wether fare. I go to Flats to milk. Get chop ground. Buy one sack flour one spool thread, ¼ of tobacco of Harvy Smith. Get horse shod and ???????? fixed 80 cts. Buy .2 bushels of corn of P. Peck $1.30.
Wednesday, May 3, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon hunt. After noon split rails. Sell Simeon Sherman one pig four dollars. Trust him to same.
Thursday, May 4, 1876
Wether rainy. Fore noon set out 6 apeltrees. After noon plow corn ground and pile stove wood. Simeon Sherman lets us have 12 and ¼ lbs of pork at 15 cts per lb.
Friday, May 5, 1876
Wether fare. I plow all day.
Saturday, May 6, 1876
Wether warm and plesant. I split rails and build fence. Father goes to Troy. Takes down tub butter. Gets 26 cts. He gets ½ bushel of other apples for me. Father gets one sack flour 50 lbs.
Sunday, May 7, 1876
Wether hot with verry little rain. Stanley Lyon here. Makes visit. Let him have pig.
Monday, May 8, 1876
Wether fare. I drag oats. Let Stanley Lyon have 6 bushels of oats at .35 per bushel. Trust him to same. I mesure 24 bushels of oats out of mine to feed and some he is to pay me for ???? half of same.
Tuesday, May 9, 1876
Wether fore noon rainy. After noon sow and drag oats. Giles and Mary Ann Rosa here. I mesure out thirteen bushels of oats to sow. Father is to pay me for one half of same.
Wednesday, May 10, 1876
Wether wetish. Fore noon drag oats. Giles Rosa sows for me. After noon go fishing with Giles. Rains some.
Thursday, May 11, 1876
Wether fare. I go over to Smithfield. Take Giles Rosa and Mary Ann over. Stay all night. Buy 11 yards of calico of Redington and Leonard at 8 cts per yard one comb 25 cts. Sell George Deforist 50 bushels of oats at 55 cts per bushel.
Friday, May 12, 1876
Wether rainy. We come over from Smithfield to Thomas Woods. Stay all night.
Saturday, May 13, 1876
Wether cool. We come from Thomas Woods to G. N. Woods. Eat dinner. Go to Sike Cumforts. Eat dinner. Come home. P. Peck pays W. O. Baylor thirty five dollars the balance on cow.
Sunday, May 14, 1876
Wether plesant. Giles Rosa and I go down creek to look for locket ???? lost. Come home and go to Troy to take Giles down. I eat dinner to Harves.
Monday, May 15, 1876
Wether plesant. Rains a little just at night. Sow and drag 6 bushels oats. Take potatoes out of hole and put them in granry. Mesure 4 bushels of oats out of mine to sow.
Tuesday, May 16, 1876
Wether rainy. I do nothing.
Wednesday, May 17, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon go to Flats. Get load of lumber for father. After noon draw 9 loads of manure.
Thursday, May 18, 1876
Wether in morning rains. Fore noon go to Flats. Get load of pine lumber. After noon drag corn and potatoe ground.
Friday, May 19, 1876
Wether warm and plesant. Fore noon sow and drag oats. After noon mark corn ground and plant some. Father helps sow some. I sell Elder Bullard five bushels of potatoes at 25 cts per bushel. Trust him to the same ($1.25)
Saturday, May 20, 1876
Wether fare. I plant corn. Father takes tub butter to Troy. Get 24 cts per lb. He buys one sack flour.
Sunday, May 21, 1876
Wether warm with shours. I go up to Simeon Morgans. Stanley Lyon and wife stays all night at our house.
Monday, May 22, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon rains. Noon I plant some potatoes. I pay Sylvester Morgan 1.25 cts to aply on work done last year. Stanley Lyon pays me one dollar 25 cts.
Tuesday, May 23, 1876
Wether fare. Freezes at night. Fore noon draw manure. After noon build gate and fence and draw manure.
Wednesday, May 24, 1876
Wether plesant. I plant potatoes.
Thursday, May 25, 1876
Wether plesant. I move on John Morgan’s farm. Work the same at halves have 14 cows.
Friday, May 26, 1876
Wether warm and clear. I fit corn ground and plant on J. B. Morgan. Father and John helps plant one half day. I sow 4 ¼ bushels of oats on John.
Saturday, May 27, 1876
Wether warm. I plant corn and potatoes on J. B. Morgan. Father and John helps me. We finish. Sylvester drags oats ½ day. I sow 5 bushels.
Sunday, May 28, 1876
Wether hot. I go do down to fathers. Eat dinner. We finish filling tub of butter.
Monday, May 29, 1876
Wether warm with shours. I go to Troy. Take down tub butter. Get 25 cts. I buy a stove and furniture 30 dolers. Give my note for the same. Buy one set double harness 45 dollars. Give note for the same. Buy dishes bigs ???? broom clothes fine and ?????.
Tuesday, May 30, 1876
Wether warm and plesant. I plant a little corn and make garden. Settle with father. Take his note for fifty one dollars.
Wednesday, May 31, 1876
Wether hot and windy. I plant 2 hemlocks on mine. Simeon Sherman pays me $1.16 making us even.
Thursday, June 1, 1876
Wether hot. I sow pees in garden. Plant cucumbers.
Friday, June 2, 1876
Wether showery. I go to Troy. Sell tub butter 23 cts. Buy horse of Watson Morgan one hundred and ten dollars. Borrow the monney of J. B. Morgan without intrest. I buy 2 flatirons 96 cts, dried apples 80 cts, stove plack, 10 crackers, 10.
Saturday, June 3, 1876
Wether showery. Fore noon build calf pen. After noon draw 14 ¾ bushels oats up to J. B. Morgans farm making in all 19 bushels. He is to furnish the same.
Sunday, June 4, 1876
Wether showery. I go down to Stanley Lyons. Get home to do chores. Churn twice in morning and night.
Monday, June 5, 1876
Wether cool and plesant. I commence plowing buckwheat ground.
Tuesday, June 6, 1876
Wether morning rainy. Clear and plesant. I plow for buckwheat.
Wednesday, June 7, 1876
Wether plesant. I plow for buckwheat. Fill a furkkin in five days.
Thursday, June 8, 1876
Wether warm and clear. I plow. Commence on another furkkin.
Friday, June 9, 1876
Wether plesant. I go down to Rant Bixbis after bull. Plow for buckwheat.
Saturday, June 10, 1876
Wether warm with some rain. I plow for buckwheat.
Sunday, June 11, 1876
Wether hot. I stay at home.
Monday, June 12, 1876
Wether fare. I plow for buckwheat.
Tuesday, June 13, 1876
Wether fare. I plow for buckwheat.
Wednesday, June 14, 1876
Wether morning rainy. I plow. J Morgan gets one sack salt and one furkin of Redington and Leonard. The same charged to me.
Thursday, June 15, 1876
Wether hot. I finish plowing and drag ½ day.
Friday, June 16, 1876
Wether fare. I drag Charles. Quickly drags with Rant Bixbis horses. Sylvester Morgan drags ½ day for father. The same to be indorsed on note one dollar. John sows buckwheat for me.
Saturday, June 17, 1876
Wether showery. I finish dragging. Sow 8 and ½ bushels of buckwheat. Get the same of John. He is to furnish ½ of the same.
Sunday, June 18, 1876
Wether rainy. I stay at home.
Monday, June 19, 1876
Wether showery. I go to Troy. Buy one pare boots and one pare shoes of Redington and Leonard $6.25. Alice gets one hat of Mrs. Pristol. Get trusted to the same.
Tuesday, June 20, 1876
Wether rainy.
Wednesday, June 21, 1876
Wether squally. I go to Flats. Get 3 logs sawed at Pecks Mill. Draw lumber home.
Thursday, June 22, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon go to Flats. Get load of fine lumber. Get one forth lb sulpher and 9 spools thread at Peter Monroe. Get the same charged. After noon hoe potatoes.
Friday, June 23, 1876
Wether cool. I hoe corn and beens. Sell Henry Zong one calf five dolars.
Saturday, June 24, 1876
Wether warm. I plow out and hoe corn. Father hoes about too hours. Sylvester and Giles works to make ½ day. In evening I go to grange. Draw lumber and shingles for J. B. Morgan one dolar. I pay W. Chase 99 cts for John Morgan.
Sunday, June 25, 1876
Wether shours. I stay at home.
Monday, June 26, 1876
Wether hot. I cut and draw arays of wood to dore.
Tuesday, June 27, 1876
Wether rainy. Frank Wood here to dinner.
Wednesday, June 28, 1876
Wether rainy. I go to Troy. Buy one churning machine and scythe of Erghmy. Get trusted to same. Get one sack of flour of G. Villy. Get the same charged. Buy 2 furkins of R. and Leonard. John gets one makes us even on furkins.
Thursday, June 29, 1876
Wether fare. Fix churning mashene and go over to Mr. Webilars get dog to churn. Edgar Peters comes to stay with me and work.
Friday, June 30, 1876
Wether fare. I plow out potatoes for S. Samerson. Work about 3 hours. Plow some for my self.
Saturday, July 1, 1876
Wether fare. I plow and hoe corn. I send Edgar Peters to Flats to get hors shod. Get too new shues and to old ones set by J. Alexander. J. B. Morgan is to pay one half of same.
Sunday, July 2, 1876
Wether fare. I go over to Anson Furmans. Alice goes over with me.
Monday, July 3, 1876
Wether fare. I build fence on mine. W. M. Selden pays me twenty dollars. I ???? nine dolars on note. The rest to apply on oats.
Tuesday, July 4, 1876
Wether showery. I plow out and hoe corn and potatoes.
Wednesday, July 5, 1876
Wether fare. I plow out and hoe corn.
Thursday, July 6, 1876
Wether hot. I go to Flats. Draw John Alexander one cord stove wood one dolar fifty cts to apply on blacksmithing. Get one horse shod new all round. J. B. Morgan is to pay one half of the same. Setle with P. Monroe.
Friday, July 7, 1876
Wether hot. I work on road.
Saturday, July 8, 1876
Wether hot. I work on road.
Sunday, July 9, 1876
Wether hot. San and Laura, N. M. Selden and wife here. Eat supper.
Monday, July 10, 1876
Wether hot with some raine. I commence haying. Mow a little. John gets ½ lb of tea, one sack salt and one furkin of Redington and Leonard for me.
Tuesday, July 11, 1876
Wether fare with some raine. I mow.
Wednesday, July 12, 1876
Wether fare. I mow and draw one load.
Thursday, July 13, 1876
Wether showery. Fore noon mow and draw. After noon draw too loads.
Friday, July 14, 1876
Wether showery. I mow and draw one load.
Saturday, July 15, 1876
Wether plesant. I mow and draw too loads of hay.
Sunday, July 16, 1876
Wether plesant. I and Alice go down home and eat a supper.
Monday, July 17, 1876
Wether plesant. I mow and draw one load. ??ck some hay. John Bixby Sturts to mow and brakes down.
Tuesday, July 18, 1876
Wether fore noon fare. After noon rains hard. I draw too loads of hay and mow some. J. Bixby mows with mashene. I pay him one dollar.
Wednesday, July 19, 1876
Wether plesant. I mow some. Draw too loads of hay.
Thursday, July 20, 1876
Wether shours. I work out hay.
Friday, July 21, 1876
Wether plesant. Mow same and rake and bunch same.
Saturday, July 22, 1876
Wether plesant. I mow and garden. 5 loads. Start stack. J. B. Morgan works for me to day. In evening go to grange.
Sunday, July 23, 1876
Wether cool and plesant. I eat breckfast and dinner at S. W. Lyons.
Monday, July 24, 1876
Wether cool. I mow, rake and bunch some. S. Simerson works for me all day.
Tuesday, July 25, 1876
Wether fare. I mow and rake. Draw 2 loads. S. Samerson works for me ½ day.
Wednesday, July 26, 1876
Wether fare. I mow some, rake and draw five loads. S. Simerson works for me half day, J. B. Morgan ½ day. Stanley Lyon mows all day with machene. Mesure one and ¼ bushel of oats out of Johns to feed.
Thursday, July 27, 1876
Wether fare. I draw four loads. Samuel Samerson works for me 1/3 day. S. W. Lyon works ¾ day. J. B. Morgan works ½ day.
Friday, July 28, 1876
Wether lowery. I ???? some hay. Draw 3 loads. J. B. Morgan works ½ day. Sylvester helps ???? some in morning.
Saturday, July 29, 1876
Wether fare. I go to morning bee at George Insels. I play ball after bee.
Sunday, July 30, 1876
Wether rainy.
Monday, July 31, 1876
Wether fare. I go to Troy. Sell butter. Get 25 cts. Pay John Morgan fifty dollars. Twenty pare to be indorsed on note the remainder to apply on horse. Pay G. W. Erghm thirty dollars.
Tuesday, August 1, 1876
Wether fare. I draw four loads of hay. Father works for one half day.
Wednesday, August 2, 1876
Wether fare. I mow. Finish on John and mow some on same. Sylvester helps me rake and draw one load.
Thursday, August 3, 1876
Wether lowery. I mow and draw three loads on mine. Father and Sylvester helps me. Sylvester works ¾ of day. Father works ½ day.
Friday, August 4, 1876
Wether fare. I mow and rake hay on mine. Father works for me 1/3 day.
Saturday, August 5, 1876
Wether hot. I draw 2 loads of hay. Father helps me draw the same. I finish haying.
Sunday, August 6, 1876
Wether hot. Alice and I to down to fathers. I eat dinner.
Monday, August 7, 1876
Wether hot. I peel four ?????? W. M. Selden sends me twenty dollars to be indorsed on note. Pay J. B. Morgan twenty dollars.
Tuesday, August 8, 1876
Wether fare. I draw wood and ties and of foller and burn.
Wednesday, August 9, 1876
Wether hot. I peel bark. Alice goes to Smithfield.
Thursday, August 10, 1876
Wether hot. I peal bark. Sylvester helps me ¼ day.
Friday, August 11, 1876
Wether hot. I peal bark.
Saturday, August 12, 1876
Wether hot. I draw water. Clean out spring.
Sunday, August 13, 1876
Wether hot.
Monday, August 14, 1876
Wether hot. I cradal oats on fathers. Father works for me ½ day. Sylvester works ¾ day. John goes to Troy. Gets one furkin, too tubs salt. He pays for one half. Gets the remander charged to me. Get one sack flour of G. Vellie for me. Gets the same charged.
Tuesday, August 15, 1876
Wether hot. I cradol oats. Father works for me ½ day. Sylvester works 1/3 day. Finish oats on father.
Wednesday, August 16, 1876
Wether fare. I rake and bind oats. Father works 2 hours. Sylvester the same. I go to Troy. Buy wash tub and pork barred of off to Peters.
Thursday, August 17, 1876
Wether fare. I rake and draw oats. Father and Sylvester and Lyman work for me.
Friday, August 18, 1876
Wether fare. I finish drawing oats on fathers. Sylvester and father works ¾ of day each.
Saturday, August 19, 1876
Wether lowery. After noon I take load of goods over to G. N. ??? for H. C. Peters.
Sunday, August 20, 1876
Wether plesant. I eat breckfast at Nell Woods. Come to Troy. Eat supper then come home.
Monday, August 21, 1876
Wether fare. I help John rake. I clean out spring.
Tuesday, August 22, 1876
Wether fare. After noon cradol oats
Wednesday, August 23, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon finish cradoling. After noon rake oats for J. B. Morgan.
Thursday, August 24, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon finish cradoling oats. After noon rake oats for J. B. Morgan. I finish raking and drawing oats. Father and Sylvester works for me ¾ of day. Nell Wood comes here. We go to Troy in evening. Harvy Peters helps draw oats.
Friday, August 25, 1876
Wether fare. Rake and I go down to Stanley Lyons with G. N. Woods. Eat dinner then go up to A. Furmans. Eat supper then come home.
Saturday, August 26, 1876
Wether fare. I build fence around stacks. G. N. Wood and wife eats breckfast here.
Sunday, August 27, 1876
Wether hot and dry. Henry Wood and wife here. Stay all night.
Monday, August 28, 1876
Wether hot dry. I draw John Alexander one cord stove wood. Fence and stack. Henry Wood and wife here to breckfast and dinner.
Tuesday, August 29, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon cary out bark and burn. Finish in faller. After noon dig and spring.
Wednesday, August 30, 1876
Wether hot and dry. I commence cradoling buckwheat. Sylvester Morgan works for me all day.
Thursday, August 31, 1876
Wether hot and dry. I finish cutting buckwheat. Sylvester works for me ½ day. Henry Wood and Giles helps me.
Friday, September, 1, 1876
Wether after noon rains hard. I go to Troy buy one sack of flour of Giles Velie. Pay Watson Morgan 35 cts for SSameon Morgan. Pay out $1.60 for dinners. Henry Wood and wife eats breckfast with me.
Saturday, September 2, 1876
Wether fare. I churn by hand.
Sunday, September 3, 1876
Wether fare. I go down to John Woods. Father and mother goes ????. I buy ½ bushel of plums of Mr. Sperty. Get trusted to the same one doller.
Monday, September 4, 1876
Wether squalley. I draw bark out of woods.
Tuesday, September 5, 1876
Wether fare. I cut of corn.
Wednesday, September 6, 1876
Wether fare. I draw one load of bark to Bowiin Ways 2 25. Buy too tubs, ½ lb tea, ½ dog cans and one lb starch of Reading and Leonard.
Thursday, September 7, 1876
Wether fare. I cut up corn.
Friday, September 8, 1876
Wether fare. I go to Troy with bark. Draw 24 30 lbs.
Saturday, September 9, 1876
Wether cool. I hunt bees and finish cutting corn. John sells John Cowin 9 calves for fifty dolers. One half of the same mine he is to indorse on note.
Sunday, September 10, 1876
Wether rainy. I go to fathers. Eat dinner.
Monday, September 11, 1876
Wether rainy. Sell one calf to John Cowin five dolers.
Tuesday, September 12, 1876
Wether fare. I go to Flats . Draw Thomas MacPlain 1 ½ cords stove wood $1.50 per cord. Buy one lumber wagon of J. Alexander eighty five dolers.
Wednesday, September 13, 1876
Wether fare. I go to Troy with bark. Draw 2150 lb. Buy one tub and four lbs of rise of Redington and Leonard. Get the same charged. Buy 5 lbs of pork. Pay cash for the same.
Thursday, September 14, 1876
Wether rainy. I do nothing but chores.
Friday, September 15, 1876
Wether fare. I do some on load of rails and ??? load of straw for bedding.
Saturday, September 16, 1876
Wether fare. I go to Troy with bark. Buy one lb of tea and one tub of R and Leonard. Evening go to grange. Stay. I to S. W. Lyons over night. Get one shoe set on horse by ?????? one wagon tire.
Sunday, September 17, 1876
Wether rainy. I come home at night.
Monday, September 18, 1876
Wether rainy.
Tuesday, September 19, 1876
Wether fare. I chop wood to dore and dig potatoes.
Wednesday, September 20, 1876
Wether fare. I set over buckwheat and dig potatoes and cover one bale.
Thursday, September 21, 1876
Wether fare. I hunt bees and dig a few potatoes. Got father.
Friday, September 22, 1876
Wether fare. I go to Troy. Receive $20 and 60 cts for bark of Bowin. Pay Erghm ten dollars. Pay Giles Velie four dollars and 62 cts. Get one sack flour. Get the same charged $1.88. Buy one tub and one pare boots, 8 yards cloth, one shirt print of R. and Leonard. Pay Sylvester Morgan three dollars 75 cts.
Saturday, September 23, 1876
Wether rainy.
Sunday, September 24, 1876
Wether rainy. I and Alice goes over to Alferd Ripley's his girl being sick. Eat dinner to fathers.
Monday, September 25, 1876
Wether rains. I do nothing.
Tuesday, September 26, 1876
Wether morning rains. After noon clear. I go to Troy. Sell butter. Get 28 and 30. Pay Giles Velie $1.88, Redington and Leonard $12.84 making us even. Buy one pare boots 3 dolars. Pay Mr. Sperz 95 cts for plums.
Wednesday, September 27, 1876
Wether rainy. I gather pumpkins, three loads. Alice and I goes over to Alferd Ripleys. Set up with sick.
Thursday, September 28, 1876
Wether lowry. I go to Flats. Draw John Alexander ¾ cord wood one dollar 12 cts. Get four new shoes set 35 each.
Friday, September 29, 1876
Wether lowry. I go down to John Lyons to see threshers.
Saturday, September 30, 1876
Wether fare. After noon George Bulleck threshes for me on J. B. Morgan farm. Harvest 66 bus of oats. Thresh 24 of buckwheat.
Sunday, October 1, 1876
Wether fare.
Monday, October 2, 1876
Wether fare. I finish thrashing on John. Move to my barn. Thrash 23 bus. of buckwheat and 213 of oats. Morgan Sherman works for me all day. S. Sherman 2 hours.
Tuesday, October 3, 1876
Wether fare. I finish thrashing fore noon. After noon hafe in all 360 of oats. After noon help Simeon Morgan. John Bixby works for me 2 hours.
Wednesday, October 4, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon work for Simeon Morgan. After noon chore around house.
Thursday, October 5, 1876
Wether rainy. I chop some wood to dore.
Friday, October 6, 1876
Wether shoury. I gather apples and husk corn. Draw some in barn. Chop wood to dore. Alice helps gather apples.
Saturday, October 7, 1876
Wether squaley. I dig potatoes. Evening to down to grange. Stay all night.
Sunday, October 8, 1876
Wether cold. Eat breckfast to Stans. Come home. Go down house and eat dinner. Alice goes with me.
Monday, October 9, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon dig potatoes. After noon draw corn. Father helps me draw too loads.
Tuesday, October 10, 1876
Wether warm and plesant. I husk corn. Draw load in. Alice goes to Troy with Lewis?
Wednesday, October 11, 1876
Wether cold. I husk corn. Father and Sylvester work for me. Sylvester all day. Father ¾ of day.
Thursday, October 12, 1876
Wether plesant. Fore noon I draw corn in barn. After noon thrash for Simeon Sherman. Evening go to grange supper and dance. Pay one doller.
Friday, October 13, 1876
Wether plesant. I do nothing but chores. Get home from dance at day light.
Saturday, October 14, 1876
Wether lowry. I husk some corn. Go to Flats after doctor for S. Samersons wife.
Sunday, October 15, 1876
Wether cold. Frezes hard.
Monday, October 16, 1876
Wether fare. I ????? ?? plowing on J. B. Morgan.
Tuesday, October 17, 1876
Wether fare. I plow.
Wednesday, October 18, 1876
Wether fare. I draw load corn stocks then plow. Go start to help John Bixby thrash about 10 o'clock. Work all after noon.
Thursday, October 19, 1876
Wether plesant. I plow for J. B. Morgan.
Friday, October 20, 1876
Wether fare. I plow for J. B. Morgan.
Saturday, October 21, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon chore. After noon hunt bees.
Sunday, October 22, 1876
Wether fare. I take up bee tree. Eat supper to fathers.
Monday, October 23, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon draw wood and husk corn.
Tuesday, October 24, 1876
Wether fare. I husk corn fore noon. After noon plow for J. B. Morgan.
Wednesday, October 25, 1876
Wether colder. I plow on my land.
Thursday, October 26, 1876
Wether snowey. I plow on mine.
Friday, October 27, 1876
Wether cold. Bark. I pitch straw. Sylvester helps me too hours.
Saturday, October 28, 1876
Wethery stormy.
Sunday, October 29, 1876
Wether cold and plesant.
Monday, October 30, 1876
Wether fare. I go to Troy. Buy of Redington and Leonard one pare shoes, one pare mittens, one gallon oil, one yard ????. Sell buckwheat.
Tuesday, October 31, 1876
Wether plesant. I plow on mine. Draw to loads of manure.
Wednesday, November 1, 1876
Wether plesant. I plow for J. B. Morgan for too dollars per achre.
Thursday, November 2, 1876
Wether fare. I plow for J. B. Morgan.
Friday, November, 3, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon plow for J. B. Morgan. After noon cover potatoes. Borow meet of father 7 lbs and 12 oz to be paid meat again.
Saturday, November 4, 1876
Wether coldish. I go to Troy. Take apples down to mill for father. Buy one and ½ lb of sides. Pay $2.25 for the same.
Sunday. November 5, 1876
Wether fare. I borrow 6 lbs of meet of father.
Monday, November 6, 1876
Wether squalley. I plow for J. B. Morgan. Get to dollars per achre.
Tuesday, November 7, 1876
Wether fare. I go to lection and chop wood to dore.
Wednesday, November 8, 1876
Wether fare. I plow on mine.
Thursday, November 9, 1876
Wether fare. I mesure land and settle with J. B. Morgan. Find his due to one dollar and 29 cts.
Friday, November 10, 1876
Wether fare. Snows some just at night. I kill too hogs. One ways 125 one 150.
Saturday, November 11, 1876
Wether fare. Ground coverd with snow. I take butter to Troy. Get 28 and 30 take of 9 tubs. My share comes to $.61 4.2
Sunday, November 12, 1876
Wether fare. I eat supper at fathers.
Monday, November 13, 1876
Wether fare. I raise up and fix barn.
Tuesday, November 14, 1876
Wether fare. I do nothing but chores and go to Flats. I settle with Seander Grigry and Boris Alexander. Find accounts even.
Wednesday, November 15, 1876
Wether squalley. I cut down and pitch over straw. Frank Wood eats supper to our house.
Thursday, November 16, 1876
Wether plesant. I move from J. B. Morgans to fathers. Frank Wood helps me drive hog down.
Friday, November 17, 1876
Wether lowry. I move some things from Johns. Alice cleans house for John.
Saturday, November 18, 1876
Wether rainy. After noon go over to Anson Furmans.
Sunday, November 19, 1876
Wether rainy. I stay at Furmans all day.
Monday, November 20, 1876
Wether loury. I eat breckfast and dinner to Furmans. Go to S. L. Lyons. Eat supper.
Tuesday, November 21, 1876
Wether fare. I eat breckfast and dinner to Stans then come and eat supper.
Wednesday, November 22, 1876
Wether fare. I work in barn and fix stable.
Thursday, November 23, 1876
Wether fare. Fore noon draw wood to dore. After noon go to Flats. Get lumber sawed for fence. Draw load home.
Friday, November 24, 1876
Wether fare. I build board fence on road in front of barn. Father helps me some. Sell Rant Bixby hog for fourteen dollars. Take his note for same.
Saturday, November 25, 1876
Wether snows a little from the south. Go up to Johns. Get sides. Draw manure and bank fathers house.
Sunday, November 26, 1876
Wether fare. I stay at home. Anson Furman and Lydia here.
Monday, November 27, 1876
Wether stormy. Snows. I go over to swamp. Get sand to plaster for noon.
Tuesday, November 28, 1876
Wether colder. I go to Troy. Buy too pare boots and one pare shoes. Pay ten dollars for same. Buy lime hare and sand. Pay for same $2.95. Father is to pay me the same. Get hores sharpened by J Alexander - 4 new shoes and 4 fited and set. Draw him 5/8 cord of wood.
Wednesday, November 29, 1876
Wether colder. I help father mix mortar.
Thursday, November 30, 1876
Wether cold. I work for father all day cleaning house to plaster.
Friday, December 1, 1876
Wether cold. I work for father. Plaster house. Betsy helps him.
Saturday, December 2, 1876
Wether cold. I draw 2 loads of wood and help father plaster ½ day.
Sunday, December 3, 1876
Wether fare.
Monday, December 4, 1876
Wether fare. Cold. I go to Flats. Thomas Macalom pay me one dolar fifty. Makes us even. Father pays me 1.05 cts.
Tuesday, December 5, 1876
Wether cold. I help plaster for father.
Wednesday, December 6, 1876
Wether cold. I go to Flats. Get pine lumber for father. Go up to Rant Bixbys. Get work bench and tools. Draw one load wood to dore.
Thursday, December 7, 1876
Wether cold. I work for father. Help plaine lumber for flore.
Friday, December 8, 1876
Wether cold. I help father lay flore.
Saturday, December 9, 1876
Wether cold. I help father lay flore and move stoves.
Sunday, December 10, 1876
Wether cold. Anson Furman comes here and stays all night.
Monday, December 11, 1876
Wether cold. I commence drawing logs to Flats. Draw 5.
Tuesday, December 12, 1876
Wether modrate. I draw 3 loads of logs to Flats 3 ?? load. I move grandmother Morgan up to J. B. Morgan.
Wednesday, December 13, 1876
Wether plesant. I draw 4 logs to Flats. After noon draw wood to dore.
Thursday, December 14, 1876
Wether fare. I saw ?? logs and skid 4. Draw 3 on road. Giles helps me saw 2 hours.
Friday, December 15, 1876
Wether colder. Fore noon draw 5 los on the road.
Saturday, December 16, 1876
Wether thermometer belo zero at night. I do nothing.
Sunday, December 17, 1876
Wether cold. I and Alice goes up to Simeon Morgans.
Monday, December 18, 1876
Wether cold and snowey. I go to Flats. One trip with logs.
Tuesday, December 19, 1876
Wether cold. I draw 11 logs to Pecks mill at 3 loads.
Wednesday, December 20, 1876
Wether cold. I draw one load logs 4.
Thursday, December 21, 1876
Wether fare. I commence drawing logs for P. Peck. Draw 6 loads.
Friday, December 22, 1876
Wether fore noon fare. After noon snows. I draw 8 loads of logs on road for P. Peck.
Saturday, December 23, 1876
Wether fare. I go to Flats. Draw J. Alexander one cord four board wood to be credited. Grandfather Wood comes here at night.
Sunday, December 24, 1876
Wether fare. Grandfather Wood and wife here.
Monday, December 25, 1876
Wether fare. I draw too loads of logs to Flats. Draw back lumber. Grandfather Wood here.
Tuesday, December 26, 1876
Wether fare. I draw logs for P. Peck. Grandfather Wood here.
Wednesday, December 27, 1876
Wether modrate. I draw 5 loads of logs out of woods for P. Peck. We mesure all of the logs on road. Have 11,173 feet.
Thursday, December 28, 1876
Wether cold. I draw logs for P. Peck. Draw 4164 feet in the road.
Friday, December 29, 1876
Wether cold and snowey. I go to Wellsborough to Frank Woods. Snows hard.
Saturday, December 30, 1876
Wether fare and cold. I go down to Wen Reases. Eat dinner.
Sunday, December 31, 1876
Wether cold. I eat dinner to W. Rease then to up to Henry Woods. Eat supper. Stay all night.
January 15. Buy 1 galon oil 20 cts. 28 ¼ of tea. 25.
February 19. Buy one lb ten 69.
February 29. Bought one lbs of soda 10 cts.
March the 5. Bought one half of gallon of oil 14 cts.
14. Buy one lb ginger 40. One broom 40 cts.
23. One box of matches 20 cts.
April 3. Buy 5 lbs cod fish 40 cts
April the 15. One gallon of oil 20 cts.
May 6. Buy ½ bushel dried apples $1.10
February 10. fifty lbs flour bought P. Morgan
March 3. 25 lbs meal.
21. Buy one sack flour.
May 2. One sack flour.
February 18. Commence drawing logs.
March 1. Buy one pare bob sleds of J. Larcorn.
March 6. Tap shugar bus.
9. Shugar of 28 lbs.
12. Shugar of 49 lbs
13. Shugar of 54 lbs 12
17. Shugar of 47 lbs 12 oz
21. Snows
25. Snows and rains.
28. Rains. Father moves grandma.
30. Have company.
April. Buy ½ lb of tobacco for father
13. Shugar of 13,011
19. Have 5 cows to milk
22. Sell P. Peck 108 4/32 of bushels of oats at 35 cts.
April 24. Shugar of
25. Shugar of
26. Shugar of
March. D. Morgan buys fifty lbs of wheat flour.
March 23. Buy one 3 year old cow of W. O. Bixby. Pay $40.
April first. Father buys on sack flour.
15. Father buys one sack flour.
May 6. Buys 50 lbs.
May 20. Buys 50 lbs.
May 25. Move on J. Morgan farm.
29. Go to Troy. Buy harness and stove, dishes and one furkin. J. B. M. buys one furkin. Sell one tub butter 25.
June 2. Sell on tub butter 25.
June 3. Draw 19 bushels of oats on J. B. Morgans farm.
17. I finis sowing buckwheat.
July 6. Setle with Peter Monroe being even.
10. Commence haying.
31. Sell butter.
Rosila Morgan wife of Enos Morgan died January 19th aged 42 years.
April 6 death.
10 | H. Alexander | 1.50 | |
15 | T. Macolum | 1.50 | |
25 | T. Machalum | 1.50 | |
27 | John Alexander | 1.50 | |
25 | D. Morgan | .18 | |
1 | C. S. Baley | .30 | |
2 | .18 | ||
4 | .30 | ||
5 | Holis Morgan | 6.00 (crossed out) | |
17 | F. Gray | .50 | |
12 | E. Stacy | 1.50 | |
19 | D. Morgan | .58 | |
21 | W. M. Selden | 12.00 | |
29 | J. Alexander | .60 | |
14 | Sylvester Morgan | 3.00 | |
17 | F. Gray | .50 | |
17 | F. Gray | 1.90 | |
23 | D. Holenback | 3.00 | |
P. Smith Shugar | 1.53 | ||
P. Smith | .20 | ||
23 | W. O. Bixby | 40.00 | |
23 | W. O. Bixby | 5.00 | |
1 | D. Morgan | .30 | |
1 | P. Smith | 1.88 | |
8 | P. Smith Shugar | 4.51 | |
Of P. Smith | .10 | ||
15 | F. Gray | 2.00 | |
22 | P. Peck | 37.85 | |
2 | D. Morgan | .95 | |
J. Alexander | .80 | ||
P. Smith | 2.25 | ||
3 | S. Sherman | 4.00 | |
4 | S. Sherman | 1.84 | |
6 | Redington and Leonard | 4.50 | |
6 | D. Morgan | .55 | |
S. W. Lyon | 6.10 | ||
13 | W. O. Bixby | 35.00 | |
13 | P. Peck | 35.00 | |
19 | W. Bullard | 1.25 | |
22 | Sylvester Morgan | 1.25 | |
S. W. Lyon | 1.25 | ||
31 | S. Sherman | 1.16 | |
14 | R. and Leonard | ||
17 | J. B. Morgan | ||
19 | R. and Leonard | ||
22 | P. Monroe | ||
24 | J. B. Morgan | ||
28 | G. Viele | 2.12 | |
R. and Leonard | 1.80 | ||
Erghmy | 15.25 | ||
P. Smith | |||
1 | J. Alexander | ||
3 | W. M. Selden | 20.00 | |
6 | J. Alexander | 1.50 | |
P. Monroe | |||
10 | R. and Leonard | ||
18 | J. Bixby | 1.00 | |
22 | J. B. Morgan | ||
24 | S. Samerson | ||
25 | Samerson | ||
J. B. Morgan | |||
26 | S. Samerson | ||
S. W. Lyon | |||
J. B. Morgan | |||
27 | J. B. Morgan | ||
S. W. Lyon | |||
S. Samerson | |||
28 | J. B. Morgan | ||
31 | J. B. Morgan | 50.00 | |
S. W. Lyon | 30.00 | ||
1 | D. Morgan | 1.22 | |
3 | D. Morgan | 2.00 | |
4 | D. Morgan | ||
5 | D. Morgan | ||
10 | S. Morgan | ||
14 | D. Morgan | ||
S. Morgan | |||
14 | Giles Velie | 2.00 | |
15 | D. Morgan | ||
16 | D. Morgan | ||
17 | D. Morgan | ||
S. Morgan | |||
18 | D. Morgan | ||
S. Morgan | |||
24 | D. Morgan | ||
S. Morgan | |||
30 | S. Morgan | ||
31 | S. Morgan | ||
7 | W. M. Seden | 20.00 | |
7 | J. B. Morgan | 20.00 | |
28 | J. Alexander | 1.50 | |
1 | Giles Viele | 1.88 | |
Simeon Morgan | .95 | ||
6 | R. and Leonard | ||
12 | T. Macolum | 2.25 | |
16 | R. and Leonard | 1.50 | |
J. Alexander | |||
26 | T. Bowin | 20.68 | |
R. and Leonard | 4.35 | ||
Giles Velie | 1.38 | ||
Giles Velie | 4.62 | ||
Sylvester Morgan | 3.73 | ||
28 | J. Alexander | 1.12 | |
?? | 1.40 | ||
30 | J. Bullock | ||
9 | J. B. Morgan | 25.00 | |
11 | J. B. Morgan | 2.50 | |
26 | J. B. Morgan | 37.50 | |
2 | J. Bullock | ||
9 | D. Morgan | ||
11 | D. Morgan | ||
S. Morgan | |||
12 | S. Sherman | ||
30 | R. and Leonard | ||
2 | J. Bullock (crossed out) | ||
3 | D. Morgan | ||
5 | D. Morgan | ||
28 | J. Alexander | .90 | |
D. Morgan | 2.95 | ||
28 | D. Morgan | ||
29 | D. Morgan | ||
30 | D. Morgan | ||
14 | S. Grig?? | ||
Logs | 11273 | ||
Dec. 28 | 4164 | ||
1469 | |||
4 | T. Macolum | 1.50 | |
D. Morgan | 1.05 | ||
23 | J. Alexander | 2.75 |
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 histcent83@gmail.com |