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Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Town of Veteran, Chemung County NY
Diaries & Letters of the Tri-Counties
Wallace William BRONSON Diary 1875

Diary: Wallace William Bronson
Town of Veteran, Chemung County NY
Village of Sullivanville
Year: 1875
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(Mar 22, 1875 - Dec. 12, 1875) Submitted by Sharron BRONSON Vo..rsvossoughi@worldnet.att.net
Tuesday, Feb., 2, 1875 - Went to Elmira on a Lawsuit for Doct Bailey.
Expences car fare
Revolver refinish
Recd of Bailey
Court expenses
Friday, Feb. 5, 1875 - At Elmira on Bailey Law Suit
Car fare
Recd Subpoena
3 oranges
Frank Leslie
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1875 - Town Meeting at Millport, Chemung Co. NY
Box Collars
(this date is crossed out)
Monday, Mar 22, 1875 - Went to Alpine to Goulib Cogswell. Gave Him Surtiffed (sic) of  deposite on Bank of Havana for Seven Hundred Dollars.
Took a mortgage for five hundred dollars and his note for two  hundred dollars. $500.00 and $200.00.
G. S. Cogswell of Alpine, Schuyler County, NY
Monday, Mar 23, 1875 - Went to Watkins Sar Amsbar (?) (Amsterdam?)
To Havana Bought 2 pairs sox
2 Handkerchiefs  1,10
Box Collars
Wrote D. Cooper to send my tool chest to McKean.
Took the Cogswell Mortgage to be recorded paid 100
Concert at Millport
Wednesday, Mar 24, 1875 - Wrote C. E. Forsight (Forsyth) at McKean.
Thursday, Mar. 25, 1875 - Got Registered letter from David Copper of Antrim with 114.60/100  to apply on mortgage.
Went to Elmira. ____ 7500 Dollars from S. A. R.(V) B.
Lent B. B. Clark $200 for one year.
Went to Millport Semetry
Bought 2 box Carte (carton?)
Sam L. Cares (Carrs)
Friday, Mar. 26, 1875 - Wrote D. Cooper ____ sent a Receipt for a payment of one hundred  dollars on a Mortgage and 14,60 interest all paid to April first 1875.
Wednesday, Mar 31, 1875 - Went to Mort Williams sawmills for saw dust. Bought a globe for  Do et Lump (?)
Millard Young folks went home. Sadie Sleeper went with them.
Friday, Apr. 16, 1875 - Went to Elmira. Gave Brother Winchester 2,00
Car fare to Elmira
Bought Razor 1,00
Shoe Brush
Box Blacking
Blank book
Wednesday, Apr. 21, 1875 - Went to Maple Sugar Festival at the M. E. Church, Millport
Thursday, Apr. 22, 1875 - Went to Elmira. Drew 200 hundred dollars for P. S. Tanner out of S.  A.R. Bank
Bought one saw price
two inch Auger price
watch repr
Let P. S. Tanner have 200 hundred Dollars on Note for six months.
Went to Prayer Meeting. Gave 25 for Chrisity
Friday, Apr. 23, 1875 - Renewed Subscription for the Lender
To Bill Bunch__? fixing augar Handle .25
Entire cost of 2 inch Augar
Sent my watch to Havana
Worked 4 1/2 days for N. C. R. R. Co. at 225/2 - 9,13.
Saturday, Apr 24, 1875 - Stormy Day. Went home with lame knee.
Went to Havana with C. W. Sleeper. Got a bottle of Dermadol 25
Shaving Soap 10
Candy 5
Thursday, Apr. 29, 1875 - Tool Chest arrived from McKeun. Charges express to to McKeun  and back to Millport from McKeun
Express charges on tool Chest $770 paid John Fowler.
Paid Jim Willcox for a mallett
Paid Mrs. Taylor 18 cts mending pants.
Friday, Apr. 30, 1875 - Have worked 9 1/2 days for N. C. R. R. Co.
Saturday, May 1, 1875 - Paid Board for April 6,40 to Mrs. Taylor
Got a letter from L. C. Carr of Elmira
Worked 6 days for N. C. R. R. Co. at 225 pd 1350
Sunday, May 2, 1875 - Church in Morning
Smith Malette started a new Quire (choir?) at the M .E. Church
Wrote L. C. Carr
Wrote C. E. Forsyth
Church in evening.
Sunday, May 23, 1875 - Church in Morning
Heard the Rev. Mr. Taylor of Havana, NY
Church in Evening
Rev. Mr. Taylor of Havana Preacher
Monday, May 24, 1875 - Commenced Raining - Pine Valley Bridge
Friday, May 28, 1875 - Mashed the End of My thumb off on Pine Valley R. R. Bridge
Saturday, May 29, 1875 - Worked 6 days for P. C. R. W. Co.
Paid Taylor for board 18 meals
Sunday, May 30, 1875 - Worked all Day on Big Stream Bridge
Dr to Mr. Cummins for Board 3 meals
Monday, May 31, 1875 - Box Collars at Babcocks Millport
Went home
Worked 27 days for N. C. R.W. Co. in May at 225 per day
Wednesday, Jun 2, 1875 Bought 1/2 Pint Camphor of Willie Parsons of Pine Valley
Saturday, June 5, 1875 - Died at Millport, Moses Cole, Born 1801, 74 years.
Worked 5 days for N. C. R.W. in this month
Paid Taylor for Board 18 meals
Rained a Nice Shower
Sunday, Jun 6, 1875 - Moses Cole Died at one oclock (crossed out)
Worked 5 days for N. C. R. W. Co this week (crossed out)
Paid Taylor 3.60 for Board 18 meals (crossed out)
Rained a nice Shower (crossed out)
Went to Church in Morning
Quarterly Meeting - Rev. Mr. Tousy Preacher
Set up with Mr. Coles Corps (corpse)
Monday, June 7, 1875 - At Mr. Coles Sit up with his Corps (corpse)
Commenced Raining at 2 O=c A.M. Rained until 10 AM
Lost 1/2 day,
Tuesday, June 8, 1875 - Went to Funeral of Mr. Cole
Lost 1/2 day
Went down home
Saturday, June 12, 1875 -Rained in the Morning
Worked 5 days for N. C. R. W.Co
Paid Board at Taylors 16 meals
Came Home found 4 Millards from Dundee Here
Sunday, June 13, 1875 - Church in Morning
With C. W. & S. A. Sleeper and Stacy Frank Anna and Herca Millard
Sabbath School
Concert in the evening
Wednesday, June 16, 1875 - Went down to Millport and got may check for my pay for May of  the N. C. R. W. Co
Camp Meeting Commenced at North Hector
Thursday, June 17, 1875 - Finished up work on Pine Valley Bridge.
Went Home
Friday, June 18, 1875 - Rained all Night
Went to Elmira with Dan Sterling and Dan Stark
Bought a pair shoes - Paid $4.50
Drew 61.200/100 Pay for May at the Bank Chemung Canal
Rained until noon
Saturday, June 19, 1875 - Went to Rock Stream to work on Bridge
Boarding with George Heard
Worked 5 days for N. W. R. W. Co.
Sunday, June 20, 1875 - Went to Camp meeting. Crossed the Lake at Big Stream on Steam  Boat Schuyler ____
Return fare 30 cts
Monday, June 21, 1875 Went home after a Broad Axe. Traded Ship Axe for a broad axe  with Royal Woodward.
Tues day, June 22, 1875- Went Back to Rock Stream
Wednesday, June 23, 1875 - Went down to Big Stream got a Chip Hat 18
Saturday, June 26, 1875 - Worked 5 3/4 days for N. C. R. W. Co.
Went Home
Boarded 21 meals with George Heard
Sunday, June 27, 1875 - Church in Morning
Gave S. A. S. [Sarah Ann Sleeper?] 50 for the Church Sociable
Monday, June 28, 1875 Went back to Rock Stream
Noon went to Canandaigua - Returned at night 7 PM
Friday, July 2, 1875 - Went Home 
Paid Geo Hurd 7.00 for Board
Saturday, July 3, 1875 - At home until Noon. Went to Havana afternoon with S. Sleeper.  Bought a Sash for S. A. S. for 2.00. 
A sett of cuffs & collars for M. Bailey, Sadie Bailey & Mrs. Winchester 1.80
Shirt Cloth 8 yds & buttons 95
Lock for tool Chest
Saw Indians play ball at Havana
Sunday, July 4, 1875 - Church in Morning. Heard the Rev. Pary Livingstone
Sunday, July 11, 1875 - Worked on Bridge No. 10 on N. C. R. W.
Tuesday, July 13, 1875 - Paid Mrs. Hurd 5.00 on Board
Worked on Bridge No. 10 N. C. R. W.
Thursday, July 15, 1875 -R=ed a Check for my pay for the month of June of the N. C. R. W. Co  amount 54.68/100
Saturday, July 17, 1875 -Worked 6 days for N. C. R. W. Co on Bridge at Rock Stream. 
Paid Geo Hurd 3,60 for Board
Went Home
Over Paid 40 Cts. on Board
Gave S. A. S. 1,00.
Sunday, July 18, 1875 - Church in Evening at Millport
Monday, July 19, 1875 -Paid Dan Stark for a 3/4 quarter Augar got at Pen Yan 1.88
Paid for Spliemg? 25
Handle & Burr 12
Saturday, July 24, 1875 -Worked 6 days for N. C. R. W. Co. on Bridge at Rock Stream
Went Home
Paid my Board at Geo Hurd 18 meals 3,40
Sunday, July 25, 1875 - Church in Morning 10
Church in Evening
Daniel Sterling & Morras Banks called down to Sleepers.
Monday, July 26, 1875 - Stoped off at Watkins got 4 teeth filled at Firmuns & Popes 3,00
Bought a pair of undershirts 1,80
Wednesday, July 28, 1875 - Went to Cayuta Lake to$a Picknic with the Methodist Quire of  Millport. Expences - fare 1,00, Tickets .50
Friday, July 30, 1875 - Jammed My Legg at work on Rock Stream Bridge
Saturday, July 31, 1875 Worked 26 days for N. C. R. W. Co
Went Home
Paid G Hurd for Board 2,60
Sunday, August 1, 1875 Did not go to Church
Stayed Home all day & doctored sore leg
Saturday, August 7, 1875 Worked 5 1/2 days for N. C. R. W. Co. 
Went home.
Gave. C. W. Witiner (Whitney?) 2.50 for the chairs (choir) at the  Mo. Church
Sunday, August 8, 1875 - Home all day. Doct Sore leg.
Monday, August 9, 1875 - Went to Havana
Watch repaired
Bought Pair of Boots of F. J. Tracy $4,75
Boots Nailen .25
Saturday, August 14, 1875 -Went to the funeral of Mrs. Brisco aged 77 years
Sunday, August 15, 1875 - Home all the week with Lame Leg
Church in Morning at Millport 10
Tuesday, August 17, 1875 - Went Back to Rock Stream to Work
Got the check for my Pay of N. C. R. W. Co for $58,95
Note Kenned against P. M. O. Thounselsend endorsed by Juda  Whitcomb & F. D. Stole
Wednesday, August 18, 1875 - Went to Horseheads. Left a Note of 500 dollars to be collected  at Rhynolds & Bennet Bank.
Went to Elmira. Bought 3 files .45, Screw driver .15, red chalk 8
Deposited 100 in Saving Bank
M. E. Sociable 50 at Millport
Thursday, August 19, 1875 - C. W. Sleeper had the thrashers thrushed wheat & oats
I stayed home.
Saturday, August 21, 1875 - Worked 3 days for N. C. R. W. Co
Got a letter from Horseheads Bank. Notice of Note being  Protected.
Paid G. Hurd 1.40 for board
Sunday, August 22, 1875 - Church in Morning - Quarterly meeting 25
Thursday, August 26, 1875 -Went to Eldridge Park to Picknick 30
Got Note served of $535 with P. M. C. Thounelsend, F. D. Stole,  & Juda Whitcomb names on.
Friday, August 27, 1875 - Went to Millport after M. Stark
Paid Doct. Bailey Five Dollars $5.00
Sunday, August 29, 1875 - Church in Morning 10
Paid C. McCarty 25 cts for support of Superanated Preachers.
Wednesday, September 1, 1875 - Concert at the M. E. Church 60
3 pecks plumbs 1,13
Shingling Church 100
Saturday, September 4, 1875 - 1/2 bush Peaches 100
Paid for Board 3,20
Worked 6 days for N. C. R. W. Co
Wednesday, September 8, 1875 - Came Home Sun. A Quire Sosalle at Sleepers
Brought Home 1/2 Bush Peaches 1,13
Saturday, September 11, 187 - Worked 5 1/2 days for N. C. R. W. Co
Paid G. Hurd for Board 3.20
Peck & 1/2 Peaches 75
Wednesday, September 15, 1875 - Drew my check of the N. C. R. W. Co for 27.00 dollars
Saturday, September 18, 1875 - Worked 5 1/2 days for N. C. R. W. Co.
Paid Board 3,40
C. W. Sleeper Paid me 207.00 dollars and deposited it in the S.  A. V. Bank for me.
Sunday, September 19, 1875 At Home - Cold Rain
Church in Evening
C. W. Winchester - Farewell Sermon
Thursday, September 23, 1875 - Left Rock Stream. Went to Turnpike Bridge.
Lewis Stark to work for N. C. R. W. Co.
Paid Board at George Hurds 2,00.
Bought Harpers Weekly 10
Commenced Board with H. D. Greenlief
Sunday, November 7, 1875 - Worked on Penyan Bridge (Penn Yan)
Monday, November 8, 1875 - Worked on Penyan Bridge
Paid 1,60 for Board to Mr. Courser
Saturday, November 13, 1875 -Worked 6 days for N. C. R. W. Co. Paid, H. D. Greenlief 4,20  for Board
Sunday, November 13, 1875 - At Home - Rained all day
Monday, November 15, 1875 Recd of G. S. Cogswell one Hundred dollars on 
Mortgage100.00 of the same int. on $500.00 = $34,44
of the same a draft for 200,00 on N. G.
Turesday, November 16, 1875 - G. S. C.
F. D. S.
P. S. T.
P. S. T.
B. C.
A. F. B.
D. C.
Draft X 200.00
Check X
L. A. V.
Drew out
Wm B. Cooly 1000.00
Friday, November 19, 1875 - Worked 4 1/2 days for N. C. R. W. Co. 
Paid H. D. Greenlief for Board 2,40
Saturday, November 20, 1875 - Went to Pen Yan
Took a Bond and Mortgage on the farm of Wm. B. Cooly for
one Thousand Dollars. Paid the mony to B. W. Franklin
of Penn Yan.
Bought a pair of Gloves paid 2,50
1 pair gloves 2,00
1 pair rubbers
Dinner at Starky
Sunday, November 21, 1875 - Church in Morning - Quarterly Meeting 25
Church in Evening 10
Wednesday, November 24, 1875 - Left Lewis and went to Belona to work on watter Tank
Paid H. D. Greenlief for Board 1,20
Commenced Boarding with A. S. Edie
Saturday, November 27, 1875 Worked 6 days for N. C. R. W. Co.
Paid A. S. Edie for Board 2,00
Sunday, November 28, 1875 - Church in Morning
Paid G. N. Coe 3,00. Ministers Salery for the year 1876.
Church in Evening
Tuesday, November 30, 1875 -Worked 2 days in this week for N. C. R. W. Co.
Supper at Stulley 25
Discharged of the Railroad
Friday, December 3, 1875 - P. S. Tanner Paid me one Hundred dollars on a Note & 50 cts int.
Sunday, December 5, 1875 Church in Morning and Sunday School 10
Gave A. R. Frost 100 towards insurance on the Church.
Tuesday, December 7, 1875 - Went to Watkins. Tooth Plate repaired paid $100
Bought lumber for a tool Chest paid 90
Butts & Screws 18
Got a can of oysters
1 lb crackers paid 40
2 lbs raisons
Hair cut
Check cashed 20
Lickorish & Candy 15
Sunday, December 12, 1875 - Church in Morning 10
Church collection 1,00
Went down to Locks in the afternoon
Wednesday, December 15, 1875 - Paint for tool chest 
2 lbs Green
l lb. putty
Butts & Screws
Went to Watkins to Oratorio Admittence 50
Horse Bill
One 2 foot Rule
Thursday, December 16, 1875 - Filed 2 Buck Saws
Went to Millport
Drew my Check for my pay for Nov. of N. C. R. W. Co $51,53

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 05/24/2003
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: JoyceTice@aol.com

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