Simeon Sherman of Armenia |
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Simeon Leonard Sherman was born December 26, 1839. He was the oldest son of Nathan T. Sherman and Lucy Gross Leonard. Simeon married Emma Josephine Field on August 27, 1867. He died May 25, 1912. Both Simeon and Emma are buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.
For most of his life, Simeon lived on Armenia Mountain. At the time of this diary, he was about 33 years old, married with three children. During the year of this diary his fourth child was born, Milton S. Sherman, the only one of Simeon’s eight children to remain on Armenia for his lifetime. Simeon worked closely with his younger brother Origin (born February 28, 1844) who is mentioned almost daily. Origin was a single man of about 29 who lived in his brother’s household. The diary gives a vivid picture of the diverse tasks required of a man living on the mountain in the nineteenth century and the necessary cooperative interaction of the residents of the community.
Many names are mentioned, most are persons I know nothing about except that they are the surnames of the families who lived on the mountain at that time. Where I do know something about the person mentioned, I include parenthetical comments. I would value any additional information others would care to provide.
The diary is written entirely in pencil, and even though Simeon’s handwriting
is quite clear and good, there are pages where the soft pencil writing
has smeared or smudged over time. In the cases where I am not sure of the
content, I have put (?).
1873 Wednesday January 1—Put the carpet down and scalded the Brine on our Pork Origin cut a little wood
Thursday 2—Chopped some wood and drawed Doctor Tracy 2 cords of stove wood
Friday 3—Drawed Hay and cleaned out the calf stable It was a still nice day
Saturday January 4—Origin filed the new saw in A.M. in P.M. we sawed wood at the door It was a nice day
Sunday 5—Was at home all day. It rained most all day and frose as it come. Origin went to meeting in the evening
Monday 6—Cut and split some wood in A.M. in P.M. Origin drawed 2 cords of wood to L Gregory Andrew Monroe Died to night
Tuesday January 7—Drawed hay in A.M. in P.M. went over to Mr. Weblers. came back and got a load of wood readdy to go to Troy
Wednesday 8—Took 2 cords of wood to Troy and got a sack of flower. Origin went over to help dig A. Monroes grave
Thursday 9—Went over to the funerell. it was a pretty winday day
Friday January 10—Blacked the little stove and put it up in A.M. in P.M. drawed hay and cut a little wood
Saturday 11—Origin took Alexanders Hog home. and helped J McKeller thrash I split wood and done the chores.
Sunday 12—Went over to Seelys meeting. then went up to O Ds [Oliver Dutton Field, Simeon’s father-in-law]
Monday January 13—We went down to Fathers
Tuesday 14—I and Origin went over in Burrs woods and cut 2 cords of stove wood in A.M. in P.M. Origin went to J. B. Morgans raising
Wednesday 15—Origin drawed Doctor Tracy 2 cords of wood I done chores and smoked hams
Thursday January 16—It rained all day The wind was south
Friday 17—Drawed hay in A.M. in P.M. went to Town meeting
Saturday 18—Went to Troy a foot It snowed more than half the day
Sunday January 19—Went to Sylvania to H Mosiers furnerell It was a cold day Origin went up to Nates [Nathan Harrison Sherman, born June 23,1848, Simeon’s brother]
Monday 20—Done the chores Origin got back from Columbia 1 P.M. drawed a loat of lumber from the mill. E. Morgans folkes was here in P.M and stayed in the evening
Tuesday 21—Drawed wood from Burrs fallow Wesley went home with father [John Wesley Sherman, Simeon’s son, born April 3, 1868.]
Wednesday January 22—Drawed wood
Thursday 23—Drawed hay in A.M. in P.M Origin took ¾ of a cord of 4 ft wood to the cooper The wind was in the east it snowed all the afternoon
Friday 24—Broke roads and cut some wood
Saturday January 25—Cleaned up some oats for the grass seed
Sunday 26—Broke roads some in A.M. in P.M went up to ODs
Monday 27—Took Emma and her mother up to Yeomans I went to Troy. Brought Wesley home. Got the table. It snowed all day. [Emma Josephine Field, born July 11, 1848, Simeon’s wife]
Tuesday January 28—Sawed wood at the door
Wednesday 29—Drawed hay from the old barn. It was a cold day. 12 dg below zero
Thursday 30—Sawed wood at the door put up one tier in the wood shed
Friday January 31—Sawed wood in A.M. at the door in P.M Origin helped R Bixby saw wood We all went over in the evening
Saturday February 1—Albace (?) was here and Mr Bullard & wife
Sunday 2—Was at home all day, Origin took Daves wife home [David Thompson Sherman, born March 16, 1845, Simeon’s brother]
Monday 3—Done the chores and split some wood Origin came back tonight
February Tuesday 4—Went over to Rogers mesured some lumber, and got a load of stone boat plank In P.M went to Wm Newells childs furnell
Wednesday 5—Drawed Hay A.M. in P.M sawed some wood Mrs Wood was here a visiting
Thursday February 6—Sawed some wood in A.M. in P.M took Emma up to Mrs. Monroes
Friday 7—Sawed and put wood in the wood sheed Went over to Ags Exibition in the evening
Saturday 8—Mixed 16 bu of grain and took it over to Weblers Went to a wood-be to Mrs Monroes
Sunday February 9—Was at home all day. It was a windy cold day
Monday 10—Went to Sylvaina with D Aslander (?) got one sack flower 2.63 [Note from Joyce - Probably Hulslander]
1 broom 35 1 bag 49
Tuesday 11—Sawed & split wood at the door
Wednesday February 12—Sawed wood in A.M. in P.M drawed Hay from the old barn Origin went down to Fathers to night
Thursday 13—Went down to Fathers They was all sick
Friday 14—Done the chores and split some wood Origin came home to night from Fathers
Saturday February 15—Took 15 bu of chop down to Sylvania and a ¾ of wood to L Gregory
Sunday 16—Was at home all day
Monday 17—Origin went to see the Doctor I done chores and went over and got a load of lumber David Shermans folks was here
Tuesday February 18—I and Origin went to Troy Took 3 bu of Buckwheat to mill
Wednesday 19—Went down to Mark Farlmers (?) to a Sale Origin helped Will saw some wood [Note from Joyce - Mark Palmer - locally pronunced Parmer]
Thursday 20—Will helped us cut sugar bush wood
Friday February 21—Sawed some wood at the door It snowed most all day
Saturday 22—Sawed some wood at the door
Sunday 23—Was at home all day Origin went over to Arese_ (?) meeting It was a cold night
Monday February 24—Done the chores I was about sick The meseura was 8 dg below zero and the wind-a howling
Tuesday 25—Done chores
Wednesday 26—Done chores
Thursday February 27—Went down to Fathers C H Smith was here to work Nate came home with me
Friday 28—Origin went down to Sylvania. Mr Smith was here to work went up to ODs stayed all night
Saturday March 1—Went from ODs down to J McKellers and took dinner Mr Smith was here in A.M.
Sunday March 2—Origin went down to Fathers
Monday 3—Done the chores and brought water to wash Origin came home to night and Sylvester came with him [Sylvester Adams Sherman, born May 6, 1852, Simeon’s brother]
Tuesday 4—Done the chores It was a cold day
Wednesday March 5—Origin and Will broke roads in A.M. in P.M we helped Will saw wood
Thursday 6—We drawed Hay from over to the stack Mr. Smith was here to work part of the day
Friday 7—Sawed maple and hemlock wood over in the woods It was a nice day
Saturday March 8—I walked to Troy got a Sack of flower brought up
Sunday 9—Went over to Seelys meeting Ag & Vanness came here and stayed all night [Agnes Field, born March 12, 1851 and George Vanness, Simeon’s sister-in-law and her future husband]
Monday 10—Vanness went home in the P.M.
Tuesday March 11—Went over to Mr Ripleys funerall It was a blustering day
Wednesday 12—Rant Bixby helped us saw hemlock wood over in the woods Julia came here to day
Thursday 13—Done the chores in A.M. in P.M sawed wood over in the woods
Friday March 14—Split wood in A.M. in P.M sawed some hemlock wood
Saturday 15—Split wood at the door in A.M. in P.M sawed hemlock wood Mrs Wood and Emma was here
Sunday 16—Origin went down to Fathers The wind blew awful
Monday March 17—Sawed and choped wood over in the woods Julia came here to day
Tuesday 18—Drawed lumber from Boggers mill The Black cow had a calf to day
Wednesday 19—Went over and sawed off sled crook and brought home a load of lumber Uncle Seth was here to dinner
Thursday March 20—Done the chores It snowed all day
Friday 21—Went to Troy with a tub of Butter went to the mill and got 175 lbs of chop
Saturday 22—Done the chores it was a blustering day The road is about Blockaded Let Will have 11 lbs of shoulder to night
Sunday March 23—Went up to ODs In the evening went down and got Julia
Monday 24—Origin helped R Bixby , sawed wood I brought water to wash In P.M. we drawed Hay
Tuesday 25—Finished drawing Hay in A.M. in P.M had Company A Bixby & wife Mrs Yeomans & Loretta Mrs Cass & Wm Bixbys wife
Wednesday March 26—Done the chores. It Snowed all day. the snow is about 3 ft deep in the woods and the roads are drifted full
Thursday 27—Sawed some wood down in Smiths woods
Friday 28—Sawed some wood
Saturday March 29—It rained all day and snowed at night
Sunday 30—Was at home all day
Monday 31—Origin drawed wood from Smiths woods and I split it The roads are impassable
Tuesday April 1—Went over in the woods and Taped 35 trees and sawed some wood
Wednesday 2—Boiled a little sap and taped 25 trees Sugard off a little to night for the first
Thursday 3—Went over in the wood and cut some logs to boyl with in A.M. in P.M drawed hemlock wood
Friday April 4—Drawed wood in A.M. in P.M geathered the Sap and boyled it in
Saturday 5—Boyld Sap in A.M. in P.M Origin drawed Straw for Smith I opened a Potatoes hole
Sunday 6—Origin went down to our folkes
Monday April 7—Had Pigs this morning split wood at the door Origin piled up some manure
Tuesday 8—Went over to Alaxanders & got the Horses shod
Wednesday 9—Father came up to day We are a having nice warm weather the Snow drifts are a going fast
Thursday April 10—Took a tub of Butter to Troy and got some feed It was bad going. Dave stayed here all night
Friday 11—Hawld Stone off the hog pasture. The South wind has blown verry hard to day
Saturday 12—It Snowed all day Settled with Burr Wood
Sunday April 13—Took Julia home and went after her [Julia Robbins]
Monday 14—Drawed Stone and cleaned away the hog pasture fence Drawed a load of hay from R Bixbys 835 lbs
Tuesday 15—Drawed Stone in A.M. in P.M Boiled Sap
Wednesday April 16—Drawed manure
Thursday 17—It snowed all day Went over to C H Weblers and got some chop
Friday 18—Went over in the woods and drawed up some fence posts. The snow fell about 5 in. deep Dave & Wife was here to dinner
Saturday April 19—Went down to Fathers
Sunday 20—Was at home all day
Monday 21—Snowed some to day
Tuesday April 22—It snowed All day Baby born this morning [Baby is Milton S. Sherman, Simeon and Emma’s son, who lived all his life on Armenia.]
Wednesday 23—The snow melted some to day
Thursday 24—Took a tub of butter to Troy got 40 cts got some chop at Sylvania
Friday April 25—Sugared off
Saturday 26—Origin Sugared off
Sunday 27—Was at home all day
Monday April 28—Origin went to Sylvania to get some chop I went to Troy to a Lawsuit
Tuesday 29—Origen boiled sap I make the Hog pasture fence
Wednesday 30—Origin went to Sylvania to get a load of Hay Julia went home to day
Thursday May 1—Origen Plowed a little to day. I went over to H Demonds with the Hog
Friday 2—Went up and got May & brought home the drag It was a lowerry day
Saturday 3—It rained all day Painted the drag
Sunday May 4—Was at home all day. Ag & Gusta (?) was here to day
Monday 5—Went to Troy with Andrus and took a tub of Butter an a load of wood Origin broke up
Tuesday 6—Origin broke up I went over to H Demonds and got the Saw Painted the drag
Wednesday May 7—Origin plowed, I went over and seen to to the lambs and fixed & made fence
Thursday 8—cleaned off the barn floor Origin broke up in A.M., in P.M it rained. Father was hear to day
Friday 9—A Smith tapped my Boots (?) It rained all day
Saturday May 10—Fixed fence in A.M. in P.M Origin wemt to Troy with a tub of Butter I drawed the banking away from the House
Sunday 11—Julie came back to night
Monday 12—Got out a hole of Potatoes in A.M. in P.M Origin Plowed
Tuesday May 13—Origin Broke up
Wednesday 14—Origin Broke up some and got out a hole of Potatoes
Thursday 15—Origin finished Braking up and Sowed some oats
Friday May 16—Origin Plowed on Smith
Saturday 17—Origin went to Sylvania I went to Troy with Butter Fed the Cows feed this morning for the last
Sunday 18—Origin went down to Fathers C T Lyon and folks was here [Charles T Lyon, born 1838, was Emma’s first cousin, son of Calista Field and James Lyon.]
Monday May 19—Took the Yearlings down to S Morgans to pasture Origin plowed some on Smith
Tuesday 20—A. Ripley worked to day Origin plowed
Wednesday 21—Sowed oats on Smith. It was a lowery day
Thursday May 22—Made Soap in A.M. got out a hole of potatoes
Friday 23—Will Russell helped plant corn. I went to Troy with A Bixby with a tub of Butter
Saturday 24—A Smith me plant potatoes Sowed oats in the orchard
Sunday May 25—Went over and heard the new Pracher
Monday 26—Origin plowed I helped cleaned the cellar
Tuesday 27—Origin plowed I finished planting Potatoes
Wednesday May 28—Origin finished plowing and sowing oats
Thursday 29—Origin plowed for John Burette
Friday 30—We took the Baby down to the Doctors and went up to Nates
Saturday May 31—Sowed grass seed and plowed the garten in A.M. in P.M. went to G Morgans raising
Sunday June 1—Went up to ODs Ab & Han was here this morning [Abner D. Randall and his wife, Hannah Field, sister-in-law and brother-in-law to Simeon.]
Monday 2—Origin hauled stone I went to Directors meeting
Tuesday June 3—Washed Sheep
Wednesday 4—Origin worked for Alaxander
Thursday 5—Origin went to Troy A.M. in P.M. I went to Troy
Friday June 6—Went over to Roggers to pile some lumber
Saturday 7—Worked on the spring drene
Sunday 8—Went to quorterly meeting
Monday June 9—Sheared the Sheep
Tuesday 10—Ashed the corn A.M. in P.M. cut brush over on the back lot F Harding & folks was here [Frank Harding, husband of Mary Field, sister of Emma Field Sherman.]
Wednesday 11—cut brush
Thursday June 12—cut brush
Friday 13—cut brush
Saturday 14—Went to Troy
Sunday June 15—Went over to E A Covrts
Monday 16—Commenced pealing bark
Tuesday 17—Underbroushed where we peel bark Father was here to day. Wesley went home with him
Wednesday June 18—culivated the corn
Thursday 19—hoed corn
Friday 20—hoed corn
Saturday June 21—Pealed bark
Sunday 22—I & Emma walked to meeting and went up to ODs Nelson mare had a colt this morning
Monday 23—Pealed bark in P.M.
Tuesday June 24—Took the wool down to Sylvania It was a lowery day
Wednesday 25—Pealed bark
Thursday 26—Will plowed for sowed corn and we sowed some
Friday June 27—Sowed corn A.M. in P.M. Pealed Bark
Saturday 28—Peeled Bark A.M. in P.M. it rained
Sunday 29—Went to meeting came back and went a strawbering
Monday June 30—Went to Troy
Tuesday July 1—Peeled Bark
Wednesday 2—Peeled Bark
Thursday July 3—Peeled Bark
Friday 4—Went to Minequa
Saturday 5—Origin plowed out some potatoes
Sunday July 6—I went to meeting day time & Evening
Monday 7—Plowed and hoed Some potatoes C Tinkham was here to look at the lambs He takes them by the 20 of Aug. If we cannot get more then 39 Dollars
Tuesday 8—It rained all day
Wednesday July 9—Peeled bark for Burr
Thursday 10—Burr & Rant Bixby helped us Peel bark
Friday 11—Hoed Potatoes
Saturday July 12—Hoed Potatoes went to Troy at night with A. Smith
Sunday 13—Went down on the norway
Monday 14—Finished Howing Potatoes and howed some corn
Tuesday July 15—I howed corn. Origin went to Sylvania and got the Horsses shod
Wednesday 16—Finished howing and commenced to mow
Thursday 17—I and Emma went down to Fathers
Friday July 18—I and Origin mowed down on the side hill
Saturday 19—Mowed some and fixed the machine
Sunday 20—Went to meeting
Monday July 21—Mowed in the A.M. in P.M. drawed hay
Tuesday 22—Worked in Haying
Wednesday 23—Worked in Haying
Thursday July 24—Worked in Haying
Friday 25—Worked in Haying Will worked today
Saturday 26—I and Emma went to Sylvania. It was a lowery day
Sunday July 27—Went over west to Meeting
Monday 28—Mowed in A.M. in P.M. killed a Sheep J Youmans Dr to 11 lbs of Mutton 1.10 Webler Dr 23 ½ lbs 2.35
Tuesday 29—Origin & Will went to union I done chores & fixed the machine and mowed some
Wednesday July 30—Worked in Haying
Thursday 31—Worked in Haying
August Friday 1—It was a lowery day
Saturday August 2—Got our hay all in that we had mowed down
Sunday 3—Went to Meeting and went up to O Ds
Monday 4—Worked at haying Father worked ¾ of day
Tuesday August 5—Worked at haying Father worked to day
Wednesday 6—Worked at haying
Thursday 7—Commenced mowing over on the back lot Father worked to day
Friday August 8—Went to Troy
Saturday 9—Will Russell worked half day in haying
Sunday 10—Went up to B Woods a little while and took dinner
Monday August 11—W O Bixby CT one day Mr Robbins half day Will Russel one s-- Father half day
Tuesday 12—W. O. Bixby worked till 5 o clock Will Russel worked till 5 P.M. Father worked till 5 P.M. and it rained
Wednesday 13—It rained all day
Thursday August 14—It rained all day
Friday 15—Mowed some, it was lowery
Saturday 16—Origin Sawed wood for Will Russel in A.M. in P.M. he went to Troy. I stired out the hay and it got wet
Sunday August 17—Went to Meeting and went up to O Ds Will helped Origin about 3 hours to get a load of hay
Monday 18—It rained all day
Tuesday 19—Drawed wood in A.M. in P.M. took 2 cords of wood to Doc Tracy
Wednesday August 20—Mowed some and got one load of hay
Thursday 21—Cut oats by the barn
Friday 22—Finished Haying Will Russel worked from 20 mts to 10 till 6 P.M.
Saturday August 23—Raked Some oats in A.M. in P.M. went to the Canons
Sunday 24—Origin went down to Fathers I went over west to meeting
Monday 25—It rained in the morning. I went to Troy
Tuesday August 26—Cut a few oats on Smith in A.M. in P.M. O Ds folks was here Origin went to the Pic-nic
Wednesday 27—Worked in the oats Ag came over to night
Thursday 28—Worked in the oats Sold the Lambs They took 5
Friday August 29—Worked in the oats
Saturday 30—Worked in the oats Harry Chase came here to night
Sunday August 31—Went to the grove meeting
Monday September 1—Origin helped Will Russell saw wood in A.M. in P.M. we cut oats
Tuesday 2—I and Origin reapt oats
Wednesday 3—Will Russel worked all day I went over to Roggers and got the Sled runners and some plank
Thursday September 4—It rained in the morning. Geathered the apples and piced some berries and drawed the Morgan lime
Friday 5—Took Emma up to her folks. Ag and the rest of us went to Troy to see the perrade
Saturday 6— Cut a little sowed corn and done chores in A.M. in P.M. raked & drawed oates from the orchard Origin went down to see Nate
Sunday September 7—Was at home all day we went up and got Ag at night
Monday 8—Origin cradled oates I drawed two loads of lumber from the mill
Tuesday 9—Went over to the mill and got a load of lumber in A.M. in P.M. raked the oats Origin worked for Will from 9 ½ till night
Wednesday September 10—I and Origin worked for Will in A.M. in P.M. got in two loads of oats for ourselves
Thursday 11—I and Origin worked for Will in A.M. in P.M. finished getting in our oats
Friday 12—I and Origin worked for Will all day in his oats
Saturday September 13—Origin worked for Will half day I went to Troy to the planing mill
Sunday 14—Went up to O Ds and got Em
Monday 15—Cut up the corn
Tuesday September 16—Origin finished cutting up the corn In A.M. I went and got some sand In P.M. We helped Will Russell in his oats
Wednesday 17—Origin worked for Will all day I helped Mr Smith Build the chimney
Thursday 18—Origin worked for Will all day. C N Smith worked to day Ag went home a little past noon today
Friday September 19—Origin worked for Will half day. C N Smith worked from 8 till 4 oclock
Saturday 20—Took the Butter to Troy. Smith worked to day
Sunday 21—I and Origin went over west to meeting
Monday September 22—Smith finished work this morning I went over and paid Ella Burnham and D S Alexander $126.54
Tuesday 23—Took the calves and yearlings down to Sylvania sold them for 58 dollars
Wednesday 24—Built board fence on Morgans line
Thursday September 25—Thrashed to day
Friday 26—Finished thrashing had 54 bu of oats Paid the Thrashers $5.00
Saturday 27—Movved a load for __avel (?)
Sunday September 28—Went over East to meeting
Monday 29—Origin Helped Rant Bixby thrash I done chores and painted some
Tuesday September 30—Origin Helped Rant thrash in A.M. in P.M. He husked some corn I drawed wood from Burrs woods
Wednesday October 1—Dug and buried 20 baskets of Potatoes
Thursday 2—Drawed the pumkins and some corn
Friday 3—I took 2 ½ cords of wood to A S Hooker Origin husked some corn
Saturday October 4—finished drawing the corn in A.M. in P.M. I put down the carpet and put up the stove Origin helped Will Russell I thrash 3 hours for Albert Smith
Sunday 5—Was at home all day
Monday 6—It rained all day we Husked corn in the Barn It snowed a little tonight
Tuesday October 7-- Origin drawed a load of wood and we worked for Will Russel Thrashing 13½ hours
Wednesday 8—Dug 12 baskets of potatoes
Thursday 9—Dug 12 baskets of potatoes Took Emma up to O Ds to the Preachers quilting and stoped to meeting in the evening
Friday October 10—Finished diging potatoes dug 16 baskets Had 75 bu of Potatoes besids the small ones
Saturday 11—Husked some corn in A.M. in P.M. I went to Sylvania Origin went over south to Train with the company
Sunday 12—I went over East to meeting
Monday October 13—Went over and settled with Russells folks, found done 8 bu of Buckwheat and a days work Ag came over today
Tuesday 14—Husked some corn and went to Election
Wednesday 15—Husked some corn and Hawld some manure
Thursday October 16—I and Emma went to Troy Origin worked half day for Wm Bixby
Friday 17—Killed and sold the old Hog She weighed 337 ½ came to $23, 63 cts Geo Vanness was here
Saturday 18—Hawled manure to day we have Hawled in all 13 loads up to night
Sunday October 19—I was at home Origin went down to Fathers
Monday 20—Husked some corn in the barn It rained all day
Tuesday 21—Husked corn in the barn
Wednesday October 22—Hawld 8 loads of manure and Docterd the colt
Thursday 23—Origin went to the flats to See the Doctor Ag went with him I piled up manure Natee & Ma was here and stayed all night [Simeon’s mother, Lucy Gross Leonard, wife of Nathan T Sherman.]
Friday 24—I drawed 6 loads of manure
Saturday October 25—Done chores in A.M. in P.M. went over to Millers to see if I could get some pigs Emma went up to Monroes
Sunday 26—went to meeting and left Origin
Monday 27—Husked some corn in the barn
Tuesday October 28—Drawed 8 loads of manure
Wednesday 29—Drawed 8 loads of manure
Thursday 30—Drawed 6 loads of manure
Friday October 31—Took 4 bu of buckwheat to mill
Saturday November 1—Drawed 4 loads of manure Drawed 43 loads of manure up to night
Sunday 2—We all went up to O Ds and took Ag home Paid Ag $9.41 Due = 2.59
Monday 3—Drawed one load of wood and 5 loads manure
Tuesday November 4—I an Will Russell drawed 14 loads of manure
Wednesday 5—Brought the yearling home Went to Troy and got the Pigs and the Apple Trees
Thursday 6—We set out the apple trees in A.M. in P.M. Origin commenced plowing I puttied the windows
Friday November 7—Origin plowed I finished putting the windows The Preacher and Wife was here to supper
Saturday 8—Origin plowed I cut wood and done the chores
Sunday 9—Origin went up and got May. O Ds folks was here to dinner
Monday November 10—We drawed up some wood in A.M. in P.M. Origin plowed
Tuesday 11—Origin plowed. I done chores and banked up the House some and shelled some corn, commenced feeding Hay to night The wind in the South and a snowing
Wednesday 12—Origin finished plowing in the meadow in A.M. in P.M. we made a bridge across the creek
Thursday November 13—It snowed considerable last night It is pretty cold to day we did not do much to day
Friday 14—Went over in the woods and cut logs and made roads to get out bark
Saturday 15—I went to Troy and got a barriel of salt and a sack of rock Origin sold the kicking cow
Sunday November 16—Was at home all day Origin went over west to meeting
Monday 17—Worked over in the woods a cutting logs
Tuesday 18—Worked over in the woods in A.M. in P.M. cut wood at the door
Wednesday November 19—Worked over in the woods in A.M. in P.M. drawed wood up to the House
Thursday 20—Origin went over to Springfield to get a Lamb I Painted the new Bobs
Friday 21—Fixed a place for the colt and done chores
Saturday November 22—Worked over in the woods
Sunday 23—Went to meeting Laura Morgan stayed with the Children
Monday 24—Lydia Morgan came to work to day I went down to George Fields from there to A Ripleys
Tuesday November 25—Killed Hogs to day A Ripley helped
Wednesday 26—Cut up the meat and salted it
Thursday 27—Cut some wood in A.M. in P.M. we went over to Daves a visting
Friday November 28—Dave helped us cut logs
Saturday 29—Went to Troy Took the Bobs down to Sylvania to be ironed off
Sunday 30—Was at home all day
Monday December 1—It Snowed most all day. Father came up and helped us killed the beef cow
Tuesday 2—Went to old Mr Weblers Furnrell
Wednesday December 3—Rant Bixby helped us skid logs
Thursday 4—Cut some wood in A.M. in P.M. went up to the Prachers a visting
Friday 5—Went down to Jas Lyons Sale
Saturday December 6—Went to Troy. Ag went with me Nates folks was her
Sunday 7—Emma went to quarterly meeting
Monday 8—Drawed out bark
Tuesday December 9—Drawed out bark
Wednesday 10—I drawed out bark Dave helped Origin saw logs
Thursday 11—I and Origin sawed logs for Burr Wood in A.M. in P.M. Origin piled bark I got the Butter ready for market
Friday December 12—Took the Butter to Troy It was a stormy a rainy day
Saturday 13—It rained in the forenoon in P.M. we worked over in the woods
Sunday 14—went to meting day time & evening
Monday December 15—Drawed out bark
Tuesday 16—A. Ripley helped us saw logs in A.M. in P.M. we went to Election
Wednesday 17—I and Origin sawed logs
Thursday December 18—Lester Ripley helped us skid logs
Friday 19—L Ripley helped us skid logs
Saturday 20—Drawed wood in A.M. in P.M. I and Emma went down to see old Mrs Morgan Origin went down to Fathers to night
Sunday December 21—I and Wesley went to meeting
Monday 22—I went to Troy to Mill
Tuesday 23—We underbroushed to day
Wednesday December 24—We went to Ags Weding [Agnes Field married George VanNess.]
Thursday 25—Ods folks and Ab and Franks folks was here
Friday 26—Lester Ripley skided logs for us
Saturday December 27—I and Emma went over to Hiram Schasas It snowed all day
Sunday 28—was at home all day it was a Blustering day
Monday 29—I went dow to Hen Croffords and done the chores Origin drawed one cord of 3 ft wood to Hollenbeck
Tuesday December 30—Origin drawed 2 cords of 3 ft wood to Hollenbeck
Wednesday December 31—Went to Troy and made Payment Origin drawed two
logs to the flats
There is additional information at the back of the diary that shows records of cash and/or goods paid for services and/or goods.
One page is for Doc Tracy Dr.
Jan 2—2 cords wood 4.00
Jan 15—2 cords wood 4.00
July 24—1½ cords wood D hawld by Russell 1.50
Aug 19—2 cords wood 4.00
Feb 7—C N Smith Dr Stoneboat plank 2.00
Mar 15—Julia Robbins 2½ days work Cr
Mar 19—3 days work
Mar 25—2 days work
Apr 1—July Robbins Commenced work
Apr 30—Julia went home
One page is for Julia Robbins
May 23—Julia Robbins Dr 1 pr Gloves $2.00 | to Cash $4.25
June 7—1 pr Hose .15 | 2 hancherchiefs .40 | ½ ? Ribbin .35 | 4½ bu Potatoes 2.25 | Pensil & Book .15
July 26—Box Pills .25
Aug 8—Bill to Store 4.60 | 14.40 [Total]
Sept 15—to cash $10.00 | to 10 cts for quilt | to Vinegar .25
June 16—Julie went home today noon
June 16—Julie Ct by nine weeks work up to date
July 8—Julie came back to work
July 28—W O Bixby DDr to 24 lbs of mutton $2.64
July 28—R Bixby Dr to 11½ lbs of mutton 1.15
Nov 15—P – H Peck CT to 210 lbs of meal at $1.62½ hun
July 21—Bills L Morgan Ct by 28 lbs of veal at 5 cts $1.40
At least two pages at the back of the diary have been torn out. Others have been used for children’s handwriting practice, children not yet born in 1873. A few pages have been used for grocery lists, probably also much after 1873.
Transcribed by Margaret L. Spencer, great granddaughter of Simeon L. Sherman and Emma J. Field.
Submitted with revisions through October 31, 2005.
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 histcent83@gmail.com |