George D. Bourne Diary 1872 |
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Typed By: Pat Smith Raymond
Jan. 1, 1872 – A Happy New Year to you all. Work in Mill fixing bid for Pillow=Block for Engine shaft. Trusting we all may have a prosperous year of 1872. We will call the diary dedicated.
Jan. 2 – Help fix mill. Isadore & Ophelia at Uncle A. Riggses visiting. Warm and pleasant.
Jan 3, 4
Jan. 5 – Work in mill, in evening Isadore & Self attend a Lecture at Burlington, Subject the Microscope with experiments, Small turn out.
Jan. 6, 7
Jan. 8 – Work in Mill. Father gets Payns man Mr. H. Tabor and --?--. James Fisk shot on the 6th --?—Rail Way in mourning.
Jan. 9, 10, 11, 12
Jan. 13 – Help on engine. Mr. Tabor finishes starting engine, takes stage at Burlington for Corning, NY. A fine man, much pleased with his acquaintance. Father sends check of $1000, which finishes paying for the Engine. --?—to B. W. Payne & Sons makers(sp?) this week has been a splendid week for starting engine, the thermometer staying at about 35 and no wind , am much pleased with appearance of the machinery.
Jan. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Jan. 24 – Jabes Smith died.
Jan. 25, 26
Jan. 27 – Some excitement in regard to the Small Pox, a Mr. Kendall reported to have it. Mr. A. Riggs & Family here visiting.
Jan. 28 -- That Kendall has not got the Small Pox.
Jan. 29, 30, 31
Feb. 1 – R. R. Viewers to Old McKean place, Father at Elmira, NY as witness on Mrs. Pratt agt Insurance Co. Go to Burlington and get 12 in. belt for mill. Are now ready to saw boards.
Feb. 2 – Tinker in Mill. Father get home from Elmira. R. R. Viewers pass here ayt about 3 PM, they go on this side of the creek. No of stake at Bridge 622.
Feb. 3 – Get mill started, saw 2 logs with steam. Snows all day did not hear from the R. R. Viewers.
Feb. 4, 5
Feb. 6 – R. R. Viewers expect to get to mouth of Sugar Creek. 11 cases of Small Pox reported in Burlington East of here.
Feb. 7 – Frank Wheaton commences work.
Feb. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Feb. 15 – Isadore visiting with Mr. Jas. Nichols & wife. Mr. H. Whitehead & wife at Fathers.
Feb. 16, 17, 18, 19
Feb. 20 – Uncle Amos Bourne & wife of Woodhull, Steuben Co., N. Y. come to fathers visiting with a wagon, no sleighing.
Feb. 21, 22
Feb. 23 – Uncle Amos Bourne & wife start for home. Cousin Charles Riggs of Canton here tonight his health very bad.
Feb. 24 – Work around mill tinkering. Warm catch a heavy cold, have chills. Cousin Charlie Riggs goes home. Father promise to help him some in building him a store at East Canton. Father at West Burlington to auditors meeting.
Feb. 25 – Carries Birthday 2 years old.
Feb. 26
Feb. 27 – Geo. Hill married to Mrs. Van-Coo (sp?)
Feb. 28 – Work in the mill some and Grind some, think the Grist mill will prove a failure.
Feb. 29
March 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
March 12 – Mr. Crowells (sp?) steam boiler of Smithfield this Co. Blew up. No one injured. It was second hand and they run it with 90 lb. Steam.
Mar. 13 – Owen Campbell pays $113.10 which finishes paying his note of June 18, 1869.
Mar. 14 – Father pays S. J. Wright $113.65
Mar. 15
Mar. 16 – Isaac Campbell sent home, it appears he was found in a room shot through the head and dead when found. Further he was shot in the back of the head, the charge going up straight between the cords of the neck. He was brought in ice.
Mar. 17 – Attend quarterly meeting at West Burlington preaching by Rev. D. W. Hunnington, DD. A very good state of mind.
Mar. 18 – The father of Geo Perry of West Burlington died a day or 2 since.
Mar. 19
Mar 20 – Isaac Campbell buried today. N. M. Beach to be buried tomorrow. Ditto Mono (?) today.
Mar. 21
Mar. 22 – Hire Thadeus Maynard long as we can agree at 10/per day. House rent thrown in. Extry time and parts of days at 10? Per hour.
Mar. 23, 24, 25
Mar. 26 – At Troy as witness for G. W. Langford. Stormy
Mar. 27, 28, 29
Mar. 30 – Buy remainder of land that D. Bourne bought of Wm. Campbell to pay 20. Per acker for the whole.
Mar. 31
Apr. 1 – Thadeus Maynard commence work
Apr. 2 – Perry Case died.
Apr. 3, 4, 5
Apr. 6 – T. Middaugh very badly hurt by 2 logs rolling over him at Ulster, Pa.
Apr. 7,
Apr. 8 – Charlie Riggs here on business. Mr. Charlie Hawlkins very badly hurt in Phynn Phelps saw mill.
Apr. 9 – Mrs. Parmer Allen Died, Mr. Wm. Wright died, Mr. Daniel Pomeroy died, Mr. Parmer Allen very sick, Mr. T. Middaugh getting better.
Apr. 10 – Mrs. Wm. Ormsby not expected to live.
Apr. 11 – Parmer Allen died, the funeral of Mrs. Allen postponed till tomorrow, they are to be both buried in the same grave.
Apr. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Apr. 22 – Mahlon C. Gerould commences work for 1 year at $23.00 per month.
Apr. 23, 24
Apr. 25 – Frighten folks generaly by blowing whistles. Kellogg to get the last blow.
Apr. 26 – Mr. Washington Campbells son married, is "Horned". Mr. W.(?) Campbell who has been partially insane for a year or two shoots a Mr. Forrest on Thursday. Forrest not expected to live.
Apr. 27, 28
Apr. 29 – Divide line fence with John Campbell. I have this end up to a water(?) beech on the flat about ½ way.
Apr. 30 – Build my ½ am’t of line fence between with Alanson Campbell. Divided with John Campbell yesterday.
May 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
May 11 – Build fence across the creek on upper end of Campbells line fence.
May 12 – Early apple trees begin to show blossoms, very dry.
May 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
May 28 – Mrs. A. Campbell has an apolictic fit, very bad.
May 29, 30, 31
June 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
June 14 – Have quite a scare in the mill the safety valve pipe blew off, blew 8 or 10 BBls (?) (guess at it) out in a few minutes. Scan the land out off the mill. NOTE: (guess at it) is actually written in the diary.
June 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
July 1, 2, 3, 4
July 5 – Rec’d notice through the "Economist" that the Land & Lumber Co. Store on Water Street, North Carolina was burned with all its contents. Loss $60,000 Inshurance $36,000.
July 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
July 26 – Work in Mill. Birth Day 28 years old, time goes fast. Usually work in hay on Birth Day. Done excepting 1 days work.
July 27, 28
July 29 – B. W. Payne & Sons coming , send Mr. E. P. Mulford to fix Engine & --?--.
July 30 – Mr. Mulford goes home this noon. Father goes to Troy to get Hester who expects to be on the 7 o’clock train this PM. They miss the train.
July 31 – Hester & children get back at about 7 pm. All well. Wesley to come later, about the middle of September. Now busy in setting up the affairs of the Co.
Aug. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Aug. 7 – Geo Goddard married to Miss May Woodruff about this time.
Aug. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Aug. 13 – James Jenney called all well.
Aug. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Aug. 19 – Isadore & I at our folks visiting with Hester & Jennie & Burton McAffee.
Aug. 20 – Visit with Jennie & Burton McAffee ½ day haave a very pleasant visit. Father takes Hester to Mrs. Smiths today, have to be back tomorrow. Isadore’s Birth day 24 years old.
Aug. 21 – Mrs. Myron Beach died. Attend political meeting at Burlington Boro.
Aug. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Aug. 28 – Thadeus Maynards baby died, gone in afternoon making arrangements for the funeral.
Aug. 29 – Get coffin at Smithfield center at the funeral at the house. Rainy.
Aug. 30, 31
Sept. 1, 2
Sept. 3 – Saw in the mill, Break Pitman on Saw. Make new Pitman. Ophelia sick father goes for Doctor at Smithfield.
Sept. 4 – Fix Mill, move gig & Feed Staff on West side of carriage.
Sept. 5 – Work in mill ½ day. Uncle Samuel Riggs wife & children here visiting, like new arrangement of mill spoken of yesterday first rate.
Sept. 6, 7, 8, 9
Sept. 10 – Our folks much frightened about Ophelia, go for the doctor, rainy.
Sept. 11, 12
Sept. 13 – Ophelia has the Typhoid fever.
Sept. 14, 15, 16, 17
Sept. 18 – John Moray (sp?) of Rome come this evening.
Sept. 19 – Visiting with Moray & saw, he takes one general view from East side of creek of mill and 1 Stereoscope view of mill from shop to be ready in about 4 weeks. Warm wind in the south.
Sept. 20, 21, 22
Sept. 23 – Work in Mill, Wesley arrives at Fathers from the South.
Sept. 24 – With Wesley & father at Towanda. Large Grant & Witson mass meeting. Speakers Henry Wilson & ?? ???. largest crowd ever in Towanda, have a real good visit & pleasant time. ?? for Grant & Wilson sure.
Sept. 25
Sept. 26 – Visit with Wesley & Hester, Wesley not feeling very well.
Sept. 27
Sept. 28 – Wesley & Hester start for York State
Sept. 29, 30
Oct. 1 – Work in Mill. State fair at Elmira, NY
Oct. 2 -- Work in Mill, --??—fireman gone to the fair. Receive the first No of Athens Gazette pay for it for 6 months. Date of Paper Oct. 2, 72, No 26. Sub expires with No. 52
Oct. 3 – Jasper King died, Mrs. Scovell died this afternoon.
Oct. 4, 5, 6
Oct. 7 – Go to Election. Gen. Harn?? Running for Republican Governor, Bucalen Democratic Gov. Wesley & Hester start for the South from Troy. Take the 9:15 train PM
Oct. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Oct. 14 – Election news, Pennsylvania has given 36,000 (Majority) Republican for Harnraft, look out for November.
Oct. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Oct. 26 – Saw Shingles. See notice that Jennie McAffee was married on the 16 inst. To Rev. Orville Compton Methodist, stationed this year at Beaver Dams, NY, Central NY Conf.
Oct. 27
Oct. 28 – Saw Shingles ½ day come up to Troy with Rev. J. N. Lowell as witness in case of Langford with Gates. Put up at the Troy House. Room with D. W. Scott of Towanda.
Oct. 29 – Remain at Troy. Suit not called on. Called on Jury this afternoon. Case of Hecock (sp?) vs P. Baxter for labor done.
Oct. 30 – On Jury, verdict for Hecock, Discharged from Jury
Oct. 31 – On Jury. Form a very pleasant acquaintance with D. W. Scott of Towanda, Pa. Room together.
Nov. 1 – Suit called. Form an acquaintance with Wells Wilcox, Albany, near Huckleberry Mountain, W. L. Pendleton & W. P. Chaffee of Warren, R. Robb, Athens.
Nov. 2 – Witness is discharged last night at 10:45. Langford beaten. Verdict for Defendant. Come home.
Nov. 3, 4
Nov. 5 – Go to Presidential Election. Tickets—Republican. U.S. Grant & Wilson. Liberals & Democrats, Horace Greely & Brown. Very quiet.
Nov. 6 – NEWS – Penna. Republican Maj. 105,000—Mass. Republican Maj. 60,000—Ohio Republican Maj. 50,000—N.Y. Republican Maj. 36,000—N.C. Republican Maj. 10,000; Kansas Republican Maj. 6000, and so on, how is this for "High".
Nov. 7 – News of yesterday confirmed. Hear the guns while I am now writing, look out for more news tomorrow.
Nov. 8 – Election Majorities on the increase. Bradford Co. Teacher Association at Burlington.
Nov. 9 – Mrs. Alvin Seward died one day this week. The full returns of Penna is over 138,000 Republican Maj.
Nov. 10 – Hear that Luzern Melville was accidentally shot at a Shooting Match on Thursday. Died today. One of my Sunday School Scholars.
Nov. 11 – Let water off from Boiler & pump. Our folks at Troy. Nearly all the horses sick, the bus at the Troy House is run with oxen.
Nov. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Nov. 22 – Pay Job Morley for Father. One Check on Mercurs Bank Towanda of $2600 & cash of $7.36 which takss all of Fathers notes that A. & J. Morley have to date. Cousin S. Riggs here visiting.
Nov. 23 – Report that Hogs, Turkeys, Chickens & cows dying off with the horse distemper the epizotic (?sp)
Nov. 24
Nov. 25 – Kill pig to save him from the Epizotic. Report that John Bloom is married to a Mrs. Barret—False rumor.
Nov. 26
Nov. 27 – Mr. A. B. Caulkins from B. W. Payne & Sons came to put set screws in --?-- block.
Nov. 28
Nov. 29 – Help Caulkins. Mr. Caulkins goes home, put the set screws in 3 hours. Work on engine 10 hours.
Nov. 30
Dec. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Dec. 10 – Go to Towanda. T. Sherman & M. C. Gerould along. Very cold. Buy 1 BBL Oil of Porter & Son of 44 galls at .58 cents per Gal.
Dec. 11, 12, 13
Dec. 14 – M. C. Gerould quits work to teach school.
Dec. 15
Dec. 16 – Commence fireing to run the engine. In place of Gerould let T. Maynard job of sawing at 6/ perm, I to furnish everything and do the fixing.
Dec. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Dec. 31 – Isadore & Carrie & Self start on a visit to Uncle
Amos Bournes, Woodhull, Steuben Co., NY. Stay at Corning over night. Put
up at the Dickenson House
Dear Joyce, [July 2007]
Thanks again for another tidbit in my genealogy search! And thanks to Pat Smith Raymond who typed the diary info for your pages.
On the George Bourne 1872 Diary Page, it says:
Feb. 27 – Geo. Hill married to Mrs. Van-Coo (sp?)
I was glad to find the date of this marriage. Here is some additional information. George C. Hill married the widow of Frederick Van Liew, Jr., whose first name was Minerva. (I have yet to find her maiden name.) She was born in New York State. Frederick Van Liew, Jr. served in the Civil War and was captured in 1864. He must have died shortly after that.
According to the 1870 census Minerva was living with the Alexander Ballard family in West Burlington where she is listed as "Housekeeper." Her 9 year old daughter Ada F. Van Liew was living there too. Ada married John R. McKeeby (at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hill in West Burlington,) and lived in Towanda. Ada and John had a daughter, Martha Minerva McKeeby, who married William Charles Taylor of Philadelphia (m. in Towanda in 1904). Martha and William had one son named Charles Frederick Taylor, b. 1906, d. 1974. Charles Frederick Taylor married Annetta Cheney of Jamestown, NY. They had three children, one of whom was Willliam Charles Taylor, II, my husband, who died in 2003.
Thanks again.
Jean C. Taylor