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The Bowers Sisters, Carrie and Mary |
Nancy Rogers
Carrie (Caroline) BOWERS (later used Clark surname) Diaries. Carrie was 16 years old when she began this diary. It is somewhat difficult to determine where the family was living at this time. The 1870 census has them in Horseheads. At the very back of the book in Carrie Bowers’ handwriting is a list of friends and/or students since many of them are referenced in the daily notes I am going to place the list of names here.
Anna Carr, Ella Bennett, Della Weller, Lizzie Stephens, Carrie Bowers, Lottie Wygant, Mattie Peester, Sill Seamican, Georgia Bennett, Mate Root, Martha Smith, Cora Scofield, Alice Loomice, Ada Groom, Ellen McConnas, Stella Barlow, Stella Backen, Fanny Curry, Ella Collins, Ella Collins, Ella Blackwell, Mary Carpenter, Lizzie Strait, Abba Hardenbrook, Clara Thompson, Julia Thorn, Frank Clark, Della Clark, Stella Bennett, Millie Conkling, Eda Stage, Seib Seairison, Sevinia Northway, Philema Price, at the bottom of the page is the following comment First department Girls of the Horseheads Union School fall term of the year 1868
Horatio Gardener, Will Northway, Frank Stephens, Charlie Huggins, Albert Sair, Joe Marshall, Charlie Barlow, Will Christie, Eddie Humphrey, Charlie Fleming, James Lawrence, Johnny Meiser,
Staring with Wednesday January 1, 1868
Got up this morning found it hailing and snowing it has not been a very happy New Year to me. We had company Kate and George (probably Kate BOWERS McNish and George McNish) were here had lots of music such as it was. Jerome (Bowers Carrie’s brother) and George went to Newfield we tried to get them to let us go with them but they would not I guess they wanted to be contrary. I don’t know what else. Mary (Bowers another sister of Carrie’s) got a letter from some body but none for poor I but I had a little love sent to me that wall all but never mind.
Thursday January 2, 1868
Got up this morning in pretty good spirits until I found that Jerome had got Mary and Kate a present of a new pen and felt quite sighted thought that New Years had commenced rather dull with me hope all of the year will not be as dreary as it has commenced went to school all day had some fun at noon went home at night and sewed in the evening went to bed at half past nine had the tooth ache so I thought I never would sleep.
Friday January 3, 1868
George and Kate went away from here this morning they started about eight o’clock it is a very pleasant day went to school in the forenoon came home at noon Helen McS (probably Helen McNish) with me did not get back until after school was called. Mary Kellogg was there we had a good visit and lots of fun May I went down to Deremers and spent the evening heard lots of music.
Saturday January 4, 1868
Helped wash a good big washing this forenoon and sewed this afternoon and evening it began a long stormy day Jerome gave me a pen today for a New Years present went to bed and dreamed all night had a good long dream about some body but shant tell who will I can’t fill this page and will not try any longer.
Sunday January 5, 1868
Got up this morning about eight o’clock quite a pleasant morning but cold wrote a letter to Jane or June McKeen this forenoon and cracked butter nuts and eat apples and read until about three o’clock and Mary and I went down to Deremers a little while had to tend baby most all of the time (not clear whose baby, might be Kate and George McNish’s daughter Charlena who was born in August of 1867). Mary and I drawed cuts (straws) which should go and take a ride with Jerome and she got the longest so she went I have the promise of going next time don’t know when that will be.
Monday January 6, 1868
Went to school this morning did not get there until after school was called at noon Ellen (not sure who this is) and Kite (not sure who this is) and I went and took a shor t walk had lots of fun tried to get a sleigh to ride down hill but could not had company to school this afternoon Dell Gillett, Kite McCallister and Alonzo were ther lot of company for Monday to top all off I was imperfect today for the first time this winter did not whisper until school was almost out at nigh sewed in the evening went to bed early and slept all night
Tuesday January 7, 1868
Mary and I went out calling this morning went to school did not get there until after school was called Dell Gillet was there again today stayed at the school house al of the noon every thing went off nicely until this afternoon Gust (don’t know who this is) got a little spunky at me but guess he will get over it Ellen and I went after a pail of water this afternoon Frank Mc (this is probably Frank McNish) came along just as school was out with a load of wood we all rode home with him wood and all.
Wednesday January 8, 1868
Got up this morning about seven o’clock eat my breakfast help do up work the work went to school at noon went up the hill to ride down but did not go off just right to school this afternoon hope things will go better tomorrow. Had company in the evening a fellow from Indiana I sewed will be glad if I ever get my sewing done and guess I will there is a pretty fair prospect now retired early for the night. (for some reason she signed it ) Carrie A. Bowers.
Thursday January 9, 1868
Got up helped get breakfast and do up the work went to school got there in good season at noon had some fun in the entry Ellen Watson and I took a walk the snow blew very hard I won’t write any more Helen and Ellen can not they have written their day full I could write lots more but we want to have them all alike so I will stop fro this time and write a whole page tomorrow if nothing happens to me and I live and breath and draw the breath of life
Friday January 10, 1868
Got up in good season this morning. Went to school got there before school called at noon Ellen and Helen Watson and I had some fun all by ourselves came home from school helped get supper and do up the wash it is apple cold weather wish it would get warmer it is very good sleighing but what good does that do me I have not had a sleigh ride in along time but maby the time will come when I get into a sleigh again but don’t know when.
Saturday January 11, 1868
This morning as cold as every Pa and me was visiting Jerome went to Ithaca us young ones was left alone in our glory until about five o’clock then they came swarming in like bees Mary and Acd (it is not clear who this individual is) came home from Uncle (it looks like Lewis – but the Lewis Charles I am aware of was born in 1866) Charles and Anor came with them had a good visit I finish up my sewing this evening for the present. Well I must go to bed so will not get up until noon tomorrow.
Sunday January 12, 1868
Cold enough to freeze anybody yet this morning eat breakfast at nine o’clock it was not a very long forenoon Charles and Anor went away from here this afternoon. I guess they will have a pretty cold time going home. Uncle Philip (Bowers brother to her father) and Addie (probably Adeline Bowers daughter of Philip Bowers) poped (?) some cornice and burned by hand [popped some corn and burned my hand] I’ll bet it don’t feel very nice commenced reading a good story this evening but could not find the end of it so chill not find good reason why.
Monday January 13, 1868
Very pleasant day got up in the morning helped wash went to school did not get there until very late at noon Helen and myself went and took a walk this afternoon had lots of un on the back seat went home with Helen from school had a good visit in the evening Helen and I left to gather (chatter) did not go to bed until late and like to never got to sleep after we did go.
Tuesday January 14, 1868
Came home from Ker or could be Helen McDan to school got there in good season at noon came home Uncle Dan and Aunt Mary (Uncle Dan Tunis and his wife Mary (Hoffman. Mary is a sister of Sarah Hoffman Carrie’s mother). Were here got back just after school was called as dry as usual at school this afternoon in the evening Pa, Mary and I went down to Mrs McAllisters and spent the evening had a good time Jerome started for Horse Heads this afternoon I commenced kitting me a pair of seamed stockings I’ll see how long it will take me to knit them.
Wednesday January 15, 1868
Got up about seven o’clock helped get breakfast and do up the work went to school with Levi (probably Levi Bowers son of Philip Bowers) this morning got there just after school called but time enough to read at noon rode down hill Jay Kellogg called to school a few minutes had lots of fun on the back seat this afternoon walked from school with Frank (not sure who this is), Leander (son of Philip Bowers) and Helen are here we all had a good butternut crack in the evening went to be early
Thursday January 16, 1868
Quite a pleasant morning the weather has moderated quite a little hope it will stay so went to school and did not get there until after school was called guess folks will begin to think I am lazy or do not try to get there early if I don’t begin to go earlier. Levi came from school with us to stay all night ironed in the evening Jerome came from Horseheads.
Friday January 17, 1868
Got up bright and early this morning Pa and Ma started for Horseheads went to school did not get until after school was called at noon. Ellen and Watson Kite and Mary Frank and I all came down here found the house alone had a good time Mary and Jerome have gone to a spree feel kinder sober to night to think that I could not go but I had to stay at home with the young ones
Saturday January 18, 1868
Got up and built a fire got breakfast all alone Mary and I washed this forenoon Ellen was here for a few minutes I made apple dumpling for dinner had good luck for once went down to Dremers a little while this afternoon lots of music on board Ma and Pa got back form HH tonight got supper for them I seem to be chief cook today knit in the evening.
Sunday January 19, 1868
A very pleasant morning stayed at home and read until about noon went out calling got back and eat dinner and done up the work milked the old red cow Jerome Mary and I went out and spent the evening Jerome had the tooth ache and so we had to come home early me has had a headache all day. In the afternoon something happened I will not tell but will be and remember it myself
Monday January 20, 1868
Got up early done the chamber work Pa stated for Uncle Jim’s (Jim Tunis) this morning went to school got there before school called turned over anew leaf to see if I can get there earlier than I have done I wonder how long it will last came home after my dinner nothing of particular importance to school this afternoon Frank and I came home before school was out helped Jerome clean up oats in the evening
Tuesday January 21, 1868
Got up just as breakfast was ready got ready for school Mr. McAllister came along with the oxen and sleigh we rode to school with him at noon we was going to play ball in the school house but the teacher would not let us she would let us dance either I wonder what she won’t forbid Jerome came to the school house after us to night with the oxen it seems it is getting quite fashionable to drive oxen the snow is a foot deep or more tonight
Wednesday January 22, 1868
A very pleasant morning but the snow is pretty deep Jerome took us to school and got there almost the first ones but it was not long before they came swarming in had lots of fun at noon commenced to play blindfold but the teacher it I guess she was wanted us to sit down and fold our hands and not say anything to nobody but we hand (probably means hadn’t) going to do it you know walked home from school knit knit knit in the evening the wind began to blow tonight Carrie
Thursday January 23, 1868
An awful windy morning the snow is all in banks Jerome did not want us to go to school but we were bound to go so Pa shoveled a path to the road for us and we paddled through 20 schoolers were there had lots of fun at noon Ettie came home with us had company in the evening Kate, Angeline, Helen Watson, Frank Hart, Ellen were here had lots of fun they went away about 11 o’clock went to bed it is a little pleasanter than it was this morning.
Friday January 24, 1868
Got up helped get breakfast and do up the work Mr. McAllister stoped for us to ride to school but was not ready so we had to walk did not get there until after school was called the first morning this week that I have got there late had some fun at noon Kite, Helen Mary and I got up on the to shelf in the entry this afternoon was pretty silent and solemn in the school barely a smile on any ones face something new
Saturday January 25, 1868
A very pleasant morning got breakfast all alone made up the beds swept the chamber and kitchen cleaned the floor that was about all I done Jerome went to Ithaca with a load of oats Mary was not at home Pa went over to ???? Lunises he said I might go along if I wanted to but thought I would not because he was not going to stay only a few minutes in the evening Jerome and I went to Newfield to singing school had a good time.
Sunday January 26, 1868
A very stormy morning I guess the snow will be deep enough if if it keeps on hasn’t this been the longest and lonesomest day that ever was Ma has got the headache and Pa is about sick hope they will get better before many days I have heard of six months day but never realized it until today not a living being has been here today only what belongs here
Monday January 27, 1868
A cold snowy morning. Helped wash this morning before I went to school did not get there until very late almost recess at noon sat in our seats until almost time for school to call then we played the needles eye a little while the teacher did not forbid that hand it a wonder. Walked home with from school with Frank sewed in the evening
Tuesday January 28, 1868
A cold frosty morning went to school got to school before school called at noon Kate and Helen came home with me we had a butternut crack went back to school we did not get there until after school was called had company in the evening Mrs. Palmer and ?eremer were here Jaber Jerome and Pa went to Ithaca and brought home a new stool.
Wednesday January 29, 1868
A pleasant morning went to school and there before school called at noon Mary Helen, Ellen Frank and myself went down to Mr. McAllsters to see Ellen’s baby did not get back until after school was called had company to school Hill Brown was there had a gay time whispered most of the time came home with the intention of going to Newfield but did not go had the blues all of the evening
Thursday January 30, 1868
A cold morning went to school before was called came home at noon and got my dinner went back got there before school called had some fun found a lot of trash written on a slate for me would like to know who wrote it had company this afternoon Mr. & Mrs. Oren Mc were here Jerome Mary and I went up to Mr. McDaniels in the evening did not stay only a little while
Friday January 31, 1868
A very pleasant morning went to school did not get until late had not studied much for my mind wasn’t on studying went home at noon and got ready and started about half past two for Mr. A. B Shaws, Kate, Mary Watson, Ellen, Jerome, Helen and I got there just at dusk found them all well had a very good time the fore part of the evening but it got rather dull before we went to bed. Got a letter from Jane.
Saturday February 1, 1868
Got up about 7 o’clock us girls had a great time getting ready to go downstairs started for Ithaca about 11 o’clock drove around the University stopped at Ithaca and went through the library and the museum saw lots of things studied for N?? about three o’clock stopped at the hotel and stayed until singing school time went to singing school and went back to the hotel arrived home about 11 o’clock
Sunday February 2, 1868
A very pleasant morning I am so lame this morning I can hardly get around guess that’s the general complaint around here sat around until about noon went to bed and took a nap got up and eat my dinner helped do up the work feel rather dull today snowing some this afternoon retired early for the night (this entry is signed with her initials CB)
Monday February 3, 1868
Got up about 7 o’clock helped washed before I went to school did not get there until late at noon had some fun in the entry but it has been a pretty sober day Jerome went to Horseheads on business oh dear how cold it is tonight the wind blows certain ciphered in the evening I have a lot to do if I get through arithmetic this winter.
Tuesday February 4, 1868
A very cold morning Mary and I went down to Deremers before we went to school got there before school called had company to school Amelia McDaniels this morning Ellen went up from school Frank Mary and I went in a sleigh Jerome went a foot Heidi Heat and Amelia were threre had a very good time got home half past ten o’clock
Wednesday February 5, 1868
Got up helped get breakfast and do up the work went to school got there in good season had some fun at noon playing ship has arrived had more in school this afternoon than any other day this winter on the back seat I don’t believe we learned much will try to act a little more human tomorrow ciphered in the evening to make up lost time.
Thursday February 6, 1868
A stormy morning Jerome and Uncle P (Philip Bowers) started for Horseheads with a load of hay went to school had not got there until after school was called at noon went up to Flemings to see Gusta’s baby had a spree in school again this afternoon came home from school the wind blew for certain ironed had company in the evening Gust was here.
Friday February 7, 1868
Went to school did not get there until after school was called at noon had lots of fun in the entry all of the scholars was not to school but we had a good time if they wasn’t Charles came home today and Jerome is out oh hasent this a delightful evening almost as bright as day nice time to sleigh ride, but none for me oh dear
Saturday February 8, 1868
Quite a pleasant morning Charles started for home this morning I dug around here until afternoon then got ready and went up to Personias Hat and I went down to McAllasters stayed until almost night came home and got ready to go to singing school went with McAllasters people oh what a blustery night got home had to wade in the snow almost to my head from the road to the house.
Sunday February 9, 1868
Got up and found we had company Sam and Sarah Busco and Eliza Goodridge were here helped get breakfast and do up the work combed my hair and got ready to sit down Mrs. Alice and Estella Shaffer came. After they had been here a little while Jerome came from HH accompanied with Mr & Mrs. L. H. Bower got dinner had two tables full this has been a blustery day out doors and in well I wish I could see somebody about mood know who too
Monday February 10, 1868
A very cold morning a whole load went from here to Uncle P(Philip Bowers) went to the school house Ettie was not there Kate was teacher until recess then I taught a while had poor success stayed until afternoon had a regular spree almost all of the scholars were there came home Mary and I washed this afternoon just after we got through washing they came swarming in again Ettie came over this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Everhart came here and spent the eveing
Tuesday February 11, 1868
Sam Sarah and Eliza went away from here this morning went to school did not get there until after school was called stayed until almost noon when Pa came after Mary and I went home found Mary and Jay Kellogg then went back to school they went with us they stopped here from school and stayed a while Mary & I went down to Deremers ( or possibly Derdmers) and spent the evening I sparn (word unknown) street yarn coming home lost a ball of yard by the way
Wednesday February 12, 1868
Got up seven o’clock helped to do up the work went to school got there before school called at noon Helen and I went out on dress parade went up to Mr. Everharts and around had company to school this afternoon Helen Brown was thee had lots of fun in school this afternoon after I got home I shoveled steps in the snow bank so we wouldn’t fall and break our necks.
Thursday February 13, 1868
A pleasant morning went to school did not get there until after school was called did not have much fun to school today came home from school with the blues but got over after I go home found we had company Isaac and Adie Busco were here had a good visit in the evening went to bed early
Friday February 14, 1868
Went to school got there before school called had company to school Will and Harland Dudley were there had a good visit went and took a walk at noon Kate Will Helen and I had a gay time. Came home from school found Mr. & Mrs. Humphrey here. Uncle P and Aunt T (this is Philip Bowers wife Tryphena who is also a sister to Carrie Bowers mother) Isaac and Addie have not gone away yet ironed in the evening the wind begins to blow guess we are going to have a storm
Saturday February 15, 1868
Went to school did not get there until late had company to school Wilber Straton was there cam home at noon Helen came with me. Mr. & Mrs. Humphrey went away from here this afternoon made a sheet this evening Pennie McGreen and Ret E were here a little while had the promise tonight of going to Auburn next summer
Sunday February 16, 1868
Got up about eight o’clock stayed at home until noon then Pa and I went off on a spree went to Horseheads went to Georges they was not at home went up to Mr. Humhrey’s and stayed all night it has been a very pleasant day
Monday February 17, 1868
Started for Newfield about seven o’clock arrived there at ten wind blew very hard got ready and went to school at night Helen and I went home with Ellen from school we had lots of fun cam pretty near strangling to death Frank Helen and I tried to see which could drink the fastest oh dear dear what a time
Tuesday February 18, 1868
Went from Mr. McAllaster’s to school rode there with Gust did not get there until after school was called have been about sick all day Ettie came home with us tonight a clock tinker stayed here all night ciphered a little in the evening
In hand writing at the bottom of the page that is not Carrie Bowers Clark
Was a cross as an old bear Mary Mary don’t you know that a person can’t always be good natured. Rspy Rol
Wednesday February 19 1868
Went to school did not get thee until very late at noon Mary Ellen Watson Frank Kate and I went down to our house found Jerome alone did not get back until after school was called came home at night helped get super and do up the work knit in the evening had the headache finished one stocking Good
In writing that is not Carrie Bowers You have done bravely so far Success to the other one Ral
Thursday February 20, 1868
Went to school got there before school called at noon went out and had a good time snow falling came home at night found our folds had company Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mrs. Keen Mr. and Mrs. James Stamp they went away about seven o’clock then Mary and I went down to Dremers and stayed awhile
Friday February 21, 1868
Worked some this morning washed dishes scoured every knife fork and spoon there was in the house went to school did not get there until after school was called at noon Helen and I went up to Mr. Gilletts with Gust had company to school John Simpson and ??? Darnell was there came home dug around a while went to bed early
Saturday February 22, 1868
Got up this morning about seven o’clock helped get breakfast Mary and I washed this fore noon had mush and milk for dinner haven’t had any before in a good while commenced my other stocking this afternoon Jerome came from HH today has gone to Newfield to get the mail Gust was here and spent the evening it had been very cold today.
In writing that is not Carrie Bowers Bully for the other stocking Ral
Sunday February 23, 1868
A very cold morning Mary and I had great time crimping our hair stayed at home until eleven o’clock then went down to Dremers and stayed a while came home and helped get dinner tried to get Jerome go to meeting but he said it was to cold Mary I went to bed at seven o’clock.
In writing that is not Carrie Bowers Gosh did you sleep all night "eh" Ral
Monday February 24, 1868
Pa and Jerome went to Ithaca this morning ironed some before I went to school got there before school called came home at noon the wind blew and the snow flew for certain had lots of fun to school had company Mrs. Jackson and her two sons Peter and Wilbur were here had a good visit and lots of fun had some singing went to bed between ten and eleven o’clock
In writing that is not Carrie Bowers Early enough after sparking(?) the way you did last night R
Tuesday February 25, 1868
A very stormy morning rode to school with Mr. McCalisters folks got there before school called had lots of fun at noon came home at night Mr. Jackson’s people are here yet had a good time playing checkers and salon in the evening it has snowed all day long the snow is very deep tonight went to be about eleven o’clock heard some news that I thought was bad won’t tell what
In writing that is not Carrie Bowers No, I wouldn’t either R.
Wednesday February 26, 1868
Quite a pleasant morning helped do up the work Mr. Jackson’s people went away from here this morning had gay time while they were here Jerome took us to school did not get there until after school was called . came home at noon after my dinner did not have very fun to school today. Pa came after us tonight knit in the evening retired early for the night
In writing that is not Carrie Bowers All night R
Thursday February 27, 1868
Got up and got breakfast all alone Jerome took us to school got there before school called Helen and went up to Mr. Everharts at noon heard lost of news did not get back until after school was called most all of the scholars went home before school was out had a very polite invitation out for tonight but declined going
Friday February 28, 1868
Jerome took us to school for the last time this winter perhaps the last time he ever will to this old school house it was the last day of school had a very good time came home with the intentions of going over to Browns school house to spelling school but gave up going on account if the roads being drifted Levi stayed here all night
Saturday February 29, 1868
A very blustery morning helped do up the work and clean up Levi stayed here until about two o’clock after he had been gone a little while Leroy Nina and Ettie Swartwood Mary Monroe and Helen McDaniels came hee had a good visit and lost of fun did not to bed until late Helen Mary and I slept together.
Sunday March 1, 1868
Quite a pleasant morning but the roads are drifted full. Mr. Swartwood’s people are here yet the roads are rifted so they could not go home Watson came down after Helen just at night we had a gay time if it was Sunday did not go to bed until late had a good sleep it snowed all night
Monday March 2, 1868
A very blustery morning the new snow is nearly a foot deep I don’t know what it is coming to snow snow all of the while. Mr. Swartwood’s people are here yet Mary got a letter from ______ the wind blows offly tonight some more drifts which is needless went to bed in good season
Tuesday March 3, 1868
Blustery yet helped wash this fore noon helped get dinner got ready to go home with Swartwood’s people had a gay time going through the snow banks the horses went in clear up to their backs stopped to Freeses and got warm started an arrived there about five o’clock had a good time
Wednesday March 4, 1868
Mary and I got up hardly in time for breakfast a pleasant morning stayed at Mr. Swartwoods all day had a good time just at night Jud and Kate Johnson cam here Mary Mc and I done up our hair on hair pins
Thursday March 5, 1868
A very pleasant morning stayed at the Mr. Swartwoods in the forenoon Mr and Mrs Swartwood Minnie Mary Ettie and I went down to Mr. Osman’s in the afternoon had a very good visit got back about eleven o’clcok
Friday March 6, 1868
I remain at Mr. Swartwoods yet. Mr. & Mrs. Swartwood have gone to Newfield wonder why I didn’t go with them because Frank wanted me to wait until Saturday night and he would take me home but I wish I had of gone but I guess I will stand it.
Saturday March 7, 1868
At Swartwoods yet stayed here all day Mary Mc, Leroy and I went up to the heffer barn went in the snow up to our heads almost got our clothes ringing wet had a good time. Frank promised to take me home tonight but he has not kept his promise said he didn’t believe we could get through but I don’t care for him
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers Ain’t it the one mentioned in the fore part of this book your story don’t hang together
Sunday March 8, 1868
At Swartwood’s yet did not get up until very late Irene Osman came up here Frank dressed up in his best bib and tucker Mary Mc and I had lots of fun all by ourselves if it was Sunday I looked for our folks after me all day but they did not come had lots of fun in the evening did not go to bed until late they thought they would get the rig over me but they didn’t come it
Monday March 9, 1868
Got up about eight o’clock Jerome and Mary came after me got home about noon pretty near stayed a week ????? called here this afternoon had company this evening Mr. Gillet Watson and Hite McDaniels ???? this is a pleasant evening if it isn’t it most
(This page was very difficult to read because starting on the next page which is on the back side of this one, Carrie starts writing using a black pen whereas this page is in fading pencil)
Tuesday March 10, 1868
Helped wash a good big washing and cleaned the floor this forenoon patched in the afternoon knit in the evening this has been a long stormy day went to bed early
Wednesday March 11, 1868
Helped get breakfast do up the work looked over beans for dinner and pieced on my dilean bed quilt this forenoon twisted a close line helped get supper and do up the work this afternoon Mr. & Mrs. Gillet were here read in the eveing
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers Carrie will you show me that quilt some day Rob.
Thursday March 12, 1868
Got up about seven o’clock helped get breakfast and do up the work done the chamber work went down to Dermers our folks sent after me because we had company Matilda Knowls and Pat Parsons were here Charles and Thad came just at night knit in the evening the wind blows offle hard to night
Friday March 13, 1868
Done lots of work this morning Thad Mary and I went up to Uncle Philips in a cutter on bare ground most of way broke down when we got up to Orens had to walk the rest of the way stayed there until night came down to Mr McDaniels and spent the evening had a very good visit and lost of fun arrive home about one o’clock all safe and sound
Saturday March 14, 1868
Washed a lot of flannel clothes this forenoon Thad went away from here he started for Horse Heads I got dinner all alone after dinner Mary and I went down to Deremers a little while Ellen called here Gust was here most all day read in the evening.
Sunday March 15, 1868
Read, read, read this fore noon helped get dinner Henry Todd and Timothy Parsons called here Mary and I went up to Parson’s did not find Thad at home stopped to Evenharts heard lots of news this has been a splendid day if it hadn’t most of it.
Monday March 16, 1868
Helped wash this fore noon had the tooth ache for my comfort Byron was here David and Watson stayed to tea he made us his farewell visit I suppose he is going to Missouri hope they will have a pleasant time it has been a stormy day.
Tuesday March 17, 1868
Ironed some this morning did not do anything to amount to much all day. Ret was here she made enough music stayed at home all day
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers Why didn’t you knit some more R
Wednesday March 18, 1868
Got up about seven o’clock helped get breakfast and do up the work Pan and Ma went to Mr. J. Starrs I helped Mary make Pa a pair of breeches Jerome Mary Kate Frank Ellen and myself went down to Mr. Palmers and spent the evening had a good time got home about ten o’clock
Thursday March 19, 1868
A very pleasant morning Ma and I made soap this fore noon Kat Ellen and Helen Mrs. Parson and Mr. Thuston were here this afternoon Jerome took Kat Ellen Mary Helen and I to Newfield just at night we all got him a stick of candy to pay him Leon is here tonight
Friday March 20, 1868
A little colder this morning than usual Uncle Philip Addie Helen and Leander spent the day here sewed on my new apron Ellen called here just at night Frank spent the evening here Addie and Philip stayed here all night.
Saturday March 21, 1868
A very cold blustery morning helped get breakfast and do up the work cleaned the floors finished my apron Job Everhart was here this afternoon Addie stayed here all day had agay time if it did storm all day read a good story in the evening
Sunday March 22, 1868
I was dreaming good dreams this morning when Pa called me I think it was mean that I could not finish it helped do the morning work then read Ma was taken sick about noon Jerome went after Dr. Esterbrook we did not go to bed until late
Monday March 23, 1868
Got up about half past six May and I done a large washing I cleaned the floor got done a little before noon helped get dinner twisted nineteen knots of yarn this afternoon bet I was some tired when night came
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers Bet so to R
Tuesday March 24, 1868
A very pleasant morning ironed this fore noon Aunt Tryphena came here Mrs. McAllister and Mrs. Curtis were here this afternoon I have had the blue all evening wanted to go down to see Mary but could not unless I went a foot I think it was mean wrote a letter to Jennie
Wednesday March 25, 1868
Aunt T (ryphena) is here I made some breads and done lots of other work Mary and I spent the afternoon to Mr. Mca had a good time Mary got a letter from well I know who she gets letters but none for me only once in a great while if any body don’t want to write to me I don’t want them to I thought once I had a few friends but I guess they have all deserted me but don’t know what for.
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers I won’t and I’ll write sometime R.
Thursday March 26, 1868
A very pleasant moring Mary and I went up to Mr. McD’s Kate was there had some warm sugar I’ll bet it was good - In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers So do I Again Carrie Bowers handwriting Jerome came a long Helen went with us up to Minnie Hite Hat, I Gust and Albert K were there had a very good time had a very good time got home about eleven o’clock Mrs. Gilbert Mrs. Todd Mrs. Flemming and Mrs Everhart were here
Friday March 27, 1868
Washed the breakfast dishes Pa went after doctor for Ma I twisted twenty knot of cotton yarn washed the dinner dishes Uncle John came here and Mrs. McA Mr. & Mrs. Palmer and their children spent the evening here Pa made molasses candy.
Saturday March 28, 1868
Helped wash this morning then got ready and went down to see Mary she and I went down street purchased a few dry goods went to singing school in the evening got home about ten o’clock Mr & Mrs. Parsons and Mr & Mrs Joe Starr were here.
Sunday March 29, 1868
A splendid morning Dr. E was here Pa and Ma were up to Uncle Philips Fred and I were out in the field and cracked butternuts called down to Deremers May and I went up to the school house Frank and Ellen spent the evening here
Monday March 30, 1868
Got up very early and went to work and continued it all day packing and getting ready to move Mrs. Parsons and Mrs McAllister called here so did Hite and Helen Mr. McAllister and Mr. Everhart May and I stayed all night to Mr. McAllisters
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers By the way what’s become of that other stocking You can’t wear one I’ll toss and turn for sure ??? I’ll find it hope so Rob
Tuesday March 31, 1868
Got up and started for home just at break of day we moved from Newfield to Horseheads today. Uncle P Mr. Everhart, Mr. Star, Mr. Tompkins, Mr. Palmer, Frank McAllister, Leander, Levi, Uncle, Mr. Humphrey, George McNish, Hite, Mrs. Daniels came with us Hite, Mary, Eliza, Fred and I went down to Ma Todds and took dinner was some tired when night came
Wednesday April 1, 1868
The men was here about three o’clock such a time I never heard of before as they had we tried to straiten things a little got the parlor most strainted out Elvira Todd called here this afternoon was so tired when I went to bed that I thought there was nothing like moving
Thursday April 2, 1868
Cleaned the chamber and the ceiling in the sitting room Charley and Elvira Todd called here after we had gone to bed I was offle tired so we went to bed early
Friday April 3, 1868
Mary and I put the carpet down in the sitting room in the fore noon. Uncle Dan and Aunt Mary came and brought Ma home I baked bread this afternoon had good luck like our new home very much
Saturday April 4, 1868
Helped do the Saturday work Thad called here this afternoon a little whie it snowed some today retired early.
Sunday April 5, 1868
A very cold morning got up about eight o’clock helped get breakfast and do up the work Kate and George and the children were here it has been a very pleasant day got kinda wrathy at some body and I know what for too. Don’t ask any thanks of them either
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers That’s wicked to get mad
Monday April 6, 1868
Helped wash this fore noon made warm bread for dinner made five loaves of bread Ellen Lister and Vie Todd came here Mary and I went to Horseheads with them enjoyed our walk ever so much
Tuesday April 7, 1868
Got up early this morning once more pa started for Newfield helped clean the dinning room and pantry Ironed some it snowed and blowed all day.
At bottom of page is written in pencil
Carrie Bowers
Chemung County, N.Y.
Wednesday April 8, 1868
A very cod morning white washed Ma’s bedroom and helped clean it Mrs. Todd called here and also an old crazy man he almost scared me out of my wits
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers Not R’s Glad he didn’t Carrie was young and foolish then are days but she has got over it now
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers That’s so at least she don’t any traits of the above kind R.
Thursday April 9, 1869
A pleasant morning helped whitewash and clean the kitchen Mr. Todd and Charlie called her Pa came from Newfield got a letter from ?????? it did me lots of good
Friday April 10, 1868
Ironed this morning mended my skirt where the hog tore it (a hog is a hog let it be where it will) commenced me a pair of stockings it has been a long stormy day guess this must be a young winter
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers Will you tell me about it? Rob
Saturday April 11, 1868
Made some pies this morning Charlie and Eleanor came here made biscuit for dinner and made bread this afternoon made me a pair of cuff’s Thad called here it has been quite a pleasant day it rained just at night
Sunday April 12, 1868
Did not get up very early wrote a letter to J---- went to bed and took a short nap it has been a very cold day retired early
Monday April 13, 1868
A pleasant morning helped wash this forenoon Mary and I went to Ma Todds in the afternoon (today is my birthday am seventeen years old getting quite aged)
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers Do you see any difference from being sweet 16?
Tuesday April 14, 1868
Helped get breakfast and do up the work ironed got dinner Mary and I went to Horseheads I got a letter from J---- got disappointed about something a beggar man stopped here he was very pale it rained just at night
Wednesday April 15, 1868
Ma went up to George McA I baked bread again today commenced me a pair of cuffs
Written in pencil underneath this is the following
This book belongs to
Miss Carrie A Bowers
Chemung County, NY
For some reason Rob has written in here September 15, 1870
Thursday April 16, 1868
Quite a pleasant morning another beggar was here he did not get much Pa went after Ma knit most all day it is a splendid evening
In handwriting that is not Carrie Bowers Was it on that stocking You didn’t loose the one you had finished moving did you."eh" R
Friday April 17, 1868
Helped get breakfast and do up the work sewed some this forenoon Fred and I went over to the canal for the first time. Knit in the evening had a very good dreams about some body and another that wasn’t so good
Saturday April 18, 1868
Did not get up very early cleaned the everlasting kitchen floor got dinner and helped do up the work. Mr. & Mrs. Todd were here got me a new pair of sleeve buttons did up my hair on hair pins.
Sunday April 19, 1868
A pleasant morning helped get breakfast and do up the work Jerome May and I went over to Mort Swartwoods, Ellie Teeter, Maurice and Berinda Elinder were here. Mr. & Mrs. Humphrey Charles and Amos were here and also another beggar they are getting to be very common read a very interesting story in the evening.
Monday April 20, 1868
Helped wash and cleaned the kitchen floor again had the offlest time trying to make Pa a shirt never got in such a job before in my life nor never want to again Jerome went to Horseheads he got a letter from Watson. George was here. Rained all day
In handwriting that is not Carrier Bowers: I wish you better luck next time practice makes perfect remember R
Tuesday April 21, 1868
Got breakfast and helped to up the work finished Pa’s shirt got dinner and helped to up the work walked to Horse Heads just at night had lots of fun got seventeen papers
In handwriting that is not Carrier Bowers: Oh you done finish ____ got it done in a day. I couldn’t wash mine even in that time and get it clean. They get plenty dirty in that time. Rob
Wednesday April 22, 1868
Got up bright and early made soap had good luck took me most all day did not do much else has been a pleasant day.
Thursday April 23, 1868
Helped to up the work fixed my hoops this fore noon and riped up my light calico dress fixed Mary’s hoops had a gay old time fixing hoops I reckon knit in the evening
In handwriting that is not Carrier Bowers: Hurrah for hoops if you want any help I’m ready. Hello here’s my stocking I forgot it yours ain’t it big pardon R
Friday April 24, 1868
Helped get breakfast and do up the work sewed on my dress. Mr. & Mrs. Huggins were here like them very much they are first of our new neighbors that to visit us excepting Mr. Todd’s people
Saturday April 25, 1868
Did not get up very early helped do the Saturday work baked some bread. Kate and George and the children here. Jerome and Mary went to Bressport, Pa, Eliza and Maria went to Horseheads, May, Fred and I were left alone in our glory
Sunday April 26, 1868
Got up the first one – built fire got breakfast. Pa and Ma and Mr. & Mrs. Huggins went to church. Mr. & Mrs. Georgie came here and Mrs. Oliver came with them Eliza Todd and Ellie Teeter called here just at night we went down to the telegraph office saw George L expected other company but got disappointed walked out just at night read a gay story I’ll bet
Monday April 27, 1868
Built fire in sitting room and swept the floor helped wash and helped get dinner. Mr. George’s people went away from here commenced to make me a handkerchief knit in the evening
In handwriting that is not Carrier Bowers: Our stocking ____ _____
Tuesday April 28, 1868
Built fire helped get breakfast Ironed finished my handkerchief walked up to Horseheads purchased a few things got home just before dark retired early
Wednesday April 29, 1868
Mary pierced my ears this morning commenced making me a corset took a walk at night
In handwriting that is not Carrier Bowers: Didn’t it fit good R
Thursday April 30, 1868
Pa and I started for Montour about eight got there at noon went to Uncle Jim’s from there went to Parne’s from there to Nets and then Evelines and Eliza’s run around in the rain. Sam came after us just at night stayed there all night was affle tired.
Friday May 1, 1868
Sam called me and told me breakfast was ready got up and they haden’t hardly commenced getting it. Sarrah came after me went down with her. Pa came along and we went home got there about one o’clock. Henry Todd was here in the evening
Saturday May 2, 1868
Helped get breakfast and do up the work cleaned the dinning room and kitchen floor made some pumpkin pies Mary and I called up to Mr. Huggins just at night.
Sunday May 3, 1868
Pa, Mr. & Mrs. Huggins, Charlie and I went to the Baptist church to meeting saw seven baptized. Charles, Thad, Henry and Mr. Todd were here Mary started for her school went up on the hill for a walk a beggar here it is a most delightful evening.
Monday May 4, 1868
Did the most of the washing cleaned the floor ironed some in the afternoon commenced me another stocking got tea Mr. Lease the Baptist minister was here to tea milked retired early
In handwriting that is not Carrier Bowers; There is our stocking missing some where cats took it up some day R
Tuesday May 5, 1868
Got breakfast Eliza and I cleaned the seler rinced up the clothes and hung them up bake break got dinner did not do very much in the afternoon got frightened almost to pieces Mr. smith came along yelling as if he was on his last legs sowed some flower seeds knit in the evening it is a most splendid evening too
In handwriting that is not Carrier Bowers He had a bite didn’t you know what was the matter.
Wednesday May 6, 1868
Got up bright and early got breakfast did a large ironing had greens for dinner Jerome is oiling harness again to day. I’ll bet I’ll be glad if he ever gets through James Rusco came here got a paper from the cars had an invitation to a party to night but did not go
Thursday May 7, 1868
Did not do much but get vituals to day it rains and rains so there isn’t any school it is a perfect hurly burly here Pa and Ma went up to Mr. Todds while Jerome went away from here went to bed very early
Friday May 8, 1868
Got breakfast and helped do up the work cleaned out some baked bread made bread pudding for dinner had good luck did not do much but knit in the afternoon it has been an offle cold day I think
Saturday May 9, 1868
Quite a pleasant morning Jerome and I started for Newfiled about eight went to Mr. Curtises called at Mr. Mr. McAllasters and Leanders got to Uncle Philip’s about six stayed there all night was tired enough when we got there.
Sunday May 10, 1868
Stayed to Uncle p until about eight went down Mr. & Mrs. Daniels stayed until after dinner then started for home stopped to Uncle Dans & Aunt Mary’s made me a very nice present arrived at six found Mr. John Swartwood and Mr. Smith here did not go to bed very early sat up and read
Monday May 11, 1868
Helped wash cleaned the floor helped get dinner and d up the work ironed the calico clothes cleaned the front yard was some tired when night came.
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers: Thursday evening David R____ parries spent a very pleasant evening. Company came which ______
Tuesday May 12, 1868
Got up built fire got breakfast and helped do up the work ironed this morning got dinner did up the work tried to fix my dress got discouraged and lach it one side, Ma has got the headache and is to bed I sat here by the window as lonesome as all get out got supper milked and went to bed
Wednesday May 13, 1868
Got breakfast and helped do up the work sewed most all day it has been a long rainy day there was not any school and oh such a nois all day wrote a line to Uncle John
Thursday May 14, 1868
Got breakfast which is my daily work finished my dress Pa and Charles went to Elmira Pa got lots new things made biscuit for supper Charles was here went over to the Canal with Fred and Charlie Huggins read in the evening
Friday May 15, 1868
Made some bread and cake this morning got dinner and did up the work Ma and I went down to Mr Huggins. I did not stay very long came home and got supper and milked Jerome went after Mary.
Saturday May 16, 1868
Got breakfast and helped wash the dishes cleaned the dinning, kitchen and pantry floors which was no little job helped get dinner mary and I walked to Horseheads saw some one nice there got me a new sague and took it to the dress maker and had it cut got home about six Mr. Huggins spent the evening here.
Sunday May 17, 1868
Got up about seven got breakfast read some in the afternoon Jerome took Mary to Breeseport Katy and George and Serna came here they took Elmer home it has rained most all of this day have got the headache
Monday May 18, 1868
Helped get breakfast went to washing got through about nine then went to sewing on my sague made the whole of it and got it done before dark retired early rained all day
Tuesday May 19, 1868
Cut my dress over going to Uncle Philips and Byron came here helped get dinner and do up the work George came here after me went home with him found Mr. Humphrey, Anor and Julia besides Kate and the children there stayed all night
Wednesday May 20, 1868
Helped Kate wash the dishes sewed until after noon then down to Charles’s Elinor went with me I stayed all night.
Thursday May 21, 1868
Finished my dress skirt this fore noon did not do much but visit all day stayed at Humphreys it rained so all day we could hardly stir out door at all stayed all night
Friday May 22, 1868
Got up about seven stayed at Charles until about nine went up to Kates Mr. Humphrey was going to take me home just as he was hitching up Pa and Jerome came along so IU came home with them got home about six.
Saturday May 23, 1868
Got breakfast and made the beds swept the chamber sitting room, hall, dinning room and kitchen clean the dinning room floor made some pies got dinner Charles Mr. Foot, Charley Huggins and Frank Slocum are here to work Jerome stated for Patch Persons I went as far as Horseheads with him got my hat like very well. Uncle John came here.
Sunday May 24, 1868
Got breakfast and Helped do up the work Pa went to church Mr. Huggins called here a little while read some very interesting stories Mr. Persons came here it has rained most all day.
Monday May 25, 1868
Helped wash and cleaned the floor Ma and I got dinner did not do very much in the afternoon got tea Lace and Sam came here I milked one cow
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers: You don’t mention a darned cat didn’t you have any R
Tuesday May 26, 1868
Got up about five got breakfast churned swept the house from top to bottom cleaned the dinning room floor helped get dinner washed the dishes wore my light dress for the first time this spring went down to Mr. Huggins just at night had a pleasant call saw L_____.
Wednesday May 27, 1868
Made some bread pies and cake helped get dinner and do up the work. Meg Larrison came here at night we went up to the car and up the track almost to Mr Todds was some tired when we got back Frank Swartwood was here to work to day.
Thursday May 28, 1868
Got breakfast set the table twice Meg (questionable spelling) Larrison went from here Pa up and sold the colts to day and I just mad to I think it is just as mean as mean can be too. Kate and Julia were here had bad luck made collard for supper went to take it out of the and spilled it on the floor.
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers Didn’t eat then of course R.
Friday May 29, 1868
Made bread and some cakes got dinner Ellen and Helen came here we went down the car track went to the office Ellen Same Helen Jerome and I went to Elmira got some ice cream, gum candy and so forth drove part of the way home got there about eight we three slept together/
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers which
Saturday May 30, 1868
Got up about five got breakfast cleaned the floor Ellen Helen and I went up on the hill and up to the car they went away from here George and Sarah Devenport were here. Mr. Fitch’s people sent after ma to come and see Clara she was in a fit went up to see L _____. The men went to Horseheads Lace and Same went home
Sunday May 31, 1868
Got up at seven got breakfast helped do up the work Jerome and I started for Mr. Fords about ten had a good time Charles Todd was there Ellen and Helen cam home with us came down to the toe path to Horseheads May came home and Thad Mary Harding Charles and Anor was here but did not seem them did not get home in time
Monday June 1, 1868
Rose with the sun got breakfast Ellen Helen and myself took a walk up the track Kate George and the children cam here got dinner. Ma had the headache. went as far as Horseheads with the girls when the started for home got home and cleaned out a little
Tuesday June 2, 1868
Got breakfast went to washing got cleaned up a little before noon helped get dinner ironed the colored clothes in the afternoon got super milked two cows. Mr. Palmer stayed here all night.
Wednesday June 3, 1868
Got breakfast made the beds rinced and hung up the clothes made some cookies helped get dinner went to school house at noon came back brought in the clothes and sprinkled them ironed a whole lot of starched clothes rained just at night.
Thursday June 4, 1868
Made some ginger snaps straightened up thing around helped get dinner went up to Mr. Todds a little while had a good time milked one cow retired early
Friday June 5, 1868
Helped get breakfast made a lot of cake and peies ma made bread bake, bake all the time Helped get dinner Mr. Humphrey and _______ was here to work besides the rest of the hands. Mr,. & Mrs. Evenhart came here.
Saturday June 6, 1868
Got up bright and early cleaned up the house Kate, George Mary came Charles and Anor and Mrs. Humphrey were here. Mrs. Huggins called here they raised the barn had lot to do they were lots of people here Mary and I called down to see L_______ just at night had a very pleasant call.
Sunday June 7, 1868
Did not do much and stayed at home all day long had the blues Jerome took Mary to her boarding place rain, rain Mr. and Mrs. Everhart started for home
Monday June 8, 1868
Got up bright and early did the washing cleaned the dining room pantry and kitchen floor helped get dinner and do up the work cut out a linen apron for myself Uncle Philip and Aunt Tryohena came here Mr. L________ called here this afternoon enjoyed the call ever so much.
Tuesday June 9, 1868
Ironed some did a little of everything and not much of anything got dinner all alone did not eat a mouth full made tatting and sewed on my apron. Uncle P and Aunt T went away from here got supper and milked
Wednesday June 10, 1868
Dug around home in the fore noon and in the afternoon Ma and I took the black horse and buggy and went up to Georges and Charles got back between six and seven Sam and I went up to the car I tried to do a puzzle
Thursday June 11, 1868
Ironed in the morning helped get dinner and do up the work made tatting in the afternoon got supper and washed the dishes.
Friday June 12, 1868
Cleaned the kitchen and pantry floors made tatting went up to Mr. Huggins came back and called at the car.
Saturday June 13, 1868
Made some elderberry pies straitened up things Mrs. Todd and Pill Knowles came here Jerome went to Horseheads to take Uncle John Pill and I went along came back and and stoped for Ma and we went to Elmira. Thad Mary and I Hat H came here while we were gone I had a preasant of some glass dishes Pa presented it.
Sunday June 14, 1868
Got up at seven got breakfast and helped do up the work Will and Bart Ford, Tim and Hart Parsons came here we went up to Mr. Puffs for a ride found Mrs. Padels people there got back about ten Bart and Will went home Mr. and Mrs. Huggins called here.
Monday June 15, 1868
Got breakfast and helped do up the work went to sewing Had cut Ma’s dress in the forenoon and mine in the afternoon. Cat and I went to Horseheads did not get home til pitch dark was offle tired. Jim went home Mr. & Mrs. Gillet, Mr. Kellogg and Mrs. Todd called here.
Tuesday June 16, 1868
Sewed on my dress and sewed till about three o’clock then Jerome Hat and I got ready and went up to Mr. Fords to a raising had a gay time got home at ten came very near having a bad accident befall us.
Wednesday June 17, 1868
Ma, Pa, Patch and Hat started for Newfield I did a large washing got dinner sewed in the afternoon got supper sprinkled the clothes milked one cow Jerome went to George Heads Mr. L______ called here in the evening enjoyed the call ever so much it has been a very warm day
Thursday June 18, 1868
Got up at six got breakfast ironed a large ironing came very near melting over it sewed on my dress in the afternoon. Pa and Ma came from Newfield they did not much news with them.
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers: I’m glad that you didn’t melt Carrie why if you had I’d not even had the honor of your acquaintance. R.
Friday June 19, 1868
Made some pies and cakes Sewed some Ma got dinner I washed the dishes all alone Jerome is about sick today. Mary came home made tatting in the evening did not go to bed very early.
Saturday June 20, 1868
Got up bright and early got breakfast churned cleaned the pantry and kitchen floors finished my dress made me a belt hemmed my vail finished my apron helped get supper Mary and I went to Horseheads got back about eight had a very hard shower in the evening Charles was here a little while.
Sunday June 21, 1868
Got up at seven helped get breakfast made up the beds Jerome went and took Mary to Bresseport would not let me go Jerome and Add Starring called here in the afternoon I took a short sleep and dreamed myself at Mr. & Mrs. Allasters having a good time.
Monday June 22, 1868
Got up at five helped do a large washing sewed on Alizas and Marias dresses in the afternoon got a waverly of from the cars in the evening
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers: Was it from Jim "sh"
Tuesday June 23, 1868
Ironed some in the morning sewed Kate started for Smithborrough left Elmore here George was here to dinner sewed in the afternoon. George L was here in the evening it has been a very pleasant day
Wednesday June 24, 1868
Got up at half past five ironed churned sewed most all day long on those tormented dresses went out to the barn and swam till I was as sick as a fool got a letter from Lexas or perhaps Texas
Thursday June 25, 1868
Got breakfast and do up the work finished the young ones dresses helped get dinner and cut out the young ones sayers sewed on them intended to go down to Huggins but had to give it up milked alone Myron Humphrey came here had the blues in the evening.
Friday June 26, 1868
Cleaned up a little sewed on the young ones sayers Uncle Jim and Aunt Katie came helped get dinner Ma and aunt went up to Georges. Jerome Pa and Uncle went to Horseheads left Elmer and I here alone went down to Mr. Huggins just at night a very very pleasant call.
Saturday June 27, 1868
Got up bright and early helped get breakfast cleaned the floor, Ma Aunt
Katie and I went down to the car Lawrence was there helped get dinner finished
my stockings and the young ones sayers read a very interesting story in
the evening.
Sunday June 28, 1868
Got up the first one built fire got breakfast and swept went back to bed and took a nap Kate and George came here after they went a way and wrote two letter one too Will and one to Add Mrs. Parsons came here to day Mr. Huggins called her in the after noon Jerome L_____ spent the evening here it has been a splendid day
Monday June 29, 1868
Got up bright and early helped wash and clean made a lot of cookies got dinner about noon was offle tired did not do much in the afternoon sprinkled the clothes and milked two cows retired early (got a paper)
Tuesday June 30, 1868
Got breakfast made some fine plant pies helped iron helped get dinner and do up the work read a very interesting story. Merils Larrson called here helped wash the dishes.
Wednesday July 1, 1868
Got breakfast helped do up the work pieced on my delium bed quilt helped get dinner and washed the dishes did not do very much has been an offle warm day.
In handwriting not Carrier Bowers: If you would only let me see that quilt I’ll be a good boy all day some day will you R.
Thursday July 2, 1868
Got breakfast helped churn pieced again to day helped get dinner and do up the work sewed in the afternoon another very warm day.
It is difficult to tell if this is Carrie Bowers handwriting
The four belles of west Junction are Mary = Carrie = Eliza = Maria.
Friday July 3, 1868
Cleaned the dinning room floor pieced again to day Mary came here after she had been home a little while Add (probably Adeline Bowers the daughter of Philip Bower), Philip (another child of Philip Bower) and Levi (child of Philip Bower) came here was very glad to see them.
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers: The quilt has taken the place of that stocking. Finish it Carrie R.
Saturday July 4, 1868
Got up at half past four (in handwriting not Carrie Bowers that is very small "you mean seven") get breakfast cleaned the kitchen floor Thad and Mary Harding came here stayed till after dinner then they went to Elmira. Pa and the rest of the men and Eliza and maria went too, Mary and I went down to Huggins had lemon aide and strawberries it was ever so good.
Sunday July 5, 1868
Did not get up very early got breakfast Add (this is probably Adeline Bowers (the daughter of Philip Bower) and the boys started for home Jerome took Mary to Breesport Thad Mr. Huggins and Charlie called here it has been a very warm day.
Monday July 6, 1868
Got up at half past four (the number 7 is written in parenthesis) helped do a large washing Vie Todd & (a space big enough for a name but left blank intentionally) called here helped get dinner got supper sprinkled the clothes Maria Hutches and Fannie Fuller called here so did Lawarence a pleasant day but very war got a paper
Tuesday July 7, 1868
Got the breakfast ironed a large ironing helped get dinner and do up the work Vie and Ell spent the afternoon here we went down to see Leawrance and he called here had a very good time have had work hands all day two gaunils one stayed all night Jerome went to Horseheads
Wednesday July 8, 1868
Helped get breakfast milked two cows helped do up the work carried the men some water up the field helped get dinner did not do much in the afternoon read in the evening
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers: Define Rol. A sinful cross
Thursday July 9, 1868
Baked some cake this morning Charles and Anor came I went to Elmira came back for dinner after they went away I went up to Mr. Todds and stayed the afternoon Vie came home with me we went down to the car I went a piece with her came back about tired out and treated my self for the rest of the day
Friday July 10, 1868
Cleaned the dinning room pantry and kitchen floors Vie was here in the afternoon had a gay time it has been a very warm day
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers
Carrie When you happen to read this think what a wise fellow Rollo was. When you join the Christian band drop in a little prayer for your friend will wish in. The wickest boy around West Junction.
Saturday July 11, 1868
Made some cookies Henry and Eiza Castaline were here to dinner Mr Everhart and Kat came here after they had been here a little while Mr. & Mrs. Swartwood came hee they all went to Horseheads in the evening but Ma Mrs. Swartwood and I so I went down to the car came back did not go to bed very early.
Sunday July 12, 1868
Helped get breakfast and do up the work John Swartwood Mr. Smith came here Mr. and Mrs. Swartwood Lane and Ret went away from here. Ma and Pa went as far as Charles John and Mr. Smith went a way about six enjoyed their visit very much
Monday July 13, 1868
Got up at half past four helped do a large washing and cleaned the kitchen floor Harry and Eliza called here did not do very much in the afternoon folded the clothes for ironing Fred and I picked some pears Pa and Jerome went to Horseheads another very warm day
Tuesday July 14, 1868
Got up bright and early did a large ironing helped get dinner and do up the work ditto supper milked two cows Mrs. Sarrah and Mrs. Maggie Fitch called here I like them very
much Ell called here
Wednesday July 15, 1868
Got breakfast and washed the dishes swept and picked up things helped get dinner and wash the dishes read most of the afternoon got ready to go to Horseheads but did not go Ella came here we went up to the car in the evening had company home Ellen stayed all night with me it has been a very warm day (had some Cherries)
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers; The warmest day of the year where I was. R
Thursday July 16, 1868
Got breakfast and cleaned up the table Ella went away from here swept made the beds Charlie and Vie spent the afternoon here we went up to the car just at night Ella came there we came back Ella and Vie rode home with Charlie
Friday July 17, 1868
Cleaned the dinning room pantry and kitchen floors picked a few berries along the fence Albert M.E. Miller was here to work Charles called here just at night did not stay long read a good story in the evening.
Saturday July 18, 1868
Helped get breakfast milked two cows swept the chamber and sitting room got some green apples to stem helped get dinner after dinner Ma and I took the black horse and went down to Horseheads from there to Mort Swartwoods arrived home about five. Marie Hutchens and Celia Bacon were here, George S called here in the evening.
Sunday July 19, 1868
Milked three cows this morning before breakfast Pa Eliza and Marie went to church after they got back Jerome and I went up to Charles & Mary H Mary and Thad were there went after winter greenit started for home stopped to Kates a little while got faint ???? tore a hole in my shoe had lots of trouble arrived home at nine
Monday July 20, 1968
Got up about four built a fire went to washing got through and cleaned up at ten made a raspberry short care for supper Mr. Huggins was here folded the clothes milked tow cows George called here in the evening enjoyed the call very much felt rather dull and tired tonight guess I will retire just for greens
Tuesday July 21, 1868
Got up a little after four built a fire and went to ironing did a large ironing all a lone Charles and Mr. Humphrey and Mr. Huggins are here to work picked enough berries for supper went down to Huggins just at night got back and moyged for bed.
Wednesday July 22, 1868
Made a lot of cookies got dinner and did up the work read all the afternoon got supper and helped do up the work it rained a little but not enough to do much good
Thursday July 23, 1868
Helped milk and help get breakfast washed the dishes picked a few berries just as I got dinner most ready Kate and Mrs. McNish came here Jim L called here cut out a pair of pillow cases washed the dinner and supper dishes all alone think I did exceedingly well Miked two cows played dominoes in the evening
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers: You did so -- who beat R.
Friday July 24, 1868
Got up about five helped get breakfast and milk helped churn swept the sitting room hall dinning room pantry and kitchen floors and cleaned the dinning room floor Nebo called here I took the black horse and buggy and started after Mary went a lone as far as Charles Anor went with me came back and called to Kates arrived home about seven
Saturday July 25, 1868
Helped get breakfast and do up the work swept and cleaned the kitchen floor helped mow a way two loads of hay it made my hands smart Ma and Pa called up to Mr. McCarnals in the afternoon had a very pleasant call Mary and I took a walk Jerome and pa went to Horseheads.
Sunday July 26, 1868
Got up between seven and eight helped milk Pa Ma and Marie went to Church Mary and I went to bed and took a nap Mr and Mrs Huggins and Charlie here in the afternoon Wesly Parks called here in the evening stayed at home all day Charles Mr. Humphrey and Mr solocum took dinner here
Monday July 27, 1868
Helped was a very large washing and cleaned the kitchen floor George and Mr. Rochell called here Vie Todd came along and we went to Horseheads she stayed here to tea George L and I went home with her arrived home at nine was offle tired didn’t know as I would even get to sleep Got me a new hat
Tuesday July 28, 1868
Helped iron a very large ironing in the fore noon in the afternoon Mary and I walked up to Horseheads form there we went to Mart Swartwood came back and called on Johnnie had company have was sore tired when we got here If I wasn’t I was most G. L. spent the evening here
Wednesday July 29, 1868
Did some washing helped get a quilt ready to quilt and quilted all the afternoon till about seven then Mary and I went down to the car came back retired early
Thursday July 30, 1868
Ironed a little this morning Mary and I finished the quilt Thad called here Mary and I went down to Mr. Huggins and spent the afternoon had very good visit arriver home about eight.
Friday July 31, 1868
Milked all a lone this morning polished the stove cleaned the dinning room floor helped get dinner and wash the dishes Net Harrison and Maria Hutchins called here had quite a nice shower but wish it might have lasted longer
Saturday August 1, 1868
Washed lots of dishes cleaned the kitchen floor Pa and Ma started for Pony hollow Wes Emma and Annie Parks came here just at night Jerome Mary Parks people and myself went and took a ride went over to Mr Degraffs like them very well Thad came here to stay all night Jerome and Wes went to Horseheads we did not go to bed until very late
Sunday August 2, 1868
Came very near rising with the sun after breakfast Wesly Emma and Annie went a way went to bed and took a nap Thad went away from here just at night Charles and Anor called here Pa and Ma came home Mary and I called down to Mr. Huggins
Monday August 3, 1868
Helped wash this morning and helped iron this afternoon had a very nice shower just at night was quite tired and retired early
Tuesday August 4, 1868
Got up at five helped get breakfast Mary Jerome and I got ready and started for Newfield stoped to Mr. Hiram Swartwood and stayed until after dinner called to Leander’s from there we went to Mr. Everharts stayed till after dark and went to Uncle Philips in the rain was pretty looking sight they were all to bed we put up there for the night.
Wednesday August 5 , 1868
Went from Uncle Philips about 10 o’clock for Orens Mc remained there until just at night Helen Mary and I called up to minors had a pleasant call got back about 9 o’clock stayed all night had a very good time
Thursday August 6, 1868
Started for McDaniels about eight o’clock called to Leanders from there we went to Mr McAllasters stayed till after noon then Ellen Mary and I took a horse and went up to see Ellen and her babie came back called to Macks went on to McA and stayed till after tea called over to Mr. Palmers Jerome Frank Watson Ellen Mary Helen and I went to Newfield in a laod I took a short ride in a new buggy had a gay time.
Friday August 7, 1868
Stayed to Mr & Mrs McAllisters till eight o’clock then we started for Horseheads stoped to Uncle Dan’s and stayed till after dinner arrived home at four was very glad to get her did not do much.
Saturday August 8, 1868
Got up and helped a little then started for bed was about sick all day Pa and Maria went to Montesa took a short walk just at night
Sunday August 9, 1868
Got up feeling some better this morning Jerome Mary and I went up to Charlies from there we went up to Ms Breese’s Orchard to a meeting then went up to Breeseport for a ride was nearly dead at least I felt as if I was when I got home Kate and George Elmer and Serna Georgie Deree Mrs. McNish and Charlie Mr and Mrs Puff was here but I was not at home.
Monday August 10, 1868
Helped wash this fore noon straightened up things a little this afternoon George called here in the evening.
Tuesday August 11, 1868
Helped iron in the fore noon sewed in the afternoon Eliza and I called up to Mr Hutchins became acquainted with Meifs Kit we like her very much we went up to Mr. Todds Vie was not at home Frank Brunner and Sarah Banker were there arrived home at half past eight
Wednesday August 12, 1868
Helped get breakfast and do up the work pieced some more in the fore noon Ma and Pa went up to Charlies in the afternoon left me a long to keep house Kit Larrison called here a little while Net Hutchinson and I went down to Horseheads had the pleasure of walking home with George he and I went home with Net got back at nine and was some tired I’ll bet I was
Thursday August 13, 1868
Finished piecing my delivan bed quilt went up to the school house at noon Maria H was here at night George L called here
Friday August 14, 1868
Sewed on Pa’s pants in the fore noon Net Hutchins came here for me to go huckle berrying with her we went in the afternoon but had poor success did not bring a berry home got some sassafras arrived home about six and was about tired out retired early
Saturday August 15, 1868
Helped do the Saturday’s work did not do very much in the afternoon Kit and Marie came here just at night we went up to the car George and I went home with them saw Ella and Vied arrived home at nine
Sunday August 16, 1868
Pa Mr Huggins Jerome Eliza Maria H Kit and I walked up to church got back about one found Mr. and Mrs Humphrey here helped get dinner George called her a little while Jerome Pet and I went to church in the evening
Monday August 17, 1868
Helped do a large washing in the fore noon did not do very much in the afternoon Mr. & Mrs Reanson Mr D came here and stayed all night
Tuesday August 18, 1868
Helped get breakfast and washed the dishes Ma and Pa went to Big Flats with Mr & Mrs McDaniels helped do a large ironing baked some bread and got dinner I had to get up and get I’ll bet sewed in the afternoon went down to Mr Huggins just at night came back found Net Hutchins George L and I went home with her had a very pleasant walk.
Wednesday August 19, 1868
Got up and milked three cows before breakfast sewed most all of the fore noon Uncle Philip came hee he and Pa went to Elmira in the afternoon Net and I went to Horseheads had lots fun flirting with the railroad men resolved not to flirt with them any more arrived home about eight was some tired
Thursday August 20, 1868
Helped get breakfast and do up the work Uncle P started for home cut off some corn for drying helped get dinner and wash the dishes went to bed and took a nap got up and sewed the braid on my dress Vie Todd was here in the afternoon Mr somebody I don’t know who stayed here he was a fence peddler a raining evening
Friday August 21, 1868
Helped get breakfast and do up the work baked lots of cookies Jerome went after Mary Kate came down after me we stayed at Horseheads little while got up to Georges about eight remained there for the night had the tooth ache
Saturday August 22, 1868
Got up about six went to sewing on Kate’s dress sewed till dinner time then eat my dinner after dinner sewed till three o’clock then went down to see Anor a little while went back to Georges and stayed but might wanted to come home but did not get here
Sunday August 23, 1868
Got up between seven and eight washed and dressed Elmer Georgie came after me to go home so I put on my dude and started got home at ten Jerome went and took Mary to Bresseport went up on the big hill Charlie H came up thee this is a splendid evening wanted to go to Church but could not
Monday August 24, 1868
Helped do a large washing and cleaned the floor near about killed my finger helped do the dinner dishes Net and Marie was here in the evening Geo and I went home with them it was splendid evening
Tuesday August 25, 1868
Helped do a large ironing Charlie H came up here and I went down to the car to see him and Mrs H start on their journey G was there I went up to see Net in the afternoon had a very good visit
Wednesday August 26, 1868
Did not do much work this morning have got a very sore finger Net and I went to Horseheads this fore noon Mr. Huggins and Myron Humphrey wee hee to dinner Charlie was her to supper
Thursday August 27, 1868
Worked around the house sewed a little in the fore noon Mr Seabring and his cousin were here Pa and Ma started for hollow Net and I went to Horseheads G and I went home with her Marie H stayed here all night had a regular spree
Friday August 28, 1868
Got breakfast baked bread and cake wood for fire for dinner was good Marie was here to dinner Nettie spent the afternoon here and to the car we went down to the car and turned things topsy turvy George went home with her I did not go Jerome went to Watkins came back about ten
Saturday August 29, 1868
Polished the stove cleaned the dinning room and pantry floors swept and dusted the sitting room stayed here alone in the after noon Jerome went to Elmira he brought me a pair of ear rings and a pin think quite a peasant. Net came down to stay all night with me had a very good time did not go to bed till late we wrote a letter to somebody what is known to us
Sunday August 30, 1868
Got up between eight and nine o’clock got breakfast and helped do up the work Net and I sat around and talked till afternoon then we went down to Mr Huggins a little while Net stayed here till about three then she went home nothing occurred of particular importance during the remained of the day it is most delightful evening the moon and stars shine very bright.
Monday August 31, 1868
Skimmed some milk got the churing ready to do went to washing got through and cleaned up about eleven got dinner swept the parlor and sitting room put things to rights once more was very tired went to bed took a nap commenced getting supper when Pa and Ma came home retired early it rained very hard during the night
Tuesday September 1, 1868
Milked two cows rinsed up the white clothes and hung them out to dry ironed the calico clothes Jerome went after Elderberries got quite a lot of them helped get dinner looked over burries mot all the afternoon washed the tea dishes and swept the floors had the blues all day George L spent the evening here
Wednesday September 2, 1868
Helped milk ironed swept the chamber sitting hall dinning room and pantry dusted the things. Uncle Dan and Aunt Mary came here and stayed till after dinner Eliza went home with them. I called at Fitches in the afternoon had a very pleasant call. Net and I went to Horseheads George and I went home with her and stayed a little while arrived home at nine
Thursday September 3, 1868
Milked two cows before breakfast helped churn. Caned two can of plums went to bed and took a nap Pa and Jerome are helping Mr M thrash rained in the evening.
Friday September 4, 1868
Cleaned the dinning room floor don’t know what all I didn’t do was the last day of school. Net and Marie came down here just at night George and I went home with them through the went and mud arrived home about nine
Saturday September 5, 1868
Swept and dusted the sitting room cleaned the kitchen and partry floors sewed on some colors. Jerome and I went up to Erin to a swimmy. Jonny Humphrey and Mr. Hardbrook got to fighting some others came pretty near it I was offly frightened Jerome Mary and I went with Thad to Myron Humphreys and stayed all night
Sunday September 6, 1868
Got up about eight and ate our breakfast Jerome Myron and Thad went to Bresseport to Church we started for Charlies about noon stayed there till about for o’clock then started for home got there at last went to bed very early
Monday September 7, 1868
Mar and I did a very large washing Jill Knowls came here about noon Milked three cows Mary, Till and I went and took a walk called at the car George spent the evening here
Tuesday September 8, 1868
Pa and I went up to Charlies to help thrash helped wash dishes and peal potatoes and such things. went up to Kate’s after dinner got home about five found Angeline McD and Mrs. McCouch here. Mr McD came here to team Jerome Auge Mary George and I went down to Mr Huggins to eat melons Mr and Mrs Hathern were there arrived home about eleven
Wednesday September 9, 1868
Helped get breakfast and helped churn swept and dusted the sitting room and dinning room Jerome went and took Auge to Big Flats Vie and Till called here a few minutes Mary and I went down to the car a little while came home and done up my hair on hair pins Kate left Elnor and Lena here
Thursday September 10, 1868
Sewed on Ma dress most all day rain rain rain Elmer and Lena here all day expected to go to a party in the evening but was disappointed on account of the rain was very rainy
Friday September 11, 1868
Swept and dug around all the fore noon took care of the Children Kate came after them Jerome and Mary went up to dearner corners helped milk Mary and I went up to Mr. Todd’s just at night Vie and Till came a piece with us was very muddy got mud from head to foot
Saturday September 12, 1868
Washed the breakfast dishes all alone cleaned the kitchen and pantry floor Ma Jerome and Mary to Elmira did not bring me a singe thing Mary I went down to the car Vie came down there we went a piece with her Thad stayed here all night Jerome and Pa went to Horseheads
Sunday September 13, 1868
Helped get breakfast and wash the dishes went to bed and took a nap the flies nearly eat me up combed my hair helped wash the dinner dishes Pa went and took Thad home Charles and Henry came here Mary and I went to Huggins a little while had some melons. Nel Hutchins and Sarah Peters called here we went a piece with them.
Monday September 14, 1868
Helped wash Eliza came home Maria was sick finished my pillow cases sewed in the afternoon Net and Kate and I went down to the car went a piece with them
Tuesday September 15, 1868
Helped iron in the fore noon sewed all the afternoon felt almost sickly had a sore throat Net Kate Marie and myself went to Horseheads got back about seven o’clock if I ever was tired I was then retired early and was glad to go
In handwriting underneath this entry and not of Carrie Bowers
1870 –It is cold and I must build a fire good neighbor R
Wednesday September 16, 1868
Did not get up until breakfast was ready helped wash the dishes and cut up a pumpkin finished quilting together my old delarian bed quilt hemmed some ruffling washed the supper dishes it is very cold have got an awful sore throat – if I han’t I have most
Thursday September 17, 1868
Mary and I quilted some comfortables Vie Todd called here a little while Mary and I went up to Mr. Hutchins just at night Net came a piece with us we got frightened by the way was a very cold night
Underneath this are the following /69 I wonder if this diary was used for more than 1 year however following the numbers in Carrie Bowers Clark handwriting is the following
Stayed at home all day had some party Mr. Tompkins and wife, Mr. Star Mr. Leslie Georgia and wife Mr. Serene Georgia and wife and Mrs. Oliver were here
Friday September 18, 1868
Helped do up the work cut on my red calico skirt and made it Ma and I walked to Horseheads got some fruit cans Kate Ange and George came here they and George L spent the evening here had a gay time went to bed between eleven and twelve
Saturday September 19, 1868
Helped get breakfast Kate Jerome Ange Mary Amelia and myself went up to the Georges Jerome and I went on up to Bresseport to a picnic had a very good time got home about four almost froze and tired out helped milk and then retired early
Sunday September 20, 1868
Got up between seven and eight helped milk and wash the breakfast dishes combed my hair and went to bed and stayed there until about three when I got up and eat my dinner and helped wash the dishes it has been a very rainy day went to bed early guess I will sleep enough if I keep on was intending to go to Church but it rained so we couldn’t
Monday September 21, 1868
Got up and went to washing washed until I washed my fingers most off then I stoped had my dinner after dinner mended some and sewed the braid on my dress Kate Net Vie called here so did George washed the supper dishes and churned all alone
Tuesday September 22, 1868
Helped do a large ironing Ma and Pa went to Big Flats got almost frightened to pieces. Net came here in the afternoon it rained all of the afternoon. George spent the evening here Net stayed all night did not go to bed until late.
Wednesday September 23, 1868
Helped get breakfast Jerome took Net home May came home baked some pumpkin pies Kate and Julia B came here in a little while Pa and Ma came home made biscuits for dinner tried to get Jerome to go over to Stairny but he would not go
Thursday September 24, 1868
Helped milk Pa Eliza and Maria started for Newfield Mary and I commenced quilting a comforter in the afternoon milked one cow at night Mr. Todd spent the evening here has been a very rainy day (was disappointed in the evening) but that is nothing to be disappointed these rainy days.
Friday September 25, 1868
Washed the breakfast dishes all alone we finished the comforter then got read and went up to Mr. Todd’s had a good visit but it rained most all of the afternoon Charlie brought us home with the mules found Kate and Frank McN here was very glad to seem them another rainy night hope it will clear off some day.
Saturday September 26, 1868
Helped wash the dishes cleaned the dinning room pantry and kitchen floors Mary and Kate went to Horseheads Frank and I went up on the hill Jay Charlie Vie and Mary came here. Lawrence called here in the afternoon our company went to their folks Pa Eliza and Marie cam home Jerome Mary and I spent the evening at Mr. Stairny’s had a very good time.
Sunday September 27, 1868
Read some very interesting stories in the forenoon in the afternoon Will and Mart Ford Frank and Kate M.E. Allen Jay and Mary Kellogg came her to dinner just at night we all went out riding had a splendid time while we were gone Wes Parks and Edd Degroff Add Staring Net and Seec Hutchins called here just our luck after our ride we went up to Mr. Todds and spent the evening
Monday September 28, 1868
Got up and went to washing got through about ten o’clock Mary went to the institute in the afternoon I went up to see Net had a very good time she came home with me Thad came here from the institute Kate and Frank came back here and stayed all night it was a most splendid evening
Tuesday September 29, 1868
Helped get breakfast and helped iron Kate Frank Jay and Mary started for Newfield this morning Jerome ditto Pa and Fred went as far as Uncle Dans made a lot of cookies in the evening Thad Mary Nettie and Myself went to Horseheads to a lecture had a very good time arrived home between ten and eleven somewhat tired commenced making an air castle
Wednesday September 30, 1868
Mary and Fred went to the institute helped do the work Pa took Ma up to Charles T. made some pumpkin pies worked like a good fellow on my air castle Annie Campbell commenced boarding here Emma Parks stayed her all night Vie and Jerome went to the lecture did not go We park and Edd Deyroff called here.
Thursday October 1, 1868
Helped get breakfast and do up the work baked bread and cak Chales called here I went up to see Net Hutchens she seemed very still came back and got supper Pa went after Ma had an invitation to a party Friday evening
Friday October 2, 1868
Helped do up the morning work did not do very much all day. Ma had the sick head ache got myself ready and went to Mr. Puffs to an invited party with W.P. it rained very hard before we got there got lots of mud had a very good time was nineteen couples there came pretty near tearing my dress off me.
Saturday October 3, 1868
Got home this morning about half past five went to bed and slept until eight thirty then got up and eat my breakfast brushed up my clothes baked some cake Georgie Addie and Annie came here Mr. & Mrs. Brown called here G.N.S. spent the evening here flet rather tired and sleepy but did not got bed very early
Sunday October 4, 1868
Did not get up very early read in the forenoon Thad Jerome Mary and I went to Horseheads to the lecture in the afternoon rode home with Johnny Humphrey went to Church in the evening came home all most tired out and put myself to bed for the remainder of the night
Monday October 5, 1868
Got up and helped wash and clean the floor in the forenoon helped sprinkle the clothes and iron in the afternoon went to hear Mr. Sanders lecture in the evening
Tuesday October 6, 1868
Helped do a little work got ready and started myself for Horseheads to school party favor so when I got there school was called did not know any one that was there don’t know what I would of done it it had not been for Mr Osburn Mr Seyard and I went up to Netts in the evening Susie Quinn stayed all night Orpha H was here to supper
Wednesday October 7, 1868
Went to school got there before school called went up street at noon rode home with Will Mr. Yard and Caroline Yard and Heat Kimble they stayed here till after tea
Thursday October 8, 1868
Did not do much in the morning went to school got there in good season Sue Gunner was to school at noon went up street a little way went up street after school went home and Net and I went up to the lecture with G.N.S. in the evening Mr Beecher lectured got home put myself to bed Orpha Heller stayed here all night
Friday October 9, 1868
Helped get breakfast made warm bread and some pumpkin pies before I went to school Eva P and Meigs Johnson called here went over to the institute at eleven Annie and I went to the depot and around went to school in the afternoon Mary Susie and orphan called there went to the depot to see Annie start for Elmira thrashers stayed here all night
Saturday October 10, 1868
Cleaned the kitchen floor and made some pie had thrashers Ella Teeter was here alittle while Kite McDaniels stayed all night
Sunday October 11, 1868
Pa and Pa went to church and from there they went up to Charles Hill stayed there till afternoon then Jerome took him up to Mort Swartouts George Lawrence called hee a little while May and I went down to Mr. Huggins rally retired early
Monday October 12, 1868
Helped wash before school time got ready and went to school did not get there until after school was called went down street at noon went home ciphered in the evening and went to bed
Tuesday October 13, 1868
Helped iron in the morning went to school did not get there until late went down street at noon went home at night and found Mr. and Mrs there patched and minded up in the evening Mr. Todd called here
Wednesday October 14, 1868
Went to school did not get there until late went down street at noon saw J. H. and J.S. went home and cut out a dress skirt Net and Marie came down we went down to the car G.B. L. went home with us I stayed all night with Net but we had some pumpkin pie and turnip and liver and some fun with the rest
Thursday October 15, 1868
Net and I stayed for school met the coal trains and the freight passed us did not get there until after school was called I declare I am ashamed of myself net stayed all day at school got home found Kate and Seena and Marie H there Eliza went home with Kate
Friday October 16, 1868
Did not do much in the morning went to school went down street at noon came home at night tired and happy.
Saturday October 17, 1868
Got up in the morning found the ground white with snow helped do the Saturday work sewed on my green dress until my eyes were nearly out of my head it has been a cold and dreary day sewed in the evening went to bed tired and sleepy
In handwriting not Carrie Bowers Clark Those beautiful eyes I’m glad you didn’t loose them
Sunday October 18, 1868
Did not get up very early Pa went to church Jerome and Mary went up to Mr Turners stayed at home and read Net and Marie came here a little while in the afternoon milked two cows Net Marie Maria and I went to Horseheads to church in the evening expected we would get frightened all most to pieces but did not
Monday October 19, 1868
Got up bright and early and went to washing got ready and started for school in the mud a man came along and asked me to ride did not know who he was got there before school called stayed at the school house at noon walked home at night Pa got me a new pair of calf skin shoes to day.
Tuesday October 20, 1868
Ironed some this morning before I went to school got there in good season went down street at noon had lots of fun this afternoon in school Pa and Jerome went to Watkins to a Democratic meeting walked home from school went down to the car to see Mr. Huggins sewed in the evening
Wednesday October 21, 1868
Went to school this morning got there before school called went down street at noon did not see hardly any body walked home all the way in the rain milked two cows sewed in the evening retired in good season
Thursday October 22, 1868
Milked two cows helped wash dishes got ready and started for school Mary went to HH with me went down street saw Charles there did not get to school until after was called Lattie and I stayed at the school house at noon rode home with Jerome it snowed this afternoon did not do much in the evening went down to the car
Friday October 23, 1868
Went to school got thee in good season went home at night sewed on my dress in the evening Marie Hutchins stayed here all night it is a beautiful night
Saturday October 24, 1868
Got up helped do the morning work sewed on my dress and finished it Net spent the afternoon here we helped Mary quilt in he evening Jerome Geogre L Mary Net and I went to Horseheads had a very good time got home about nine o’clock.
Sunday October 25, 1868
Did not get up until about eight o’clock Jerome went to Pony Hallow Pa went to church I stayed at home and read my eyes almost out in the forenoon Kate and George came hee in the afternoon Helped wash the dinner dishes Net came along and we went to church in the evening G.B.L. came home with us had a good time considering
Monday October 26, 1868
Got up bright and early and helped wash until time to get ready to go to school got there in good reason went down street at noon went home up the toe path Had the pleasure of walking with Mr. Carpenter got home and found Ella Teeter there and also a note of a devil for me would give a good deal to know who wrote it there was not name signed to it
Tuesday October 27, 1868
Went to school got there before school called went down street at noon and got some yarn for me for a hood and commenced it saw lots of folks Mary came to school and called for me and I went down street with her before school was out got home about five o’clock ironed some in the evening crochet some too
Wednesday October 28, 1868
Got up and got ready and started for school got there in good season did not go down street at none but stayed at the school house all the noon had some fun at recess Net was here we went down to the car Mr Huggins was there went a piece with that Thad stayed here all night
Thursday October 29, 1868
Went to school in the morning got there in good season had lots of fun
at school Mr Osborn was very good natured today. Net came to the school
house and called for me went down street went over to the car and called
on Lawrence he gave me a frame and Net a bracket came home and got ready
and went with Jerome up to Bresseport to a dance got there about eight
Friday October 30, 1868
We got home about six o’clock this morning went to bed and slept until almost eight. Got up and got ready and went to school did not get there until after school called felt rather sleepy this forenoon stayed at the school house at noon went down street after school Kate came down after me I went home with her did not go to bed very early
Saturday October 31, 1868
Did not get up very early went to sewing cut out the lining for Kate’s dress made her a Balmorgal Kate and I went down to Charles to see Anors baby (By comparing other records this was John Bowers the son of Charles and Eleanor Bowers - NR) Ma was there went back helped wash the dishes crocheted in the evening went to bed between ten and eleven o’clock had a very hard rain
Sunday November 1, 1868
Got up about eight o’clock helped Kate wash the dishes read in the forenoon had a chicken for dinner after dinner Kate and George got ready George was going to bring me home but Charles and Ma came along and I rode down with them Mary went back with him read in the evening
Monday November 2, 1868
Got up about four o’clock helped do a large washing before I went to school did not get there until after school was called stayed at the school house at noon went down street after school was out went home and helped iron it has been a very cold day George Lawrence called here in the evening I suppose he takes his departure in the morning
Tuesday November 3, 1868
Did not get up very early went to school did not get there until late there was not any school in the afternoon account of election Mrs. McDaniels and Watson came here in the afternoon Thad came here and stayed all night did not go to bed very early Ma had a very bad headache.
Wednesday November 4, 1868
Helped get breakfast Mrs. Meri McDaniels started for home Mary went with her went to school did not get there until late went down street at noon and went down street after school came home and Eliza and I went down to Mr. Hutchins and spent the evening came home and went to bed
Thursday November 5, 1868
Went to school got there in good season stayed at the school house at noon went down street at night came home and finished my hood commenced to rip up my purple dress had lots of fun in the evening Thad stayed here all night
Friday November 6, 1868
Did not go to school today thought I would stay home and sew Vie came down here we went down to the car and I went home with her and helped her make an air castle came back and called to Nets a little while sewed in the evening
Saturday November 7, 1868
Got up bright and early helped get breakfast and do up the work went to sewing ironed some in the afternoon Fred and I went down to Mr. Huggins just at night Mr. & Mrs. Huggins came home with us and spent the evening I put the steets and whale bones in my corset went to bed between ten and eleven
Sunday November 8, 1868
Got up half past seven got breakfast and helped do p the work read some in the forenoon Mr. Swartwood and the two Mr. Statans came here Mr. Joe Carr came here after he had been here a little while Wes Park came they went away about seven o’clock. Mary came from Newfield Iread a book through did not go to bed till the last one
Monday November 9, 1868
Helped wash went to school stayed all day came home at night lost my hat by the way Pa killed a sheep. Mrs. Johnson commenced boarding here ironed some in the evening and sewed some too
Tuesday November 10, 1868
Did not get up very early went to school. It rained most all day, went down street at night came home sewed some got all ready to go to a party to Mr. Degraffs was going with Jerome it rained so hard that we gave up going there is nothing like getting ready to go any where and not go after all
Wednesday November 11, 1868
Went to school got there in good season, went down street at noon went to school in the afternoon had some fun in school came home at night sewed in the evening
Thursday November 12, 1868
Helped wash some before school time then got ready and went to school got there in good season went don street at noon saw Joe Carr also went down street after school was out Kate Carpenter came home with me Bert, Lecty Net Marie and Freddie spent the evening here we went over to the car and saw Mr. Fields like him was every so much had lots of fun Thad stayed here all night.
Friday November 13, 1868
Went to school got there in good season Georgia Bennett and I went down street at noon and went down street after school came home helped do up the owkr sewed some in the evening retired early for the night
Saturday November 14, 1868
Did not get up very early helped wash the dishes helped clean the sitting room in the fore noon sewed as hard as I could in the afternoon Net and Mary went to Horseheads I went to meet them went a piece with Net came back and wrote and read in the evening
Sunday November 15, 1868
Got up at eight o’clock helped do up the work stayed at home and read until almost night then went and took a short walk has been very pleasant retired early.
Did not have a single caller today excepting Charles I guess I don’t know for certain but I really think so for it has seemed rather lonesome today
Monday November 16, 1868
Got up bright and early and helped wash before I went to school did not get there until late went down street at noon wrote a short letter to Add went home at night Meigs Johnson was there washed the supper dishes all alone sewed in the evening Jerome went up to Charles to stay this week
Tuesday November 17, 1868
Did not get up very early sewed a little bit got ready and went to school did not get there till late went down street at noon Mr. Osborn changed Lathe’s and my seat and gave me a great deal better one went down street after school came home in the rain it was not as nice as it might be patched in the evening did not go to bed very early
Wednesday November 18, 1868
Went to school did not get there until late went home at night found that Mr. and Mrs. Joe Starr Mr and Mrs Pane Hortor Mrs pain and Ella Starr had been there Jerome Mary and Meigs Johnson went up to Mr. Puffs to a party was mad because I would not go made me a pair of sheet in the evening Mr. Stair and wife and Ella stayed here all night
Thursday November 19, 1868
Got up and helped get breakfast went to school did not get there till late Mr and Mrs Starr went away (I rode to school with Birt and Net) stayed at the school house at noon went down street after school was out. Crocheted on Mary’s hood in the evening retired early had lots of fun in and out of school today
Friday November 20, 1868
Helped get breakfast started for school there late again this morning went down street walked home in the snow and rain. Meigs Johnson came to Horseheads after school.
Saturday November 21, 1868
Went to school in forenoon at noon went don street and got me a new apron went home and crocheted in the afternoon Ma and Pa went over to Mr McCormich Eliza Maria and Frend went up to Mr Hutchins Mary Elinor and I were alone Johnny Humphrey came here about nine o’clock did not go bed very early
Sunday November 22, 1868
Got up about eight helped do up the work read in the forenoon Holi and George were here in the afternoon Mr Huggins called here Pa and I spent the evening at Mr Huggins had a very pleasant call got home about eight o’clock and started for bed
Monday November 23, 1868
Got up bright and early helped wash and bake for the social did not to school Mary and I went to Horseheads in the afternoon saw lots of people got home almost tired and helped iron some finished my apron did my hair pins and scootched for bed
Tuesday November 24, 1868
Went to school this morning got there just after school was called Georgia and I went down street at noon went home with Georgia before school was out she stayed all night with me there was a social at our house to night there was between sixty and seventy here had a very good time somebody was not here guess he was some mad but don’t think I was to blame
Wednesday November 25, 1868
Georgia and I rode to school with Jerome and Pa got thee in good season felt provoked all the forenoon at somebody stayed at the school house at noon. Went down street after school was out. Ella Cochall came a piece home with me did not do much in the evening
Thursday November 26, 1868
Helped take up one carpet and helped put down two that was the way I spend Thanksgiving Ma and Pa went down to Mr Huggins Charles came down after Mary we young ones were left here alone Charles Huggins was here in the evening
Friday November 27, 1868
Helped do up the work was not any school in our rooms so I stayed at home and worked around did not do much all day I expected Ella Huckwell here to go to school but she did not come Thad came here and stayed all quite a pleasant night
Saturday November 28, 1868
Got up about five helped wash Pa and I and Mrs. McConnall went to Elmira got me a new dress and had went to an auction got home about four o’clock and was some cold found Mr. Ropan here Mr P came and spent the evening hee Jerome came home from Charles. Retired early
Sunday November 29, 1868
Got up at eight helped get breakfast and do up the work and read a while then helped get dinner Jerome dressed up and started off would not let me go a long guess he must have a load saved somewhere Mr. Will Degroff called here had an invitation to attend a party Thursday evening Mr. Huggins spent the evening here
Monday November 30, 1868
Got up and helped do up the work and started for school stayed all day went home at night Lissie Johnson and I cam down to Horseheads ????Barks cut my dress waist We saw Wes Park and he took us home got home between nine and ten o’clock sewed until after twelve o’clock then we went to bed Night time Charles was hee to super Jerome went home with him
Tuesday December 1, 1868
Got up early helped get breakfast went to school got there in good season went over to Mrs. O’briens and tried my dress on stoped to the store and got some things went home with Lizzie L. from there went back to school got there just in went home and sewed till after eleven o’clock Marie Hutchins stayed here all night
Wednesday December 2, 1868
Got up pretty near eight o’clock eat my breakfast and started for school did not get there till late, went home at noon and wrote a note to Em Park was in a peck of trouble came back to school went down street at night from there home and sewed in the evening Pa went up to Mr. Curtis to a social.
Thursday December 3, 1868
Went to school went to the office in the morning went down street at noon stayed at school went down street after school went home and got ready and went up to Stephen Buckles to a surprise Jerome B, Jerome S, Will Degrabb Meigs Johnson Add S and myself in aload had lots of fun going had a hand in the bargain
Friday December 4, 1868
Got home this morning about 4 o’clock went to bed and slept till after seven then got up and got my breakfast and started for school got there in good season went down street after school saw Kate there and also Sari Edd went home did not do much in the evening retired early
Saturday December 5, 1868
Helped wash this fore noon fixed my dress snowed about a foot deep this morning did not hardly go out of the house cleaned and worked around some in the afternoon knit in the evening.
Sunday December 6, 1868
Got up about nine o’clock eat my breakfast and helped wash the dishes commenced reading a very good story Charles brought Mary S over Pa Eliza and I went down to Mr. Huggins and spent the evening had a very pleasant time got home between eight and nine and went to bed lots of folks took a sleigh ride today but did not
Monday December 7, 1868
Helped get breakfast got ready for school Jerome took me in a sleigh stayed at the school house at noon it has snowed like furyation all day guess we will have sleighing went home with Lattie Wygant went to bed about twelve o’clock the wind blew very hard
Tuesday December 8, 1868
Mr Wygant took Lattie and I to school did not get till school was called Jerome came after me at night the wind blew very hard got home Jerome and I got ready and started for John McNishes to a surprise went down to Charles and tiped over for our comfort went back and stayed to J. Mc till about one o’clock then started for home it is a offle night the snow flew so we could harldy see a hard before you Got a letter from Add B
Wednesday December 9, 1868
Did not get up very early Jerome took me to school did not get thee till late went down street at noon Jerome after me at night Knit in the evening was awful sleepy went to bed about ten o’clock and was glad to get there
Thursday December 10, 1868
Jerome took me to school this morning got there in good season Lattie and I went down street at noon saw lots of folks but not the ones that we requested to walked home tonight saw Leroy S and Bud Johnson at Horseheads sewed ironed and knit some in the evening (rode on a hand sleigh at recess) went to bed about nine Edd Degroff and Mrs. Park came I filed out of bed we had lots of fun an invitation up to Mr. Parrs tomorrow evening
Friday December 11, 1868
Helped wash the breakfast dishes pa took me to school got here before school called Lattie and went down street at noon very pleasant Jerome came after me Wes Park was here to tea had an invitation to go up to Mr. Todds to a party but did not go it is a very cold night
Saturday December 12, 1868
Helped do the Saturday work Mary and Jerome went to Elmira it was a very cold day I did not do very much today
Sunday December 13, 1868
Did not get up very early helped up the morning work read in the forenoon Jerome went up to Deamecarners to a Masonic funeral I wanted to go to but could not. Mr. Huggins called here May and I got ready to go to bed and then Wes Park came and brought Lissa here he stayed a while then went home something happened after he went away I guess I will remember it we laughed till our sides sore
Monday December 14, 1868
Helped wash before I went to school walked to school in the morning Our folks killed a hog Lottie Ella R Mattie P and I went down st. then over on the ice walked home at night found Mrs. P McAlla Mrs Ellinward and Frank and Rusha McAllaster and Joe Birbeck Ellen and Joe had started or Missouri visited in the evening did not go to bed very early
Tuesday December 15, 1868
Got up this morning a little after three o’clock Frank and pa took Ellen and Joe to Elmira to take the train helped get breakfast rode to school with Frank did not get there till after school was called Jerome came after at night. Ella Blackwell Sill Seaman Georgia Bennett Charlie Barbour and Joe martial spent the evening here we had a gay old time they went away between 10 and 11 then I padded for bed. Pa went to Newfield
Wednesday December 16, 1868
Got up at eight eat my breakfast got ready for school Jerome took me there we went in seven minutes was there before school was called Ell Lottie Gill and I went down street at noon saw lots of folks walked as far as the crossing rode the remainder of the way home with Burt Hutchins Jerome and May and Lissie went to Horseheads after school
Thursday December 17, 1868
Went to school got there in good season went down street at noon Jerome came after me Lottie came home with me Mary and Ella and Andrew Rockwell spent the evening here we had a gay old time went to bed between 12 and 1 o’clock
Friday December 18, 1868
Jerome took us to school did not get there until after school was called went down street at noon went back to school went down street after school Jerome came after me at night
Saturday December 19, 1868
Helped wash this morning got through before noon Mary and I went to Horseheads with pa in the afternoon saw Thad there got back and helped do up the work spent the evening at home went to bed about ten.
Sunday December 20, 1868
Got up at half past eight o’clock helped do up the work George Kate and the children came here and spent the day Jerome and I went to church in the evening it was a splendid evening at bright as bright could be
Monday December 21, 1868
Helped get breakfast got ready for school rode there with Stella Bennett got there in good season went down street at noon Jerome came after me at night Isac and Henry Smith were here to dinner they have started for Missouri Mr. Smith stayed here all night
Tuesday December 22, 1868
Rode to school with Pa and Mr. Smith to school got there in good season went down street at noon had lots of fun walked home with Mary from school had company in the evening did not go to bed very early
Wednesday December 23, 1868
Rode to school with Pa this morning got there early went down street at noon the wind blew very hard walked home from school read some and sewed some in the evening did my hair up on hair pins and started my self for bed
Thursday December 24, 1868
Got ready for school Jerome took me it was a very cold morning Lettie Gill and I went down street at noon today was the last day of school before holiday rode home with Jerome from school. Isac Hannah and Add came here. Nine of us went to Horseheads to the Episcopal Church to a Christmas tree I did not get a thing got home at nine did not go to bed very early.
Friday December 25, 1868
Helped get breakfast and do up the work Pa Ma Isac and Sarah went up to Charles left us young ones here we made molasses candy and a grand time, I did not go anywhere as far as the road Mary went to Bresseport Sarah and Ike came back here and stayed all night
Saturday December 26, 1868
Got up between six and seven this morning got breakfast and helped do up the work. Busco’s folks went from here to Horseheads this moring did not do very much to day tatted a little read in the afternoon and evening a very interesting story (Millbank) read my eyes most out of my head
Sunday December 27, 1868
Got up about eight Jerome Mary and I went to Big Flats to Mr. Fords had a good time got home at six found Kate and George and Ike and Sarah here Jerome went to church I was going along but Pa would not let me went to bed early Lissie came home with Jerome
Monday December 28, 1868
Helped get breakfast and went to washing we got through a little afternoon went down to Mr. Huggins in the afternoon got some papers to read read in the evening
Tuesday December 29, 1868
Mary and I commenced Eliza’s and Marie’s dresses sewed all day long Mr and Mr Cass and Annie called here read some in the evening did my hair up on hair pins
Wednesday December 30, 1868
Sewed in the forenoon ironed some in the afternoon Wes Park called here got ready at six and started for Mr. Verryams to a party stoped in Horseheads a little while saw lots of folks got there about nine had a splendid time there was twenty one couples there
Thursday December 31, 1868
Sewed in the forenoon and read in the afternoon felt rather sleepy went to bed early Jerome went to Horseheads brought me a letter from M.K.
This is the woman known as Carrie BOWERS Clark, who was a local artist.
As I write this I am sitting with at least 4 of her original paintings
in my home. According to one of the diaries that I have her birth
date was April 13, 1851
According to all the records that are available she never had any children.
She is buried in Maple Grove Cemetery along with her husband
and is listed at that time as Carrie "Clark."
1910 United States Federal Census
Name: Carrie Clark
Age in 1910: 39 [59]
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1871 [abt 1851]
Occupation: Dressmaker
Birthplace: New York
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birth Place: United States of America
Mother's Birth Place: United States of America
Home in 1910: Horseheads, Chemung, New York
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Gender: Female
Carrie Clark 39
1920 United States Federal Census 1920 United States Federal Census
Name: Carrie A Clark
Home in 1920: Horseheads, Chemung, New York
Age: 68 years Occupation: Dressmaker
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1852
Birthplace: New York
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Mother's Birth Place: New York
Marital Status: Widow
Race: White
Sex: Female
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Household Members: Name Age
Carrie A Clark 68
1930 United States Federal Census 1930 United States Federal Census
Name: Carrie Clark
Home in 1930: Horseheads, Chemung, New York
Age: 79
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1851
Birthplace: New York
Relation to Head of House: Head
Race: White
Age at first marriage: Erased
Household Members: Name Age
Carrie Clark 79
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Horseheads, Chemung, New
York; Roll: 1415; Page: 18A; Enumeration District: 50; Image: 749.0.