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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of the Tri-Counties
Civil War Era
James B. Wood Letters



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Transcribed & Submitted by Nancy Spencer
Formatted & Published by Joyce M. Tice
Joyce's Search Tip - December 2010
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Note from Joyce - James B. Wood was from Troy, PA. He was born about 1830. In the 1850 and 1860 and 1870 Troy census he was listed as a cabinet maker. In 1860 and 1870 he and Emily had children Wilson and Lucinda. Carrie was born between 1860 and 1870. I have checked the Holmes book on the Wood line of Springfield and he is not included.  I do not believe he is from my Sullivan Township Wood line. Nancy has information on the family that we anticipate her sending.

Wife was Emily Howe - Some information in the Burlingame-Wood Bible already on site.

Barix No 1      Elmira Sept 22 1864

My Dear Wife

 I take this oppertuneaty to write a few lines to you I am well and enjoying myself very well I cannot write much for there is so much nois you canot hear your self think I want to hear from you very much  our camp is like a sity of shantyes there is a grate many here now there are a going and coming all of the time it is very warm today  we was formed into a comteny (company) to day you must excuse this short letter
 Direct your letters J.B. Wood Elmira N.Y. Barix No 1 in care of Capt Withey
We have great times we git up in the Morning and dust our Blankets fold them up pack them in our Napsacks then role call then breckfust then loung around awhile then form in to a line March out and sit on our Napsacks a our or to whilst they called out those they wanted to send off then brak rankes and go to our tents a long narrow shanty with bunkes on each side one above the other Barnem Smit and I bunk in one our eating room is quite a small bilding About 1500 eat at once and it takes about three tables full I want you to write soon tell Will and Nin to be good  Children this from J.B. Wood that is to E.M. Wood I will write a few lines I stoped to go to diner there is a grate meny here from the town of Worth  tell Mother that there is a great meny here that nowes William Burlison  We have grate times here you better believe there is a long string of boyes drawn up in line in front of our tent I rote a not to Mother and I forgot tell her how to direct to me if you git a chance to let her see this soon I wish you would

  Dircet to    J.B. Wood
      Elmira N.Y.
      Barex No 1
      In care of Capt Withey

I commenced this yesterday
       Elmira    Sept. 30, 1864

My Dear Wife and Children Father Mother and Sister  I take this opertunety to write a few lines to you  to day is Friday  the time goest very fast git up and go to bckfust it is but a few minets before it dinner we just about get out and turn around and then go to supper I am well at presant and hope to hear soon that you are well I have not had a letter fron eny one yet but it has not ben time to get one frome you yet when it is time then loock out for I shall loock for a letter wit all the eyes that I have got you must have a letter rote all of the time and then if you have a chance you can send it to the post office there is not much to write you now that as well as I do there is lots of noise and once and a while a man robed and once and a while one ciled there was one trying to rob a man knight before last in the Privey he threw a blanket over the mans head and then went at his pockets the gard found it out by some noyes that was made and he went in and he run his bayonet wite threw him and ciled him dead on the spot  he had about $4000.00 in his Pockets that he has got in that way this was in the knight there was another man that was nocked down and his money taken away he recovered from the blow and got up and shot the Man dead with the money still in his hand and so it goes Em, I want you to keep that Paper that I gave you for the Money in a safe place whire it will not be lost and if you canot git along you can draw what you need on that I will senad as fast as I git my pay I shall git some pay when I leave hear I do not now when that will be it may be to day or to Morow but I canot tell eny thing about when we shall go take good care of the Children  Tell them to be good Children  I want you to git your likeness taken as kwick as you can that is the first chance you have and and send me one I will send mine as Kucek as I can git some more Pay that will be when we leave hear  good by for this time the leawtenant was just hear he ses we go to morrow Saturday at 3 O’clock we may to thew Troy I expect that we will but I do not expect to see you I would like to see you but we mus have Pashants and wate untill the time comes for me to return only one year that is not a grate while is it I want you to consider well before he votes for Mack you will hear from me soon   J.B.W
 Washington   Oct 7/64
My Dear Wife and friends
 I have but a short time to write as we expect to leave hear to day I am well and enjoy myself first rate I do not want you to feal as Scotts wife did because he enjoyed himself I want you to keep up good courage I was around the sitty a good while yesterday I have ben in the Capatel and in the Presadents house that is about a mile from the Capatel I canot describe it to you on paper but you wate untill I come back and then I will explane it to you as well as I can we expect to go to City Point from here there was a number of Rebs came in hear yesterday they say that Pearten ………… must fall ina day or to and Richmond will fall it elf in a little while whather we fite them or not they say that they cant stand a great while longer the President was ingaged and I could not see him it was stated there was two goveners from the south to ------- for Peace how it is I do not now but I do now that they was there from some_____.  I am willing to fite for one year to Pay for what I have sean the citty is an old loocking place the wther is very pleasant we got here Wensday knight we lay in Blatemore from day light untill 3 Oclock

      Washington DC  Oct 11/64
Dear Wife and Children and friends all I am well and feel tip top.  Em how do you do this plesant morning it is very plesant hear this morning.  I would like to har from you and the children father mother and Sarah very much but I must wate I have not had eny letters yet from eny one but I shall expect one after you git this my Company is out on drill this morning but Pa Boyes are excused on the account of the Pa. State Electin we vote hear to day if you hear eny one say that the soldiers will haft to vote as there officers ses you can tell them that it is not so for my Oficers are all Lincon men and they say that hear men shall vote just as they are a mind to with out regard to who they vote fore and it is just so with other Companeys.  There is five or six camps hear that belongs to our Regement and there is some Mo. Men in them but there are but a few and they are low blackgard noisey set.  I am thankfull that I am what I am there was about a 100 rebs came heare last knight they was going father north the Capatal is clost by our camp it is but a few rods.
 There was about 100 Rebs came here last night.  They were going further North.  The Capatal is close by our camp it is but a few rods Em I wish that you was hear this Morning we would have a good time a going around we would go threw the Capatel how long do you suppose it would take to go all through the Building I think it would take about a weeke and then we would go to the Presadents House and then to the Patennt Ofice there it would take another weeke and soon around there is a Mac gathering in the corner clost by me and I cant write eny more now I will wate until after dinner and see if they will not coole down a little a half dozen Mac men will make more nois then 100 Lincon men can make Porably do the best they can it is so hear at least Em I will write some more now I have been to Diner and have ben and voted I do not now how long we shall stay here not long I presume I like the Army very well as far as I have gone everything goes off very plesant hear I am not troubled for the want of an apetite I can eate anything that they poot before me except meat and once in a while we have meat that a dog would hardly eate  I am third Corporal I did not now that I was to be one untill my name was called some of the Boyes do not like it because they was not appointed but I did not ask for eny thing you would smile I think if you should happen to peap in to our wigwam at knight after we bunk down for knight you would see the floore compleately covered with blankets we have religious meatings card plaing and dancing and jumping at the same time we have Prayer meeting every knight in some of the camps quite a good meny have gone forward for prayers we have religious papers feteh hear and gave to us I am all write only when I sit down to write Home then I want to be there you now that home is the place for me and it is prety hard to brake off how does the baby get along is Niney and Willey good Children and do they mind you tell them that they must mind you for Pa tell them to be good children I will commence agane I had to brake off and go and drill last Saturday and Sunday was very cold days Monday morning there was quite a frost how was it with you those rebs say that they do not think that the rebs mean to fight eny more than they can help all they want is to hold out untill after electin and if it does not go in their favour the leaders will try to ______out that is they will try and git away they say that there whole regament wold leave but thy are afraid that our colord troops that is in there front will cill them one sedd that if he could goit a letter to them and tell them how well they was used in our lines and how well our troops fared they all leave but he canot git a letter to them they was very much pleased to think that they have got away they say that reb that are rebs are for Mack I hope that I have not got eny friends that will vote fore a men that the rebs are in favor of I want you to write as soon as you git this for I vant a letter very much I am afrad if I dont git a letter soon that I shall git Home sick if you will write as often as I do that is all that I ask fore
       Good by for this time
 Direct to      J.B.Wood E.M. Wood
 James B. Wood   Co B 189th NY vol Washington DC
    In care of Capt Withey)

 Washington DC   Oct 20/64
My Dear Wife
 I received your very welcome letter yesterday and I was to hear from you agane and to hear that you was well your letter found me on duty on gard duty I was Corpra of the gard comencing yesterday at nine oclock and was on untill this morning at nine oclock  I am third Corpral there is one Corprel detailed from each Company with 4 men to stand gard 24 hours and they ar divided into 3 reliefs 12 men each the first relief gos on is on two hoars then the second gones on and is on 2 hours then the third relief gos on and is on two hours then the first one gone and soon 24 hours two hours on and 4 off  I was on the third relief all I have to do is march my relief around to there poests and march the second in to the gard head quarters and I haft to stay there with the rest so as to be reddy to take my men wen their turne comes  I shall not half to go in untill all the Corp that are in my Co have ben on and come around to me agane and there is 8 of them I think that I hahve explaned it enough if not you tell me  we are under Marching orders now and may go this after noon but I cant tell but we shall go soon that is surtain whire I canot tell I will so that you will now  Direct your letter as before untille farthers orders they will come to me let me be where I will keep up good courage and do the best you can that is all that I ask and I will do the same Em I cannot write much today for my mind is not in a very good condition to wirte all the is about it is I am well and want to keep so and when I git back I will explane some things to tht I do not want to write and could not if I wanted to and when I come to explane to you you will agree with me for we never did disagree I can lock back upon our life with a grate deal of plashour and thanfull ness upon our life since we have been together I sit hear upon my napsack my back aganest a post with my portefolio in one hand and pening theas few lines with the other I canot help but think how short a time we have ben together and then to loock a head and how long one year will be althow the dayes pass rapedely by so fast that I can hardley keep track of them  I want ot now how to Direct to Scott I want to write to him there has been several stores shut up in the citty this weeke on the account of sending Contraband goods to the south and guards placed at the doores I want you to git photograph taken and send on to me I will send you mine as soon as I can tell Father and Mother they are not absent from thougs tell them I remember them all we have a lively set of Boyes I canot git Levi Barnum is all rite and so is Norman Smith write often have you got a list of the names of ar company I them to Mother she will let you have one the first chance she has bood by.

J.B. Wood
E.M. Wood

Sunday October 23/64

My Dear Wife

And friends at home  I received your letter yesterday I was drawn up in line with napsack and everything on redy for a start to Citty point whire our destination will be from there I do not now we stoped long enough to git our letters and read them it does me a grate deal of good to recive letters from you I am well and I hope that I shall remain so I want you to enjoy your self the best that you can I now that you are lonesom but keep up good courage, for I think I shall come home agane Em it is about 9 Oclock in the morning I have ben on the Boat ever since 3 Oclock yesterday it will take untill tomorrow to git there you wanted to now what I had to do I explaned that in my last letter I think that you got it yesterday I hope you did for I shall write so you can git my letters Saturdays yes Em it would be nice to have a dish of Bread and milk I would like have a dish now it now it would be good.  I shall git my likness as quick as I can I have got out of money now when I git my pay I will git my likeness taken and send it to you I would like to have yours with ne now the Boat rockes so that I can not hardley rite have you got all of the things that I have sent you I sent one package of little boocks and papers the Citty ____ gave me he gave them to me to send home I have one package with me yet I am sorry for Ed Scoot or anyone else that is Drafted but there is one thing I am out of the Draft.
 We have past threw the Chestpeak Bay and a few moments a go we past Fortress munroo and now we ar going up the James river.  I have seen more since I left you than I ever expected to we shall soon be hearing of the Canon in Grants Army I have ben out of site of land and the river hear is 25 or 30 miles a crost and war are about in the midle  That nice piece of butter that you spoke of would be nice and a grate meny other things that I now you would be glad to send me if you could I would lik to have some strong vinigar there was a Boat load of rebs just past us bound for Washington

Octtober 25  Emily we have arived at Citty Point Monday morning we marched back a little wase and pitched our tents they ar cloth it is now 8 Oclock and I have had no breckfust yet but I expect it soon I can loock out my tent on to James River and see the shiping it loocks like a lot of dry pines I see steamers moving up and dow the river there has one just past I can hear the Rebs canon we lay clost by the Rale road that runs from here to Paerts Burg (Petersburg??) Grant was hear yesterday when we got here some of the boyes saw him you will hear in a few days of a grate fight if the rebs will stand it is a perfect swamp of tents al of the way to the front  Em you must excuse all mistakes you would I now if you could see the conveanance that I have to write it has ben hard worke for me to write since I left Washingnton  I hope that you can read my letters if you cannot read them kep them untill I come Home and I will try to siper them out for you I want to hear from you as often as I can I hate to have the male come and not have my name called
Good by for this time’
  J.B. Wood
  E.M. Wood

 Camp 3 Miles from City Point  Oct 31/63
My Dear Wife  I expect to git a letter from you to knight the male will be in at 8 Oclock but I canot wait untill it come and so will pen a few to you for fear that something will happen that I canot write so that you will not git it from me or at least from Saturday for if you want to hear from me as bad as I do from you you will feel very much disappointed for if I do not git a letter from you I will feel disappointed and that very much to for to knight is the night to git one from you if you sent it to the ofice Saturday Em I am whire I can hear the canon roar and last Thirsday knight I was on duty and Grant was fighting all night there was a continual rore all the time threw the knight it raned all knight Friday night I was on duty at the Lance Place and about 11 Oclock there was 950 Rebs came in, they war taken priseners and sent to Citty Point we are now under marching orders, where we shall go I do not now but some whire that is _______ there is Crest workes all around us they reach about 15 miles long they reach from one river to the other Well Em the male has come and no letter for me if there is one on the road it will be several dayes before I get it that is if we move to morrow as it is reported this (writing) paper I picked up at the Quarter masters tent and I have some more of it and I have got other paper to I had to stop and attend to role Call O Em I like to forgot I am well and harty as well as I have been in a great while all that I have to do is to eat and grow fat and that I am doing as fast as I can Barnam and Smith are well.  Some of the boies are sick they make them selves so by eating everything that they can git tell the children that Pa wants to see them and they must be good until I come good nite from

   J.B. Wood
   E.M. Wood

 Camp of the 189 Regt NY v    November 6 1864
My Dear Wife
Today is Sunday I spend a few moments writeing to you for I now that you are ancous to now how and whear I am at this time for I presume that you ar thinking of me this moment it is about 2 in the af ter noon and this hour findes me well and in the extreme front as far as we can go until we drive the rebs back a little they unite and drive us a little last knight but they failed they attacked fort Waren thinking to find our men asleep but they were disappointed they found the boyes in the Fort up and drest and they were glad to retreat with quite a loss how grate I do not now the fight was about 3 miles from me I could hear it very plain it comencd just after I had gone to bed the boyes that was up saw the shells burst in the air we are rather south of Richman on the extream left of the Armey I have been to the last lines of Crest Works the Rebs are about half mile from there just threw a narrow piece of woods I saw John Rundle John Lyon a boy by the name of Ayres and Rosal Bunbars boy Scott was hear and Made me a viset yesterday and toock diner with me he stayed with me 2 or 3 hours we had a big diner it consisted of fride porke potatoes mackeral a cup of Bean soup some soft Bread and hard tack he loocked well and hearty I was glad to see him it seamed like home he is about a Mile and a half from hear he saw George a short time ago I shall go and see him as often as I can we have got a log shanty 7 feet one way and 10 feet the other with a Factory cloth for a roof and there is five that bunks in it our front room is a large one it is about 4 by 7 my bunk mates are Levi Burnum  C.N. Smith  N.P. Colerick and James Bentey are very plesant lot of Boyes they are to, we read two or three chapters in the Testement every night before going to bead  I have read every time yet you would be please I think if you should see me coocking some of my rashones I take my poark and poot it in to a plate and then I split a stick and poot it on to the edg of the plate and hole it over the fire and let it fry we think it very nice My food to day has been Mackerel and port for breckfust Cod fish potatoes and onions for diner and hard tack supper I have not had but we shuld have coffe I think Emily how meney letters have you sent me I would like to now if I git them all I have not recived but two yet from you I got a letter from Nathan this morning they are well he would like to be hear with me but one is enough

Nov 7  Monday morning it is raining hear this morning Smith and Colerick has gone to the woods to get something for a seat Levi is cutting out a hole fore a fire place We made our shanties our self we have quite a citty of log shanties it is no wonder that factory cloth is so high for there is bildings hear as big as yor Fathers house all made of Cloth and there is a grate meny of them all of the small Armey tents and bildings in the Armey are made of Cloth just immagin how Troy (Pa.) vilage the whole of it would loock made of Factory Cloth and then you can forme a idear how an Armey Head quarters loocks Em I do beleave that Levi means to cill me fore he is a chopping write clost by my side and keeps throwing chips into my face and on to my paper and I haft to keep brushing them off there Smith has comenced now and I canot stand both of them there the Drum beats for guard mount it is raneing hard and I am glad that I have not got to go out on guard to ay my turn will come soon I think I have wrote enough trash fore this time don’t you Em I want you to writ soon as you can good by Em this is from your husband in the Armey

J.B. Wood
E.M. Wood

 Camp Before Peaters Burg Nov 14 1864
My Dear Wife
 I received your letter dated October 30 it was maled Nov 9 I recived it the 12 and I was glad to hear from you once more I had allmost given up the idear of ever hearing from you agane but still I cept up good courage and on the eavening of the 12 when the wisel blew for to fall in for maile I told the Boyes that I would go this time and if I did not git one I would give and wate untille I went Home I went out trembling with fear that I would not git one I lisened to hear the different names called and there was one called that sounded very much as mine when I was at home and I answered to it and out came a letter and I grabed it as eager as a child would an apple and started for my tent on a dog trot and tore it open and shure enough it was from you and a write good long welcome one it was to it does me so much good to git letters from Home and good long ones to I can realise now how solders feel when they do not hear from home tell Father and Mother How that they must write the boys just as often as they can it makes no difference whether they can write or not a soldier canot always write when they want to I have found that out we haft to write a few lines at a time I comenced this last knight I wrote a few lines and then had to fall in for Battalion drill and dress purade when I came in our supper was ready after supper I could not write on the account of the calles that we have in the evening the boyes seam to like to com in to our shanty and sit and chat with ous and we like to have them come we do not allow any profane language in our shanty I have got to quit for drill 10 Oclock in the morning I have got back from drill and have had my dinner I mention about writeing som last night well I did I got up this Morning at five as usual time when at home and bilt a fire in the Fire place and it soon began to burn so that I could see to write and so I wrote untill role call that is at about 6 Oclock at haf past six evry morning except Sunday we go out and drill until 7 then Breckfust at 9 guard mount I have nothing to do with that unless I am on guard at 10 drill again untill 11, 12 Oclock comes diner I had for dinner codfish potatoes fried onions and some hard tack soaked in coffee.  Mr Smith coocked the onions and they war good to we have to drill agane at 2 and then at 4:45 we have Battalion drill and Dress perade we git threw at sundown then comes supper then rolle call then letters then lights out and we have to blow them out that is about 9 Oclock go to bead when we get redy some times it is early and some times it is Late we haft to git up in time fore role call I can hear the canon roar now whilst I am writing the firing to a forte called Fort Hell that is near Peaters Burg they pitching thear very often a knite or two ago they fought all knight the Rebs pitch onto them and they haft to retreat with loss and heavey to Scott was here Sunday to see me we had a good time to we went and saw Georg he is close by our Regt I can go see him in five minets eny time.  I shall go over to knight and see him  he was to have his trial yesterday  I was over and mad Scott a visit yesterday and toock dinner with him  I am glad that we are so near to gether but how long we shall remane so I cannot tell Scott is well and all write the wethere is very nice hear we have quite coole nights I must kuit and fix for drill when I come in I will write some more  Wenesday 16 9 Oclock Morning this is the day I have been writeing this I have just got threw with my morning chores I will tell you what they are I have the care of 5 tents and there is about 25 men in theas tents and I haft to see that each tent is sweped and ther blankets are shooked and ared and folded up and nicly packed at the head of thear bunks and see that the streat is sweaped in front of theas 5 tents clean every morning our tent I think lookes very neat I now it has the repertion of being the plesnt tent of the streat I generally take charge of keeping our tent in order our Regement Cares the very best of a name I hear it spoken of very often the Capt of the boat that toock us from Washington to Citty Point gave us grate prase he told our Boyes that was not in the habit of having eny thing to say to the soldiers when they were transporting them back and forth but he sed that our boyes came on to his Boat and he wached them awhile as he had others and so he thought he try them so he opened the doeres of roomes that he never alowed enyone in but oficers of the Boat he said that our Boyes would pass by and just halt a moment and loock in and then pass on without eny questiones he sad they war the best behaved lot of men that he ever saw and will give them a recemend to there General that will tell in thare favour and the recemend had folowed us so far I kuite often hear it spoke that the 189 is the Best lot of Boyes that has come in to the Armey tak the Regement to gether.  I was at a Prayer meeting last Eavening it was quite a good meet our Meeting House was quite a large one the Moon and stares war our candles they did not lite up the Moon untill quite late.  I am wel all of the time so far but there is quite a good meny that are complaneing in our company some that do it to keep from duty  the Mumps and Measels are in our company and has ben for som time last knight there was Canon fireing all knight and I can hear it now all of the time  it is in the direction of Peaters Burg from hear I have just ben over to see George he had had another 2 dayes trial but they could not make nothing aganst he has for bid ther trying atall now and they say that they canot or have no write to how they will make it I do not no you spoke of feeling lonesom that you ought to go home when I first came in the Armey I felt as thought I outto go home but I would soon think that I was whire I could to Home just when I wanted to but time is waving of very fast hear with me the time passes faster with us in the Armey than it does with our friends at home and I am glad that it goes fast with me as it does  I wished it did with you how does the time pass with you does it drag or does it pass of rapedly it does with me I get up in the morning and do not hardley have time to do one thing before it is knight  I can hardley keep track of the day of the Month or Weeke eather  Yes Em mush and milk would be good if I could be there to eat it with you then I could enjoy it but not without Em I think of you often when I sit down with my plate on my nees and my cup of coffee on the ground by my side but sill we pass of our meales vey plesant for hear we ar just as we ar pass our meales laughing and jokeing one and other for using our fingers much we use our knife forke and finger just witch comes handiest  I did not git that letter from Judson I did not now ther was one there fore me you always looked for me Saturday knights when I was there I generly came but now you loock and I do not come that is the way it goes  I may clost my letter it is time fore Male you must forgive me for not writing longer letters I have had six different spelles at writing this letter I have got one to write to Mother that will take me about a weeke I think write as often as you can they wount come amis and good long ones to
From your Afectinate Husband  J.B.Wood   E.M. Wood

Camp near Waren Station Before Peaters Burg  Nov 22/64
 Well Em I am well today how are you and the rest of the folkes I shall not write a very long letter this time you wont scold me will you this time I think I you say if I should scold you now it would be the first time and I do not want to comence now, because I have not got a grate _______ letter and there is another request that I want to make and that is do not laugh at my foolishness fore you now that is about all that I amount to at the best and I have not improved much since I came in to the Armey Em I would liked to had just a little bit of those chickens that you spoke of that Lucinda was cooking I thought amoment and I could almost see you you do not want me to feel bad if I do not git letters often from you I now that you send letters as often as you can I do not know how often you git letters from me but I now that I have wrote a good meny you now how you would feel if you did not git any letters from me in two or three weekes you would think that I mint write oftener  Em I will not complane you explaned it all in your other letter I did not now but that you wrote and they had been mailed but when they do come I have a good time reading them  I am thankfull that I can get once and a while a letter from you Em  it has rained hear all of the time stedy since last Friday knight and it raned hard to it stoped this morning Tuesday there was a large flock of wile gease went over our camp this morning they was going towards the north the north hear is in the west to me there is (RR) cares runes bye ar camp the road has ben mud since we have been here it does not take them a grate while to mak a raleroad hear this road is laid write on top of the ground up and down the hilles with out diging much it loockes cind od to see the cares (RR) run up and down the hilles it is not hilley in this country but the g round is rooling in the cares (RR) runes up and down as the ground is except when there is quite a sharp pitch there they off the top a little as I sed before the wether is very plesant hear as a geneal thing some knights it freases quite heard the knights generaley are very cold but when we have a long raney spell then we have a very cold knights  George Meeker owed me in the first place $3.00 he pade me $1.00 when I went to inlist and he mended those stove covers and he fixed that rod that we got ashes out of the stove wit I do not now how much he charges for it  cant be much I want you to dun Dan Newels wife, for that is $1.90 cts

 November 24 I belave Thankes giving day

 Em I am a lone to day I was on Guard yesterday and untill to day at nine Oclock I halft to be up 24 hours when I am Corpral of the guard the Boeys has gone to head quarters to meeting and that leaves me alone if I had not been on guard I would had to went with them but I could not hardley aforde to go without my brectfust I did not have my brectfust untille I was relived then I went to my tent and got my brectfust I will tel you what I had it was fride poark and fride oniones Coffey and Bread and Shugar I got threw with my meal it was about 11 Oclock I expect a big Thankes giving Diner when I git it I will write what it is the Boyes are comeing back from Meeting fore I can hear pounding away at their Drumes I have got threw getting up and runing out when I hear a little Music that thing has plade out with me I hear enough of that for it is all around me Em you could not if you was hear see nothiing but preperation for war that is all that I can at any rate I can see to the rebs pickets our company is tramping by my doore now the Boyes will be in soom then I cannot write as well there they come, all out of patiance to think that they had to go out to Meeting and make such a perade about nothing and I think so to fore it was fer nothing but a show and I think we show our selves enough with out trying to show how little we now  Levi Barnum is areading a Brad ford reporter Mr. Smith stands hear warming his back we have a good ward fire and we generaly have that all of the time today is a very plesant day it seames like early fall in old Bradford it des not seam to me that it is winter up there I would like to now just what cind of wether you have got in some parts of York state they have foderd 2 weekes have had ____ how is it with you I want to now has Father had to fodder much tell me all the newes you can
 Sonday 11 Oclock  Em theare is quite a space betwean the dates of my writeing but I canot help it the Thankes giving Dinner that I spoke of turned out to be codfish and potates it did not look much like tirkey  Em that is the way we git disappointed hear in the Armey Saturday we do not have eny drilling to do every Saturday is given to ous to wash and clean up I went to the spring and washed my clothes our Thankes giving Dinner came at last it came for dinner yesterday as we had Tirkey cake and apples I had one wing two cooceyes one apple it was quite good.
J.B. Wood
E.M. Wood

  Monday Morning November 28 1864
Em I received your letter last eavening about half past seven and you had ought to seen what a diferance there was in My spirets it cheared me write up and gave me new life Em I can realise now how much good it does those in the Armey to get letters from home do not blame me or eny one else if you should miss of getting a letter once and a while you canot realise I do not think how thankful I am to hear that you and all of my friends are well your letter found me well I have not missed role call once since I left home that I can remember of since I left home unless I was on dutey I saw George the other day he seams to be well Mr. Smith and I went and saw Scott yesterday.  He is all write we had a good viset he was on camp guard but he was not walking his beat when we got there he comenced at  7 in the eavening and has to walk 2 hours then he is of 4 hours and so on for 24 hours he has got his wifes and _____ likeness I saw them he has not had them a grate while was there a letter in the office I can immagin how the wether is up there urs as a general thing is very plesant but ware loocking every day fore it to comence to rane when it do rane it makes a mess of it   Em I shall haft to stop writeing or else git another peace of paper perhapes I will
How are you Countey howe are you draft and how are those that are afrade to inlist and git the bounty is Ed eny better off or is his Wife eny better offe to have him drafted and git nothing then to enlist and git $6 or 700 Bounty I think that he had better went in for the bounty that Saturday that he went to see bout it you now Em well enough how I talked about the enlisting if you had went on and taked one halfe as discourageing as some do I to day proberly would be at home but I do not think I shold enjiy my self very well not as well as I do now fore I should live in fear of the Draft all of the time my comeing in to the Armey does not make out that I have eny better courage then eny one else fore I think that I am as weake in that point as eny one nead be but I am out of the draft you was the one that had the courage you new that my Country caled and I had to obay and you did not want and could not bare to see me draged from my home and Famely that I loved so well and for that resusn you gave me up and it was heard I now it was I could not bid you good by you now that buy hear I am in the Armey and I am thankfull fore it let the draft take care of its self I am not a frade of it I am sorry that Ed did not enlist I wish he was hear with me we would have good times to gether we do enjoy our selves first rate we all agree first rate, time pases fast with ous hear in the Armey I wish it pased as fast wit you it does not pas so fast the that I have plent of time to spare to think of my Family and Em I Dream of you in my Sleap I dremp once that I went Home and I found you at the wash tub washing you must write to the boyes for me for it takes all of my time that I have spare to wit to you and Mother I slipp one in once and a while edg wayes but it is quite sldome
 I am glad that _____ is for old Abe and Sarah has I hope has got a Wooley Brother as well as a Brotherin law it may be that they can save the Famely but I am afrade that ther is no help fore them, yes Em we must poot our trust in God and pray that write and justice will be don I mustop for Dinner  Em after dinner I had to go out on battalion drill and have just come in and I will try and finish answering your letter you want to now what I think of the war it is hear just as it is up there  we have Mack men hear but they are not as thick as the Mac men would like to have them there is once and a while a man deserts to the rebs and they are every one Mack men you calle them Democrats but they are not Democates the are Coppercrats there has ben with a few dayes quite a number taken and they are now within site of me a place called the yelow Hous station that is whire we got off the Cares (RR) when we came from Citty Point there is a yelow house there and it is General Warens Head quarters and it is call Warens Station and there Coppercrats as I call them are there wateing for there triel so you can see what I will hafto fite when I go into a fite it will be Mac and ____men combined these are the ones that is trying to distroy our government I may be a little Wooley but I am not afrade that that cind of men will ever turn against this government no they are not the cind I fore one had rather be caled a Woley head then a boobhead as fore the war I can hardley tell we are shut up hear in a place about the shape of a horse shoe and we cannot git much newes but I think that the ware is a bout on its last leg there is a grate meny desert and comes over to our lines every day there has a grate meney went by our camp since I have ben hear two went by this morning Em you must write and tell me what you want to now fore I have just about wrote out tell the Children that I do feel bad when think of them and I can hardley keep from sheding tears whilst writeing this tell them agane you must ciss them for me tell them to be good to the Baby  good by this from your loving Husband
  J.B. Wood
  E.M. Wood

 Camp of the 189 Regt NY Vols   Dec. 4, 1864
My Dear Wife
 I received your very welcomed letter dated Nove 27 and I hasten to answer it, to day is Sunday it being the first chance that I have had to write sine I recived it it found me well as useual which I hope I shall have the privelege of remaneing Em I canot speake fore all but as fore my self I have all that I want to eat I now that a good meny complane of there fare but you now that some are always complanening about something I see by your letter that yo have named the Baby that is all write the wether is very fine heare.  To day is as plesant as any one could ask fore you git a Troy Times and send me once and a while if you can git them do not poot your self out of the way I wrote Mother for you and her to git up a box and sent to me I do not now as it will be very convenant for yo to so do you are so far apart if you can do so do it if you canot you your Mather Father and Sarah git up a box and send it to Scott George and me I think that they would be very much please with one direct it to me and I will deliver  it to them that is if you send one if you send one marke the things that is fore each one the last letter that I wrote you I wrote on a strip about a box and for got to send it a box shold be Directed the same as a letter and sent by Express Adames Express you will hafft to pay the charges there do not git a large box nore poot eny things in that will mold soft cake pies and Bread will mold ginger snaps would be first rate hear if you could send me a little Maple shugar it would be first rate I received your likeness my tent mates had to see it they sed they wanted to see my Wife we had a good little time over it to a likeness frome the soldiers prise above everything elce you could not sent me eny thing I do not cire what that could take the place of that likeness I opened your letter and there you stood write before me you can immagin better then I can penn it the feelings that that countance gave me when I first saw it Levi and I hav ben over to make Scott a visat to day we toock dinner with him I let him see your letter and likeness and he was glad to see it we have good time visiting back and forward and we enjoy it to you better beleave he is agoing to write to day or to Morow to Sarah or Mother they will git it about the time you git this he is well and he ses that I am gitting fat as can be I think you would so to if you should see me I think that is a good thing for me that I came in the Armey I am as happy as a Babe  ___ wve made a little improvements in our shanty yesterday whare nothing elce to do but poot on ares our Regt is doing that now I have not seen George since I wrote last Levi has gone to draw my shugar and coffey we have enough to eat hear but it is not as much of a veriaty as we git at home what did that men say the reason was that he did not send the money fore those papers before Levi sends his best respects to you and says that he will do the best that he can towardes keeping me strate and return me safe to you again he is writeing to his wife  I got a letter from Mother the same time that I got yours she sent me 80 cts and it came good to.  Levis Wife send him 25 cts amost every time she writes tell your folkes that I took so much of there love that they sent to Scott and me that there was not harley a taste for him I was so greedy that I could not divide it very eaven I send my best respects to them tell Sake that she will have a letter coming forth with tell the Children that I will write to them soon they must be good Children and help take care of the Baby Em I smoke as usual and that Levi think is about all that we can do to keep us in tobacco and I think so to unless we get some pay before a grate while you must be of good chear from you ever fathefull Husband

Emily Wood

Camp of the 189 Regt Monday Dec 5/64
My Dear Wife
I hasten to pen a fe lines to you I wrote you a letter yesterday and in that I spoke about your sending me a Box  I do not want you to send me eny thing of that cind untill you hear from me agane fore we are under Marching orders and probuley we shall leave hear we may leave to knight or in the morning and it may be that we shall not leave at all but we have orders to have everything packed except our tests and I have got everything of mine packed reddy when they call I want you to write as usual and I will do the same if we do not move I will send another soon r I find out I have sent a boock to you this day I got it when I stept off from the Boat at Citty Point when we first came there a man stept up to me and handed the boock to me and sead that some of had left it I toock it and have carid it ever since but I have not had time to read it I hardley know what the title is I did nt want to throw it a way and I do not want to carrey eny mor heft then I can help if you get it let me know and what you think of it Em you must n not worey about me I should not wrote about the move if it had not ben for the Box fore I do not beleave In woring my friends so you see you would not of never nown eny thing about the move untill it was over that is the way I do these boocks give to the children the nex one that I git and send I want you to give to George tell Sarah that she will haft to wate for her letter  Levi and Smith is on Camp guard to day from your Soldier Boy that is in the Armey Good by Em
J.B. Wood
E.M. Wood

 Camp near Woren Station Dec 13 1864
My Dear Wife
I just recived you letter dated Dec 4 last knight I see by your letter that you have not recived eny letters of late the reason is they have ben detaned on the account of a move that the Armey was about to make you must have got two or three before this time I now that you are wored about me we have ben out on a big rade and was succesfull in every thing we tore up about 40 miles of Rale road and all the briges and all the Bildings on our way grist mills a corte house Cotton we had a big March and bad wether we had no fight to amount to eny thing and got back last knig very tired but I feel kuite well to day I did not shoot my gun.  We war out 7 Dayes we are incamped in three miles of our old camp I will write more as soon as I can I want you to write as often as you can I will explane things more next time if I have time to write much if not you will haf to wate untill I git back you must excuse this short letter if you new what I have ben threw you would, I now you would this from your dear Husband J. B. Wood to E.M. Wood
Em  the Raile Road that we tore up was the Welden road with of our hard work we had lots of fun we helped ourselves to what we wanted we kiled cattle hogs henes went into ther houses and helped our selves and then burnt there houses it loocked hard to me but it was done and every thing was destroyed, going and coming we marched 100 miles

 Camp in the Wuds  Dec 19 1864
My Dear Wife
I improve a moment in writing a few lines to you it being the first chance that I have had since the one I wrote you when we first got back from our rade I hope you have got it before this I am agoing to try in my poore way to decrib the rade to you in the first place I am well and the next is I hope that you are,
Tuesday Morning the 6 of Dec we broke camp and marched about 4 miles towards City Point and emcamped in the Woods fore the knight the next morning at day light we had to start with napsack and every thing on with 4 dayes rashions in our haver sacks we new not whire we war going but kept marching just about as fast as we could untill about sundown then we halted and got a tasty supper expecting to start in an hour to make ourselves coumphfourtable as we could untill orderd up we lay down very mudy in a corne field on the ground at knight we war routed up in a hurry and every thing on about a tired as we war when we lay down and at one sturted dark as it could be very well and the worst road that I ever saw mud ove shoes and the boyes throwing away there napsacks and every thing they had and at 6 Oclock we stoped fore Breckfust we got atee a few mouthfulls and started on and marched about as fast as we could the Blankets and every thing a flying we marched untill about 4 and then stoped and had some supper and rested untill sundown then we started untill 9 Oclock then we came on to the Weldon Rale road then the order came halt and war drawn up in line of battle those that did not understand it epeced that we war going in to a fight write away but the next order was stack Armes and then sling napsacs and then the next was tare up the rale road as fast as you can and be as still as you can we went at it and you better beleave that the rades and tiles flew we piled the ties up and then piled the rales on top and set them on fire we Burnt 2 depots and water tankes and every thing around and when we got it all nicely on fire it was 12 Oclock then the order was to bunk down fore the balunce of the knight and it was a bitter cold knight to  Levi Smith and I buncked down on the g round to gether (we stick to one another like Brothers) and it was so cold we did not sleap much if I now my self I think I do wall we got up in the morning and went to killing hogs and cattle and coocking and eating just about as fast as we could this rale road that we tore up is the Weldon raile roade near the line between Virginia and North Carolna well we ate and rested and riped and tore around there untill about 10 then we strated on agane just a tite as we could go untill knight then we halted afre the knight we marched all day on the linfe of the rale road and the Armey was ____ it up and buring it all of the way and about 10 miles beyond whire we went that knight our Company went out on Picket and it was a bitter cold knight it raned and frose as fast as it came down and it mad it very bad at day light our Capt came along and ses Corpral call in yoar men and pack up and be redy to fall in in threeminets and then we had to husel up and pety lively to and went to the camp and there they told us that we had dun all that we came to do and we war going back I will not tryi to describ our march back I now that we are gack and that is enough but we are not in our old camp we have moved three times since we got back and now we have got a pace in the woods not a tree cut brush and every thing thick as it can be and the General told us that this should be our permendant camping place untill we go into battle we may stay hear some time and we may not so we cant tell our duty is Picket duty our compnay was out last Saturday knight and Sunday we moved on to this _____  Em this peace of war (wire?) I got off of a tellegraph about 11 Ocloc at knight the 8 of Dec and I broke it off my self about the time of knite and I want you if yo git this to keep it safe untill I git back fore I want to make a ring to keep kees on this peace of war will poot me in mind of a good meny things that was dun on that rade that I cant write and do not want to you wanted to now what our Generals name is we ar in the first Division second Brigade and 5th core General Gregery is our Brigadear General I do not now whire Scott is his regement went with us on the rade but I did not see him when we was on the was back we pased his regement but I did not see him I do not now wether they went back in their old camp or not.  Em if you send a box I want you to start it as soon as you can for it takes some time fore on to come and I want you to send  a few pounds of good Butter send me a cople of chickingh bakes and bake it as dry as you can and not poot in eny stuffin for it will make it mole if it is not to much t rouble I would like some sausage I could name a grate meny things that I want but I will stop for fear tht it may discouage you and you will not send me eny thing you will send me a box wont you Em and that write away and send Mrs Smith word in time for se wants to poot something in about the sise of an oyter can it will not take up much room Direct it just the same as you do your letters and it will come threw have Beebe marke it if you can if not git it marked the best way that you can and send it by Adames express I ges that I have beged enough for this time don’t you  this is from your soldier Boy that is ever with you in thought good by for this times James B. Wood to his dear Wife E.M. Wood

 Camp in the Woods Near Warens Station  Dec 25 1864
(as I’m typing this  ‘White Christmas’ started playing on my randomized playlist on the computer.  Nancy Spencer, g-g-g-granddaughter of J.B. Wood  21 May 2006)

My Dear Wife
I did not have time to finish my first shieat although I rote it ____ but I left it to write a little more in another sheat but it has ben a very bisy time hear with us fore we have not had eny thing to live in except our little tent staked down on the ground and we had to lay there on the g round it makes no diferance how hard it stormes we hafto stand it and we have ben very bisy this last weeke in trying to git a place to shelter us from the storme when I comenced the first sheat I had a few moments to spare and thought that I mint have time to finish it but I have now had a moment to spare untill now.
Em I recived yor very cind letter of the 18 and I glad to git it I got it this morning it found me well and I am thankfull that I say write I have not ben of the sick report since I left home and I do not think that there is another in the Company but what has I have ben able to do my share of the duty that we haft to do and I am thankfull that I can say so when I write you that I am well want you shold feel that I am telling you the truth fore I think that I have enjoyed as good helth since I have ben in the armey as I ever did in the same time at home you spoke about sending me some sockes I do not want eny but I do want a pare of mittenes or gloves I want them very bad I have not had eny since I have ben hear and my handes git quite cold some time you can send them by male if you can git eny to send  Em I wish that you send me a good pare of Wollin gloves write away I nead them and I do not nead eny sockes for I have enough of them I one pare on m feet those coten ones that I toock from home and a new pare of wooling ones in my nap sack I am warm enough except my hands Em I do nead a little money once and a while that is so bit I did not want to ask you to send me eny but if you have a you may send me a little once and a while this letter tuke postage stamp that I have I shall hafto ask you to send me some if you can I have paper enough but no stamps we have good war news now hear every thing is warking well you ought to heard the Camp ring the other knight over alittle good newes that they heard from General Thomas you better beleave we mad the woods ring for a short time you spoke about voting hear in the Armey they voted just as they was a mind to and there was no questions asked who they was agoing to vote fore they went to the poles and voted and there was nothing said to them that is all there is a bout it but the copper heads sa what they are a mind to it will not make it no better for them  Em I want you to send me a box of things to eat  Mr. Smith has got a box from home and another one of my Bunk mates got one at the Same time and I would like on to it it would be so nice to have it and to now that you fixed it your self I want you to send me some smokeing tobaco and a little Maple shugar some Baries fride Cake if you can make me some out of corn meal you now how to make them don’t you I want you to send me a box and send what you have a mind to in it you must have the Box mad strong  Em it will cost something to send me a Box but it is all in a life time I am hear a good wase frome home you send me a good nice box this time and I will not ask yo to go to the troubl agane if I could found a nice Box of provisns when I got back from that rade it would done me a grate deal of good fore we had ben on there ___ _____ 4 hard tack a day and that and that is what we are allowed for one meal if the box that I want ____  ____to send me had come write along it would got hear about the time that we got back it would ben nice tell Sarah that if she wants to send George eny ting to poot it in the Box that is if yo conclude to send me one and marke Georges name on it and I will try and git it to him our Company is going out on picket tonorrow we shall be out 24 hours then I am going to see if I can find him I have not had time to git his letter to him yet I am so far from him that I canot git letters to him as I could if I was in our old Camp I cant git away very well now we have a good deal to do for we ar trying to fix up our camp for winter I am in hopes that will sty long enough to pay us for fixing it up but I canot tell things are unsertain hear you will hafto go and thanks Mrs Smith for me fore I have had a nice little taste out of the Box that she sent Smit I will tell you what was in it  there was _____ Maple shugar fride cakes one Chicken an few green apples an oyester can of Honey and some other things that I have for got  if you want money you will hafto go to the Bank and git it for I shall not git eny pay befor febuary and you will want som before that tiem Mr Smith is writeing to his wife and he wants his wife to poot something in for him so if you conclude to send me a box I want you t send her word so that she can poot it it it is something that he has sent for I do not now what it is we have changed tent mates since the rade there is bu 4 now Smith Barnum and I stick together like Brothers and the other ones name Broocks Elder Duboys is his uncle he is a very fine young man he is Member of the M.E. Chirch he has ben ytrying to git in with us all of the time there is a good meny that has tride to git in with us we ar not troubled to git tent mates we do not haft to go around and ask if we cant go in them but they come to us and ask if they cant tent with us I do not now why it is but we can have a choice of the Co for out tent mates  Em I cant write much this time I will hafto close by Promising to write some more ____  ____ soon my I think that I have got all of the letters that you have send me I have recived 8 at eny rate and I wish it had ben twise as meny that’s asking to much I think that I hear you say  Em has the 5 Corps ben up north tareing up the rail roads I should think the nad fore the male does not come eny more it has not for a few dayes I have not recived but one letter in some time

January 1, 1865

I recived your cind letter of the 22 Dec thirsday and am thankful that you and the famely and our folkes keep as well as they do I ought to answered your letter before but I had to go out on picket that night and got back Friday night and could not write to day is the first chance that I have had to write but I will be as prompt as I posabley can I canot write when I wanto I am well and hearty Levi thinkes that you would heardley no me now I am not kuite as pale as when workeing in the shop and an other think I have not shaved since I left Home and I may not until I git Home agane at least I think I shunt last night was quite a cold night and it is cold to day yesterday it snowed fore the first time since I have ben hear the snow fell a bout half an ench deep thear was more than that in all but it melted about as fast as it come it seamed very much like old Bradford we have had very good wether hear  Em I stood that march first rate better than I should thought that I could but we do not now what we can stand unitll we have the trial it was a harde march and it is no use to deni it I got very much fateuged but I do not think that it don me eny hirt after I got rested I toock about a weeke to git rested and then if we had to do much we would tire write out these was men that was stronger loocking then I am and a good deal larger that fell out the first day and came back but when they came to camp they was first on twenty dayes extry dutey that is what they got fore gitting behind Em we are comportably now we have a new shanty made of split logs and we have a floor in it made of logs split out of log into boards as well as we cold it does very well for this Countrys convenunce we have a nice little fire place made of poles and mud and a nice hearth and that is made of mud but fore two weekes or so we had nothing but our shelter tents fasend to the ground with wooden peg and we had to sleap thear on the ground rane or shine it was rather tuff that is so I have often thought and we have talked it over in our tent together that it was a good thing our Wifes could not see us on our marck we had tolay down on the ground some times with nothing but our blankets over ous Em I have realised a little something of a soldiers life  Em it do loock rather hard to see property distroyed but I could not help it was our orders and we had to do it it did not heart my feeling much the people Em they was none hardldy I saw a few white women but the houses was most of them desolate there was some darkes left I ask them where there masters was they would say gone to Peaters Burg to shot Em let them draft if they wanto uncle sam has taken the drafts off from my feet and I do not think that I shall nead eny more fore one year at least  Em I wrote a letter a shorte time ago fore you to send me a Box I hope you have got it befor this time fore I do want a box from you  others git them and why cant I if you do not git that letter I want you to send me a good box and write away we shall probely stay hear all winter I want you to be very carefull of your health do nothing that will make you sick I do not a Box or eny thing elce if it should be the cause of making you sick take care of your health  I do not now whire Scott is I have ot had time to go and loock him up yet last Sunday was not very cold day hear  Em I wish you a happy new year and may it be a happy one to your and we are trying to make so hear I was thinking this morning how I would like to be with you and have a nice dinner I want you to take a bake a lot of buck wheat cakes and sit down and eat them fore me and think how well I use to like them but I cant have them this winter hard tack is all the cakes that I git unless I by them and I have no money I got 40 cents from you and came good to I am glad that you thought of me my paper tells me to stop good Em I can say it now I am out of your site this from your soldier Boy   J.B. Wood

 January 2 1865

My dear Wife
I recived your cind and welcom letter of Dec 25 and it found me well, I got it Saturday night about 8 Oclock and I had a good time readeing it I read your letters two or three time over Em I now that you feal lonely and I presume that I was think of you at the time that you was writeing fore my thoughts are with you a grate deal some times I presume wen you are a sleep when I am on camp guard on out on Picket then is the time to think of Home and those that near dear to me there I sit or stand by the fire that we generalely have my men fast asleep except thoes that I have out on post there is the place Em fore a persons thoughts to wander Home if he has one and as I sit hear on my bunk leaning partley on one elbow pening the few wandering to you that if I could be with you one hour I tell you more then I can write in all day I ___ have that yet Em and I think that I can enjoye it to don’t you when I git to feeling sad and my Sperates runing rather low then is the time that I long for a letter and if I git one it revives one wirte up and make me feel like a new person my dutes hear ar not very hard as a comon Privet when I git back I can explane things to you I now that I shall take a grate deal of plashour in sitting with and explane things to you the newes hear in the Army is good there is no fighting going on around now Sherman saemes to be doing what is don now there was about a 1000 rebs came in to our lines the other night not a grate wase from hear they told our men that there was a whole brigade that would come as soon as they could git away to day is quite plesant day but rather cole it frose quite heard las night we cept a fire all knight mede our shanty warn and nice I canot write much more this time I want you to write often and I want you soon as you can send me 3 or 4 dollars for I want some yo will hafto go to the bank after it when I git my Pay I will sent it to yo  Em every letter that I write to you I shall say send me a Box and a good one to untill I hear thear is one on the road for me for I do want one that is all I have answered to letters this time I have no stamps this from your soldier Boy J. B. Wood  E. M. Wood I had to borow this stamp to send this letter I shall hafto stop writing I expect  this from your soldier boy  J.B. Wood   I had a good smoke

 January 18, 1865
My Dear Wife
I just recived your cind letter dated Janyary 10 and you better beleave that I recived it was a grate deal of thankfulness for I have ben wateing several dayes for one in hopes that there would be some stamps in it and they came and five dollars with them and it was all thankfullness recived I began to get very uneasy to think that I had no stamps so that I could write to you   last night or last evening I felt very bad to think that I could not write My thoughts were with you all of the tim althow it was a pleasnt eavening I must stop for Drill  I have got back from drill we was out one hour it is ten Oclock now and today is Wednsday  Levi and his book ____ has not volenterd to go and work at head quarters on the Christian Chappel or a place to hold meatings and Mr. Smith was detaled for Picket and went out last knight  will be in to knight about sundown so you see that leaves me alone and so I have the hole of this large Palace to my self and it is a Palace to what soldiers generaly have it is about the same feet as the old one it is six by tenn on the  in side we have a nice little fire Place and a warm fire in it at this time and a nice little hearth and it is all made of mude, there is now stone in the cuntry to make enything of we have a flore in our shanty to and a nice little shelf over the fire place on that shelf there is one Bible one Testement and two ______ one candle and there is ever greens hang over the top and at each end I will send you a leaf and a bary that growe on the tree so you can se how it loocks it is call hawhtorne I think, the Doore is in the end of the shanty  there is a shelf across the end above the doore and that shelf we keep haver sackes and smookeing Tobaco on the ende of the shelf I drove some nales and there we hang our cups under the shelf on each side of the doore we hang our canteens and cartrige boxes, our guns are on the side of the shanty aganst the logs and they are split and with the split side in the bunkes as on the end open to the doore the lore bunk is 20 inces up form the floore the uper bunk is 4 feet and a half above the floore Barnum and I keep the uper bunkes our fethers are pine leaves we have a little round loocking glass at the end of the mantel shelf towards the Bunkes and our pipes next in there place and a hutch next there is a grate meny little conveneces that is not worth while to explane and they are all in good order everybody oficers and all say we have the best gang of eny one in the company and you would say so if you could just peek in  I must stop and git dinner and have it reddy when the Boyes come in from work we have ben out on another small rade three companys went out our Co B was one of them we went to suport a Wagon train that was after lumber to bild head quarters we went about 5 miles and got in about 7 in the eavening and we had no trouble but it was fun we killed some hogs on the way we found our lumber in a house worth about two thousand dollars  we tore it all to peaces we toock all the floores the doores windowes fire places that is wood work around them all of the sealings one tore it to peaces generaley and 5 or 6 smaller ones around it they wer rather tuff loocking bildings when we left them we found quite a quanity of corn but the teame did not fetch eny back I fetched my haver sack full in to my quarters and we had a nice dish of huled corn and it was good to  Em I have wrote this letter and have not had a chance to say enything about my health I am all well and gittin almost to big for my clothes I gess yo would now me but it would be tite nipping the wagon train went out ___  ___ those days after we was out after the corn that was there and they met with truble they got there wagon loded and on there way back and was attack and came in on the double kick we got our dinner just reddy coffey made and meat coocked and just siting down to eat and the first thing we heard was Co B fall in line and straps double quick we had to up and run with out eating one mouthfull we had to leave every thing just as it was and the next thing was Capt Rice of Co C is cilled  The men that was out was ____ and run and left him on the ground yet alive and this Regt was called out to git the rebs if posible we started on the double quick every man about as mad as he could be they wanted git site of a reb and I am afrade they would have fired I do not think we would run with out having a gun as the others did that wen out in the morning when the boyes was runing by Capt Rice he ses boyes you ar not a going to leave me ar you but they went and left him on the ground for the rebs to come and finsh killing and plunder him the boyes that run do not belong in our Regt  it was a Duck Co from the 187 they lay close to us it makes my Blood fairly boyl to think of the courdace we found the Capptains Boddy after those Duck left him the rebs finished killing and striped him of every thing that he had on clear to the ___  we got the boddy and fetched that in but could not find the rebs  we got back betwean 7 and 8 in the eavening then we had to go to work and warm up our Dinner and eate it for supper we was so mad that we was not hungry eny I know that I wasnot the least bit hungry I was rather weary for I was up all knight the knight before on guard duty over at Head quarters to guard them I had three men with me we went there at knight and came back in the morning I was detaled last Monday to go with a squad of men and work on the roade I do not hafto work when I am out in this way unless I am a mind to all that I am required to do is to see that the men worke I have ben on picket once since I wrote you and expect that my name will be called to knight eather on picket or camp guard at the role call   the detales are made at the role call in the eavening  George has ben to see me twice since I wrote last he was hear yesterday he is loocking well he is relived once more and is with his company agane  he told me they had to pay him all his back pay he sed that was two years back pay that will help him  I have not seen Scott since the rade  I do not know where to find him  he mint be with  in half mile of hear and I not find him  Em I wish that I could drop this letter in your lap to knight and not hafto wate fore it to go by male fore it has ben so long since you hear from me that I now you are woring about me Em  I am hear seperated from you and my thoughts are with a good part of the time and there is not meny knights ____ over my head but there is a Preyer oferd up for you I do not for git Father and Mother sisters nor the Children and I hop that I am remembered in the same way for if any one neades the preyers of friends it is those that are in the Armey  we have very plesant wether  That peace of land that you spoke of I do not now what to say about I want to by eny land that dont now who ownes it now I have wrote two sheats ____ and have not wrote half that I want to but it will have to do this time  this from your loving Husband J.B. Wood
E.M. Wood
Em there is a grate meny things that I wanted to write but I have no time  I have to tell you that our Colnel was ded he died _____ he was at Citty Point  he was a very slender man
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933   histcent83@gmail.com
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 28 JUN 2006
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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