Mar. 30, 1880. Child of Henry Wilbur from the effect of a severe scald causing congestion of the brain and lungs. Scald was caused by the child about 1 year of age, pulling a pot of hot tea off the table and spilling it over its neck and body.
July 22, 1880. Mrs. Adelbert Beech, of cerebro-spinal meningitis, caused by over work soon after confinement. Patient had no comforts of life and no approach to proper care, was neglected from beginning to end by her attendant. She died in six days from beginning of the acute attack; aged about 30 years.
Nov. 3, 1880. Mrs. J. B. Wright of Pthisis, had been under the care of various other physicians for a long time, exhaustion was the immediate cause of death, aged about 70 years.
Feb. 20, 1881. Child of Michael Hurley of scarlet fever in malignant form. Child aged six years, died in three days from date of attach. Was delirious from the start. Girl aged 6 yrs.
Feb. 23, 1881. Child of Thomas Hurley, of endocarditis, probably caused by a serious fright caused by seeing a favorite horse severely hurt and bleeding profusely, patient at first under the care of Dr. Lewis, and given up; I saw the child four days from date of death but could do nothing to stay the progress of the disease. Aged 7 years. Boy.
Mar. 22, 1881. Child of Sam’l Withery, of cyanosis caused by non-closure of the foramen ovale, aged 3 months.
June 5, 1881. Mrs. Wallace Fanning of Pthisis caused by exposure and taking cold about a year previous to her death. Disease was hereditary. She had been under the care of several other physicians previous to my treating her. Immediate cause of death exhaustion. Aged about 35 years.
Mar. 27, 1882. J. B. Huntley of Typhoid fever, attended during the first week by Dr. Dave (?) who pronounced it "biliousness" and prognosed a speedy recovery; died at the end of 3rd week. Aged 45 years.
June 5, 1882. A. V. Trout of cerebral apoplexy, had had one precious shock; a man of powerful physique and an iron constitution. Aged 65 years.
July 23, 1882. Child of Geo. Rickert of cholera infantum which was epidemic in the vicinity. Abt. 3 yrs.
Nov. 25, 1882. Allie, child of Evart Williams of Diptheria following scarlet fever. Was first attended by Mrs. Fanning of Shunk. Aged 2 years.
Mar. 4, 1883. Child of Thomas Williams. Patient had had pneumonia and was rapidly recovering; the mother lay down upon the bed and dropped asleep and in waking found the child dead: not a struggle having disturbed her, the cause was probably heart failure as the child’s heart had previously given her some trouble.
April 28, 1883. Child of John Graham from exhaustion from the effort of severe convulsions caused by the irritation of worms, first attended by Dr. Davison who pronounced it brain fever and left 12 teaspoonfuls of medicine, and one to be given every fifteen minutes; said he would not come again unless sent for. I succeeded in evacuation a large quantity of worms and subduing the convulsions but the child died of exhaustion after about a week’s illness. Aged 3 years.
July 5, 1883. Mrs. J. M. Gruver of dilatation of the heart.
July 24, 1883. William Ryan Jr. of Typho-malarial fever, aged about 30.
October 25, 1883. Emma Campbell aged 10 years of malignant diphtheria.
October 29, 1883. Anna Campbell aged 13 years of malignant diphtheria.
Jan. 31, 1884. Mrs. Chas. Stockwell, aged 70 yrs. of congestion of the brain after an illness of 3 days.
May 15, 1885. E. W. Colwell of apoplexy, second attack, lived 20 min after second seizure, age about 60 yrs.
November 29th 1885. S. W. Wright of pneumonia. In the 71st year of his age. Duration of sickness 1 week.
March 5th 1886. Abram Barnum of heart disease induced by chronic diarrhea and malarial fever. Age about 55 years. Last illness lasted about 10 days. Died suddenly while sitting in his chair after walking across the room.
March 9th 1886. J. N. Fassett of chronic organic heart disease, enlargement and aortic regurgitation, had been feeble for a long time. Aged about 60 years.
Sept. 15, 1886. Babe of Della Smith Miles of bowel complaint and general inanition had always been a feeble child.
Sept. 24, 1886. Mrs. Iva Lindley of heart disease combined with puerperal peritonitis, two days after confinement. Age abut 37 yrs.
Oct. 22, 1886. Mrs. A. W. Maxwell of puerperal peritonitis one week after confinement. Age 30 yrs.
Nov. 2, 1886. Mrs. Mortimer Williams of exhaustion the result of an abdominal tumor of 12 yrs standing, about 37 yrs of age.
Nov. 7, 1886. Edward R. Calwell of apoplexy, first attack, breathed for 15 min after attack, had been poorly for 10 days with bilious attach. Age 28 yrs.
Nov. 26, 1886. Mrs. Maria Goddard of old age. Aged 87 yrs.
Dec. 5, 1886. Jimmie Lindley of diphtheria aged 4 yrs.
Apr. 19, 1887. Myra Bardwell of spasmodic cramp aged 16 months, died from exhaustion after seven coughing fits and strangling.
Nov. 14, 1887. John J. Rogers of acute traumatic peritonitis after an illness of 14 days age 27 yrs.
May 26, 1888. Mrs. Emeline Dubois of acute pneumonia after illness of 11 days. Aged 77 years.
July 1st 1888. Melvin Rice of acute endocarditis aged about 23 years. After an illness of 5 or 6 days. I saw him only twice before his death.
Aug. 28, 1888. Child of Lewis Moran of cholera infantum aged 8 months.
Sept. 7, 1888. Child of A. H. Wooster of cholera infantum aged 8 months.
Dec. 16, 1888. Miss Effie Lelark (?) of consumption after a long illness. Age 22 years.
May 13, 1889. Guy Moyer of shock and exhaustion after amputation of both legs below the knee for railroad accident. Age 18 yrs.
May 20, 1889. Phineas Brigham after an illness of about 2 years, from inflammatory disease of spinal cord. Age 73 years.
June 3rd 1889. Mrs. Aleck Hibbard of cerebral apoplexy after one weeks illness following the attack. Aged 65 yrs.
July 30, 1889. Margaret Tompkins of senile gangrene attacking right second toe, depression and blood poison following. Aged 69 yrs.
Oct. 7, 1889. Edel Nebber of typhoid fever age about 30 yrs. Fever was of severe type contracted at Liberty, Pa while attending his brother who had a mild attack. Died about beginning of 3rd week.
Sept. 25, 1889. Horace Webster of old age and chronic heart disease. Aged 75 yrs.
Dec. 31, 1889. Homer Griswold of acute pneumonia of left lung after an illness of 10 days. Aged about 20 yrs.
March 29, 1890. Mrs. M. Platt of cancer of the uterus after protracted illness. Aged 79 yrs.
Sept. 2, 1890. Lucius Mix of old age. Aged 81 yrs.
Dec. 31, 1890. Mrs. Della Andrus of exhaustion after protracted illness of about five months; inflammation of the uterus and appendages, general peritonitis and rheumatism being the marked characteristics of her disease.
June 10, 1891. Rosaltha Wheat, age 42 of inflammation of liver and chronic rheumatism after long illness.
June 29, 1891. Iva Blanchard age 48 of consumption after illness of several years.
Sept. 1st 1891. My Mother, Fanny L. Parsons of cancer of left side of the face at 7 P.M. after a very long and painful illness.
Oct. 1st 1891. Child of John Horton of cholera infantum during my absence for vacation was under care of Dr. Cleveland.
Feb. 1st 1892. Joseph Wilcox of feebleness incident to old age. Age 88 yrs.
May 9th 1892. Mrs. Chas Wright of cerebral apoplexy after illness of about 3 days. Case was progressive and hemorrhage continuous.
June 11th 1892. John Scudder of nervous exhaustion and inanition after about one month’s illness. Aged years.
Jan. 1 1893. Mrs. Wm Edwards of general peritonitis after sickness lasting one week. Age 60 yrs. peritonitis probably brought on by exposure to cold.
Jan. 3, 1893. A. D. Foss of exhaustion following and attack of typhilitis after one weeks illness. Age 74
Aug. 27, 1893. Infant daughter of Albert Aunable (?) aged 4 mos. of cholera infantum. I saw the child at night when it was in an unconconscious condition and it died early the next morning.
Dec. 11, 1893. Sarah Spaulding of pneumonia right lung after an illness lasting about ten days. Age 62 yrs.
Jan. 1st 1894. Paul Ronan age 2 yrs. of meningitis from fall from chair striking back of head and neck. Duration of illness 3 days.
Jan. 19, 1894. Mrs. C. G. Keeney of heart clot probably caused by intense attack of inflammatory rheumatism following attack of grippe in which temperature rose to 105 2/10º. Duration of illness one week, death very sudden after all symptoms had abated. Age 30 yrs.
April 10, 1894. Samuel Davis of pulmonary pthisis (phthisis) after an illness of about 3 years. Age about 41 yrs.
June 12, 1894. Mrs. Frank White of cancer of the uterus, age 41 yrs.
Aug. 14, 1894. J. C. Dewitt of nervous prostration the result of spinal disease. Age about 60 yrs.
Aug. 16, 1894. Sullivan Morse of congestive pneumonia from cold. Age 84 yrs. Sick 48 hours.
Aug. 16, 1894. Frank Fitzpatrick of stone cutters phthisis after illness of nearly a year. Age 40.
Aug. 19. J. B. Wright of apoplexy after illness of 4 days. Age 79 yrs.
Sept. 20, 1894. Peter Maley (?) of organic heart disease. Was dressed and waling about within an hour of his death. Age 76 yrs.
Oct. 1st 1894. Mary wife of Fred Williams of consumption after an illness of about 2 years. Age 36 yrs.
Nov. 3, 1894. J. W. Taylor of cellulitis the result of compound fracture of right ulna from fall of 30 feet. Lived one week. Age 58 yrs.
Nov. 20, 1894. Walter Leavitt of cancer of the rectum. Age 69.
Dec. 6, 1894. Miss Lovina Walters of acute pneumonia after illness of one week. Age 67 yrs.
Dec. 23, 1894. Infant son of Thomas Green of bronchitis. Age 5 weeks.
Jan. 31, 1895. Mrs. George Camp of heart failure caused by heavy fall and consequent severe epistaxis. Age 66 yrs.
Feb. 1, 1895. Bertha White of inflammation of bowels and uterus induced by cold and exposure and subsequently neglect of follow instructions.
March 2, 1895. Florence Manley of shock, resulting from severe burn from clothes catching fire. Lived about 24 hours. age about 3½ years.
June 29, 1895. Mrs. Alfred Fellows of old age. 83 yrs.
Feb. 15, 1896. Jay Bush of inflammation of the liver, age about 47.
Apr. 8, 1896. G. W. Griffin of peritonitis induced by pressure of truss pad. Age 76
Aug. 14, 1896. John Boyce of chronic gastro-duodenal catarrh and inflammation of the pancreas after long illness. Age 64 yrs.
Oct. 30, 1896. Mrs. Frank Mayo age 54 of exhaustion consequent in hysterectomy for tubercular tumor of abdomen a little more than one year after operation.
Nov. 18, 1896. Mrs. Sylvia Pronty age 83 yrs of old age.
Jan. 10, 1897. Amisy (?) Mix age 55 yrs of acute cerebral softening the result of alcoholism.
Feb. 11, 1897. Infant boy of Fred Hackett of acute bronchitis, age 3 weeks.
Feb. 13, 1897. Nancy Pierce of cerebral apoplexy.
Aug. 23, 1897. Edd Landon age 43 of cerebral apoplexy. He was convalescing from a severe pneumonia and doing well when he had a cerebral hemorrhage probably from over exertion. Only survived the attack two hours.
Jan. 13, 1898. Samuel Owen age 76 yrs suddenly of heart failure. No previous illness except feebleness incident to age.
Jan. 21, 1898. Mrs. Lydia Turner age 85 of peritonitis due to extreme constipation after illness of a few days.
July 17, 1898. Hiram Gray age 90 yrs from weakness incident to age.
Aug. 12, 1898. William Crandall of typho-malarial fever after illness of about 4 weeks. His death was due to heart failure from exhaustion. Aged 27.
Nov. 15, 1898. Mrs. Chas. Black of heart failure following severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism coming on during convalescence from operation for ovariotomy.
Dec. 27, 1898. Infant daughter of James Brenchley of inanition age 2 yrs.
Feb. 12, 1899. Edward P. Wilcox age 75 yrs suddenly of heart failure the result of disease of the spine. He expired while sitting in his chair. Combined effects of spinal and kidney disease undoubtedly caused the weakened condition of his heart.
Apr. 9, 1899. Child of Edward Adams age 22 mos of cholera infantum. Came under my care as hopeless case from practice of Dr. Comstock.
Apr. 10, 1899. Miss Malvina Covert of apoplexy, age about 65 yrs. Had had a severe fall about four weeks previous but was able to be about the room at time of seizure. Lived about 12 hours after the attack.
Apr. 13, 1899. Percy Griffin age 15 yrs. Ruptured blood vessel probably from vomiting. Had been feeling poorly from indigestion for several days, but not in serious condition until sudden collapse occurred after vomiting.
May 24, 1899. Mrs. Ray Barrow age 25 years of cerebral apoplexy brought on by acute mania after parturition. She was attacked by puerperal mania on the 14th day after confinement and in her raving brought on a cerebral hemorrhage with complete paralysis of right side and unconsciousness. No uterine or other trouble referable to her labor could be detected. There was in her mother’s family a very strong hereditary taint of insanity and at least four of the family have died insane.
June 8, 1899. Florence Hagar age 8 mos. of spasm, result of cholera infantum. Child was moribund when I saw it and died in a few moments.
Mrs. E. P. Wilcox Nov. 5, 1899 of acute pneumonia, age 76 yrs.
Nov. 9, 1899. Earl Ademy age 10 yrs., of exhaustion following cerebral meningitis after illness of 3 weeks.
Dec. 31, 1899. Chas Sterling age of cardiac dilatation of long standing.
Jan. 7, 1900. Mrs. Osborne age 71 yrs. of cerebral apoplexy. 3rd attack, had been helpless for about six years.
Mrs. James Fox, Feb. 8, 1900, age 55 yrs. of exhaustion the result of rheumatism and chronic gastritis. Sick about 2 yrs.
May 26, 1900. Solomon Lindley age 91 yrs of cerebral apoplexy.
June 8, 1900. Charles Van Dyke age 52 of cerebral apoplexy.
June 18, 1900. Isabel Loomis 2 yrs. of bronchitis after illness of 8 weeks.
Aug. 13, 1900. Helen Criffen age 7 yrs. of exhaustion from severe burns caused by clothes catching fire on July 20, 1900.
Oct. 25, 1900. Catherine Hall age 77 of cerebral apoplexy, ill 36 hrs.
Nov. 4, 1900. Daniel Williams age 7 yrs. of diphtheria invading the larynx, had probably been in progress about a week. I was called 24 hours before the child’s death.
Nov. 13, 1900. Michael Hurley age 62 yrs of cerebral apoplexy. Lived about 4 hours after attack.
Jan. 15, 1901. Mrs. Benj. Landon age 74 yrs of exhaustion the result of chronic arthritis from which she had suffered about 3 yrs.
Jan. 29, 1901. Mrs. Angeline Simpson age 68 yrs. of acute bronchitis following grip after illness of 10 days.
Feb. 24, 1901. Mrs. C. D. Manley age of ulceration of the stomach (cancer?) after protracted illness. Had been an invalid for several years.
Sep. 10, 1901. Mrs. G. W. Griffin age 80 yrs. of cerebral apoplexy, progressive type.
Oct. 6, 1901. Mrs. Lyddia Van Fleet of cerebral apoplexy. Had had repeated attacks and been an invalid for 3 years. Age 64 yrs.
Dec. 23, 1901. Mrs. Ernest White age 17 years of acute uremic convulsions. Pregnant about 6 mos. Was called to see her at 10:00 A.M. and death took place about 12:00 noon.
Jan. 4, 1902. Mrs. Frank Rundell of cerebral apoplexy, age 68 yrs.
Jan. 14, 1902. Simeon Williams age 76 yrs. of heart failure the result of long continued dilatation of the heart.
March 9, 1902. Mrs. Fred Campbell age about 38 of chronic Bright’s Disease. Came under my care about six weeks before death.
March 19, 1902. Chas Babcock 35 yrs. of heart failure, result of severe inflammatory rheumatism of which he had had several prolonged attacks.
Apr. 15, 1902. Mrs. Huldok Fellows of old age, 88 yrs.
Apr. 20, 1902. Mrs. Anna Thompson of cerebral apoplexy, age 81 yrs.
May 22, 1902. Bell Ballard, age 5 mos., daughter of Linn Ballard of inanition.
July 15, 1902. Mrs. Lathan Andrus of chronic Bright’s Disease after protracted sickness, 67 yrs. Under my care 2 weeks from practice of Dr. W. T. Davison who was away on vacation.
Dec. 4, 1902. Mrs. Addison Beals, 62 yrs., of cancer of the uterus after illness of about 6 months.
Dec. 22, 1902. Judson Dann, age 76 of locomotor ataxy, result of fall and injury to spine.
Dec. 25, 1902. Thomas Hickey age 45 of cancer of the bladder.
Jan. 1st 1903. Mrs. H. E. Griffin, 40 yrs., of heart clot 20 hours after confinement. An extremely tedious labor with very profuse dropsy of the amnion was the only preceding symptom noted. Delivery was accomplished naturally without aid of forceps.
Jan. 29, 1903.l Copra Gorton, age 18 of acute meningitis probably the result of grippe after an illness of about 4 days.
Jan. 31, 1903. William Wolf age 36, of acute gastritis with ulceration.
Feb. 9, 1903. Peter Worden age 66 of acute capillary bronchitis of four weeks duration. I saw him only 4 days before decease.
March 30, 1903. Mrs. W. H. Clayton age 76 of exhaustion following pleurisy and organic heart trouble.
May 21, 1903. Becker age 11 yrs. of acute traumatic peritonitis after illness of one week first under care of Dr. John Philips.
May 22, 1903 L. R. Gleason age 73 of cerebral softening following apoplexy which occurred in Aug. 1902.
July 10, 1903. Mrs. H. A. Oakley age 68 of exhaustion the result of apoplexy after illness of 2 ½ months. Left to my care by Dr. W. T. Davison while away on vacation.
Aug. 20, 1903. Mrs. Pericles Van Dyke of uterine cancer after about one year’s illness.
Sep. 13, 1903. Infant daughter of John Loomis of cholera infantum, age 11 mos.
Oct. 23, 1903. Mrs. J. W. Haflett age 65 of cardiac dilatation.
Nov. 26 (?), 1903. Mrs. Lovina Jenkins age 83 of debility due to age.
Feb. 2, 1904. Mrs. John P. Bates age 62 of diabetes and general debility.
Feb. 27, 1904. Dora Sanders age 20 of acute peritonitis after fall down cellar.
Mar. 9, 1904. Wakeman Sherwood 83 yrs from debility incident fo age.
March 26, 1904. Lewis T. Black 21 yrs of Hasty consumption after illness of about one year.
Apr. 18, 1904. Edwin Hawkins age 67 of organic heart disease after long illness. Caused by inflammatory rheumatism.
Apr. 20, 1904. James Watts age 82 of debility incident to old age.
Apr. 28, 1904 Mrs. A. D. McCraney age 76 yrs of organic heart disease.
May 7, 1904. Wm Patrick age 76 of chronic bronchitis after prolonged illness.
May 26, 1904. James M. Palmer age 79 of general debility.
June 9, 1904. Alexander Muir age 69 of dilatation of the heart due to valvular disease, death sudden.
Sep. 21, 1904. Mrs. Bridget McDermott age 80? From feebleness due to age.
Sep 23, 1904. Infant child of C. A. Watts age 3 ½ months of cholera infantum.
Oct. 5, 1904. Mrs. C.A. Watts age 33 of chronic organic heart disease after protracted illness.
Nov. 26, 1904. Andrew Watts age 72 of heart failure complicated by slight peritonitis cause by hurting side with small stick.
Dec. 6, 1904. Howard Fletcher of basilar meningitis due to fracture of base of skull by block of wood striking him on head. Survived 4 days. Age about 30 yrs.
Jan. 1st 1905. James Fox, age 58 of heart failure from asthma.
Jan. 8, 1905. Chas Lee age of general anasarca from dilated heart after protracted illness.
Feb. 1st 1905. Male child of Lawrence Mason age 3 yrs of oedema of glottis. I was called in the morning to see the child which had been ill 4 days. It died in the afternoon.
Apr. 2, 1904. Mrs. Elmer Goff age of peritonitis after one weeks illness.
July 13, 1905. Mrs. A. H. King age of cancer of the liver after illness
of about 5 months.
Dec. 2, 1905. Fred Black age 82 yrs of cerebral apoplexy. Sick about one week.
Dec. 5, 1905. Mrs. Carrie Channell age from drinking wood alcohol. Lived about 5 hours.
May 25, 1906. Oscar C. Griswold of cancer of the bowels age 68 yrs.
June 21, 1906. L. B. Smith act.(?) 70 yrs of general debility, result of age and excessive use of morphine.
June 22, 1906. Chas. Van Fleet 41 yrs of pulmonary tuberculosis. Only under my care six days.
Aug. 15, 1906. Harry Black age 25 yrs of pulmonary tuberculosis after illness of a little more that two years.
Sep. 21, 1906. G. H. Kendall 75 yrs of organic heart disease confined to house 3 days.
Oct. 24, 1906. Mrs. Sarah Fairchild age 81 yrs of bronchitis and feebleness incident to age.
Nov. 3, 1906. Isaac Williams 83 yrs gastritis and feebleness of age.
Nov. 25, 1906. Infant son to Chas Turner age 15 d of some heart trouble. Found dead in bed.
March 27, 1907 Infant son of Walter Rice of bronchitis, age 3 months.
Apr. 13, 1907. Joseph McKee age 55 yrs of organic heart disease of long standing. Constantly confined to bed for over 2 years.
Apr.22, 1907. Wm Warren 72 yrs of tuberculosis of lungs.
May 26, 1907. Rev. John Baker 80 yrs of pneumonia.
June 2, 1907. Infant son of C. F. Rundell age 1 day of injuries incident to birth.
June 7, 1907. Mrs. Seth Loomis of chronic hepatitis after illness of 10 months.
Oct. 8, 1907. L. W. Terry of perforation of bowel, result of typhoid fever, 45 yrs.
Dec. 8, 1907. C. E. Jennings age 52 of cancer of stomach after long illness.
1881-Dec. 20, Samuel B. Shoemaker in Windham, aged 76 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Jan. 1, A.P Preston of LeRoy, aged 75 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Jan. 2, Warren Gleeson in Monroeton, aged 78 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Jan. 11, Mrs. Ursula Gregory in Pike, aged 80 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Jan. 15, in Springfield, Horace Vail, aged 73 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Jan. 16, John Joralemon in Wells, aged 95 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Jan. 16, Simon S. Moody in Chana, Ogle Co., Ill, in 87th year; he was born in Sheshequin and married Lovina Hicks - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Jan. 27, D. Clinton Scott, son of Hon. Geo. Scott, in Eureka, Cal. - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Jan. 29, Eliza, relict of Julius Russell, in Towanda in 85th year - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Feb. 4, in Towanda, Mrs. Lois B. Rodgers, ages 90yr 4mo - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Feb. 4 in Rome, Daniel Russell, aged 73 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-12, Nehemiah J. Keeler of Columbia X Roads, formerly of Towanda, aged 77yr 3mo - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Feb. 5 in Asylum, Hattie, wife of Jacob Kerrick, aged 71yr 9mo - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Feb. 18 at Kahoka, Mo., Sevellon L. Fowler, formerly of Monroeton, aged 78 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-March 25 in Burlington, Mrs. Rebecca Clark, aged 81 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-March30 in Warren, David Davies, aged 85 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-April 4 in Warren, Mary A., relict of Daniel Abell, aged 79 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-April 15, in Elmira, Rev. A.E. Chubbuck, formerly of Orwell, aged 72 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-April 17 in Ridgebury, John Miller, aged 80 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-April 18 in Troy, Fanny, relict of Jonathan Peck, aged 82 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-April 23 at Monroe, Wis., David Farnsworth, formerly of Smithfield, aged 82 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-April 25 in Springfield, Wm. Cooper, aged 71 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-April 28 in Springfield, Jos. Crediford, aged 72 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-May 1 in Leona, Albert Leonard, aged 80 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-May 5 in Towanda David Rahm, aged 71 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-May 16 in Pike, Mrs. Jerusha Beeman, aged 97yr 6mo 24da - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-June 20 in Pike, Fanny, relict of Ambrose Bosworth, in 79th year - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-June 22 in Columbia, Sophia, relict of Myron Ballard, past 80 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-July 5 at Greens Landing, Isaac Morley, aged 93yr 10mo 19da - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Sept. ?6 in Rome, Smith Forbes, aged 74 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Oct. 1 in Ridgebury, Mrs. Joel Peterson, aged 80 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Oct. 3 in Springfield, Mathew Wigsten, aged 84 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Oct. 10 in Springfield, Capt. Alvin Bailey, aged 88 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Oct. 23 in Towanda, H.H. Mace, aged 74 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Nov. 12 in Windham, Peter Osborn, aged 93 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Nov. 23 in Towanda, Joseph Marshall, aged 82 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Dec. 10 in West Franklin, Catherine, relict of Hiram Burroughs, aged 81 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Dec. 18 in Austinville, Rebecca, relict of John Luddington?, aged 76 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
1882-Dec. 19 in Columbia, Louise, relict of Addison McDowell, aged 77 - Bradford Star, September 21, 1916
See Also Births from Journal
of J. W. Parsons, M.D. of Canton 1880 to 1926