Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Submitted by J. Kelsey Jones
Photo of Odd Fellows Hall in Pine City
Nelda COOK Holton 1959
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Death Records and  Death Clippings on the site by using the Deaths button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? Be aware that you will also find some death notices in the Clippings partition and the three county level Obituary sections.

Deaths from the 1865 Town of Southport Census

Albertson, Jud - 22, single, 21 July 1864 Peach Tree Creek of wounds received in battle before Atlanta, buried Peach Tree Creek. Entered service 21 Aug 62,-141 private volunteer.
Allen, John - 4 3/12, Aug, born NY, bloody disentary.
Ashdown, Bell - 2 2/12, Nov 21, born NY, typhoid fever.
Bacon, Edgar - 3/12, Apr 9, born NY, inflamation of the bowels.
Baldwin, Henry C. - 27, single, Jan 26, born NY, carpenter, consumption.
Bell, Mary - 41, married, Jan 5, born England, housewife, consumption. 
Benedict, Matthias St. J. - 62, married, May 11, born NY, farmer, heart disease.
Bird, Benjamin F. - 27, single, June 24, born NY, farmer, typhoid fever. 
Boynton, Helen M. - 27, married, May 25, born PA.
Brewer, Dewitt C. - 33, single, Feb 25, born NY, farmer, consumption.
Carrol, Florence A. - 3/12, Dec 23, born NY, consumption.
Cass, Mary - 1, Aug 1, born NY, soar mouth and diareah.
Coffee, Catharine - 8, Feb 11, born Chemung County, scarlet fever.
Coffee, Mary - 5, Feb 10, born Chemung County, scarlet fever.
Cortright, Sarah J. - 9, Sept 20, born NY, dyptherea.
Decker, Susan R. - 7/12, Nov 5, born NY, inflamation of the bowels. 
Dense, infant - infant of Walter and Elizabeth Dense, 2 weeks, Jan 29, born NY, soar throat.
Donovan, Jeremiah - 24, single, Mar 31, born PA, labourer, small pox. 
Finley, Mary - 30, married, Nov 11, Germany, housewife, inflamation of the brain.
Goff, May - 1 10/12, Dec 31, born NY, scarlet fever.
Goodspeed, Betsulome - female, 50, Aug 15, born NY, cholera diarhea.
Green, Elwin - 8/12, July 18, born NY, chorlemorbus.
Harvey, Asher - 23, single, July 5, born NY, farmer, fitts.
Heib, Catharine - 3/12, Mar 19, born NY, fitts.
Huligan, William - 30, married, July 12, born NY, farmer, consumption, 
Impson, Abram - 67, married, Dec 11, born NJ, carpenter, brain fever. 
Johnson, Jane - 36, married, Jan, born England, consumption.
Jones, Harvey - 70, widower, Aug 11, born Conn., typhoid fever. 
Kinsman, George - 1 6/12, Dec 15, born NY, dyptheria.
Kirk, Thomas - 84, married, Nov 25, born NY, labourer, paralysis and old age.
Leverich, Samuel - 73, married, July 12, born NY, farmer, parralisis. 
Mahon, Michael - 5, Feb 8, born Chemung County, scarlet fever. 
Mapes, Henry - 22, married, 13 Oct 63 Wayne, Steuben County, died after leaving service from sickness in service. Entered service 25 July 62, 107 private volunteer, left surviving widow, no children, parents not dependent, buried Wayne.
Marvin, Adda - 15, Oct 15, born Chemung County, scarlet fever. 
Matthews, Arzula - 70, widow, Mar 15, born PA, housewife, inflamation of the lungs.
Matthews, Milford E. - 21, single, Apr 6 at Burksville, killed in battle, raid on Gen. Lee, buried on battlefield, entered service 29 Feb 64 10th Cavalry NY private volunteer, parents not dependent.
McConnell, Neal - 40, married, Oct 12, born,Ireland, engineer, consumption.
McCumber, Alice - 7, Aug 27, born NY, dyptheria.
McCumber, Alzenon G. - 12, Sept 16, born NY, dyptheria.
McWhorter, Hannah - 64, married, Aug 15, born NJ, housewife, disentary.
Miller, Matthias - 3, Apr 12, born NY, scarlet fever.
Moore, Ada - 9, Apr 10, born NY, brain fever.
Moscow, Hannah E. - 27, married, Aug 17, born NY, teacher, consumption. 
Murray, Mary Ann - 4 4/12, Aug 25, born NY, dyptherea.
Nichols, Hannah - 52, married, Dec 14, born NY, housewife, consumption.
O'Brian, Melvin - 6, Sept 20, born Chemung County, dysentery.
Pierce, Phebe - 29, Oct 18, born Chemung County, dysentery.
Roushy, Ella - 1 3/12, Sept 17, born NY, whooping cough.
Sage, Ella - 1 6/12, Nov, born Chemung County, brain fever.
Seely, Benjamin - 86, married, Sept 8, born NY, palsey.
Shehan, Emma - 2 3/12, May 8, born Chemung County, dipthera.
Smith, Derrick - 74, widower, May 8, born NY, gardner, diabetes. 
Sole, Solomon H. - 28, married, Feb 13, born NY, farmer, congestion of the lungs.
Spencer, Ida F. - 2, May 7, born Chemung County, scarlet fever.
Spencer, Stephen V. - 30, married, Oct 24, born Delaware, laborer, typhoid fever.
Strock, Alice - 10, Oct 28, born Chemung County, fever.
Sullivan, Ellen - 60, married, Oct 1, born Ireland, housewife, diarea.
VanWormer, Francis - 21, single, 13 Dec 63 Murfreesboro, died of sickness in service buried Murfreesboro, entered service 19 Aug 62, 141 Regiment private volunteer.
Whitlock, Ruth - 66, widow, Mar 15, born Mass., farmer, parallysis.


Published On Tri-Counties Site On 4/24/98
By Joyce M. Tice & J. Kelsey Jones
Email: ,

Kelsey typed it, Joyce formatted it for the web. 

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