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Bradford County Townships
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History of Bradford County 1770 - 1878

The Reverend Mr. David Craft

Smithfield Township

Retyped by Bruce Preston


1770 - 1872



THE township of Smithfield is supposed to have been so called from David Smith, who claimed the township under the Connecticut title, but who never lived in the town. It is situated, geographically between the townships of Ridge berry and Athens on the north, Ulster on the east, Burlington and West Burlington on the south, and Springfield on the west. The township includes an area of about 40 square miles. It is the second in importance of the towns of Bradford County, in several particulars.

Its surface is a high table land, broken somewhat by the several streams, which find their sources in the hills, and flow southward into the Sugar creek in Burlington. The principal stream is the Tom-Jack creek, which takes its rise in the northwest part of the town, Brown creek and its branches in the eastern portion of the township, Buck creek in the northeast, and a branch of the Tom-Jack in the southwest.

The soil is fertile, and was once covered with a dense growth of hemlock, pine, and hard wood, but which has entirely disappeared, well-tilled fields now occupying the place of it. It is essentially an agricultural town, dairying and stock raising being the principal business of the inhabitants.

Smithfield was surveyed and allotted by Zachariah Olmsted, who drew lots 13, 14, 24, 25, and 36, and intended to make himself a home there; the drawing took place Sept. 23, 1795. Other proprietors were David Smith, Samuel Balls, Col. J. Jenkins, Caleb Tyler, Joseph Witter, a Mr. Coleman, Oliver Crary, Chester Bingham, and others.


The township of Smithfield was set off from Ulster, of which township it had previously been a part, in 1809. It extended from its present eastern line west to the west line of the county, being nineteen miles in length by eight miles in width. In 1814 the township was divided into three equal parts, forming the townships of Smithfield, Springfield, and Columbia. About the same territory had formerly been surveyed under the Connecticut title into the townships of Smithfield, Murraysfield, and Cabot.

In 1850, Smithfield had a population of 1938; in 1860, 2051; in 1870, 1790; and, at the present time, contains about 2000 inhabitants. In 1870, there were 106 foreign born residents in the township, and 10 colored.

It is divided into seventeen school districts, each of which contains a schoolhouse, in which a school was taught during the last school year an average of over six months. There are five churches in the township, two Methodist Episcopal, one Presbyterian, one Baptist, one Christian, and one academy, wherein the higher branches of education are taught. There are several saw and flouring mills in the town, operated by steam and water. Three post-offices accommodate the people with postal facilities: Smithfield Summit, in the northwestern corner of the town, in district No. 7 ; North Smithfield, in district No. 6 ; and East Smithfield, at the village in the center. The village of East Smithfield con tains three or more stores, an agricultural implement manufactory, a hotel, mechanic shops, and a number of good dwellings. At the junction of the roads on the Tom-Jack, in district No. 2, there are located the Tom-Jack flouring mill and a shingle mill.


The first settler,* in the territory included in the present township of Smithfield, was a man named Grover, who made a small clearing arid built a "shanty," near the site of the present residence of Daniel Carpenter, in 1792, which, however, he soon abandoned.

The first permanent settler was Reuben Mitchell, from Rhode Island, who, with his family, came to Smithfield in 1794, and who, for about four years, were the only inhabitants of the township. One of his children died during this time, and be was compelled to go to Ulster for assistance to bury it. His farm was just east of the village. He came in under the ever-present Connecticut title, and with all others suffered loss thereby. He bought it of David Smith, from whom the town is supposed to have taken its name. He subsequently had a protracted lawsuit with Smith for the recover of the purchase-money, which was finally decided in his favor, in the supreme court of Pennsylvania. The case has since stood as a leading case upon the leading questions involved, and is given at length in the fourth volume of Dallas' "Reports." Mr. Mitchell went west in 1840 or thereabouts, where he died at the age of seventy-five years. He had eight children, some of whose descendants are yet residents of the township.

The Bingham Estate was settled by Connecticut people against whom Bingham brought no suits of ejectment. Dr. Rose was his agent for a number of years. When the settlers were apprised of the flaw in their titles they engaged an agent to defend their rights, who unexpectedly informed them that their title was worthless. "It was always supposed that some more powerful arguments than the suavity of Dr. Rose were used to win this man over to the Pennsylvania side of the controversy."

About 1798, several men commenced improvements, among whom, the names of Foster, Baldwin, Waterman, Wheeler, and a colored man called "Caesar," are recollected. They soon abandoned their improvements or sold them, and left for other parts. In 1799, Couch, Needham, and others began clearing in the south most part of the township, none of whom became permanent residents, removing after several years struggle for a livelihood.

In 1799, also, came James Satterlee, from Otsego Co., N. Y., and located at or near the village of East Smithfield. He stated his family and effects were in the first wagon that passed from Athens to Springfield, and were two days in making the journey, having to camp out one night, the distance being about ten miles. Two of their children, a boy and girl, were in the woods some months after their arrival in the town, picking berries, accompanied by a pet shoat, of about 150 pounds Weight, which was also engaged in the same pleasant business of berry-picking. Hearing an outcry from the pig the children looked around and saw their pet in the arms of a bear, which was leisurely walking off on his hind legs with the squealing shoat. Bruin secured his prize and dined off of fresh pork, the remainder of the feast being found the next day about two miles from the place of capture. Mr. Satterlee was a soldier in the Revolutionary war and was a pensioner.

Mr. Satterlee was once arrested on suspicion of shooting one of the surveyors of the Pennsylvania title, but, proving an alibi was discharged by the jury without leaving the box, but his defense cost him all of his property. The arrangement had been secretly made by the settlers who chose their best marksman to watch the house, where the surveyors were staying over the Sabbath, and shoot at the first man who came out, firing just as closely as possible without hitting him. But the aim was a trifle too accurate, and the surveyor was wounded. Mr. Satterlee was originally from Stonington. Conn. His family consisted of his wife, and one son, and two daughters. William, the son, died in 1811, unmarried. One of the daughters married Abram Pierce, and the other Judge Bullock. The girl who lost the pet pig was afterwards Mrs. Bullock. A bear once slid down a tree close by which Mrs. B. was just then passing with the probable intention of giving the young lady a hug but which attentions were not reciprocated, as she lost no time in getting to a safe distance from her too ardent admirer.

Col. Samuel Satterlee came from Connecticut to Smithfield in the same year also, 1799, and settled three miles northwest of the centre, on the farm now occupied by Mr. Crittenden. He had no children. He was at Fort Eric when it was besieged by the British in the War of 1812. He was a member of the legislature, from Lycoming County, in 1810 and 1811, which county then included that portion of Bradford County.

Oliver Hays came to Smithfield in 1799, and located on the farm now occupied by Lyman Mattison. He removed to the west with his family in 1820. Michael Bird was by profession a barber, in Boston, then an honored and lucrative business. He had often dressed the heads of John Adams and other prominent men of that day. His business failing on account of the changing of the fashions, he went to Rutland, Vt., where he bought a Connecticut claim, and came to Smithfield in 1801, and located his farm about one and a half miles from the centre, which is still occupied by some of his descendants. His experience was most trying being wholly unacquainted with farming and unused to pioneer life. His family used to make wooden brooms, which he sold at the river, bringing on his back the meal he earned by his work during the week, and a pound of butter bought with a broom and thus were the family supplies procured from week to week. A chance has happily come over the scene, and the family which bought a pound of butter with a splint broom, now sell the popular article by the ton. He learned the business of farming in which he became as skillful in the art of handling the axe and plow as he had been in the use of the razor and shears. he hewed out of the forest a fine farm, cleared up by himself and sons, on which he peacefully died.

In 1800, Timothy Stratton, Dr. Dart,* and some others came and settled, but after a few years of discouragement abandoned this possession, and removed elsewhere out of the country.

In 1800, Jabez Gerould came from Connecticut. His was one of the old families, and his descendants are numerous and respectable. Mr. Gerould came to the Susquehanna near its headwaters. From which point he, with his family, floated down the river upon a slab-raft to Queen Esther's flats, so called, where they resided a short time, and in 1800 came to Smithfield and prepared a log house for the reception of his family, to which they came in 1801. About one year afterwards, Mr. Gerould was taken suddenly ill, and died before medical aid could reach him. He left eight children, only one of whom was a daughter, the oldest being but sixteen years of age. They remained with their mother until 1806, when the daughter was married and went to her own home. The mother for a time supported the family largely by her own efforts by spinning flax, and receiving pay therefor in meal. They occupied the log house until the fall of 1812, when they removed to a new framed house, which is yet standing near the present residence of Gorham Tracy. Mrs. Gerould lived to a good old age, and all of her children were living and in attendance at her funeral.

At a reunion of the Gerould family, held in Smithfield Sept. 15, 1874, members of the family gathered to celebrate the seventy-third anniversary of the advent of their ancestors into Smithfield, from the States of Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, New York, and Pennsylvania, some, two hundred relatives being present. Col. W. E. Barton officiated as chairman, Rev. J. H. Nason as chaplain, and Dr. H. Gerould, of Cleveland, Ohio, as orator. The doctor gave a brief outline of the Gerould family, from which we extract the following facts: First generation, Dr. James Jerauld a Huguenot, emigrated from France about 1680, married Martha Dutee, of Boston, and settled in Medfield, Mass., where he practiced medicine for many years, retaining largely the habits and customs of a French gentleman. He died Oct. 25, 1760, and his wife March 25, 1763. Their children were James, Martha, Gamaliel, Stephen, Dutee, Mary, Joanna, and Susannah. James was a physician in Medfield; Gamaliel was a farmer, and settled in Wrentham, Mass., his grandson, H. T. Gerould, now owning the farm, which has ever remained in the family. Gamaliel had three wives: the first, Rebecca Lawson, bearing him Gamaliel, Rebecca, Kate, Rebecca second, and Jabez, the immediate ancestor of the family Jabez gave the present orthography of the family name, Gerould. Jabez was born in 1749, and died June 12, 1802. He married Demaris Bennett, in Newton, Conn., who died March 20, 1829. To them were born ten children. The first died young; the second, Jerusha, born March 16, 1783; James, born May 5, 1784, died Oct. 30, 1859; Susannah, born Jan. 1, 1786; Ephraim Bennett, born June, 1788, died April 22, 1845; George, born Nov. 25, 1789, died May 6,. 1853; Ziba, born Jan. 11, 1792, died Feb. 7, 1871; Jabez Lawrence, born Dec. 13, 1795, died June 6, 1852; Abel Judson, born April 8, 1799 - Theodore, born May 11, 1801, died Feb. 18, 1874.

The fourth generation: James married Lois Wood, to whom were born James Allen, Emeline, Emma Ann, Marcus B., Florilla C., Anna D., Anna, Christiana, Samuel Wood, James Orville, Malian, and Lois Eveline. Susanna Gerould married Dutee Rice, Feb. 12, 1804, her children being Jerusha A., Maria S., Hiram, Mehitable B., Jabez Gerould, John J., James P., Caleb B., Betsy A., and Orrin B.

Ephraim B. married Betsy Foster, their only child being Theodore; second wife Christiana Putnam; children, Martin, Maria, and Otis.

George married Bathsheba Beels, Dec. 13, 1813; children, Owen, James L., Harriet, Sarah, John, and Ephraim B.

Ziba married Eliza Bird, Nov. 16, 1817; children, Sophia, Louisa, Betsy, Louis B., Phebe, Henry, Clayton, and Jane Eliza.

Jabez Lawrence Gerould married Margaret Beebe, in Genoa, N. Y., May 25, 1820; children, Amelia B., Jabez Abijah, A. Beebe, Henry, Clarissa P., Ruth A., John Edward, and Cordelia.

Abel Judson Gerould married Nancy Foster, Jan. 30, 1822; children, Betsy, Charles M., Abial F., Mary, Clinton, Clotilda, and Mayland.

Theodore married A. F. Ferguson, Oct. 2, 1827, children, Maria, Theresa (wife of Joseph Towner, of Sheshequin), James, and Sarah.

The names above given number 58, in the fifth generation. At this reunion the widows of Ziba and Jabez Lawrence Jerould were present, aged respectively 77 and 75 years. The descendants of the children of Jabez Gerould, the Smithfield pioneer, living at that date (Sept. 15, 1874) numbered 335; 92 others were dead, giving a grand total of 390 descendants, of the seven boys, and one girl who played in the cabin in the wilds of Smithfield in 1801. Seventeen of those descendants served in the war of the Rebellion, and five were killed of whom those present had knowledge, and others served in the same cause whose names were not reported. Gen. Alfred H. Terry, of Fort Fisher fame, and the hero of man later gallant exploits, married a member of the Gerould family, she being born on the selfsame day with her husband. D. D. Gerould and his wife also were born on the same day.

Phineas Pierce came from Poultney, Vt., about 1800, and settled about two miles northwest of the centre, on the property now owned by Edgar Wood. He enlisted in July, 1814, in the United States service, in a volunteer regiment under Col. Dobbins, and went to the Niagara frontier and was killed in a skirmish with the enemy in September of that year. Joshua Eames, who enlisted with Mr. Pierce, was also an early settler of the township. He died in the service, in October of that year, of disease. Col. Samuel Satterlee enlisted at the same time. Mrs. Eunice Satterlee, widow of the colonel, died in Smithfield, in February, 1869, at the age of ninety-two years. She was born in Connecticut in February, 1777, and her father, John Pierce, soon after her birth, removed to Wyoming valley, where he was killed at the battle and massacre in July, 1778. Her mother escaped with little Eunice, then aged about eighteen months, to the mountains, and partly led and partly carried her across the wilderness for sixty miles to the settlements on the Delaware River, from whence they returned to Connecticut. She married another man named John Pierce, and by him had one son, John L. Pierce, who was living in 1874, at the age of ninety years, in Smithfield.

Constant Williams came from Williamstown, Mass., in 1804, and moved west about 1818. James Doty now occupies the Williams location, about two miles northeast of the centre.

In 1800, Solomon Morse from Poultney, Vt., and Samuel Kellogg from the same place, came and settled in the township. J. L. Jones now occupies the farm Mr. Morse located on, and Sevellon Wilcox occupies Kellogg's original location. Morse died in 1816, leaving two sons and two daughters; the sons settled near Troy, and the daughters married and went west. Kellogg was a clothier by trade, and the inventor of a machine for shearing cloth, which revolutionized the manufacture of woolen goods, but brought no pecuniary benefit to the inventor. He was an ingenious, well-educated man, an excellent mathematician, and skillful in the use of tools. He was a Revolutionary soldier. Mr. Kellogg with his family, floated down the Susquehanna on a raft, from the outlet of Otsego lake, making an exceedingly perilous passage. The whole party were submerged several times in making the transit of the rapids.

Nehemiah Tracy came to Smithfield in 1805. He belonged to an important and prominent family in Connecticut. Uriah Tracy, United States senator from that State, was a relative, and at the impeachment of Judge Chase was carried into the senate chamber to vote, he being at the time dangerously sick. Mr. Tracy came in under the Connecticut title, and finding it invalid in Pennsylvania, engaged Michael R. Tharp, a land-agent and speculator, to secure the Pennsylvania title for his lands, agreeing to pay him fifty cents per acre for so doing. Tharp misrepresented the case to Tracy, took out the patent in his own name, and Tracy gave a bond for $3000 to Tharp in payment for the land, and gave deeds to the other settlers. Before the bond became due Tracy died, and Judge Bullock was appointed administrator of the estate. In examining the papers of Tracy the administrator found a letter from Tharp, giving account of the transaction, that led to the suspicion of something wrong in the matter. Mr. Phelps, who had heard the conversation between the parties, remembered the whole transaction, whereupon the judgment was opened, and on the rehearing Tharp was nonsuited. By this suit Tharp lost everything, was deprived of his agencies, and the very firewood at his door was sold to pay the costs, and he left the country. A son of Mr. Tracy, Roble, now lives on the old farm, about two miles east of the centre. Mr. Tracy was a cavalry-man in the Revolution. He died in 1815.

John Bassett came here in 1806. After his death the family went to Illinois, where his widow was living in 1870, at the age of eighty-eight years.

In 1807, Noah Ford and Elias Needham came in from Cooperstown, N. Y., and left the town about the same time, 1818. Cyril Fairman occupies the Ford, and Charles Marvin the Needham location, at the present time. In 1808, Alvin Stocking and Alpheus Holcomb came into the township. The former died on his farm (now occupied by Frederick Williams), in 1817, and the latter removed about that time from the town.

In 1809, Samuel Wood came from Windham Co., Vt., and settled about a mile west of the centre, on the farm now occupied by Amasa Jones, who married a granddaughter of Mr. Wood's. He had a large family of ten sons and eleven daughters; nine of the sons came with their father to Smithfield. This family cleared a large tract of land, and became good cultivators of the soil. His descendants are numerous, and scattered over the country east and west. He was a volunteer for a short time in the Revolution. An incident of Mr. Wood's service is thus related :

In 1780, he was stationed with a small detachment at North Castle, near the city of New York, and while there a prisoner was brought in by three soldiers, who had taken him under suspicious circumstances. He was sent to West Point under a guard of four of the detachment, Wood being one. The prisoner was put on a horse, and a girth passed under the belly of the animal, and fastened to both of the prisoner's ankles. One of the guard led the horse, one went by each side, and one brought up the rear, all with loaded guns and fixed bayonets, with orders to shoot him, if necessary, if he attempted to escape. On reaching West Point, the guard learned their prisoner was none other than Major Andre, the British spy.

In 1809, Asahel and John Scott* also came in from Windham Co., Vt. Asahel settled about one mile northeast of the centre, on the farm now owned by his grandson, Walter Scott. He died in 1850, leaving numerous descendants. John Scott died in 1871, at the advanced age of ninety years. His wife also died about that time, aged 84 years, having passed sixty-seven years of wedded life together. His son Levi now occupies the homestead.

From 1809 to 1811, Major Jared Phelps, Sloan Kingsley, Isaac Ames, John Phelps, David Titus, Abner W. Ormsbee, Deacon Zephaniah Ames, and Isaiah Kingsley, from Becket, Massachusetts, came in and settled in the same neighborhood, from which fact that neighborhood was called Becket. Titus settled on the farm now owned by Israel Phillips, about three miles west of the centre. Ormsbee settled on the farm now owned by his son Levi, about two and a half miles southwest from the centre, and died in 1842. Deacon Ames settled on the farm now owned by William Waldron, and left the township in 1818. Isaiah Kingsley settled about four miles southwest of the centre, on the farm now occupied by Merritt Wood. He died about 1850, leaving five or six children, of whom two sons and two daughters are now living, --Adnah and Mrs. Bingham, in the village of Smithfield. Major Phelps' farm includes the present village of Smithfield. He served through the Revolutionary war, and held the position of fife-major, from which he acquired his title. His daughter Polly died, the same year of his settlement. The neighbors cleared off a little spot in the dense woods where they prepared her grave, which became afterwards a portion of the cemetery near the Congregational church in Smithfield, she being the first buried therein. He was an energetic and substantial citizen, and left a large and respectable family.

About 1813, Austin and Chauncey Kellogg came to reside in the township, and their brother Luman came in 1816. All of these left with their families many years ago. David Forrest, a Revolutionary soldier, from Windham Co., Vt., came into the township in 1814. This year, also, Stephen Wilcox, Rufus Halsey, and Abner Thomas came with others, and commenced settlements in the northwest part of the township. In 18l2, Deacon Asa Hackett and family came; in 1813, Asa Farnsworth and his family; in 1814, William Farnsworth, Stephen Califf, Seth Gates, Daniel Forrest and Tartius Rose all came with their families; in 1815, Deacon Benjamin Hale, David Durfey, Joseph Ames, and Cyril Fairman came; in 1816, Abraham Jones; in 1817, Asa Allen; in 1818, Joel Allen; and in 1819, Deacon Cromwell Child, Edward A. Child, and Ezra and Daniel Allen came, all of them with families. George Tompkinson came in 1820. He was a sailor during the war of 1812 in the United States service, and served the greater portion of the time on the frigate "President," under Commodore Rogers, and entertained his neighbors with his graphic accounts of his "moving accidents by flood" and hairbreadth escapes."

Conrad Hartman, a Hessian, and a very worthy man, came to reside in the township some time previous to 1816. He was forced into the service of the Elector of Hesse Cassel, on the latter's contract with George Ill., and brought to America to assist the British king in subduing his rebellious subjects,- the colonists. He was under Col. Rahl, and was taken prisoner at Trenton, where the colonel was killed, in December 1776. When his comrades returned to Germany he concealed himself in a chimney and remained there until the shipping left the harbor. He married in this country, and had two children, a son and daughter. His son was killed on the Niagara frontier, where they resided, by a foray of a small body of British troops, in April, 1813. Soon after this the father came to residing with his daughter in this township, where he remained until his death in March, 1828. The daughter, Mrs. Almira Cranmer, was, in 1870, the oldest resident living in the place in point of occupancy, having been there seventy years.

Nehemiah Beach and family came into the township in 1818, and lived with his wife to past eighty-five years.


Reuben Mitchell erected the first framed building in the township, a dwelling house, and Nehemiah Tracy built the second one in 1805. The first saw mill was erected by Phineas Pierce in or before 1806, and Mr. Tracy built the second one. The first grist mill was erected in 1808, by Solomon Morse. This stood about one fourth of a mile west of the centre. The first, and for many years the only, schoolhouse in the town was built in 1807. It was a log building and answered for school purposes for the whole settlement. It was located about half a mile cast of the centre. Ephraim Gerould taught the first school in it. Schools were maintained for a few weeks or months each year for several years, the teachers being paid for their services in labor by those who hired them. The first framed schoolhouse was built at the centre in 1818. The first store was opened in 1833, where a permanent stock was kept up for sale by Lyman Durfey, and about the same time Selden Tracy opened the second one.

The first death that occurred in the township was that of one of the children of Reuben Mitchell, who died before 1797. The first white child born in the township was also a member of the same family, also previous to that date.

The first church edifice was erected in 1811 by the Congregational society. It was a small one, but was used by that society until 1861, when their present elegant structure was erected. Rev. John Bascom was their first pastor, who came here in May 1813, and was ordained in January 1814. Samuel Kellogg, Deacon Solomon Morse, and Nathan Fellows, with some of their children, were duly organized as a Congregational church before leaving their homes in Rutland, Vt., and all came to Smithfield in 1801, thus transferring the church from the Green mountains and transplanting it in the shadows of the Alleghanies. The church so organized has continued to the present time, though all of its original members have passed to their rest.

In 1810 a Baptist church was organized, and Rev. Jonathan Stone was its first pastor, who came here in the spring Of 1814, and was ordained in June, 1815 ; the meeting for the ordination was held in the barn of Samuel Wood.

In 1819 this society built a large meeting house, being 36 by 50 feet, with 22-feet posts, all of heavy timbers, and well garnished with studs and braces. At the raising of this church the "Smithfield boys" had the body of the building up, and the plates on, in fifty-six minutes from the time they began work.

The further history of these churches will be found in the general history of the church in the history of the county.

A literary society was organized in the township in 1821, the members being David Farnsworth, Ansel Scott, Harry Bird, Buckley Tracy, and Darius Bullock, all young single men, except the latter. It was continued for some years to the advantage and benefit to its members and others. It is a creditable fact to the township that it has furnished more than a dozen members of the bar and several highly useful clergymen and physicians.


In the year 1820, about the 20th of January, a sad and frightful accident occurred, by which the wife and child of Austin Kellogg lost their lives, being burned to death, or suffocated. Mrs. Kellogg had been "hatchelling" flax, some forty pounds being about completed, from which the lint or cotton had filled the room with particles more or less fine. It was supposed a coal of fire fell from the fireplace into this lint or loose tow, when it immediately blazed into flame, filling the room. A sister ran out of the house for help, and escaped; a little girl, Louisa Kellogg (afterwards Mrs. Van Dusen), also stepped out of doors, and also escaped harm. Mrs. Kellogg, as it was supposed, took an infant child from the cradle, and went into a bedroom, as the only avenue of escape, when the flames followed her as she opened the door, by which she was overwhelmed or suffocated, as otherwise she might have escaped through the window.

On the 20th of July, 1847, a singular occurrence transpired, which is related as follows: The day was an extremely pleasant one even for that time of the year, the heavens were apparently cloudless, with the exception of a few fleecy cumuli, which skirted Pisgah or rested on the Towanda mountains, and the inhabitants, busily engaged in their various avocations, had failed to notice a small black cloud, which, without intercepting the rays of the sun, had assumed a vertical position over the village. A vivid flash of lightning, followed instantaneously by a heavy report of thunder, suddenly and unexpectedly arrested the attention of all, and in a few moments it was announced that a lady in the village, Mrs. Sterry Durfey, was killed by lightning. All who could at once rushed to the house, where they found the lady apparently lifeless, and any attempt at resuscitation seemed wholly useless. However, an attempt was made, by a plentiful affusion of cold water, and, to the great satisfaction of everybody, was crowned with complete success.

The fluid struck the summit of the roof and followed down a rafter to the plate, both or which were badly shivered. From the plate it went through the chamber floor and plastering, making but a small puncture, and struck a clock, to which it was probably attracted by the iron weights. From the clock the fluid went, without any apparent conductor, to Mrs. Durfey, and was supposed to have been attracted by her spectacles and gold beads, both of which, it was said, were partially melted. The beads were quite black and smoky, and her neck was severely burned and blistered. From Mrs. Durfey's head it descended to one foot, leaving a very perceptible and painful trace as it passed, and, destroying one of her slippers, disappeared or expended its force in the cellar.

A serious calamity befell Isaac Ames soon after the arrival of the Becket colony, in 1810. A bear was making nightly depredations in his cornfield and that of his neighbor. Having ascertained the lair of the animal, they watched for him with their rifles, each taking a different side of the swamp wherein he lay. After some waiting, Mr. Ames, in changing his position, came within the observation of his fellow-watcher, who mistook him for Bruin, and at once lodged a bullet in the fleshy part of his thigh. Ames lingered in pain for some months, and finally returned to Massachusetts, where the ball was extracted and he recovered.

Another instance of watching a deer lick is given, wherein Christopher Eldridge and Samuel Satterlee played the parts, assisted by a third, whose presence was more formidable than pleasing. They selected a dark night, and Eldridge posted himself in the top of a small, bushy hemlock, while Satterlee lay down by A log and the latter was soon sleeping soundly. The man up the tree heard a slight noise below, and looking down discovered by the dim starlight the glaring eyes of some animal which appeared to have its feet on the log. He at once aimed his piece between the two eyes and fired, and descending, found that he had lodged a bullet in the brain of a panther of the largest size. Satterlee was wide awake the rest of the evening.



descended from a long line of Puritan ancestors. His great great-grandfather was in Deerfield, Mass., where be died in 1696, and his great-grandfather died in Greenfield, in 1783. Here his grandfather was born. His father, Asher Corss, was also born in the last-named town, and married Lucy Grennell. Here also Charles Chapin was born, May 22, 1803.

C. C. Corss was fitted for college in Hadley academy, Mass., and entered Amherst College in 1826, from which he was graduated with honor in 1830. After teaching, one year he spent three years in Princeton theological seminary, leaving it in the fall of 1834. He was licensed to preach the gospel February, 1834, by the Hampshire association, Mass.

In December, 1834, he went to Kingston, Pa., where be remained a little more than two years, supplying the Kingston church one-half of the time. The other half was spent in missionary labor at different points in the Wyoming and Lackawanna valleys. At that time there were only four Presbyterian houses of worship in the valley; one of these, at Forty fort, seldom used, was built for a union house. The other three, excepting Wilkes-Barre, were mere schoolhouse looking buildings. At this time Hanover, Wilkes Barre, and Kingston were the only Presbyterian churches in the valley. In the Lackawanna valley there was not a house for religious worship belonging to any denomination. At that time Pittston was not even a village, and Scranton had no existence.

August, 1836, he was ordained sine titulo by the presbytery of Susquehanna, at a meeting held in Smithfield; and Sept. 1, 1836, he married Miss Ann Hoyt, daughter of Ziba and Nancy (nee Hurlbut) Hoyt, of Kingston, Pa., where a son of Mr. Corss, Dr. Frederick Corss, A.M., now resides, and enjoys an extensive practice as a physician and surgeon.

In 1837, Mr. Corss moved to Athens, Pa., and became the supply of the church there. That had been a "plan of union" church. A portion of its members were organized by presbytery into a Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Corss was installed their pastor Feb. 27, 1838. This relation continued until June 16, 1847, when it was dissolved. While at Athens, however, his time was divided between Athens and Smithfield. He went immediately from Athens to Smithfield, and supplied that church the whole time until Jan. 24, 1869. After this he preached at Barclay one year, and from that time until the present (1878) he has supplied the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Ulster every alternate Sabbath.

In 1851 his wife died, and in 1866 be married Miss Lucelia Phelps, of Smithfield. In 1873 he received the honorary degree of A.M. from Amherst college. Mr. Corss, though he has nearly reached his fourscore years, still enjoys good health and unimpaired mental vigor, and has always had the respect of his brethren in the ministry on account of his superior scholarship, his clear and logical views of truth, and his irreproachable personal character. Charles, the oldest son, is a graduate of Lafayette college, studied, and is settled at Lock Haven, Pa


The subject of this sketch was born in Halifax, Windham Co., Vt., Feb. 25, 1805. He was a son of Darius and Chloe Bullock. His father was one of the most prominent Men in Halifax. He held the office of town clerk thirty six years; of selectman, forty years; of justice of the peace, thirty eight years; he was a member of the Vermont legislature fifteen years; was in the military department ten to fifteen years, and probate judge two years. It is believed that no other man in Vermont has sustained civil office in, so many different departments so long a period. He died Oct. 28, 1833, aged seventy-two years. Jesse E. Bullock came on horseback with a valise to Smitlifield, Bradford Co., Pa., when be was nineteen years of age. At the age of twenty-one he returned to Vermont, and was married to Sophrona Grant. He then came back to Smithfield, and went into the mercantile business, which he followed very successfully for a period of forty years, principally at Le Raysville, but also at Smithfield, Athens, and Canton. His wife died March 30, 1839. He married for his second wife Margaret B. Wright, daughter of Rufus and Betsey Wright, of Smithfield, by whom he had two children, viz., Edward and George, of whom George only is living. For his third wife be married Betsey Gerould, a daughter of Ziba and Eliza Gerould, who emigrated from Newton, Conn., in 1800. Her father died at eighty one years of age. Her mother is still living, aged eighty one. They had one son, Charles E., who is living with his mother. Mr. Bullock was justice of the peace twenty-three years. He was a member of the old Whig party, but joined the Republican party at its organization He was a member of the Baptist Church, being one of its most prominent and liberal supporters.

Mr. Bullock, as a merchant and citizen, was universally esteemed for his uprightness in all his business transactions. By means of excellent management he accumulated a large fortune. As a justice of the peace few men surpassed him in clear and correct decision. He always counseled settlement, if possible, before having recourse to law. The long period which be was in office is a practical test of the equity of his judicial career. He was a man of very strong attachments. When he became acquainted with a person, he proved one of the truest and firmest of friends. He died Sept. 27, 1875, of a combination of diseases incident to old age.