The Reverend Mr. David Craft |
THERE are few things of more real value in a local history, as showing the character of the people, than the various organizations, political, religious, and social, into which they enter. There is, however, another class of organizations, voluntary associations, some of which are open, others restricted, some for moral and religious purposes, others which are merely social, or confer mutual aid upon their members. In either case they represent phases of social life whose history helps us to understand the character and opinions of the people who sustain them.
As early as 1822 this society was begun in the old Wyalusing Presbyterian church and spread through all the southeastern part of the county. It was auxiliary to the American Bible society, and was governed by the constitution which that society recommends to subordinate bodies. In 1823 its receipts were more than fifty dollars, and thirty-three dollars and fifty cents were paid for Bibles and Testaments for distribution. Every year until 1834 a subscription was taken to supply funds to the parent society. The annual meeting was at first well attended, but soon the matter became an old story, its meetings were neglected, and its subscriptions were unpaid. It continued in existence, however, until 1842, when it seems to have been suspended. In 1845 an effort was made to resuscitate it, but it was not successful, and from about that time it has ceased to have an existence.
There may have been similar societies in other parts of the county; if so, however, I have not found them.
About ten or twelve years ago (about 1865) an effort was made to organize a county auxiliary society, but it never created any great amount of enthusiasm, nor became very strong. Some parts of the county were canvassed, and the needy supplied with Bibles and Testaments. But this canvass was never completed, and the matter has seemed to drop there.
In our early history great ignorance prevailed in regard to the use of alcoholic drinks. They were thought, especially in this new county, to be an absolute necessity. Whisky was the panacea for all ills. The man who built a distillery was a public benefactor. It furnished a market for the grain and cheapened a necessary article to the consumer. It was considered to be no offense against good morals to make, sell, or use it. Deacons in the church owned distilleries and manufactured the whisky. Deacons and elders sold it, and ministers and church-members drank it, not infrequently to intoxication. What was true of the country at large was particularly true of this county. It was thickly dotted over with distilleries; from a point of hill in Wyalusing township five could be counted in sight and in full blast at the same time. Everybody drank it,---young men and old men, women and maidens. Whisky was the currency of the country, the standard of value. Things were bought to be paid for in whisky. A man agreed to work for so much whisky per day. The state of things was deplorable. We were fast becoming a nation of drunkards. Good men saw the evil and were trying to find means to avert the danger. Just then the old Washingtonian movement was inaugurated, and began its mighty march across the continent, revolutionizing public sentiment and reforming public morals, teaching sobriety and seeking to lead men to abstain from intoxicating drinks.
In 1829 there was quite an awakening of public sentiment on this subject throughout this county. Lecturers traversed the county, visiting nearly every locality in it. Some of the best men in Bradford gave to the movement countenance and support, and it gained many pledges through the county. For want of a thorough organization many of the societies very soon fell to pieces, and were disbanded. The work done, however, was not lost if the societies had gone down, because public attention had been directed to the evils of the business, and it began to be considered as some reproach for a man to be engaged in the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors. For nearly twenty years the Washingtonians were the only temperance societies in the county. With the failure of these the "Sons of Temperance" were organized. This was originally a secret organization, whose members were men above twenty-one years of age. The organization was subsequently somewhat modified, and a few divisions have been in existence in this county. But the organization of "Good Templars" has taken the firmest hold upon the people of the county, and maintained it the longest, of any of the societies. Of this a brief account will now be given.
The Independent Order of Good Templars.
(Contributed by O. J. Chubbuck)
This order originated in central New York, in 1852, and was soon extended to this county. The first lodge instituted here was the Keystone lodge at Athens, in April, 1853, probably by P.W.C.T. Nathaniel Curtis, an old Washingtonian of Ithaca. The records of Altus lodge, No. 55, Orwell Hill, showed that it was organized Aug. 17, 1853, by N. Curtis. This was just one year after the organization of the first grand lodge, at Syracuse.
A meeting of representatives of Pennsylvania lodges was called, and the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was organized at Mansfield, Dec. 28, 1853. B. M. Bailey, of Tioga county, was elected G.W.C.T., and Charles E. Chubbuck, of Orwell, Grand Worthy Treasurer. At this time there were ninety-six lodges in Pennsylvania; thirty-six of these were in this county. The semi-annual meeting of the grand lodge was held in Standing Stone, in the fall of 1854, and its first annual session at Troy, Dec. 19 and 20, 1854. At this time there were 245 lodges in the State, of which Bradford had 67. The total membership of the order in the State was 14,000.
The names and numbers of the lodges in Bradford were:
21. Banner of Hope, Alba.
22. La Charite, Le Roy.
23. Pleasant Valley, Troy.
24. West Granville.
28. Blooming Rose, Springfield.
29. Sylvania.
30. Independent Star, West Burlington.
38. Morning Light, South Burlington.
50. Temperance Banner, Bentley Creek.
52. Wappaseening, Windham.
53. Roman Phalanx, Rome.
54. Valley Hope, Standing Stone.
55. Altus, Orwell.
56. Golden Hope, Myersburg.
75. Columbia.
79. Wysauking.
80. Towanda.
85. Franklin Dale.
86. Durell.
87. Woodland, Monroeton.
88. Liberty Corners.
89. Asylum.
90. Terrytown.
91. Autumn, West Franklin.
97. Orcutt’s Creek.
100. South Creek.
120. Ezra (Sugar Creek).
124. Albany.
126. Renba, Wysox.
127. Safeguard, Ulster.
128. Rechabite, E. Burlington.
130. Samaritan, Le Raysville.
131. Browntown.
132. West Windham.
133. Rome Summitt.
134. Morley Hill, Union.
135. Martha Washington, Camptown.
136. Sugar Run.
140. Olive Branch, Stevensville.
141. Centre Valley.
142. Optimus, Potterville.
161. Silver Hill, Albany.
168. Monroe.
183. Highland.
184. North Ghent.
185. South Ghent.
202. Milan.
203. Radiant Light.
204. Heverly.
211. Wyalusing.
215. Herrickville.
236. South Litchfield.
237. East Herrick.
240. Excelsior, Litchfield.
247. Warren Centre.
248. Bradford.
249. Wysox.
The report of C. E. Chubbuck, G.W.T., shows that the receipts for the year were $1287.81; expenditures, $1030.43.
Joel Jewell was elected G.W.C.T., having received 70 votes, J. S. Hoard 30 votes, and Charles Perkins 20 votes.
Charles Perkins was elected G.W. Counselor;
Warren Skeels was elected G.W.V.T.;
J. S. Hoard, G.W. Treasurer; and
Mary C. Emery was re-elected G.W. Secretary.
The committee on resolutions, among others, reported the following:
"Whereas, The evils of intemperance have become a fixed fact in the history of our commonwealth; it is therefore
"Resolved, That it is the duty of all persons connected with any and every temperance organization to labor incessantly for the passage of a prohibitory law in full for the whole State.
"Resolved, That no law, however stringent, which recognizes the right to sell intoxicating drinks, can receive our sanction, as we believe the time has fully come when all efforts to regulate this traffic should be at once and forever abandoned."
The following resolutions were also adopted:
"Resolved, That it is a violation of the spirit and intent of the obligation of the order of Good Templars to imbibe unfermented wine or cider.
"Resolved, That this grand lodge, in view of the necessity of immediate and united action upon the question of a prohibitory law for this State, recommend to each subordinate lodge under the jurisdiction of this grand lodge to take early action upon this subject, but circulating petitions for a prohibitory liquor law, and taking all other laudable measures to secure the passage of the law by the ensuing session of our legislature.
"Whereas, The province of Canada has adopted a prohibitory law, and the State of New York elected a governor and legislature pledged to the principles of the Maine law:
"Resolved, That Pennsylvania in general, and the northern counties in particular, are greatly in danger from the influx of ardent spirits and those engaged in their detestable and immoral traffic into our community, and that this is another argument urging all Good Templars and the friends of temperance to call upon our legislature at the nest session to give us a law prohibiting the manufacture and sale of all that can intoxicate."
At this meeting of the grand lodge a resolution was offered recommending "county conventions to be held upon the delegate system, for the purpose of securing harmony and unity of action upon all public questions involving the temperance interest," and "that the sessions of these delegates be held in secret." This resolution was, on motion, referred to a select committee, who reported that, in their estimation, there is much need of some system by which unity of action shall be secured between the different lodges of a county, election district, and State. It recommended a county convention of lodges, to consist of one delegate for every fifty members in each lodge, to meet for the purpose of harmonizing the political action of lodges. It also recommended senatorial and State conventions, the action of these bodies to be reported to the several lodges of the State, district, or county, and to be binding upon all. This report was not adopted.
By the terms of the constitution for subordinate lodges, both males and females were admitted to the order, but none under twelve years of age. The initiation fee for each person was not less than fifty cents, and dues not less than one cent per week; to be paid quarterly, in advance.
Each person before becoming a member must take the pledge to neither "make, buy, sell, or use as a beverage, any spirituous or malt liquors, wine, or cider, and to discountenance the manufacture and sale thereof in all proper ways."
There were two additional degrees which might be conferred, the fee for each of which must not be less than twenty-five cents, and which were not to be conferred on males under eighteen or females under fifteen years of age. The business in the lodges was conducted under the usual parliamentary rules and usages. Thus these lodges, organized and sustained for the purpose of promoting the cause of temperance, were, when properly conducted, valuable educational agencies. It is not strange, however, that conducted as many of them were, by quite young people, they should prove after a time uninteresting and profitless, and be allowed to go down. There were, however, so many discouragements that some lodges did not live out their first year, and many more did not survive the second. In 1856 the grand lodge met in Meadville, where there were but seventeen lodges represented and only nineteen persons present. In 1861, 33 lodges only were reported in the State; in 1862, 45,---not one in Bradford. The writer has been unable to learn which maintained its existence longest.
In the report of the fourteenth annual session of the grand lodge, held in Pittsburgh, in June, 1867, Northern lodge, No. 223, of Towanda, with James H. Codding as deputy, is found. The whole number in the State was 353. The fifteenth session was held in Williamsport, in June, 1868. The increase of the order during the year was from 310 lodges at the close of the preceding year to 521, or from 20,009 members in good standing to 34,803. Two representatives from Bradford were present, viz., Gen. Wm. Patton, of Towanda, and H. B. Parsons, of Canton.
The following lodges appear in the report of that session:
474. Spring Hill…..…....Spring Hill.
484. Ulster………..……Ulster.
497. Franklindale..……..Franklindale.
498. Canton…..………..Canton.
505. Central…..………..Burlington.
506. Springfield…….….Springfield.
507. Granville Centre….Granville Centre
508. Alba………………Alba.
520. Rock………………Burlington.
521. East Smithfield……East Smithfield.
538. Potterville…………Potterville.
539. North Towanda……North Towanda.
544. Terrytown…………Terrytown.
545. Le Roy…………….Le Roy.
570. East Troy………….East Troy.
Middle, with J. B. Reeves, Esq., as District Deputy;
Western, with Rev. M. C. Dean as District Deputy.
The attendance appears to have been large, the highest number of lodges represented 713. Annual session held in Gettysburg, June, 1870. The order was making healthy growth in this county. Rev. D. Craft, C. E. White, and H. B. Parsons were reported as deputies.
The eighteenth annual session was held at Erie, in June, 1871. The order made good progress, and new life seems to have been given it in this county, owing largely to the interest awakened by the district conventions, which held quarterly sessions, and were becoming more interesting from year to year.
District Deputies:
Wyalusing district, S. C. Gaylord;
Rome, Henry Yontz;
Wells, Wm. H. Taylor;
Canton, J. E. McKay;
Towanda, C. M. Hall.
At the annual session held in Harrisburg, June, 1873, Hon. B. S. Dartt was appointed State Deputy for the sixth district, composed of Bradford, Tioga, Wyoming, and Sullivan counties.
The twenty-second annual session was held in Towanda, June 8, 9, and 10, 1875.
G.W.C.T.---Louis Wagner, presided; other officers present were:
G.W.C.---B. S. Dartt;
G.W.V.T.---Ellen S. Southworth;
G.S.---Sadie Jackson;
G.T.---S. S. King.
The attendance was large, about one hundred lodges being represented. Twelve new lodges had been organized in the county during the year, and one reorganized, making in all, at this time in the county, twenty-five lodges in good standing. Hon. B. S. Dartt was elected G.W.C.T. Thirty-one new lodges were organized in the county the next year and seven reorganized, making in all sixty lodges, as reported up to Aug. 26, 1876.
B. S. Dartt was re-elected G.W.C.T.
The next year’s report---June, 1877---shows several new lodges organized, while some disbanded; still maintaining, it is claimed, the honor of being the banner county in the world for Good Templarism.
Northern District Convention.---The district convention, I. O. of G. T., was organized in June, 1867. The call was made by Wm. Patton, C. E. White, Rev. D. Craft, and Sherman Hill. Rev. D. Craft was elected W.C.T., and held that position for two years. In 1869, Benj. S. Dartt was elected W.C.T. At the time of its organization there were less than twenty subordinate lodges in the county in good standing. At the quarterly session held at Stevensville Sept. 28, 1870, thirteen lodges were represented, viz., Towanda, East Spring Hill, Wyalusing, Dushore, Canton, Rome, Martha Washington, Smithfield, Stevensville, Le Roy, and La Porte; names of others not given.
Open session was held in the evening, and addresses made by Brothers Dean, Dartt, Craft, and Taylor. Among the many resolutions adopted at this meeting is the following:
"Resolved, That we hold it to be grossly inconsistent and wrong for men of temperance principles or members of churches to sign petitions for license, and that in future the order should publish the names of such signers."
Dec. 21, 1870, convention met in Towanda, G.W.C.T. S. B. Chase presiding. Lodges represented: Athens, Martha Washington, Wyalusing, Canton, Rock, East Smithfield, North Towanda, Terrytown, Le Roy, Highland, New Albany, East Troy, Larksville, Northern, Leona, Smithfield, etc. There were 67 delegates, representing seventeen lodges. Public meeting was held in the evening, in Mercur’s hall, addressed by G.W.C.T. Chase. Resolutions were adopted condemning the license law as a disgrace upon Christian civilization, in favor of the "local option law," encouraging the circulation of temperance papers and literature.
At this meeting I. L. Richardson, a delegate from the Wyoming and Luzerne district, was present; and at the next meeting, held at Camptown, Feb. 22, 1871, the same district was represented by Brothers Brown and Hiller.
The annual session held at Canton, June 1, 1871, was largely attended; thirteen lodges were represented.
C. E. White was elected W.C.T.;
Annie Beidleman, W.V.T.; and
S. C. Gaylord, Sec.
The territory in its jurisdiction was re-districted, and district deputies recommended as follows, viz.:
Wyalusing district, S. C. Gaylord;
Rome district, Henry Yontz;
Canton district, J. E. McKay;
Wells district, Bro. Taylor;
Towanda district, Charles Hall;
Sullivan district, Wm. Lancaster.
G.W.C.T. S. B. Chase was present.
At the quarterly meeting held at Troy, Aug. 9, 1871, eighteen lodges were represented. This meeting adopted the following:
"Whereas, The license laws of our State have proved entirely inadequate to the suppression of the demoralizing, destructive, pauper-making rum traffic; therefore,
"Resolved, That we will never be satisfied with anything short of a general stringent prohibitory law, with right to recover by the inebriate’s family or friends for time spent, injury and damage sustained, together with other penalties commensurate with the evil and suffering and consequent misery upon the sale of intoxicating drinks."
A resolution was passed instructing the executive committee to appoint a committee of three in each election district, whose duty it should be to circulate pledges, to be prepared by the committee, binding the signers to vote for none but known temperance men for office.
The annual meeting was held at Monroeton, May 29, 1872. Fifteen lodges were represented. It was
"Resolved, That hereafter our convention lodge meetings be held in open session (extraordinaries excepted), and that every temperance and religious organization in the county be requested to send delegates to our next meeting, to the end that a united effort ‘against license’ may be organized."
In the evening open session in the Baptist church the resolution that the licensing of houses for the sale of intoxicating drinks is unnecessary and sinful was very fully discussed. It was also resolved that measures be taken immediately to organize Good Templar lodges in every district in the county where no temperance organization now exists. Resolutions were offered expressing gratitude for the hearty co-operation of Christian ministers and people; also urging every temperance man to attend the primary political meetings, to secure the nomination of temperance men for office, etc. Officers elected for the coming year:
W.C.T. --- C. M. Hall;
W.V.T. --- Olive Maynard;
W. Sec. --- S. C. Gaylord;
W.T. --- A. H. Spalding;
W.C. --- S. G. Rhinevault;
W.M. --- M. O. Loomis;
I.G. --- Anna Myers;
O.G. --- E. A. Andrus.
A. Keefe, of Rome, was recommended as District Deputy for the eastern district, and
C. E. White for the western district.
The next meeting was held at Rome, Aug. 22, 1872, and is a memorable one in the history of this organization. It was largely attended, and was noted for its able discussions. There was also a large attendance of those not representing those organizations.*
*At this convention, besides representatives from the several lodges and a number of churches, there were three divisions of the order of the Sons of Temperance represented, viz.: No. 135, Myersburg; Pleasant Mount, No. 78; Orwell and Towanda (number not given); also an independent temperance organization at East Springhill. In the report of townships, but two divisions of the Sons of Temperance are mentioned. There has been a division also in Ulster. The statistics of these organizations have not been obtained.
Reports by townships were made as follows:
Albany, Good Templars’ lodge supported.
Armenia, no organization.
Athens, temperance strong in township and borough.
Alba, no organization; one hotel.
Asylum, no organization; no hotel.
Barclay, two organizations supported.
Burlington township and borough, no division of Sons of Temperance or Good Templars’ lodge, but churches at work.
Burlington, West, Good Templars’ lodge, well sustained.
Canton, borough and township, a flourishing lodge of Good Templars and six temperance churches; five Sunday-schools earnestly at work.
Columbia, a temperance lodge in operation, and will give a large vote against license.
Franklin, two licensed hotels; one working lodge of Good Templars.
Granville will give 200 votes against license.
Herrick, no organization; people temperate, and very radical on the temperance question.
Le Roy, lodge gone down; people unanimous against license.
Litchfield, no license or temperance organization.
Le Raysville, temperance element good; able to get signers for license.
Monroe township and borough, three lodges; two hotels; majority for temperance.
Orwell, no temperance organization; six years since license in township.
Overton, one of the few townships that would probably give a majority for license; no organization.
Pike, no license in township.
Ridgeberry, good missionary ground.
Rome township and borough, lodge in borough of 134 members, all zealous workers; no license in township; one hotel in borough.
Smithfield, no temperance society; four churches; strictly temperate.
Springfield, two organizations; majority against license.
South Creek, a working lodge of Good Templars; no licensed house.
Sylvania, one hotel.
Sheshequin, equally balanced; no organizations; one hotel.
Standing Stone, majority in favor of license.
Towanda borough, organized society of Good Templars and Sons of Temperance; probabilities against license; fifteen saloons; nine hotels; four drug-stores; four wholesale liquor houses; churches for temperance.
Towanda township, no organization or hotel.
Towanda, North, probably a small majority against license.
Troy, three hotels; will give a majority against license.
Terry, in favor of temperance; no license; one lodge of Good Templars.
Tuscarora, no license; organization of 300 members; temperance element strong.
Ulster, two organizations; temperance element strong.
Warren and Windham, two licensed hotels.
Wyalusing, in favor of prohibition.
Wysox, two hotels licensed; temperance work progressing.
Wells, temperance principles prevailing.
Wilmot, no license.
An executive committee of seven was appointed to effect a thorough organization of the county, to secure a large vote against license under the provisions of the "Local Options Law."*
*The legislature had passed what was popularly called the "local option" bill the session before, and the vote was to be taken at the following township and borough elections.
The next meeting was held in Athens, Nov. 1, 1872. The resolutions request clergymen to preach at least one sermon on the subject of temperance in the month of December; also one in January previous to the vote on the local option question; also to provide for correspondence and publication of articles in the county papers; also for the holding of temperance meetings in every school district previous to the third Friday in January, the day the vote was to be taken.
The Athens Gazette was to be adopted as a temperance campaign paper, and a committee appointed to secure subscriptions and extend its circulation. The next meeting was held at Canton, Feb. 19, 1873, and some twenty lodges were represented.
Resolutions were passed expressing gratitude to God for the emphatic vote in the county against license, and the hope that the Constitutional convention, in session at Philadelphia, would meet the just expectations of the people in relation to temperance.
The annual meeting was held at Barclay, May 28, 1873. The order was represented to be in a flourishing condition, and the temperance element of the county determined to enforce the law.
Officers elected for year: W.C.T., A. Keefe; and W.V.T., Mrs. A. N. Spalding.
The territory within the jurisdiction of the convention was divided into three districts, viz.: Eastern, O. F. Young, District Deputy; Middle, W. H. Brown; and Western, A. T. Lilley. Several resolutions were passed: one in favor of increased penalties for violation of the law against the sale of liquors; one asking the legislature at its next session to pass a law authorizing the arrest and detention of any person found in a state of intoxication until information is given as to where or of whom he obtained his liquor.
A committee was appointed to make arrangements for holding a temperance mass-meeting at Towanda the coming fall. Nov. 20, 1873, convention met at Franklindale. In the afternoon G.W.C.T. Wagner presided. The address at the evening session was made by G.W.C.T. Wagner.
Wyalusing, Feb. 18, 1874, convention was called to order by C. E. White, W.C.T. pro tem. Sessions were open.
Brother Gridley addressed the convention at the evening session. One of the resolutions adopted strongly protested against the repeal of the local option law, and authorized Brother Dartt to go to Harrisburg to represent the convention, which was alleged to represent six thousand temperance men (voters) of the county of Bradford and four hundred in the county of Sullivan, before the committee on vice and immorality.
The annual session was held at Dushore, Sullivan county, May 27, 1874. Lewis Lantz was elected W.C.T., Wm. T. Lawrence W.S.
Aug. 19, the convention met at North Towanda, and was well attended. Rev. P. Holbrook delivered the evening lecture. Among the resolutions adopted was this: "Resolved, That we, as temperance men, will not vote for any candidate for public office who has not openly and clearly defined his position in favor of temperance and prohibition."
The next meeting of the convention was held at Rome, Nov. 25, 1874. District deputies were requested to select discreet brothers to canvass their districts and aid in organizing lodges. A committee of nine was appointed to call a convention the following season to put in nomination a temperance ticket.
Feb. 25, 1875, convention met at Monroeton. The constitution and by-laws revised by committee were adopted and ordered printed in pamphlet form. Deputies reported nine lodges organized since August, 1874.
C. E. White, John F. Chamberlain, and S. S. Butts were elected to represent the convention in the State convention to be held in Harrisburg in March, 1875, and a committee was appointed to arrange accommodations for delegates in attendance at the grand lodge session in Towanda in June following. Among other things it was "Resolved, That the ‘local option law’ has done great good in our county, and that we hereby request our members of the legislature to use all honorable means within their power to prevent its repeal."
The annual meeting was held at Canton, May 25, 1875. The attendance was large.
Four new lodges reported, and good interest was in the old lodges. M. E. Chubbuck was elected W.C.T., W. T. Lawrence W.S.
This resolution was adopted, viz.: "Resolved, That those members of our legislature who voted for the repeal of the ‘local option law,’ together with the governor who approved the repealing act, have manifested a disposition to disregard the expressed wishes of the people, and are thereby deserving the censure of the good people of this commonwealth; and that they have forfeited all claims to future support from temperance voters."
The meeting at Barclay, Aug. 31, 1875, was largely attended, some twenty-five lodges being represented.
Litchfield, Nov. 31, 1875, convention met in Grange Hall.
This was a spirited and interesting meeting, as was also the next meeting at Towanda, Feb. 29, 1876, which was fully attended by delegates from some forty lodges.
The annual session was held at Camptown, June 6, 1876. Twenty-three lodges were represented. Col. Hoy addressed a large audience in the evening. William Maxwell was elected W.C.T., and Brother Parks W.S.
The attendance at the next session at New Albany, Sept. 5, 1876, was large, forty-three lodges being represented. The verbal reports gave very cheering accounts of the condition of the lodges throughout the district. G.W.C.T. B. Dartt, O. J. Chubbuck, and A. C. Rockwell were chosen to represent this convention in the State temperance convention soon to be held at Harrisburg. An executive committee was appointed, and an extra session was called to meet at Granville Centre, Oct. 24, 1876. At this session the attendance was large and the discussions spirited. Twenty-six lodges were represented.
At the meeting at Athens, Nov. 28, 1876, some forty-three lodges were represented.
Thirty-eight lodges were represented at the convention at Rome, Feb. 27, 1877. A resolution of thanks was tendered Judge Russell for preventing the granting of licenses to saloons in the county.
At the annual meeting at Troy, May 29 and 30, 1877, about forty lodges were represented. C. E. White was elected W.C.T. and G. W. Crum W.S. At this meeting it was decided to hold a temperance camp-meeting, to be in charge of the executive committee, which all friends of temperance in the district should be invited to attend.
Aug. 28, 1877, twenty-four lodges were represented at the meeting of the convention at Litchfield. W.C.T. White present. The following is copied from the minutes as adopted: "7th. Resolved, That the temperance camp-meeting recently held at North Towanda, under the auspices of this convention, was a decided success, and that we recommend the holding of not less than two grove-meetings of this character annually within the bounds of this district."
The next meeting was held at West Granville, at which G.W.C.T. A. Bestwick was present. The meeting was spirited and interesting, and was well attended by the residents in the vicinity.
A special session was held at West Franklin, Jan. 15, 1878, some twenty lodges being represented, and the regular quarterly meeting was held at Hornbrook, Feb. 26 and 27. At the latter place some forty lodges were represented, and the attendance of the citizens of the vicinity was good. The interest in these quarterly and annual gatherings seems to be on the increase, and their influence in awakening and educating the public mind to a better appreciation of the importance of individual work and responsibility in the cause of temperance is becoming more and more apparent.
The Murphy Movement.---In the spring and summer of 1877 what was known as the Murphy movement began in various parts of the county, and great numbers signed the pledge. In the larger towns weekly lectures were continued for several months, while through the county, at the school-houses, in churches, and public halls, meetings were held as opportunity afforded. The movement was carried on without much organization, and no data can now be obtained by which the number who signed the pledge can be ascertained. Although the work was carried on with a great deal of enthusiasm, and many predicted that when the excitement was over there would no fruits of it remain, yet thus far as large a proportion of habitual drinkers have adhered to the pledge in this as in other movements. Another good result of these numerous lectures, especially as many of the speakers were reformed drunkards, who related with thrilling effect their experiences and trials and struggles, was the awakening of a profound interest in the minds of the general public, and creating a healthy sentiment in the community.
A number of times a few young men of congenial spirit have been temporarily associated together in their respective neighborhoods to do Christian work, but not until 1865 was there an organization effected of what have been so widely known as Young Men’s Christian Associations. That year Rev. Mr. Harris came to Towanda to supply the pulpit of the Presbyterian church. He had been a chaplain in the army, and familiar with the various approved agencies for Christian work. On coming to Towanda one of his efforts was to organize the young men into a Christian Association. In this he found in all of the churches a few ready and willing workers. Money was secured, a reading-room obtained and furnished, prayer-meetings instituted, a closer union effected between Christian people, and a desire for more earnest Christian work was fostered.
In the winter of the year 1866 the association secured the services of Rev. E. P. Hammond, an evangelist, whose labors were blessed in the most wide-spread general revival ever before known in Towanda. The association continued to maintain its reading-room for some time, but at length interest flagged, and it ceased to exist. In 1875 the association was again revived, continued for nearly two years, when it was disbanded, its property sold, and the proceeds disposed of.
At Troy an association was organized about the time of the reorganization in Towanda. A fine room was secured and neatly furnished; a weekly and Sabbath evening service was established, and good results have come from it.
In 1859 the American Dental Association was formed, to which the several previously-organized State associations were made auxiliary. The Pennsylvania Dental Society was instituted Dec. 2, 1868, and May 8, 1869, a number of the dentists of Bradford County met at Towanda and organized the Bradford County Dental Association, as auxiliary to the State association. It had a small beginning, commencing with only four members. Dr. Weston, of Towanda, was the first president, and Dr. Dusenberry secretary.
The society holds its meetings semi-annually in different localities, and usually continues its sessions through two days. At these meetings there is the freest possible discussion of everything relating to the profession, interspersed with the reading of essays on special topics. There is also a free clinic at each session. In short, the general object has been to elevate the character of the profession and improve the standard of work.
The meetings of the society have been of such increasing interest that several members of the profession from adjacent counties became connected with it. The society now includes the leading dentists of Bradford County. The meetings of the association are always open, and the public are at liberty to attend. It not unfrequently happens that visitors from different parts of the State are present at its sessions. Dr. J. K. Newell, of Wyalusing, is the president, and Dr. Kelly, of Towanda, the secretary for 1878.
Pursuant to previous notice, a number of the citizens of Bradford County, having a desire for the preservation of whatever was of historical interest in the county, met in Mercur’s hall, in Towanda, May 4, 1870, and organized the meeting by calling Hon. L. P. Statford, of Wyalusing, to the chair, and appointing Dr. E. P. Allen, of Athens, secretary.
A committee, consisting of Messrs. Ward, Kinney, Herrick, Hale, Mason, Craft, and Worden, was appointed to report a plan of organization, which subsequently reported a constitution and code of by-laws, which were adopted, by which action "The Historical Society of Bradford County, Pennsylvania," became a verity. The first article of the constitution states the object of the society to be "the elucidation of the history of this State; though other branches of history shall not be excluded." The officers were declared to be a president, two vice-presidents, a corresponding and a recording secretary, a treasurer, and a librarian; their duties to be such as are usually performed by such officers in other societies. All persons signing the constitution and complying with the terms thereof, before or at the first annual meeting, were to be deemed members, and the by-laws prescribed a ballot for such members afterwards. Ten dollars paid at one time constituted a life member, with an exemption from further dues; otherwise, an annual contribution of one dollar from members is required. Thirty-six members added their signatures to the constitution, and thirteen honorary or corresponding members were elected. Messrs. Montanye, Alvord, and Craft were appointed a committee on nominations, and reported the following list of officers, who were elected for one year, to wit:
President, C. L. Ward, Esq., Towanda;
Vice-Presidents, Dr. Darius Bullock, Smithfield; Hon. F. B. Streeter, Towanda; Recording Secretary, Dr. E. P. Allen, Athens;
Corresponding Secretary, E. Herrick, Jr., Athens;
Treasurer, L. P. Statford, Wyalusing;
Librarian, H. L. Scott, Towanda.
Committees on finance, library, and publication were appointed. Messrs. Hayden, of Athens, and Craft, of Wyalusing, were requested to each prepare an address for the next meeting. Accordingly, Mr. Craft at the next meeting read to a large audience a paper giving an account of the French at Asylum. At a subsequent meeting Dr. Allen read a paper on the animal remains found in the Chemung and Susquehanna valleys. Among the first things attempted by the society was to gather the history of the county. It has succeeded in collecting some valuable material, while a large collection of Indian relics and curiosities has been placed in its keeping.
In 1873, the society appointed a committee for the specific purpose of collating the history of the county. This duty was entirely confided to the editor of this work, which is the result of his efforts in carrying out the wishes of the society. Colonel John F. Means, of Towanda, is the president, and W. W. Kingsbury the secretary, for 1878. The society has been incorporated by the decree of the court of Bradford County, and has ever had on its roll of membership names representing the oldest and most prominent families in the county.
As early as 1811 there was a society in Luzerne county for the promotion of agriculture and domestic manufactures. In the report of the society published in the Luzerne papers in the month of February, 1811, occurs this paragraph: "The society have examined nineteen specimens of cloth presented by Mr. Ingham, which they think do great credit to the domestic manufactures of our county. They particularly distinguish the pieces made by Miss Luckey, Raphael Stone, Rebecca Ingham, Aden Stevens, Nathan Stevens, and Joseph Ingham. The colors (dyed by Jonas Ingham) were much admired, and the fulling was considered as being remarkably well executed."
This is the last record of any exhibitors from Bradford County.
In 1820 the legislature of Pennsylvania passed an act incorporating the Agricultural and Manufacturing Society of Bradford County, and in December of that year a constitution and by-laws were adopted and a public meeting held at Towanda, at which Joseph Kingsbury was elected president, Ethan Baldwin secretary, Andrew Irvine treasurer, and ten directors were chosen from different parts of the county. June 22, 1822, the Bradford Settler published an article on the cultivation of millet. There seems, however, to have been but little done, and the society was disbanded.
In 1852 another society was organized, and was carried on for a number of years quite successfully. The annual fair held under its direction came to be regarded as one of the institutions of the county. In 1859 the society, by a decree of the court on the petition of a number of the substantial farmers and others of the county, was incorporated.
The charter of incorporation provides that the society shall be auxiliary to the State agricultural society; that its object shall be the improvement of agriculture and the advancement of the mechanical arts in this county; and to this end the society may hold fairs, secure lecturers, distribute books, etc.; that the officers shall be a president, four vice-presidents, a corresponding secretary, a recording secretary, a treasurer, and nine managers, who shall be elected by ballot annually. The breaking out of the war put an end to further meetings of the society, and it virtually disbanded.
In 1873 the society reorganized, but for a year or two but little general interest was manifested in it. No exact data can be obtained earlier than 1876, on account of the books of the society previous to that date having been lost. After the reorganization the fairs were held at Mr. Rutty’s park until 1876, when a lot containing about twenty three acres, situated on the Wysox plains, nearly opposite Towanda, was leased for a term of five years. These grounds were fenced, and commodious buildings, sheds, and stalls were erected, at a cost of $1400, for the accommodation of exhibitors, and the fair of 1877 proved to be a very successful one. In 1876 the receipts were $776; in 1877 they were $1626. In 1876 there were received for admissions $626, and the next year $1454. In 1876 the premiums amounted to $255; in 1877 to $500. In 1877 the officers were J. E. Piollet, president; W. S. Vincent, recording secretary; J. E. Fox, corresponding secretary; E. R. De Long, treasurer. The board of managers were I. A. Park, H. L. Scott, Horace Horton, G. H. Vandyke, G. H. Fox, R. M. Welles, John Baldwin, C. J. Eastabrook, and B. La Porte. For 1878 the officers were re-elected, except that A. D. Munn took the place of C. J. Eastabrook, and F. H. Hagerman the place of B. La Porte on the board of management. For 1877 the number of entries was 631. From the steadily increasing interest manifested in this society by the agricultural portion of our people, it is safe to predict for it a career of usefulness.
In the fall of 1874, a few of the leading and intelligent farmers residing in the vicinity of Troy, believing that the agricultural and farming interests of their neighborhood would be promoted by an organized association, called a meeting to be held in Troy for the purpose of forming a Farmers’ club. The preliminary meeting was held Nov. 24, when a temporary organization was effected. The 2d of the following January they organized permanently by electing J. C. McKean, president; G. M. Card, secretary; A. M. Cornell, treasurer; and A. S. Hooker, reporting secretary. Its constitution and by-laws, adopted Nov. 28, 1874, define the object of the association to be the advancement of agriculture and horticulture, and provide that meetings be held each Saturday afternoon.
During the summer of 1875 it was thought the objects of the association would be promoted by holding a free agricultural fair, and preparations began at once to be made for that purpose. The fair took place on the 8th and 9th of October of this year, and succeeded beyond the most sanguine expectations of its promoters. Encouraged by the interest manifested in this movement, it was determined to make the annual fair one of the permanent institutions of the club; grounds were procured, suitable buildings erected, and each autumn has witnessed a fine display of the agricultural products of the western part of the county. To meet the expense thus incurred a subscription of $800 was secured, which placed the club on a sound financial basis. The club has been duly incorporated, and is accomplishing very successfully the noble object to which it is devoted, and receives cheering encouragement from the people in the western portion of the county. The club has over 100 members, their meetings are well attended, they are out of debt, and are doing quite as much towards promoting the agricultural interests of the county as many other more pretentious organizations.
The early history of Freemasonry in the Susquehanna valley opens with the events of the Revolution, and one of the military lodges which were common both in Great Britain and in this country at that period. In the month of May, 1779, Col. Thomas Proctor received orders to join the Sullivan expedition against the northern Indians, and on the 18th of that month he received from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ancient York Masons of this State a warrant to organize and hold a military or traveling lodge in his regiment, which was known as No. 19 on the grand lodge registry.
On the 23d of April a little detachment, on its way to Wyoming, was ambushed by a party of Indians, and Capt. Davis, of the 11th of Pennsylvania, and Lieutenant Jones, of a Delaware regiment, were slain, and were buried where they fell. While Sullivan’s army remained at Wilkes-Barre, it was resolved to bring the bodies of these slain officers to Wyoming for burial. A committee of lodges and a detachment of soldiers, accompanied by a regimental band, accordingly proceeded to the place where they were buried, reopened their graves, and bore the bodies to the valley were the army was encamped, where they were again consigned to the earth with appropriate military and Masonic ceremonies. Two days after this the army took up its march for Tioga Point, and here, at the particular request of the Masonic brethren, Aug. 12, 1779, Dr. Rogers delivered an address in Masonic form commemorative of the fallen soldiers. It was, however, seven years, before this ancient brotherhood obtained a permanent foot-hold in the county.
Rural Amity Lodge, No. 70, Athens.—The early lodges in the North Branch valley were at Newtown, now Elmira, in 1793, and in Wilkes-Barre in 1794. In this lodge, still existing as No. 61, Arnold Colt was made a Mason. He soon after came to Tioga Point to reside, and while here, in conjunction with other brethren, obtained a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, for a lodge at Tioga Point. It was granted June 24, 1796, but was not issued until July 6, 1796, and the lodge was not organized under it until May 21, 1798, nearly two years later. Arnold Colt was its first Master, Dr. Stephen Hopkins its Senior Warden, and Captain Ira Hopkins its Junior Warden. The registry number of the lodge is No. 70, at Tioga Point, Luzerne county. The warrant is on parchment, and is still preserved in good condition in the lodge as the authority for its work.
The lodge organized with some of the most prominent names in northern Pennsylvania upon its rolls. These were the Spaldings, Satterlee, Stephens, Kingsbury, Shepard, Paine, Murray, Cash, and Park, who were among its constituent members. The meeting for organization was held at the house of George Welles, on Tioga Point. Fourteen members formed the first constituency.
For many years the lodge at Tioga Point covered a large territory. Southward, the nearest was at Wilkes-Barre; eastward, Great Bend; westward, Elmira; and Canandaigua farther to the north. The place of meeting continued for a number of years to be in George Welles’ public-house, which is near the spot where Pike’s hotel recently stood.
June 21, 1811, the proprietors of Athens academy sold to the lodge the right and title to the upper room of their building, provided the lodge would proceed to finish the said upper room immediately, and pay the trustees the sum of $80. After expending about $400, the lodge met in the room for the first time Jan. 28, 1812.
During the Morgan excitement the lodge suspended work for a short time, but soon rallied and began anew. They have always preserved their old charter. Although other lodges have crowded closer to them, both in New York and Pennsylvania, the members of this lodge have kept it in a flourishing condition, and have ever maintained the spirit of its first by-laws: "No private piques, or quarrels about nations, families, religion, or politics, shall be brought within the doors of this lodge."
The meetings of the lodge are now held in a finely-furnished hall, and its roll of members, as in days of yore, contains some of the most honored names in the community. They have about 100 members.
Union Lodge, No. 108, Towanda.—This lodge first convened under its charter, April 3, 1807, at the house of Amos Mix, in Wysox. There were present Oratio Grant, Master; Amos Mix, Senior Warden; Ebenezer Smith, Junior Warden; Josiah Grant, Treas.; George Scott, Sec.; and fourteen others. No records of any preliminary meetings are preserved, but the first notice we have of it is a lodge fully organized in legal form under its charter. The assemblies of the lodge were held at various places in Wysox and in Orwell until 1813, when a permanent lodge-room appears to have been furnished by arrangement with William Myer, Myersburg.
The work of the fraternity was done with much regularity until 1832, when, yielding to the then great pressure of public opinion, the aprons were laid aside and the tools dropped, to be resumed only on rare occasions, as the celebration of a St. John’s day, until November 14, 1839. At this date a meeting was held at the house of William Myer, and the lodge thoroughly and energetically revived. Its labor has been continuous since that time. The scene of its labors was changed in December, 1839, to Towanda, where its meetings were held first in the old "Fire-proof," then in the present Odd-Fellows’ hall, and finally, as now, in their own Masonic hall.
The lodge works under its old charter and preserves its old records with much pride, finding in them many names identified not only with Bradford County’s history, but carried on the rolls of State and national fame. Its present membership is 200.
Evergreen Lodge, No. 163, Monroeton, was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, March 1, 1819. The first principal officers were Eliphalet Mason, Master; Simon Kinney, Senior Warden; and Russell Fowler, Junior Warden. By the condition of its charter, Evergreen lodge was to hold its meetings at "Towanda, in Bradford County, or within five miles therefrom." Like Union lodge, the places of its gatherings varied from Myersburg to Monroe, to suit the convenience of its members. The charter was surrendered for a short time during the Morgan troubles, but restored again, since which the work has been regularly and duly performed. In 1870 the lodge dismissed about 40 of its members to form a lodge at Dushore, Sullivan county. It now numbers about 50 members. As it enters upon the sixtieth year of its history, it bears this noble record of its work, "that it has always extended the open hand of Masonic charity to the needy, maintained the landmarks of the order, buried its dead, made the widow and the orphan its beneficiaries, and has never knowingly turned the worthy away empty."
Trojan Lodge, No. 306, Troy.—This lodge, although chartered Jan. 19, 1857, did not hold its first meeting until June 5 of that year. The principal officers named in the charter were Elihu Case, Master; Amasa Greeno, Senior Warden; Jere Adams, Junior Warden. The first meeting of the lodge was held in the rooms where the lodge now meets. There were seven constituent members mentioned in the charter, while now the membership is 125.
Canton Lodge, No. 415.—This lodge was duly chartered March 4, 1868, and held its first meeting April 30. C. W. Landon was its first Master; Warren Landon, Senior Warden; W. W. Whitman, Junior Warden, and B. W. Clark, Sec. The Lodge has at present a membership of 70.
Roman Lodge, No. 418, Rome.—This lodge is working under a charter which bears date March 9, 1868. The first meeting was June 29, with L. A. Ridgeway, Master; D. R. Woodburn, Senior Warden; E. M. Farrar, Junior Warden; L. L. Moody, Sec.; John Passmore, Treas.; and ten other brethren present. The lodge has in its membership some of the most influential persons in the community, and from its organization has been doing a good work in the dissemination of the principles of the order; while opposition has served to increase its membership and its usefulness. It holds semi-monthly communications. A Star lodge for the benefit of the wives and sisters of members is connected with it, and meets as occasion requires. Its present membership is 49.
Smithfield Lodge, No. 428, East Smithfield.—This lodge was organized by the District Deputy Grand Master, George D. Montanye, Jan. 25, 1869, under a charter of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, bearing date Sept. 10, 1868, with nine charter members, of whom A. W. Seward was Master; J. O. Gerould, Senior Warden; H. Mont Moody, Junior Warden; and Wm. E. Voorhis, Treas. The lodge is in a condition of healthy growth, and numbers fifty-five members. It has on its roll 76 members, of whom four have died.
Le Ray Lodge, No. 471, Le Raysville, was chartered March 2, and held its first meeting June 22, 1870, with the following as its principal officers, viz.: W. S. Heaton, Master; S. W. Little, Senior Warden; Wm. B. Stevens, Junior Warden. Its membership at present is 45.
There are at this time connected with the order more than seven hundred souls.
(By A. T. Lilley)
Odd-Fellowship was planted in Bradford County at a time when the so-called secret societies of the day were in such disrepute that it was no uncommon thing for religious bodies to refuse fellowship to any person belonging to such organizations; but friendship, love, and truth have asserted their mild dominion, and the Father of all good will ever receive the thanks of the many who have been relieved by fraternal hands while in sickness and distress. Time alone shall reveal the many deeds of kindness that have been put in practical form by the members of the order, while in the lodge-room guided by the influence of the best of all books, the Bible.
Monroeton Lodge, No. 137, has the honor of being the first in the county. It was instituted by David Blair, D. D. G. M., of Lycoming county, on the 12th of February, 1846. The petitioners were J. D. Murphy, of No. 70; J. N. Sumner, of No. 84; Charles Burrows, of No. 112; D. H. Goodwin, of No. 60; Harmon Burch, of No. 112; Wm. Strickland, of No. 114; D. C. Salsbury, of No. 76, and E. W. Morgan, of No. 13. At the first meeting the following were admitted to membership by initiation: Anthony Mullen, Henry S. Salsbury, Wm. Gosline, Jos. B. Smith, Robert Hunter, Eliphalet Mason, Dr. Samuel Huston, Ira H. Stevens, S. S. Hinman, Peter C. Ward, Elias Mathewson, O. D. Satterlee, O. O. Shipman, Benj. Wilcox, Geo. Tracy, James H. Wells, Byron Kingsbury, and Wilson Rodgers. Gordon F. Mason was admitted by card at the first meeting, and is supposed to have been the first resident of the order in the county; he was also the first D.D.G.M. Lodges may sicken and die as this one did; but the principles of the institution live. No. 137 was reorganized April 25, 1874, by Grand Sire Nicholson, assisted by G. W. Blackman, D.D.G.M.; Robt. Innis, of No. 687; E. J. Clauson, of No. 167; and F. J. Calkins, of No. 247. The officers were: Patrick Dunfee, N.G.; M. M. Coolbaugh, V.G.; A. Mullen, Sec.; and J. M. Gregg, Treas.
The old records of No. 165 were destroyed by fire, so we are unable to name its first officers. J. M. Ely, Jr., and others, deserve much credit for furnishing their new hall in a very tasteful manner, which is decidedly the finest in the county.
Among the most active members of No. 167 were Hon. Wm. Elwell, E. W. Baird, J. C. Adams, D. Vandercook, E. D. Montanye, Wm. A. Chamberlain, Hon. Joseph Powell, and C. S. Russell. No. 247 in its youth had the zeal of Frank Smith, E. W. Hazard, W. G. Newbery, V. M. Long, John McKeon, J. A. Pierce, Wm. Morgan, Ed. Oliver, and others to carry it onward. No. 231 was instituted with J. W. Griffin, Wm. Gosline, A. G. Pickard, S. H. Newman, and Dr. W. S. Baker as charter members. J. W. Griffin was secretary of the lodge twenty years, devoting more time to the interests of the order than any other member in western Bradford. Nos. 167, 247, 321, and 503 were the only lodges that withstood the devastating effects of the late civil war. With such men as Father Griffin, Father Jonathan Buttles, E. J. Clauson, G. W. Blackman, D.D.G.M., and many others, the order has not only survived and regained its former numbers, but has increased the number of lodges from 11 to 27. About one-half of the lodges own the halls in which they meet, while nearly all the rest rent halls built especially for them. The following members have served as D.D.G.M.:
Col. Gordon F. Mason and E. B. Coolbaugh, of No. 137;
H. C. Baird, of 165;
D. Vandercook, Hon. Wm. Elwell, Gen. H. J. Madill, and A. J. Noble, of No. 167;
Frank Smith, of No. 247;
Hon. O. H. P. Kinney and G. W. Blackman, of No. 446;
J. W. Griffin and N. Rockwell, of No. 321;
P. G. Gridley, of No. 480;
L. B. Pierce, of No. 416;
Jonathan Buttles, of No. 488;
L. M. Hewitt, of No. 503;
D. P. Knapp, of No. 687.
The labor of G. W. Blackman during the past few years has added much to the real life of the order. There are only two subordinate encampments in the county.
Bradford Encampment, No. 41, was instituted at Towanda, Aug. 27, 1846, with the following officers:
Wm. H. Strickland, C.P.;
D. C. Salsbury, H.P.;
E. W. Morgan, S.W.;
G. F. Mason, J.W.;
S. H. Stephens, Scribe.
Canton Encampment, No. 184, was instituted June 17, 1869, with the following officers: J. W. Griffin, C.P.;
M. M. Trout, H.P.;
A. Burt, S.W.;
A. T. Lilley, Scribe;
N. S. Denmark, Treas.
Wyalusing Encampment was instituted April 7, 1871, but has been removed to Meshoppen, Wyoming county.
J. W. Griffin, M. M. Trout, E. J. Clauson, and Dr. Cleveland have filled the position of D.D.G.C.P.
The following gives the names, numbers, etc. of the various lodges in the county. There is much of especial interest to the order that our space in this history precludes.
Name: Monroeton
No.: 137
Date of Institution: Feb. 10, 1846
Date of Reorganization: Apr. 25, 1874
First Noble Grand: D. C. Salsbury
First Vice Grand: E. W. Morgan
First Secretary: Gordon F. Mason
First Treasurer: W. H. Strickland
Instituted by: David Blair
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 63
Name: Athens
No.: 165
Date of Institution: March 9, 1846 (charter granted)
Date of Reorganization: November 2, 1874
First Noble Grand: J. B. Reeve (selected at reorganization)
First Vice Grand: D. W. Tripp (selected at reorganization)
First Secretary: J. M. Ely (selected at reorganization)
First Treasurer: J. F. Ovenshire (selected at reorganization)
Instituted by: J. B. Nicholson, G. S.
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 78
Name: Bradford
No.: 167
Date of Institution: July 1, 1846
First Noble Grand: Wm. Elwell
First Vice Grand: Stephen Pierce
First Secretary: Charles Reed
First Treasurer: O. R. Tyler
Instituted by: James Gamble
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 157
Name: Priam
No.: 247
Date of Institution: Aug. 31, 1847
First Noble Grand: Frank Smith
First Vice Grand: E. W. Hazard
First Secretary: W. G. Newbery
First Treasurer: C. F. Fitch
Instituted by: Gordon F. Mason
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 75
Name: Canton
No.: 321
Date of Institution: Oct. 29, 1848
First Noble Grand: Wm. Gosline
First Vice Grand: Dr. W. S. Baker
First Secretary: A. G. Pickard
First Treasurer: J. W. Griffin
Instituted by: Hon. Wm. Elwell
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 133
Name: Austinville
No.: 326
Date of Institution: Aug. 21, 1848
Date of Reorganization: Dec. 30, 1872
First Noble Grand: E. S. Hulslander (selected at reorganization)
First Vice Grand: G. W. Besley (selected at reorganization)
First Secretary: H. M. Ferguson (selected at reorganization)
First Treasurer: John Morgan (selected at reorganization)
Instituted by: D. P. Knapp
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 41
Name: Springfield
No.: 381
Date of Institution: Feb. 28, 1850
Date of Reorganization: Sept. 16, 1871 by J. W. Griffin
First Noble Grand: Tho. Smead
First Vice Grand: H. W. Root
First Secretary: Dr. Theo. Wilder
First Treasurer: C. P. Williams
Instituted by: David Vandercook
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 86
Name: Le Rays
No.: 416
Date of Institution: Oct. 31, 1850 (charter granted)
Date of Reorganization: July 9, 1875
First Noble Grand: Dr. C. S. Dusenbery (selected at reorganization)
First Vice Grand: Stephen Gorham
First Secretary: L. P. Blackman
First Treasurer: John Baldwin (selected at reorganization)
Instituted by: J. B. Nicholson, G. S.
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 55
Name: Valley
No.: 446
Date of Institution: Nov. 15, 1851
Date of Reorganization: June 23, 1871
First Noble Grand: Somers Kinney
First Vice Grand: Samuel Griffin (selected at reorganization)
First Secretary: Horace Kinney
First Treasurer: Edwin Gore (selected at reorganization)
Instituted by: Henry C. Baird
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 120
Name: Rome
No.: 480
Date of Institution: Sept. 12, 1853
Date of Reorganization: Nov. 8, 1872
First Noble Grand: H. D. Towner (selected at reorganization)
First Vice Grand: J. H. Allen (selected at reorganization)
First Secretary: W. H. Shaw (selected at reorganization)
Instituted by: D. P. Knapp
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 75
Name: Asylum
No.: 488
Date of Institution: July 21, 1853
Date of Reorganization: Oct. 17, 1862 by O. H. Kinney
First Noble Grand: Henry Kinney
First Vice Grand: D. L. States
First Secretary: A. J. Stone
First Treasurer: David Wilson
Instituted by: Gen. H. J. Madill
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 40
Name: Wyalusing
No.: 503
Date of Institution: Apr. 14, 1854
First Noble Grand: Joshua Burrows
First Vice Grand: Hiram Elliott
First Secretary: L. W. Camp
First Treasurer: Harrison Black
Instituted by: Gen. H. J. Madill
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 113
Name: New Albany
No.: 682
Date of Institution: Dec. 23, 1869
First Noble Grand: G. W. Burdick
First Vice Grand: Geo. H. Kendall
First Secretary: S. D. Steriger
First Treasurer: D. W. Harshburger
Instituted by: L. M. Hewitt
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 52
Name: Granville Centre
No.: 687
Date of Institution: Dec. 24, 1869
First Noble Grand: Robert Innis
First Vice Grand: M. O. Loomis
First Secretary: P. M. Sayles
First Treasurer: Adam Innis
Instituted by: J. B. Nicholson, G. S.
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 91
Name: Aspinwall
No.: 789
Date of Institution: March 14, 1872
First Noble Grand: James R. Brasted
First Vice Grand: J. D. Wolf
First Secretary: Geo. H. Knapp
First Treasurer: Ed. Wright
Instituted by: D. P. Knapp
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 63
Name: Barclay
No.: 807
Date of Institution: July 12, 1872
First Noble Grand: Chas. Huchinson
First Vice Grand: John Ditchburn
First Secretary: L. S. Kelder
First Treasurer: Ed. Wheatley
Instituted by: D. P. Knapp
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 107
Name: White Lily
No.: 808
Date of Institution: Sept. 19, 1872
First Noble Grand: U. Snover
First Vice Grand: A. B. Culver
First Secretary: A. B. Porter
Instituted by: D. P. Knapp
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 61
Name: Le Roy
No.: 843
Date of Institution: June 24, 1873
First Noble Grand: A. T. Lilley
First Vice Grand: Wm. F. Robinson
First Secretary: M. L. Wooster
First Treasurer: J. E. Lilley
Instituted by: J. B. Nicholson, G. S.
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 58
Name: Silvaraville
No.: 887
Date of Institution: Nov. 11, 1874
First Noble Grand: J. J. Culver
First Vice Grand: Wm. Christian
First Secretary: E. L. Taylor
Instituted by: G. W. Blackman
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 53
Name: Burlington
No.: 904
Date of Institution: March 26, 1875
First Noble Grand: L. M. Rundall
First Vice Grand: P. P. Burns
First Secretary: N.W. Lane
First Treasurer: R. R. Phelps
Instituted by: G. W. Blackman
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 74
Name: Clauson
No.: 920
Date of Institution: Nov. 23, 1875
First Noble Grand: G. H. Fitch
First Vice Grand: Wm. Kentner
First Secretary: I. M. Sweet
Instituted by: G. W. Blackman
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 45
Name: Wells
No.: 921
Date of Institution: Dec. 16, 1875
First Noble Grand: Capt. Albert Judson
First Vice Grand: C. L. Shephard
First Secretary: A. B. Hathaway
Instituted by: G. W. Blackman
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 59
Name: Sylvan
No.: 926
Date of Institution: Feb. 1, 1876
First Noble Grand: J. H. Calkins
First Vice Grand: A. M. Card
First Secretary: Geo. P. Monroe
First Treasurer: Peleg Peck
Instituted by: G. W. Blackman
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 66
Name: Smithfield
No.: 928
Date of Institution: Jan. 15, 1876
First Noble Grand: E. G. Durfey
First Vice Grand: J. L. Vincent
First Secretary: O. Gerould
Instituted by: G. W. Blackman
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 57
Name: Northern Tier
No.: 930
Date of Institution: March 28, 1876
First Noble Grand: Peter Vortendyke
First Vice Grand: Wm. George
First Secretary: Ira Crane
First Treasurer: L. Pitt
Instituted by: G. W. Blackman
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 55
Name: Litchfield
No.: 938
Date of Institution: Jan. 29, 1876
First Noble Grand: A. P. Wolcott
First Vice Grand: F. H. Sherman
First Secretary: J. C. McKinney
First Treasurer: Chas. Campbell
Instituted by: Geo. F. Borie, G. M.
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 43
Name: Bentley Creek
No.: 943
Date of Institution: Oct. 20, 1876
First Noble Grand: Geo. Miller
First Vice Grand: Alvin May
First Secretary: E. M. Tuton
First Treasurer: V. S. Vincent
Instituted by: G. W. Blackman
Membership Oct. 1, 1877: 43
Total Membership: 1,963
Towanda Lodge, No. 290.---This order, which was first introduced to the public as a military organization, taking its organization in the United States army during the late war, is a beneficiary society, having for its object the mutual aid and relief of its members in distress and want. The first lodge of the order in this county was instituted in Towanda, in 1871, largely through the instrumentality of H. S. Clark, Esq., formerly a member of Laceyville lodge, by George H. Jones, Grand Chancellor of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. There were about thirty charter members, and the lodge at once took rank as among the most worthy and respectable in the borough. The charter bears date April 6, 1871. At its organization the principal officers were:
H. S. Clark, V.P.
H. J. Madill, C.C.
G. H. Horton, V.C.
A. D. Harding, K. of R.S.
The organization has been a very prosperous one, and has now about one hundred members, and meets every Tuesday evening, in the hall in Montanye’s block.
On the establishment of the order in the county Mr. Clark was appointed District Deputy G.C., and held the office for two years. The deputies who have succeeded him have been H. J. Madill, O. A. Black, B. F. Crossley, B. Benedict, and J. N. Califf, the present incumbent.
Minequa Lodge, No. 374.---Mr. Clark, in connection with James McIntosh, of Philadelphia, an officer of the grand lodge, instituted a lodge at Canton, with the following as its principal officers:
Theodore Pierce, V.P.;
J. A. McNaught, C.C.;
E. L. Manly, V.C.;
M. R. Doty, K. of R.S.
The lodge meets on Monday evening. It has at present a membership of about 30.
Mountain Cliff Lodge, at Barclay, was instituted by Mr. Clark, April 8, 1873, with the following persons filling its principal chairs, to wit;
John Kellock, V.P.;
F. M. Miner, C.C.;
William Johnson, V.C.;
John Noble, K. of R.S.
Its meetings are held on Wednesday evening of each week.
(By A. T. Lilley)
Bradford Grange, No. 39, of Pike township, was the first organization of the order of Patrons of Husbandry in Bradford County. It was organized in 1873. S. W. Buck, of Le Raysville, was the first District Deputy Master in the county. He organized more granges than any other deputy, from the fact that the farmers of Bradford are a reading people, and were, almost with common consent, ready to receive the principles of the institution. Forty-eight subordinate granges soon found themselves in the midst of opposition, much of which was for lack of a perfect knowledge of the principles and the benefits to be derived from the order. In accordance with the spirit of progress, a council for the county was formed at Wyalusing, in 1874.
Hon. D. Lilley was elected Master;
H. B. Morgan, Overseer;
A. T. Lilley, Lecturer, and
Hon. P. H. Buck, Sec.
Since then the council has given place to the Bradford Pomona grange. So far, the greatest benefit that has been derived by the Patrons is of an educational nature. More thorough knowledge of the general principles of mercantile business has been infused into the common mind, and now the tide of research is reaching to improvements that must have a lasting effect upon the whole communities wherein the granges are located. Those who joined the institution from idle curiosity, or from some other equally unstable cause, have naturally fallen away, leaving the stanch, enduring Patrons to carry out the principles of their own choice, which are not excelled by those of any organization of less than divine origin. Every village and hamlet in the county has felt the beneficial effects of its teachings. The county has been well represented in the State Grange by C. E. Gladding, as Business Agent at Philadelphia; Ezra Loomis as one of the Executive Committee; V. S. Landon, E. R. Delong, A. D. Munn, as Deputies; and now by V. E. Piollet, as Master. The Pomona grange has had efficient Masters, such as Hon. B. La Porte and E. R. Delong.
The patrons of Western Bradford and Eastern Tioga have formed a Grange
Mutual Fire Insurance Company, which has a capital of nearly $300,000.
The officers are Hon. D. Lilley, president; B. F. Newbery, secretary, and
Ezra Loomis, treasurer. None but Patrons can be insured in the company.
It is believed that grange fairs will add much to the interest and permanency
of the order. Last autumn, Open Hand and Rome granges each held fairs that
have been pronounced very successful. The order of Patrons of Husbandry
is yet in its infancy, but there are no good reasons to suppose its life
shall be of less duration than the organizations of any other avocation.
The following list presents to the reader the name, number, location, etc.,
of the granges as first formed.
Wysauking Tuscarora Columbia Rome South Hill D. B. Mauger Wyalusing Aspinwall South Creek Oscalua Sheshequin Open Hand Springfield Union Burlington Cascade Herrick Ulster Ondawa Spring Hill Potterville Troy Wappasening Highland Central Towanda Towanda Valley New Albany North Orwell Asylum Washington Smithfield Minnequa Monroe Lincoln Towanda Glen Mercur West Granville Iona Evergreen West Warren Granville Centre Beech Flatts Standing Stone Wilmot Wells Piollet |
58 69 83 95 99 111 124 137 138 142 145 153 154 155 160 169 170 173 174 178 181 182 188 193 194 200 204 205 208 211 213 214 222 231 237 238 245 257 272 287 298 309 336 354 512 524 554 |
Wysox Tuscarora Columbia Rome Orwell Athens Wyalusing Wells South Creek North Towanda Sheshequin Le Roy Springfield West Burlington Burlington Wyalusing Herrick Ulster Springfield Spring Hill Orwell Troy Windham Litchfield Sheshequin Towanda West Franklin Albany Orwell Asylum Athens Smithfield Canton Monroe Ridgberry Towanda Standing Stone West Granville Franklin Terry Warren Granville Canton Standing Stone Wilmot Wells Rome |
S. W. Buck
V. E. Piollet Bela Cogswell C. E. Gladding J. Passmore Capt. I. A. Park Capt. Jno. Griffin J. W. Ingham David Carey E. T. Robbins E. R. Delong Wm. Snyder A. T. Lilley S. D. Harkness Ezra Loomis Job Morley W. Chamberlain G. W. Elliott S. S. Lockwood Wm. A. Bullock Ferris Ackley A. G. Matthews E. C. Rockwell Geo. Moscrip A. D. Munn Wm. Patterson H. L. Scott Ogden Varney Amasa Heverley J. H. Brown Hon. B. La Porte G. H. Sible A. O. Tracy C. B. Taylor J. B. M. Hinman V. S. Vincent Daniel Decker G. A. Stephens V. S. Landon Sterne McKee Maj. U. Terry J. S. Rodgers V. Saxton J. R. Wright Myron Kingsley Martin Sax S. H. Ingersoll James L. Parker |
G. N. De Wolf
E. G. Owen J. H. Atkins J. R. Watkins W. H. Shaw C. C. Stewart W. P. Murray J. R. Taylor J. E. Warner S. S. Thompson A. C. Smith G. W. Kinney J. N. Holcomb S. D. Phillips A. L. Blackwell F. J. Morley Cyrus Avery J. L. Camp W. H. Rockwell S. S. Huggins A. B. Sumner Ira W. Corbin B. F. Newbery R. W. Darling A. J. Layton L. E. Post James M. Piatt T. J. Smiley F. N. Wilcox Wm. A. Sible Dwight Kellum Geo. Rightmire E. P. Tracy S. M. Smith W. A. Park Wm. Dickinson E. N. Decker H. C. Stephens J. W. Merritt E. J. Robinson J. H. Schoonover J. S. Dickenson S. A. Rockwell F. W. Hickok Ella Kingsley M. B. Ryder S. B. Sergeant F. A. Bradley |
The objects to be accomplished by this organization are as follows:
H. A. Frink, Commander.
The post was kept up until 1869, when it was disbanded. The post was reorganized Jan. 1, 1874, and now numbers among its members some of the best men of the town. The number of the post is 68.
Post No. 115 was organized at Stevensville, July 11, 1868, and disbanded the same year.
Post No. 119 was organized at Troy, in 1868, and was disbanded in 1869. This post was reorganized at Burlington.
Post No. 124 organized at East Smithfield, April 25, 1868, and disbanded some time afterwards. Reorganized Aug. 8, 1873.
Post No. 202 organized Feb. 1, 1870, at Athens.
Post No. 154 organized at Le Raysville, Sept. 5, 1868, and disbanded in 1869. Reorganized as No. 33, Aug. 9, 1876.
Post No. 227, at Ulster, organized Nov. 7, 1873.
Post No. 72, at New Albany, organized June 26, 1877.
Post No. 69, at Rome, organized Aug. 22, 1877.
Post No. 74, at Wyalusing, organized Sept. 13, 1877.
Post No. 91, at Canton, organized Nov. 16, 1877.
Post No. 86, at Herrickville, organized Dec. 20, 1877.
Those who have organized posts, and have been instrumental in extending the usefulness of this order, are Charles T. Hull, H. A. Frink, J. Andrew Wilt, M. E. Warner, C. G. Rockwell, and James H. Wilson.
There are ten posts in the county (February, 1878) in good working order. Through the instrumentality of the G.A.R., an encampment and reunion of the soldiers was held on the fair-grounds in the fall of 1877. Many needy comrades and soldier orphans and widows have been helped by this organization.
This order originated in Louisville, Ky., in June, 1873, and has for its objects (1) to unite fraternally all acceptable men of every profession, business, or occupation; (2) to give moral and material aid to its members by holding moral, scientific, and instructive lectures, encouraging each other in business, and assisting one another in obtaining employment; (3) to establish a benefit fund from which a sum not to exceed $2000 shall be paid at the death of each member to his family, as he may direct; (4) to establish a fund for the relief of sick or distressed members. There is at present but one lodge of the order in the county, and that is:
Crystal Lodge, No. 57, at Towanda, was organized Jan. 14, 1875, by Supreme Dictator D. Wilson, of Boston. It has a membership now of forty-two, and meets every Monday evening in the hall of the Knights of Pythias, in Montanye’s block, corner of Main and Court streets. The principal officers of the lodge are
C. C. Mower, Dictator;
O. A. Black, Vice-Dictator;
C. M. Myer, Assistant Dictator; and
J. R. Kittridge, reporter.
The medical examiner is S. M. Woodburn, M. D. This is the only lodge in the county.
Towanda Lodge, No. 370, was chartered in 1871, and meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month in its hall in Patton’s block, corner of Main and Bridge streets.
Washington Camp, No. 190, was chartered in 1873, and meets at their hall over Frost’s store, on Main street, Towanda.
This society was organized in 1870 and meets in the basement story of
the Catholic church, on the first Sunday of each month. Its object is to
afford relief to suffering Catholics.