![]() Erin Post Office |
Submitted by Denise D. Ervay
Typed by Pat Raymond
GROSODONIA – Boy’s Condition Still Critical In Miami Crash
Michael Grosodonia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Grosodonia, 241 Oakridge Drive, Irondequoit, remained in critical condition today in south Miami Hospital following a three-car accident Sunday afternoon on US 1 in Miami. Michael, a student at the University of Miami, was among five hurt.
According to the Miami News, a car driven by Henry Herrell of Miami made a U-turn on the four-lane highway into the path of a car in which Michael was a passenger. This car in which the Irondequoit youth was riding struck the Herrell car and then rebounded into the path of another car and there was a second collision. Herrell was charged with reckless driving. Mr. and Mrs. Grosodonia left for Miami Sunday after hearing of the accident.
George Jones of Erin Saturday night was nominated as the Democratic candidate for supervisor of the Town of Erin. The candidate, who is making his first venture in politics, is employed by the Grange League Federation at Horseheads.
Other town office candidates were chosen at the party caucus at the Town Hall which was attended by more than 75 party members. E. E. Carson, a committeeman who presided at the meeting, listed the following other nominations:
Town clerk, Mrs. Emma Smith; peace justice, four years, Jacob Decker; councilman, four years, John Matejke Jr.; assessor, four years, Ira Metejka; assessor, two years, Earl Norris (may be Morris?); highway superintendent, James Burlew.
Frank Elston, Raymond Hollenbeck and Lawrence Palmer were chosen as a vacancy committee in the event any of the candidates cannot seek office. Atty. Robert Andrew, Democratic candidate for district attorney addressed the meeting briefly. (Sun. Sept. 25)
Packy Rogers, popular third baseman for the Elmira Pioneers during 1935-36-37 and part of ’38, passed his pre-induction examination at Binghamton Thursday and was accepted by the Navy. Granted 21 days to arrange his home affairs, Packy then expects to report at Sampson for training.
Although playing baseball under the name of Rogers, Packy’s real name is Stanley Hazinski. He lives at 964 Walnut St.
The aggressive and popular player, now 30 years old, played with Portland in the pacific Coast League last season and then was traded to Buffalo of the International League. The Bisons indicated a further trade for Packy was in order, but these plans apparently fell through.
Several years ago Packy married Miss Helen Carroll, daughter of Patrolman and Mrs. Edward P. Carroll. The Rogers have three children, John Edward, 5; Carol Ann, 3 ½ and Patty, 11 months.
Thursday night Packy appeared jubilant over his shift of uniforms and indicated he would do his best in Navy service, just as he had always given his best to baseball. "I haven’t gone yet, of course," said Packy, "but I want the baseball fans of Elmira to know I’ll be thinking of them and wishing the best for the Pioneers and their new manager, my friend Al Todd."
Two Erin residents gave their lives and seven persons were hurt, three seriously, when two automobiles collided head-on with terrific force at 5:40 p.m. Monday on the Lake Road just south of Horseheads. The dead:
Eugene Nurse, 43, farmer who resided about two and one-half miles northeast of Erin just off the Erin-Van Etten Road. Albert Nurse, 3, his son.
The injured:
Mrs. Helen Nurse 37, wife of Eugene, skull fracture, two severe scalp cuts, cuts on forehead, bruises, facial paralysis; condition serious. Mrs. Edna Dryburgh, 19, of 178 Wellington Avenue, Rochester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nurse, fractured left leg and cuts on face; condition serious. Robert Dryburgh, 48, her husband, fractured leg, condition fair. Nellie Nurse, 5 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nurse, depressed skull fracture; condition fair. Mrs. Elizabeth Harrington, 51, Erin RD2, a neighbor of the Nurses, fracture of skull and right collarbone; condition serious. Violet Harrington, 15, her daughter, shock, condition good. Bernard J. Lochern, 23, of 556 East Market Street, Elmira, cuts on nose and right eye, possible fracture of right hand; condition good.
Mrs. Harrington was taken to the Arnot-Ogden hospital, the other injured to St. Joseph’s Hospital. The crash occurred after the Nurses, the Dryburghs and the Harringtons had been to Elmira for an afternoon pleasure trip. Mr. Lochern was driving one car involved, owned by the Elmira Tobacco Company; all the others were in the Nurse car, driven by Eugene Nurse.
The cars collided head-on in front of the residence of Wilson T. Day, Upper Lake Road, the Nurse car being left a mass of wreckage and the light closed truck driven by Mr. Lochern being badly smashed. The Nurse car was going north, the Lochern auto south.
(Omitting description of cars and rest of story as it contains allegations of blame)
Sheriff Tifft was notified of the accident by Elizabeth Day, daughter of Wilson T. Day. Coroner Dale said there will be no inquest since the responsibility of the accident has been determined.
Manley C. Park, county welfare commissioner, said the Nurses have four other children, ranging from 6 to 14 years of age. The children were placed in the homes of neighbors Monday night, and the county will make some provision for their care today Mr. Park said.
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Rafferty of Breesport announce the engagement of their daughter, Doris Thelma to Vernon C. Swartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rexford R. Swartz of Horseheads. Miss Rafferty is a graduate of the Breesport High School and Elmira Business Institute. For the past year she has been employed as secretary in the offices of Walter B. Reynolds, attorney, and the Reynolds Realty Co.
Mr. Swartz attended Breesport High School and Elmira Free Acadamy. He is now connected with the Elmira Precision Tool Co. The wedding will take place in the late fall.
Among those at the variety shower given Wednesday evening at the Miller Villa by Miss Thelma Swartz and Mrs. Gerald Dann of Horseheads for Miss Doris Rafferty, whose marriage to Vernon C. Swartz takes place July 2 were, Miss Eleanor Ripley, Mrs. Dann, Miss Rafferty, Miss Swartz.
Miss Anne Kopek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kopek of Binghamton, became the bride recently of Sidney J. Kronus, son of Mrs. Joseph Kronus of Erin. The couple will make their home in Binghamton where Mr. Kronus is employed by the Endwell Bakery.
WISE – Allan Leigh Wise, 29, of 166 McConnell Ave., Elmira Heights, died Monday, Jan. 15, 1962. He was a New York State Trooper and a communicant of St. Mary’s Church, Elmira. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wise, with whom he resided; paternal grandmother Mrs. Lawrence Wise of Bath; brothers, Douglas of Elmira, Cpl. Joel Wise of Camp LeJeune, N. C.; sister, Mrs. Willis Shutt, Jr., of Elmira Heights. Body at Ballard & Lindgren Funeral Home, Elmira Heights. Calling hours: today 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Prayer service there Thursday at 8:15 a.m., Requiem High Mass at 9 in St. Mary’s Church, Recitation of Rosary Wednesday at 8 p.m.
McQUAID – Kathy Ann McQuaid, 4 ½, of Breesport, was struck and killed by an automobile Saturday afternoon near her home. She and a cousin had tobogganed onto the road, and were hurrying to get off the highway when she suddenly began to run toward her house.
Kathy Ann was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McQuaid, of Harding Road. Her cousin, Donald Beach, 9, son of Mrs. Joycelyn Beach of 419 William St., Elmira, was her sledding companion. She was being led to safety by Donald when the accident occurred at 2:35 p.m. She apparently became frightened, broke away, and ran into the path of the oncoming car, state police said.
Police said the child was struck by a car operated by Richard Henry Ervay Jr., 18, of Erin RD 1. Troopers K. A. Epler and J. G. Patterson are investigating. Police said both youngsters tobogganed from the McQuaid yard onto the intersection of the Ormiston and Harding Roads. They apparently heard the car approach as the toboggan stopped.
The Beech boy took his cousin’s hand and was leading her off the road when suddenly she turned and began to run back. The car, which had veered to avoid the children, struck the girl and carried her body off the road and into an embankment. She was pinned under the car. The toboggan was not touched.
The Erin Fire Department responded to an alarm and removed the body. Dr. King Snyder, a Chemung County coroner, issued a certificate of accidental death. Injuries included a fractured skull and broken neck. (Happened Saturday, Feb. 10, 1962)
The Coronation of the queen of the Elmira Heights Firemen’s Fair will be held Friday night, June 24. Some of the contestants for the honor are: Doris Brace, Gladys Updike, Jeannette Chuzinski and Irene Sekella, all of Elmira Heights; Thelma Wilson, "Miss Breesport"; Frances Hall, "Miss Big Flats"; and Ruth Adam, "Miss Wellsburg". Horseheads, Montour Falls, and Odessa are also expected to be represented.
LINNIBERY – Mrs. Eda Linnibery, Upper Lake Street, RD 5, Horseheads, died Saturday afternoon, July 25, 1936. She is survived by her husband, Floyd E. Linnibery, an aunt, Mrs. Lucy Dawson of Candor; an uncle, Edward L. Street; a niece, Anna Dewey of Owego. The body is in the Wilson funeral home.
Miss Inez Burlew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burlew of Breesport and Kenneth Rosecrans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Poole, of Van Etten, were married Saturday evening, Sept. 4, at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Rosecrans will make their home in Binghamton.
Harry L. Ennis and Luella L. Swartout, both of Breesport, were married Thursday noon at the parsonage of the Hedding Methodist Church by the Rev. Malcolm L. Rowe. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Koyne of 1318 ½ Lake Street.
The bride wore a shell pink organdy gown, a picture hat and both she and Mrs. Koyne, her sister, carried arm bouquets of roses.
WISE – Heights Trooper Dies in Crash
Allan L. Wise, 29, of Elmira Heights, an off-duty Painted Post state trooper, was killed this morning when his car overturned on the Harris Hill Road off Rt. 17E in the Town of Big Flats. Wise, who was single, had been stationed at Painted Post for about three years. The victim was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Wise of 166 McConnell Ave., Elmira Heights.
Wise was alone in the car, which tipped over in the center of the road about a half mile north of the River Road. The wreck was discovered by a Horseheads school bus driver about 7:30 a.m.
Wise was pinned under the late model foreign-made sport car. His body was found behind the steering wheel, still strapped in a safety belt. State Police said Wise was driving up the hill at the time of the accident. His car skidded on the wet pavement and turned over police reported. Police said the accident occurred probably between 7 and 7:30 a.m. The car was registered to Mary Ellen Canha of 322 Baty St.
Mrs. John Francis Madden is the former Miss Zerl Woodena Haff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Haff of Horseheads. Her marriage took place Saturday at 4 p.m. at the North Presbyterian Church.
SWEENEY – Mr. and Mrs. Tracy A. Sweeney of 509 Broadway announce the betrothal of their only daughter, Lorraine Stella, to Stephen J. Cornell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Cornell of Columbia Crossroads. Miss Sweeney, a graduate of Southside High School, is employed by the W. T. (Rest of clipping missing)
SHAPPEE -- Pfc. Clifford L. Shappee Jr., who had been reported missing in action in Germany Oct. 15, is a prisoner of war in Germany, he has written his parents. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Shappee, Bowman Hill Rd., Town of Horseheads. The letter was sent through the Red Cross.
Pfc. Shappee attended Breesport High School and entered the Army Feb. 27, 1943. He was trained at Camp Swift, Tex., and Camp Wood, Mo.
Miss Mary Jane Landon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Landon of 213 West 13th Street, Elmira Heights, became the bride of E. Keith Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor of Breesport, Thanksgiving Day at 3 p.m. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. A. Ganoung of Breesport at the couple’s newly furnished home, 482 Horner Street, Elmira.
The marriage of Miss Eloise Adelle Rodbourn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Rodbourn of Breesport, to Charles W. Cook, son of Mrs. Elsie Cook, 812 S. Pine St., Horseheads, was performed Saturday afternoon at 2:30 at the Breesport Baptist Church. The Rev. Vern E. Spencer of Newfield Baptist Church officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Russell Ewing was organist.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attended by Mrs. Frank Peck of Breesport, as matron-of-honor and Mrs. Joyce Barr of Elmira, Miss Joycelyn Harding of Breesport and Mrs. Arthur Webb of Holcomb as bridesmaids. All attendants were classmates of the bride at Rochester Business Institute.
Austin R. Cook was best man for his brother and ushers were Clyde R. Beuter of Horseheads, Glen V. Ross and Laurence H. Wolfe, cousin of the bride, of Breesport.
Mrs. Cook attended Breesport High School and Rochester Business Institute. She is employed by Thatcher Mfg. Co. The bridegroom, a Breesport High School graduate, served as a pilot in the air forces. He is an American-LaFrance-Foamite Corp. Employee.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Avery after their marriage June 11, 1949, performed by the Rev. Arthur Smith in St. Cecilia’s Church rectory. The bride, the former Miss Dorothy Dennis, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dennis of Elmira. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence R. Avery, also of Elmira. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raniewicz.
Miss Frances A. Havlen of Auburn, N. Y., formerly of Elmira Heights and Edward M. Thomas of Auburn were married Tuesday evening, Aug. 4, at the parsonage of the First Church of Christ, Disciples. The Rev. Allan M. Laird read the service in the presence of the immediate families.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mestan of Elmira Heights were the attendants. Mrs. Mestan is a sister of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will live at 78 Genesee Street, Auburn.
Mr. Thomas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis J. Thomas of 82 Dalrymple Avenue, is the owner and operator of a broadcasting station at Island Park, Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs. William Walters were married Saturday, June 18, 1949, at 3:30 in the parsonage of the Riverside Methodist Church by the Rev. Herbert J. Gordon. The bride was the former Miss Doris Krotzer of 584 Maple Ave., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Krotzer of Canton. Mr. Walters’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walters live at 1310 Hall St. Miss Ivy Kolivoski and Leonard Unwin attended the couple. Mrs. Walters is employed by the Bern Furniture Store and Mr. Walters is employed by the Thatcher Glass Mfg. Co.
Miss Mary Elizabeth Ennis, daughter of Mrs. Mary Ennis of Erin, became the bride of James Cameron Peterman, son of Cameron Peterman, 470 Mt. Zoar St., Apr. 5, 1947, at the home of the officiate, Dr. Henry White.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Reese were attendants and Terry Ann Dull was flower girl.
WELLS – Pvt. Franklin E. Wells, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wells of Horseheads, RD 1, is a prisoner in Germany, he informed his parents by means of a postcard just received. He was reported missing in action in Italy Oct. 27, 1944.
Pvt. Wells graduated from Breesport High School in 1940 and was a Hygeia Refrigerating & Ice Cream Co. employee when he entered service Feb. 16, 1944. He trained at Camp Blanding, Fla. And went overseas in August.
A pretty wedding took place Monday noon at the Presbyterian manse in Horseheads when Miss Pearle Lillian Hulett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hulett of Horseheads, became the bride of Bernard H. Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Chapman of Horseheads. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. E. Malick. They were attended by Miss Lillian Kocourek and Joseph Kocourek of Horseheads, aunt and uncle of the bride. (Description of attire omitted)
Following the ceremony, dinner was served at the home of the bride’s parents to about 30 guests. The room and table were decorated in pink and white with bouquets of garden flowers. After the reception the couple left for a trip to the thousand Islands.
The bride, who is a former school teacher, is a graduate of Horseheads High School and Training Class and also attended Elmira Business Institute. The bridegroom is a mechanic and Alart Motor Company in Horseheads.
Millerton—Miss M. Helen Rosekrans, daughter of the Rev. And Mrs. Clyde A. Rosekrans, will become the bride of Herman A. Messing, son of Walter Messing of Millerton, at the Methodist Church Sunday, Apr. 19. The ceremony, which will follow the morning worship, will be performed by the bride’s father. Miss Rachael Rudolph of Hector and Charles Messing of Millerton, brother of the bridegroom, will be attendants.
Miss Rosekrans, Millerton’s assistant postmistress and Mr. Messing both attended the Millerton High School and the latter the Elmira Business Institute. He is an employee of the Wyckoff Company in Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Messing will reside in Millerton.
RIKER – Spencer Man’s Body Found
SPENCER—The body of Lawrence D. Riker, 61, who had been missing from his home since July 4, was found yesterday near his parked automobile along a dead end county road. Rollie C. Kolb, a Tioga County coroner, said the man apparently died of natural causes.
Riker disappeared after leaving his home with the avowed intention of seeking work. An acquaintance spotted Riker'’ car on the road yesterday and notified the sheriff'’ office.
BROWN – Chemung County
Mrs. Helen Brown, 36, of 400 Division St. Today July 19, 1955. The widow of the late Kenneth Brown of Wellsburg, she is survived by a son Daniel of Horseheads; father, Frank Palmer of Horseheads, sisters, Mrs. George Deats of Horseheads RD 2 and Mrs. James Payne of Breesport; brother, Francis Palmer of Horseheads; aunts, Mrs. Fred Smart, Miss Nora Collins and Mrs. Florence Collins, all of Elmira, several nieces and nephews. She was a communicant of St. Mary’s Church, Horseheads. Body is at the Frank O’Dea Funeral Home, where friends may call Wednesday from 7 to 9 and Thursday, 2 to 5 and 7 to 9, and where prayer service will be held Thursday at 8 a.m. Requiem High Mass at St. Mary’s Church, Horseheads at 9 a.m. St. Mary’s Cemetery, Horseheads.
ROSE – Rowland S. Rose, 23, of the Town of Veteran, died Thursday after a brief illness. His father, S. Eddy Rose, of the Town of Veteran, is his only near relative. Mr. Rose was a graduate of the Horseheads High School, a member of Old Oak Lodge, F. & A. M., of Millport and the Sullivanville Grange. He was an electrician by occupation and had many friends in Elmira and Horseheads, who held him in high esteem. The remains repose in the Mathews & Van Buskirk Funeral Home, Horseheads, until Sunday morning when they will be removed to the family home where a prayer service will be held Sunday at 1:45 p.m. The funeral will be held in the Horseheads M. E. Church at 2:30 o’clock. The Rev. Mr. Crippen of Sullivanville will officiate. Burial in Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads. Committal service by Old Oak Lodge, F. & A. M., of Millport.
Miss Della Juanita Hess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hess of VanEtten, and Raymond Dexter Gates, son of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gates of Gillett, were married Wednesday, Oct. 28, by the Rev. C. Hildreth Wilcox, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Horseheads.
Miss Margaret Louise Noll became the bride of Robert Allan Denning of Mansfield on Saturday, June 29, 1957, in a ceremony performed in the First Presbyterian Church of Montrose, Pa. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Max Noll of Montrose. Her husband is the son of Mrs. Charles Denning of Central Park, N. Y., and the late Mr. Denning.
Miss Patricia Rae Clark of 802 Roe Ave.; daughter of Mrs. Lorraine Vowell of that address and F. W. Clark of Redondo Beach, Calif., became the bride of Lawrence J. Calisher of Binghamton on Saturday, July 13, 1957, at 10:30 a.m. in St. Paul’s Church, Binghamton. Msgr. J. J. Morris officiated at the double ring service, which was followed by a reception from 1 to 3 at the Hotel Arlington. Mr. Clark accompanied his daughter to the altar. (Description of gowns omitted)
Miss Dorothy Way of 402 Cleveland St., Elmira, was the maid of honor. Miss Joanne Lavelle of Liberty, N. Y. And Miss Elizabeth Lee of 381 W. Water St., Elmira, were the other attendants.
Robert Donovan of Endicott was best man. Those who ushered were John Tomasky Jr., and Daniel Tallett, both of Binghamton.
The bride is a graduate of the Elmira Free Academy and is a senior in the Binghamton City Hospital School of Nursing. Her husband, who is employed by the Link Aviation Co., is a graduate of the Binghamton North High School.
Miss Mary Louise Vincent was married to Navy Seaman Bruce R. McKee in a double ring ceremony yesterday, July 13, 1957, at 1:30 p.m. in the First Methodist Church. A reception for 150 guests followed in the church parlors.
The former Miss Vincent is the daughter of Truman A. Vincent of 402 Welles St. and the late Mrs. Lillian Vincent. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger McKee of 729 Winsor Ave. Both are graduates of the Elmira Free Academy. The Rev. Lullus D. Bell was the officiating clergyman and Mrs. Louis J. Green was organist, accompanying the soloist, Mrs. Bell.
The bride was given in marriage by her father, and her dress was made by her aunt, Mrs. Clarence Searles of Horseheads. Miss Bette Jane Clever of 504 Hathorn Ct. Was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Janice Searles of 112 Roosevelt Ave., Horseheads, Miss Gail Liddick of 714 W. Second St. and Miss Carole Mallette of 918 Johnson St. Junior bridesmaids were Linda Ward and Cathy Ward. Flower girl was ...dice Ward of Race St. and Debra .......
Larry McKee of Elmira was best man. Ushers were David Searles of Horseheads, Clifford Couse and Edward Huffman of Elmira. After a short trip, Mr. and Mrs. McKee will make their home at the Naval Base, Clarksville, Tenn., where the bridegroom is stationed.
Miss Pauline M. Conklin and Carl A. Raplee, both of 959 Richard Street, were married Nov. 27, at the parsonage of the First Church of Christ, Disciples, the Rev. Allan M. Laird officiating. Miss Betty Hecht and Francis Raplee were attendants.
Horseheads—Miss Anna Helen Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Gardner Street, and Clarence Hungerford Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hungerford of the Corning Road, were married at the Methodist parsonage Saturday evening, by the Rev. Frederick Maunder. They will reside in Horseheads.
At the home of Miss Mae VanGelder in Breesport at 10 o’clock Monday, the marriage of Miss Katherine Adde Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bennett, Erin, to Elmer Struzinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Struzinsky, also of Erin, was solemnized.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. H. Ganoung of the Breesport Baptist Church in the presence of the immediate families and a few friends. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matejka Jr., Erin.
TREAT – Miss Ruth Ann Treat To Be Fall Bride
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Treet of Breesport announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Ann, to Howard Bush, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Bush of Swartwood. Miss Treat is a graduate of the Cortland High School and the Elmira Business Institute. She is now employed in the office of Manley C. Park, County Commissioner of Public Welfare, Elmira.
Mr. Bush was graduated from both the Van Etten High School and the Elmira Business Institute, and is affiliated with the Purchasing Department of Cornell University. The wedding will take place in the fall.
BUSH – Claude E. Bush, age 73, of Horseheads, R. D. 3, Saturday, September 3, 1966. Friends may call at Van Buskirk-Lynch funeral home Monday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Tuesday at 2 p.m. Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Survived by sons, Merritt D. Bush of Elmira Heights, James A. Bush of Horseheads, R.D. 3; daughters, Mrs. RosalleLewis, Mrs. Wilma Cady, Mrs. Imogene Stump all of Elmira. Mrs. Viola Cady of Big Flats, Mrs. Evelyn Southard of Pine Valley; step-daughters, Mrs. Margaret Pickering of Horseheads, Mrs. Joan Hollimon of Pembroke, Ky.; brother, Elmer Bush of Horseheads, RD 3; 26 grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren.
Miss Ruth Ann Treat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Treat of Breesport, became the bride of Howard Bush, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Bush of Swartwood Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock, at the home of the bride’s parents. The Rev. Hildreth Wilcox of Horseheads read the service in the presence of 30 guests. Mrs. Ruth Doty of Elmira played the wedding music. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Her maid-of-honor, was Miss Ada Preston of Breesport. Constance and Douglas Treat were ribbon bearers and Patricia Ann Treat was flower girl. The best man was Clarence Decker of Ithaca.
Mrs. Bush has been employed with the office of Manley Park, county Commission of Public Welfare, and attended the Cortland High School and is a graduate of the Elmira Business Institute. The bridegroom, also a graduate of EBI, attended the Van Etten Academic School. He is now affiliated with the purchasing department of Cornell University, Ithaca.
Miss Ann M. Wasek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wasck of Elmira Heights, is engaged to wed Frank Cernohorsky, Jr., son of Frank Cernohorsky of Horseheads. The marriage will take place in June.
Spencer—M. L. Cowell has announced the engagement of his daughter, Miss Marjorie Cowell, to George V. Payne of Horseheads. Miss Cowell has taught the first and second grades here several years.
CARSON – Pvt. Charles F. Carson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Carson of Erin, has been promoted to the grade of corporal at Needles, Calif. Where he is a member of a tank division. He formerly lived at 256 Horner St.
DAVIS – Anniversary Open House
Mr. and Mrs. Clark B. Davis of 751 Pennsylvania Ave., who were married June 16, 1909, will mark the occasion Sunday with open house from 2 to 6 p.m.
Clark Davis of Little Marsh and Miss Maude Starkey of Middlebury Center were married by the Rev. Arthur Dougall, Presbyterian minister in Elmira. They have three children, Mrs. Anne Moe of Fairfield, Conn., Mrs. Gloria Landbald of Van Etten and Basil Davis of Endicott; and eight grandchildren.
Erin Girl to Wed – Miss Agnes Virginia Shinebarger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Shinebarger of Erin, whose engagement to R. Stanley Patterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson of Erin, is announced. The marriage will take place in the fall.
Miss Gloria June Davis and Oliver Lindblad were married Sunday, Jan 28, 1945, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark B. Davis, 444 Cypress St. The Rev. C. Wellington Hardy, pastor of the Southside Baptist Church, performed the ceremony under an arch with floral decorations of mixed flowers and palms. Mrs. Louis Green played traditional wedding music.
The bride was given in marriage by her father. (Description of clothing omitted) Mrs. Jack MacInroy of Elmira Heights was the bride’s only attendant. Jack MacInroy was best man.
Mrs. Lindblad, attended Breesport High School. The bridegroom, son of Sam Lindblad of Ithaca and the late Mrs. Lindblad, is a graduate of Van Etten High School and attended Elmira Business Institute. He is now employed at the Eclipse Plant. The couple are now living at 201 ½ Walnut St.
Representatives of military organizations will honor Corydon Benton Breese oldest living member of Baldwin Post G.A.R. on his 94th birthday anniversary Thursday. Officers and members of Baldwin Post with representatives of the Daughters of the American Revolution, sons of Union Veterans, SOUV Relief Corps, Daughters of Union Veterans, and Baldwin Post Relief Corps will call at his home between 1 and 4 p.m.
Mr. Breese enlisted in Elmira in April, 1862, in Battery C, Fifth Regiment, New York Volunteer Heavy Artillery. He took part in the battles of Middletown, Newtown and Winchester, Va. He was taken prisoner and held in Libby and Belle Island prisons at Richmond for a month before being released in an exchange.
After rejoining the Union forces, he helped in guarding Washington for a year. After attending military school in Philadelphia, he was commissioned a second lieutenant and assigned to Company C. Eighth Regiment, U. S. Colored Troops Volunteer Infantry. He was stationed before Richmond and helped capture the Confederate capital in March, 1865. He was then returned to the Fifth Regiment, U. S. Regular Light Artillery where he remained until Lee’s surrender, April 9, 1865.
CHAMBERLAIN – Laurence A. Chamberlain, age 44, of Forsythe St., Owego, formerly of Breesport Tuesday, Jan. 14, 1964. He was a member of Owego Presbyterian Church, a member of Southern Light Lodge 725, F & A. M. Survived by wife, Mrs. Jessie Bowen Chamberlain; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chamberlain of Breesport; brother, Julian of Elmira. Body at Estey & Monroe Funeral Home, Owego. Funeral there Friday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Edgar Frank. Tioga Cemetery at the convenience of the family.
GARY – Del Roy Gary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gary of 1016 Canton Ave., has returned to duty at San Diego, Calif., after spending a 14-day leave at his home here. He has been stationed in California for 18 months. (Dated Sept. 4, 1955)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Wilber of Breesport announce the engagement of
their daughter Judith Helen to Douglas A. Cummings, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Reuben Cummings, also of Breesport. Miss Wilber is a freshman at Corning
Community College. Her fiancee is in the Navy at Pensacola, Fla. The announcement
was made at an open house Sunday at the Wilber home.
Married in St. Charles church, Elmira Heights, Saturday, June 11, 1949, at 10. Miss Harriet Brown, 28 Sunnyside Dr., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earle W. Brown at Columbia Cross Rds., was married to Paul Francis Pesesky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pesesky of Elmira Heights. The bride was given in marriage by her father.
The marriage of Miss June Curran to John Cusamono was solemnized in St. Mary’s Church at 10 a.m. June 11, 1949. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Helen Curran of 412 E. church St., and Leo Curran of 607 E. Second St. Mr. Cusamono is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cusamono of the Albany Post Rd., Hyde Park. The Rev. Thomas J. Toole assisted by the Rev. John Lynch performed the single ring service and celebrated the nuptial Mass.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Blauvelt of Erin announce the engagements of their twin daughters, Doris Marie to Charles Kline, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steward Kline of 125 E. Ninth St., Elmira Heights and Dorothy Mae, who will wed Theodore Lepley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lepley of Williamsport. The Misses Blauvelt are graduates of Horseheads High School and are employed by the Artistic Card Co.
Mr. Kline is a graduate of Thomas A. Edison High School and an employee of the Elias Food Market, Elmira, NY. Mr. Lepley, a Williamsport High School graduate .....15 months with the armed forces. He is employed by .............Brothers Corp., Williamsport
MATEJKA – John Matejka, age 84 of RD 1, Erin, died Friday, June 15, 1973, at the Arnot Ogden Hospital. Friends are invited to call at the Barber Funeral Home, Horseheads, Saturday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral and committal services will be held there Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Rev. David Crandall officiating. Interment in Scotchtown Cemetery, Erin. Survived by wife, Mrs. Jennie Mrazik Matejka; daughters, Mrs. Arthur (Irene) Watson of Towanda, Pa., Mrs. Arthur (Ruth) Grancille of RD 1, Erin, Mrs. Harry (Anna) Miller of Horseheads; sons, John R. And Ira, both of Erin; sister, Mrs. Agnes Masin of Erin and Mrs. Mary Kzeton of Czechoslovakia; brothers, Karl and Frank both of Czechoslovakia; 15 grandchildren, 70 great-grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. Mr. Matejka was a retired farmer, retired employee of the New York State Highway Department, member of the Southern Light Lodge No. 725 F&AM.
MATEJKA – Joseph Matejka, Jr., age 64, of Federal Rd. RD 1, Erin, N.Y., died unexpectedly Sunday, Nov. 18, 1973 at Tioga General Hospital, Waverly. Friends are invited to call at the Barber Funeral Home, Horseheads, Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral and committal services will be held there Wednesday at 1 p.m. The Rev. David Snyder officiating. Interment in Scotchtown Cemetery, Erin. Those wishing may make memorial contributions to either the Chemung County Cancer Society or the Southern Tier Heart Assoc. He is survived by wife Mrs. Helen (Kvasnicka) Matejka; daughters, Mrs. Glen (Jacquelyn) Reither of Margaretville, N.Y., Mrs. Ronald (Joan) Kauppila of Walton, N.Y.; son, Joseph W. Matejka of Big Flats; sister, Mrs. John (Olga) Kvasnicka of Petersburg, Virginia; brothers, Jerry and Charles both of Erin; seven grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Mr. Matejka was the retired principal of the Spencer-Van Etten High School. He was a member of Phi Delta Kappa and a member of the Erin Historical Society.
JONES – Charles Jones (Casey)
Born in Owego, N.Y., April 12, 1874
died, March 20, 1954
Funeral Services at Allen Funeral Home, Spencer, NY, March 23, 1954 at 2:30 P.M.
Officiating Clergyman – Rev. Seward H. Bliss, Spencer, NY
Final Resting Place – Evergreen Cemetery, Spencer, N.Y.
STRUBLE – Hattie May Struble, age 91, of Erin, NY, died Monday, July 18, 1988, at the Heritage Nursing Home, Athens, PA. Funeral Services will be held Thursday, July 21, at 11 am from the Allen-Manzer Funeral Home, Spencer. Friends may call Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm from the funeral home. Burial, Floral Avenue Cemetery, Johnson City. She was born in the Town of Danby, March 28, 1897. Widow of the late Elmer Struble. Survived by 2 daughters, Emma Morgan of Erin, NY and Marjorie Sullivan of South Colton, NY; son Lawrence Struble of Johnson City, NY; 2 grandsons; 7 great grandchildren; brother, Robert Jones of Spencer, NY; nieces and nephews.
Submitted along with clippings.
CHAPMAN, John – died Dec. 24, 1877
CHAPMAN, Sally – died April 27, 1910
GARRABRAND (SP?), Stella – died April
BIXBY, Ida – died July 19, 1963
BIXBY, Clarence – died April 4, 1966 at Ithaca
BIXBY, Fred – died Nov. 12, 1954
JONES, Lula Bixby
Samuel Chapman born May 19, 1852
William Chapman born Nov. 28, 1854
Abner Chapman born Jan. 27, 1856
Mary J. Chapman born July 11, 1858
George W. Chapman born Jan. 27, 1861
Charles E. Chapman born July 23, 1863 (Died when a baby)
Stella M. Chapman born April 9, 1866
Sabra I. Chapman born Jan. 9, 1868
Rhoda A. Chapman born April 6, 1871
Ida B. Chapman born Jan. 6, 1873
(7 years between Stella and I)
Baby Chapman born Nov. 28, 1875
Sally Chapman born June 22, 1834 – 1835
Dovie Edriss Jones born Tioga General Hospital, Waverly, NY, May 10, 1948
George J. Jones, Jr. Born Tioga General Hospital, Waverly, NY., July 31, 1951
Jerry Wayne Jones born Tioga General Hospital, Waverly, NY., Aug. 12, 1952
William Edward Jones born Tioga General Hospital, Waverly, NY., Nov. 11, 1953
Debbie Ervay born Dec. 9, 1958
Timothy (sp?) Ervay born Feb. 27, 1960
Stephanie Ervay born Aug. 29, 1965
Kelly Elizabeth Ervay born Sept. 13, 1966 (3 lb. 8 oz)
Sharron Ervay born April 28
Tammy Vandermill born Mar. ?
Janet McCabe born Mar. 30 ?
Laura Jones born July 11, 1969
Joseph Kalinowski, Jr., born Feb. 1970
Jo-Del Jones born July 6, 1970
Charles Ervay born at the Ervay home in the town of Veteran, Dec. 23, 1936.
Kaye Frances Ervay born at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Elmira, NY, June 24, 1939
Donald George Ervay born at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Elmira, NY, Nov. 25, 1943
Thomas Wayne Ervay born at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Elmira, NY, May 19, 1946
Suzanne Louise Ervay, born at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Elmira, NY, July 14, 1950
Edward Leslie Jones, Jr., born at Arnot Ogden Hospital, Elmira, NY, Feb. 22, 1944
Carole Ann Jones born at Tioga Hospital, Waverly, NY, June 30, 1945
Alan Keith Jones, born at Tioga General Hospital, Waverly, NY, Oct. 29, 1949.
Jeffery Jones born at Tioga General Hospital, Waverly, NY, Feb. 4, 1960
Jennifer Lynn Jones born at Tioga General Hospital, Waverly, NY, Feb. 23, 1958
Denise Ervay, Jan. 17, 1961