Collection |
![]() Carpenter & Pierces Drug Store on the corner in Troy was the source of many hundreds of the postcards we now collect |
Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Twenty SevenThese obituaries are presented in scrapbook order. I can't think of a better way of understanding a community than byreading an obituary scrapbook. |
WATTS - Canton Couple Have 58th Anniversary - Canton, Sept. 4 - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watts observed their 58th wedding anniversary in a quiet manner with their son, Perry, at whose home a dinner with the two families was held. Mr. Watts was Canton's chief of police from 1914 to 1939. They have four sons, Bly and Ernest in Cleveland, Ohio; Perry, Canton; LeGrange, Westfield, N.J. and a daughter, Mrs. Clara Apker, Trout Run. 1944
LINDERMAN - Lindermans Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary - Groom of Fifty Years Ago Former Trojan - The following is from The Scranton Tribune of October 17, 1944 and concerns people well known to many Trojans: Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Linderman, 1635 Penn Ave. are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary today. They were married Oct. 17, 1894, by the Rev. Frank Parsons, Waverly Methodist Church. Mrs. Linderman is the former Nellie Merschon, Waverly and Mr. Linderman is a native of Toy, PA. The couple lived in Troy ten years coming to Scranton 40 years ago. They have lived ever since in the 1600 block of Penn Ave. They have been active members of Asbury Methodist Church since their arrival in Green Ridge.
PECKHAM - Mr. and Mrs. James E. Peckham entertained a family dinner party Sunday in honor of the 77th birthday anniversary of his mother, Mrs. Alida Peckham, Columbia Cross Roads. Included were the families of Joab K. MAHOOD, Linzi RITZ and Ned Peckham, Ralston, and Harry C. JONES, Columbia Cross Roads. 1943
DEWEY / GRISWOLD - Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Dewey, formerly of Gillett and now of Miami, Florida have sent invitations for the celebration of their golden wedding anniversary on January 12th. Mr. Dewey and Miss Rose Griswold, Chemung, N.Y., were married in the home of her uncle, E. C. Wells, Chemung on January 12th, 1890. This is the fourth golden wedding in the Dewey family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dewey, Elmira Heights, celebrated in 1933, Mrs. West Taber and the late Mr. Taber reached the fiftieth milestone in 1934, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Dewey had a golden wedding in 1935. We doubt if there are many families in the United States who can boast so many happy marriages of fifty years standing Mr. Elmer Dewey was associated with his brother, Charles W. Dewey in the general mercantile business in Gillett for 22 years. 1940
CRAWFORD - Canton Couple Observe 55th Wedding Day - Canton, July 6 - Mr. and Mrs. Byron H. Crawford observed their 55th wedding anniversary in a quiet manner Sunday. They were married by Rev. William T. Henry at the Baptist Church in Elmira on July 4, 1888 and have spent their married life in Canton where they have been active in the social, civic and religious life of the community. Both are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Crawford and his brother, Charles, operate the large lumber business established here many years ago by their late father, Hugh Crawford. Born and bred to "lumbering", Mr. Crawford has spent many of his boyhood and manhood days in the open spaces, the love of which never forsook him. The woods and streams are to him an open book. The Crawfords have one daughter, Mrs. Norvin Holmes, who resides on the mountain near Lyolyn and has five sons in the armed forces. 1943
BENTLEY - Bentleys Married For 54 Years - Mrs. and Mrs. Dan Bentley of Packer Avenue on Sunday observed the 54th anniversary of their marriage. In honor of the occasion they entertained at dinner at their home Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Musselman of Wysox and Regiter and Recorder and Mrs. J. Lloyd Loushay of Athens. 1944
COLEMAN / FINCH - Mrs. Coleman To Celebrate 98th Birthday - Waverly - Another Waverly woman is heading toward the century mark which has been passed by Mrs. Amasa FINCH of Cayuta Ave., and is now in her 103rd year. She is Mrs. Lavina A. Coleman of 230 William St., who will observe her 98th birthday. An ardent crossword puzzle fan, Mrs. Coleman was more concerned with the successful completion of a puzzle Friday than about her approaching birthday. Like Mr. Finch, she believes in "keeping busy" and finds cross word puzzles not only a good hobby but says they help keep her mentally alert. Mrs. Coleman has resided in Waverly for the past 12 years. Previously she resided in East Smithfield, Bentley Creek, Elmira and West Hill near Wellsburg. She is a native of Ridgebury Township. She has one daughter, Mrs. Ann J. Seeley, with whom she resided; two sons, Albert Coleman of Waverly and John E. Coleman of Elmira, six grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. 1942
DODGE - Surprise Party For Mrs. Harry Dodge -On Tuesday evening, September 29, Mrs. Harry Dodge of Highland was pleasantly surprised at her home. About 8 o'clock friends and neighbors began gathering to honor her 70th birthday. She soon rallied to the situation and proved a very lovely hostess. She told friends how her husband had acted rather queerly all day but that night she could readily understand it all. It was revealed that he had planned the party; provided ice cream and crackers for the refreshments and bought a beautiful canary complete with cage as a gift. It was no wonder she thought he was not as usual that day. At a late hour the fifty-six guests departed after an evening of visiting, card games and other games
PARKS - Emporium Couple Married 75 years - Emporium, Pa., July 8 - Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Parks today celebrated their 76th wedding anniversary quietly at home in nearby Howard Siding receiving congratulations from friends who claim the two have been married the longest of any couple in the nation. Parks, 16 year old drummer boy in the Pennsylvania Bucktail Brigade of the Civil War is now 98. His wife is 93. They have four living children ranging in age from 61 to 73.1943
SNYDER - Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Snyder of Spring Hill were married 55 years ago today and live on the farm where Mr. Snyder was born 78 years ago. 1944
- Waverly, Sept. 28 - Mrs. Mary E. Finch celebrated her 102nd birthday
today by helping her daughter, Miss Mary Finch, prepare a chicken dinner
in honor of the occasion. The oldest living resident of Tioga County
and Waverly who has been discussing wars, depressions, Valley history,
philosophy and a hundred other subjects with newspapermen and women for
15 years was in her best form this morning. The dinner was virtually
ready and she had just come from the kitchen when the interview started
after having polished off pudding which was to be the dessert for the noonday
celebration. Although Mrs. Finch. who was born on Talmadge Hill only
a short distance from her present home at 495 Cayuta Avenue, Waverly on
Sept. 28, 1840, is extremely active about the house and she does not get
out any more, her last trip from home being to vote for Wendell L. Willkie
for President two years ago. But she maintains an active interest
in world events and also the Waverly Presbyterian Church and its societies
in which she maintains her membership and is the church's oldest member.
Throughout last week friends had started to call on Mrs. Finch to pay their
respects and many more are expected this week. She will hold open
house through the week, and many gifts have already been received.
She has lived in the present home since 1868 when it was built by her husband,
Amasa Finch, the year after they were marred. He died 26 years ago
. Their only child is Miss Finch who lives with her mother.
Starting her 103rd year, Mrs. Finch, who thinks the first hundred years
are the hardest, is as active as in several years past and is in
excellent health. Last week she helped with the canning and gets
around the house with the ease of one scores of years younger.
1942 - [See Obituary 1946]
MADIGAN - Madigans Married for 41 Years - Have Family Dinner - Mr. and Mrs. Vern Madigan, Luthers Mills, celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary Sunday, March 12th. They were entertained at a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Horton, 208 Western Avenue. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Miles Madigan and sons of Corning, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barnes and daughter of North Towanda and Mrs. Emma Madigan of Luthers Mills. They received many lovely gifts and a most enjoyable day was had by everyone 1944
J.C. Penney Store Staff - (picture) Front Row: Marcus BURR, Mrs. John DeWITT, Mrs. Earl GROVER, Mrs. Richard DARROW, Mrs. Mae DUNBAR, Mrs. Mariam McCLURE, Mrs. Herbert WELLS, Miss Helen MANLEY, Mr. Lane SCOTT.Rear Row: C. A. NORRIS, Charles BALDWIN, Assistant Manager. 1941
TRUMBORE - Minister Takes Machinist Job - Carbondale, Pa., April 13, The Rev. Clarke E. Trumbore, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, disclosed tonight that he has accepted a job as machinist in addition to his pastoral duties. "Each of us must do his share in this great struggle," said Mr. Trumbore. "If we don't win this war there may not be any churches." 1941
In the first ten numbers to be drawn for selective service on Tuesday evening in Washington were three Troy Community boys registered by Bradford County Board No. 1: T-606, Ray Edd MURRAY, Alba; T-359, Ralph J. DIBBLE, Burlington T-537, Conrad L. MURDOCK, Columbia Cross Roads. The first man to be drawn giving Troy as his address was T-967, Charles Willis ROCKWELL. The first Troy resident to be drawn was T-585, Robert Warren SHOOK.
Mansfield, Aug. 26 - Although some work remains to be done on the shoulders, the new section of Route 6, cutting cross-country seven miles in a nearly straight line from Mansfield west to Ashley's Corners, is now open to traffic. The last of the concrete was laid by a silent crew, saddened by the death of three of their comrades in an automobile accident Aug. 9 near Tioga. To make the completion of this and a section of Route 15, Mansfield business men held a celebration in conjunction with the annual Tioga County Grange picnic in Smythe Park Saturday. High school bands from Knoxville, Galeton and Troy presented concerts and drills. A cafeteria picnic was followed by talks by Betty H. DIMET, state Grange overseer, Dr. Lester K. ADE; president of Mansfield State Teachers College and State Rep. Frank B. SNYDER of Liberty. Free ice cream and hot dogs were served by the Mansfield business men who also sponsored an orchestra for dancing in the evening. The section of Route 6 permits westbound motorists to drive through Mansfield in a straight westerly route, eliminating the left turn at the main intersection; shortens the distance between Mansfield and Wellsboro by about five miles; and eliminates the sharp right turn at narrow Richard's Bridge near Covington. 1941
RUGGLES / PALMER - Mrs. John Ruggles and Mrs. Maude Palmer, East Troy, have purchased the Ralph TABER property, East Main Street, and will occupy it.\
PIERCE - Troy Borough and township, Allen F. Pierce et ux to Borough of Troy, Feb. 27, 1942.
BRACE - Springfield Township, Reid E. Brace et ux to Pennsylvania Joint Stock Land Bank of Phila., May 31, 1940.
KNAPP / GOODENOUGH - Columbia and Troy Townships, Elmer L. Knapp to Milton A. Goodenough et ux. March 3, 1943.
MORRIS - BIRK - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Morris have bought from Mrs. J. Birk the former McCollum house on Redington Avenue.
ROOKER / RUGGLES - The Ruggles Store in Towanda, started in its present location in 1892 by two Troy men - William W. Rooker and Walter Ruggles - is celebrating its 50th anniversary. 1942
Stitch, Stitch, Stitch
Have you heard all the buzz and hum in our county?
We've ripped and we've dyed till our fingers are sore.
Our aprons, our towels and our curtains are feed sacks,
We've remodeled and sewed, and expect to make more.
We've cut out more garments where there just weren't any,
And many a moth hole hides under a gore.
If you alter and fix, you'll save many a penny,
And once you learn how, you'll just want to make more.
We've been so enthralled with our remodeling lessons,
We've rummaged the house with a ferriting nose,
Just looking for something that we could make over...
'Till our poor better halves have to sleep in their clothes!
----Mrs. Leon Decker, Lowville, N.Y., Lewis County Home Bureau member
(Written to publicize the Lewis County, N.Y. exhibit of Remodeled Clothing
at New York State Fair last fall.) 1941
Move Follows Completion of Modern Building at 102 Main Street.
Promptly at 9:00 o'clock this Thursday the doors of othe J. C. Penny
store in its new location at 102 Main Street formally opens for business.
Thousands of dollars worth of especially purchased merchandise will be
displayed at the opening, according to C. A. NORRIS, who has managed the
store for the past six years. The modern builidng erected to house
the store has recently been completed by the owner, Mr. George F. CASE.
No effort has been spared to make it completely up to date and comfortable
a convenient place for local customers to shop. It has a frontage
of 83 feet with a depth of 81 feet. Every tried and proven feature
of floor and fixture arrangement for a store of this size has been installed.
The exterior is of buff face brick. The tile are of black and yellow,
the window fittings are of chorme. The sixteen foot entrance leads
to double doors of oak with chrome fixtures. In the interior, the
floor is of tile with brown and cream. The 13 foot walls are finished
in light cream. All show cases are fluorescent lighted. The
wall fixtures are of modern type of the latest design. Table tops
are of light maple. The sales room is 65 x 81. The stock room
on the west side of the builidng is 16 x 81. This beautiful addition
to the business section of Troy is the finest retail store in this part
of Pennsylvania. No Elmira store has the main street frontage for
display that the Penney store in Troy now boasts. From the time the
Penney store in Troy was first opened in September, 1929, this community
has been particularly appreciative of this company. "The Penney
Company believes in Troy" says Mr. Norris. "Our new modern store
is proof of that. And we feel that Troy believes in the Penney Company.
Our steadily increasing volume of business, which has made our move possible
is to us proof of that. We hope in our new store to provde the additional
comfort and superior sevice that our customers deserve. We sincerely
appreicate their approval and support." Mr. Norris has been with
the Penney Company since March, 1925, when he joined the organization as
a salesman in the Penny store in Grand Forks, North Dakota. After
further experience in the company store in Bridgeton, N.J. led to his appointment
in February, 1935, to manage the store here. Since coming to Troy,
Mr. Norris has taken an active part in civic affairs, serving three years
as president of the Troy Business Men's Club. Each Penny manager
operates his store as though it were his own business, choosing for it
merchandise which he thinks best for local needs - guided only by the long
established policies of the company. The Penney Company and its policies
are well known not only in Troy but throughout Pennsylvania, in which
there are altogether 56 Penney stores. The first stores established
by the Company in this state were Pittston, Bradford and Franklin, all
opened in April, 1918. Including the 56 Pennsylvania stores, the
Penney Company is at present operating 1591 stores, located in every state
in the Union.
The following deeds have been recorded here:
Monroe Twp. : Oscar J. NORTHRUP to Joseph JOHNSON, 9-15-1941
Troy Boro: Richard F. MAHER to Merton K. BRUCE et ux, 12-8-1941
Troy: Weller M. BOHLAYER et ux to Mary V. CORNISH, 12-10-1941
LeRoy Twp: Penn. Joint Stock Land Bank of Phila. to Earl WILCOX
et ux 12-3-1941
Ridgebury Twp: Treasurer of Bradford Co. to Arminta L. BALDWIN
Troy Boro: Edith B. MOORE to George C. MORRIS et ux 12-11-1941
Sayre Boro: Wm. J. MOON et al to First National Bank of
Sayre 12-15-1941
Burlington Twp: Charles W. GUSTIN to Albert E. MADIGAN
et ux 12-15-1941
Troy Borough: John A. BAILEY et ux to Matie M. NEWELL, 10-30-1941
Mr. & Mrs. Steve MAY have purchased a lot on High St. from A. B.
RAYNOR. Materials have arrived and construction of a...
Columbia Twp, Spencer S. GERNERT et ux to Francis MURRAY, 9-12-1941
Columbia Twp, Rosa GERNERT et al to Spencer S. GERNERT, 9-22-1941
East Troy - Guy WOLESLAGLE is making extensive repairs on the house recently purchased from Mrs. Riley ALLEN.
Alvin SCOTT has sold the 176 acre farm on the Granville Rd. known at the Tom WILLIAMS place, to Leonard SECULES. Mr. and Mrs. Galen SCOTT, how have been on the place, will live with his father, Alvin SCOTT.
As understood, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh FANNING have sold their home, the former W. F. PALMER property, Elmira St., to Mrs. and Mrs. Gerland VICKERY, Columbia Cross Roads. Mrs. and Mrs. FANNNING expect to move into apartments in the Lewis Bly House.
Troy Borough - Ralph TABER et ux to Kate W. RUGGLES et al 3-7-1942
Private sale of Ann D. COMPTON Estate - 2 bedroom suites, gas stove, small ice refrigerator, odd tables and chairs. Phone Mrs. Fayette B. POMEROY for appt. before 8-1-1941.
Harry DAVENPORT, formerly of Canton and now prominent in the movies at Holywood, recently sent his check for $100 to boost the rural pumper fund there. The fund is sponsored by the Innes Hose Company.
Miss Mildred MAHOOD, Washington, D.C., comes this Thursday for two weeks with her aunt, Miss Minnie KENYON 6-1942
PARMENTER Retires as a Cross Roads Carrier - B. J. PARMENTER retired as Rural Free Delivery Carrier from the Coulmbia Cross Roads Post Office last Friday, 10-24-1941, after a service of thirty years. He will devote his time to his dairy farm on Troy RFD 4. When Mr. Parmenter began his service as carrier there were three others with routes from the Cross Roads, the late Fred VAN VEGHTEN, the late Jud HAGERMAN and Floyd VAUGHN, now a resident of Wilawana. Carriers from the Troy office were the late Ira PARSONS, the late Thomas COMFORT, the late James VANBUSKIRK and Lee REYNOLDS, who recently retired. Known to his many friends as "Brent", Mr. PARMENTER leaves the service with a record that extends from the days of horse drawn mail wagons and poor rural roads to this time of fast automobiles and improved highways!
WATKINS Family Leaves Cross Roads (1941) - Columbia Cross Roads, Nov. 5 - Mr. and Mrs. James WATKINS have moved their household goods to their home in Elmira and their stock of groceries from the Tracy WILSON store to their store in Austinville where they will set up in business.
Mrs. Hattie WOODRUFF informs us that the horse trough we mentioned recently is still in existence but in two parts. The base she has learned from borough manager W. T. HOWIE is in the borough shed on Plant Rd. The rest is in the barn on the E. L. JOHNSTON place on the Monroeton Rd. There may yet be a need to its re-assembling.
Edward STRONG has bought from the Hiza BESLEY estate, the home formerly occupied by Mrs. Roy BESLEY who has moved to Fassett. 1942
Mrs. Charles LEONARD has sold the former Austin LEONARD farm in Leona to Martin POELTL, Cliffside, N.J. He is in the leather manufacturing business.
Public Sale - Having bought the entire personal farm property of Smith
WILCOX, we will sell on his farm, one mile from East Troy, on the Pisgah
Rd., on Sat. 2-21 (1942), 12:00 sharp War Time: 50 head cattle, all
certified for bood test, 30 cows fresh and close springers, also a number
of cows milking and freshening next fall. Holdsteins and Guernseys.
Registered Holdstein bull, ten head extra quality 2 yr. old heifers to
freshen this spring. 10 head of yearlings and last fall's calves.
This is an exceptionally good dairy. The only reason for sale is
lack of help and the health of Mr. WILCOX. 2 work horses, 200
bushels oats, 20 tons hay, quantity of straw, one silo full of ensilage,
farming tools, all in first class shape, including grain drill, mower,
hay loader, two lumber wagons, nearly new sulky plow, two hay riggings,
truck wagons, wagon box, land roller, many things too numerous to mention.
Terms cash - nothing to be removed until settled for.
O.W. ROCKWELL, R. C. SCOTT. Tex RICKARD, Auctioneer.
STRONG - BENSON Former Fassett Girl Impromptu Fire-Fighter (1941) - Mrs. Andrew J. STRONG, Jr., Elmira, the former Miss Berdena BENSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Benson, Fassett, made the headlines in the Elmira Star Gazette recently when she did a fine job on fire fighting while on her rounds as Visiting Nurse in the New York State City. The Star Gazette says "Nursing or fire-fighting-it's all in a day's work for the Visiting Nurse! When Mrs. Berdena STRONG of the Elmira Visiting Nurse staff was leaving a client in one side of a double house in Horseheads Wednesday afternoon, a burning garment fell at her feet from a window on the other side of the house. She dropped her bag, siezed a shovel and pushed the flaming garment into a snow bank then rushed into the smoke filled apartment. There she found a woman stamping out sparks in bits of charred clothing on the living room floor. The clothing hung on clothes bars to dry had caught fire from a near wood burning stove. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a tea kettle, said Mrs. STRONG, and together the woman and I put out the fire. She was a new mother and with her baby had been sleeping on the second floor. If she hadn't smelled the smoke and investigated, disaster might have resulted."
Lloyd HICKS of LeRaysville, reports another sign of spring. Saw a flock of wild geese go over last Sunday flying so low that he was able to count 68 in the flock. 1941
The following were dinner guests of Mrs. Clarence PECKHAM Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar PECKHAM and daughter, Ralston, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay RITZ, Mr. and Mrs. James PECKHAM and son, Troy, Mr. and Mrs. Joab MAHOOD and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry JONES.
1942 Mother's Day
In a Mother's Day service in the Center Street Church of Christ last
Sunday, a talk was given by Paul SIMS. Plants were given to Mrs.
Maud NASH for being the oldest mother present. Mrs. Wm. HOWELL, the
youngest mother, Mrs. O. D. YOUNG and Mrs. Clarence WARD, mothers with
the largest families present, each having 10, and to Mrs. Lawrence YOUNG
for the mother with the youngest child.
Seen and Heard on Troy's Streets (4-30-1942) - Lee CLEVELAND looking for the candidate for "meanest man" title. While fishing on the Schrader last Saturday, someone stole his minnows and minnow basket. Mr. WOOD, a former resident of the Mill Creek section, Tioga Co., now an employee of the Elmira Foundry, was in the office Monday and said that 40 years ago on that day, there was good sleighing all over this section. Old timers may remember when Jerome KINGSLEY operated asaw mill on this end of Mill Creek not far from Lawrence Corners. He said that more logs were hauled to the mill during this untimely April snow than had been unloaded during the winter months. Herbie HOOVER's arrival last Saturday morning after the winter in Florida. He is making his home with Mrs. TUBBS.
Lt. Chester M. and Marjorie CANEDY SWISHER arrived at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred CANEDY early Tuesday morning. They drove through from the Stuffgart Army Air Field, Stuttgard, Ok. in two nights and one day. He is on a ten day furlough and expects to be transferred to Salt Lake City, Utah. (1943)
Administrator's Notice - Letters of Administration on the estate of Harriet B. GERNERT, deceased late of Columbia Twp. Bradford Co., PA, having been granted the undersigned notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment and all persons having claims against it must present them duly authenticated for settlement. Hazel G. FULLER, Administratrix, R.D., Columbia Cross Roads, PA March 24 1942, Joseph W. BEAMAN, Attorney, Towanda, PA.
Sees Many Pheasants - Mrs. Albert TALADA of James Street reports that recently she saw in the field next to her home six ringneck pheasant roosters and 13 hens all at one time. She thinks this should be an encouragement to hunters. 1941
Mrs. Ferris DIBBLE of Mountain Lake reports that she hasn't seen a robin yet this spring but on Thursday morning, March 5, she did see a woodchuck crawling dejectedly over a snowbank beside a brook where last summer he feasted on clover. It's his own fault; he's supposed to still be taking that nap he resumed when he saw his shadow last Feb. 2.
Seen and Heard on Troy Streets - Belive it or not - Byron AMES, Gillett, sent a twig bearing two cherry blooms in full bloom to us last Friday. Must be that the recent "Florida" weather brought them. -- Talk about sloppy streets, we sure had them Saturday. A slushy snow fell Friday evening and through the night, must of it turned into water, making walks and highways a mess for pedistrians and... Feb. 1942
Austinville Sportsman Reports Ringnecks - Bob GARDNER, one of our local sportsmen, reports seeing a nice flock of ringneck pheasants near his house almost daily. He says they look thrifty and as if they are wintering well. Feb. 1942
The robins are beginning to get thicker. Mrs. L. B. WALLISER of Rummerfield saw one yesterday and reports that about two weeks ago she saw what she felt sure were yellow birds. Yes, and some of the spring flowers are beginning to pop up even though they do get a snow bath now and then. 1942
Troy borough and township, Agnes BAILEY FANNING et vir to Gerald W. VICKERY et ux. March 18, 1942.
Ulster, June 17 - The Study Club picnic that was scheduled to be held on the lawn at the D. C. GILLETTE home Mnday was held indoors, owing to weather conditions. Talks on different points visited in or near Richmond, Va., by Mrs. E. H. JOHNSTON, Mrs. H. O. AYER, and Miss Rosena MERRILL, formed the main part of the program following the luncheon. Miss Merrill talked on Monticello as one of the outstanding points to her. Considered architecturally perfect, in an ideal scenic setting it was designed by Thoms Jefferson who is called the "Father of American Architecture." Jefferson also designed much of the furniture of Monticello and she described especially the unique 8 day clock in the entrance hall wound from a folding ladder, the revolving table, built in beds, etc. Mrs. Ayer gave her impression of Richmond some of its natural features and mentioned particularly the historic St. John's Church there. She described the old jail and pillory at Williamsburg and the governor's palace that housed seven governors of the Crown who complained of impoverishment due to the unlimited hospitality they were forced to extend. Mrs. Johnson gave a description of "Agecroft" built in Lancashire, England, before the discovery of America. Though strongly built and well preserved, it was doomed to demolition due to industrial conditons but finally was one of five houes moved from abroad to Windsor Farms, Richmond, by Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Williams, Jr., skilled architects by careful reconstruction adapted the architecture to a different climate and the result is consistent and structually impressive furnishings, lawns and gardens correspond as nearly as possible to the architectural period. 1941
Bucknell Glee Club To Be On Radio - Lewisburg, Ja. 16 - "I Hear America Singing" a half hour broadcast presented by the United Satates Treasury Department each Sunday afternoon over the Mutual network will feature the Bucknell University Men's Glee Club on its program scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 1, from 4:30 to 5 o'clock, it was learned today. The GLee Club, under the direction of Dr. Melvin LEMON will broadcast a program of Anthracite Miners' Ballads prepared espeically for radio. 1942
Springfield Township, William YERKES to Myrtle ABBEY, November 12, 1941
Many Fine Blooms Shown at Flower Show - The second annual flower show sponsored by women under the supervision of Miss Blanche COLT in Columbia Cross Roads, East Troy and Troy, was held in the Grange Hall here last Friday with a large attendance of flower lovers. Of special interest was a display of edible greens by Mrs. Earle BROWN of Columbia Cross Roads. Twelve varieties of cultivated and wild greens were shown. Many ideas on arrangement of flowers and the proper vases and containers to use were exhibited.
The Columbis Cross Roads and East Troy Homemakers' Groups, assisted by Troy women will hold their second annual flower show at the Grange Hall in Troy on Friday, June 20. Miss Blance COLT, home economics extension representative will supervise the function, as a year ago.
Bucknell CoEds SAving on Dances to Help Win War - Lewisburg, Pa., Jan. 18 - Bucknell University's women students are setting the style of inexpensive dances on the campus this winter and are contributing for defense purposes the money saved by eliminating elaborate decorations aand favors and costly orchestras. Members of the ALPHA CHI OMEGA and DELTA DELTA DELTA soroities introduced simple decorations at their recent winter formal dance and gave to the Red Cross the $30 saved in this way. The PHI MU sorority will substitute victrola music for an expensive orchestra at its coming winter formal and will donate for defense work the money saved
Garden Club to Hear Mrs. E. E. Coeyman - Towanda Garden Club will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Lester PIERCE, S. Main Street. Mrs. E. E. COEYMAN of E. Smithfield will talk on Delphiniums. May 1941
Mr. and Mrs. Robert WILLIAMS and Mr. and Mrs. Russel J. COWL spent the wek end in New York City. 1941
Misses Frances SCHERMERHORN and Marjorie MAHOOD are employed at the Dixie Barbecue, Elmira. 1941
Charlie MILLS, Sr. of Athens, that eminent authority on things in general
and the law in particular, went poetical after reading all this stuff about
peepers. Charles dropped in the office to give us this: "Ode
to Another Peeper":
Said old peeping Tom of Dundee,
Peeping's not what it's cracked up to be.
I peep and I peep - lose all my sleep,
And find others are peeping at me.
This is interresting but we've got to stop and take a "peep" at some
other copy or else --Uncle Nick.
Canton Merchant Critically Ill - Canton, May 20 - Thomas S. BURKE, senior member of the firm of T. Burke & Co., suffered a coronary thrombosis at his home on Troy Street this morning. His condition was slightly improvd to night but is still very crititcal.
Strange Animal Seen Near Austinville - Returning from work about 6 o'clock Tuesday evening, Howard ROBBINS and Robert GARDNER encountered a strange animal crossing the highway near the old Iron Ore Mine It disappeared near the mouth of the mine. They say it was as tall as a dog and of rusty brown color and they think it might be a Canadian lynx. Possibly this explains what happened to Samuel WILSON's pig which was found killed last fall. Several others, including George and Carl MASON, have had a glimpse of this creature but none so close a view as Mr. Robbins and Mr. Garnder.
Troy Township, Jennie C. CASE et al to Amasa C. MAYNARD, September 2, 1941.
Troy borough, Herman J. PIERCE et al to Merritt Lee SMITH et ux, August 30, 1941.
Mr. and Mrs. MAY have sold their farm near Miller's Pond to their son, Clifford. 1941
Memory of Boyhood Saves Dogs for Boys - Marion - Poor boys' dogs no longer are picked up here by the dog warden for lack of licenses. Elmer J. SAITER who had such a misfortune befall him when he ws a boy has formed the Marion Boy and Dog Friend Club. He collects money to buy licenses for any boy who cannot afford them. Dog Warden is cooperating.
Among those from this vicinity employed in the Remington-Rand plant, Elmira, are Mrs. Roy KENNEDY, Mrs. Charles COUD, Mrs. Carl KELLOGG, D. R. HAGERMAN, Troy; Mrs. Merle HORNING, Mrs. Audry YORK, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd BRADFORD, Columbia Cross Roads; Miss Mary Frances FITZGERALD, Snedekerville. 1941
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. WRISLEY (nee Janice VanHORN) are living with the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Ann BAXTER. 1941
Mr. Harry JONES spent the week end with Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jay
WESTCOTT and daughter, Yeadon, Pa. Mrs. Jones is spending some time
with her daughter. 1941
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. MITCHELL and children, Slingerlands, N.Y. are
expected tomorrow for their vacation with Mrs. H. K. Mitchell here and
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry HULSLANDER, Sullivan. Miss Janice Mitchell
who has been visiting her brother in Slingerlands will return to Troy with
Miss Janice MITCHELL has purchased from her brother, H. K. Mitchell, four of the houses and lots on [?] Avenue commonly known as the Row. Miss Mitchell intends to remodel these apartments which are the third, fourth, fifth and sixth in the Row. 1941
In a split decision, the Luzerne County Court has held that Senator Joseph H. GUFFEY is liable for a $1,314 claim filed by the Redington Hotel, Wilkes-Barre for expenses incurred during the 1938 Democratic campaign.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. MORRISON, Mr. and Mrs. S. A Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Manley HARKNESS and family attended the McKEE reunion at Brand Park, Elmira, Sunday.
Columbia Crossroads - Mrs. Harriett Sherman SAYRE spent the week end with Mrs. G. C. BESLEY. Mrs. Alida PECKAM and Mrs. Jennie BEARDSLEE entertained the following for supper Monday night: Mr. and Mrs. James PECKHAM and sons, Danny and Jimmie, Troy, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. MAHOOD and daugther, Marjorie, Miss Minnie KENYON, Troy, Miss Mildred MAHOOD, Washington, D.C., Mr. and Mrs. H. C. JONES. The occasion was the birthday of Jame JECKHAM [note from typist - I think this meant to read PECKHAM] and Marjorie MAHOOD. 1941
The following ladies spent a delightful afternoon on Wednesday of last week followed by supper at the home of Mrs. Willam SPAULDING: Miss Minnie KENYON, Miss Mildred MAHOOD, Mrs. Jennie JOMEROY {from typist - am wondering if this should be Pomeroy??], Mrs. Edna HAYENS, Mrs. Jane MAHOOD, Miss Marjorie MAHOOD, Mrs. Fannie PARMENTER, Mrs. Marian REIDY, Lorraine REIDY, Mrs. Blanche BULLOCK, Miss Hattie GERNERT, Mrs. Louise VanVEGHTEN, Mrs. Lizzie SPALDING, and mrs. Alma McNETT. 1941
Company offices...the tree in the rear of the Minnie KENYON home, almost completely covered with Heavenly Blue Morning Glories. The flowers are of unusual size and almost cover the tree constituting one of the prettiest sights we have seen in a long time...the South Canton Street nurse, who mistook the telephone call and "sat" about an hour for nothing...a woman sitting in our alley feeding one baby from a bottle and pushing another back and forth in a "walker".
East Smithfield Men Volunteer for Civilian Defense - East Smithfield - Dec. 18 - The following volunteered for civilian defense Thursday night at a meeting held at the First National Bank: Fred KELLOGG, Ted POTTER, James VOSBURG, Raymond MITCHELL, Donald NICHOLS, Eugene HORTON, E.E. KELLOGG, Paul REESER, G.L. KINGSLEY, James NICHOLS, Ralph NICHOLS and Elmer MILLER. 1941
Mrs. Nichols AUSTIN has sold her farm in Farmers Valley to Mr. and Mrs. Ward KITTLE who have moved upon it from the Frank BECKER farm, formerly owned by George STRAIT, Bailey Hill. Mrs. Austin and daughter, Miss Clara Austin, who have been occupying the Mrs. Frank CASE house, Troy, for the winter have moved their household goods to the D. L. SWEET house, Sylvania, and will occupy it in the near future. 1942
Truck Strikes Cow Near Troy - Valuable Holstein Owned by Joab. K. MAHOOD Destroyed - A holstein cow owned by Joab K. Mahood of Troy township and valued by him at $125 was so badly injured it had to be destroyed when it was tsruck by a truck on Route 14 two miles north of Troy yesterday afternoon. The truck which hit the cow was owned by the Lexington Forwarding Co. of Lexington, N.C. and driven by Boland Alvin Young, also of Lexington, N.C. He told Private A. E. RABEL of the Motor Police detail here, investigating officer, that the cow was grazing by the side of the road as he approached in the truck and then suddenly dashed across the highway in front of the machine. The truck was badly damaged by the impact of the collison and had to be towed from the scene. 1941
Teachers in the Troy schools are spending Thanskgiving as follows: Miss Catherine ENDERS in Halifax; Mrs. Erma ANGSTAD in Lewisburg; Miss Beatrice McNITT in Milroy; Miss Virginia CUMMINGS in Warren Center; Miss Eleanor WHITELY in Sellinsgrove; Miss Marie ARNOLD in Bedford; Mr. Chester PHILLIPS in Chautauqua; Mr. Joseph SHERMAN in Rush. 1941
The "Daily News", Greensboro, N.C. of Monday, November 24th, carried the following paragraph: Mrs Paul DICKSON and infant son, Paul Dickson, III, left last night for New York City where they will shortly board a transport for Trinidad to join their husband and father, Lt. Paul Dickson of the 252nd coast artillery. In New York City they will visit Colf F.F. BLACK, stationed at Mitchell Field headquarter. Mrs. Dickson is the former Miss Margaret Black, a 1940 graduate of Woman's College. Since Lieutenant Dicksons' transfer to Trinidad, Mrs. Dickson has been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Black, 1007 Fairmont Street. Mrs. Black is the former Miss E. Agnese HOOLEY. Mr. and Mrs. Black are leaving this Thursday for Fort Lauderdale, Florida where they will spend the winter at Seaside Manor 225 South Atlantic Boulevard. 1941
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald VICKERY moved the first of the week from Columbia Cross Roads into the former W. F. PALMER house, Elmira Street , which they purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Hugh FANNING. Mr. and Mrs. Fanning are occupying an apartment in the BLY house, lower Elmira Street. 1942
Mrs. Robert W. HAIGHT and son, William Scott, 380 E. Warner St., have returned after spending three weeks with her father and mother-in-law, Prof. and Mrs. Walter Haight of Altoona.
Mrs. Lena PATTERSON, Edincott, N.Y., has returned after spending two months with her sister, Mrs. Thad McCLURE and Mr. McClure. Troy, R.D. 2. Miss Henrietta ROBY, Roaring Branch, is spending some time in the McClure home
Seen and Heard on Troy Streets: (1941)
Janet ROCKWELL and Alice BEAL taking the school census in that little red car owned by the SNEDEKER twins. It seems they tired of taking said census on foot but their fatigue increased by jerks and in trying to control the speedster...
Mary BLOOM tells us that on her recent trip, she was shocked to find out at Harper's Ferry that John Brown was not hanged to a sour apple tree as legend has had it all these years. She claims that she has been "gypped"...
We have just looked over "Furniture Filosophy", a section of the Russell, Kansas paper much akin to "Brick Bats" of local fame. Mr. and Mrs. Dick McKEAN get a hand from the writer of the "Filosophy". He extols the cleanlinesss, comfort and hospitality of the Hotel Holland, operated by the McKeans, and says that Dick may often be found in the cellar in his shop where everything is rigged up to make anything...
A card sent by Rev. and Mrs. BOYD from Hollywood, California.
It is Corporal Joe WALTER now...
Le SMITH reports that a bear crossed the road just a short distance
in front of his car on Armenia Sunday...
Through the courtesy of Mrs. W. J. WESTERVELT, we have examined a copy
of the program of "Haymakers", an operatic cantata produced by the Towanda
Choral Association on May 24, 1871. Mrs. Westervelt's mother, then
Miss Mary WOODRUFF, sang soprano...
We have just examined with interest a picture, owned by Earl REXFORD, showing the staff of the creamery (now the Borden plant) when it was owned by the late Liston BLISS and Ernest TEETER. Part of the building is in the background, two trucks and a horse-drawn express wagon are shown. One of the trucks is an Atterbury. At the wheel is Lou ALEXANDER. Frank SHADE is behind the reins of the Express wagon. Driver of the other truck is Frank BRISTOL. We are not able to place the whole group but the three girls in it are Anna O'CONNOR, Mable SHADE and Ruby SMITH. The men include Ernest TEETER, his father, Charles TEETER, William BOHLAYER, Harry CALIFF, Earl REXFORD, Jacob WILLIAMS, James DIBBLE, Robert KRISE, Mr. STUMP, Mr. LARSON...
We are in for a good "kidding" from the CARPENTER and PIERCE girls Tuesay when they saw us braving the showers protected by Friend WIFE's green and white umbrella
Seen and Heard on Troy Streets: (1941)
We have a letter from Mrs. George WILKINS, former resident of Armenia now of Sullivan Township, referring to the origin of the name, "Old Possessions". She writes that Elliot ROSE and Darwin MILLER came from New England and seettled on Armenia. The land was so poor and it was so hard to get to a mill that they left their first location and settled near what is now the State Road Baptist Church. With others, they founded the church. They called their former farms, "The Old Possessions" and thence the name...
John VanHORN will move his garage business to his former location, the Fireproof Garage on East Main Street the first of April and Henry B. VanDYNE will start immediate improvements to the former Joralemon Property. Work has started on the demolition of the sheds. 1941
Vern Struble Sees Cardinals, Robin - Vern T. STRUBLE of Second Street, Towanda, entered the list of "spring bird seers" yesterday. He reported seeing two cardinals and a robin near his home. 3-12-1941
Gordon GASS of of Lombard Street reported that cherry blossoms are in bloom at his home, beating even the Japanese blossoms in Washington, D.C. Gass says they couldn't look any prettier even if they were on the trees instead of a vase in the sitting room. 1941
Rev. and Mrs. PUDNEY, Miss Viola WALKER and Miss Verna SCHADE, who have been co-workers with Dr. WESCOTT and Mrs. Westcott in the Belgian Congo and who are home on furlough, called on mrs. Alida PECKHAM on Saturday. 1941
Troy to Have New Dinner Soon - Louise R. Longo Purchasing $10,000 Outfit This Month - Troy, Pa, March 13 - Louis R. LONGO announced today that Troy soon will have a"diner" - one of those huge cars fitted for a restaurant which are proving so popular. Mr. Longo, who said the estate of his brother, Alfred, who was killed in an airplane crash, has now been settled, said he is going after the diner soon and expects to have it in operation the first of April. The outfit costs $10,000. It will be situated in the business section, possibly on U.S. Route 6 near the new J.C. Penney building. It will be knowns as "The Troy Diner". 1941
Easter Sunrise Service in Plane - Pittsburgh, April 13 - Rev. Dr. Bernard CLAUSEN, pastor of the First Baptist Church, today conducted the first Easter sunrise service in history from an airplane. When the transport plane bearing Dr. Clausen, a 12 voice choir, an altar and an organ had climbed two miles above Pittsburgh, the minister said: "Below is man's world - The arsenal of democracy? - making guns that men may find democracy through death - up here is democracry - no Duce, no Fuehrer, no chief." A special radio broadcast carrried his words to listeners. 1941
Troy and Columbia Townships - E. H. PACKARD et al to Harry H. PACKARD, May 5, 1941.
Harvey L. HEALD has sold his farm on the Troy-Canton Road to Alonzo THOMAS. 1940
Troy Township - Frank H. BURLEY et ux to Edna BURLEY, April 12, 1940.
Dandelion Greens Easter Sunday - William GREEN, Towanda tailor, reported last night that he and his family enjoyed a dinner of dandelion greens on Easter Sunday. Bill likes few things better than dandelion greens and the earlier he can get them for his meals the happier he is. However, he said last night that in all the years he had been eating dandelion geens, he never before had them on Easter Sunday. The greens came from Mrs. Jennie CLARK's place at East Troy. Mrs. CLARK bringing a huge mess of them over yesterday.
Modern Store Building to be Constructed for Penney Co. - A modern department store of the latest design will soon be constructed in the business section of Troy. Plans are being drawn for an entirely new masonry store building of 80 feet frontage to occupy the site of the present SLINGERLAND and DUART garage and filling station. Plans will include the most modern store features as designed by the J. C. Penney Co. who will occupy this new location. This building will afford the Penney Co. a third more floor space than they now have and will greatly enhance the appearance of Troys' business district. Work will start on the new store as soon as plans are completed and the J. C. Penney Co. will move as soon as the building is ready for occupancy. Their present business location when vacated will be occupied by F. P. CASE & Sons, Inc., who will use that store for offices and display rooms. 1941
William MANLEY, who has been in the local American Store for some time, has received a nice promotion and on Monday began work in Towanda as manager of the produce department in the largest American Store there. 1941
Bentley Creek: J. A. BURNETT, Jr. has purchased the home of Mrs. Ruth DEAN at Centerville.
Ellis WOLESLAGLE, West Concord, Mass., and Miss June PARKER, also of West Concord, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy WOLESLAGLE and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woleslagle. 1941
H. R. KITCHEN has purchased the H. S. FUDGE property, Canton Street, Mr. and Mrs. Fudge will move to Horseheads with their daughter, Mrs. Orland BARNES soon after May 1st.
Allen PIERCE, a former resident of Troy, who is well known in Canton where he frequently visited is ill with heart trouble in a hospital at Pinehurst, M.C. 1941
Mrs. Jennia LAFFERTY, who has been at the Packer Hospital for some time returned home Tuesday. 1941
New Attorney Locates Here - C. W. SMYTH, an attorney at law, began practice in Troy last Monday sharing the office of Henry K. MITCHELL. Mr. Smyth is a graduate of Germantown Military Academy, the college of the University of Pennsylvania in 1934 and the law course of the University of Pennsylvania in 1937. While in school he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, a fraternity based on high scholastic standing. Mr. Smyth is married and they will live in an apartment in the Mary BALLARD house on Elmira Street. My Smyth has been in practice with a Philadelphia lawyer, John W. GRAHAN, Jr. and was admitted to the Bradford County Bar last Monday. 1941
Seen and Heard on Troy Streets (1941) - The amusing story of the small girl, who inquired if Canton was Heaven. Receiving a negative answer she calmly stated that they mut be mistaken as her mohter had told her that a smaller brother had come from Heaven and she knew he was born in Canton (Ross Hospital)......O.D. on a mission of mercy....while a mother was at Music Club the rest of the family skated at Pomeroy's pond, then, as now, abbreviated to "Pump's". the late Earl M. BLOOM was one of the better skaters andamong others will remember there were the late EdwardPARKE, Harold BORDEN, Clark SMITH, the late Harold ROLISON, and Frank "Tatty" CASE.....hats off to Any BAILEY, whose 290 score Sat. evening is the highest ever hung up on the local alleys....Jim and his load of milk bottles from the Cottage Inn.....much favorable comment on Harry CRUMBLING's new house on Canton Street. (It was opened for inspection over the weekend)....argument as to the date of Easter, this year (it falls on Sunday, April 13th)...we are indebted to Mrs. Charles LEONARD for a veryinteresting document of the Troy of 1875. It is the 1st prize certificate for award given toA. LEONARD for his showing of the best Chester White hog in the Troy Fair of that year. It was then called the Farmers' Club Fair and the certificate is signed by A. S. PAR SONS, Wm. H. JOHNSON, L. P. WILLIAMS and A. B. McKEAN. We ran across an old poster the other day advertising the 1903 fair. President then was B. A. LONG and the secretary was Edwin S. COLES,now editor of The Mansfield Advertiser....
Allen F. PIERCE, Towson, Md., formerlyof Troy, is very seriously ill with heart trouble in a hospital at Pinehurst, N.C. We understand that he suffered a rupturedblood vessel near the heart while driving his car.
Whittles Out Cane With 3,030 Pieces of Wood in 2 Years - Record is Claimed by F.H. WILBUR of Conklin (1941) - Claiming a "whittlin' record", F. H. WILBUR of Conklin Rd. is displaying a homeade cane made of 3,030 pices of wood which he whittled out and set in place over a two year period. Whittling is a hobby with Mr.Wilbur. He keeps busy during regular working hours, he points out. The cane is his piece deresistance to date, having been made of 58 different kinds of wood. He also has made table tops and many smaller items. All the work is done by hand with a jack-knife. Mr. Wilbur who made it "to carry when I get old" says that several whittlers have made great claims about canes with 350 to 550 pieces of wood. "They haven't even started whittlin'." he adds.
Wedding Gown Exhibit at Troy (1940) - Troy, April 25 - Os-co-hu Chapter, D .A.R. gave a fine display of old, modern and historic wedding gowns atthe Presbyterian Church on Friday evening some modeled by young women. One gown was worn by a great aunt of Wm. Jennings Bryan,some were modeled by direct discendants of the owner; one group had the wedding gown of daughter, mother and great grandmother. There was a lace cap from Germany; a German wedding veil. The committee was Mrs. M.H. McGLENN, Mrs. W. G. MOSHER, Mrs. F. B. POMEROY, Mrs. A. R. McMAHAN and Miss Sarah CRANDLE.
Troy Music Club Has Annual Guest Meeting - About 100 persons were present
on Tuesday evening when the Troy Music Club held its annual guest
meeting in the parlors of the Presbyterian Church. The President,
Mrs. George McCABE, welcomed the guests and expressed the club's appreciation
to the members of the orchestra, under the directions of Mrs. John L. PARSONS,
for their participation in the program. Mrs. Harry CRUMBLING was
program chairman and the following numbers were presented:
Orchestra - "Andante" - C. W. Gluck, "Sleeping Beauty" Op.66 Tschaikowsky;
Vocal Solo "Elsa's Dream" Lohengrin-Wagner, Mrs. John DEEMY accomapnied by Mrs. Victor ELLENBERGER;
piano solo "Prelude" Chopin, Miss Beatrice McNITT;
Choral Fantasia - from the opera "Lohengrin" Solo parts by Miss Alta NEWELL, Mr. John DEEMY, Mr. Fayette POMEROY, Mr. P. W. FURST. Directed by Mrs. John R. DEEMY, accompanied by Mrs. Victor ELLENBERGER
Reading - "Platform Performance" Cornelia OTIS SKINNER, Miss RuthGOODMAN
Vocal Solo - "Air of Elizabeth" Tannhauser -Wagner Mrs.John L. PARSONS, accompanied by Miss Beatrice McNITT.
Choral Fantasia - from the opera Tannauser Solo parts by Mrs. C. H. COUCH, Mr. John DEEMY, Mr. Robert WILLIAMS, directed by Mrs. John L. PARSONS, accompanied by Mrs. Harry A. CRUMBLING.
Orchestra "Russian Overture" N. Glazaroff -"Naughty Marietta" Victor Herbert. Personnel of orchestra: Director Mrs. John L. PAR SONS; piano Miss Beatrice McNITT; violins Mrs. George CASE, Mr. Oliver MITCHELL, Mrs. L. R. GULLIAUME, Mr. Richard TATE; flute Mr.Allen PRIOR; cello Mrs. John R. DEEMY; cornet Mr. Fred SNYDER; clarinet Mr. Robert WILLIAMS; trombone Mr. Walter DeWITT; alto horn Dr. Clifton b. DOANE; bass Mr. John BYNES, Mansfield.
Personnel of Choral Group - Soprano- Mrs. C. H. COUCH, Mrs. W. R. CROMAN, Mrs. H . A. CRUMBLING, Mrs. J. R. DEEMY, Miss Alta NEWELL, Mrs. John L. PARSONS, Miss Lou ise PARSONS, Mrs. James PECKHAM, Miss Henrietta PIERCE, Mrs. Lee SMITH, Miss Irene VanNOY; Alto- Mrs. Lawrence BROWN, Mrs. Walter DeWITT, Mrs. C. B. DOANE, Mrs. L. R.GULLIAUME, Mrs. Lamar HOLCOMBE, Mrs. George McCABE, Mrs. Thomas MEIKLE, Mrs. Frederick POMEROY, Mrs. L. R. VanDEUSEN, Mrs. Glenn WOLFANGER;Tenor- Mr. John R. DEMMY, Rev. Phillip FURST; Bass- Mr. Fayette POMEROY, Mr. Robert WILLIAMS.
At the conclusion of the program a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments were served by the following hostesses: Mrs. Walter DeWITT, Mrs. W. R. CROMAN, Mrs. James PECKHAM, Mrs. Albert HARRINGTON, Mrs. Leonard SUMMERS, Mrs. O.W. JAQUISH, Mrs. Henry MITCHELL, Miss Henrietta PIERCE.
Troy Township - Lucy M. MAYNARD to Ardell PACKARD July 3, 1941.
East Canton - LeRoy 4-H Club Formed; Members Number 12 (1941) - The East Canton and LeRoy 4-H Club was organized on June 9 at the East Canton Church. There were 12 members present their names being as follows:Alice Jean LANDON, Ernestine AYRES, Joey BEDFORD, Marjorie CLARK, Dorothy CASTLE, Lucille LATHROP, Dorothy HARKNESS, Marjorie BEAN, Darleen POOLE, Erdean BEDFORD, Alma CASTLE and Eleanor HARKNESS.Part of the officers were elected. They are as follows: President - Joey BEDFORD, Vice President - Dorothy HARKNESS, secretary - Alma CASTLE. The club will be led by Mrs.Hazel BEDFORD under the leadership of Miss Blanche COLT, county extension worker.The club will take up cooking as their project for the summer.
Mrs. Gertrude COEYMAN, Cleveland, Ohio, spent a few days last week with Mr. & Mrs. E. E. COEYMAN.
Wyalusing Township, Estate Jennie L. LAFFERTY to Wallace L. LARABEE, et ux 8-9-1941
The October meeting will be with Mrs. Edith MASON. Leader,Mrs. Carrie CASE (1941)
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. MASON spent a night rcently with their daughter, Mrs. WilburWRIGHT at East Canton.
Lightning, Rain and Hail Do Much Damage in County - Third Severe Storm
in as Many Days in This Vicinity; Home, Store and Barn Struck; Valley Streets
Flooded (1941) -- Lightning, rain and hail did considerable
damage in the county yesterday afternoon, especially in the Sayre area.
Lightning struck two places there during the course of the storm, while
in North Towanda a bolt entered the Peter GABRIEL home through a
radio aerial, scorching a curtain, ruining an almost new radio set and
causing a fire alarm to be sounded.
At Sayre a two year old barn on Benchley St., Milltown, owned by Antoni
HUBISH, was struck. The structure burned to the ground. Consumed
in it were about 25 tons of hay and quite a lot of farm machinery. There
was no livestock in the building however Mr. HUBISH carried a small amount
of insurance on the place.
The M. R. WRIGHT hardware store on Desmond St. in Sayre was struck.
A portion of the crossbeam in the roof of the tin-shop over the store proper
was torn out. Fire blazed up for an instant and then died out.
Firemen were called but the blaze was out by the time they arrived.
A. R. CRAWFORD employed in the store was standing four feet from where
the bolt struck but was uninjured.
At the Peter GABRIELhome in North Towanda, just on the outskirts of
the borough limits, members of othe family were sitting in the living room
when lightning struck their radio aerial. There was a terrific report,
which startled them considerably and a large ball of fire was seen.
The electricity entered the home through an aerial wire which passed through
a hole in the window frame. The lace curtain at this window was scorched
by the lightning. The glass covering the dial of the radio was smashed
and it is believed that the set was ruined. No one was hurt though
several were sitting near the radio. Neighbors who saw the ball of
fire on the aerial sent in an alarm and fireman responded in a downpour
of rain. However, there was no need since there was no fire.
The rain was so heavy in Waverly and Sayre during the storm that sewers
backed up and flooded steets and cellars in both the business and residential
sections. Water ran in the front doors of several Broad St. stores
in Waverly especially in the vicinity of Pennsylvania Ave.
Athens had no storm damage. There was no hail and the rainfaill
was just moderate. Hail in Sayre and Waverly did much damage to gardens.
In Sayre it was four inches deep in places.
In Towanda the rain was very heavy for half an hour but no hail was
noted. Mrs. Ordelia PARKS, U.S.Weather Observer, reported last night
that the precipitation for yesterday totalled 0.68 inches, most of it falling
in half an hour.
Yesterday's storm in Towanda was the third of violence in as many days.
All three occurred at about the same time in the afternoon, there being
heavy rain and lightning.
Lightning Shatters Tree in Yard At LeRaysville (1941) -- LeRaysville June 17 - During the time that an electric storm passed over here on Sunday, a bolt of lightning struck a huge tree standing in Miss Alice DORWIC's yard. The tree was splintered, four windows in the house were shattered and splinters from the tree were driven into portions of the house. No rain was falling at the time though a heavy deluge occurred later.
Mercury Up to 97 Degrees - Hottest Day of Summer So Far in This Locality
(July 27, 1941) - Heat records here to date this summer were broken yesterday
when the mercury soared to an official 97 degrees. The hottest here
until yesterday was 95 degrees, according to Mrs. Ordelia
PARKS, U.S. weather observer. A thunder shower occurring between
6 and 6:30 o'clock cooled the air off somewhat. The rainfall totalled
0.16 inches.
As H. P. TEMPLETON was coming into Ulster on Feb. 2 he saw a bonafide woodchuck between the residences of Mrs. Ann STACK and E. E. LENT, presumably out to make the traditional weather observation of that date. Evidently an alert groundhog, he is belived to have made a record by being caught "on the job". (1942)
Towandian Has Robin Story (Jan. 1935) - Reading in The Daily Review yesterday morning that a Leona boy had seen a robin Saturday, Mrs. M. F. HITCHCOCK of South Main St. called up the newspaper office to report that she has been feeding several robins all winter. She said the birds never went South, seemingly content to stay in her backyard as long as they are well fed.
SAUNDERS - SWEENEY Marriage -- (1943) In the severe thunder shower Monday afternoon, Sterling HAVEN lost two cows by lightning. It is said to have struck the Floyd BULLOCK barn also but it did not catch enough to burn the building. The high wind tore off large tree branches and the community was without electric service well into the night. [article has nothing to do with mentioned marriage]
Ossie WHITMORE with a 47 lb. live beaver - caught on Armenia Mountain....two
small school boys each eating a whole pie on their way back to school.....Don
NICHOLS looking for his cane....increase in the rabbit population....a
regular thunder storm in early hours of Wednesday morning.