"In A Social Way" copy submitted by Carlton Wolfe, Auburn, AL This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy & Historysites by Joyce M. TiceElmira Postcard at right owned by Joyce M. Tice |
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A delightful Christmas dinner and family reunion was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Campbell. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Furman Wolfe, Elmira; Mrs. and Mrs. J. J. Van Kirk, Elmira; Joseph Campbell and family, Wetona, PA; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell, New York City; E. K. Wolfe and daughter, East Smithfield; Clarence Wolfe, Lima College; A. M. Wolfe, popular major at the N. Y. S. Reformatory; J. W. Wolfe, superintendant of the Ohio River Electric Railway & Power Company, Pomeroy, OH. J. J. Van Kirk, Miss Mildred Wolfe, Mrs. Harry Campbell, entertained the party with music.
Mrs. Eudelle Campbell of West Fourth street announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Eva Campbell, to John E. Cook, of Adams, NE. The wedding is to take place January 1st in Adams, NE.
At an informal gathering at the home of Mrs. Charles Pratt on William street Christmas night, the engagement in marriage of Miss Sarah Pratt of this city and William T. Rathbun of New York City, was announced. Mr. Rathbun is a former Elmira young man and is the son of Mrs. William R. Rathbun of William street. He has been in business in New York about two years.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Malett and Mrs. M. A. Bowers of Spaulding street entertained the following friends on Christmas day: Mr. and Mrs.W. S. Lattin and son Henry of Catherine; Mr. and Mrs. William Lunger and daughter Carolene of Odessa; Mrs. George Clock of Hector and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Levegood and son Kenneth and Mr. E. Everetts of Elmira.
Miss Fayne Byler and Roy Filbert, members of the "Eight Bells" company which appeared at the Lyceum Theater Saturday, were united in marriage by the Rev. R. Lew Williams of the Lake Street Presbyterian Church Christmas morning.
The Christmas party given by Company L was held in the Armory last night and was attended by about 150 couples. McHenry’s orchestra played and a buffet luncheon was served. The company will hold a regular informal dance one week from last night, on January 3. The dance committee includes Corporal Davis, chairman; Private UndeGraff; Private Hoefer; Private French, Private Wainwright.
Miss Edna Mulford invites all members of the class of 1907 of Elmira College, to meet at her home on West Clinton street tomorrow afternoon.
The Alpha Zeta fraternity will hold the fortieth anniversary banquet at the Hotel Rathbun Saturday night at 8 o’clock. The committee in charge is composed of the following: George C. Dixon, W. Stewart Woodside, Milton Elemendorf, William Cooper, F. Brockway Blossom and Ray B. Steele.
The American Club of the First Methodist Church will meet Thursday at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. I. Mathews, 605 East Church street.