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Sylvester, Apr. 2nd, (handwritten on article 1881)
-We are having some splendid sleighing just now, which is very acceptable.
-Our farmers are trying to find some person or persons who will haul their milk to the cheese factory in Brookfield Hollow; to have it manufactured into cheese.
-Lumbermen on our road are using the sleighing to a very good advantage, by hauling logs to Edgcombville to be cut into lumber.
-Mr. Nicholas Kiser expects to lay the foundation wall for Spencer Plank’s grocery building.
-Mr. John Bush was very sick last Monday night will bilious colic. Dr. James Masten was summoned and gave him something that brought immediate relief.
-Prof. Newton is holding a series of writing schools in the South Road schoolhouse. I hear that some of the pupils are making rapid progress.
-Truman Hamblin has moved himself and family to Brookland, Potter Co. Success to you T.
-Mr. Channcey Cornish is making some very good shingles and is turning them out at a lively rate. His mill is at the mouth of the California Brook.
-Mr. Alva Loper paid his old schoolmates and friends a flying visit
one day last week. Alva has taken to himself a help-meet. He has lived
with his parents in Michigan the past ten years.
Brookfield, (handwritten on article 1883)
-Plummer Parker is digging a cellar for Charles Kizer.
-John Kizer of Potter Brook was in town the last of the week.
-H. Murray is cutting wood for his father-in-law in North Bingham.
-Our warm spell has taken cold and mercury dropped to ten degrees below zero.
-G. W. Rumsey was the happy recipient of a 9 pound boy from his wife the 10th inst.
-The Brookfield cheese factory have about 18 hundred cheese in New York City unsold.
-The donation at W. L. Planks on Friday evening amounted to $40. It was applied on Rev. S. L. Boviers salary.
-John Simmons delivered 20,000 feet of hemlock lumber to the railroad in Harrison for C. L. Pattison of Elkland.
-W. A. McLean has sold his farm to his father, consideration $2,800. He will move into northern Dakota in the month of March. He is a good citizen and a Christian in thought and deed. Every person acquainted with him are sorry that he is going away.
Austinburg News, Mar. 22, (handwritten on article 1894)
-R. P. Schoonover has commenced sawing his stock of logs. Gus Bryant has been engaged to superintend the work and he is no stranger to us, as this will complete his twenty-fifth year with Mr. Schoonover.
-Dave Eddy has rented the Jane Bush farm for the coming year.
-Mrs. Hubbard and grandson Archie have gone on a visit to Chautauqua County. Mr. Hubbard is staying with his son in Brookfield
-Mrs. Peter Kilbourne, an aged lady is very low from the effects of
a shock.
Brookfield, June 10 (handwritten on article 1894)
L. B. Hunt lost one of his twin colts the other day, but a day or two
later his wife presented him with a nice boy; it was the fifth child but
the first boy. He has forgotten all about the loss of his colt.
Ulysses, June 11 (handwritten on article 1894)
E. D. Travis received a letter from a relative in Philadelphia a few
days ago saying that his uncle had died. His uncle had been married three
times but left no children. His fortune was valued at $60,000. He willed
his second wife’s son (by her first husband) $3,000. Mr. Travis and his
brother are all the blood relations of his uncle that are living. They
expect to be possessors of the $60,000 less the $3,000. He is expecting
to go to Philadelphia in a few weeks.
Ulysses, Oct. 22 (handwritten on article 1894)
J. E. Cole of Westfield was in this place Friday looking after his organ
and piano interests. A. E. Gibbs and wife of Cory was in this place from
Wednesday until Saturday visiting his twin sister, Mrs. W. C. Griffin.
They had been to Philadelphia, New York City and Corning visiting friends
for over two weeks. They went from here with Mr. and Mrs. Griffin to Sylvester
to visit his sister’s children and grandchildren. From there they will
go to Cross Fork to visit his sister, Mrs. W. O. Bristol. It has been nine
years since he was in Tioga and Potter counties.
Brookfield, Oct. 27 (handwritten on article 1894)
Samuel Moore is fixing up a nice dwelling in the upper part of the store,
which he lately purchased of R. R. Ramsey. He is also fixing the lower
part for a family and grocery store, to be occupied by D. W. Kilbourne
of Hector, who is to move among us the first of next month.
Ulysses, (handwritten on article 1895)
-Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Scott have the sympathy of the people of this place in their sad bereavement, the death of their seven year old son whom they buried last Wednesday.
-Mr. Jack Herbet who so suddenly disappeared Sunday night, the 7th, has not been heard from. Mr. Merritt is running the meat market in a successful manner, and doesn’t need his dishonest partner to help him.
Westfield, July 8 (handwritten on article 1895)
-Mr. F. E. Martin is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Martin on Lincoln Street.
-Anson Parker of South Dakota, who was called here by the death of his
brother, I. P. Parker of Brookfield, has returned to his home, accompanied
by his sister, Mrs. Weston.
Sylvester, July 16 (handwritten on article 1895)
-Mrs. C. M. Tuttle of Bradford, Pa. is a visiting her sister, Mrs. R. L. Pride of this place.
-Mr. Joseph Moore and wife of Knoxville and Harry Ball of Hoboken, N.J visited over Sunday at Charles Daugherty’s.
-One of H. H. Mascho’s little twin girls has the scarlet fever.
Sylvester, July 29 (handwritten on article 1895)
-L. B. Hunt and family visited his sister, Mrs. Ed. McLean of Troupsburg, yesterday.
-Charles Daugherty and family and Nettie Daugherty visited in Knoxville Saturday and Sunday.
-George Lock and family and Mrs. Ed. Ballard of Brookfield are visiting their parents at Cowanesque today.
Sylvester, September 3 (handwritten on article 1895)
Mrs. George Nobles of Wellsville, N.Y., who has been visiting friends in town for a short time, will return today. Her husband’s mother, Mrs. D. W. Nobles will accompany her.
Sylvester, June 23 (handwritten on article 1896)
-Maud Bush, who has been attending school at Mansfield, is spending her vacation at the home of her uncle, Welcome Plank of this place. Maud won the second prize, a $20 gold piece for scholarship and conduct. Her many friends extend congratulations.
-Blanch Parker and Emma Baker of Brookfield are home from the Mansfield Normal school.
-Galusha Kelley is proud papa of a baby boy born last Friday.
Matters in Brookfield, March 22, (handwritten on article 1897)
-Mr. E. P. Parker raised 800 bushels of turnips last year, and 200 bushels of sugar beets, to feed his stock.
-Mrs. George Nobles of Wellsville, N.Y. is in town visiting his widowed mother and other relatives who reside in this town.
-Mrs. Amanda George of Knoxville is visiting Mr. Lizell George.
-Mr. Arthur Seamons of Oswayo, Potter County visited his mother and sister at Sylvester last week. He is section boss on the Oswayo end of the New York and Pennsylvania railroad, that runs from Oswayo to Canisteo, N.Y.
Sylvester Snap Shots, Jan. 12. (handwritten on article 1898)
-L. N. George and family visited his daughter, Mrs. Floyd Hubbard at Whites Corners a part of last week.
-S. P. Chase of Brookfield is making some fine improvements on the inside of the Sylvester Baptist Church in the line of papering and painting.
-Fred Bush and family visited at C. C. Mead’s last Sunday.
-B. J. Scott, who was installed as Master of the Grange last Saturday night, treated the whole Grange to warm sugar and everyone went home sweeter than honey.
-Edgar Cook and wife visited at Ed. Mascho’s yesterday.
-Mrs. R. L. Pride’s mother is visiting her for a few days.
-Everyone has been improving their time by drawing wood on the snow.
-Elmer Hunt is sick with pneumonia. Dr. Frank Masten is treating him.
Corning and Elmira each had a seaman aboard the ill-fated Maine. The Elmiran, Frank Andrus was reported killed. The Corning man was Tommy J. Cook, perhaps better known as Tommy Durckin. A few days since Mrs. James Webb of Corning, an aunt of Durchin received a letter from him, showing he is still alive. The letter was written at the U. S. Marine Hospital at Key West, Florida. It is as follows: Key West, Fla., Feb. 18, 1898. My Dear Aunt: I am thankful to the Almighty God that I am able to write this letter to you. No doubt you have heard of the sad fate of my ship at Havana, Cuba. I do not know how I was saved, but I am thankful to Almighty God for what He has done for me. I am quite well. I came out very lucky. Two hundred of my shipmates went down and were blown to pieces. I was blown fully fifty yards from my ship. That was all that saved me. I got my head cut, my back hurt and my wrist sprained and go shaken up pretty bad, but I feel pretty good this morning, thank God. My chums sleeping by my side were killed. A hundred were saved but a good many will die. We were sent to Key West, all that were able to be moved. All the hospitals in Havana are full, and those at Key West also. The poor fellows are mangled up terribly and some beyond recognition. I am getting nervous now and will have to stop writing. The explosion took place when we were in our hammocks, sleeping. Aunt, write soon. Good bye. Your nephew, T. J. Cook. –Griffin Scrapbook
Sylvester Squibs, Dec. 14 (handwritten on article 1898)
-There will be a Christmas tree in the Baptist Church here Christmas eve.
-There will be a cottage prayer meeting at the home of George Daugherty on Thursday evening of this week. Everyone is invited to attend.
-Harvey George and wife of Westfield, visited his parents here last Sunday.
-H. H. Mascho’s little daughter who has been very sick with tonsillitis is a little better.
-Nellie Pride, who has been on the sick list for the past week is improving.
-The Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Ackley on Thursday of this week. Every one is invited.
-Edwin Mascho has his cow and sheep shed nearly completed.
-Those who went from this place to the entertainment at Brookfield last Thursday night report a very nice time.
Sylvester Sayings, May 15, (handwritten on article 1899)
-The infant daughter of Bert and Mina Brown is very sick at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hammond.
-Lena McPeek, of Knoxville is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wesley Hammond.
-Mrs. Sally Gilkey of the North Road is visiting her niece, Mrs. T.
Sylvester News, August 16 (Handwritten on article 1899)
-Mrs. Samuel Moore and Mrs. W. W. Baker of Brookfield attended church here last Sunday.
-W. W. Baker, J. D. Moore, Wesley Hammond and families and Mrs. Samuel Moore and son took supper at George Daugherty’s Sunday.
-Mrs. Winfield Hubbard and son visited her brother, George Nobles of
Wellsville recently.
Knoxville, Feb. 15 (Handwritten on article 1900)
-Mrs. Helen Billings of Elmira, has presented the M. E. Church of this place with four handsome twelve-lamp gas chandeliers, complete in every respect, which are of the finest of the kind. The gift was a complete surprise to the congregation.
-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Southworth and family, who have been living in the far west for some years, returned to this place last week. Mr. Southworth was taken sick on his way here and died yesterday morning at the home of Mrs. Chas. Hulburt in this borough.
-H. W. Colegrove left last week for Fort Worth, Texas, where he will visit friends for a short time.
-E. M. Griffin has sold his house and lot in this place to L. H. Elliott and has moved to his farm near Austinburg.
-Mr. and Mrs. Giles Boom are visiting friends at Wyalusing and Harrisburg.
-Ellis Harris of the clothing firm of Harris & Brown is in New York
City buying goods.
Sylvester News Notes, March 20 (Handwritten on article 1900)
-Roy Ackley and wife of Sabinsville visited his brother, F. A. Ackley last week.
-Mrs. A. M. Edgcomb of Elmira, who has visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Daugherty for the past two weeks went to Westfield yesterday to visit friends before returning to her home.
A Keen Observer Sends Many Interesting Notes from that Township. Correspondence of the Agitator.
Brookfield, April 3 (handwritten on article 1900)
-The congregation of the Baptist Church at Sylvester have engage Rev. S. L. Bovier of Sabinsville, to preach to them for a year. He will hold services at 11 a.m. on alternate Sundays and at 7:30 p.m. on the intervening Sundays.
-John Gardner of Cold Harbor, Va., formerly a Brookfield farmer is here on business. He and his brother, Ed moved their sawmill to Virginia last fall. J. G. Bowman of Cowanesque, was here last week. James Seely, of Austinburg was at Sylvester last Thursday. William Rumsey has returned home after prospecting three months in Virginia.
-Fred Chapman has been engaged to make cheese in the Sylvester factory the coming season. He made cheese in this factory for two years and gave good satisfaction both years.
-Salmon Rowland has located near Wellsboro, having moved into his brother William’s house.
-Ransom Pride has sold his ’99 tobacco crop for 10 cents in the bundle.
Briefs From Brookfield
Brookfield, May 3 (Handwritten on article 1900)
-Elias Horton, of Westfield was in town last Saturday engaged in surveying the farm lands of Messrs. T. J. Kibbe and B. J. and John Scott.
-O. J. Hamblin raised the frame for his new horse barn last Thursday.
-C. D. Pease lost a valuable horse one day last week by death.
-Mrs. Dollie Parker Kunkel, of Westfield, visited relatives in town last week. Her mother also visited her son and family last week.
-P. E. Parker is preparing to build a large barn.
It is Gathered and Recorded by Our Observant Scribe. Correspondence of the Agitator.
Brookfield, May 15 (Handwritten on article 1900.)
-Ray Seamans has rented the Mrs. Ann Simmons farm, which he will work, while living on his own farm on the Crance Brook road in Westfield Township.
-Jerome Huyler has moved from Westfield to his farm on the North Fork Creek, 2 ½ miles from that borough.
-W. E. Hamblin, two sisters and two friends, all of Galeton, visited here Sunday.
-A. Converse, of Westfield, visited his daughter, Mrs. John Gardner, one day last week.
-Joseph Bowman, who expects to go soon to Virginia, has been visiting Potter County relatives the past two week.
-George G. Hamblin visited Galeton relatives recently.
-W. L. Nobles has been improving his residence this spring, Ira Metcalf doing the carpentry and S. P. Chase and son the painting.
-Mrs. Samuel Tubbs has had her house painted.
-There are now in this township four cheese factories in successful operation and it is expected that they will be run to the end of the season to the entire satisfaction of the patrons.
-Jesse Bush has bought of Mansfield parties a 1,600 pound stallion.
A Bereavement –Adventist Services –Many Other Notes. Correspondence of the Agitator.
Brookfield, June 19 (Handwritten on article 1900)
-Elder Potter, of Young Hickory, visited Brookfield friends on Sunday with his wife and preached at the Crance Brook schoolhouse. He preaches on alternate Sundays at Brace Hollow and in the Crance Brook district. He is a First Day Adventist. Among other visitors, current or recent, are Elmer Hunt of Academy Corners, as the guest of his grandfather, W. C. Griffin, Daniel Fuller and wife, of Lewisville, Potter County, as the guests of E. Milo Gardner and Arthur Seamons, of Oswayo, as the guest of his sister, Mrs. F. A. Ackley. Mrs. John Gardner is visiting at Keech. Frank Briggs and wife are visiting in Buffalo.
-Ed P. Parker is building a barn 40x60 feet, with basement and gambrel roof. It promises to be the finest barn in Brookfield. S. P. Chase and son have just finished painting W. L. Nobles’s house and barn.
-D. W. Coffin and wife on last Thursday buried their only son, a young
man. They have the deepest sympathy of the whole community in their bereavement.
Discouraging Drouth – Potatoes and Corn Look Well –Visitors. Correspondence of the Agitator.
Brookfield, July 3 (Handwritten on article 1900.)
-William Joseph and wife and daughter of Elmhall, Mich., are visiting Mrs. Joseph’s sister, Mrs. W. C. Griffin and other relatives, expecting to be here about two months. Mr. Joseph was born in this township nearly 73 years ago. He and his family moved to Michigan 14 years ago.
-E. M. Griffin, with family, visited his parents on Sunday. Mrs. Rhoda Daniels of Ulysses, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. S. Gardner. Ceylon Tubbs and wife, of West Pike, were Sunday guest of W. L. Noble’s.
-Mrs. Nancy Gardner, who had been visiting her daughters in Coudersport
and Keech for two months, returned home Saturday.
Sylvester, July 17 (Handwritten on article 1900)
-Mrs. L. B. Ackley and children, Mrs. M. F. Clark and daughter of Sabinsville, visited Miss Jennie Hamblin, last Thursday.
-The many friends of George Hammond will be pleased to hear that he has had his leg operated on successfully and is doing as well as can be expected at the Blossburg Hospital.
-D. L. Pride is the proudest man in town since the arrival of a little daughter at his home July 6th.
-Mrs. Ann George is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Hubbard of Whites Corners this week, helping take care of a little granddaughter which came to their home July 14th.
-Willie Moore of Brookfield is visiting his brother, J. D. Moore this week.
-Rev. Bovier will preach next Sunday morning and evening in the Baptist church here.
-Mrs. H. H. Mascho, of Westfield called on some of her many friends here last Saturday.
-Mrs. Omer Cornish and Miss Louise Cady of Troupsburg visited Mrs. L.
B. Hunt last Tuesday.
Hay and Oats. Their Poor Showing in Brookfield – The Record of Visitors and Absentees. Correspondence of the Agitator.
Brookfield, July 24 (handwritten on article 1900)
-The hay crop in Brookfield Township is a light one. Some of our farmers have not cut half the hay they did on the same ground last year. Hay, as compared with last year’s yield, will not average more than 40 per cent of a crop. As to oats, one farmer said to your correspondent only a few days ago that he sowed nine bushels of oats in one field and he would not harvest one bushel. "They haven’t headed out," said he, "and are not a-going to head." From a meadow high yielded nine large loads of hay in former years, he got only three this year. Pastures are short, many of them very short, and cows have fallen off from one third to one half in their flow of milk.
-Mrs. W. C. Griffin, William Joseph and wife and their daughter, Velma and W. L. Nobles and wife visited on Sunday the graves of relatives in the Potterbrook Cemetery.
-Mrs. Hiram Graham, of Potterbrook, with her husband, visited her brothers, Adelbert, Jay and John Scott, one day last week. Mrs. Rhoda Daniels of West Bingham, is visiting here. G. Truman Hamblin of Galeton visited his father at Sylvester on Sunday.
-Misses Myra Keech and Winnie Joseph are visiting Potter County relatives.
Bowman Joseph is visiting relatives out of town a short time. S. P. Chase
and son are in Galeton doing some painting.
Sylvester Locals, July 31 (Handwritten on article 1900)
An Aged Man died Last Week – A Birthday Celebration –Other News
-Will Hancock and wife of Galeton, visited at Elmer Stevenson’s last Saturday and Sunday.
-F. A. Ackley and wife, W. D. Mead and wife are camping out on the Gurnee mountain for a day or two this week.
-Mr. Josiah McKeek age 82 years was buried in the Plank Cemetery last Sunday, the funeral being held from the Baptist Church. Mr. McPeek came from Iowa here about two years ago. He left to survive him in this section three sons, Cyrus McPeek of Knoxville, Theodore McPeek of this place and Elmer McPeek of Troupsburg, N.Y., besides some sons in Iowa.
-Chas. Gill of Brookfield was initiated in the 1st and 2nd degree in the order of Patrons of Husbandry No. 1078 of this place last Saturday evening.
-Last Friday evening a few invited guests met at the home Chas. Mascho
to celebrate the 16th birthday of their daughter Rilla. Ice
cream and cake were served as refreshments and all had a pleasant time.
Our Able Scribe in that Township Records the Current Events. Correspondence of the Agitator.
Brookfield, Aug. 14, (handwritten on article 1900)
-William Joseph, wife and daughter started Monday morning for their home in Elmball, Gratiot County, Michigan. For two months past they have been visiting Mrs. Joseph’s sister, Mrs. W. C. Griffin and other relatives. Mr. Joseph was born in this township nearly 73 years ago.
-Elmer Hunt of Academy Corners, was a Sunday guest of his grandparents, W. C. Griffin and wife. John Gardner of Cold Harbor, Va. Is visiting his family here. A. P. King, of Lake View, Mich., is visiting relatives here and in Westfield.
-Leonard Haxton and wife are visiting relatives in St. Charles, Mich. D. Bergan starts today for Howard, Mich., to visit his son. E. N. Gardner and wife are en route to Michigan to visit relatives. They expect to be absent a month and intend to visit relatives in Cleveland, Ohio on their return. Mrs. Nancy Gardner is visiting her daughters in Coudersport.
-The Gardners held their annual reunion on August 10th. It was attended by no fewer than 120 persons.
-A team composed of Sylvester’s single men won on Saturday afternoon
in baseball game with a team made up of married men of that village.
Sylvester, Sept. 18 (Handwritten on article 1900)
-George Hammond came home Saturday from the Blossburg Hospital for a week or ten days visit. He is able to walk around with a cane after being laid up for nearly four months.
-Myra Dougherty returned home last week after visiting her grandmother and other friends, in Elmira, N.Y., for the past nine weeks.
-Mr. Clark Gee, wife and daughter, of Keeneyville, visited at J. D. Moore’s and Edwin Mascho’s a part of last week and attended the Westfield Fair.
-Alfred and Freddie Moore, who are sick with typhoid fever are improving under the treatment of Dr. Patterson of Westfield.
-The Daugherty and Beach reunion will be held in the Sylvester Grange
Hall on Thursday, Oct.4th, 1900.
Sylvester Locals, Dec. 4 (Handwritten on article 1900)
-Mrs. Skinner, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Ackley, returned to her home in Oswayo last Friday.
-James and George Davis, of Purplebrook will put their sawmill on O. J. Hamblin’s farm in the spring to saw for Mr. Hamblin and L. W. George.
-Misses Mina and Ruth Tubbs visited at M. Kizer’s Thanksgiving.
-L. B. Hunt went to Elkland on business yesterday.
-All who attended the supper at Brookfield Thanksgiving evening reported a good time and some thought the girls could beat the older ladies making chicken pie.
-Mr. G.W. Neily, Mrs. A. M. Edgcomb and son, Charles of Elmira and Mrs. J. C. Edgcomb and daughter, Fay of Westfield, visited Mrs. George Daugherty last Friday.
-The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Vell Mascho is quite ill at this writing.
-Mrs. C. C. Mead does not improve as fast as her many friends would like to have her.
-L. N. George has let the job of cutting his logs to Theodore McPeek.
-The following officers were elected in the Sylvester Baptist Sunday
school last Sunday: Superintendent, F. A. Ackley; Assistant Superintendent,
J. D. Moore; Secretary, W. L. Mascho; Librarian, Joan Moore; Organist,
Mrs. Clara Hunt.
Brookfield News – Correspondence of the Agitator.
Brookfield, Jan. 1 (Handwritten on article 1901)
Since the big flood in November the Supervisors have put in three iron bridges in this township – one across North fork creek, one across Purple brook and one at Austingburg near James Seeley’s. Two other bridges need to be put in this winter or next spring across North fork creek.
Frank C. Briggs has bought for $3,100 the O. H. Snyder farm of T. B. Kibbe, a quarter mile south on the North Fork post office. The land, which amounts to 205 acres is under good cultivation, has good buildings and is well fenced.
John Gardner, of Cold Harbor, Va. Is visiting in town, Arthur Griffin, of Austinburg, visited relatives on the lower North fork two days last week. Clayton Nobles, from the lumber woods near Sunderlinville, was home to spend Christmas with his parents. E. Hunt, of Academy Corners, visited his grandparents and other relatives all of last week. C. W. Morgan, of Osceola, the hay-buyer, was here on business last week.
John McLean is building on land he bought of his father a house that will be the handsomest on the North fork road when completed.
Frank Harris went last week to Wellsville to attend his grandfather’s
Brookfield Items, Jan. 8 (Handwritten on article 1901)
Mrs. McGill was called home to the sick and perhaps deathbed of a sister.
We are all glad that Miss Jennie Hamblin has finally come in possession of her marriage certificate. If this isn’t conclusive evidence of marriage what could be, unless it be a fraud, and we shall soon know about that, no doubt.
Miss Edith Simmons has been suffering for a week with sore throat, her grandma, Nobles is staying with her family and helping take care of her. Edith is missed from her place in day school and Sunday school. We hope to see her out soon.
Sylvester Items, January 30 (Handwritten on article 1901)
W. D. Mead moved his household goods yesterday to Caton, N.Y., where he has rented a farm.
L. B. Hunt and family visited at Wesley Hammond’s last Saturday.
Nat. Bush and wife, of Young Hickory, N.Y., visited her hater, O. J. Hamblin over Sunday.
Mr. Ernest George has commenced moving his tools to the Ed. Mascho farm, which he has rented.
R. L. Pride, Ornie Patterson and James Hammond sold their tobacco one day last week.
The farmers are improving the sleighing of the last few days getting out wood and drawing logs.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kent, of Whites Corners, visited her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. R. L. Pride, one day last week.
Brookfield Briefs, Feb. 28 (Handwritten on article 1901)
Ernest George of Farmington Center has rented the W. C. Griffin farm of Ed Mascho and now occupies the premises.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hunt visited relatives at Ellisburg, Potter County last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Gardner and Mrs. Gardner’s mother, Mrs. Swartwood, visited relatives at West5 Caton, Steuben County several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Patterson have moved to Sabinsville, where Mr. Patterson has secured employment as a section hand on the B. & S. Railroad.
Born February 9, 1901 to Mr. and Mrs. George Dougherty, a son.
Miss Nellie Hamblin, who has been visiting relatives in this place the past two weeks, has returned to her home in Galeton.
Brookfield, June 16 (Handwritten on article 1901)
-Our Supervisor G. A. Kelley is pushing the road work most vigorously. The once very bad roads are now in pretty good condition in the western part of the town.
-Quite a number of our people expect to attend commencement at Canisteo on the afternoon of the 27th inst., at 2 o’clock. One of the class, at least, Miss Nellie Bennett, is a great favorite with a good number of the people here and they desire to do all they can to encourage her steady and unyielding efforts for an education with so much up-hill and many draw backs in front of her.
-Elmer Holmes and wife have been from home a few days visiting a nephew at Andover and a brother at Spring Mills.
-A little niece of Mr. Holmes’ drank the liquid from some fly paper and chewed up two large wads of the paper. The Chase doctor book was at once perused and a doctor summoned and everything proper done, and the result was the child only suffered a little inconvenience.
-Our pastor, Rev. Fred E. King, M.A, had conferred upon him the degree of Ph. D., on June 5th, 1901, by Taylor University of Upland, Indiana. That is the kind of men Brookfield has for pastors, or the kind we have now. And we have ability to appreciate.
-Richard Hunt, the oldest person in town, 89 years old attended Children’s
Day service and had the pleasure of seeing a number of children in attendance
and a greater number of grandchildren and a good number of great-grandchildren.
Mr. Hunt has his faculties and is a great reader, can read common news
print without glasses.
Less Tobacco Planted. Such the Case in Brookfield – Other Notes. Correspondence of the Agitator.
Brookfield, June 18, (Handwritten on article 1901)
-A Mr. Fox has his portable sawmill set up on Lee Parker’s land and is cutting out a stock of logs for Lee and W. W. Baker. It is understood that Mr. Parker intends to build a house and barn next year, if not sooner.
-W. L. McLean, head carpenter, is building for L. N. George a hay, grain and cow bar, 30x70 feet, with 16-foot post.
-Jerome Huyler, with his family has been visiting his married daughter in Hector.
-Mrs. W. C. Briggs is in Allegany, N.Y., visiting her son who is nearly blind.
-E. M. Griffin and wife are entertaining Eldred relatives.
Brookfield Briefs, August 4th (Handwritten on article 1901)
-Mrs. Sylvia Bennett, the mother of Mrs. Elvy Cady, is so low she has watches constantly. These people are very aged and there is little hope of their recovery.
-Our pastor, Fred King has been absent two Sundays. The Sunday School and League have good attendance.
-Not many berries to be found this year in this vicinity. A number of our people went into Potter County and purchase a fine lot of berries of Janson Hoffman. They also by paying ten cents a quart got a few quarts of the finest cherries we have ever seen. Mr. Hoffman has a cherry tree from which he has sold over one hundred and twenty-five quarts this season. Last year he received twelve dollars from the fruit of this same tree and has borne for the last ten years, this is nearly the record of this tree. Mr. Hoffman sprays his trees twice. From a limb, nine inches long our people brought home thirty-seven cherries as large as small plums and without a scar or blemish. A great deal of praise is spoken of Mr. Hoffman’s garden, the rows are straight, the ground free from weeds and the product fine.
-Forest Hubbard will teach a school near Crance Brook. We vouch for his success. If he makes a failure we are a false prophet and will turn our attention to telling of things that are passed.
-It is hard to tell who has the best crops, Ed Parker has a large field of very fine corn, Wat Nobles and W.C. Griffin have fine tobacco and we suggest that Mr. Griffin top his before long or he will have to use a step-ladder.
-There will be an ice cream social on the lawn of Fred Simmons next Friday night, the proceeds to go for the purchase of a Missionary Library. It has been looked for a long while and looked for with much interest and a large crowd is expected to be in attendance, there will be ice cream enough for all however large the crowd may be and everybody is invited.
Sylvester Sayings, August 5th (Handwritten on article 1901)
Frank Hess and wife of Mixtown, visited her parents Tuesday and Wednesday.
G. W. Nelly of Elmira and Roy Tremain of Westfield called on Geo. Daughterty and family last Sunday.
Cornelia L. Nelly of Elmira is visiting her friend Myra Daughterty.
George Simmons and Lydia Hunt visited at L. B. Hunt’s last Sunday.
Anson Gunn and family attended the Pickett reunion last Saturday in New York State.
C. W. Mascho and wife are visiting friends beyond Coudersport this week.
Brookfields Tobacco Crop. It is reviewed by a Valued Scribe – Other Crops – Personals. Correspondence of the Agitator.
Brookfield, Sept. 8th (Handwritten on article 1901)
-Tobacco hereabouts is a better crop than last year. Late pieces need about two weeks longer to ripen before the tobacco will be fit to cut and house. The recent rains have made the leaves broad and long. Grasshoppers, however, have damaged some pieces considerably on the edges of the fields. Mr. Bower, agent for John Brand & Co. of Elmira was here Saturday and bought a few of the earliest crops at 9 cents in the bundle.
-Oats are light. Many acres have been cut and left in the swath and gavel in pleasant weather and the rains came before they were bound and housed. The results are sprouted oats and rotten straw. Corn and buckwheat looks fine and will be good crops if the weather is favorable two or three weeks longer and there is no freeze. It is now too early to tell how late potatoes will yield. The vines are large and there is no blight. There are no apples worth mentioning. Pears and plums, however, are plentiful.
-Mr. Robbins and wife have been visiting their son and family at Mills. Mrs. W. L. Nobles and children visited her married daughter at Mills on Sunday.
-The Planks and Metcalfs held their family reunion Saturday on the Westfield Fair grounds.
-Mrs. Edwin Gardner of Coudersport, with two children was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. E. M. Gardner.
-Ed Parker with his wife visited his mother in Westfield Saturday.
Brookfield, Nov. 14 (Handwritten on article 1901)
-Over one thousand tons of hay have been hauled down the North Fork road by the farmers within the last sixty days. Ten dollars has been the prevailing price, the buyers pressing it. We predict that hay will be worth $12 per ton before May first next.
-Alonzo Seamons, the Jury Commissioner, has taken a job on Asaph Run to cut and skid one million feet of hemlock logs to the railroad being built by Williamsport parties up the run.
-Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hunt visited relatives in McKean County last week.
-Mrs. John Gardner is visiting relatives at Coudersport.
-Partridges and woodcock are being killed at a rapid rate by the hunters in this section.
-Mr. and Mrs. James Hammond and Mrs. Hammond’s mother have been away from home the past week visiting relatives.
-John Scott, who has been in the grape country this past two months has returned home and is looking after his farm interest.
-Mrs. W. L. Nobles, who was taken violently ill a few days ago, is rapidly recovering.
-John Eberenz, of Wellsboro, was in town a few days ago and called on his friend, Charles Coacher, and his family.
-George Dougherty has gone to Knoxville, where he has secured employment with Ira Edgcomb & Sons.
-Job Huyler will move from his farm to Westfield borough soon. His son-in-law,
Arthur Robbins of Hector, Potter County will move onto his farm.
A Good Number of Them from That Township –A Removal. Correspondence of the Agitator.
Brookfield, Nov. 19, (Handwritten on article 1901)
-Arthur Robbins and wife of Hector Corners, Potter County have moved in Job Huyler’s house on the North Fork Creek Road.
-Mrs. John Dibble and her son-in-law, James Hammond and his wife have been visiting relatives at Stonyfork.
-George W. Dougherty will soon move to Knoxville where he is employed by I. M. Edgcomb’s Sons.
-A.J. Simmons has built and filled a silo with which he is highly pleased.
-Fred C. Simmons ships out a carload of cows weekly, besides buying and shipp9ing large quantities of baled hay.
-Mrs. Charles Joseph of Sumner, Michigan, formerly of this township is visiting Gaines relatives and will soon visit her husband’s relatives here. Her eldest son and her youngest child are with her.
-Mrs. A. E. Griffin has been visiting her sister and family in Lockhaven.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Mead on Monday, December 23, 1901, a daughter. –Griffin Scrapbook
Westfield (handwritten on article 1902)
TWO AGED MEN PASS AWAY – William Simmons Died Saturday Evening From
Attack of Grip. –J. G. Osborn Succumbed to an Attack of Erysipelas Sunday
Morning After Brief Illness. –Two of Westfield’s aged and highly respected
citizens were called by death within a few hours of each other. William
Simmons died about nine o’clock Saturday evening and J. G. Osborn died
early Sunday morning. Both of the venerable men have been residents
of Westfield for years and both of them leave behind many to mourn their
Items from an Observant Scribe –Lessened Tobacco Crop. Correspondence of the Agitator.
Brookfield, April 28 (Handwritten on article 1903.)
A daughter has been born to Nathaniel Bush and wife.
Arthur Griffin of Austinburg called recently on his aunt on the lower North Fork.
John McLean and wife visited Mr. and Mrs. McLean’s parents in Westfield over Sunday.
D. Plank and wife have been entertaining relative.
J. E. Mosher of Troupsburg, was here recently on business.
O. J. Hamblin has removed from Westfield to his farm on the California Road.
Ansel Gunn has bought for $400 of J. B. Tubbs of Westfield, 25 acres of land adjoining his farm on the California Road.
Forest Hubbard and Roy Simmons are attending the Mansfield Normal.
The local tobacco acreage will be considerably less this year. Quite a good many crops grown last year are still in the growers’ storehouses unsold.
Mr. Dougherty’s Death –Mrs. Tubbs Very Sick – Other Notes. Correspondence of the Agitator. Brookfield, May 19 (Handwritten on article 1903)
David S. Dougherty, a highly respected citizen, died last Tuesday after having suffered for two years with dropsy. His funeral was held on Thursday.
Mrs. C. F. Tubbs is very sick. She has been ill for about three months.
Harvey A. Gardner, from Bethesda, Md., has bought W. C. Griffin’s farm on the Lower North Fork and has moved his family into the house.
H. B. Hunt and wife last Wednesday visited their daughter, Mrs. Sherry Secord of Westfield.
Ray George, with his son, visited on Saturday his daughter, Mrs. Mary Hubbard of Galeton.
Harvey George has gone to Galeton to work in a mill yard.
F. C. Briggs and wife are entertaining Buffalo relatives of Mrs. Briggs.
Ellsworth Griffin and wife start today for Galeton to spend two days with relatives.
Mrs. John Stebbins has presented her husband with an 11-pound baby.
John Martin is working in the Galeton heading factory.
Memorial-day Observed –Visits from Aged Mr. Dougherty. Correspondence of the Agitator
Brookfield, June 2 (Handwritten on article 1903)
-F. C. Briggs and wife visited Westfield relatives on May 29th.
-P. H. Coffin and wife have been visiting out-of-town friends.
-John Dougherty, age 82 is visiting his children here and in Westfield and Knoxville.
-George Hamblin, of Galeton, with his wife has been visiting his grandparents, W. C. Griffin and wife.
-F. C. Simmons went to Buffalo on Saturday.
-W. E. Hamblin, of Galeton arrived here on Saturday night on his wheel for a flying visit.
A Wedding – Off to Europe – Many Social and Personal Notes. Correspondence of the Agitator.
Westfield, June 16 (Handwritten on article 1903)
-Mrs. Mary Eberle and daughter, Crescence, left here last Thursday for an extended trip to Europe. They will sail from New York about the 20th, in the meantime visiting friends in New York.
-Mrs. Norman Krusen with her son and daughter of Colorado are guest of her sister, Mrs. AliceVermilyea.
-Mrs. M. D. Lawrence is spending a few days in Brookfield, with her daughter, Mrs. Lee Parker.
-Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Griffin of Westfield have been in Galeton nearly the whole time since August 9th caring for their grandson, George E. Hamblin, who has been suffering from typhoid fever. He lived with them till his marriage in March last. On September 8th Mrs. Hamblin also was stricken with typhoid and at last accounts was very sick.
Farm Produce Quotations – A Removal – Two Invalids – Other Notes. Correspondence of the Agitator. Brookfield, Nov. 24 (Handwritten on article 1903)
-E. M. Griffin, of Austinburg had his brother as a recent guest.
-R. P. Schoonover is convalescing from an attack of Kidney Trouble and his daughter-in-law is recovering from typhoid fever.
-Aunt Amanda George of Austinburg, was a recent guest of her granddaughter, Mrs. C. Pierce of Westfield.
-Mrs. Hettie Dougherty, with her family has removed from Westfield to her house on the California Road.
-Lizell George is busily selling separators and is making a success in the business.
-William Stuart has returned from a visit with his parents and other relatives in Andover, N.Y.
-Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Phillips Creek, N. Y. have been visiting here and in Westfield.
-Local farmers are pressing their hay and straw and hauling them to Westfield. They get $8 to 10, and some #10.50 per ton for hay and $4 for oat straw, buyers pressing it. They get $1.20 per 100 for buckwheat and 30 and 35c for oats. Winter apples bring 60c a 100 lbs. (Rest cut off.)