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Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts | Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts | Photo - Croquet in the 1880s |
*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.
December 1, 1885
Local News/Events
--Miss Mary I. Wortendyke has so far recovered from her recent illness
as to resume her work as teacher in our public schools.
--Mr. George Mengee had the misfortune to slip and fall upon the sidewalk near the depot in this borough, last Wednesday breaking his right leg near the ankle. He is doing well as can be expected.
--Mr. John A. Fletcher has been re-appointed Postmaster at Niles Valley. Although Mr. Fletcher is a strong Republican he was the choice of the people of that neighborhood.
--Mr. and Mrs. James L. White, of this borough, celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage last Tuesday evening. A host of friends assembled to congratulate them upon the happy event. The presents were numerous and unique.
--The grist mill belonging to Messrs. S. L. Herrington & Co., situated in Charleston Township, about two miles east of this village, was destroyed by fire last Saturday night. An alarm was sounded here about half past ten when the fire was evidently under full headway. The mill had recently been repaired and refitted with new machinery, and was in excellent condition. The loss was probably about $5,000 and there was an insurance of $3,500 on the property. Considerable grain was burned with the building. The origin of the fire is not known. We sincerely regret Mr. Herrington’s misfortune.
--The criminal week of the November term of court continued from Monday
until Friday night. On Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, the Court adjourned
from eleven in the morning until four o’clock in the afternoon, and the
cases were so nearly disposed of that all the jurymen in attendance, except
those engaged in the trial of a case were discharged that night.
Vine R. Pratt, of Richmond Township, was made foreman of the grand jury,
which returned the following true bills:
-William Simpson, D. M. Baxter, William Crandall, Fred Robinson,
and Frank Pierce, breaking prison.
-J. O. Hepp, false pretenses.
-Frank Kimball, forging and uttering.
-John Reynolds, solicitation to commit adultery.
-Frank Priest, cruelty to animals.
-A. E. Niles and Frank Hughes, neglect to open public road in
Tioga Township.
-William Simpson, carrying concealed weapons.
-William Crandall, larceny, two bills.
-Frank Robinson, perjury.
-D. M. Baxter, perjury.
-D. M. Baxter, larceny.
-John Welch, malicious injury to property of the Tioga Railroad
-Edwin Bates, attempt to commit rape.
The following bills were ignored:
-W. S. Crawford, assault, costs to be paid by private prosecutor,
W. S. Grover.
-Miles Egleston and others, assault, costs to be paid by private
prosecutor, Frank Earnhart.
-David Thomas, assault, costs to be paid by private prosecutor,
R. H. Fleming.
-Calvin English, larceny.
-William Wallace, assault and battery, county to pay the costs.
-The two Commonwealth cases against G. H. Gosline, for false
pretenses, were settled.
-Commonwealth against C. A. Briggs, false pretenses, continued.
-The nuisance case brought up against Mr. M. A. Durif by Mr.
L. R. Decker, both of this borough, was brought on for trial, but upon
the defendant promising to properly conduct the refuse matter and liquids
from his tannery to a place of deposit by a sewer to be built next spring,
the case was discontinued.
-Three desertion cases were disposed of by Judge Williams.
The first was that of Mrs. L. M. Doud, of Mainesburg against
her husband. This case had been before the Court twice prior to this
time. The defendant was discharged on the ground of ill health and
his inability to support his wife.
The second case was that of Mrs. Hiram Welch, of Sullivan Township,
against her husband. The couple were well advanced in life, and it
was at first thought that an amicable adjustment of differences might be
brought about, and with that end in view Judge Williams asked his associate,
Judge Lamkin, to take the couple down to the Bar Association room and there
talk with them. The Judge retired, amid laughter with his charges,
but soon returned, stating that the couple was too old to get ardently
in love with each other again. The case was continued, and Mr. Welch
was placed under $200 bail for his appearance.
The most interesting desertion case was heard by the Court on
Tuesday afternoon. The prosecutrix was a Mrs. Lena Whitmarsh, of
Knoxville, who arrested her husband, Mr. Charles Whitmarsh. Both
parties are quite young. It was shown by Mrs. Whitmarsh that she
was married to the defendant, April 14, 1883, that he lived with her at
her mother’s for some seven months when, without any known reason or any
harsh words having passed between them, he left her and went to California,
where he remained some two years. The deserted wife became a mother
in March 1884. The husband on coming back to Knoxville a few months
ago refused to have anything to do with his wife and would not live with
her or support her. The Court after hearing the evidence made an
order upon the husband for the support of his wife and child and placed
him under bonds, but subsequently a writing of separation was signed by
the parties, and upon the husband paying the wife $200 and the costs of
the proceedings he was discharged.
-John Welch, the man who placed the obstruction on the Tioga
Railroad trestle near Millerton, had a short trial on Monday and was quickly
found by the jury and sentenced to six years imprisonment in the Eastern
penitentiary. An effort was made to show that the man was insane,
from the coherent manner in which he testified while upon the stand, but
the jury thought him morally responsible for his act.
-Frank Kimball, the young man from near Stokesdale who forged
a signature to a check and collected the amount the First National Bank
of Wellsboro, plead guilty and was sentenced by the Court to one year and
nine months imprisonment in the Eastern penitentiary.
-Frank Priest was arraigned on the charge of prison breaking,
pleaded guilty and was sentenced by the Court to one year and six months
imprisonment in the Eastern penitentiary.
-Edwin Bates was tried on the charge of attempting to commit
rape upon the person of one Emma Cook, of Brookfield Township, a little
girl of eleven years of age. He denied wholly the charge brought
against him. The jury after hearing out some twenty six hours on
the case returned a verdict of not guilty, but that the defendant pay the
-The nuisance case against T. D. Case, of Knoxville, was settled,
and the defendant was discharged.
-On motion the indictment charging John Reynolds with solicitation
to commit adultery was quashed, and the defendant was discharged.
-H. S. Archer was appointed Auditor to audit the accounts of
the Prothonotary Clerk of Orphans, Court Register, and Recorder, and the
Sheriff of Tioga County for the year 1886.
--Mrs. C. D. Willis, of this borough, is visiting at Washington.
--Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mooers, of Blossburg, have gone to Florida.
--Mr. H. Huntington, of this borough, is visiting at Elkland and Elmira.
--Mr. Andrew Atherton, of Knoxville, has gone to Florida for the winter.
--Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Williston, of Jersey Shore, spent Thanksgiving in town.
--Mr. Charles Ross, of Washington, D. C., has been visiting Frank E. Watrous, Esq.
--Andrew Forsythe, of this borough, intends to spend the winter in Florida.
--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Freeborn, of Jersey Shore, were in town last Thursday and Friday.
--Mrs. Frank E. Watrous is to start for Washington, D. C. this morning for a few weeks visit.
--Messrs. Robert K. Young and George D. Mitchell, who have been traveling for several months in Europe, are expected home today.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--Mr. Martin A. Cass has been appointed Postmaster at Canoe Camp.
--A. L. Johnson has purchased the Taylor farm in Covington for $1,900.
--Mr. L. Harrison has sold his house and lot on Purple Street to Mr. Zach Hall.
--Mr. Spencer Cruttenden, of Charleston, has fixed up a pond for raising carp.
--Mr. Hiram Pierce, of Farmington, butchered a hog a few days ago that dressed 720 pounds.
--Mr. F. Hooker has secured the contract for carrying the mail between the depot and Post Office at Nelson for $59 a year.
--Mrs. George Lewis and Miss Minnie Pond have opened a dress making shop in the store lately occupied by Mrs. J. Brodhead on Main Street.
--Mr. Charles Duley has purchased a lot adjoining Mr. E. W. Harrison on East Avenue, of Mr. L. Harrison, and is erecting a house upon it.
--Mr. Lucius L. Flower and Fralic Brothers, of Lamb’s Creek, have purchased 522 acres of timber land of the Morris estate near Mansfield. A saw mill will cut up the timber at once.
--Mr. Charles F. King, of Covington, has secured patents for a boiling and purifying machine for grist mills and for an improved mill for grinding corn. He has the machines in successful operation.
--On account of increased business Mr. L. Harrison has made extensive improvements at his warehouse and coal yard in this borough. A 400 ton coal pocket has been built, and a great saving is made in the manner of handling and screening coal.
--Mr. E. R. Thompson, who is well known to many people in this county as the canvasser for the Agitator for the past few months, has secured a position as commercial traveler for a New York wholesale grocery house, covering the counties of Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, and Tioga. He deserves to be successful, and no doubt he will be.
--Mrs. C. N. Dartt, of Kansas City, is in town, called hither by the
death of her mother, Mrs. I. F. Field. [Catherine Field, wife of Isaac
F. Field, buried Wellsboro Cemetery]
December 8, 1885
Local News/Events
--Mr. James M. Bowen is on the sick list.
--Last Wednesday Mr. James Abbey was lodged in jail upon a commitment issued by Justice I. M. Bodine, charging him with the crime of adultery.
--Mr. Frank A. Deans, leader of the Fire Department Band in this borough, yesterday received a new $105 silver and gold plated B flat cornet. It is a beauty.
--Mr. James E. Fish, the landlord of the Antrim hotel, had the misfortune to break his leg, near the ankle, last Tuesday, as he was alighting from his buggy.
--Mr. M. B. Clark, who lives about two miles east of Mansfield, lost 28 sheep out of a flock of 106 a few days ago. It is thought they were poisoned eating laurel.
--Cards are announcing the marriage of Miss Stella Calkins, formerly of this place, to Mr. Torrance, of East Avon, N. Y. The ceremony is to be performed tomorrow.
--Mr. Martin V. Bennett, of Charleston, fell upon the floor of the new grist mill in this borough yesterday morning and broke one of his knee-pans. It is an injury which is likely to prove a serious one.
--The dwelling house of Mr. William Whitney, in Middlebury Township, was burned on last Wednesday, the 3rd instant together with its contents. We understand the loss was a total one, there being no insurance on the property.
--Messrs. B. C. Van Horn and Alf Roland were in Williamsport last Friday, selecting the paper and other decorations for the new Odd Fellows’ Hall in this borough. It is to be one of the finest Lodge rooms in the State, outside the larger cities.
--the Rochester Herald of last Wednesday says that Daniel Brodhead, indicted for grand larceny, pleaded guilty to petit larceny. He was sentenced to the penitentiary for six months direct, and in addition a fine of $100 was imposed, the prisoner to stand committed until the fine is paid, not exceeding 100 days.
--Associate Judge G. H. Baxter will retire from the bench, in this county at the close of this year. The present term of court is the last one of his service on the bench. Judge Baxter has discharged his duties in a most acceptable manner, and he will go back to private life with the respect of his associates and the good will of all who enjoy his acquaintance. The office of Associate Judge becomes extinct in this county with the expiration of the terms of the present incumbents.
--Sheriff Baxter and Sheriff elect Ferris returned from their trip to Philadelphia on Friday. They report to the Tioga County delegation in the penitentiary all in good health, except the Swede Hamlin, the Niles Valley murderer, who has been dangerously ill from a tumor on his side, which is thought to have been caused from an injury received during the scuffle which took place at the time the crime was committed. The Osceola bank robbers are in good health, and one of the number, Jack Love, has made himself notorious in the prison as a chronic fault finder and growler.
--Mr. Daniel Nobles, who lives about four miles west of this borough, on the Pine Creek road, has been in the habit of feeding his horses from the same manger. The animals were accustomed to play and nibble at each other, but last Thursday their playfulness was carried too far to suit the notions of their owner. One of the horses in some manner got the tip of the other animal’s tongue between its teeth and pulled it four or five inches out of its mouth. Either because of the pain or for some other cause the horse shut its teeth upon its own tongue and severed it completely, the member dropping upon the floor of the stall. Dr. W. H. McCaldon, of the Veterinary Hospital, has charge of the case, and he expects that the horse will pull through, although he anticipates that the animal will experience some difficulty in pushing its food back to the gullet after it has been masticated. It was suggested that it might become necessary to feed it upon gruels. Mr. George C. Bowen, of this borough, relates a somewhat similar incident which occurred upon his Cowanesque farm some eleven years ago. Upon getting to the stable one morning one of the horses was seen to be going through some strange antics with its head high in the air, and upon examination its tongue was found to be off near the roots, and it was afterward found upon the floor. How this accident occurred had always remained a mystery, but the horse soon became accustomed to the situation. It is now about nineteen years old, and it eats the same food as other horses and has done its fair portion of work ever since losing its tongue. But the creature makes considerable fuss over its rations, and of necessity throwing head high up in order to swallow the food.
--CHATHAM-Mr. Levi VanCise has received $1,000 arrears of pension. He was a member of Company D of the 10th Pennsylvania Cavalry.
--EAST POINT-As Mr. J. J. Schanbacker and his family were driving home from church the other evening a bolt came out of the wagon and they came near pitching into the Roupp mill pond.
--MANSFIELD-I am sorry to state that Mrs. Christian Cleckner is still on the sick list.
--CROOKED CREEK-The little daughter of Mrs. Thomas Holiday, who was recently bitten by a dog, is recovering. The dog was shot.
--Mr. Holzheimer is visiting his daughter Mrs. Max Bernkopf, in this
--Mr. Edward L. Rose, of Wheeling, West Virginia, was in town one day last week.
--Mr. Charles Toles has been visiting his sister, Mrs. J. B. Niles, in this borough for the past week.
--Mr. Walter Westbrook, of Mansfield, has been visiting his namesake, the Chief of Police at Lock Haven, Pa.
--Col. and Mrs. A. B. Niles, of this borough, returned home last Friday, after an extended visit at Washington.
--Mrs. B. M. Potter, of this borough, returned home last Friday from an extended visit in Maryland and Virginia.
--Messrs. Robert K. Young and George D. Mitchell, of this borough, returned from their three months’ trip in Europe last Tuesday. Their homeward voyage across the Atlantic was made in six days and twenty three hours in the Canard steamer Umbria, one of the two largest steamers in existence. They encountered a severe storm else the trip would have been made in much better time. Both young men enjoyed excellent health during the entire journey.
--OSCEOLA-D. B. Hoyt has returned from Bradford, Pa, where he has been working for a few weeks.
--OSCEOLA-James Clark, a former resident of this place, has been visiting relatives here.
--TIOGA-Miss Ella Bishop, of Harrisonburg, VA has been visiting at her uncle’s Mr. Robert Bishop.
--EAST POINT-We feel most keenly the loss of Mr. J. M. Bickle, who left this place a few weeks ago. He has gone into the lumbering business. May success attend him.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--Mr. W. W. Johnson has started a milk wagon in this county of late.
--Mr. Charles Merritt has purchased the Taft farm at Nelson for $3,800.
--Mr. G. H. Baxter has opened a meat market in his old grocery store at Nelson.
--The Parlor Restaurant in this borough will be re-opened under the management of Mr. Wade Francis.
--Henry Wilson is teaching the Niles Valley School, and Frank Austin teaches one near Keeneyville.
--Mr. W. H. Whiting, of this borough, is making preparations to build a new greenhouse 10 feet in length by 20 feet in width.
--Mr. Daniel Watson has been appointed Assistant Assessor of Roseville, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal of E. Crapser.
--Messrs. Frank S. Rowland and Burt M. Potter, of this borough, are now upon their rounds delivering the first volume of Grant’s Memoirs.
--The Waverly Advocate has been purchased by Mr. Edgar L. Vincent, who issued the paper last week in an enlarged and improved form. Success to it!
--Mr. V. B. Myrtle, General Passenger, and Freight Agent of the E. C. & N. Railway has resigned his position. Mr. Myrtle was formerly station agent at this borough and afterward at Corning, N. Y.
--Mr. A. A. March is living at Elkland this winter, where he is engaged in finishing Mr. C. L. Pattison’s handsome new dwelling house. When completed the house bids fair to be one of the finest in the county.
--OSCEOLA-Vine Crandall is painting his new house and expects to move into it about January first.
--OSCEOLA-Frank Seely has bought Mrs. Frank Crandall’s house on Main Street, and will take possession January first.
--OSCEOLA-E. R. Tubbs has just returned from Philadelphia and reports the cattle market dull.
--OSCEOLA-A. L. Baker is shipping a large lot of apples this week to southern markets.
--TIOGA-The assignees of B. C. Wickham & Co. have recently sold to Mr. Frost, of Boston, the Tioga Water Works, the saw and planing mill on Park Street, the Shippen timber lot and the vacant lot on Main Street next to Mrs. T. A. Wickham’s residence. This leaves a few small pieces of real estate unsold.
--TIOGA-A circulating library has been started at the house of E. C. Goodrich, on Wellsboro Street.
--TIOGA-Mr. W. Urell recently purchased the lot on Main Street, owned by Mrs. C. F. Hurlburt.
--TIOGA-Mr. Henry Goodrich, formerly of Tioga, has secured a position in the Philadelphia Mint.
--MANSFIELD-Edward Doane is preparing to occupy his new house, now occupied by G. N. Welch.
--FARMINGTON-Mrs. Soule, mother of George W. Bowen and an old resident
of this place died November 21st, after a long and painful illness.
She leaves a large circle of friends and relatives, but there are many
dear ones on the other side rejoicing that mother has come. [Polly Soule]
December 15, 1885
Local News/Events
--Mr. N. Walter, of Nelson, was seriously hurt last week Monday by
falling from an apple tree.
--Miles O’Connor was jailed in this borough last Saturday evening for being drunk and disorderly.
--Mr. Charles B. Wing, of Covington, was called to Waterville, Maine, a few days ago by the death of his father.
--Mr. William Champaign, of Arnot, suffers from a broken leg caused by a fall of coal in the mines, a few days ago.
--Last Tuesday C. H. Lugg, of Nelson, fell through the ice while skating. He had a narrow escape from drowning.
--Master Clinton Taylor, of Covington, had the misfortune to chop off his thumb last Thursday while he was splitting wood.
--We regret to hear of the critical illness of Mr. Henry Ramsdell, of Washington, D. C., formerly a resident of this borough.
--Mrs. H. Ingalls, of Covington, fell from a wagon while returning home from Mansfield, a few days since. She sustained a fracture of the collar bone.
--Dr. O. S. Nye, of Roseville, was seriously injured a few days ago, by the explosion of a shot gun cartridge in his hand, the palm being badly lacerated.
--Mrs. Mary Spalding, of Chatham, celebrated her ninety-fifth birthday a few days ago. She has resided upon the old homestead for upwards of fifty years.
--Harry Allen, Esq., of Mansfield, was seriously bruised a few days ago by being thrown violently from his sleigh while driving through the streets of that village.
--Last Wednesday there was an ice jam in the creek which runs under R. L. Mack’s wagon shop in this borough and it was necessary to remove the floor in order to break the ice.
--The Advertiser says that Mr. O. F. Taylor, of Blossburg, is candidate for the nomination for County Treasurer, on the Republican ticket. It is a little early to open the campaign, but Mr. Taylor would undoubtedly make a good treasurer.
--Miss Jennie E. Farrer, teacher of the Senior Grammar Department of our public schools, was called to her home at Covington, last Thursday, on account of the critical illness of her father. Her place is supplied by Miss Cora James, of Blossburg.
--Messrs. S. F. Channell, A. J. Shattuck, A. R. Niles, and Prof. H. E. Raesly, of this borough, expect to attend a meeting at Williamsport next Friday for the purpose of organizing an alumni association of Lafayette College.
--We understand that Mr. D. Z. Swan is to be retained by the incoming Sheriff Ferris, as his office Deputy. Mr. Swan has discharged his duties during the present term with fidelity and zeal, and his appointment will give satisfaction to all concerned.
--Messrs. Noble Jones and Joseph Murray, of this borough, both colored, are now inmates of the County Poor House. It is stated that these gentlemen are both happy. Noble fiddling for the entertainment of the inmates while Joseph waltzes around the kitchen.
--Master John VanDusen, the twelve year old son of Mr. Andrew VanDusen, of this borough, suffered serious injury to his eye last week by being struck by a snowball. There is a borough ordinance prohibiting snowballing and we learn that it is to be strictly enforced.
--Miss Susie Whitney was picking up wood in the woodshed upon Mr. W. V. Bailey’s place, in Charleston, a few days ago, when two new doors, which were standing against the wall, fell over and struck edgewise upon the back of the young woman’s neck. A saw horse standing near broke the force of the blow and probably saved Miss Whitney’s life.
--It is stated that Mr. John L. Sexton, of Blossburg, has sued the Elmira Gazette for damages laid in the sum of $3,000 for alleged breach of contract and the consequent injury to his reputation as a writer, compiler, and historian. It seems that the trouble grew out of a verbal contract by which Mr. Sexton was to furnish 160,000 words of a local history at $1 per thousand. Sexton complains because the matter and his pay were cut down.
--Our Coudersport neighbors have resolved to suppress the illegal sale of liquor in that borough. A public meeting of citizens was held last Tuesday evening to effect an organization. D. C. Larrabee was elected President; Isaac Benson, Vice President; John Ormerod, Secretary; and W. K. Jones, Treasurer. A Prosecuting Committee is to be appointed and it is proposed to wage a vigorous was on drunkenness and the illegal sale of liquor. There are no licensed liquor sellers in Coudersport.
--CHATHAM-Mr. Albert Saxbury was doing his chores last Wednesday morning and while he was descending from the barn floor to the basement, he fell and his lantern was broken and the oil caught fire. The barn was burned to the ground, together with one span of horses, a platform wagon, harnesses, farming tools, etc., also all his hay and grain. Mr. Saxbury barely escaped with his own life, as the oil upon his clothes took fire, and he had to strip them off to save himself. He succeeded in getting his cows out of the burning building. This is the second barn that Mr. Saxbury has lost in the last four years.
--WEST FARMINGTON-Mrs. William Beard who has been very sick of pleura pneumonia is regaining her health slowly.
--WESTFIELD-One day last week Mr. Charles F. Decker and his hired man were riding upon a load of bark in the eastern part of the township. While descending a steep hill the bolt broke loosing the whiffletrees and the horses started to run, leaving the wagon to take its own course down the hill. The vehicle kept the track for about ten rods and then shot out against a tree smashing the wagon and piling the bark and men into a heap. The hired man was considerably bruised, but Mr. Decker escaped without serious injury. The horses were found lying in the road about one fourth of a mile below, tangled in the harness, but not seriously injured.
--BROOKFIELD-Ed Murray and Jed Hoose returned from the Cross Fork Creek Monday night the 7th. They were gone over three weeks and hunted nearly all the time they were there. Jed killed one deer and Ed killed a wildcat.
--BROOKFIELD-The oyster supper at S. R. George’s on Tuesday evening for the benefit of Rev. S. L. Bovier, netted about $20.
--TIOGA-The furniture belonging to Bush’s Park consisting of chairs, mirrors, pictures, crockery, and other things too numerous to mention is being sold at private sale. The lion which kept guard over the flowers will be removed to Mr. J. S. Bush’s yard on Main Street. Ever since the death of Mr. A. C. Bush, the Park, as a public resort has been declining in favor. Last season it was not opened. And now it is rapidly being stripped of everything which years ago rendered it a favorite picnic ground for the neighboring towns. Mr. E. W. Baldwin is disposing of the personal effects of the Park for Mr. J. S. Bush.
--Miss Carrie Boynton, of this borough, has been visiting in Millerton.
--Miss Emma Harkness, of this borough, has been visiting at East Avon, N. Y.
--Mr. E. J. Bosworth, of Blossburg, is to spend the winter in North Carolina.
--Dr. A. Humphrey and family, of Blossburg, started for Florida last week.
--Mrs. S. D. Wadhams, of Elmira, has been visiting at Mr. N. T. Chandler’s, in this borough.
--Mrs. L. A. Gardner and Mrs. Sarah M. Billings, of this borough, are
visiting in New York City.
--Mrs. G. D. Smith, of this borough, attended the Torrance Calkins
wedding at East Avon, N. Y., last Wednesday.
--CHATHAM-Mrs. A. D. Rice is visiting her brother, Mr. R. Nickerson, at Mansfield.
--CHATHAM-Mr. E. W. Suffern, late of Little Marsh, is living at Laurel, Maryland. He is still a member of the Little Marsh Lodge.
--BROOKFIELD-David Dougherty and wife, of Austinburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mascho on the 8th. Ed and his wife are new ones at house keeping and married life.
--BROOKFIELD-H. B. Hunt and wife, of Brookland, Potter County, visited relatives in town the first of the week.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Picket, of Troupsburgh, N. Y., visited Mr. Samuel George and wife, the first of the week.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--ELMIRA-Henry E. Drake, of Elmira, has retired from the firm of Henry
E. Drake & Co. Mr. William H. Frost now conducts the business.
--Mr. Hugh McCrorie will sell, on the Adamy place in Charleston Township, on the 15th instant at 10 a.m. a lot of live stock, farming implements, oats, hay, straw, and hemlock lumber.
--Mr. A. Ives now occupies his fine new dwelling house on Water Street in this borough.
--Mr. George H. Simmons, of Westfield, has purchased the stage route to White’s Corners.
--Mr. Frank Stratton, of Blossburg, has been appointed United States Ganger for this district.
--Miss Minnie Horton, of this borough, is teaching school in the Scranton district in Shippen.
--John Kuhl, of Academy Corners, has purchased a half interest in Baker’s meat market at Knoxville.
--Messrs. N. Beach & Son, of Chatham, are shipping a large quantity of lumber from the Middlebury station.
--Everybody admirers the fine displays made in the windows of Mrs. N. J. Bennett, jeweler, and Bryden & Johnson, dry goods merchants.
--Mr. Sol Holzheimer has shown great taste in the arrangements of dress goods, velvets, trimmings, and cloaks in Bernkopf’s show windows.
--Mr. F. P. Hart, our wide-awake dry goods merchant, has just placed in his store a lot of electric lamps, which light up the establishment brilliantly.
--WEST FARMINGTON-Aaron E. Baker has his cellar foundation completed, intending soon to build a good farm house.
--WEST FARMINGTON-D. E. Smith and A. W. Lugg living two miles south of Nelson, are drawing their hay to Addison, N. Y., where they receive $13 per ton. There is not one fourth as much hay sold in this town as there was last year at this time. A good many will not make the price offered by buyers.
--BROOKFIELD-Our lumbermen are anxious for enough snow so that they can commence hauling logs. Peter Bush and Truman Hamblin have a job in Potter County and are ready to begin hauling logs as soon as there is sleighing.
--BROOKFIELD-Miss Belle Campbell, of Delmar, is teaching the Brookfield Hollow School. I understand she is a competent teacher.
--Mr. Charles Gallagher, of Arnot, was stricken with paralysis while
working on the railway track near that place one day last week and he died
soon after. He leaves a daughter twelve years of age. The remains
were taken to Philadelphia for interment.
--In Rutland, Pa., December 3rd, Elmira J. Baker, wife of Wilmot Baker, aged 39 years.
--WEST FARMINGTON-an infant child of Charles and Rachel Davenport, of Thornbottom, died last Monday of whooping cough.
--WEST FARMINGTON-Mr. Abram Teachman took unto himself his third wife
on the 7th instant, in the person of Mrs. Jane Cady. Mr. Teachman
is her third husband.
December 22, 1885
Local News/Events
--Mrs. Frank A. Deans, of this borough, is seriously ill.
--We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. J. A. Fletcher, of Niles Valley.
--It is stated that Glenn Geer, of Tioga, swallowed a .22 caliber cartridge a few days ago. Queer diet that.
--Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bannon, of Blossburg, celebrated their golden wedding a few evenings since.
--Mrs. William Hoagland, of this borough, had the misfortune to fall upon the sidewalk, a few days ago, and sprain her arm.
--Mr. Ward Richards, of Nelson, received an ugly scalp wound a few days ago by being thrown from his buggy by a runaway horse.
--Mrs. Thankful Wood, an aged lady, fell down some steps at her home in the Cowanesque valley, last Tuesday and broke her thigh.
--Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Horton, of this borough, were called to Potter County, a few days ago by the serious illness of Mrs. Horton’s father and mother.
--Mr. L. L. Bailey, of this borough, who recently sustained a serious injury to his hip by falling from a bicycle, has gone to Philadelphia to consult a leading surgeon.
--Mr. George W. Potter, announces a New Year’s dance at his hotel in Middlebury, on Friday evening, January 1st.
--A Nelson boy by the name of Charles Knapp was recently attacked and badly bruised by a vicious cow. When help reached him the brute had the boy pinned to the ground between her horns.
--Our East Point correspondent informs us that Messrs. Daniel Hogart, Joseph Roupp, D. Roupp, Leonard Schanbacher and Augustus Schanbacher returned from a hunting expedition on Brier Hill a few days ago with three fine deer, besides a lot of smaller game.
--There have been several raffles of late in this borough. Mr. James Radick, porter of the Coles House, won a fine toilet set; Mr. S. Kimball, of Ansonia, held the lucky number which drew Job Hart a $45 harness; and Mr. F. K. Wright secured a $25 hanging lamp.
--Last Friday night the office coal chutes and mining cars at the Mitchell mines in Delmar were burned together with about 100 tons of coal. The property belonged to Mr. Orrin Williams and his loss is about $1,200, insurance is $600, in Young’s agency. It is thought that the fire took from the office stove, near which the miners were wont to hang their clothing to dry.
--A Nelson correspondent informs us that while a large party of people was on the mill pond at that place last Saturday to witness a skating match between Miss Fanny Hazlett and Mr. Will Bolt, the ice broke and several young ladies and gentlemen were thrown into the water. Fortunately, they were all rescued, but the escape of one or two of them was a narrow one. The race was postponed until Christmas.
--Last Tuesday morning Mrs. Abram Green, of this borough, who was visiting at the home of Mr. Newell Campbell, in Delmar, had the misfortune to make a misstep and fall down the stone stairway into the cellar. She was considerably bruised and for some time it was feared that serious results would follow, but we are glad to state that she is now in a fair way to recover. Mrs. Green was brought to the house of her daughter, Mrs. A. Patterson on Central Avenue.
--Last Thursday there was a family gathering at the home of Mr. D. C. Kimball, father of County Commissioner Kimball, at Mitchell’s Creek, in commemoration of the 84th birthday of Mr. John J. Kimball, father of the former. Members of the family for four generations sat down to dinner. The reminiscences of the patriarch were very interesting. He stated that his ancestors came to this country from England in the 16th century. He resided in Catlin, Chemung County, N. Y., for 48 years and in 1869 he moved, with his son, D. C. Kimball, to Mitchell’s Creek. The old gentleman retains his faculties to a remarkable degree and his stories of pioneer life in southern New York are exceedingly interesting. He thinks that all the Kimball’s in this county are direct descendants of his English ancestors.
--OSCEOLA-A few days ago Dr. W. Humphrey was called by Dr. Reese, of Knoxville, and assisted him in removing a tumor from William Frasier, living near Austinburg. Before Dr. Reese’s visit I understand the patient had been treated for neuralgia. The patient is now doing well.
--ROUND TOP-Mr. Abram Mills, who has been in a critical condition for some time from nervous prostration, is believed to be slowly improving to health. His friends are watching with much anxiety for more positive signs pointing toward his recovery.
--Portus Baxter, of Lafayette College, is at home for the holidays.
--Mr. E. S. Tuttle, of Cornell University, is at home for the holidays.
--Mr. Charles S. Ross, of Mansfield, was in town visiting his brother last Thursday.
--Mr. Gregg Stewart, of Allen Business College at Elmira, is spending a few days at home.
--Mrs. James Shaw, of Canton, is spending the holidays with relatives in this borough.
--Sheriff Baxter expects to move from this borough to Nelson about the first of January.
--Lee W. Bailey, of New York City, is visiting his father, J. W. Bailey, in this borough.
--Major George W. Merrick started for Rochester, N. Y., yesterday morning on a business trip.
--Mr. Ed. H. Ross, of this borough, started for Jamestown, N. Y., last Friday to spend the holidays.
--Mr. David Dartt, of Hedgesville, N. Y., has been visiting his father, J. G. Dartt, in Charleston.
--Messrs. W. E. Blair and Harry G. Rowland, of the Syracuse University, are at home for the holiday vacation.
--Prof. D. C. Thomas, of the State Normal School, is attending teachers’ institutes in Bradford and Luzerne Counties.
--It is stated that Messrs. Noah Wheeler and George Fields, of Charleston, have started on an overland trip to Kansas by wagon.
--Mr. David Gardner, of this borough, proposes to spend Christmas and New Years among old friends at Elmira and Waverly.
--Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Young, of Charleston, started last Saturday for Dundee, N. Y., where they expect to spend the winter with their son, Horace J. Young, who is one of the prominent boot and shoe merchants of that village.
--MANSFIELD-George Doane, of Elmira, was in town on Thursday.
--MANSFIELD-Hugh Gillett is home from the Allen Business College at Elmira for the holiday vacation.
--LIBERTY-The two sons of Messrs. William Narber and C. M. Moore have returned home from Gettysburg College, where they have been attending school, to spend the holidays.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--Mr. C. C. Humphrey, of Elkland, is about to embark in the jewelry
business at Sayre, Pa.
--The new machine shop of Mr. R. H. Edwards, in this borough, is working up a good trade.
--Mr. F. M. Leonard has been filling a vacancy for a few days as teacher in our public schools.
--Mr. R. L. Mack has sold his dwelling house, just completed, on West Avenue to Mr. M. J. Snyder.
--Mr. Bartholomew has bought a lot at Stokesdale of Mr. John Monks and built a dwelling house upon it.
--Mr. Uri Buckley, formerly of Antrim, is now station agent and telegraph operator at Penn Yan, N. Y.
--Dr. L. Darling has been reappointed resident surgeon of the Fall Brook Coal Company at Lawrenceville.
--The telephone office has been moved from R. G. Austin & Co.’s store to R. E. Karr’s drug-store in this borough.
--Mr. Tom Bunnell, formerly of this borough, started last week for Paris to buy millinery goods for his New York employers.
--Mr. H. E. Metcalf has been appointed Assistant Assessor at Mansfield in place of Mr. M. A. Cass, who has moved from that borough.
--A well 100 feet deep has been drilled in this borough by Mr. John Brown. Good water was found after penetrating 80 feet of quicksand.
--Mr. Herbert Huntington, formerly of this borough, assumed control of the Canandaigua Repository and Messenger, last week. He purchased the establishment of Mr. A. L. Underhill, of Bath, N. Y.
--Messrs. Edward C. Deans and John M. Near have purchased the stock of leaf tobacco and fixtures of the Grand Master Cigar Company Limited, in this borough, and will continue the cigar manufacturing business under the name, Grand Master Cigar Company. Mr. Near has been foreman of the establishment for some time and Mr. Deans has been its bookkeeper and manager so that both gentlemen are familiar with the details of the business. We wish the new concern abundant success.
--WELLSBORO’S STEADY GROWTH. Below we print a list of the new
structures so far as we have been able to learn of them.
-Frederick Margraff-dwelling house on Berwart Street, also repairs
on two dwellings on Nichols Street.
-Mrs. Brewster, dwelling house on Central Ave.
-Johnson & VanDusen, marble shop on the corner of Crafton
and Pearl Streets.
-D. H. Belcher, five dwellings on Grant Street, also one dwelling
house on Tioga Street, also a dwelling house on West Ave.
-Dickinson & Spencer, large steam grist mill on Charleston
-Emmet Spencer, dwelling house on Grant Street.
-Hiram Middaugh, dwelling house on Cone Street.
-H. J. Eaton, dwelling house on Charleston Street.
-George O. Derby, dwelling near the head of Central Ave.
-H. Varner has a dwelling partially completed on Conway Street.
-Orrin Williams, large barn on Queen Street.
-John Roberts, store and dwelling on Charleston Street.
-C. H. Harding, dwelling on Queen Street.
-Charles Eberenz, a block of five dwelling houses on West Ave.,
also two dwellings on West Water Street.
-Edward Matson, two dwellings on East Ave.
-R. Patterson, dwelling on East Ave.
-E. W. Kiefer, dwelling on East Ave.
-William Biggs, dwelling on Meade Street.
-William Fiske, dwelling on Fischler Street.
-R. R. English, dwelling on the Stony Fork Road.
-L. Harrison, two dwellings on Purple Street, also a barn.
-John Cowden, a dwelling house now in process of construction
on Grant Street.
-Horace B. Packer, a dwelling partially completed on Highland
-Fred Rarick, a new barn on German Street.
-John Dangle, a barn on Fischler Street.
-John Hartzog, addition to dwelling on German Street.
-H. W. Williams, barn on West Water Street.
-Henry O. Stiles, repairs to dwelling on Grant Street.
-George Putnam, dwelling on Central Ave.
-Mr. Simpson’s block of three brick stores and a public hall
which was begun last year has been completed during the past summer, and
it is one of the handsomest structures in our village.
-Frank E. Watrous, Esq., has completed a fine brick dwelling
on Bacon Street.
-F. W. Graves, addition to dwelling on Charles Street.
-Vine H. Baldwin, dwelling on Main Street.
-The Willcox House has been enlarged by the addition of a third
story and other internal improvements have been made.
-Robert J. Borden, dwelling on Charles Street.
-C. Duley, dwelling on East Ave.
-R. W. Wheeler, dwelling on Central Ave.
-Thomas Tipple, dwelling on Charleston Street.
-E. Jacobson, four dwellings near Grant Street, also expansive
repairs and remodeling to the third floor of his brick block on Main Street
for use of the Odd Fellows Lodge and Encampment.
-George O. Derby, a barn.
-John Fischler, repairs to dwelling on Pearl Street.
-William Bache, three dwellings on Grant Street.
-A. Ives, large dwelling on Waln Street.
-H. S. Hastings, repairs and remodeling dwelling on West Ave.
-O. D. Rumsey, dwelling on Austin Street.
-W. A. Hammond, repairs to dwelling on East Ave.
-Charles Sandbach, large hotel barn and extensive repairs to
dwelling on Pearl Street.
-W. Ingerick, new barn on Bacon Street. He expects to build
a dwelling next season.
-Robert Kelsey, two dwellings on the Stony Fork Road.
-E. M. Williams, repairs to dwelling on Conway Street.
-George Watkins, large livery barn on Water Street.
-R. L. Mack, dwelling on West Ave.
-T. E. Bristol, photograph gallery on East Ave.
-W. Kress, barn on East Ave.
-J. B. Niles, barn on Central Ave.
-R. Simpson, barn on Central Ave.
-John Alexander has remodeled his dwelling on Jackson Street.
-Arnold Dickinson, barn of Highland Street.
--MANSFIELD-J. T. Westbrook has sold his grocery business to Capt. A. M. Pitts. H. M. Backer is head salesman.
--MANSFIELD-L. A. Ridgeway has the finest line of fancy goods ever brought to our town.
--MANSFIELD-Ed Doane & Co.’s sash and blind factory is now running but eight hours per day to avoid lighting up. They have plenty of work on hand and expect to run through the winter.
--MANSFIELD-Dr. O. Newell moved into his new house on First Street on Friday.
--MANSFIELD-Mr. Henry Johnson left for Elmira on Monday, where he will work at his trade as carpenter and joiner.
--MANSFIELD-An eating saloon has been opened in the building owned by John Baluta on Main Street.
December 29, 1885
Local News/Events
--We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Hiram Middaugh,
of this borough.
--Mr. J. D. Skelton, of this borough, expects to enter the Mansfield Business College next month.
--Mr. Levi Morehess, whose dwelling house was destroyed by fire at Nelson a few nights since, had an insurance of $700 on the property.
--We regret to say that Mrs. Erastus Fellows, of this borough, is dangerously sick. Her advanced age renders her recovery very doubtful.
--Mrs. Fanny Austin, of Charleston, aged 70 years, is suffering from a broken arm, which was caused by a fall upon the ice a few days ago.
--Messrs. H. J. Shaff and Bruce Ferry, of Middlebury, killed eleven deer and one bear during their recent five weeks’ hunt on Young woman’s Creek.
--Mr. Albert Cason, a brakeman on the C. C. & A. railway, had the misfortune to lose two fingers between the car bumpers, at Lawrenceville, one day last week.
--Rev. J. M. Evans, pastor of the Welsh Congregational Church at Blossburg, has collected about $1,800 toward replacing the house of worship recently destroyed by fire.
--Mr. A. A. Truman, agent of the American Express Company, in this borough, reports that the number of Christmas packages handled this year was nearly double that of 1884.
--Some person attempted to drive by the buggy of Mr. H. Bellinger, of Lamb’s Creek, a few days ago, as he was returning home from this borough. The buggy was upset and badly injured, and Mr. Bellinger was thrown out and considerably bruised.
--Dr. W. W. Webb, of this borough, has lately recovered an old powder horn which was made by his father in 1825. The heirloom has been out of the family for some years. It is not only valuable for its associations, but because of its fine workmanship and excellent carvings.
--Mr. Thomas Brennan, an old man who lives a short distance below Lawrenceville, in Lindley, N. Y., fell from the hayloft in his barn a few days ago, and struck upon a mowing machine that stood on the barn floor. Three of his ribs were broken, and he was otherwise seriously bruised.
--Last week Monday afternoon a large barn in course of construction on the farm of Mr. Mainer Sherman, on Middle Ridge, in Shippen Township, was twisted about ten feet off its foundation by a local whirlwind. So far as we can learn, the wind did no other damages there or elsewhere.
--Recently P. D. Rexford, who lives on Pickle Hill, found a two year old colt down and unable to get up. The horse was assisted to its feet, but was unable to stand alone, its hind legs apparently being paralyzed. We hear of several horses in Rutland affected in the same way.
--Early last Wednesday morning the lower hotel at Knoxville, known as the Hathaway House, was burned, together with most of its contents. The building was owned by Jerome Hathaway and was insured for $3,000. He also had $1,500 insurance on his furniture, most of which was burned. About 500 barrels of cider belonging to James White were stored away in the cellar, on which there was an insurance of $1,500. The fire is supposed to have caught from a chimney.
--Last Thursday evening Mr. George Watkins, a liveryman in this borough, went to Antrim to take up some passengers. He hitched his team in front of the hotel for a few moments while he went inside to get warm. It was about eight o’clock, and a number of people were on the street, and when Mr. Watkins came out to start for home, he found that some miscreant had cut the hitching straps and turned the horses loose. Mr. Watkins started on foot after them, expecting to find the wreck of a carriage and perhaps the horses badly injured by the roadside. But when he reached the borough he was glad to find that the horses and vehicle had arrived in good order, although the team had made the trip of eight miles in about three quarters of an hour.
--JACKSON-Mr. Alex Montgomery had the misfortune to break one of his legs below the knee last Friday while hauling wood.
--Mr. Frank H. Dartt, of Arnot, was in town last Wednesday.
--Mrs. Frank Rose, of this borough, is visiting at Detroit, Michigan.
--Hon. Hugh Young returned home from Pittsburgh to spend Christmas.
--Mr. George Webb, of Peale, PA, is visiting his old home in this borough.
--Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Marsh, of Towanda, spent Christmas in this borough.
--Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Playfoot, of Peale, Pa., are visiting relatives in this borough.
--Mrs. Alfred Wivell, of this borough, has gone to New York City to spend the winter.
--Mr. Charles Kelly, of Millerton, is off for a six weeks pleasure trip in the West.
--Mr. Mark Smith, of Montrose, PA, is visiting Mr. Frank A. Deans, in this borough.
--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward, of this borough, are visiting at Bath and Hammondsport, N. Y.
--Mr. Augustus F. Shaw, of Phillips Academy at Andover, Mass., spent Christmas at home.
--Miss Emma Fretz, of Philadelphia, is spending the winter with her father, in this borough.
--Mr. T. F. Conway, of Renovo, Clinton County, is spending the holidays at his home in this borough.
--Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith, of Marshfield, spent Christmas at Hon. H. M. Foote’s on Central Avenue.
--Ensign Walter J. Sears, of the United States Navy, now stationed at Boston, arrived home on Christmas Eve.
--Mr. W. O. Curtiss, of Little Marsh, is to move to this borough to reside. He is to act as Deputy for Sheriff-elect Ferris.
--Mr. P. C. Hoag, of Wellsville, N. Y., and Chester R. Hoag, of Newark, N. J., are visiting their father in this borough.
--Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Marsh, of Tioga, entertained a few of their friends from Delmar, Wellsboro, and Stokesdale on Christmas Day.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. J. C. Griffin, of Mills, Potter County, stayed over Sunday with his son.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seely, late of Jamestown, N. Y., have returned here and are living in the house of Mr. R. H. Mulkins, Mrs. Seely’s father.
--OSCEOLA-The two sons of Rev. John Cairns, “Tod” and “Fred”, now attending Hamilton College, are visiting friends in this place.
--OSCEOLA-Charles Moon is spending the vacation at home. He is attending school at Clinton, N. Y. He reports a good time and fine sleighing, with a toboggan slide to boot.
--JACKSON SUMMIT-Mr. I. J. Baker and wife have returned from a two week’s visit at Washington, D. C.
--JACKSON-Mr. C. O. Moore has gone to Florida where he expects to locate.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--A mysterious disease has appeared among the hogs in Elmira and vicinity
and other places in the southern tier. In the yards of the Elmira
Reformatory 150 head of fattened swine had died in a short time.
John Campbell, a farmer living three miles from that city and an extensive
raiser of swine, has lost nearly 100 hogs by the disease. Correspondingly
great fatality among hogs is reported from neighboring towns. The
hogs are suddenly attacked with staggers, fall to the ground, and soon
die. Investigation has thus far failed to explain the nature of cause
of this disease.
--C. F. Dartt is to teach a singing school in Middlebury.
--Mr. Lyman Beach has opened a restaurant at Mansfield.
--Mr. Arad T. Smith, of Sullivan, has been appointed Mercantile Appraiser for this county.
--Mr. Isaac Sears has purchased the Harris house and lot on Central Avenue in this borough.
--Mr. R. F. Patterson has moved into his fine dwelling house on East Avenue in this borough.
--Covington is also to have a newspaper of their own. It is to be published by A. L. Bloss and E. Husted.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. H. G. Rowland, of Wellsboro, was in town a few days ago delivering the first volume of Grant’s Memoirs. He sold sixteen volumes in this township.
--OSCEOLA-Vine Crandall’s new house is receiving the finishing touches by the painters. Mr. Crandall expects to take possession very soon.
--JACKSON SUMMIT-Mr. James Barker has raised his house for the purpose of putting a cellar under it.
--We regret to learn of the sudden bereavement of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ward, of this borough, by the death of their infant son and only child,
at Hammondsport, N. Y., last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ward went up
to Hammondsport to spend the holidays among relatives. The child,
who was nearly a year old, was apparently as well as usual until a moment
of two before his death.
--Mr. Dexter P. Catlin, of Emporium, died one day last week, of erysipelas. The remains were brought to the house of his brother-in-law, Joshua Atherton, in Charleston, and the funeral services were held at the Catlin Hollow M. E. church on Saturday, Rev. Mr. Cole officiating. Mr. Catlin was about sixty years of age. He formerly resided in this county, but for a number of years he had been a prominent businessman at Emporium. [Erysipelas is a streptococcus bacterial infection of the skin. This disease is also called St. Anthony’s fire. Buried Wellsboro Cemetery.]
--Mrs. Ira Johnston, of Charleston, died very suddenly last Tuesday
evening of paralysis. On the 9th instant Mrs. Johnston had the misfortune
to fall and break her ankle; but aside from this injury she had been apparently
in her usual health until just before her death. Mt. Johnston had
been by her side and was called out for a moment. When he returned
he noticed a change for the worse, and Mrs. Johnston expired before the
members of the family could be summoned to her bedside. Mrs. Johnston
was born at Danby, Tompkins County, N. Y., in April 1814, being therefore
nearly 72 years of age at the time of her death. She moved to this
county with her husband about 28 years ago. She was a consistent
member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was much esteemed by all
who knew her. The funeral was held last Friday at her late residence.
Rev. Dr. Buck, of Geneva, N. Y., officiating, assisted by Rev. Mr. Lloyd,
of this borough. [Elizabeth Johnston, buried Shumway Hill Cemetery, Charleston