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Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts | Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts | Photo - Croquet in the 1880s |
*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.
November 3, 1885
Local News/Events
--Mrs. Henry D. Gifford has gone to Williamsport for medical treatment.
--We are indebted to Mr. J. A. Ludlam, of Charleston, for some very specimens of Paradise apples.
--Dr. A. B. Eastman has for some time past been suffering from rheumatism, but he has now so far recovered as to be able to attend business.
--A two year old colt belonging to Mr. Guy Stebbins was run over by the cars at Sabinsville a few days ago. Two of its legs were broken and it was necessary to kill the animal.
--Rev. S. W. Lloyd and wife, of the M. E. Church in this borough, were presented with a handsome silver water pitcher and goblets by the young ladies of the Corning Church last week Monday evening.
--We are glad to learn that Mr. Samuel Scranton, of Marsh Creek, who was so badly injured by several logs rolling over him a few days since is somewhat improved. His condition however is such that his recovery is by no means certain.
--Last Wednesday evening Mr. Frank Kimball, who was charged with running away with a horse and wagon from Mr. George Watkins’ livery stable and other felonious acts, was brought to this borough from Coudersport and lodged in jail.
--Last Friday evening Mrs. George W. Merrick, of this borough, while engaged in her household duties made a misstep and fell down the cellar stairs, striking upon her head and shoulders. Fortunately no bones were broken, but she was seriously bruised. We are glad to learn that she is recovering from her injuries as rapidly as could be expected.
--Mr. James Beebe, an experienced farmer in Farmington, said to us last week that he believed that the sheep owners of Tioga County would have no trouble with sheep killing dogs if the sheep were furnished with bells. Mr. Beebe says he has kept sheep for many years and sometimes his flock has numbered 200. He has kept bells upon one in every twenty five sheep and has never had the slightest trouble from dogs chasing the animals. Dogs are cunning enough to know that the tinkling of the bells will give them away. Mr. Beebe is of the opinion that if our farmers would spend a few shillings in this way it would be the means of saving hundreds of dollars annually in the county’s mutton bill.
--The October Term of Court for the trial of civil cases began last
week Monday and continued through the week.
-In the case of Sally Lindsey against Edwin Campbell, et al (?
Unreadable word) mortgage, a verdict for the plaintiff was given for two
dollars and eighty cents.
-In the case of D. L. Plank against Eliza A. Plank, ejectment
for a lot of land in Westfield Township, at the close of the evidence the
Court directed a compulsory non-suit to be entered. The farm in question
contains forty acres and has a good house and barn and was paid for by
the plaintiff’s money, but the deed was made out in the defendant’s name.
Subsequently a divorce was granted to Mrs. Plank from her husband, the
plaintiff who then sought to get back the land on the grounds that the
deed was given in trust. The Court held that such a gift to the wife
gave her absolute title to the land.
-S. Unger against John McMahon, an action of debt. Judgment
was given in favor of the plaintiff for want of appearance and plea.
-William T. Longwell against William Longwell estate, ejectment
for lot of land in Rutland Township. Verdict for the plaintiff was
given for the land described in the writ.
-H. H. Warriner against E. C. Kress, action of debt. Judgment
for the plaintiff for want of appearance and plea for $81.38
-H. L. Campbell against Jacob T. Essick estate, ejectment for
lot of land in Liberty. The case was settled after the trial began.
The following cases were continued over term:
-H. L. Miller against the Tioga Railroad Company, action of trespass.
-Mrs. H. B. Pomeroy against Alvin Dodge estate, Scire facias
to revive judgment.
-Blossburg Coal Company against S. F. Rusling, action of assumpsit
-N. B. Mather against Melissa Dorn, action of ejectment.
-Trustees of Gideon Copp, et al. against W. C. Lee, et al., action
of trover and conversion.
-James Lattimer against James Lattimer, Jr., action of ejectment.
-Tioga County against William Lattimer, action of debt.
-Josiah Loomis against Peter Van Ness, Executor, action of debt.
-Burton Schrader against Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, assumpsit
and attachment.
-A. D. Sterrett, et al. against Reuben Persing, action of trespass.
-C. N. Easterbrook against John Van Osten, et al., summons in
-C. N. Easterbrook against S. P. White, trespass.
-V. K. Jones against William B. Emmick, trespass.
-Mary R. Hastings, et al. against C. B. McDaniel, ejectment.
-Bennet & Dimon against Vine Palmer, action of debt.
-William E. Chilson, Administrator, against John Longwell, et
al., action of debt.
-The estate of Isaac Vinson against Hiram Inscho was discontinued.
-The case of Mrs. O. Ballard against F. K. Wright was disposed
of, plaintiff being non-suited.
--Mr. John Riley, the miller at Long’s grist mill at Troy, met with a serious accident a few days ago. He put his right hand upon the rapidly revolving rollers to ascertain if they were heating when in some manner his hand was drawn between them and crushed, rendering amputation necessary.
--Mr. Rosel Gile, of this borough, is to start for Eau Claire, Wisc.
this week to visit his son.
--Mrs. C. C. Winsor, of Blossburg, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. M. Roy, in this borough.
--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish, of Blossburg, have just returned from a 5 months visit to their old home in England.
--Mr. Byron J. Costley, of the Auditor General’s office, Harrisburg, is spending a few days at his home in this county.
--Mrs. Charles R. Bowen, of this borough, started last Thursday afternoon for a visit to her home at Fargo, Dakota.
--Mrs. L. B. Howard, of Muskegon, Michigan, has been visiting friends and relatives in this borough the past week.
--Rev. E. H. Latimer, recently pastor of the M. E. Church in this borough, has been transferred from Albion to Lima, N. Y.
--Eugene Herrington, Assistant Assessor of Union, having moved from the township, Mr. William Newell has been appointed to fill the vacancy this caused.
--Mr. and Mrs. John R. Baker, of Johnstown, Dakota, returned to this borough last Thursday. Mrs. Barker intends to remain here with her father, Mr. Charles Toles, and Mr. Baker will go back West next week.
--Mr. Ralph E. Karr, of this borough, expects to start for Florida today for the benefit of his health, which has been impaired by a recent attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Karr will spend the winter with him and Dr. H. L. Davis will accompany them as far as New York. It is the wish of many friends that Mr. Karr may soon be fully restored to health.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--Dr. O. S. Nye is building a fine residence at Roseville.
--Mr. J. W. Parkhurst, of Elkland, intends to start a cattle ranch in Idaho.
--Mr. Loren A. Sears, of this borough, has opened a shoe shop at Little Marsh.
--Mr. E. H. Wood, of this borough, is to occupy the new photography gallery at Little Marsh.
--Mr. H. A. Knowlton has moved his grocery and bakery into the store lately occupied by M. E. Wilder, at Westfield.
--Mrs. Clara Mills, of Lawrenceville, has secured a position as secretary for the Empire Rubber Company, at Trenton, N. J.
--The County Commissioners have appointed Mr. Lucius Truman Assessor of the First Ward in this borough and Messrs. Rosel Gile and Orrin Blair Assistant Assessors.
--It is understood that Messrs. Seth O. Daggett, of the Willcox House in this borough, and W. L. Daggett, of the Daggett House in Lawrenceville, will soon enter into partnership, and run the two houses in connection. They will make a strong team.
--Mr. James S. Coles, proprietor of the Coles Hotel, in this borough, spent several days in New York last week. He has engaged an experienced cook from New York and the dining room of the hotel is to undergo extensive repairs which will make it second to none in attractiveness.
--Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bacon, of Blossburg, are sadly afflicted by the
death of their only child from diphtheria. This makes six children
they have lost by this disease, two within two weeks, and four several
years since. They are going to Blossburg to reside.
--Mrs. Thomas Ryan, of Fall Brook, died very suddenly last week Monday. She arose in the morning apparently in her usual health. Very soon after she had called the other members of the family she was taken sick and died a few hours later. She was forty-six years of age.
--Mr. Victor M. Gray, an old and well known citizen of the county, died at his home in Covington on the 19th ultimo in his sixty seventh year. A correspondent says Mr. Gray was always a little proud of his birthday as he was born on the same day as Queen Victoria and he always said he was named in honor of Her Majesty. He leaves a wife and a married daughter. [Buried Gray Cemetery, Covington Township]
--Mr. Willis Peake, of Charleston Township, died at his residence at Round Top last Sunday night at the age of 65 years. He was taken sick the day before his death with what is believed to have been blood poisoning and the disease was very rapid in its fatal work. A year ago last May it was found necessary to amputate one of his legs because of gangrene and the attack on Saturday is thought to have been of the same nature. Mr. Peake was born in Jasper, Steuben County, and located on the farm on which he died nearly fifty years ago. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of this borough, was a good citizen, and was much respected by all who knew him. His wife and three adult children survive him. The funeral is to be held today at 1 pm at the family homestead at Round Top. [Buried Shumway Hill Cemetery, Charleston Township]
November 10, 1885
Local News/Events
--Patrick Curran, an aged convict in the county jail at Williamsport
has confessed that when he was a young man he murdered a man named Martin
in Center County.
--Last Wednesday while teaching in the Elkland schools, Miss Carrie Cornelius suddenly lost control of the muscles of the left side of her face and she has suffered ever since from this facial paralysis.
--Mr. Charles Carrier, of Troy, Bradford County, had his arm smashed while coupling cars in the Williamsport freight yard.
--Mr. Gregg Stewart, of this borough, has entered the Allen Business College at Elmira.
--The newspaper reporters down at Washington, D. C. have dubbed Mr. Jerome B. Potter “Captain”.
--Mr. W. W. Brown, of Mansfield, was taken back to the Warren Asylum last week for treatment.
--Last week Messrs. B. T. Van Horn, Charles Sandbach, Thomas Bartles, J. H. Childs, and Charles Eberenz shot two fine deer on Pine Creek.
--Messrs. Lyman S. Roberts and Dennis Navel, of this borough, expect to start for Newark, N. J. next Monday to take a course in a business college.
--Messrs. Daniel Field, Frank Field, and Robert Kerr, of Delmar and Riley Gaylord, of Mansfield, are hunting on Young Woman’s Creek. Last Week they sent to this borough the carcasses of four bears and three deers. Bears seem to be quite plenty in that region this year.
--The Mansfield Advertiser says that Mr. Hiram Welch, of Sullivan, Pa, was arrested and brought before Judge King, of Mansfield, on complaint of Charlotte Welch, his wife, for assault and battery and desertion. The prisoner was held to bail for his appearance at the next term of court on both charges.
--In connection with the general elections last Tuesday, the Republicans of Delmar held a primary election for the nomination of a Constable and Collector to be voted for at the coming February elections. Mr. B. F. Avery was nominated for both offices. His opponents were William Dort and A. Spencer.
--Last Saturday, Master John Shaw, of Canton, who is living with his uncle Mr. N. T. Chandler in this borough, was playing with some other lads when he was struck in the left eye by a stone thrown from a sling. At first it was thought that the boy would lose the sight of the eye, but we are glad to learn that no serious consequences are likely to result from the mishap. We believe David was the only person that ever found any good use for a sling of that description.
--Last Saturday night burglars broke into the store of Fletcher & Wedge at Niles Valley and carried away about $150 worth of boots and shoes, underclothing, and dry goods, besides about $4 in change from the money drawer. The scamps gained entrance to the building by removing a pane of glass from the window and reaching through the aperture to unlock the door. Four or five tramps were seen hanging about the neighborhood that evening and they are suspected of committing the crime.
--Mr. Albert P. Cone, who was graduated a year ago from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Boston, has been appointed Assistant Resident Engineer on the Union Pacific railway with headquarters at Omaha, Nebraska. Tioga County has long been honorably represented by her sons in the Great West, and it gives us pleasure to thus chronicle the good fortune of one more Tioga boy who has won his position, by his scientific attainments, and personal merit. “Bert” was always a favorite here and he will win friends wherever he goes.
--Sheriff Baxter went down to Williamsport last Wednesday on answer to a dispatch announcing the capture of Frank Priest, one of the five prisoners who escaped from the county jail on the 16th ultimo. Priest went to the police office at Williamsport and gave himself up stating that he had “got tired of running around”. When it was said that the officer would write to Sheriff Baxter, Priest suggested he telegraph, as he might then get back so much sooner. He was lodged in his old quarters in the county jail on Wednesday evening. Priest is from Morris, and his offense is horse stealing. The other four prisoners who escaped are still at large.
--The Elmira Advertiser of last Friday contained the following personal notice of Dr. Robert W. Bodine, “One of the most skillful and most highly regarded members of the dental profession, Dr. R. W. Bodine, has taken his departure from Elmira for Wellsboro, Pa. Dr. Bodine practiced in this city for twelve years. His work was rated among the best in this section of the State, and he built up a large practice. Unfortunately, he was compelled to believe that the climate here was not conducive to good health in his case, and he made a change in hope of adding improvement in Pennsylvania. That he will find it and with it long life and good fortune in all things, his many friends here earnestly wish.”
--OSCEOLA-Messrs. Johnson and VanDusen have placed two monuments in our cemetery this week, one for Dr. Humphrey and the other for Allen Seely.
--OSCEOLA-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hammond celebrated their golden wedding last Thursday evening at which time a large number of friends and relatives were present.
--The barns of Mr. Alva Cooper, in Farmers Valley, Bradford County, were burned a few evenings since together with a lot of produce, two valuable stallions, several head of cattle, farming tools, etc. The loan is about $2,000 more than the insurance.
--Miss Lucy Hotchkiss, of this village, is visiting in Ohio.
--Miss Carrie Williston, of this borough, is visiting in New York City.
--Miss Kate Ryon, of Tioga, was visiting in this borough last week.
--Dr. G. D. Crandall, of Blossburg, has gone to Philadelphia for a fortnight’s recreation.
--Mrs. J. M. Haverly, of Cherry Flats, is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. S. Foster, at Washington, D. C.
--Miss Emma L. VanMater and Mrs. B. M. Potter started yesterday for Rock Castle, Virginia, where their mother is ill.
--Miss Carrie Hotchkiss, of this borough, is to leave this week in company with Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Alba, for Florida, where she will spend the winter.
--OSCEOLA-Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Seely left for New Hampshire, the other day, to visit their daughter, this being the first time Mr. Seely rode on the cars.
--OSCEOLA-Rev. S. H. Moon returned from Dakota last Saturday. He purchased a farm in the southern part of the Territory.
--OSCEOLA-Mr. John R. Barker, of Dakota, was in town on Tuesday.
--OSCEOLA-Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Cameron have gone West to visit their daughter in Michigan.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--Mr. E. B. Parson, of Troy, Bradford County, is building a fine law
--Mr. Henry Jackson is building a new house at Cherry Flats.
--Mr. Patrick Bradley, of this borough, has purchased a farm at Rock Stream, N. Y., and last week his family left for their new home.
--Messrs. C. C. Mathers, L. A. Gardner, and J. M. Robinson are the committee appointed to close up the affairs of the Grand Master Cigar Company in this borough.
--Mr. Nathan Lester, of Charleston, has bought of Mr. William Bache a lot on Cone Street in this borough and he expects to erect a dwelling house upon it in the spring.
--Mr. G. D. Dennison, the Assessor of Charleston Township, has resigned his position on account of ill health. Last week the County Commissioners appointed Mr. William D. Jones as his successor.
--Mr. Charles R. Harris, formerly in the drug business in this borough, is now a member of the firm that has established a suspender factory at Jersey Shore. Mr. Harris is the inventor of a wire buckle and iron strap fastener which is said to be superior to anything in use. He has also invented machinery used in the manufacture of suspenders.
--Mr. R. H. Edwards, of Muncy, Pa., has purchased the new machine-shop of W. C. Kress in this borough, and he took possession last Thursday. Mr. Edwards is a practical machinist of twenty five years’ experience. The new establishment seems to be well equipped in the way of machinery, and we trust that the proprietor will build up a large trade. Mr. Edwards occupies the Calvin Dartt house on East Avenue.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. Eugene Pritchard has traded forty acres of his farm for a house and half an acre of land in Westfield.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. George Boom was in town with a crew of hands picking apples for E. M. Tucker, of Westfield.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. James Tubbs is conducting a singing school at Farmersville, Chautauqua County, N. Y.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. Ansel Green has a bee the other day, when his neighbors helped him move a small house belonging to S. R. George next to Mr. Green’s house, for the purpose of making a kitchen of it.
--OSCEOLA-Mr. Morgan Seely has entered into partnership with E. M. Tucker, of Westfield, at which place they have opened a bank. E. M. Seely will keep the books.
--GURNEE-Mr. Richard Davy had a barn raising this week and all the boys turned out to help him.
--Mrs. Maria E. Statts, an aged resident of Delmar and mother of Mr.
Henry Statts, died last Saturday at the advanced age of 86 years.
The funeral was held yesterday. [Maria KIPHART Statts, buried Wellsboro
Cemetery—dates appear to be wrong on listing]
--We regret to learn of the death of Hon. James Goodspeed, of Joliet, Illinois. He was prostrated on the street with apoplexy and lived but a few hours. Mr. Goodspeed was born in this county in 1836, and went to Joliet in 1850, where he was admitted to the bar. He has been a prominent citizen of that town having held various offices, and for ten years he was editor of the Republican at that place. He was a man of sterling integrity.
--Miss Grace Wetmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Wetmore, died in this borough last Friday night after an illness of only a few days, at the age of twenty-one years. She was a bright, industrious, and lovable young woman. For three years past she has been engaged in the dressmaking establishment of Mrs. William Stewart, in this borough. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at the M. E. Church, and the house was filled. The Sons of Temperance of which Miss Wetmore was a worthy member attended in a body. [Buried Wellsboro Cemetery]
--BROOKFIELD-Mrs. S. S. Warner died very suddenly last Friday morning. She was nearly eighty-seven years of age. Her husband died several years ago. She had been in good health for a woman of her age until a few moments before she died. She got up and dressed herself and sat down to breakfast. In a moment she said she felt tired and went to the bed to lie down. She had been there but a short time when she told her son William, with whom she was living, that she believed she was dying, and she asked him to call some of the neighbors. But before any of them arrived she was dead. She had been a devoted Christian and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for more than sixty years. Her funeral was held on Saturday, the 31st ultimo when Rev. J. C. Warren preached an excellent funeral sermon. Her remains were buried in the same grave with those of her husband in the Brookfield Cemetery. [Brookfield Township Cemetery, Mrs. Zeruah Warner]
--BROOKFIELD-Rev. S. H. Murdock’s wife died on the 1st instant. Mr. Murdock is pastor of the Baptist Church in Troupsburgh, N. Y. The family lived in this township a number of years, and Mr. Murdock and his five children have the sympathy of hosts of friends and former neighbors. Mrs. Murdock was an excellent Christian woman and had been a member of the Baptist Church nearly eighteen years. [Sarah BROUGHTON Murdock]
--CHATHAM-Death has once again visited us and taken one of our neighbors. The old pioneer John Short, “Uncle John”, as we all loved to call him, died at his home at Shortsville on Sunday last, in his ninety-sixth year, I believe. His early life is unknown, but I think he lived in Chatham about sixty years, but of this, I will speak in a future communication.
--On November 3rd, of Cholera infantum, Phillip Runnell, infant son of Deck and Mary Runnell, aged about 3 months.
--At Stony Fork, November 3rd, of pneumonia, Electa Coles, wife of Lyman Coles, aged about 71 years. [Buried Wellsboro Cemetery]
--CHATHAM-J. E. French has taken himself a helpmate for his life partner.
Miss Dora Wood, of Keeneyville. May their lives be all sunshine.
November 17, 1885
Local News/Events
--Mr. Martin Deiche, of Blossburg, has received $1,700 in arrears of
--Mr. G. A. Roberts, of Sabinsville, has received nearly $1,000 in arrears of pension.
--Mr. Josiah Emery, formerly of this borough, claims to be the oldest voter in the Fourth Ward of Williamsport.
--A vacant house in Blossburg, belonging to Mr. John Slingerland, was considerably damaged by fire last week Monday night.
--Mr. Ed Whitney, of this borough, had the misfortune to break his leg one day last week by falling from a roof which he was shingling.
--Messrs. Robert R. Dartt and Harry Wheeler, of this borough, spent several days last week in hunting deer on Young Woman’s Creek.
--Mr. C. C. Landon, of Union, lost twenty-five sheep by dogs one night last week. Six others were so badly bitten that they will probably die.
--Last Friday Messrs. Charles Stubbs, A. C. Roland, Frank Dunkle, and Maj. A. B. Horton, of this borough, shot two fine deer on Strait Run.
--Thieves broke into the store of Mr. C. S. Mather, at Lawrenceville, one night recently, but a dog on the upper floor made such a disturbance that the prowlers were frightened off.
--It is reported that Mr. Maloney, of the firm of Adams & Maloney, proprietors of the Izaak Walton House at Gaines, has fallen heir to $16,000 by the death of a cousin at Philadelphia.
--Last Friday evening Mr. Ray Cowles, of the Coles House held the lucky number which drew a silver tea set at a raffle in this borough. Mr. B. F. Van Horn drew a silver cake basket.
--A young lad names Vincent Whitney was run over by a team on Main street in Mansfield last week Monday. He was considerably injured by being struck upon the forehead by a hoof of one of the horses.
--The annual election of the Wellsboro Fire Department was held last evening at the Engine House. The following is the list of officers chosen: Chief Engineer, George H. Derby; First Assistant, John Suhr; Second Assistant, W. B. Sullivan; Secretary, Fred W. Siemens; Treasurer, George O. Derby; Pipemen, A. Mudrack, James M. Bowen, James VanDusen, and Lafayette English.
--FARMINGTON HILL-The health of the community has been remarkably good this season; but I am sorry to learn that Mrs. Soule, who had a stroke of paralysis a few weeks ago, and who had so far recovered as to be about again, has had another attack and is now very low. “Uncle” Peter Close has been quite sick for some weeks, but is now convalescent.
--FARMINGTON HILL-A few weeks ago, as Mrs. Tabor Colgrove went out to attend to her husband’s market wagon, a neighbor’s dog that had gained an entrance to the meat-box, attacked her, biting her face badly and following her into the house. Her faced healed rapidly and seemed all right for a few days. Then it began to pain her, and is now much worse that at first and so far baffles the skill of the physician to heal it again.
--OSECOLA-On the evening of the 5th instant about seventy-five guests gathered at the residence of Mr. Robert Hammond, in this place, to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Hammond on the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. About half the company was from Osceola and the others were relatives and friends from other places. The spacious rooms were pleasantly filled, and many and heartfelt were the congratulations to the bride and groom of fifty years ago, who are in good health and evidently enjoying the afternoon of life to an unusual degree, and who have the confidence and esteem of all around them. It was near midnight when the company was seated at the tables to enjoy a feast that would tempt the appetite of an epicure. The company broke up at a late hour, feeling that it had been good for them to be there, and wishing the genial host and hostess a continued happy journey through life.
--Mr. Phillip Williams, of Mansfield, has been visiting in Michigan.
--Mrs. Andrew G. Sturrock, of this borough, has been visiting at Towanda.
--Mr. Carl Young, of this borough, is to go to Boston soon to attend school.
--Miss E. M. Walters, of Palmyra, N. Y., is visiting at Mr. Frank P. Hart’s in this borough.
--Mr. W. L. Farnham, of Buffalo, N. Y., has been visiting his sister, Mrs. A. C. Shaw, in this borough.
--Mrs. F. J. Robinson and her son Ferdinand returned last week from a visit of several months at Kansas City, Mo.
--Rev. Dr. Charles Breck, recently of this village, has moved from Scranton to Wilmington, where he will engage in mission work.
--Mrs. A. Catlin, who has been living with her daughter, Mr. E. A. Ingerick, has gone to Geneva Lake, Wisc., to visit her son, Dr. Catlin.
--Mrs. Edward Rose and her son Carmalt Rose, of Silver Lake, Susquehanna County, have been visiting at Mr. R. C. Simpson’s in this borough.
--Miss Jennie E. Farrer, one of the teachers in the High School in this borough, was called to Mansfield last Friday on account of the illness of her brother.
--Dr. A .Humphrey and John C. Horton, Esq., of Blossburg, are to go to Florida soon. Dr. Humphrey intends to settle there, but Mr. Horton will see how he likes the lay of the land before he locates.
--MANSFIELD-Mr. Phillip Williams returned the first of the week from a visit to Michigan.
--JACKSON-Mr. Alexander Montgomery expects to start for Kansas a week from next Monday. He has sold his farm to his father.
--JACKSON-Mr. V. Keep expects to move into his new house in a few days.
--JACKSON-Miss E. E. Satterlee spent Thanksgiving with her mother.
--JACKSON-Mr. Edward Mitchell will soon go to Elmira to attend school.
--JACKSON-Miss Nettie Hazen has gone to Tonawanda, N. Y. to attend school.
--JACKSON-Miss Mattie Stone, of Elmira, is visiting at Mrs. Satterlee’s. She returned from Europe two weeks ago, where she had been traveling for a year.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--Mrs. Ellen C. Huson will open her studio at Mrs. J. M. Bowen’s on
Friday, and would be pleased to see all those interested in painting.
--Mr. A. J. Brown, of Hammond, has built and stocked a carp pond.
--Mr. John Cowden is building a dwelling house on Grant Street in this borough.
--Messrs. Henry J. Shaff and Bruce Ferry, of Middlebury, are hunting in the wilds of Clinton County.
--Mr. Stephen F. Richards, of Covington, sold a sucking colt recently to a Williamsport gentleman for $300.
--Master John Bacon, of this borough, has engaged to teach the winter term of school in the Grinnell district.
--Mr. Simeon Cady, of Farmington, has purchased a house and lot at Elkland, and he expects to move to that borough.
--Mr. Frank Whitney, of Carthage, N. Y., has been engaged as a salesman in Hart’s dry goods house in this borough.
--Mrs. N. J. Bennett, of this borough, has gone to New York to purchase a stock of jewelry for the holiday trade. Her daughter May accompanied her.
--Messrs. B. F. Milliken & Co., of this borough, has shipped about ten thousand bushels of apples this season. Of these, over there thousand bushels were cider apples.
--FARMINGTON HILL-The spirit of improvement seems to be abroad, seeking whom he may inspire, and his success is manifest upon all sides. C. L. Beiver has a fine new barn, 84 by 70 feet, with basement, upon the site of the one that burned last year. E. Thomas has also built a new barn with a basement. R. H. Close has put his annual addition upon the side of his barn this year, instead of upon the end as heretofore. A. J. Colgrove has built a fine new house. Ellison Moore has built another wing to his house and finished the one begun a short time ago. Our energetic Supervisor, Frank Dunham, is enlarging his house. M. L. Whitman has been rebuilding and remodeling his house, outside and in. J. E. Clark has timber ready for a building of some sort; just what I have been unable to learn.
--FARMINGTON HILL-Henry Fisk is running his steam cider press at the rate of 150 bushels of apples a day.
--EBENTON-Miss Jennie Hunt has been engaged to teach the winter term of school here.
--EAST POINT-Christian Gleckner’s new house is almost finished. It will be one of the best houses in this locality.
--EAST POINT-Jake Kniffin is around as usual, threshing out the farmers’ crops of grain.
--MANSFIELD-T. V. Moore has bought out the interest of W. R. Westbrook in the hardware business of Westbrook and Potter.
--MANSIFELD-Ed Doane & Co. have repaired all the damage caused by the fire, and the factory is running in good shape. In their new fire-proof engine house they have placed a large steam pump and having laid water pipes all through the factory, they are now well prepared in case of fire. Steam will be kept up night and day.
--MANSFIELD-Mr. Emery Goodrich has sold his house and lot on the corner of Railroad and Second Streets to Al Longbuttom for $900.
--MANSFIELD-Dr. A. Newell expects to enjoy a Christmas dinner in his new house on First Street.
--MANSFIELD-Harry Ellis is erecting a wind-mill on the farm of Vine R. Pratt.
--JACKSON-Mr. C. E. Andrews recently received a thoroughbred Berkshire pig from Utica, N. Y., for which he paid $30.
--EAST POINT-Mr. John Haren, of this place, is preparing to build a fine residence in Williamsport, and he intends to make that place his future home. We regret to lose so enterprising a man from out township.
--At Wellsboro, PA, on November 14th, Eva Barker, the infant daughter
of Mr. John R. Barker, of Johnstown, Dakota, aged five months, funeral
at the residence of Mr. Charles Toles this Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
--EAST POINT-Mr. Daniel Mase is the proudest man in this township.
He has a ten-pound boy.