Faith of Our Fathers
Pg 1 West Burlington Methodist Church
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First Board of Trustees
Jehial McKean
Joseph Hilton
Jesse Marvin Rockwell
Thomas Blackwell
Morgan DeWitt
Perry B Pratt
Jesse B McKean
H R Stevens
The following is a list of people who contributed for the building of our church
B Rockwell & Co
Joseph Hilton Jehial McKean H K Stevens Thomas Blackwell J M Rockwell J B McKean G W Godard Allen McKean John Blackwell Noah Leonard M L Rockwell William Coryell A B Westgate G B Pratt P W Bronson John Blackwell Jr. S H Stiles Laydia Patrick Stephen Baxter J A Long A M Swain R H Ward Orlando Rockwell W D Gamage Justin Morley Enoch Blackwell R & L Stiles H Adams J Smith S H Morley J Beach & Willliams M J Hilton A & J Morley Barney Johnson Jacob Morley Morgan DeWitt F J Calkin J Q Hosley John Vroman Oliver Baxter Adolphas Allen Luther Fanning |
Nathan Baxter
E Berry H A Ward U Verbeck Charles Taylor B Buchanan D F Beach Dartt Fitch N T Dickinson J Ballard Mary Williams L M Leonard A Spencer J DeWitt H Spencer George Johnson L Johnson A Sherwood John McKean C Carman Ezra Loomis A Loomis A Leonard Hannah Leonard Leonard Stiles Mrs. Julia Calkin William Stevens Isaac Doane W Brooks M H Leonard John Berry Andriass Case Hiram Horton John Eglin A G Darrow Emory Godard Lewis Wilbur Robert Swain Charles Hooker George Newbery John Darrow Juliet Godard |
Pg 3
Dewey Buel
May 17, 1874--The trustees voted to hire Franklin Wilbur as custodian of the church with an annual pay of $40, providing $5 would be returned to the church.
May 17, 1875-------------------Franklin Wilbur was hired for the same
May 17, 1876-Warren Kellogg acted as janitor for a period of approximately
30 years.
The first furnace was purchased in 1901.
It is estimated George Kellogg acted as janitor for a period of 30 years.
Gladys Kinch, who now cares for our church property and has done so for the past 15 years, has very faithfully called us to worship each Sunday morning by ringing the church bell.
Pg 4
A Place In History
1848 Zachary Taylor elected President
1849 California Gold Rush
1850 California became State. Pres.Taylor died
1851 Cornerstone laid for extension of Capitol
1852 Uncle Tom's Cabin was published
1853 Chicago connected with east by railroad
1854 Commodore Perry made treaty with Japan.
1855 Longfellow wrote "Hiawatha" and Whittier "Barefoot Boy". Other
writers at this time were
Bryant, Thoreau, Holmes and Emmerson.
1856 Buchaman became President.
1857 Dred Scott decision by Supreme Court.
*1858 West Burlington Church dedicated.
Lincoln-Douglas debated
in Illinois on question of slavery.
1859 John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry.
1860 Lincoln elected President, Population 31 million including 4 million
1861 Civil War started with attacks on Fort Sumter.
1862 Battle of Monitor and Merrimac.
1863 Battle of Gettysburg.
1864 Nevada admitted to Union.
1865 President LIncoln assasinated.
1866 Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendment giving former slaves their
1867 Alaska bought from Russia.
1868 Ulysses S Grant became President.
Pg 5
1857.......... S Nichols
(No Record)
1888............C M Adams
1889............O N Clark
1896............Lewis Cole
1897-1899... Ira B Hyde
1900-1902... M A Soper
1903-1905... W S H Loller
1906........... R E Huntley
1907-1908... W G Fitzgerald
1909-1911... E S Annabe
1912-1917... R E Brague
1917............Rev Purkiss (Supply)
1918-1919....C L Terrell
1920-1921... H C Sears
1922-1923 ...E H VanScoy
1924............I S Slater
1925............Herbert Gordon
1929-1932... Owen Barrett
1933-1937... F E Guiles
1938-1939... D R Boyd
1940............J Foster Hamilton
1941-1944... Ernest Divine
1944............Myron Smith (Supply)
1945-1949... Leon Northrup
1950............Fenton Bennett
1950........... Warren Barrett (Supply)
1951-1956....Franklin Weaver
1957............John Dame
Pg 6
Centennial Service
West Burlington Methodist Church
2:30 p.m. May 31, 1958
Prelude Mrs. Blanche Free
Organist and Choir Director
Welcome Howard Smith Sr
Chairman Official Board
*Hymn 164- "All Hail The Power"
Invocation- The Lord's Prayer
Anthem Senior Choir
Greetings by former pastors
Scripture Lesson, Rev. Philip Torrance
Supt., Elmira District
Pastoral Prayer--Response
*Hymn 381-"The Church's One Foundation."
Anthem Senior and Junior Choirs
Greetings by former pastors
"Hymn 533 "O God, Our Help"
*Congregation Standing
Pg 7
Evening Service
Hymn 249
Quartet: Frank Harper
Harry Free
Harry Porter
Howard Smith Jr.
Tableaux: A History of West Burlington Church
First Scene--"The first eight Trustees and mInister.
Alton Welch, Ray Ballard, Fred Wiggins, Bert Megie, Harold
Congdon, E
J Wrisley, Robert Darrow, Robert Peters, Ralph Spencer
Second Scene-"Aunt Het" Harriet Welch
Third Scene--"The Burden Bearers"
Aunt Ettie McKean-Mary Watkins
Burden Bearers-Bess Rockwell, Dell Baxter, Lena
Old Fashioned Hymn Sing-Led by Mrs. Dame
Note: The background for the Tableaux is a history of the church especially written for this occasion.
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*Date indicates first year individual served on the board of trustees.
1857 Jehial McKean
1857 Joseph Hilton 1857 J M Rockwell 1857 Thomas Blackwell 1857 Morgan DeWitt 1857 Perry B Pratt 1857 Jesse M McKean 1857 H R Stevens 18578 S H Stiles 1862 John Blackwell 1863 William McKean 1863 Henry Johnson 1868 John Ballard 1868 Danvers Bourne 1868 Andrew M Swain 1869 Bingham Rockwell 1869 G W Heath 1872 E B Montgomery 1873 Joseph Foulke 1874 J Hilton Leonard 1877 J J VanNoy 1878 M L Rockwell 1880 N R Hicks 18883 J C Rockwell 1884 Isaac J McKean 1888 Burt E Rockwell 1889 A C Blackwell 1891 T E Brownson 1894 Dix A Ballard 1896 G A Rockwell 1898 Hyatt Smith 1898 Clinton Ayers |
1900 J H McKean
1900 Dewitt Spencer 1903 Joseph Spencer 1903 George Rockwell 1908 I A Rockwell 1909 George Dickinson 1909 Kelton Evans 1909 Fred De Pew 1909 F M Barnes 1912 Stuart Essenwine 1917 George Kellogg 1918 John McKean 1919 Meade Case 1922 Theodore Wrisley 1933 Arthur Rockwell 1934 Paul Essenwine 1936 Albert Wrisley 1936 Thomas Case 1938 Horace Welch 1945 Elwin Spencer 1947 Ray Ballard 1948 Robert Darrow 1948 Haronld Congdon 1950 Howard Smith Sr. 1952 Robert Peters 1954 Austin Wallace 1955 Solomon Peters |
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From the Records
For the first 50 years, the business of the church was dispensed and trustees elected at an annual meeting held on the first or second Saturday afternoon in March.
1858-The trustees resolved "That no singing school be held in the church"
1858-Contributions for the building were received under these provisions:
1. "The seats in said church building or house of worship shall be
forever free"
2. "That the said house shall be free for the use of all other religious
denonimations when not in use by said Methodist Episcopal Church"
1866-"Resolved unanimouusly to admit a Select School to be kept in the basement of the church at West Burlington. Conditions that other casualties which may happen shall be made good either by the teacher or the patrons of the school"
1874-"Agreement with Road Commissioners for payment of $100, basement of church to be used for all public business necessary to be done for the offices of said town, also to hold all the elections of said township"
1903-Found in treasurers hands,$2.94.
1907-Townships rights to church basement returned.
1912-Trustees voted 7 to 1 in favor of holding Graduation Exercises in church.
1925-Commuinications from Dr. T J McKay Jr. asking for a Ku-Klux-Klan.
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General Chairman...............Howard J Smith Jr.
Registration........................Audrey Peters, Judy Kendall, June
Hospitality..........................Arthur Rockwell
Dinner................................Alta Congdon, Harriet Welch
Processional.......................Richard D Welch
Centennial Service...............Rev. Dame
Music.................................Blanche Free
Buffet Supper......................Pauline Porter
Program of History...............Bertha Harper
Memory Lane......................Rebecca Mingos, Louise Case
Staging...............................Raymond Free
Decorating..........................Elsie Ballard, Barbara A Welch
Traffic.................................Kenneth Harper, Lynn Keir
Secretarial..........................Linda Rockwell, Judy Kendall,
Vera Harper
Public Address System.......Harold Lane Jr.
From EdwardP Ballard Collection JPO