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Article by Victor Charles Detty
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History of the Presbyterian Church of Rome, Pennsylvania (pp. 53-61) 

By: Victor Charles Detty 

H. Hicks was Hugh Hicks, who was born Dec. 8, 1804, married Sept. 4, 1831 Catherine Miller who was born Feb. 27, 1814, and died Jan. 17, 1897. He died in 1877. Hugh worked on a canal boat, his wife being on the boat with him as cook. When their fourth child was about to be born they left the canal boat and took up residence in the house in Wysox across from the residence of the late Jesse Coolbaugh, where Frederick Miller Hicks was born July 21, 1847. He married Charlotte Mann, and was the father of George of Rome. Hugh Hicks worked for John Passmore who built the canal. Hugh Hicks came to Rome to manage a hotel for Mr. Passmore in the late residence of Mrs. Lizzie Glenn, now the property of Dr. I. V. Stoll. His other children were: Sarah, who married first William Crawford, second, William Stevens whose daughter lives in East Towanda; Jane Passmore Hicks, who married in 1866 George Owen of Monroeton; George S. Hicks, who married Susie Reed; Norman Passmore Hicks married Feb. 3, 1875 Henrietta Peckham of Wilkes-Barre, had four children, three daughters and one son. He died aged 89, Dec. 30, 1940 at the home of his son Norman P., Jr., at Rutherford, N. J. Burial was at Tunkhannock, Pa.

J. M. Hicks was the son of John and Nancy Hicks of North Rome. He had a brother George (Heverly, History of Bradford County, p. 428). John M. Hicks married Eunice, daughter of John Sebastian Forbes who was born in Brunswick, Germany, and who was impressed into the British military forces, from which he deserted to espouse the cause of the American colonies. John M. Hicks settled on the Joseph Allen place, built a factory, and manufactured furniture. He died June 6, 1875 aged 86 years old, and was buried on Towner Hill. He had three sons, Albert, Alfred and Jackson; and five daughters. (Heverly, Pioneer and Patriot Families, Bradford County, Pa.) Albert married Hannah, daughter of George Willys Eastman. She was born May 17, 1813.

Anson Collins was a member of the Orwell and Warren Congregational church, having joined March 25, 1821. His wife was Ruth M. Sexton. They lived at the corner near the home of Harold Fields near the township line. He had a son Anson R. Collins who lived in Rome where Mrs. Julia Anez now resides.

Reuben Russell, at carpenter and farmer, was the son of Mike and Polly (Green) Russell according to Heverly (Pioneer and Patriot Families, Vol. I, p. 393). He lived at what was called "Rube Russell's Corners," on property now owned by his grandson, Fred Russell.

E. A. Ridgway was Edwin, the son of David and Rachel (Dubois) Ridgway, and half-brother of Aunt Betsy (Dubois) Allen, wife of Peter Allen. Betsy's mother was a widow when married to David Ridgway. Her first husband's name was Dubois, according to Mrs. Walter Irving, Binghamton, N.Y. E. A. Ridgway was superintendent of the Methodist Sunday School in 1850, subscribed $40 to the Methodist building fund, 1849. He lived on the road leading to North Rome, just above Goff's Grove. He was a school director.

Harry Strope lived in Wysox where Charles Tuttle now lives, his farm extending to the Presbyterian parsonage lot. He was the sixth child of Henry and Catherine (Fox) Strope. (Wysox Church History, p. 26.)

Peter Vought, son of Achatias, was a farmer on Vought Hill, the farm now being operated by a family named Young. He subscribed sixty dollars for the erection of the Methodist Church. He was the grandfather of Alvah and Clarence Vought, and of Rev. L. L. Vought. Nehemiah was a brother of Peter, whose picture appears in Craft's History of Bradford County, page 354.

Enoch Towner was the second son of Elijah an early settler on Towner Hill. His portrait faces page 360 in Craft's History. He had a son, Enoch, Jr. Another son, Martin Van Buren Towner is thought to be a relative of his namesake, the president of the United States. Daniel B. Towner, of this family, was a noted gospel song composer. One well known number is "Trust and Obey".

Joseph Elliott was the son of William and Lucretia (Lowry) Elliott of Bullard Creek. He was a brother of Larmon H., at whose suggestion Rome received its township name. He lived on his 102-acre farm valued for taxation at $937.

M. B. Prince was Merrick B. Prince who died May 20, 1862, aged 57 years. His wife, Harriet, daughter of Dan and Polly (Chubbuck) Russell, was born Feb. 6, 1804 and died April 5, 1863, with interment at Rome. They were the parents of L. D. Prince, and grandparents of John Martin Prince (1858-1926), and Polly, first wife of Lorenzo D. Strope of Towanda. Sanford Prince died May 26, 1872 aged 69 years, and his wife Matilda, died Oct. 30, 1863, aged 51 years. John Prince was assessed for $110 on 47 acres of land.

Dan Russell was the first settler of Orwell Township, at the foot of Orwell hill. He died in 1851 at the age of 81. He had a son Daniel who married Deborah Ann Forbes of Rome. Loyal F. Russell was the son of the younger Daniel.

Jabez E. Sexton was the son of William and Tamasin Sexton of Orwell Township. His daughter Ruth married Anson Collins; and his daughter Docia married Comfort Bliss Chaffee. (Heverly, Vol. II, p. 432.)

Harry Clark was the grandson of Barnabas Clark, a pioneer o-; Standing Stone Township, and the son of Eliphalet and Lois (Parks) Clark, who came to Rome 1811. He married Ellen Brown. Daniel Hill was a son of John Hill, a native of Massachusetts, who came in 1812 to Orwell with his wife Rhoda. In 1847 he was assessed $75 for 40 acres unimproved land in Rome Township. His son Daniel, Jr., was assessed $237 for a farm of 61 acres.

N. Hemmingway may have been related to Thaddeus Hemenway of Sheshequin, a Revolutionary soldier who had six children: Sarah, John, Joseph, Levi, Lavina, William. (Heverly, Pioneer Families, Vol. II, p. 144.)

John Gore was one of four sons, who served in the Civil War, of Silas and Catherine (Elliott) Gore. (Heverly, Pioneer Families, Vol. I, p. 129.) Silas came to Rome in 1811. He was a blacksmith and inventive genius. He had 54 acres in 1847.

D. N. Miller, a blacksmith, lived opposite the home of U. M. Holmes. He was born at Mt. Pleasant, Pa., his father having been in the Battle of Wyoming, according to Mrs. Cora Marsh, his granddaughter. His wife was Maria Maynard, a native of Vermont, the daughter of Nathan and Hannah (Streator) Maynard, descended from Jonathan Edwards, celebrated divine of Massachusetts. He was the great-grandfather of Bert Miller and Paul M. Barnes of Rome.

Danford Chaffee lived in the residence now occupied by James p. Allen, and operated a wagon and general shop, which stood on that property. Water power used was transmitted from Wysox Creek by a race to. a small artificial body of water known as Chaffee's pond which covered over the land in the rear now cultivated as the garden spot of Mr. Allen and of Frank Barnes. He subscribed fifty dollars for the Methodist Church building. Mr. Chaffee acted as undertaker, the coffins being made in his shop as occasion demanded. He married Deborah Rockwell, daughter of Simeon. He was the grandfather of Claude B. Wilmot, and great-grandfather of Roe W. Russell.

W. W. Woodburn was Warner W. Woodburn, a son of John Woodburn. He married first Caroline Case, second, Ellen Vought of Rome. He lived where his daughter, Mrs. Burr Goff, resides. His first wife's gravestone is in the old family cemetery opposite the Parks place in the southern part of Rome borough. She died Aug. 1, 1850, aged 24 years. His assessment of $678 was for 35 acres improved, 54 unimproved land, 1 house, 2 horses, 2 cows, and one-fourth interest in a sawmill.

William Blend lived on a farm to the north of Rome. A descendant by the name of Robert lives in Towanda. William's son, Mervin, died Oct. 30, 1863 at Washington, D.C., from wounds received in the campaign of the Rapidan. Co. I, 141 Pa. Inf. Vol. Philander Robinson lived near Allis Hollow. He married Armenia Brown, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and had a son George.

Alanson Whitney, born July 1, 1801, the son of Elisha and Esther (Clark) Whitney, married Dec. 18, 1828 Laura Towner, whose grave is in the Towner Hill cemetery, daughter of Enoch Towner, and spent his last days at Monroeton, Pa. His children were: Electa, Franklin, Emiline and Clara. Alanson Whitney's daughter Emiline married Henry Clay Chubbuck. Three children were born to them: (1) Alanson, who lived at Athens, had a son, L. T. Chubbuck, a grocer of Towanda who has four children: Grace, Gerald, Doris, and Donald; (2) George Chubbuck, who married had a son who died; and (3) Laura Chubbuck, who married Daniel Kline, had a daughter Miss Cora C. Kline. Mr. Kline died and Laura married second, C. H. Kulp, and lives at 541 Johnson St., Freeland Pa. George, his wife and son are all deceased. Alanson Chubbuck died March 28. 1942. Burial was at Monroeton, Pa. Alanson Whitney's daughter Clara married first, George William Mingos and had three sons. (1) W. Leslie Mingos married Miss Bernice Grenell (now Mrs. D. W. Cowles of Orwell). Two sons were born to them: Lindrof G. and Max A. Mingos. Max has a daughter, Rowena. W. Leslie Mingos died in 1915. (2) Perry C. Mingos married Mac Eastman of Burlington, had a daughter Laura and a son Arthur. Laura married Millard Marvin and had two children: Anna Mae and a son, Millard, Jr. Arthur lives at Athens, Pa. He married Marion Malone, has two children: Mary Clara and Gerald. Laura Marvin died. (3) Frank M. Mingos married Marion McDonald and they had three children: James, who has eight children and lives at Luther's Mills, Pa.; Helen, who is a teacher, married James Minard; and Clara, who lives with her father at Athens and has a beauty parlor. After the death of George William Mingos, his widow, Clara Mingos, married Eli Gale.

S. F. Washburn was Silas Washburn who lived where Dr. I. V. Stoll and family now reside. He was a brother of Flavilla.

Nathan Maynard sold the land for the erection of the first Presbyterian Church building, in the upper part of the village. He was a blacksmith, born in Vermont, and married first Hannah Streator, a descendant of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, famous New England divine, settled in Orwell first, and moved in 1830 to Rome village. He died in 1855 aged 72. By his first wife he had six children: Maria, who married Dan Miller; Harriet, who married Edwin A. Ridgway; Hiram, who went west; Pierpont, who married Laura Washburn; William E., who married Nancy Cranmer; Lemuel S., who married Amanda E. Cranmer. Pierpont and Laura (Washburn) Maynard were grandparents of Mrs. Willard Lott (nee Rena A. Maynard) of Orwell. By his second wife, Lydia Prince, Nathan Maynard had six children: Freeman, who married Sarah Tomkins; A. Jackson, who married Gulyelma Woodburn (daughter of Hiram and Jane (Ridgway) Woodburn, and moved to Rockford, Illinois; Orson and Julius, who went west; Dayton, who died young; and Hiram. (Heverly, Pioneer and Patriot Families.)

Simeon Rockwell, farmer, lived on the property at the foot of Orwell hill. He subscribed $15 for the Rome Methodist Church building. He was the father of H. D. Rockwell, who married Clarissa Allis, and he was the grandfather of Mrs. Belle Cannan of Rome, daughter of William P. Rockwell.

John W. Woodburn resided at the corner of the main road of the valley and the Taylor Hill road, and was known as "Square" Woodburn, being the Justice of the Peace and a man of means and influence in the borough, before whom the deed for the church lot was acknowledged. He was the great-grandfather of Edward Woodburn of Rome and of Mrs. A. J. Whitney of Williamsport. Godfrey Vought, a farmer, had his residence at the site of Claude B. Wilmot's residence. His wife was Polly Croft, granddaughter of the Duke of Baden, Germany. He died in 1849 in his eighty-ninth year. He was the great-grandfather of Mrs. G. W. Chase and Mrs. Minnie Truesdale of Taylor Hill and Miss Ruth Whitney and the great-great-grandfather of A. J. and Richard Whitney and Sarah Whitney (wife of Dr. R. L. Scott of Buffalo, N.Y.). He and his wife donated the land, valued at $100, for the erection of the Rome Methodist Church in 1849. Joseph Vought was the first born son of Achatias Vought and lived in Rome township on Parks Creek up "Vought Hollow.'' Mrs. Hannah Bixby and Miss Polly Russell, granddaughters, reside on his farm and Mr. U. G. Russell, a grandson, lives near the old homestead. He was the great-grandfather of Roe W. Russell, Otto Russell, and Irving Bixby.

Peter Allen, great-grandfather of Mrs. Lizzie Watson, was one of the influential men of early Rome, the son of Jesse and Elizabeth (Eiklor) Allen of Pond Hill (Lake Wesauking). His father, Jesse, was a nephew of Ethan Allen of the "Green Mountain Boys," of Vermont. His residence was at the present U. M. Holmes farmstead. He was appointed the first postmaster of Rome, June 11, 1831. His daughter, Rachel Allen, married Oscar F. Young.

David Eiklor was the son of Frederick, and was another subscriber to the Methodist Church erected in 1849. The name AIKLOR is found on an old stone in the Woodburn cemetery at Rome, with the inscription, "Died April the 6, 1831." David was taxed for 80 acres of land, 2 oxen and 1 cow in 1848, with an assessed valuation of $267. Smith Forbes was the grandfather of Smith Angel Forbes of Wysox township, owner of the farm where once was Fencelor's Castle. He was the grandson of John Sebastian Forbes, and son of Earnest who married Polly Smith. He was assessed for 97 acres of land, one house and one cow.

Joseph Allen was the son of Stephen, and father of Dayton, J. B., Sarah, S. O., J. H., Clarissa, Jemima (married J. C. Forbes), and J. A. Allen (Bradsby, History of Bradford County p. 561). He lived near Gillet Bridge. He was assessed for 183 acres, 2 houses, 3 horses, 3 cows, one-fourth interest in a saw mill, all valued at $1,672.

William Trip was the son of "Peleg and Mary (Seely) Tripp of New York, whose family consisted of 11 children of whom six reached maturity: Seymore, Nancy M. (married Feb. 3, 1869 Tracy J. Chubbuck of Orwell), William, Jonathan, Jacob, and Emma (married Nathan Grant)." (Bradsby, p. 717).

Charles C. Lent may have been the son of James and Chloe (Parks) Lent, first couple married in Rome township. They had a son by the name of Charles. (Lent Genealogy of Mrs. Rhoda Lent Barnes.) C.C. Lent had 45 acres improved, 37 unimproved land, a house, 2 cows, and 2 oxen. Richard Lent was assessed for i60 acres of land, 1 house, 2 horses, 1 ox, 1 cow, and one-third interest in a saw mill. H. H. Mann, who subscribed $25, may have been Hiram Hill Mann, the brother of Mrs. George W. Eastman, the first and sixth of twelve or thirteen children born to Calvin and Hattie (Hill) Mann. The remains of Hannah Eliza, the wife of Hiram Hill Mann rest in the Rome cemetery, according to George U. Eastman. Samuel, fourth child of Calvin, was the father of Charlotte, Mrs. Fred M. Hicks. Samuel went west in the gold rush of '49, returned in a few years. he was a carpenter and had undertaker's rooms in the Rome Academy building. On Jan. 20, 1845 the Presbyterian Society met at the store of John Passmore to superintend the .building of the church, G. W. Eastman, D. Chafee, C. Taylor, John Passmore, and John Vought. In October Mr. O. F. Young was elected to take the place of Charles Taylor who chose not to act. A plot of ground was purchased from Nathan and Lydia Maynard, a copy of deed for which is as follows:

DEED TO FIRST CHURCH LOT, April 28, 1846 This Indenture made the 281h day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand! eight hundred and forty six Between Nathan Maynard and Lydia his wife of the Township of Rome County of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania of the first part and B. Gates, Geo. W. Eastman, John Vought, John Passmore and Peter Allen the acting Trustees of the Presbyterian Society in Rome Township County and State aforesaid and their successors in office of the second part Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen dollars and two shares in the house of worship erected for the use and benefit of the Presbyterian Church and Congregation in hand paid by the said party of the second part the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hath granted bargained and sold released and confirmed and by .these presents do grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said party of the second part or their successors in office two thirds of all that certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being m the Township aforesaid--Beginning at the North East Corner of a farm formerly owned by Matthew Cannon deceased thence north forty-two degrees East along the public highway one hundred and twenty feet thence north forty eight degrees west one hundred and fifty feet thence south forty-two degrees west one hundred and twenty feet thence south forty eight degrees east one hundred and fifty two feet to the place of beginning and the said party of the first part doth hereby forever quit claim all their rights title interest, and claim to the other third part together with all and singular the hereditiments and appurtinences, remainders reversions rents issues and the profits thereof to have and to hold the premises hereby granted with appurtenances unto the said party of the second part or their successors in office or their heirs and assigns forever and the said party of the first part their heirs and assigns the premises hereby granted with the appurtenances against all claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof to the said party of the second part or their successors shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Witness J. W. Woodburn F. W. Maynard

Nathan Maynard (Seal)

Lydia Maynard (Seal)

Personally appeared before me J. W. Woodburn a Justice of the Peace in and for said County Nathan Maynard and Lydia his w-ire and acknowledge the foregoing Indenture to be their act-& Deed desired to same might be recorded as such the said Lydia being of lawful age and the contents.

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By Joyce M. Tice

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