1870 - 1970
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
Centennial Observance
Sunday, Sept. 27, 1970
A bell was hung in the steeple in 1871, and the story connected with it is an amusing one. Although there are conflicting stories about the obtaining of the bell, one goes like this.
The Daggett Methodist Church and the Jobs Corners Baptist Church decided to buy bells from the same company at the same time and they went about raising money for the purchases. Someone offered a $25.00 donation to the church who installed and rang their bell first. The bells were shipped by boat from Troy, N.Y. together, but one church went to Watkins Glen and got their bell off the boat and brought it direct to their church. They installed the bell, rang it and thereby won the race. The confusing part of the story is however, that each church claims to have gone to Watkins and to have subsequently won the race. The other bell continued by boat to Elmira.
If someone has some proof to offer, aside from heresay, as to which church won the race, please let us know.
Call to Worship
Gloria Patri
Hymn No.8 . . . . . "O Worship the King"
Responsive Reading No. 283: The House of God Psalm 84
Selection by Girls
The Offertory
Hymn No. 87 . . . . . "How Firm a Foundation"
Pastoral Prayer
Solo by Kenneth Ogden
The Message
Hymn No. 4 . . . . . "To God be the Glory"
Scripture Reading
Hymn No. 237 . . . . . "The Church’s One Foundation"
Welcome to all and recognition of distant and elderly guests
Violin Solo by Dr. Myron Webster, Mansfield, Pa.
Greetings by Former Pastors
Vocal Duet by Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Voorhees
Talk by Dr. Myron Webster
Hymn No. 279 . . . . . "God Be With You"
To-day, I celebrate my 100th birthday and I am so glad to see so many of you here. The Folks have turned it into quite a celebration and some of the excitement has even penetrated into my usual placid self. It takes a lot to excite one who has been around for 100 years.
I’ve seen some exciting things during my lifetime and in retrospect, perhaps this past 100 years has brought more than a usual amount of heartache. Yet, through it all, I have managed to keep on, which should be some sort of lesson to everyone.
I was organized in 1841, with Services being held in the home of Foster Updyke until he passed away in 1847. The first cemetery in Jackson Township was also organized in 1841 at Job’s Corners by the Baptisit Church.
The first Pastor was The Rev. Samuel Grinnell who served 10 years and was succeeded by The Rev. Myron Rockwell.
I was erected in 1870 and other Pastors that have served here are as follows: C. Beebe, L.D. Ayers, C.B. Smith, L. Stone, R.D. Hays, G.P. Watrous, F. Wilson, M.H. Dunham, W.H. Porter, and J.A. Klucker. More recent Pastors were Rev. G. Brainerd, Rev. George Burroughs, Rev. Seymour Barrett, Rev. Glen Dewey, Rev. Clayton Straw, Rev. Llewellyn Jones, Richard Degeus, Rev. Bernard Draper, Rev. Orey Crippen and the present Pastor, Rev. E. Eugene VanDeVenter.
I wasn’t around yet, at the end of the Civil War, but I have heard say it was good to see the ending of the war and settle down once again to normal life.
The happy days of the Gay Nineties followed close and this yard of mine was filled with buggies, surreys and even platform wagons of the families on a Sunday, coming to Sunday School and Church Service. The men would bring their families to the yard and take their horses to the sheds behind the Grange Hall and tie them there and walk back up to the church. Some came quite a distance but didn’t seem to mind it in those days.
Then came the day when the first automobile chugged into the yard. It sure created quite a stir.
Soon the 1st World War was upon us and I watched our young men go, leaving behind the women and older men to work the farms. They would come on Sunday to see me and worship God, with loneliness and fear upon their faces. We would sing the old Hymns together and gradually their tension would ease and a smile would break through.
I guess everyone here, except for the children, remembers the heartache of the depression. Some of the farmers had to mortgage their homes and farms and city workers went on relief. Perhaps it was the singing of the old Hymns and the reading of God’s Word together, that gave so many of them Faith that things would work out somehow.
The Church would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have donated money for our new carpet in the vestibule, also those who have taken part in the program and who have helped in other ways.
Thank You.