Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Oakwood Avenue Methodist Church - 
Elmira Heights, Chemung County NY
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Centennial Observance

1840 – 1940

First Baptist Church

Horseheads, NY

May Fifth to Twelfth, 1940

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A Word From Our Pastor – Rev. C. Hildreth Wilcox

No pastor ever felt more deeply the desire to voice appreciation, first to our Saviour having allowed this most pleasant relationship, and next for the willing, interested, and faithful members and friends who are growing in the Grace and knowledge of our Lord and working together in harmony.

As your pastor I am conscious of the fact that our church is not measured by its buildings, but by the spirits of its people.

I realize our church does not develop in strength after the manner of human patterns, but according to the sowing of the Word of God and the submission of its members to the leading of the Spirit of God; and I know our church cannot save the souls of its attendants, but it can, and we hope it ever shall, present the Gospel of the Lord Jesus so no one in its care shall not know the way of life.

Today we are reviewing 100 years of history—indeed we are looking back over 143 years since our Baptist forefathers first met in Christian fellowship in this community. Customs have changed, earthly knowledge has increased, and we are rightly happy with the evidences of progress before us, but we are reminded that sin blights and destroys today as it did then and with deep felt reverence we remember that the Blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin now as it did yesterday.

Tomorrow we may expect according to our faith today. God’s ability is ever the same. We trust we are building upon Christ, the chief corner stone, knowing that whatever is done in His name will remain. May we not only have the faith of our fathers, but may ours be much greater because God honored them and prospered the work they began.

Glimpses of the Present

The growth of the Church is steady and uniform, both spiritually and numerically. The Bible School has over 300 members giving promise of a well informed constituency in years to come. The whole program of the Church is based upon Bible exposition for we believe that, "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."

The Church has a very efficient Bible School Council which is composed of Superintendent Leon Shafer and all other officers and teachers. There are four organized Classes in the School. They are: The Friendly Bible Class, the Moss Mible Class, The Partnership Bible Class, and the Maranatha Bible Class. Last year the Bible School conducted a Daily Vacation Bible School with an enrollment of 240. A program of Evangelism is carried on at all times. The plan of Salvation is held before all groups and opportunity is continually given for personal acceptance of Christ. The Church has just closed a series of meetings conducted by Rev. and Mrs. Lester Rasmussen of Momence, Illinois.

There are at present three of our young people in School studying for full-time Christian Service. They are Miss Nellie Fulkerson, Miss Edna Tenny and Mahlon Ameigh.

Through the wise management of the Board of Trustees and the cooperation of all the financial condition of the Church is in excellent condition. Recent improvements include: interior decorations in both Parsonage and Church, painting of Parsonage and Church steeple, new roof on South side of the Church, removing of old sheds and building of new garage, grading of lawns, and setting trees and shrubs presented by Kenneth Chappell. There is a small Church debt, but the interest has always been paid and during the past two years over $180,000 has been paid toward its liquidation. Tithing is taught and practiced by a goodly number, undoubtedly accounting for the financial condition being as good as it is.

Splendid harmony prevails between the members and everything points toward a better Church with greater spiritual influence. We believe the prayers of those early pioneers have been answered and their hopes realized to some extent as we thank God for his gracious leading and provision in the past and as we look steadfastly into the future.

Glimpses of the Past in Horseheads

In imagination go back and come into this section with the early settlers. One historian describes the trip from a point on the Susquehanna River, near Wilkes-Barre, in this manner: "Here they placed their goods on board of a flat boat. Everything being in readiness the men started the boat, poling it up the stream, while the women on horseback, some with two children each, with the cows, followed along on the banks. At night the boat was tied to the shore, the cloth tents spread, and their frugal meal prepared and partaken of in common."

When you remember it took them three weeks or more to arrive in this community, you will enjoy your imagined trip even more. One early settler with his wife and children, came up the river in a canoe and landed on the north side, and built a log cabin and planted corn. On the other side of the river was an Indian clearing and corn fields. In the forests were panthers, wild cats, foxes, wolves, deer and bear.

At about 1815, districts surrounding Horseheads are described by historians like this: "In most instances they came in with their own teams and conveyances, cutting out their own roads as they advanced father and deeper into the then howling wilderness." Many of these early settlers engaged in lumbering and hauled the lumber to Havana, selling their best pine for $4.00 per thousand feet.

The construction of the canal from Seneca Lake to the Chemung River at Elmira, with a feeder at Horseheads, was the most important epoch in the early history of the village. The undertaking was commenced in 1830, and completed in 1833, at a cost of $344,000. The office for collection of tolls was at Horseheads.

The earliest records of the Baptist Church contain frequent mention of John Breese and Mary, his wife. Mr. Breese was one of the important figures of the early history of the community, as well as of the Church. A quotation from an early history speaks of them: "For more than forty years she was a worthy member of the Baptist Church at Horseheads. Mr. Breese has been a member also many years, and by word and deed has done his part in building up good schools and Churches."

The post office was established at the village of Horseheads about 1822, when Jonas Sayre was appointed postmaster. The name of the post office was changed to "Fairport" in 1837, but in 1845 the old name was restored by an almost unanimous vote of the people.

Glimpses of the Past (Taken from the Church Clerks’ Records)

The Horseheads Baptist Church actually had its beginning in or before 1797. There was a revival in the Baptist Church at Wellsburg and among the people in Southport which seemed to influence the settlers this side of the river. There were no bridges across the Chemung and it was not always possible to go such long distances so the people requested the Wellsburg church to allow their pastor, Elder Roswell Goff, to preach some part of the time in this community, which request was granted. Probably the Marsh Church came into being as a result of this early request and later a group from this Church came into the village and organized the First Baptist Church of Horseheads April 22, 1840.

June 3, 1797—"That the brethren at the horsehead request Brother Goff to preach some part of the time with them and granted to be the 4th Sabbath in every month as long as the church shall think convenient."

(Quotation from Wellsburg Baptist Church records)

April 18, 1840—"Heard request of Brethren at Fairport for a delegation to sit with them in council to consider the propriety of constituting them into a Church on 22nd of April inst. Which was responded to by appointing Brethren William H. Wisner,--with Elder Robinson delegates." (Quotation from First Baptist Church of Elmira records)

July 31, 1852—"Voted that Elder Grenell and S. C. Smith be a committee to write a letter to the coming association which is to be held at the Bigflats Church."

New Years Day, 1853—"Voted that four Deacons be a committee to settle with the Elder for his salary, also to ascertain the necessary expenses for sexton and Church affairs.

Feb. 5, 1853—"The Deacons reported their engagement for sexton, (Mr. Jacob Teal) for $35.00 per year."

Aug. 6, 1853—"Voted unanimously to change the name of the Elmira Fairport Church to that of the Baptist Church of Horseheads."

Sept. 3, 1853—"Voted to grant Sister Bennett a letter and withhold Brother William Bennett until he pays his arrearages due the Church, or renders his reasons for not doing so"

Nov. 20, 1853—"The Church congregation were requested by Deacon Rundle to remain for the purpose of consulting respecting the propriety of giving the Rev. Warham Mudge a regular call to become our pastor. Elder Mudge was called and promised to return Dec. 3rd to begin his duties as pastor."

"There was no definite agreement as to the amount of the Elder’s Salary, but understand to be $400.00 with a donation or $500.00 without a donation annually."

Dec. 3, 1853—"Voted to rent the seats on Thursday the 22nd inst., at two o’clock P.M."

Nov. 4, 1854—"A number of people disciplined for non-attendance and for attending balls and dances and for immorality."

"Voted to permit the pulpit to be moved out further from the pastor’s seat."

April 1, 1854—"The Church agreed to organize a Sabbath School on the Sabbath of the 9th of this month at 9 o’clock A.M."

"The balance of time was devoted to Brethren and Sisters relating their Christian exercises."

July 1, 1854—"Voted to withdraw the hand of Fellowship from Sister Amelia Rowley for her leaving the church and joining the Freewill Baptist Church of Singsing."

August 5, 1854—"Voted that Br. S. C. Smith be ordained as Deacon of the Church the 3rd Wednesday of this month at the Conference Meeting of the Ministerial Brethren."

Jan. 6, 1855—"A collection was taken in behalf of the Home Mission."

May 5, 1855—"An invitation received and accepted from Addison asking a delegation from us to sit in council with a view to constitute them into a Baptist Church of Christ."

Feb. 2, 1856—"Remainder of the time occupied in relation of buying a parsonage."

April 14, 1856—"Resolved that in view of the Gospel Rule let a man give according to that he hath and not according to that he hath not that we as the Baptist Church of Horseheads will meet the deficiency of seat renting for stipulated salary will abide by the average system and give ratio of our means to meet such deficiencies at the expiration of each fiscal year."

Oct. 19, 1856—"Church met in a special Church meeting to transact business of the Church. Settled with the Elder and found due on the year 1855 $31.00 and on the year 1856 $112.00."

Nov. 6, 1856—"It was also voted to give Deacon Taylor a deed of the new Baptist Church at Breesport or raise the amount due on said house."

Feb. 14, 1857—"The following were voted committee, John Jackson, David Shappee, Peter Wintermute, Robert Stewart, James Hathorn, be empowered to assess the members of the Church according to their best judgment."

July 8, 1859—"Voted to repair the belfry and build a new platform."

Jan.14, 1860—"Voted to excuse Elder Onley from serving upon any committee relating to Church discipline with Church members."

Feb. 4, 1860—"The principal desire expressed was that the Church might be revived and that God would convert sinners, and bring them into the fold of Christ and that souls might be saved from the impending storm that awaits the impenitent."

Note:--Thirty were received for Baptism during March and April following this meeting.

Feb. 25, 1860—"There was a resolution passed in regard to Branch of the Church of Breesport. Resolved that we cannot approve their giving letters of dismission to any member of the Branch or Church without a voe of this body."

May 5, 1860—"Sister Owens related her Christian experience, preparatory to receiving the ordinance of Baptism. Sophia Hanes (Mrs. Sophia Bowers) related her Christian experiences as a candidate for Baptism and both were unanimously received by the church."

June 30, 1861—"Appointed Deacon Increase Mather treasurer. Voted to buy oil of Brother William Carpenter at 90 Cents per gallon."

July 6, 1861—"It was voted to take a collection every Sabbath for to defray the contingent expense of the Church."

Sept. 28, 1861—"A committee of five was appointed to settle with the Pastor for the two last years salary."

Dec.28, 1861—"A committee of nine were appointed to attend to the financial affairs of the Church."

Oct. 4, 1862—"Voted to have a donation visit for our Pastor."

Jan. 3, 1863—"Voted to appoint Brethren Jonah Parks and S. C. Smith as a committee to ascertain the prospect of raising $100.00 in Singsing for the purpose of paying the services of Elder Onley for preaching in the Meeting House in said Singsing."

April 3, 1863—"The members promisculously spoke of their Christian travel in the cause of religion, many felt deeply upon the subject, and seem to enjoy the influence of the Holy Spirit. All were in union with each other, and some with themselves." (Over forty Baptised in beginning of year 1863, by Elder Onley)

Jan. 2, 1864—"Voted to raise the Elder’s salary from $600 to $700 for the year 1864."

Sept. 3, 1864—"Received an invitation from the Catlin Church to send delegates to set with them in council to recognize them as a regular Baptist Church. Accepted the invitation and sent as delegates our pastor Elder Onley, Brethren Increase Mather, George Rundle, Conrad Smith, and Harry McDougal."

Nov. 10, 1866—"The committee previously appointed to circulate the subscription for our pastor’s salary for the coming year report that they have now on subscription $610.00 for his services with the Horseheads Baptist Church in the village of Horseheads and $100.00 for his services every other Sabbath at our Meeting House in Breesport at 3 o’clock P.M. for this year 1866."

May 5, 1866—"Appointed Brethren Ira Piester and Harry McDougal collectors of the salary yet unpaid on subscriptions for salary of 1855 and 1860."

Oct. 6, 1866—"Voted unanimously to extend another call to Br. D. Porter Leas to become our pastor at a salary of one thousand dollars annually or its equivalent."

May 4, 1867—"Brethren at Breesport requested to be allowed a separate Church organization."

Aug. 3, 1867—"Thirty members granted letters for the assisting in the organization of Church at Breesport."

Dec. 6, 1867—"On motion the trustees were authorized to transfer to the Baptist Church at Breesport the title of this church to property there. (House of Worship."

Sept. 26, 1869—"Moved and carried that the trustees be requested to have this Meeting House insured for $3000.00 and the parsonage for $1500.00 for three years."

Nov. 6, 1869—"A letter from Br. VanAlstine stating the amount apportioned to this church of the Chemung Church debt amount of debt $22.00."

"Moved and carried that our seats be free to all on Sabbath evenings and that the pastor be instructed to give notice to that effect."

Jan. 1, 1870—"The Finance Committee reported they found the entire debt of the Church to amount to $954.38.

April 11, 1874—"Our house of Worship burned this evening between the hours of five and seven o’clock. Origin of the fire unknown.

April 13, 1874—"Resolve, that we in the name of God proceed to build a brick house of Worship and that a committee be appointed to solicit subscriptions."

July 12, 1874—"Resolved that the resolution authorizing the building of a House of Worship to cost $10,000.00 be recinded and that the Church and society proceed to erect a House of Worship to cost not more than $6,000.00 and that the selection of a plan and putting up the Building be left with the trustees."

Sept. 4, 1875—"C. Smith elected collector of money for Pastor’s Salary and to receive 5% on all money collected."

Sept. 17, 1876—"Motion that the necessary steps be taken to organize the Church under the law enacted for that purpose."

March 3, 1877—"The following motion was made and carried that the trustees levy a tax of 50 cents upon every member of the Church, for the purpose of paying the bank note then due at Elmira of $60.00"

Feb. 9, 1878—"Rev. A. N. Whitmarsh gave notice that he could not preach any more at that price ($7.00 per Sabbath.) Report accepted and Elder left for Philadelphia."

June 1, 1878—"Trustees report accepted as to calling Rev. A. M. Bennett to this Church as its pastor."

July 6, 1879—"There have been regular monthly convenant meetings from March 4 up to date (July 6th) but the clerk has failed to record them and should be scolded and dismissed from duty. I will try and do better in the future."

Oct. 4, 1879—"Brother Deacon Aaron Rundle made us all glad with his experience and presence. He told us he had been a member of the Church for 60 years."

July 2, 1881—"Was very much shocked at hearing of the shooting of President Garfield."

May 2, 1882—"Some were there who came six miles, others were not there who live almost in stones throw."

May 22, 1884—"A society of colored people in Elmira requested us to send our Pastor and one delegate on June 5 to act on committee, of recognizing them as a Baptist Church of colored people. Rev. R. M. Bennett and Deacon Allen were appointed."

Dec. 1, 1888—"A suggestion was made that a historian be appointed."

Oct. 5, 1889—"Mrs. Thorne presented a chart to the Church containing the names of all Church officers. A vote of thanks was extended to her."

Feb. 2, 1890—"The Trustees were authorized to build a wood and coal house."

June 3, 1891—"Ordination Council met according to invitation but owing to haste and over anxiety on the part of Mr. Mitchell caused by unreasonable questioning he withdrew and declined to be ordained."

"After a big and exasperating examination it was decided to ordain Mr. Mitchell at the close of the meeting in this Church on Sept. 17th."

March 5, 1892—"Moved and carried that we adopt the weekly payment of salary by the envelope system."

Feb. 4, 1893—"In the business meeting Brother Donald gave the Church some good wholesome advice about paying our newly engaged pastor (Rev. R. A. Gates), which if heeded will save much perplexity."

May 5, 1894—"Mrs. Lyman Mathews was received by letter."

Sept. 28, 1897—"Moved that Emma Kimmick and Jennie Bundy be appointed to raise money for coal. Carried."

Oct. 2, 1897—"Rev. Gates presented his resignation as pastor of this Church having received an urgent call from North Hector, N.Y. After considering the matter for some time it was reluctantly granted, the farewell sermon to be preached Oct. 10."

Nov. 11, 1897—"Mr. Christian stated his object in calling the meeting was to accept the care extended to him by the Church to become their pastor, and to have a definite understanding on financial matters. After considerable discussion a motion was made to make the amount of salary $600.00 per annum, amended for $50.00 more and carried as amended.

June 28, 1905—"The Methodist Church being torn down Rev. Timeson invited Rev. Yard of the Methodist Church to conduct the services in this Church during Mr. Timeson’s absence which invitation was gladly accepted, both congregations and choirs uniting as one Church."

Jan. 1, 1910—"Turstees reported during 1909 following improvements, ‘new cement steps, walk and horse blocks, grading yard and repairing fence, repairing roofing and enlarging choir platform’."

March 1914—"Our pastor (Rev. Christian) held meetings during the month of March assisted by Mr. Weakland which were a marked success."

Dec. 31, 1921—"The spiritual growth of the Church has been very noticeable. Special funds amounting to over $100.00 have been raised for the purchase of new hymnals to place in the pews. Improvements have been made in the Church basement; still more are needed."

Feb. 5, 1922—"Sunday the closing meetings were held; in the morning in the Presbyterian Church with an attendance of over 300 and in the evening in the Methodist Church with attendance of over 500. Rev. O. L. Nichols took the place of our pastor in the conferences and meetings. We are deeply indebted to him for the warm interest he has shown in helping to carry forward the work of the Church. The wonderful sermons of Rev. Kuebler throughout the series of meetings cannot but mark a strong spiritual growth in the Churches as well as in the whole community. The unity of the Churches was exceptional."

May 14, 1922—"Motion made and carried that the music committee be authorized to have a blower installed as well as the repair of organ."

July 16, 1922—"Unanimous call extended to Rev. Roy Weakland to become pastor."

Mar. 14, 1923—"Voted on list of 36 persons desiring membership."

Oct. 7, 1923—"Rev. W. Roy Vernon called to become pastor."

May 14, 1924—"Motion made and seconded to dispense with services Sept. 21 and 28, also to support the Billy Sunday Campaign."

June 28, 1925—"Moved that the Baptist Christian Endeavor have a float in the July 4th parade."

Aug. 30, 1925—"Unanimous call extended to Rev. Chas. S. Owen of Rochester, N.Y. to become our pastor."

May 2, 1926—"That the Church adopt the building program recommended by the trustees."

Sept. 21, 1927—"Rev. C. W. Newman unanimously called to the pastorate."

We trust you have enjoyed this very much abbreviated diary of the Church. Many of you may be able to fill in between the lines during the later years and bring back to your minds names and faces and happenings.

This booklet has been made possible for you by the kind cooperation of the advertisers. Their spirit has been of the highest nature and we trust you will show your appreciation by boosting your community and patronizing its business places.

This centennial week has been made happy welcoming former members and friends who have returned to join in the important occasion. Letters of congratulation and greeting have been received from people in many states. Special gifts have been received from both former members and friends at home. For all these friends and greetings and gifts the Church is truly grateful.

Our Pastor Visits Palestine

A year ago the Church granted the pastor four months leave of absence that he might travel in Europe and the Near East with Dr. David L. Cooper and his Palestinian Biblical Research Institute Party. This was one of the greatest single achievements the Church has ever carried out. For four months the activities of the Church were carried on without a break in wonderful manner by the consecrated and united efforts of the officers and members. The pastor’s wife did much of the pastoral work such as: hospital calling; Bible teaching at mid-week services, which kept up wonderfully; assisting Bible School teachers and deaconesses in regular Church calling; and bringing frequent messages at varied meetings of the organizations of the Church.

The deacons and deaconesses carried on nobly and efficiently. The former planning the pulpit supplies and the latter assisting in calling and both helping in every way to keep the Church in a high spiritual condition. The pulpit was supplied through the cooperation of neighbor pastors and by the generous assistance of Prof. Gordon Ridenour and Mr. Mahlon Ameigh who preached for other pastors as they came to our pulpit.

The pastor spent three months in Palestine and Egypt doing intensive research and study on subjects of Biblical interest. It was an opportunity that every minister could well covet. The Bible became a new book as peoples and customs and archeological findings and topography of Bible lands were studied.

Some alarm was held by the people as war clouds began to reveal themselves and the feuds in Palestine between Arabs and Jews were known to be dangerous to travelers, but God answered prayer and brought our pastor and all other members of the party safely home enriched in vision and experience.

From accounts of living conditions in other lands and especially when we think of the freedom we enjoy in civil life and in religious worship we are thankful to God for our country. We were greatly cheered by the reports of separated Christian groups in every land our pastor visited, and our faith in the power of the Gospel and the importance of missionary endeavor was increased.

Church Organization

C. Hildreth Wilcox, 308 Grand Central Avenue – Pastor

Ernest L. Dunbar, 506 West Broad Street – Church Treasurer

Mrs. Edna Bowers, 106 Adams Street – Financial Secretary

H. H. MacQueen, 545 West Franklin Street – Church Clerk

Miss Susan Westlake, Horseheads RD – Secretary of Benevolences

Mrs. Elsie Perry – Organist

Miss June Dunbar – Choir Director

R. C. Havens – Church Janitor

Board of Trustees: Rho L. Hollenbeck, Ernest Dunbar, Royal Douglas, Wesley Jones, Archie H. Matthews, John S. B. Moss

Deacons: Frank Fulkerson, Antone Benesh, Gordon M. Ridenour, Johnson Neish, Mahlon Ameigh, Royal Douglas, Kenneth Chappell, Wm. L. Jessup.

Deaconesses: Mrs. Wesley Jones, Mrs. Rho Hollenbeck, Mrs. Paul Georgia, Mrs. Lucy Westlake, Mrs. Leo Cherry, Mrs. Ella Roat, Mrs. Franklin Keefer.

Ushers: Johnson Neish, Clyde Youmans, Orrin Towner, Rho Hollenbeck, Jr., Walter Everhardt, Artman Douglas, Joe Benesh.

Music Committee: Mrs. Ernest Dunbar, Mrs. H. H. MacQueen, Mrs. John S. B. Moss, Mrs. Royal Douglas

Mary L. Christian Missionary Society: Mrs. Clyde Youmans, President; Mrs. Gordon Ridenour, Secretary and Treasurer.

Ladies’ Aid Society: Mrs. Leo Cherry, President; Mrs. Lawrence Shappee, Secretary and Treasurer

World Wide Guild: Mrs. Claude Everhardt, Adult Adviser; Ellen Ostrander, President; Ethelda Everhardt, Secretary and Treasurer.

Christian Youth Crusade: Kenneth Chappell, Leader

Bible School Department

Leon Shafer – Superintendent

Royal Douglas – Assistant Superintendent

Frank Fulkerson – Chorister and Assistant Superintendent

Mrs. C. H. Wilcox – Missionary Secretary

Mrs. Mahlon Ameigh – Primary and Junior Superintendent

Mrs. Leon Shafer – Assistant Superintendent

Miss Irma Miller – Assistant Superintendent

Mrs. Franklin Keefer – Home Department

Mrs. R. C. Havens – Cradle Roll Department

Mrs. Elsie Perry and Mrs. Gordon Ridenour – Pianists


Day of Meditation

Sunday, May 5th

Centennial Meditations Morning and Evening by Pastor

Interdenominational Night

Monday, May 6th

Greetings from Local Pastors:

Rev. Herbert Gordon, Methodist Church

Rev. Harry Malick, Presbyterian Church

Rev. Charles Paterson-Smyth, St. Matthew’s Church

Message by Rev. Ernest Otter, President, Elmira City Ministers Ass’n.

Denominational Night

Tuesday, May 7th

Greetings from Sister Baptist Churches.

Message by Dr. Roy E. Williamson, Executive Secretary, New York State Convention

Bible Exposition Night

Wednesday, May 8th

Message by Rev. Harold F. Damon, Pastor of Baptist Church, Sayre, Pa.

Historical Night

Thursday, May 9th

Recollection of past experiences and relation of interesting incidents.

Fellowship Night

Friday, May 10th

Fellowship Supper at 6:30 P.M., Church Parlors.

Message by Rev. James Bedford, Pastor, North Baptist Church, Corning

Church Covenant Night

Saturday, May 11th

Open House at the Parsonage

An Old Fashioned Covenant Meeting

Colored Moving Pictures of our Church in Action all taken and presented by Edward Roat.

Home Coming Day

Sunday, May 12th

Morning Message by Rev. C. W. Newman, Pastor 1928-1935

Baptismal Service, Afternoon at 3:00 P. M.

Evening Message by Rev. R. A. Gates, Pastor 1892-1897

Communion and Reception of Members

(Musical numbers, reading of letters, and floral tributes at each service.)

Sophia Haines Bowers

Mrs. Bowers, ninety-six years of age, our oldest member both in years and length of time, has been a member of the Horseheads Baptist Church eighty years, having been baptised May 5, 1860. She remembers coming, with her parents, from Orange County, over the rough trails which were quite in contrast to the ribbons of concrete we have today. The journey was typical of early pioneer times. Instead of a smooth running car they came by covered wagon. Forests edged the trails; at luncheon time no hot dogs and mustard from one of a thousand stations, but a satisfying meal from a whole roast pig and dark bread prepared before the journey began and carried in a box in the front of the wagon; and with all their worldly goods and seven children the parents came with fortitude and determination which meant the establishing of new homes and the beginnings of comforts and blessings we now enjoy.

We congratulate Mrs. Bowers for the marvelous record she has attained. We realize God’s providence and grace toward her has given us a distinction unusual to Baptist Churches in having a member who has been in unbroken fellowship over so long a period.

Congratulations from

Horseheads Baptist Bible School

Rev. C. H. Wilcox Mrs. Frank Fulkerson
Royal Douglas Mrs. Claude Everhardt
Mrs. Edna Bowers Mrs. Lawrence Shappee
Mrs. Mahlon Ameigh Mrs. John Moss
Mrs. Leo Cherry Miss Gladys Miller
Mrs. Leon Shafer Mrs. Harry Brown
Mrs. C. H. Wilcox Kenneth Chappell
Mrs. Antone Benesh Miss Irma Miller

Friendly Bible Class

Moss Bible Class

Partnership Bible Class

Maranatha Bible Class

Southern Oil Co. of N.Y. Inc. Distributors-Rotary Petroleum Products Officers: Geo. Lee, Pres., G.M. Schuyler, Vice-Pres., Dr. C.F. Leet, Treas., Ben Johnson, Sec’y, Ernest L. Dunbar, Asst. Sec’y-Treas.
Chappell’s Book Store Greeting Cards, Gifts, Stationery, Scripture Cards, Mottoes, Plaques, Bibles Corner Franklin & Grand Central Ave. Phone 404
C. L. Judson Coal – Wood – Ice 120 N. Main St.
Willard J. Bowers Plumbing-Hearing-Wiring – Electrical Appliances-Sales and Service 106 Adams St., Horseheads, NY Phone – 175
H. H. MacQueen Licensed Real Estate Broker 545 W. Franklin St., Phone 84-R
Van Buskirk Funeral Home Lady Assistant-Ambulance Service Horseheads, N.Y. Phone 144
Your Horseheads Ford Dealer Ford, Mercury, Lincoln-Zephyr Cars –Ralph T. Wilson, Manager 309 S. Main St., Horseheads, NY Phones: Hhds. 168 - Elmira 9793
F. B. Fulkerson Agent-The Prudential Ins. Co. of America—Home Office, Newark, N.J. 207 Orchard Street, Horseheads, N. Y. Telephone-159M
Compliments of Horseheads Savings and Loan Association  
The Chemung Vally Reporter Subscribe-Only $2 a year—less than four cents a week. Published every Thursday 107-109 E. Franklin St., Horseheads, N. Y.
Carpenter & Campbell Dodge Motor Cars, Trucks, Buses and Taxicabs, Plymouth Motor Cars Horseheads, N. Y
Brown’s Pharmacy Brown’s Home Made Ice Cream  
Clinton-Loomis Hardware Paints, Plumbing and Electrical Supplies 2-4 Hanover Square, Horseheads, N. Y. Phone 427
Harry Gustin Furniture and Undertaking Horseheads, N. Y.
Grand Union Store "The Best for Less" – Leon C. Shafer, Manager Horseheads, N. Y. Phone 554
Edminster’s Service Station Esso Products, Lubrication, General Repairs Corner Franklin & Grand Central Phone 21
Harry V. R. Brown Trucking-Moving – Express & Freight Service 503 Broad St., Horseheads, N. Y. Phone 414
Dean & Lee Manufacturers of-Flour, Feed & Grain Products, Pioneer Dairy & Poultry Feeds Horseheads, N. Y.
Myers Oil Co. Distributors of Sterling Gas and Oils Horseheads, N. Y.
Van Auken’s Variety Store Horseheads, N. Y.
Edna Moss Beauty Shop-Permanents $2.50 up 207 Grand Central Ave. Phone 170
Cohen’s Quality – Service- Mens-111 Franklin Ladies’ 110 Main
Bricker’s Grocery Sayre Street
Atlantic States Gas for Rural Homes Tappen Gas Ranges, Ruud Water Heaters, Electrolux Refrigerators, Walter V. Rockwell 101 E. Franklin, Horseheads, N.Y
W – M Ice Cream Mart Ice Cream, Lunches, Home Baking Horseheads, N.Y.
G. H. Munson Painting & Paper-Hanging – Full Line of Pain and Paper 905 S. Pine St. Phone 172
Aurelia Whitenack Agency Charles C. Baker Horseheads, N. Y.
Dutch Kitchen Van Nordstrand’s Speciality –Birthday & Wedding Cakes
Chrysler-Plymouth Boyd & Whipple –Sales & Service Horseheads, N. Y.
Whitaker’s Market Everything for the Table Phone 195
Victory Chain Quality Groceries Quantity Prices
Barber’s Funeral Home   413 Main Street
Bennett Beauty Shoppe   206 Center St. Phone 181
L. E. Gardner Quality Meats 106 Grand Central Ave. Phone 450
Woodward’s Store Wall Paper, Groceries, School Supplies 126 Sayre St. Phone 416
Mosel’s Beauty Parlor   608 S. Main St. Phone 438
Mark M. Taber Insurance Horseheads
This booklet printed by R. C. Havens Horseheads

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 20 FEB 2007
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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