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Book Compiled by Carol Brotzman, Church Historian
Beaver Meadows Historical Committee 2000
Carol Brotzman, Douglas Clapper, Jane McGee, Rev. William C. Nelson
Book Formatted for Tri-Counties Site by Joyce M. Tice
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Beaver Meadows - We Are the Church - 1850 - 2000
The Windows of the Church


            What beautiful windows to the world they are.  Dedicated as contributions and memorials from and for members of our Church Families.  There are twelve large stained glass windows in the sanctuary which, when purchased, cost $50 each.

There are also two smaller stained glass windows in the entry hall that were purchased for $25 each.  The windows were installed around July 1920.  There is a newspaper clipping and the Sabbath School records of July 25, 1920, that state  "the church was in no condition to have services on account of the windows".   There is no written record of installation available or how long it took for the order to be filled.  This was certainly a costly venture for each family committed to buy a window.  Chester Culver was in charge of records at that time.  The original windows were just plain glass.  The beautiful stained glass windows replaced them.  They are of a floral scroll design depicting shades of green, gold, rose, and blue.  The congregation as a whole paid for the smaller windows in the entry hall.  The larger windows in the sanctuary all are inscribed with the buyer's name or in memory of the named loved one.  In 1976, the windows were repaired at a cost of $265.  This was paid for through donations.  In order to protect their beauty, storm windows were installed in April 1990.  Starting at the stairway in the back of the sanctuary, the names on the windows are as follows:

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clapper
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Cobb

Presented by the Live Wires S. S. Class

In Memory of L. A. Pickett and Jacob Bond

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Culver (beside altar on left)

F. E. Belden (beside altar on right)

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wooton Sr. (sic)

Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Pickett and Family

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Carter

Clifford and Helen Clapper

Mr. Glenn Bennett recalls that this last window for the Clapper's was left blank originally.  Chester and Wavie Bennett Culver purchased it.  In later years, it was sold to the grandchildren of Clifford and Helen Clapper to be used as a memorial to them.  Dale Bennett and Douglas Clapper then used the proceeds to pay for the storm windows, which they made.  The glass was installed and donated by Francis Ace.  Mrs. Francis (Rhea Brotzman) Ace is a descendant of the Culver, Smith, and Brotzman families.

The window bearing the names of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clapper probably refers to Peter Clapper, 1814-1899, and his wives.  Peter was born in New York.  He was the son of William Peter and Catherine McKarg Clapper, natives of Baltimore, New York.  Peter was first married to Betsey Coates 1821-1848.  His second wife was Sarah Hawley Kelley 1835-1904.  Peter and Sarah appeared in Tuscarora Township around 1880 with their daughter, Hattie B. Clapper -age 10.  They resided across the road from the Church near the Beaver Meadow Pond.  Peter and Sarah have an infant son buried in the Beaver Meadow Cemetery, headstone dated September 1, 1867.  Peter was an original signer of the Tuscarora and Rush Compact.  His property was deeded to N. C. Strickland in 1895.  Peter and his wives are interred at the Stevensville Cemetery.  His father, William Peter, was also referred to as "Peter" sometimes and was of German descent.  William Peter (served in the War of 1812.   Catherine was of Irish descent.  They are both buried in the Fowler Hill Cemetery, Rush Township, Susquehanna County.  Their individual headstones depict weeping willow trees and record the following data: Wm P Clapper died January 20, 1858 age 73 years 4 months and 10 days (born September 10, 1785 New York).  Catherine's stone records: Wife of Wm P Clapper died October 3, 1858 age 68 years 1 month and 18 days (born 1785 in New York).  The Lutheran Church records at Sand Lake, Greene County, New York record William was baptized there in 1785.

(*Historians Note:  The secretary's book of 10/18/1934 containing the Stevensville Cemetery records state, "that Hattie Hitchcock paid for perpetual care of the Peter Clapper lot in the Stevensville Cemetery".  Harriet B. Clapper and her husband, Asa W. Hitchcock are buried in the East Herrick Cemetery.)

Nathan C. Cobb (1835-1915) and his wife, Josephine Culver Cobb (1843-1922) donated the next window.  They resided on the former Olin Fassett farm on the Board Road.  Nathan was the son of Calvin and Phoebe Stone Cobb.  He signed the original charter of the Tuscarora and Rush Compact.  Nathan was an early officer in the Church and Cemetery Association.  Josephine Culver was a granddaughter to the local Revolutionary War hero, Timothy Culver.  She was the daughter of James and Margaret French Culver.  Nathan and Josephine were the parents of three children:  Dutton, Charlotte, and Louanna.  Dutton married Ella McLaud.  He signed the Compact of the church.  Dutton was also influential in getting the first Post Office established here at Champion Hill.  He was the first Postmaster.  Some stories say Ella, his wife, was the Postmistress.  Dutton was also very active in the early church, holding many offices.  He sold his property in 1907 to his father-in-law, George McLaud, and moved to Spring Hill.  Charlotte (Lottie) Cobb, a member of the church, married Levi Carlin.  Louanna married Perry Brown.  Louanna was a very active member of the church.  She served as Ladies Aid President and was referred to many times in the Quarterly Conference Books.  Nathan Cobb and his wife are buried at the Beaver Meadows Cemetery.

(*Historian's Note:  Dutton Cobb (1860-1909) married Ella Lois McLaud (1857-1937) on August 3, 1881.  They were the parents of five children as follows:  Virginia married Ross Carter; Ethel married Claude Carter; Ernest married Edith Shumway; Eva (Myra Elizabeth) married Leon Rowe; and Ralph married Marjorie Barnes.  They leave many descendants who still live in the area.)

There is a window presented by the Live Wires Sunday school Class.  This was a Sabbath school group of young ladies. Their leader was Mrs. Susie Bond Pickett (1857-1930).  The following poem was written by Katherine M. Clapper Garris (1891-1934) as a tribute to her dear friend and teacher.  Katherine was the daughter of Daniel and Estella Place Clapper.  There is some discrepancy as to how Katherine's name was spelled but this is the way she signed this tribute - Katherine Garris.   (This poem courtesy of Jenella Ryan)



God planted a flower years ago

In a garden of our hearts,

And so many years he has let it grow,

That it seems of us a part.

At first 'twas the beautiful bud of love

In the heart of a darling bride;

And the young husband felt, as he looked above,

That the portals of Heaven swung wide;

For the bud it grew to a blossom rare,

The flower of a Mother's love.

For the dear tiny daughter God had sent there

As gentle and sweet as a dove.

A few happy years slipped rapidly by,

When again their hearts were made glad;

By a second gift from the Father on high,

This time 'twas a little lad.

The tendrils of love in these tiny flowers,

Entwined their hearts around;

While there fragrance sweetened their happy hours,

And joy in this home did abound.

Till a cloud appeared in the skies one day,

When death's angel came into their home,

And bore little Jennie up and away

To grace God's heavenly throne.

It seemed their poor hearts would break with grief,

But they were endowed with God's grace;

So He spoke to them gently and sent relief,

Calm and peace their sorrow replaced.

They have tasted the sweetness of life's many years

And been blessed with the crown of old age;

With grandchildren around them nigh grown,

They were writing their life's last page.

When suddenly, softly, the angel of death

Pressed grimly at the door.

Gently kissing away the lingering last breath,

Of the Mother we all so adore.

Then the angels descended from Heaven's open portal,

And wafted her spirit thither,

To dwell there in peace, her soul immortal,

That no chill blast can wither.

She has greeted her little one, blessed day!

That unites these two flowers of love,

Where their beauty and grace shall live on

Spreading their perfume above.

Mourn if you will, for God has said

"Blessed be they that mourn."

There is healing balm in the tears that you shed

For the wound from death's torn.

But oh!  What a comfort, dear mourners, to know

She has walked with her God, far from sin;

Be assured, "It is well, it is well with her soul"

She is peacefully resting with Him.

Tenderly, gently, we'll lay her away,

'Tis the last loving deed we can do.

For one, who in life, was so eager to say

A kinder word, or a good deed to do.

Bide your time in peace, while she calmly waits;

To greet you over there;

When you enter in at the pearly gates,

The joys of Heaven to share.

The loving wife, Rosa Rinker Pickett Bond, must have donated the window of L. A. Pickett and Jacob Bond.  Lyman A. Pickett died June 8, 1885, at age 36 years, 6 months, 21 days.  Lyman is buried in the Beaver Meadows Cemetery.  He was married to Rosa Rinker in 1877.  She married Jacob Bond (1836-1918) in 1895.  She was laid to rest in the Beaver Meadows Cemetery with both husbands in Lot 135.  Rosa was a member of the Beaver Meadow Church in 1875.  She transferred her membership to Newark Valley on October 29, 1925.  Lyman Pickett signed the Tuscarora and Rush Compact and served as a Trustee.  Jacob Bond was also a Trustee and signer of the Compact.  He was the father of at least two children, Susan Bond (Mrs. Marcus Pickett) and Harry Bond.  Lyman was the son of Ezekiel Avery and Eliza Eastabrooks Pickett, and brother to Marcus Pickett husband of Susan Bond.

The window to the left of the altar is titled, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Culver.  James Jarvis

Culver and his wife, Catherine Potter, left many descendants that reside in this community.  James Jarvis Culver (1840-1922) was the son of James C. and Margaret French Culver.  His wife, Catherine E. Potter (1838-1906) was the daughter of Rufus and Catherine Johnston Potter.  They were buried in Beaver Meadow Cemetery.  Catherine was first married to Timothy Culver, who died in the Civil War.  Timothy was brought back here for burial.  James was heartbroken at his brother's death because he had talked Timothy into serving his country in the Civil War.  The story goes that he married Timothy's widow for that reason.  James Jarvis Culver served as a Corporal in the 171st PA Volunteer Company D and as a Sergeant in 203rd PA Volunteer Company C.  James and Catherine were married on March 3, 1866, at Opposition by Rev. Ezekiel Mintz.  They were the parents of six children.  Lennie (born 2/18/1867) married Arthur Bennett.  Jennie (born 2/18/1867-1957) married first to Fernando (Nan) C. Comstock.  After Nan Comstock died, her next marriage was to William Brotzman, son of Anthony and Permelia Bump Brotzman about 1904.  Rose, or Rose Ella (1871-1956) married Elisha Brotzman.  He was also the son of Anthony and Permelia Bump Brotzman.  Minnie (1869-1958) married George H. Wood.  James C. (1873-1923) married Myrtle Hoover first.  They divorced.  His second wife was Anna Jones.  Helen (1871 or 1877-1968) was married to Merton Tyrrell.  Her headstone at the Beaver Meadows Cemetery lists as her dates 1876-19--.

(*Historian's Note:  All the Brotzmans involved in the church were descended from Anthony Brotzman and his two wives, Permelia Bump and Frankie Overpaugh.  The father of Anthony Brotzman was Samuel Brotzman, of Jersey Hill, Pennsylvania who signed the Church Charter.  Elisha and Rose Culver Brotzman were the parents of eleven children.  Many of their descendants are still active in our church.  They made their home where Dale and Carol Brotzman presently reside.

The original Culvers, James and Margaret that came here about 1845 made their home where Francis and Jeanette Salsman Brotzman raised their family.)

Frank Belden ordered the F. E. Belden window.  He never paid for the window.  The congregation took up a collection to pay for it and then the Joel Carter family paid the balance.  This is the window to the right of the altar.  Mr. Belden was a stranger to the area and very little is known about him.  He came here during the War.  There were even rumors that he was a spy.  It reality, he was just a handyman and resided wherever he could, mostly at the Joel Carter home.    Mr. Belden attended Sabbath School and was elected Superintendent of the Sunday school in 1918.  He also sang and played the organ.  Mr. Belden disappeared from the area as quietly as he came.  The rumor was he came from the LeRaysville area.

Mr. and Mrs. George Wootton, Sr., also have a window dedicated to them.  (Historian's Note:  The Wootton's name was not spelled correctly on the window.)  George Wootton, Sr. (1851-1927) and his wife, Eliza Wetton Wootton (1852-1929) were both born in England.  They married there on January 27, 1872.  They were the parents of at least seven children.    Thomas, George Jr., John, and May were all born in England.  The family set sail for the United States April 18, 1882, and arrived May 1, 1882.  They made their home in Rush Township, near West Auburn.  Rose, Euna and H. Olin were born in the United States.  Their daughter, Rose, died a young woman.  Euna (1888-1961) was the wife of Harry J. Pickett.  H. Olin Wootton (1892-1961) married Ina Beeman.  May married Lafayette Monroe Magee.  About 1900, the Woottons became active in our community and resided where the Randy and Sandy Benscoter Campbell family resides now.  The Wootton family appears on the membership list about 1886 (Beaver Meadow was not far from West Auburn and was a Union Church).  George Sr. and Eliza Wootton are buried at the Beaver Meadows Cemetery along with many of the their family members.  The Woottons leave many descendants with the names of Pickett, Cobb, MaGee, Sharer, and Bennett.

The window inscribed Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Pickett and family stands for those faithful servants of the Beaver Meadow Church, Marcus J. Pickett (1852-1942) and his wife, Susan Edith Bond Pickett (1857-1930).  Marcus was the son of Avery and Eliza Eastabrooks Pickett.  Susie Bond Pickett was born in Brinktown on January 16, 1857.  She was the daughter of Jacob Bond and his first wife.  Marcus and Susie were married on December 11, 1877.  They made their home close to where the Arden Campbell home is located today in Stevens Township.  Susie's obituary states that she was the First Ladies Aid President in 1887 when the organization was formed.  It also states that she was a 50 Year Member of the Beaver Meadow Church.  The poem featured with the Live Wires S. S. Class window describes Marcus and Susie's life eloquently.  Marcus was a signer of the Tuscarora and Rush Compact.  He also held many offices in the Church, Cemetery Association, and Sabbath School.  Susie served faithfully in many roles especially teaching Sabbath School.  The Pickett's were true servants of the Lord and shared their beliefs with their children.  Jennie M. Pickett was their only daughter.  She died at just 8 years, 11 months, and 15 days.  Their son, Harry J. Pickett (1884-1959), married Euna Wootton (1888-1961).  Harry and Euna had three children:  Clyde, Eldred, and Evelin.    Their descendants stayed active in the church until moving from the area.  Gwen Pickett found her ancestral family church intriguing and became active in the Beaver Meadows Church in 1995.  She was welcomed as a new member on Palm Sunday, March 23, 1997.

There is a window dedicated with the names of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Carter.  We mentioned earlier that they helped finance the F. E. Belden window.  Joel Gilbert Carter was born on February 12, 1854, the son of John and Sarah C. Carter.  He married Harriet Josephine Clapper.   Joel and Harriet were active in the early church.  They both officially joined in 1914.  Church records indicate that they were active for many years prior to the official membership record.  He died on November 18, 1929, at the age of 75.  She died April 13, 1946, at age 87.  Joey (Josephine Harriet) was the daughter of John and Harriet Culver Clapper.  Joey held various offices:  President of the Epworth League, Ladies Aid President, and Superintendent of the Sabbath School.  Joel also held offices in the Sabbath School.  They were the parents of three known children: Amelia Mildred, Daniel, and Herbert.  Amelia Mildred Carter was born December 12, 1875.  She married Will Tiffany.  Their only child died and was buried in the Beaver Meadow Cemetery.  Amelia raised William Schweitzer as her son when she resided in New York City.  He, in turn, cared for her the rest of her life and supported the family.  Amelia died April 18, 1964.    Daniel died December 25, 1896, at age 9 years, 3 months, and 11 days.  Herbert died December 11, 1920 at age 33 years.  He had been hit by a baseball and taken to the Robert Packer Hospital.  He died there from the injury.  The Carters are buried in the Beaver Meadows Cemetery.  They have a large family stone.  There are no dates on it.

The Clifford and Helen Clapper window has already been mentioned briefly.  Mr. Glenn Bennett, at the age of 90, remembers, "Chester and Wavie Bennett Culver purchased this window.  They wanted it left blank for the people who could not afford to purchase a window".  There are no records available to substantiate Mr. Bennett's memories but he is a fine historian and has creditability.  Donna Bennett inscribed the Clifford and Helen Clapper window with dedication services held in late winter 1989.  Clifford S. Clapper (1904-1973) and his wife, Helen Brown Clapper (1906-1988), resided on Clapper Hill.  Clifford was the son of Orell and Lena Smith Clapper.  Helen was the daughter of Frank and Lucy Coolbaugh Brown of LeRaysville.  They were the parents of five children:  Marjorie, Barbara, Lyle, Betty, and Ralph.  There were ten grandchildren.  The grandchildren purchased this window from the Ladies Aid as a Memorial in 1989 for all that their grandparents; Clifford and Helen had done for the Beaver Meadows Church.  They were both active members.  Clifford helped at all the church work bees.  Helen held many offices in the church and the last one was as Historian.  They are both resting in the Beaver Meadows Cemetery.

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