Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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First Church of Christ, Elmira, Chemung County NY
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Formatted & Pubished by Joyce M. Tice 2005
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First Church of Christ ( Disciples)

Elmira, NY 1918


The pastor is glad to place this Directory in your hands. Its value is evident. Here you will find interesting facts about our great brotherhood as a whole and this church in particular. Here you will fine the names and addresses of our membership as nearly correct as the pastor can make them. This ought to be a great help to you in getting better acquainted. A visiting church makes a growing and strong church. The better you know the people the better you will like them, so visit them often. The church will mean much more to you if you do.

If you find any mistakes in this Directory, please let the pastor know of them. People are on the move all the time and many of them never think of giving the pastor their new address, and then they wonder why he doesn’t cal on them. If there are strangers in your neighborhood, get acquainted with them and invite them to church. If you know of sickness in any of our families please notify the pastor, for oft-times people will send for the doctor and expect the birds to tell the pastor they are sick.

Uphold the pastor in every way; by so doing you can double his power. It takes no more energy to preach to five hundred than it does to preach to one hundred. The cost of the church service is the same in light and heat whether there are five hundred present or one hundred. WHERE WERE YOU LAST LORD’S DAY?

The publication of this book is made possible by the business men whose advertisements you read on its pages. Ou should return them a proper appreciation and then some patronage as well.

Keep the book for reference. Each family is suppose to have one copy, but if another is needed the pastor will gladly furnish it.


" Lest We Forget"

These boys are absent from us for a little while to help Uncle Sam and our Allies

"Make the world safe for Democracy"
*Clarence Dingman Lester Newell
J. Graham Dodge Wayne Randall
Edmund Decker Raymond Robb
Earl Devore Theodore Renshaw
* Fred Dykins H.L. Richardson
*Walter Eschott Ernest Russell
Harold Freeman *Harry Reber
Jonathan Good *Benjamin Snyder
William Howland Cecil Spaulding
Bernard Hutchinson Floyd Stratton
C.J. Hornsby Howard Stratton
C.L. Herrington Earl Strong
*Willard W. Jones J. I. Varney
William M Kreidler L.E. Van Nest
Leonard Lilley Edward Van Horn
Francis LaCoste Hobart Wheat
Frank Lewis George Wilkes
Fred Lewis Eldon Wood
Lewis Landon * Lee Wood
Benjamin J. Mason *Guy Wood

* Members of church families but not members of the local church

Historical Sketch of the First Church of Christ (Disciples)

The first meeting of the Disciples of Christ in Elmira was held Nov. 12, 1893 at a home on College Ave.

Meetings were held continually from this time, on Sunday and Wednesday evenings from house to house with just a few people until Jan. 28,1914, when they met for the first time in a rented hall at 107 E. church St. over a cigar store up two long flights of stairs.

February 4th a Sunday School was started with about 40 scholars.

Meetings were continued under very discouraging circumstances at times, until Sept. 1st ,1896, when Rev. C.C. Crawford was called to take the leadership of the Church. Bro. Crawford continued as pastor for about 13 years and the Church grew in numbers and influence from a few in number to a Church of a few hundred members.

In Oct. 1898, the Church began meeting in an old two story brick building on the corner where the present Church now stands. Afterwards this lot was purchased for the purpose of erecting a suitable church building.

In 1904 the present Church building was started but not finished until 1906. The State Convention was held in the New Church in June 1906 and the Church was dedicated at this time also.

The Church was so deeply in debt for the church building and so unable to keep up the Int. and other expenses that the Church was sold about the year 1909. Bro. Crawford left and being without a pastor and so deeply in debt, these were very dark days for the Church. But there were those who would not give up and finally, in 1909 C.M. Kreidler, the present pastor, was secured for the place by the State Board. After Bro. Kreidler came, he arranged for us to re-purchase the church building and made other arrangements so that, in a short time, our finances were in much better shape. And, during the 9 years of Bro. Kriedler’s Ministry, the Church had frown steadily until the membership at present is more than double what it was when Bro. Kreidler came to us as pastor. The finances, too, have been taken care of and the debt reduced until at present our indebtedness is less than half what it was when Bro. Kreidler came. During all the years since 1898 the State Miss. Soc., has helped the Church by an annual appropriation, which has been very liberal and for which this Church is very grateful.

J.E. Taylor Clerk.


"If you want to work in the kind of a church

Like the kind of a church you like

You needn’t slip your clothes in a grip

And start on a long, long hike.

You’ll only find what you left behind,

For there’s nothing that’s really new;

It’s a knock at yourself when you knock your church;

It isn’t the church, it’s you.

Real churches aren’t made by men afraid

Lest somebody else goes ahead;

When everyone works and nobody shirks

You can raise a church from the dead.

And if when you make your personal stake

Your neighbor will make one, too,

Your church will be what you want to see--

It isn’t your church, it’s you."

Have you ever asked yourself this question--

" What kind of church would this church be,

If every member was just like me?"

Pastor C.M. Kreidler
Chairman of Official Board A.L. Streeter
Treasurer of Church F.M. Bassett
Fin. Sec. Of Church W.F. Teller
Treas. Of Debt Fund W.M. Good
Treas. Of Missions Fund J.E. Taylor
Clerk of Church J.E. Taylor
Church Chorister A.C. Hutchinson
Church Organist Mrs. E.W. McKean
Chief Usher H.L. Browning

A.L. Streeter, ‘21

W.J. Knowlton, ‘19 M.E. Barnes, ‘20
Geo. Rauscher, ‘19 Sydney Osler, ‘20
E.W. McKean, ‘19 W.M. Good, ‘21
Charles Kellogg, ‘19 A.C. Hutchinson, ‘21
F.P. Collxon,’20 Charles Robb, ‘21
H.L. Browning, ‘20 W.D. Hyde, ‘21


Mrs. W.G. Stratton, ‘19 Miss Cora Van Nest, ‘20
Mrs. R.R. Rockwell, ‘19 Mrs. A.L. Youmans, ‘ 21
Mrs. Ada Herrington, ‘21 Mrs. R.G. Dickens, ‘21


Clarence Mason, ‘19 Dr. R.H.V. Dann, ‘20
Milo Shanks, ‘19 Dr. G.M. Case, ‘21
P.B. Meeker, ‘20 Verne Wells, ‘21

*Time expires


House Committees

Verne Wells--Chairman

Cora Van Nest

Mrs. F.B. Kilgore

Finance Committee
C.M. Kreidler, Chairman H.L. Browning
Verne Wells W.M. Good
W.F. Teller F.M. Bassett
J.E. Taylor


Service Committee

M.E. Barnes--Chairman

Geo. Rauscher

F.P. Collson

Music Committee

Verne Wells--Chairman

A.C. Hutchinson

W.J. Knowlton

Baptismal Committee

Mrs. C.M. Kreidler--Chairman

Cora Van Nest

Mrs. Wm. Stratton

M.E. Barnes

P.B. Meeker

Auditing Committee

A.C. Hutchinson--Chairman

M.E. Barnes

F.P. Collson

Relief Committee

M.E. Hutchinson--Chairman

Verne Wells

Mrs. F.B. Kilgore


Bible School Officers and Teachers

Superintendent--A.L. Streeter

Assistant Superintendent--J.E. Taylor

Assistant Superintendent-- A.C. Hutchinson

Secretary--C.L. Herrington (enlisted)

Assistant Secretary--Mrs. L.E. Van Nest

Treasurer--H.L. Browning

Librarian--Irene Taylor

Ass’t Librarian--Margaret Schlock

Chorister--A.C. Hutchinson

Pianist--Mrs. Floyd Stanton

Ass’t Pianist--Thurza Taynton

Leader of Orchestra--R.G. Dickens

Temperance Supt.--Dorothy Buckley

Miss’y Supt.--Mrs. A.W. Blair

Primary Supt.-- Mrs. R.R. Rockwell

Supt. Cradle Roll

Mrs. K.E. Stilwell

Mrs. Henry Peterson

Supt’s of Home Department

Mrs. R.G. Dickens

Mrs. J.E. Taylor

War Committee

Service Flag--Mrs. M.E. Barnes

Roll of Honor--A.C. Hutchinson

Picture Gallery--Mrs. J.I. Varney


A.C. Hutchinson

Charles Robb

Mrs. Elizabeth Renshaw

Mrs. Lucy Roby

Mrs. J.J. Haney

Mrs. D. Hyde

Children’s Department


Mrs. H.L. Richardson

Mrs. Robert Page

Mrs. Harry Wood

Mrs. Orpha Butler

Mrs. J.I. Varney

W.D. Hyde


Children’s Department

Young People’s Department

Everett Oakes

Mrs. A.C. Hutchinson

Beatrice Rockwell

D.D. Rockwell

Mrs. George Millspaugh

Mrs. Ferne Schlock

Thurza Taynton

Adult Department

Mrs. J.E. Taylor

Mrs. C.M. Kreidler

W.D. Hyde

C.M. Kreidler

Ladies’ Aid Society Officers

President--Cora Van Nest

Vice President--Mrs. R.G. Dickens

Secretary-- Mrs. A.G. Cuthbert

Treasurer--Mrs. Ferne Schlock

C.W.B.M. Officers

President--Mrs. William Beiter

Vice President--Mrs. N.C. Taynton

Secretary--Mrs. A.G. Cuthbert

Ass’t Secretary--Mrs. F.P. Collson

Treasurer--Mrs. J.E. Taylor

Y.L.M.C. Officers

President--Mrs. Charles Robb

Vice-President--Mrs. Everett Oakes

Secretary--Mrs. K.E. Stilwell

Literary Sec’y--Thurza Taynton

Treasurer--Mrs. Henry Peterson

Choir Officers

President--Verne Wells

Vice-President--A.C. Hutchinson

Secretary--Mrs. H.G. Peterson

Treasurer--Mrs. Charles Robb

C.E. Officers

President--Mrs. Ferne Schlock

Vice-President--Mrs. A.C. Hutchinson

Secretary--Margaret Kreidler

Cor. Secretary-- Eloise Lilley

Treasurer-- Dorothy Burkley

Organist--Margaret Schlock

Ch. Prayer Meeting Committee--Fred Fuller

Ch. Lookout Committee--Mrs. Ferne Schlock

Ch. Social Committee--Rosamond Sherman

Ch. Junior Committee--Mrs. A.W. Blair

Junior C.E. Officers

Superintendent--Mrs. L.O. Dickinson

President--Dorothy Schlock


Secretary--Beatrice Kreidler

Treasurer--Lenna Condon

Organist--Dorothy Schlock

Ass’t Organist--Maud Everett

Who Are The Disciples of Christ?

The First Church of Christ of Elmira, N.Y., is associated with the people known as the Disciples of Christ or Christians. We are endeavoring to enthrone Christ in the lives and hearts of men. In the last analysis we believe Christ and His gospel must solve all our social, economic and religious problems. Our history, as a district religious movements, began about one hundred and ten years ago. At that time a considerable number if devout Christians, scattered throughout Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky--deploring the divisions that existed in the Protestant world, and feeling deeply the necessity of unity among the people of God--began an earnest inquiry after the true basis of union for Christians. They despaired of finding that basis in many of the rigid creeds and customs that held in bondage the various denominations. Their search for the true basis led them to the conclusion that all human names for God’s children and all human creeds as tests of fellowship are essentially wrong and tend to produce intolerance and perpetuate divisions among Christians. They concluded that the only sure method of effecting a permanent and scriptural basis for union is to be found in the restoration of Apostolic Christianity in teaching and practice .--)John 17:21; 1 Cor.1:10, Eph. 4:4-6, Jude 3)

Pursuing this object they were led to the adoption of the following cardinal reforms:

I----Our Plea

Faith in Jesus as the true Messiah, and obedience to Him as our Law-giver and King, the only test of Christian character and the only bond of Christian character and the only bond of Christian union, communion and co-operation, irrespective of all creeds, opinions, commandments and traditions of men.

II-- Our Aim

1. The restoration of primitive Christianity and consequent union of all the followers of Christ in the " ONE BODY."

2. To Exalt Christ above party and His Word above all human creeds.

3. To build the CHURCH of CHRIST without denominational name, creed or other barrier to Christian unity, whose terms of fellowship shall be as broad as the conditions of salvation and identical with them.

4. To lead sinners to Christ in the clear light of New Testament teaching and example.

III.--Our Practice

We wear no name but Christ; have no priest but Christ; accept no creed but Christ; submit to no authority but Christ’s; ask people to believe on Christ; to repent toward Christ; to confess Christ; to be baptized into Christ; to walk with Christ; to live for Christ; we plead for unity in Chris; CHRIST IS OUR ALL AND IN ALL. In accepting the simple yet all-comprehensive name Christian-- plus nothing, minus nothing, divided by nothing--without prefix or suffix-- we stand as the friends of every movement that looks toward God. We antagonize nothing that is good, but hail with joy all truth and righteousness, whether it be found in Jewish or Gentile, Roman Catholic, or Protestant folds. While we claim to be the Christians ONLY we don’t claim to be the ONLY Christians. We believe that denominationalism mars the unity of the church, so we oppose all divisions and denominational lines as unscriptural and sinful. We believe that all human creeds interfere with the emphasis in the Christ, and so we have no creed but Jesus Christ, and plead for simple loyalty to Him and obedience to His commandments. This is the summum bonum of our holy religion as revealed in the Holy Bible.

IV.-- Our Discipline! The Book of Books

The Holy Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrine is holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s campass, the soldier’s sword, and the Christian’s charter. Here paradise is restored, heaven opened and the gates of hell disclosed. Christ is its grand subject, our good its design, and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be open at the judgment, and remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility , rewards the greatest labor and condemns all who trifle with its holy contents. Yet most professed Christians give more heed to their man-made, human creeds, disciplines, confessions of faith, prayer-books and catechisms than to this, OUR MOST HOLY BOOK.

V.--Some Points of Our Doctrine

1. Hear--Isa. 1:2; Rom. 10:17

2. Believe--Acts 16:31; Heb. 11:6

3.Repent-- Luke 13:5; Acts 17:30-31

4.Confess--Matt. 10:32; 16:16; Rom. 10:9-10

5.Be Baptized-- Matt.28:19: Acts 10:47-48; 22:16; Rom. 6:4; Gal. 3:27; I Pet. 3:21.

6.Christian Life--I Cor. 15:58; II Pet1:5-11; Rev. 2:10

7.Heaven--II Cor. 5:1; Rev. 22:14

VI--Our Strength

We number more than 1,300,00 members, 8,000 preachers, 10,000 churches, 38 colleges and universities, 5 influential periodicals, etc. We stand second among the great religious bodies in the world-wide Christian Endeavor movement and first in percentage of rapid growth. Last year (1917) we spent $8,000,000 for missions education and benevolence and world-evangelism. We are the fourth largest religious body on earth today and if we make as rapid progress in the next hundred years as we made the last hundred we shall be the greatest religious Protestant body on earth.

VII-- Some of Our Mottoes

1.In faith unity; in opinion liberty; in all things charity.

2. As to essentials , where the scriptures speak we speak; where the scriptures are silent we are silent.

3.We endeavor to call Bible things by Bible names.

4.We can do all things through Him who strengthen us.

5.Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

6.In union there is strength; hence WE SHALL ALL STEP TOGETHER.


Please take your Temperature and Report at Once to your Minister.

Boiling--Enthusiastic, never misses church service. Always takes front seat.

Regularly attends Bible School. Attends Prayer meeting. Supports church


Blood Heat--No shirker. Very much alive. Attends both morning and

Evening services. Attends Prayer meeting.

Temperate-- Alive, usually attends church services. Not a great interest

in Bible School. Attends prayer meeting once in a while.

Freezing--Dying; goes to church services when they have a new preacher

and the weather is good. Does not attend Bible School.

Zero---Dead.--Never goes near the church.

Read Heb., 10:26-31


Current Expenses
Pastor’s salary $1,000.00
Interest 430.00
Janitor’s salary 300.00
Music 208.00
Repairs 200.00
Insurance 110.00
Coal 96.00
Light, water and gas 90.00
Printing 25.00
Total $2,459.00
Payments on church property indebtedness 800.00
Missions and Benevolences 341.00
Total $3,600.00

To meet these budgets, the average weekly offering should be nearly $70.00. Are you doing your best?

Church Roll Resident

( Note: This list comprises only the names of those on the "active roll")
Aldrich, Mrs. Elton 1426 Caton ave.
Aldrich, Hazel M 213 Gr Central ave., E.H.
Aldrich, Wayne 213 Gr Central ave., E.H..
Atherton, Mrs. Lester E. 303 Broadway
Andrus, Myrtle 1004 Lake st.
Adams, Helen 116 S. William st.
Ammerman, Harold 422 Standish st.
Bassett, A.B. 419½ Balsam st.
Bassett, Mrs. A.B. 419½ Balsam st.
Bassett, F.M. 411 High st.
Bassett, Mrs. F.M. 411 High st.
Barnes, M.E. 315 W. 5th st.
Barnes, Mrs. M.E. 315 W. 5th st.
Barnes, Mrs. Charles 319 South ave.
Barnes, Helena  319 South ave
Baldwin, E.H. 651 Maple ave
Baldwin, Mrs. E.H. 651 Maple ave
Bennett, Harry 504 Lyon st.
Butler, Mrs. Rachel 412½ Elm st.
Butler, Orpha 412½ Elm st.
Bates, Mrs. Ada F. 614 Lewis st.
Bates, Laura P. 614 Lewis st
Bates, Robert B. 614 Lewis st
Bates, John 614 Lewis st
Brown, Mrs. Clarence 416 Phoenix st
Brace, W.E. 368 Penna. ave
Brace, Mrs. W.E. 368 Penna. ave
Brace, Lynn 368 Penna. ave
Browning, H.L. 914 Scio st
Browning, Mrs. H.L. 914 Scio st
Berry, Mrs. L.M. 120 Cedar st
Berry, Florence 120 Cedar st
Buckley, J.C. 422 Fulton st
Buckley, Mrs. J.C. 422 Fulton st
Buckley, Dorothy 422 Fulton st.
Beiter, Wm. 529½ W. Water st
Beiter, Mrs. Wm. 529½ W. Water st
Bacon, Elizabeth 529½ W. Water st
Barlow, Mrs. Le Grande 212 S. Main st
Bush, Ira M. 216 South ave
Bush, Mrs. M.L. 108 Harmon st
Bailey, Leon 807 Holdridge st
Bailey, Mrs. Leon  807 Holdridge st
Battin, Rita B. 207 Austin Pl.
Barr, Mrs. Fred C. McCann B’lv’d and College ave
Bryant, Mrs. Samuel 210 Chestnut st
Blair, A. W. 421 Mackey Pl.
Blair, Mrs. A.W. 421 Mackey Pl.
Bagley, Milo 607 Mt. Zoar st
Bagley, Mrs. Milo  607 Mt. Zoar st
Banks, Geo. E. 205 Lynnwood ave., E.H.
Brewer, Florence 755 E. 2nd st
Burley, Mrs. Alfred 307 West ave
Burlew, Evelyn 307 West ave
Buchanan, Mabel
Case, G.M 154 N. Main st
Case, Mrs. G.M. 154 N. Main st
Case, Merab 154 N Main st
Collson, F.P. 409 Balsam st
Collson, Mrs. F.P. 409 Balsam st
Collson, W.P 657 Davis st
Collson, Mrs. W.P. 657 Davis st
Collson, Merle 657 Davis st
Collson, Mildred 657 Davis st
Chapman, Mrs. B.C. 111 W. Miller st
Chapman, Cecile 111 W. Miller st
Chapman, Ethel 111 W. Miller st
Chapman, Arthur 111 W. Miller st
Comfort, Elton 722 Hopkins st
Comfort, Mrs. Elton 722 Hopkins st
Clark, Bert 459 South ave
Clark, Mrs. Bert 459 South ave
Clark, Arthur 1469 Caton ave
Clark, Arthur 233 Mt. Zoar st
Clark, Mrs. Arthur 233 Mt. Zoar st
Carr, R.M. 368 W. 4th st
Carr, Mrs. R.M. 368 W. 4th st
Carr, Wm. 368 W. 4th st
Condon, Chas. 360 Lyon st
Condon, Mrs. Chas. 360 Lyon st
Condon, Fred 360 Lyon st
Condon, Evelyn 360 Lyon st
Condon, Thelma 360 Lyon st
Condon, Lenna 360 Lyon st
Cole, Mrs. M.D. 123 Partridge st
Crippen,. Eugene 1235 Pratt st.
Crippen, Mrs. Eugene 1235 Pratt st.
Cuthbert, A.G. 320 Penna ave
Cuthbert, Mrs. A.G. 320 Penna ave
Cuthbert, Nannice 320 Penna ave
Cook, V.E. 211½ W. 3d st
Cook, Mrs. V.E. 211½ W. 3d st
Cook, Mrs. Emmett 633 Penna ave
Cook, Lena 365 Fulton st
Connelly, Mrs. Harley 814 Holdridge st
Chase, H.G. 720 Southport st
Chase, Mrs. H.G. 720 Southport st
Campbell, Mrs. George 516 Balsam st
Courtright, Emmett H. 806 Davis st
Courtright, Mrs. Emmett H 806 Davis st
Donaldson, A.L. 414 College ave
Donaldson, Mrs. A.L. 414 College ave
Donaldson, Edith 414 College ave
Davies, Mrs. Alice 203 W. Henry st
Douglass, Inez 226 Chestnut st
Dingman, Mrs. E.E. 422 W.2d st
Dingman, Geo. D. 422 W. 2d st
Drake, Mrs. C.J. 455 Spaulding st
Drake, Ralph  455 Spaulding st
Drake, Carlisle 455 Spaulding st
Drake, Victor 455 Spaulding st
Drake, Lewis 411 Powell st
Dann, R.H.V. 1004 Lake st
Dann, Mrs. R.H.V. 1004 Lake st
Dilly, Florence 377 W. 1st st
Dickinson, L.O. 218 Mt. Zoar st
Dickinson, Mrs. L.O. 218 Mt. Zoar st
Dickens, R.G. 711 Broadway
Dickens, Mrs. R.G. 711 Broadway
Draper, H.D. 504 Elizabeth st
Draper, Mrs. H.D. 504 Elizabeth st
Derry, Annabelle 204 Chestnut st
Dykins, Mrs. Sarah 630 Mt. Zoar st
Dykins, Florence 630 Mt. Zoar st
Doud, Mrs. Geo. E.  500 W. Hudson st
Doud, Mildred 500 W. Hudson st
Dean, A. C. 266 W. Chemung Pl.
Dean, Mrs. A.C. 266 W. Chemung Pl.
Dean, Mildred 266 W. Chemung Pl.
Decker, Eva 333 Broadway
Doloway, Mrs.George 218 Mt. Zoar st
Dodge, Mrs. J. Graham 1551 Caton ave
Everett, Maud 419 Mackey Pl.
Evans, C.R. 109 West ave
Evans, Mrs. C.R. 109 West ave
Field, Mrs. Alice 713 W. Church st
Ferguson, Ray 356 S. Main st
Ferguson, Mrs. Ray  356 S. Main st
Ferguson, Harold 356 S. Main st
Freeman, P.I. 269 W. Chemung Pl.
Freeman, Mrs. P.I. 269 W. Chemung Pl.
Freeman, Watson 269 W. Chemung Pl.
Freeman, Lynn 269 W. Chemung Pl.
Freeman, Rob’t 354 Franklin st 
Freeman, Mrs. Rob’t 354 Franklin st
Fuller, Rob’t 313 West ave
Fuller, Fred 516 Balsam st
Fittswater, A.M. 405 Mt. Zoar st
Fittswater, Mrs. A.M. 405 Mt. Zoar st
Fitch, C.L. 112 Dewitt ave
Fleming, Mrs. Harriett 1551 Caton ave
Fleming, George 1551 Caton ave
Fleming, Fred 1551 Caton ave
Gregory, L.L. 554 Coburn st
Gardner, John Lounsbury ave., E.H.
Gardner, Mrs. John Lounsbury ave., E.H.
Goodal, Leon 810 Holdridge st
Goodal, Mrs. Leon 810 Holdridge st
Good, W.M. 710 Holdridge st
Good, Mrs. W.M. 710 Holdridge st
Griffis, John 505 E. 3d st
Griffis, Mrs. John 505 E. 3d st
Guise, Geo. N. 826 N. Walnut st
Guise, Mrs. Geo. M 826 N. Walnut st
Horton, Mrs. George 360 Fulton st
Horton, Lila 360 Fulton st
Horton, Raymond 360 Fulton st
Hibbard, Mrs. Lydia 701 College ave
Hibbard, Helen 701 College ave
Hall, Mrs. C.W. 512 Fitch st
Harvey, Mrs. Rose 515 Broadway
Hunter, Violet 265 W. Henry st
Hyde, W.D. 773 Laurel st
Hyde, Mrs. W.D. 773 Laurel st
Holcomb, Mrs. Aggie 204 Cedar st
Harrington, Mrs. Ada 205 South ave
Hess, Joseph 702 Dubois st
Haskins, Julia 350 Riverside ave
Huyler, Ray 507 W. Clinton st
Huyler, Mrs. Ray 507 W. Clinton st
Huyler, Grace 507 W. Clinton
Huyler, Mrs. Alva 421 Columbia st
Hammond, Mrs. E.S. 111 W. Hudson st
Hammond, Ross 813 Broadway
Hammond, Mrs. Ross 813 Broadway
Hutchinson, A.C. 613 Grove st
Hutchinson, Mrs. A.C. 613 Grove st
Howland, H.L. 409 S. Main st
Howland, Mrs. H.L. 409 S. Main st
Howland, George 409½ S. Main st
Insco, Martin 554 Lyon st
Insco, Mrs. Martin 554 Lyon st
Jones, Harold 712 Broadway
Jones, Mrs. Floyd 101 W. Chemung Pl.
Jones Thomas 101 W. Chemung Pl.
Jones, Mildred 313 Penna ave
Jones, Lillian 313 Penna ave
Jones, Mrs. Martha 823 N. Walnut st
Johnson, Edna 265 W. Henry st
Jakeway, Mrs. E. 110 W. Gray st
Kilgore, Floyd 213 Mt. Zoar st
Kilgore, Mrs. Floyd 213 Mt. Zoar st
Kilgore, Hallock 213 Mt. Zoar st
Knowlton, W.J. 501 W. Clinton st
Knowlton, Mrs. W.J. 501 W. Clinton st
Knowlton, Edna 501 W. Clinton st
Kreidler, C.M. 402 Mt. Zoar st
Kreidler, Mrs. C.M. 402 Mt. Zoar st
Kreidler, Margaret V. 402 Mt. Zoar st
Kreidler, Beatrice L. 402 Mt. Zoar st
Kreidler, Errett C. 333 Broadway
Kreidler, Mrs. Errett C. 333 Broadway
Kellogg, Chas. E. 715 Laurel st
Kellogg, Mrs. Chas. E. 715 Laurel st
Kellogg, Gerould 715 Laurel st
Kennedy, Mrs. Thos. J. 204 Brand st
Lewis, Mrs. J.D. 666 N. Walnut st
Lilley, E.A. 406 Baty st
Lilley, Mrs. E.A.  406 Baty st
Lilley, Eloise 406 Baty st
Lilley, Allene  406 Baty st
Lilley, Iva 406 Baty st
Lockner, Mrs. George 804 Herrick st
Lovejoy, C.L.
Lovejoy, Mrs. C.L.
Lucas, Mrs. Orlo N. 705 Laurel st
Leonard, Mrs. W.B. 308 West ave
Meeker, P.B. 706 Hopkins st
Meeker, Mrs. P.B. 706 Hopkins st
McKean, E.W. 598 Broadway
McKean, Mrs. E.W 598 Broadway
Mason, Clarence 80 Cedar st
Mason, Mrs. Clarence 80 Cedar st
Mason, Victor 80 Cedar st
Mason, Lawrence 80 Cedar st
Mason, Frank 111 S. William st
Mason, Mrs. Frank 111 S. William st
Mason, Mrs. B.J. 109 S. William st
Miller, Mrs. E.T. 360 Wallace Pl.
Miller, Geraldine 360 Wallace Pl.
Mandeville, Mrs. Arthur 354½ S. Main st
Mandeville, Mrs. Arthur 354~ S Main st
Mandeville, Ira 379½ Baty st
McMillan, Joseph 802 W. Gray st
Miles, Charles 410 Herrick st
McCabe, Mrs. Lester 110 S. Main st
McCabe, William 110 S. Main st
Millspaugh, Mrs. George 412½ Elm st
Millspaugh, Harry W.  118 Spring st
McKibbons, Chas, R. 105 N. Main st
Middaugh, Earl S. 410 Partridge st
Middaugh, Mrs. Earl S. 410 Partridge st
Mattoun, Mrs. E.W. 502 N. Walnut st
Myer, Eugene 266 W. Henry st
Moore, Mrs. M.C. 105 E. Henry st
Moore, Kenneth 105 E. Henry st
McNitt, Mrs. Nellie 766 Penna ave
McCracken, Marion Upper Mt Zoar st
Mosher, Charles 229 Horseheads Blvd., E.H.
Mosher, Mrs. Charles 229 Horseheads Blvd., E.H.
Mosher, Hilda 229HorseheadsBlvd., E.H.
Marshall, Cynthia 510 E. Market st
Newell, Helen 156 Boardman st
Newkirk, Mrs. Lee 507 Spaulding st
Newkirk, Harold 507 Spaulding st
Newman, Rae 212 S. Main st
Oakes, Everett 533 Lyon st
Oakes, Mrs. Everett 533 Lyon st
Osler, Sydney 206 Shepler st
Osler, Mrs. Sydney 206 Shepler st
Oliver, Leona 617 Mt. Zoar st
O’Neill, Mrs. Joseph 209 Harmon st
Peterson, V.A. 612 N. Main st
Peterson, Mrs. V.A. 612 N. Main st
Peterson, Henry 706 Hopkins st
Peterson, Mrs. Henry 706 Hopkins st
Peterson, Harry 706 Hopkins st
Page, Rob’t M. 217 W. Chemung Pl.
Page, Mrs. Robert M. 217 W. Chemung Pl.
Page, Mrs. Flora 58 Fulton st
Page, Lester 58 Fulton st
Payne, Laura G. 123 Sly st
Payne, A.C. 123 Sly st
Payne, Fannie 383 S. Main st
Perkins, Mrs. J.D. 223 Maple ave
Preston, Mrs. Jennie 124 Gridley Pl.
Preston, Anna  124 Gridley Pl.
Passmore, Mrs. W.R. 217 Cusic Pl.
Passmore, Ruth 217 Cusic Pl.
Passmore, Velma 217 Cusic Pl.
Puck, Gladys 455 Penna ave
Pingrey, Olin 766 S. Main st
Paige, Phyllis 365 Fulton st
Pullen, Mrs. J.N. 458 Mt. Zoar st
Rausher, George 914 Scio st
Rausher, Mrs. George 914 Scio st
Roberts, Mrs. Adeline 206 Dewitt ave
Roberts, Mrs. Edward 353 Columbia st
Roby, Mrs. Pamelia 367 Fulton st
Roby, Mrs. A.L.  323 River st
Roby, Mrs. A.L. 323 Roby st
Roby, E.C. 502½ W. Hudson st
Robinson, Mrs. John 232 E. La France st
Robinson, Harry 1469 Caton ave
Robinson, Mrs. Harry 1469 Caton ave
Robinson, Fred 718 Southport st
Robinson, Mrs. Fred 718 Southport st
Robinson, Clifford 718 Southport st
Robinson, Verna 718 Southport st
Robinson, Louise 718 Southport st
Richardson, Mrs. H.L. 502 William st
Rockwell, R.R, 211 Franklin st
Rockwell, Mrs. R.R. 211 Franklin st
Rockwell, Beatrice 211 Franklin st
Rockwell, Wilma 211 Franklin st
Rockwell, Mrs. D.D. 915 Bridgman st
Reber, Wilson 386 Home st
Reber, Mrs. Wilson 386 Home st
Robb, Charles 725 Seneca Pl.
Robb, Mrs. Charles 725 Seneca Pl.
Rorick, Edna 528 W. Hudson st
Renshaw, Mrs. Elizabeth 105 W. Hudson st
Renshaw, Eva 105 W. Hudson st
Renshaw, Harold 105 W. Hudson st
Renshaw, Dorothy 105 W. Hudson
Root, Charles 208 Franklin st
Root, Mrs. Charles 208 Franklin st
Ruggles, J.H 156 Boardman
Ruggles, Mrs. J.H. 156 Boardman
Snyder, Mrs. B.M. 520 Balsam st
Spaulding, Mrs. C.T.
Streeter, A.L. 418 W. 4th st
Streeter, Mrs. A.L. 418 W. 4th st
Streeter, Henry 418 W. 4th st
Streeter, Mrs. Oscar 264 W. Henry st
Streeter, Stanley 264 W. Henry st
Stratton, Mrs. William 114 E. Hudson st
Stratton, Kenneth 114 E. Hudson st
Stratton, Leland 114 E. Hudson st
Stratton, Durland 114 E. Hudson st
Sherman, Rosamond 114 Partridge st
Schlock, Ferne 419 Jefferson st
Schlock, Mrs. Ferne 419 Jefferson st
Schlock, Margaret 419 Jefferson st
Schlock, George 419 Jefferson st
Schlock, Dorothy 419 Jefferson st
Stone, Mrs. Emily 204 Cedar st
Slingerland, Karl 605 Dubois st
Slingerland, Mrs. Karl 605 Dubois st
Slingerland, Irene 605 Dubois st
Slingerland, Harold 605 Dubois st
Spencer, Fred 515 W. 4th st
Spencer, Mrs. Fred 515 W. 4th st
Shanks, Milo 123 Sly st
Shanks, Mrs. Milo 123 Sly st
Stanton, F.E. 228 Caldwell st
Stanton, Mrs. F.E. 228 Caldwell st
Scott, Agnes 505 College ave
Scott, Ruth 505 College ave
Stilwell, Mrs. K.E. 708 N. Main st
Smith, Mrs. Chas. 360 S. Main st
Smith, Percy 406 Fulton st
Smith, Mrs. Percy 406 Fulton st
Sharp, Mrs. W.H. 714 Holdridge st
Sharp, Mr. W.H. 714 Holdridge st
Soper, Drusa 567 Cypress st
Soper, Chauncey 514 W. Clinton st
Soper, Mrs. Chauncey 514 W. Clinton st
Shoemaker, Mrs. H.A. 467 South ave
Swan, Hazel 701 Dubois st
Sheffer, Ethelyn 806 Davis st
Stout, Mrs. B.B. 313 Broadway
Schanbacher, S.M. 407 Mt. Zoar st
Schanbacher, Mrs. S.M. 407 Mt. Zoar st
Slade, Harold 701 Kinyon st
Taylor, J.E. 512 Pernie st
Taylor, Mrs. J.E. 512 Pernie st
Taylor, Irene 512 Pernie st
Taylor, Bernice 512 Pernie st
Taylor, W.D. 1114 Admiral Pl.
Taynton, Mrs. N.C. 456 South ave
Taynton, Thurza 456 South ave
Tanner, Annie 100½ Pulford ave
Teller, W.F. 31 Gould st
Teller, Mrs. W.F. 31 Gould st
Teller, Mrs. Joseph 31 Gould st
Ten Eyck, L.G. 801 Holdridge st
Ten Eyck, Mrs. L.G. 801 Holdridge st
Travis, Susie
Travis, Floyd 151 W. Clinton st
Travis, Mrs. Floyd 151 W. Clinton st
Titus, Mrs. Harold 269 W. Chemung Pl.
Updegraff, Mrs. Elmer 1330 Pratt st
Van Nest, Cora 206 Franklin st
Van Nest, Mrs. L.E. 226 Chestnut st
Varney, Mrs. J.I. 713 W. Church st
Van Buren, Myron 800 Moor ave
Van Horn, Mrs. Edward 409 S. Main st
Wood, H.M. 1462 Caton ave
Wood, Mrs. H.M. 1462 Caton ave
Wood, Mrs. Edna 155½ Dewitt ave
Wood, A.L.
Wood, Mrs. A.L.
Woodhouse, Mrs. Lorinda 211 Caldwell ave
Woodhouse, Marion 105 E. Henry st
Wells, Verne 805 Holdridge st
Wells, Mrs. Verne 805 Holdridge st
Wells, Beatrice 805 Holdridge st
Wells, Stanley 805 Holdridge st
Weavers, F.R. 115 W. Hudson st
Weavers, Mrs. F.R. 115 W. Hudson st
Weavers, Franklin 115 W. Hudson st
Weavers, Archibald 115 W. Hudson st
Weavers, Leslie 115 W. Hudson st
Wilcox, Ivan L. 132 W. Henry st
Watkins, Arthur 713 Hopkins st
Watkins, Mrs. Arthur 713 Hopkins st
Watkins, Walter 713 Hopkins st
Wooster, Mrs. Lewis 258 Partridge st
Wooster, Helen 258 Partridge st
Wright, Mrs. F. 467 South ave
Weiskop, Hazel 402½ Baty st
Wetherby, Mrs. Earle 88 Cedar st
Whittaker, W.S 26 Harriett st
Whittaker, Mrs. W.S. 226 Harriett st
Whittaker, W.S. 226 Harriett st
Wiliams, Mrs. S.W. 110 Fred st
Young, Mrs. Fred 711 Hopkins st
Young, Gladys 711 Hopkins st
Youmans, Mrs. A.L. 466 W. Hudson st



The Life That counts

The life that counts must toil and fight;

Must hate the wrong and love the right;

Must stand for truth, by day , by night--

This is the life that counts.

The life that counts must hopeful be;

In darkest night make melody;

Must wait the dawn on bended knee--

This is the life that counts.

The life that counts must aim to rise

Above the earth to sunlit skies;

Must fix its gaze on Paradise--

This is the life that counts.

The life that counts must helpful be;

The cares and needs of others see;

Must seek the slaves of sin to free--

This is the life that counts.

The life that counts is linked with God;

And turns not from the cross --the rod;

But walks with joy where Jesus trod--

This is the life that counts.


Church Roll -- Non- Resident
Ayres, Allen Pine City, N. Y.
Allen, I.D. Williamsport, Pa.
Allen, Mrs. I.D. Williamsport, Pa.
Breese, Colie Rosedale, Pa.
Breese, Mrs. Colie Rosedale, Pa.
Bossard, Mrs. Jarvis Horseheads, N.Y.
Baughton, Mrs. Evelyn Willard, N.Y.
Buck, Floyd Horseheads, N.Y.
Butler, Josephine Syracuse, N.Y.
Cooper, Mrs. Grover Cleveland, O
Caruthers, Ethel Toronto, Ca.
Covert, W.A. Batavia, N.Y.
Covert, Mrs. W.A. Batavia, N.Y.
Casterline, Mrs. Helen Watkins, N.Y.
Card, Lulu Phila., Pa.
Creager, John Cincinnati, O.
Creager, Mrs. John Cincinnati, O
Camp, Mrs. E.S. Wellsburg, N.Y.
Dumont, Helen New York City
Dunbar, A.L Sodus Point, N.Y.
Dunbar, Mrs. A.L. Sodus Point, N.Y.
Dunbar, Ethel Sodus Point, N.Y.
Dunbar, Alvin Sodus Point, N.Y.
Eaton, Cora Pine City, N.Y.
Eaton, Ora Pine City, N.Y.
Eaton, Pearl Pine City, N.Y.
Eschott, Mrs. Rose Covington, Pa.
Edwards, Mrs. Allen Pa.
Fisher, Mrs. A.J. San Francisco, Cal.
Fletcher, Mrs. H.A. Pine City, N.Y.
Grenell, Marie Columbia X Roads, Pa.
Geist, Mrs. Edward Rochester, N.Y.
Gardner, Mrs. Estelle West Hill, N.Y.
Greatsinger, Mrs. John  Calif.
Herman, Mrs. Wilson New Haven, Ct.
Hess, Grace Pa.
Jones, Lena Camden, N.J.
Jones, Leland Camden, N.J.
Jones, Egbert Des Moines, Ia.
Kittle, Carrie Binghamton, N.Y.
Kelly, Mrs. G.D. Binghamton, N.Y.
Landon, Ellery Pasadena, Cal.
McDonald, Jessie Stanley, N.Y.
McConnell, Mrs. L.R. Mansfield, Pa.
Merriam, Mrs. H.B. Caton, N.Y.
Manley, Paul Granville Center, Pa.
Mitchell, Mrs. L.C. Dexter, Ks.
McCullough, Simon Westfield, Pa.
Mattison, William Penn Yan, N.Y.
Ostrander, Mrs. Leon Hornell, N.Y.
Packard, Lillian Endicott, N.Y.
Packard, Hugh Alba, Pa.
Packard, J.K. Towanda, Pa.
Phelps, D.E. Corning, N.Y.
Phelps, Mrs. D.E. Corning, N.Y.
Preston, Burt Waterloo, N.Y.
Rose, Mrs. J.B. Canton, O.
Rose, James Canton, O.
Rector, James M. Stilesville, Ind.
Rector, Mrs. James M. Stilesville, Ind.
Rhynehart, Ruth Watkins, N.Y.
Roby, Dean Wellsburg, N.Y.
Roby, Mrs. Dean Wellsburg, N.Y.
Russell, Chas. J Horseheads, N.Y.
Riggs, Mrs. Lois Milan, N.Y.
Simpson, Mrs. Wilson Penn Yan, N.Y.
Shipaugh, Margaret Denver, Colo.
Smith, L.K. Waverly, N.Y.
Smith, Mrs. L.K. Waverly, N.Y.
Smith, Helen Waverly, N.Y
Smith, Raymond Detroit, Mich.
Smith, Earl Pa.
Strickland, James Pine Valley, N.Y.
Strickland, Mrs. James Pine Valley, N.Y.
Stoll, Henry Pine Valley, N.Y.
Sutor, L.P. Sodus Point, N.Y.
Slade, William Ralston, Pa.
Slade, Mrs. William Ralston, Pa.
Shrader, Lee Canton, Pa.
Shrader, Mrs. Lee Canton, Pa.
Stratton, Harry Syracuse, N.Y.
Stone, Mattie Watkins, N.Y.
Spaulding, Mrs. Mary Granville Center, Pa.
Thomas, Burk Newbury, Pa.
Thomas, Mrs. Thomas Newbury, Pa.
Van Gorder, Mrs. Delia Owego, N.Y.
Van Gorder, Lulu Owego, N.Y.
Voorhees, Mrs. Max Big Pond, Pa
Wheat, R.L. Naples, N.Y.
Wheat, Mrs. R.L. Naples, N.Y.
Whitehead, Mrs. Waldo Tioga, Pa.
Wood, Henry Millerton, Pa.
Wood, Mrs. Henry Millerton, Pa.
Webster, Mrs. H.B. Detroit, Mich.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 29 JUN 2005
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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