Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Wells Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice.

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Adams Levi F. 01020001 2132001 13 208
Alvord Nathan 0210001 001001 6 209
Amy Lawrence 3000001 1210001 9 208
Anderson Joseph M. 00001 2001 4 209
Andrus Ephraim 1110001 111001 8 211
Aspenwall Edson 02001 100011 6 211
Austin Andrus 100001 10001 4 209
Ayers John A. 1101001 220001 9 210
Ayers Edward A. 00000101 230101 9 210
Ayers Jeheal 001011 122101 10 211
Bailey Asa 0000000001 00000001 2 211
Baker Saml. H. 000101 001101 5 209
Baker Mary 000001001 2 209
Baker Amos 1111101 1212001 13 210
Barnes John J. 110001 12001 7 207
Beers Henry 000200001 10002101 8 211
Beers Joseph H. 10001 00001 3 211
Beers Wm. 2101001 0021201 11 211
Bennett Searls 12000001 0000001 5 208
Boram Joseph 1300001 002001 8 207
Bowen Johnson 0121001 1202001 11 207
Bowman Andrew R. 2100001 021001 8 211
Brested Wm. 000001 10001 3 207
Brewer Wm. 2221001 110101 12 207
Broughton Lyman 10001 11001 5 209
Bryant Aaron G. 111101 111001 9 208
Burr Aaron 110001 111001 7 211
Capion Joseph 0100201 0020001 7 208
Carr Moses J. 1200010001 100001 7 209 William 79
Carr Martin M. 000001 31011 7 211
Clinton James 10001 00001 3 209
Collony Chas. 100011001 000001001 6 210
Colony Henry 000001 01001 3 210
Compton Garret 030001001 10201 9 211
Cook Mathew 00001 00001 2 209
Cowen Robert R. 000001 00001 2 207
Coykendall Jesse 00001 00001 2 208
Cronk Wm. 200001 10001 5 209
Davey John 00003001 10010001 7 208
Davis Gershom S. 320001 001001 8 211
Edsall James M. 000101 00001 3 210
Edsall Saml. 0000000001 001000001 3 210
Forgeson Thos. 00011001 00110001 6 211
French Sabra 121001 111001 9 208
French Peter P. 010010001 000101 5 208
Fries James 000120001 00011001 7 211
Fries Jacob 00001 00001 2 211
Furgason Chas. H. 011011 121001 9 208
Furgason Alfred 010001 11001 5 211
Garrison Justus 21201001 0102001 11 207
Gibson Saml. 00000001 00000001 2 207
Gifford Whiting 10001 10001 4 207
Gordon James 00000001 00011001 4 211
Gordon Saml. 10001 00001 3 212
Grennell Lorenzo 100001 000001 3 209
Griswold David 00100001 0101001 5 209
Hall Benjm. 021201 110001 9 207
Hall Silas 10001 10101 5 207
Hazen Luke 00101011 0000001 5 207
Holdridge Daniel Jr. 000001 101001 4 210
Hopps Wm. 20001 0001 4 208
House Rockwell W. 01001 10001 4 208
Hubbard Alanson 0110101 1201001 9 209
Humphrey Ann 011 0000001 3 209
Ingalls Wm. S. 0001101 1120001 8 210
Ingalls Aaron 00001 00001 2 210
Jones Silas 000001 000101 3 209
Jones Wm. 0000001 222001 8 210
Joroleman James 0110001 00100001 5 207
Knapp Lascar/Lascas 00011 00102 5 209
Knapp Peter R. 00001 10001 3 210
Knapp Zephaniah 00221001 00010001 8 211
Kuykendall  See Coykendall 208
Lawrence Leslie 010001 10001 4 208
Lawrence Caleb 00101001 00010001 5 210
Leonard Curtis H. 0121001 0001001 7 211
Lewis Stephen Y. 0101001 0020001 6 207
Lewis Dennis 200001 110001 6 211
Lucas Uriah 2d. 00001 0001 2 207
Lucas Uriah 110001 220011 9 208
Lytle Thos. 10001 00001 3 211
Mapes Partial 10001001 1221001 10 209
McChannan Wm.  21000001 00001 5 209
Miller Jonathan 000000001 0000001001 3 207
Miller Caleb H. 310001 00001 6 208
Miller Robert T. 01001 00001 3 210
Moore Amos 200001 01001 5 207
Moore Theoholus 0000101 00000001 3 208
Moore Israel 0110001 220001 8 209
Mosier Humphrey 2010001 0221101 11 208
Nickerson Squire 0000020001 020001 6 209
Noble Andrew 010001 00001 3 210
Odell Silas 20110001 001201011 11 210
Osburn Wm. 00011001 00111001 7 211
Osgood James J. 001101 0011001 6 209
Osgood Geo. M. 010001 000001 3 210
Potter Nicholas 00001 00001 2 207
Prutzman David 201201 1210001 11 207
Ranney Hiram 000002 00101 4 210
Reed Nicholas L. 020001 012001 7 211
Reekhow/Reckhow Jacob 0010001 020001 5 208
Roe James 000101 010001 5 212 +1 blk fem 10-26
Roosa Egbert 1011001 0001001 6 209
Roselle Alfred 00001 10001 3 207
Rowley Shubel 0000101 101101 6 210
Roy Alexander 01121001 00011001 9 208
Salsman Catherine 0011001 3 209
Sawyer Ammi H. 110001 002001 6 207
Sayre David 0110001 110001 6 209
Sayre Wm. M. 10001 10001 5 209 +1 blk male <10
Sayre Whittington J. 00001 00001 2 209
Seargent Thos. L. 20001 00001 4 207
Searls Isaac 10001 0001 3 207
Searls John 0210001 0001001 6 207
Seely Saml. 11000001 0010001 5 208
Seely James 00220001 0101201 10 208
Seely Benjm. 010100001 00110001 6 209
Seely Caleb 1103001 001001 8 210
Seely Strong 02000001 0011001 6 210
Shepard Jesse 112001 010001 7 207
Shepard Nathan 210001 000001 5 211
Sherman Lemuel 0000100001 000010001 4 208
Sherman Lemuel Jr. 001001 00001 3 208
Smedley Wm. 10001 10001 4 211
Smith Orr 00001 10001 3 208
Smith Wm. A. 220001 01001 7 210
Smith Timothy 2200001 101001 8 211
Spencer Saml. 00001 00001 2 210
Stafford Uriah 0111101 0010001 7 210
Stall Chillion 10001 00001 3 211
Steele* Jacob 0010001 0001001 4 207
Stees Levi 00001 00001 2 210
Stowell Elijah 0110001 111001 7 209
Striker Peter 00000001 01100001 4 207
Strong Daniel 10001 00001 3 208
Strong John 1121001 1000101 9 208
Stuart Wm. 01220001 00101001 9 210
Sturdevant Joseph 00010001 010110001 6 208
Terwilliger Abraham 00000001 0000001 2 210
Terwilliger James 100001 10001 4 210
Vallean* Wm. L. 310001 0000001 6 208
VanScever/Skiver John 11210011 110101 11 207
Vanwert Wm. 100011 110001 6 211
Walker/Rulker* James 00001 00001 2 209
Warner Truman B. 102001 120001 8 211
Warner James 110001 20101 7 211
Wartendyke* Abraham 1111101 1100001 9 210
Wilber Augustus 00001 10001 3 210
Wills John C. 000001 100001 3 208
Wilson James 0202001 00100001 7 209
Wing Lorenzo 00001 0001 2 208
Wood Earl P. 2110001 011001 8 207
Wyley Wm. P. 100001 22001 7 207

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/27/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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