Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Warren Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice.

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Abel Danl. H. 1100001 020001 6 413
Abel Caleb 101001 11001 6 417
Allen Sewell* 0230001 2000110001 11 412
Allen Benajah 1120001 0100001 7 412
Allen Alfred 00001001 000010011 5 412
Allen Danl. 00000001 2000001 4 416
Allen  Edwin C. 000001 120001 5 412
Antisdell Phineas 000110001 00101001 6 414
Armstrong Joseph 00012001 0002 6 416
Arnold James 00020001 00100001 5 412
Arnold Amos 110001 21001 7 412
Arnold Wm. 1022101 11002 11 412
Arnold Benedict 201301 011001 10 413
Arnold Geo. 10001 00001 3 414
Arnold Walter 10001 10001 4 417
Avery Geo. 0000010001 000001 3 413 Christopher 75
Baker Elizabeth 011 001101 5 414
Bascom Asahel 01001 20001 5 411
Bassett Charles A. 000001 1 412
Beardslee Wm. 0110001 0200001 6 416
Beardslee John 01101 100010001 6 416
Beeman Aaron 001010001 00000001 4 417
Beeman Jn. 100001 110001 5 417
Beeman Curtis 020001 110001 6 418
Billings Henry 221101 011201 12 413
Bowen Abner 0112001 001101 8 412
Bowen Caleb N. 0000001 001001 3 412
Bowen Geo. 00011001 00312001 10 412
Bowen Richard 000101 210001 6 412
Bowen Wm. 00111001 0202101 10 412
Bowen J.A. 100002 00001 4 413
Bowen N.C. 10001 20001 5 413
Bowen Wm. 000001 1000001 3 415
Bowen Alfred 00001 000001 2 415
Bowen Geo. W. 10001 00001 3 417
Bradford Wm. 0010001 00031001 7 415
Bradford Wm. Jr. 00001 00001 2 415
Brainard S.C. 101001 12001 7 413
Brister Joseph 001001 010001 4 417
Brown Saml. N. 1010101 1102101 10 414
Buffington Luther 0011101 0111001 8 412
Buffington Benj. 00010001 00010001 4 412
Buffington Benj. Jr. 00001 00001 2 412
Buffington Preserved 0000001 00000000001 2 413 Preserved 80
Buffington Grace 00010001 2 418
Buffington Calvin 110101 12001 8 418
Bullock Hannah 0002 00002101 6 412
Bullock Hugh 0001001 111001 6 415
Burbank Moses 1000001 111001 6 411
Burbank Jacob D. 1102001 0110101 9 412
Burnham John 100011 200001 6 417
Canfield Harvey 220001 021001 9 417
Canfield Jeremiah Jr. 110002 111001 8 417
Carrington N.M. 120001 210001 8 413
Case Mary 0000000001 1 415
Chaffee Wm. 00122001 00111001 10 411
Chaffee Wm. M. 10001 01001 4 412
Chaffee Wilder 0011001 10000100001 6 412
Chaffee Saml. 001001 12001 6 413
Chaffee Orville 110001 20101 7 413
Chaffee Noah 000010001 001110001 6 414
Chaffee Danl. 1200001 111101 9 418
Chaffee John 2111001 012001 10 418
Champlin Jabez 012001 210001 8 413
Champlin Hampton 111001 000101 6 413
Chase Chas. M. 110001 10001 5 412
Churchill Anthony 220001 000001 6 414
Coburn Danl. H. 010001 3100001 7 411
Coburn Geo. 00001 00001 2 411
Coburn A.A. 00001 00001 2 411
Coburn R.L. 220001 000001 6 411
Coburn Moses 000000001 000130001 6 411
Coburn Ebenezer 100100001 10101001 7 411
Coburn A.L. 100101 020001 6 412
Coburn Nehemiah 0000001 011101 5 415
Coleman Parley* 000200001 00011001 6 411
Cooper Robert 1111001 121101 11 412
Corbin John 100011 120001 7 411
Corbin Ira W. 20001 10001 5 413
Corbin Oliver 00101001 00110001 6 414
Corbin Wm. F. 10001 00001 3 414
Corbin Lewis 110001 20001 6 415
Corbin Penuel 001200001 3220101 13 415
Corbin Henry P. 220000001 00001 6 415
Corbin Chs. 1010001 0210001 7 415
Corbin Aaron 00122001 1311101 14 415
Corbin Alonzo 000001 11001 4 415
Corbin Joshua J. 021001 111001 8 415
Corbin Maria W.D. 01021 01010001 7 416
Corey* Danl. A. 0202101 1112001 12 412
Cornell T.B. 010001 1 3 417
Cornell Benj. 000001 1 417
Cox Chauncey F. 100001 20002 6 417
Currin John 01101001 0132101 12 416
Darling Wm. 000001 000001 2 413
Davidson John 321001 0100101 10 415
Davis David 131101 010101 10 417
Dewing Andrew 0000001 0000100001 3 416
Dewing E.C. 30001 000001 5 416
Dewing Alexander 0001001 000101 4 416
Dickerson John 10010100001 222001 11 414 Jos Lamereaux 87
Dickerson Geo. 110001 210001 7 416
Dimon Montgomery 00011 0001 3 412
Dimon Milo 000001 10001 3 418
Dorsey/D…y* John 00001 00001 2 416
Duell* G.W. 220001 010001 7 411
Ellsbree Manson 0000001 011101 5 414
Fairchild Bela 010001 10001 4 417
Ford James 100001 000001 3 415
Fuller Annis 1212 0010001 8 413
Gates Nathaniel 0000101 0111001 6 414
Gibson Geo.* 0001201 0011101 8 411
Gibson Richard 0110001 210001001 8 414
Gleason Jas. 000001 10001 3 416
Glines Tho. 000100001 000000001 3 415
Glines Alden 000001 200001 4 416
Granis/Grannis Edward 20001 10001 5 414
Griffis Roger 101101 2100001 8 417
Grimsey* Levi R. 011001 11001 6 417
Griswold Eben 001001 1000100001 5 416
Griswold Jehial 000000001 000000001 2 416
Grow Henry 1000001 012001 6 416
Hale James 2011001 000001 6 417
Hamilton Joseph H. 0011001 0000101 5 414
Hamilton Joseph S.* 00001 00001 2 414
Harris Perkins 200001 0100001 5 411
Heacock/Hickok Reuben 000020001 00000010001 5 411 Esther 81
Heacock/Hickok Thadeus 00001 20001 4 415
Hewitt Horace 100001 10011 5 416
Hines L.C. 1220001 1011101 11 413
Horr* .an.* 20000001 011101 7 418
Horton John 10001 10001 4 415
Howell Evan 0020001 010001 5 417
Howell Thomas 000001 00000001 2 417
Howell Wm. 110001 101001 6 417
Huff Jacob 00110001 0111001 7 417
Iverson John 1000001 0110101 6 412
James Chs. 001001 00002 4 413
James Geo. 02001 00001 4 416
James Henry 0011001 0001001 5 417
King Salmon 10001 00001 3 411
Kinney Wm. 0000101 00011 4 413
Lathrop J.C. 100001 11001 5 414
Lewis Saml. 000110001 01000001 5 412
Lewis Jacob 01000001 000001 3 414
Lunn Elias 000002 000001 3 411
Lunn Jesse 20122001 00002001 11 415
Lunn Henry P. 01001 20001 5 415
Lynde Geo. W. 000001 20101001 6 415
Lyon Benj. 0001001 200001001 6 413
Lyon Saml. 020001 10001 5 413
Lyon Geo. 11001 20001 6 413
Manning Wm. 00101 000001 3 415
Manning Geo. 00100001 0000001 3 415
McCreery Ruel 0000001 011001 4 413
McCreery Marvin 0000001 010001 3 413
Merill Thos. L. 100001 120001 6 418
Moody Benj 0000001 00001 2 414
Morris John 0000010001 000000001 3 417
Morton Spencer 00001 00001 2 417
Mory/Morey Joseph 00100001 2220001 9 411
Moulton Amasa 1111001 1111001 10 414
Neuman Ira 000001 1001 3 418
Newman John 00001001 00000001 3 418
Newman Nathan 1110001 3320001 13 418
Nichols Seth 1020001 1110001 8 411
Notewan/Noteware* Cyrus 01002 0001 4 411
Pendleton Charles 100001 110001 5 412
Pendleton Wm. 1200001 002101 8 412
Pendleton Geo. 3101002 012001 11 413
Pendleton Nathan 121001 100001 7 413
Pendleton Andrew 100001 20001 5 418
Pierce Job M. 2010001 111001 8 415
Prince Joseph 0102001 1010001 7 411
Prince Abel 12000001 0020001 7 411
Prince Joseph 2d 00200001 11121 9 411
Rider Wm. 000001 000001 2 417
Rockfeller John 3202001 002001 11 415
Rogers Gilbert 10001 1000100001 5 414
Rogers Wm. 00101 00010001 4 414
Rogers James 210001 01001 6 414
Rogers Abrazina* 201001 010001 6 414
Rogers Sarah 000000001 1 414
Rogers Philip 1010001 1210001 8 414
Russell Hiram 0100001 000001 3 411
Shelden Runel/Punel* 010001 2100011 7 417
Sleeper Chs. H. 100001 22001 7 416
Sleeper Josephus 00001 10001 3 416
Sleeper John 0200001 0100001 5 416
Sleeper Robert 0001000001 0000000001 3 416
Steenburg* Elizabeth 00001 0000000001 2 412
Steenburg* Peter 0000101 0222001 9 415
Stephens Edward 00001 20001 4 416
Stephens Belinda 00024 0002001 9 416
Thomas Saml. 01000001 00002001 5 417
Thomas D.J. 00001 00001 2 418
Thompson James Jr. 000001 0001 2 411
Tibbets James 10010001 10002001 7 417
Tibbetts Job 00001 1 418
True . Caleb C. 00021001 00003001 8 417
Tyrrel Enos 000020001 000000001 4 413
Tyrrel Marcus 000101 101001 5 414
Tyrrell Marshall 000001 12001 5 413
Vandyke Aaron 121001 100001001 8 414
Vanhouten Jas./Jay* 11001 000001 4 416
Vincent Timothy Jr. 00001 00001 2 411
Vincent Timothy 000000001 0010001 3 411
Ward Abraham 0100001 011201 7 414
Ward Zachariah 001000001 00021001 6 414
Warner Nathaniel 20001 00001 4 411
Whalen John 1010002 0110001 7 417
Wheaton Saml. 2020001 0222001 12 413
Wheaton Sally 0103 0120001 8 413
Wheaton Ira 1020001 0001001 6 418
Wheeler Ira 1000001 10001 4 415
Wheeler Simon 11000001 010001 5 415
Wheeler Simon A. 310001 011001 8 415
Whitaker C.H. 111001 110001 7 416
Whitaker Hugh 12111001 0011001 10 416
Whitaker Henry 0112001001 0220001001 12 416 Abraham 76
Whitaker Abraham Jr. 1121001 0211001 11 416
White Tristan/Tristam 00001 00001 2 411
Wilson Robert 01100001 0111001 7 414
Wolcott Josiah 310001 010001 7 411
Young Nathan 01001001 0002001 6 416

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/10/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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