Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Springfield Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Ackley Eli 130001 10001 7 220
Adams Bela 00001 00001 2 231
Adams Gaius 01010001 00103001 8 231
Adams Henry L. 120001 00001 5 231
Alden Sevellon 01001 01001 4 217
Alexander Jesse 10001 00001 3 222
Avery Ebenezer 010001 201001 6 217
Bailey Saml. 00001 10001 3 231
Bardwell Robert 0011001 111001 7 222
Bardwell David 00001 20001 4 222
Barnett Chauncey 10002 0001 4 222
Barrett Jacob 110001 01001 5 219
Bascom Joseph 0100001 110001 5 217
Beach Jehial 100001 110001 5 221
Benedict Ezra 01010001 1010001001 7 216
Bennett Elam 0001001 0001001 4 218
Bennett Licus* 00001 10001 3 222
Benson Levi 110011 0301101 10 217
Benson Jacob 0011000001 00010001 5 218
Bentley Alexander B. 1020001 220201 11 221
Berry Almond 110011 1120001 9 220
Berry Sherman 10011 200010001 7 220
Berry Woodward 0111001 0112101 10 220
Berry John Jr. 320111 001001 10 231
Berry John 000100001 001110001 6 231
Berry Luther 220001 10001 7 231
Bliss Stephen 0000100001 0000010001 4 217
Boughton James G. 222001 010001 9 220
Boughton Joseph 00000001 00110001 4 231
Bowe Alexander 10001 000001 3 220
Bowe Anson H. 100020001 00001 5 222
Brace Wm. 20221001 00101001001 12 232
Brooks David H. 221001 0100011 9 217
Brooks Chauncey 100001 10001 4 217
Brooks James 000011 001010001 5 218
Brooks Wakeman 0012001 011000101 8 218
Brown Benjm. 300001 02001 7 219
Brown Aden 01111001 00101001 8 231
Brown Darius* 00001 00001 2 231
Brown Avery 000110001 001010001 6 231
Brundage Thom G. 012001 010001 6 219
Burgess Chas. 0122001 0111101 11 231
Burt Caleb S. 10011 00001001 5 232
Butler Martin 0120001 110011 8 217
Califf Joel 1111001 0211001 10 231
Campbell Carlton 000001001 101011 6 218
Campbell Nathaniel 000001 111001 5 222
Campbell Cobus* 0111001 1012101 10 232
Canady Alexander 0001100001 001000001 5 231
Canady Hosea 021011 211001 10 231
Canady Chester 11001 10001 5 232
Canady Mortecai M. 20001 00001 4 232
Canady Comfort 210001 021001 8 232
Canday Avery 2110001 00101 7 231
Carpenter Daniel 0010001 0300001 6 219
Casy Wm. 200001 100001 5 220
Chapell John 0101101 2010001 8 220
Chapman Wm. 00101 000000001 3 231
Chase Geo. 000110001 00010001 5 221
Chase Wm. R. 001001 01001 4 221
Cheney R.W. 000001 10021 5 220
Church Archibald 00100001 00010001 4 221
Cleveland Daniel 0011001 0020001 6 217
Cleveland Quartus E. 00001 00001 2 217
Cole Benjm. 00002001 00010001 5 218
Cole Fanning 30001 00001 5 218
Conkey Alexander 00011001 00100001 5 232
Conklin Joshua 1111001 1020001 9 220
Cooley Isaac 01011001 0100000201 8 232 Lucretia Kent 78
Cooley John N. 100101 110101 7 232
Cooper Wm. 00002 000100001 4 219
Crandall Hiram 20001 00001 4 219
Crandall Lewis 111101 00101 7 219
Cummins Andrew 0101101 0000101 6 221
Decker Jacob 10111001 01001 7 220
Dickerson Daniel C. 01020001 0110001 7 216
Doan Roswell 010000001 00000001 3 217
Doane Joseph 00001 20001 4 217
Doane Isaac P. 10001 10011 5 218
Eames Luther 100001 00001 3 216
Eaton Wm. 01031001 01100001 9 218
Elliott Otis 00110001 0010001 5 231
Ely Quartus 0110001 000101 5 217
Fanning David 10001 20001 5 216
Fanning Wm. 100001 020001 5 218
Fanning Elisha 001100001 01010001 6 218
Farnsworth Myron 10001 00001 3 216
Fassett Isaac W. 00001 10001 3 221
Faulkner Saml. 100011 01001 5 219
Frailey Andrew 00101 0001 3 219
French Lucius 2200011 110101 10 220
Fuller Alanson 200001 02001 6 220
Fuller John 00101 100001001 5 222
Fuller Gurden 000001 110001 4 222
Fuller Jacob 1000001 000001 3 222
Fuller James 00001 001000101 4 222
Fuller Hannah 1101101 5 222
Fuller John C. 011001 10001 5 222
Gates Oliver 0110001 00000001 4 219
Gates Saml. 020101 111001 8 220
Gates Seth 11112001 0021001 11 220
Gates Waterman 00001 000010001 3 222
Gates Denison 1000001 1001 4 231
Gillett Freeman 00000001 1 221
Gleason Benjm. 11001 10001 5 219
Grace Wm. 01010001 1011100101 9 217
Grace Geo. 00000001 00000001 2 217
Grace Geo. W. 00001 0001 2 217
Grace Ambrose 220001 002101 9 217
Grover Harry 000001 01002 4 221
Guild* Margaret 10211 0201001 9 218
Guthrie Chauncey 11010001001 0001001 7 217 Wm. Salisberry 82
Guthrie Lucius 0200001 1021001 8 231
Hall James 00001 0001 2 231
Harkness Daniel 000001 121001 6 216
Harkness James 00010001 00001001 4 220
Harkness Geo. 00001 00001 2 220
Harkness John Jr. 01200110001 0101101 10 221 John 80
Harkness Jacob 20200001 01100011 9 221
Harkness James G. 00000011 0110001 5 221
Harkness Chester 111001 100021 8 222
Harkness Wm. 0000001 11001 4 222
Harkness Stephen 1100001 122001 9 232
Havens Harry H. 1110001 0010101 7 220
Hooker Clark 1212001 0001001 9 218
Horton Hiram 11001 100010001 6 218
Hosley Rufus 000010001 00012001 6 220
Hosley Philander M. 00001 10001 3 220
Howard Asa C. 0121101 0111201 12 232
Hubbard Enos 0210001 1101001 8 218
Hubbard Hezekiah 00101 20001 5 231
Huntington Asher 0011001 1011001 7 222
Kingsbury Jerry W. 1112001 101001 9 217
Kinian Nathan 211001 010101 8 232
Knapp Amos 01131001 1110001 11 222
Lenonard Egbert B. 00001 20001 4 216
Leonard Robert 0000000001 000000001 2 216
Leonard Geo. C. 100001 00001 3 217
Leonard Albert 000001 111001 5 217
Leonard Eber. 0011001 0101 5 217
Leonard Frederick 1000001 110001 5 218
Leonard Hardin* 021011001 000001001 8 218
Leonard Ezekiel 02100001 0002301 10 218
Leonard Asaph H. 00011001 0000101 5 219
Leonard Chas. 10001 0001 3 219
Leonard Wm. 231001 00101 9 220
Leonard Edmond D. 120001 210001 8 221
Leonard Clement 11001 12001 7 222
Leonard John D. 00001 10001 3 222
Loomis Alvin 000001 110001001 5 221
Loveland Dorman 000001 00101 3 218
Martin James 01123001 00010001 10 221
Mattocks Saml. P. 0000101 000101 4 218
Mattocks James Jr. 001101 0120001 7 219
Mattocks Chas. 110001 100001 5 219
Mattocks James 0000000001 0000000001 2 221
Mattocks Walter 100001 010001 4 221
McAffee Benjm. 0000100001 000200101 6 219 Benjm. 77
McAffee Joel P. 1100001 2120001 9 219
McDaniels Owens  000001 010001 3 221
McKean John 010001 00001 3 232
Mensh Hosea 1121001 1001001 9 217
Merrick John Q. 000010001 00000000001 3 218
Millspaugh Rufus  00001 00001 2 222
Morley Walter Jr. 0110010001 210101 9 218
Newbury Loomis G. 100001 010001 4 221
Newell Asahel T. 100001 00001 3 218
Newell Jacob 110001 010001 5 219
Newell Barnam 0100002 0010001 5 221
Norman John 0001001 11011 6 219
Norman Prentice 0110001 221001 9 219
Paramus/Perlamus* Peter 11001 100001 5 216
Parkhurst Josiah 0102001 0120201 10 217
Parkhurst Eben F. 010101 110001 6 221
Parmeter Asahel 00010001 000000001 3 220
Parmeter Alvin 00001000001 10001001 5 220 Simeon King 82
Parmeter Reuben 00000001 1 222
Parmeter Asahel Jr. 101001 000001 4 231
Parsons Henry 00202001 00011001 8 232
Pennick Chas. 010001 210001 6 222
Peters Lester 10012 10001 6 231
Peters Wilmot 00000001 00001001 3 231
Philipps James H. 000001 010001 3 219
Philipps Jared 0000001 0100001 3 222
Philipps Chas. 01011001 00110001 7 231
Pitts Luke N. 020001 111001 7 217
Pitts Luke 001000001 00100001 4 219
Potter Chas. 111001 001001 6 219
Potter Hiram 101101 12100101 10 220
Remington Zeno H. 200001 00001 4 216
Remington Philetus 10001 00001 3 216
Remington Seneca 000000001 000002001 4 216
Remmington Seneca Jr. 0010001 121001 7 216
Rice John N. 111001 01001 6 216
Rice Daniel 00010001 00000001 3 216
Rich Elisha Jr. 10001 11001 5 232
Rich Elisha 000000001 00000001 2 232
Rich Esdras 00001 10001 3 232
Robinson Joseph 11133001 0011001 13 216
Robinson Barney 00001 0001 2 221
Root Hiram 00011 20001 5 219
Ross Henry L. 113001 110001 9 216
Rowe Truman 00011001 00101001 6 222
Rumsell* Amasa 0010000001 000000001 3 217
Rynders Wm. W. 100001 11001 5 218
Salisberry John 010001 11001 5 218
Seammehorn* Aron* 11101 01101 7 220
Sergeant Saml. 000110001 00000001 4 216
Sergeant Wm. 01011001 00200001 7 216
Sergeant Amos 00001001 00001101 5 217
Sergeant Ephraim 10001 000001 3 217
Sergeant Geo. 10001001 000001 4 217 Geo. Upham 53
Severance Saml. 0000101 0000000101 4 222 Azuba 77
Sherman Oliver C. 00001 0001 2 216
Sherman Alonzo 000001 010001 3 216
Sherman Nathan 10001 00001 3 221
Sherman John 00111001 01020001 8 221
Simons Ephraim 000010001 00021001 6 231
Smead Reuben 10212001 0111001 11 219
Smith David B. 100001 10001 4 216
Smith Harry B. 010001 110001 5 216
Smith Stephen 100000001 00001001 4 216
Smith Nehemiah 1111001 111101 10 222
Smith John G. 010011 310001 8 222
Smith Juba 001100001 0000001 4 232
Smith Alanson 340001 012001 12 232
Smith Thos. 000000001 00000001 2 232
Smith Austin 110001 01001 5 232
Spear Hiram 210001 00001 5 218
Spencer Diodata* 20001 000001 4 218
Stacy Numa 00001 00001 2 216
Stacy Joseph 1002001 0221001 10 218
Stockwell Eli 0000001 010001 3 221
Strong Alfred 3010001 000101 7 222
Sweney Daniel 0010101 1001001 6 216
Thomas Asaph H. 100010001 200010001 7 216
Thomas Leonard 0000001 000001 2 219
Traphagan Albert 010001 100001 4 220
Trask Elanson 020001 10001 5 221
Upham James 00000000001 00000000001 2 217
Voorhis James 0021001 2200101 10 219
Voorhis Nicholas 1020001 021001 8 220
Wakefield Chester 1010001 11101 7 220
Ward Daniel 000001 00001 2 216
Ward John 100001 110001 5 216
Warn Isaac 100001 13001 7 232
Watson John K. 211001 010001 7 220
Watson Chas. 20001 00001 4 221
Westfall Gilbert 001000001 000000001 3 221
Wheeler Naomi 01001 0110101 6 231
Whipple Luther 01310001 100001 8 231
White Lemuel 10021001 01011001 9 218
Wilcox Francis 010101 11201 8 222
Wilder Theodore 000101001 01010101 7 218
Williams Wm. T. 0001001 1111001 7 220
Wilson Chas. F. 00001 1 219
Woodworth Ira 00001 00001 2 221
Woolcott Thos. P. 010001 210001 6 221
Wright Aaron 100001 20001 5 231
Yerkes Nathan L. 0010001 0001001 4 219
Young Russell B. 210001 11001 7 216
Young Sylvester 10001 01001 4 219

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/27/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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