Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Sheshequin Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Ames G.S. 000001 10001 3 202
Ames Mary 00002 000000001 3 205
Ayers Perley 00100001 0001001 4 205
Ayres Francis 10002 00001 4 204
Baldwin Brayton* A. 100001 10001 4 203
Baxter Phebe 1112 100101 8 201
Benson James B. 2001101 021101 10 204
Bidlack Anson 001201 00000001 5 201
Billings Geo. 0110101 0010001 6 204
Blackman Franklin 00121001 00110001 8 204
Blauvalt Elijah B. 101001 011001 6 202
Brink Daniel 10022001 0110201 11 204
Brink James 2110010001 000001 7 204
Brink John 1000002001 120001 8 206 Benjamin 76
Brown David 101100001 0110001 7 201
Brown Jesse 0001001 0011001 5 205
Burlingame Leander 00001 0001 2 203
Chaffee Sullivan 01003001 02121001 12 204
Chandler John 000000001 1 201
Chandler Andrew 00001 10001 3 201
Chandler Stephen R. 2101 00001 5 201
Chandler John Jr. 0000101 00000001 3 202
Chandler Chs. 201101 222101 13 202
Chandler Robert 10001 10001 4 202
Coon John 010001 11001 5 204
Crawley* David* 10001 0002 4 202
Crawley* Patrick 000001 0101 3 202
Culver Daniel 220001 100001 7 203
Dates Henry 1000001 0211001 7 205
Davidson Duglass 0010101 0010001 5 201
Delpuech Adelade 00011 00000101 4 204
Demony(Demoney) James B. 10001 20001 5 201
Elliott Joseph S. 1210101 101001 9 204
Evans David 102001 101001 7 202
Fish Jabez 0210001 0011001001 8 205
Forbes Archibald 2100010001 212101 12 205
Forbes Wm. 00001 00001 2 205
French Walter 10001 100002 5 202
Fretts Abram 0010101 1013001 9 204
Fuller Richard M. 01001 10001 4 203
Furgason Arnold 000001 210001 5 204
Furgeson Curtis D. 00001 10001 3 203
Gannon* Michael 210001 100001 6 203
Gillett Lewis B. 20001 00001000001 5 203
Gillett Ensley 10001 0001 3 203
Gillett Warren 00110001 00001001 5 203
Goodsell Orman 0212001 0111001 10 206
Goodwin Geo. 0001001 0011001 5 204
Gore Obadiah 110001 00001 4 202
Gore Avery 0001120001 001100001 8 205
Gore Saml. K. 00111001 0200001 7 205
Gore Ralph 10011 01001 5 205
Gore Sarah 1001001001 4 205 Sarah 76
Gore Abraham 0002001 0110001 6 205
Green Peter 00001 10001 3 202
Griffin Reuben 00011001 11102001 9 206
Hawkins Horace K. 10001 0001 3 205
Heminway Joseph 300101 032001 11 201
Hibbard Alexander 00012001 01111001 9 204
Hill Edmond 0010001 100101 5 206
Hinds Henry 1000010001 11001 6 201
Horton John 00001 00001 2 201
Horton Richard N. 11001 21001 7 201
Horton Sylvester 00002 1001 4 202
Horton Joshua Jr. 100001 10001 4 202
Horton Isaac S. 1112001 0101101 10 202
Horton Joshua 012100001 00111101 10 203
Horton Wm. B. 020001 200010001 7 203
Horton Wm. 00111001 01111001 9 203
Horton Chas. 310101 00001 7 203
Horton Wm. 2d 101001 001001 5 203
Horton Ithiel* 00002 00001 3 203
Horton Isaac S. 002020001 001100001 8 204
Horton David 212010011 0101101 12 204
Horton Elijah 0111101 1000001 7 204
House* Jason 001001 210001 6 202
Hoyt Saml. 0000110001 100110001 7 206
Hughs Elias R. 0001201 0001001 6 205
Hulse Saml. 000002 000001 3 201
Hulse David 101001 101001 6 202
Hylman Edward 0001-15-62 0000001 25 204
Ingerson Caleb 00001 00101 3 203
Jaquins (Jaqua) Wm. S. 110001 10002 6 206
Johnson Wm. 001010001 00010001 5 201
Johnson Thos. 000000001 000100001 3 206
Johnson Robert 00000001 00000001 2 206
Kilmer Jeremiah 1201001 0022100101 12 203
Kingsberry Henry 001011 00001 4 206
Kingsbury Joseph 000110001 001000001 5 205
Kinney Geo. 00012001 00110101 8 205
Kinney Horace 10011 00001 4 205
Kinney Geo. W. 00101 10001 4 205
Kinney Perley 002001 0100001 5 205
Kinney Joseph 00000000001 02000101 5 205 Joseph 84
Kinney Guy 2110001 010102 9 205
Lameraux Orrin 00001 1 206
Lameraux* Squire H. 00001 1101 4 202
Light Seely 000011 00011 5 202 +1 blk male <10
Lovel Elanson Jr. 0101001 2212001 11 203
Marshall Hannah 1012 000101 6 206
Marshall Thos. 0001001 0101001 5 206
Merrill Geo. 0100001 11001 5 206
Minier Daniel 00001001 001 3 203
Minier Elias 11020001 01100010001 9 205
Moody Nathaniel 0221001 310201 13 202
Newell Elisha 010001 10001 4 204
Newell Hezekiah 0122001 1100001 9 204
Newell Stephen 1220001 011011 10 204
Norton Baldwin 1100001 111111 9 205
Norton Jared 00000000001 00000000001 2 206 Jared 83
O'Brian Lawrence 000011 20001 5 204
Osburn Saml. 10001 00001 3 206
Paine Abraham 000100001 00011 4 201
Paine (Black) Harvey 011 0001 3 202 See blk age cat. 
Pelton Ezra 000101 120101 7 203
Post John 00000101 00001001 4 203
Post Elias 1021001 12000010001 10 203
Post Aaron 0111001 011101 8 203
Revet/Rivet James 100001 20001 5 205
Rich…* Edwin P. 310001 00001001 7 206
Rickey Orson 001101 00100001 5 206
Scriven John P. 01000001 000001 3 202
Segar Ebenezer 000020101 000001001 6 206
Segar Collins M. 00001 20001 4 206
Shaler Archibald 100010001 00001 4 201
Shaler John 1112001 111101 11 202
Shaw Hiram 10001 01001 4 205
Shaw Ebenezer 001100001 00010001 5 205
Shores Silas 00001 010100001 4 203
Shores Stephen 122001 100002 9 203
Shores Perrin 10001 00001 3 203
Shores Nathaniel 1111001 0102101 10 203
Sickler Edmund 0010121 00111 8 204
Smith Benjm. 210001 020001 7 201
Smith Calvin 10001 00001 3 201
Smith Brink 10001 10001 4 201
Smith James 00020001 000000001 4 203
Smith Permelia 10001 2 204
Smith John M. 10220001 0102001 10 205
Smith Daniel 10001 0001 3 205
Smith Bezalect* 0000001 0110001 4 206
Snyder Wm. 00201001 0001001 6 202
Snyder John 0100101 01100110001 8 206
Spalding Zebulon R. 010001 1010100001 6 205 Wealthy Ann 73
Spencer Elizabeth 00001 000000001 2 202
Stephenson Benjm. 01010001 0011001 6 201
Sullivan John 00012 1001 5 204
Thompson Morgan 01001 00001 3 201
Thompson Jonathan 01000001 1021 6 204
Tompkins Ira 20001 00001 4 201
Tompkins John 02001 200001001 7 201
Tompkins Martin 0001 00001 2 201
Tompkins Hiram 00001 0001 2 202
Tompkins Jabez 0002001 1010001 6 202
Towner Martin 00001 00001 2 201
Traugh* Saml. 0000001 0110001 4 204
Tuttle Edwin 000001 000001 2 204
Tuttle Albert 100121 200020001 10 204
Tyrell Loren 100031 00001 6 205
Vanes Thos. 220001 100001 7 202
Vansice Saml. 2321001 000001 10 201
Vibbert Geo. 0011001 010001 5 203
Vincent Butler 211301 110001 11 204
Vought Edward 00001 0000000001 2 201
Watkins Nicholas 020001 00001 4 201
Webb David 1101001 01101 7 202
Webb Andrew 110001 200001 6 203
Wheeler Cyrus 0100101 0101 5 201
Williby Truman 311001 01100101 10 201
Young Wm. 000010001 0000010001 4 202
Young Reuben 10001 10001 4 202

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/27/99
By Joyce M. Tice

You are the visitor since the counter was installed on September 27, 1999. Relocated and Counter reset 15 OCT 2006