Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Rome Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Ackla Catherine 00002 00010001 4 198
Allen Peter 00101001 0000101 5 197
Allen Joseph 2211001 100101 10 197
Bardwell Saml. 101001 120001 7 199
Barnes Sylvester 00113001 00011001 9 197
Bartlett Ira 102001 0200010001 8 198
Beeman Nathaniel D. 300001 110001 7 198
Birchard Harvey 1131001 2201001 13 198
Bishop James 00010001 0020001 5 198
Blend* (Blinn) Wm. 2100001 110001 7 199
Briggs Wm. 1111001 1013001 11 199
Canon Matthew 000030001 000010001 6 199
Chaffee Danford 00001 00001 2 198
Clark Barney 00001 1 197
Clark Harry 101001 01001 5 198
Clark Ephalet 00000001 1000101 4 198
Cole Silas 0010001 110001 5 196
Collings Wm. 021001 200001 7 197
Conklin Thos. 00001 10001 3 200
Cranmer Stephen 0002101 0100101 7 199
Crawley John 000001 00001 2 200
Cross John 00001 00001 2 199
Dobson Hiram 00001 00000001 2 197
Donihew John 1000001 100001 4 199
Drake Hiram 00011010001 1000101 7 196 Reuben Bump 84
Drake John S. 1100001 312001 10 196
Drinkwater Myron C. 110011 020011 8 199
Eastman Asa 201001 00001 5 199
Eastman Mary 00001 1100101 5 200
Eddy Amos B. 10001 10001 4 199
Elliott Joseph 00013001 00012 8 197
Elliott Saml. 00000201001 2000100001 8 197 William 88
Forbes Chas. 220001 00101 7 196
Forbes Arnest 00101101 00022001 9 197
Frost Aaron Jr. 110001 100001 5 196
Fruce Thos. 0100001 001001 4 199
Fuller Asa 110001 100001 5 196
Fuller Lucius 0112001 102001 9 197
Gibbs Rachel 0001 01000001 3 196
Gore Silas 11111001 1011001 10 200
Gore Wm. 00001 20001 4 200
Hill Chas. 110001 110001 6 198
Hill Daniel 00002001 01000001 5 198
Hill Daniel 00001 10001 3 199
Hix Albert P. 000011 20101 6 196
Hix John M. 01001001 0110101001 8 196
Horton John 00011001 00112001 8 199
Hotchkiss Edward 00001 0001 2 196
Hotchkiss Nathaniel 0001001 0210001 6 196
Howard Timothy 010001 20101 6 200
Johnson Peter 000001001 000000001 3 199
Johnson Hiram 110001 01001 5 199
Laton Anna 010000001 2 196
Laton James 0020001 1200001 7 196
Layton Peter 201001 000001 5 196
Lent Wm. N. 10012 10001 6 197
Lent Smith 110001 02001 6 198
Lent James 00001101 0002000101 7 198
Lent Richard 1110001 01200100001 9 198
Lent Tobias 01120001 2230001 13 199
Lent Agitta 0013 01100001 7 200
Marsh Ephraim H. 001000001 000000001 3 196
Maynard Wm. E. 00011 20001 5 197
Maynard Lemuel S. 00012 20001 6 198
Maynard Pierpont E. 201001 010001 6 198
Maynard Nathan 03112001 0001001 10 199
McCabe James 10011 00001 4 200
Miller Patience 01 101001 4 197
Miller Daniel 100011 111001 7 197
Mills John 010001 0010001 4 197
Minthorn Walter S. 00000001 00001001 3 196
Moody Moses 21202001 0101001 11 196
Moore Martin 110001001 131001001 11 196
Morley Frederick 020001 100001 5 200
Morley Roderick B. 110001 110001 6 200
Morris Wm. 00001 00001 2 198
Morris Eli 0001100001 00110001 6 198
Morris Jeremiah 10001 20001 5 198
Murphy Selim 100001 10001 4 197
Murphy Geo. 000210001 00000001 5 197
Orson Thos. 210001 200001 7 199
Parker Ephraim 002001 010001 5 196
Parker Saml. 0000110001 10001101 7 196
Parks John 2221001 0001001 10 198
Prince Merrick 111001 220001 9 198
Prince Chester 1000001 020001 5 198
Prince Sanford 11100011 010001 7 198
Quigley Patarick 010001 121001 7 199
Rice Hiram 111001 010001 6 200
Ridgeway David 0000000001 00000001 2 199
Ridgway Edward A. 100001 10101 5 199
Robinson Owen 11001 10001 5 197
Rockwell Simeon 1201001 0002001 8 197
Rockwell Levi 001001 031001 7 199
Rolls Eli 220001 010001 7 197
Rolls Daniel 100001 10001 4 199
Russell Reuben 1110001 120001 8 196
Russell Dan Jr. 210001 020001 7 198
Russell Paga* 00101 0202001 7 198
Sawyer Jesse 0111101 0010001 7 197
Seely Joseph 112001 110001 8 198
Sibble Henry 102001 11000101 8 199
Strope Wm. 221001 101101 10 196
Struble Richard 2102001 201201 12 196
Taylor Chas. 00001 0001 2 198
Taylor Benjm. 00021001 00100001 6 198
Taylor Edwin 10001 00001 3 198
Taylor Delman 10101 00001 4 199
Towner Philander 110001 20001 6 196
Towner John 00110001 00001001 5 197
Towner Enoch 002120001 0102101 11 197
Towner Joseph 10120010001 02010020001 12 197 Elijah 81
Towner Ephah* M.  00002 00001 3 200
Towner Benjm. 110001 112001 8 200
Towner Gershom 02010001 0011001 7 200
Townsend Elijah 00101001 0111001 7 196
Upham Cyrus W. 10001 10001 4 196
Upham  Marcus 000001 100001 3 196
Vought Acetius(Achatias) 100010001 000100001 5 196
Vought Thos. 310001 010001 7 196
Vought Peter 001101 01002 6 196
Vought Mary 0001 0121001 6 197
Vought Joseph 0001001 011001 5 198
Vought John 010001 001001 4 199
Vought Joshua 1121001 100101 9 199
Vought Godfrey 0001000001 00010000001 4 199 Godfrey 79
Wattles Arunah 0010301 0121001001 11 197
Weed David E. 00100001 0000101 4 199
Wickizer Jacob 01120001 00010001 7 199
Woodburn Wm. W. 00002 000001001 4 197
Woodburn Hiram 200001 121001 8 197
Woodburn John W. 100001 120011 7 197
Worthing Jacob 00000001 010001 3 197
Wright Wm. 000001 10001 3 198

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/27/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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