Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Monroe Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Ackla Amos 020020010001 1010001 9 310 Samuel Seeley 98
Ackla Benjamin 000001 10001 3 310
Alden Timothy 0000000001 000000001 2 314
Alden Sylvester W. 100001 00001 3 314
Allen Moses 200001 011001 6 310
Arnot Mary 01002 000001 4 310
Arnot George E. 0020001 001010101 7 311
Arnot Joshua 1100010001 10001 6 311
Arnot Jacob 1120101 011001 9 314
Baker Hiram 110001 100001 5 314
Ball Francis 001100001 01100001 6 312
Barnes Charles 010001 101001 5 309
Basset John W. 220001 100001 7 307
Benjaimin John V. 20001 10001 5 310
Benjamin Jesse 0200001 102 6 309
Benjamin Harry 00001 1000100001 4 309
Benjamin Joshua 1020001 141001 11 309
Benjamin John 00110001 00211001 8 310
Benjamin Peter 01001001 1020001 7 310
Benjamin David 20100001 31100100001 11 310
Benjamin Jonathan 012210001 1101001 11 310
Bennet Luther G. 10200001 01001001 7 309
Bennet John 001001 101001 5 310
Blackman Judson 0020001 001011 6 313
Blackman Jeremiah 001011 011001 6 314
Blauvelt James 00001 1 312
Bowen Charles S. 0001 0001 2 310
Bowman Jacob 0102101 00010001 7 308
Bradford William T. 100001 101001 5 312
Bradley S.S. 11001 110001 6 310
Brown William H. 000011 00000001 3 308
Brown Joseph 100001 100001 4 309
Brown Ruel R. 111001 210001 8 309
Brown Charles M. 100001 10011 5 309
Carney David 111001 1101 7 308
Carter Ezra 00001 10001 3 309
Chilson Charles 00001 0001 2 310
Chilson Robert 1211001 1000001 8 310
Chilson Samuel 2d 1210001 001001 7 311
Chilson Daniel 000001 0001 2 311
Chilson Samuel 00020001 100110001 7 311
Cole Elisha 0000110001 0011010011 8 307
Cole Rozina 011 101001 5 308
Cole George 0110001 300001 7 308
Collins Daniel 0001 1 308
Conner William O. 01001 10001 4 310
Cook Daniel 00001 1 309
Coolbaugh Absalom 2100001 000101 6 313
Coolbaugh Moses 200001 02001 6 313
Cornelius Charles 00001 1001 3 311
Cornelius William 00001 10001 3 311
Corson Peter 10001 00001 3 308
Corson Ichabod 202001 220001 10 309
Cox John 110001 10001 5 312
Cranmer Samuel 200011 10011 7 308
Cranmer Ashbel 200001 10001 5 308
Cranmer Enoch 10001 00001 3 308
Cranmer Samuel 0000000001 000000101 3 309
Cranmer Noadiah 101001 0120001 7 313
Cranmer J.M. 00100012 0110101 8 314
Crimens Michael 000001 1 312
Cummins Harvey 00001 20011 5 313
Cummins Clark 001001 211001 7 313
Cussick/Cassick William 00001 1 312
Custard Isaac 10001 00001 3 310
Decker Jeremiah 01011101 000021001 9 309
Dimock Samuel 101001 120001 7 308
Dimock David 100001 10001 4 311
Donly James 100001 01001 4 313
Dunkin/Durlin Thomas 00001 1 312
Dunmore Larry 000000001 00000001 2 308
Ellis William 2200010001 0100001 8 308
Elwell E. 00001 1 307
English James 00001 10001 3 313
English William Jr. 20001 03001 7 313
Ennis Isaac 111001 101001 7 310
Fowler Roger 10102 00111 7 307
Fowler Austin 00121001 0100301 10 313
Fowler Russell 00200101 01011001 8 314
Fox Abraham 00111001 00100001 6 313
Gale John 10001 20001 5 311
Gilson James 10101 00001 4 310
Goff William 00121001 0000001 6 308
Goff James 01001 10001 4 311
Goff Humphrey 1100001 00001 4 312
Goodwin Isaac 112101 200001 9 313
Green (Black) Daniel 1001 11 4 312 See Blk Age Cat.
Griggs Joseph 01111001 00100001 7 308
Hagerty John 00001 1 312
Hale Wealthy 00011 00001001 4 308
Hamilton Ebenezer 120001 10001 6 313
Hancock Pliny 00001 1 312
Hanson John 000001 10001 3 307
Harrison Thomas 00001 10001 3 307
Hart William 00010001 1000101 5 307
Heman Hiram 120001 011001 7 311
Hicks Jesse 001101 121101 9 308
Hicks John 0010001 0112001 7 308
Hinman S.S. 00011 00011 4 307
Hinman John B. 00011001 00121001 8 308
Hinman Elijah 00111001 0000001 5 312
Hollon Charles 00001 00001 2 312
Hollon Jeremiah 01111001 00111001 9 312
Horton Stephen 00000001 00011001 4 308
Horton S.D. 00001 00001 2 313
Horton Elijah H. 020001 0000001 4 313
Howey William 0000001 000001 2 312
Ingham John E. 100001 00101 4 307
Ingham David 0200001 3010001 8 309
Ingham Joseph 1121001 110102 11 309
Irvine Welsh 000130001 0010101 8 311
Irvine George 000020001 011020001 8 311
Irvine James R. 001001 010001 4 312
Irwin John 00001 1 308
Jackson Andrew 201001 010001 6 314
Jennings Daniel C. 11101 00001 5 310
Johnson Nicholas 001001 10020001 6 310
Johnson John G. 011001 22001 8 310
Johnson Richard 100001 301001 7 310
Johnson John 011001 320001 9 310
Johnson Charles 10001 00001 3 310
Johnson John 21101 00001 6 310
Johnson Sally 01 110001 4 311
Johnson Eleanor 111 012001 7 311
Johnson Anthony 10001 01101 5 314
Johnson  J.L. 110001 00001 4 307
Jones Isaac D. 0010001 111101 7 314
Kellogg Moses 231001001 002001 11 314
Kellogg Ezra 200001 11001 6 314
Ketchem Emmanuel 10001 00001 3 308
Kipp James 01001001 00031 7 311
Kirkendall John L. 1100001 230001 9 308
Knapp Charles M. 20001 00001 4 307
Lantz William 11001 10101 6 309
Lee Amos B. 000001 1 314
Lewis William 0000001 0010001 3 309
Lewis Timothy H. 0100001 101001 5 309
Little William P. 20001 10001 5 311
Lyons Daniel 1220001 000301 10 313
Marcy Libius 2111101 0100001 9 313
Mason G.F. 111011 1101101 10 307
Mason Eliphalet 000220001 01100101 12 307 +3 Blacks
Mason William E. 00002 00001 3 307
Mason E.H. 00001 10001 3 308
Mason Ebenezer 00110101 00001001 6 309
Mason Chester 0011001 0001001 5 309
McCarty William 00001 1 312
McGill Jacob 00001 1 307
McGreen Michael 00001 1 312
McLane Noah 000001 1 312
McLane Alexander 100001 00001 3 312
McMicken William 000000001 000000001 2 311
McMicken William Jr. 000001 10001 3 311
McNurty Patrick 00001 1 312
Merithew Merit 220001 121001 10 309
Mingas Coonrod 000130001 000000001 6 312
Mingus John 12100001 2023001 13 311
Munnnice Peter L. 00001 1 307
Myers Martha 001 00111001 5 309
Nearing Marcus E. 10002 00001 4 307
Nichols John W. 10001 00001 3 309
North Willian 0110001 00100001 5 313
Northrup Henry 101101 211001 9 312
Northrup John 000001001 000100001 4 312
Northrup Nathan 021001 10101 7 312
Northrup William 11001 100001 5 313
Northrup Abijah 010220001 20001001 10 313
Northrup John 111001 010001 6 313
Northrup Richard 100011 010001 5 313
Northrup Alethia 00001 01000001 3 313
Ormsby Milton 100001 010001 4 313
Perry Luther 120001 100001 6 313
Piatt Daniel 10001 00001 3 311
Piatt Charles 000000001 000000001 2 311
Piatt Christopher 001001 000001 3 312
Pool David 1200001 00111 7 310
Pool William 00001001 0011001 5 310
Pool William Jr. 00001 0001 2 311
Pool Peter 22211001 010001 11 311
Pool Samuel 00110001 00000001 4 311
Ridgway Burr 000000001 000010001 3 314
Ridgway David 200101 0200101 8 314
Roberts Samuel R. 120001 110001 7 307
Rockwell J.L. 00101 0010001 4 308
Ross Rensalar 00001 1 309
Sage Roswell 0110001 0001001 5 311
Salisbury Henry S. 100001 110001 5 307
Sickler James 10001 10001 4 310
Sickler Reuben 00100011 00100001 5 310
Smith Joseph B. 00111 00101 5 307
Staunton Asa K. 00001 1 309
Steadman Alfred B. 00011 00001 3 313
Stine George 10001 0001 3 308
Sullivan Daniel 0000000001 10001001 4 308
Sullivan Cornelius 0000001 1 312
Summers Joab 000001 01001 3 313
Sweet Eleazer 000110001 00110001 6 313
Sweet Clark 011101 1000001 6 314
Sweet Freeman 20011 00001 5 314
Talliday William 230001 110001 9 309
Talliday Solomon 001000001 00110001 5 312
Thomas David 00011 0001 3 309
Thomas William 00000001 1 309
Thompson Elizabeth 00010001 2 311
Tomlin James 0001001 00001001 4 312
Tracy George 0020001 000011 5 307
Trout Ransom 00001 1 307
Trumbull Daniel 00001 10001 3 311
VanGorder A.W.B. 02001 110101 8 310
Vanguson Richard 101001 10001 5 311
Wank Nicholas 010001 21001 6 312
Warn Alexander 00001 1 309
Warn* Isaac .* 10101 10001 5 307
Westwell W.W. 11001 00001 4 307
White Sylvester 00111101 00102001 9 308
White Abram 000001 00001 2 308
Wilcox John V. 00001 1 307
Wildin J.F. 100001 00001001 4 313
Wildin Martin 100001 00001 3 313
Williams Irad 110001 012001 7 309
Wilson Elizabeth 000011001 3 307
Wilson Adam C. 10001 10001 4 307
Wilson Thomas 00001 00001 2 307
Wilson Adam 000100001 000120001 6 307
Wood Robert 00001 10001 3 311
Woodruff Jared 10110001 0100101 7 308
Young Edward F. 100101 010001 5 307

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 10/02/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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