Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Litchfield Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Babcock E.B. 111001 101001 7 392
Baldwin Alsup 1011001 0211001 9 388
Ball Saml. Jr. 001001 10001 4 388
Ball Saml. 000000001 1 388
Ball Benj. 11001 10001 5 388
Ball Martha 0001 00011001 4 392
Bartram Eli F. 100001 11001 5 391
Bloodgood C. 211001 01001 7 388
Brainard Andrew 20001 01001 5 392
Bronson O. 00000001 00000001 2 391
Brown J.R. 00001 00101 3 388
Brown Jas. 00120001001 0001001 7 388
Brown Peter 0001001 00112 6 390
Bush John 1100001 000001 4 388
Bush Danl. 0000000001 1 391
Calkins Uriah 0100001 30001 6 389
Campbell John 001020001 00101001 7 388
Campbell John 211001 110001 8 391
Campbell Ruliff 000010001 10000001 4 391
Campbell Saml. 01210001 001001 7 391
Campbell Saml. Jr. 01001 00001 3 391
Campbell Wm. 11001 1100010001 7 391
Campbell Jac. 2320101 000201 12 391
Campbell Nathaniel 11001 00001 4 392
Carner Orson 1022101 120001 11 391
Chandler Spencer 100001 20001 5 391
Cole Geo. 010001 110101 6 392
Cole Jos. 210101 003001 9 392
Connell Wm. 1101001 021001 8 392
Cooper Wm. 001001 10001 4 392
Cornell Danl. 000100001 00110001 5 389
Cornell John 200001 00001 4 390
Cortright John D. 00001 001001 3 388
Cortright Wm. 000000101 000000001 3 390
Cotton Wm 111001 110001 7 388
Cotton John 10101001 0000101 6 388
Crans P.B. 0001001 0102 5 392
Darcall/Dascall* Abijah 01200001 0001001 6 391
Davidson Saml. 101001 101001001 7 388
Dibble Chauncey 20001 000001 4 389
Dorsant Gabel. 210001 100001 6 391
Doty Steward 200001 00001 4 389
Drake M. 210001 02001 7 389
Edsall Thomas 001001 00001 3 390
Ellis Geo. 10001 00001 3 390
Ellis Cornwell 200001 1100001 6 390
Etra/Elsa* Jonathan 0011001 1110001 7 388
Fisher Mary 0001 0000001 2 388
Green Jos. 111101 000101 7 391
Hadlock Geo. 0002101 00010001 6 389
Hadlock Jno. 10001 00001 3 389
Hall S.L. 10210001 0111001 9 392
Hansel/Howel* Hannah 00201 0000001 4 391
Hoover Danl. 10001 00001 3 390
Ingalls Jos. 1222001 0001001 10 392
Johnson John 00001 0001 2 391
Kingsworth L. 00001 00001 2 388
Kinney Chs. 0021001 000001 5 388
Kinney Saml. M. 1011001 0002 6 391
Kinney David M. 001001 0221001 8 391
Kirkindoll John 1001001 141001 10 392
Lambert Benj. 1110001 110001 7 389
Larcock Wm. 000000001 1 388
Larcock James 011101 211001 9 388
Lee Saml. 1120001 110001 8 388
Mallory Bowen 00021001 01000001 6 392
Marks John 0000110001 0000000001 4 390
Martin/Mastin* R.J. 001001 10001 4 388
McKinney Henry 1102001 2120001 11 389
Merill Thos. B. 200001 120001 7 389
Merill Eleazer 100001001 0010100001 6 389
Merill S. W. 000020001 00000001 4 389
Merill Cyrus 100001 10001 4 391
Merill Hiram 1111001 101001 8 392
Merill Ira 100001 00001 3 392
Merithew Lloyd 200001 110001 6 389
Merrill Elisha B. 121001 110001 8 390
Merrill Milo 131101 0010001 9 390
Miller James 000011 100001 4 391
Moore John 00000001 00000001 2 391
Morse Wm. H. 10001 10001 4 389
Morse Heman 020002 21002 9 389
Mulhenin Peter 0000000001 001 2 390
Munn Elijah 111001 101001 7 389
Munn Thomas 001210001 000000001 6 389
Munn Jos. P. 120001 00001 5 389
Munn John C. 10001 10001 4 389
Munn Silas 211001 0110001 8 390
Murray Franklin 11001 10001 5 389
Nelson Wm. 0000001 0001001 3 390
Pahill Wm. W. 10001 0001 3 389
Paine (Black) Henry 0001 1 392 See Blk Age Cat.
Palmer D. 0000001 0000001 2 389
Park Chauncey 0000001 1000001 3 388
Park Reuben 00101 20002 6 389
Park Wm. H. 00001 0001 2 389
Park Tho. 0110101 2100101001 10 390 Abigail 79
Park Daniel 01113001 0101001 10 390
Park Calvin 0022001 1100001 8 391
Park Joseph 022001 000001 6 391
Payson Wm. 0021101 0001101 8 390
Perry Thos. 000001 21001 5 391
Randall John 01021001 0100001 7 392
Randolph Peter 100001 20001 5 390
Randolph Joel 00001 10001 3 391
Randolph Jas. 100001 312001 9 392
Renshaw Michael 0000001 001001 3 389
Roberts Margaret 0101 1121001 8 390
Roberts Danl. 010101 1010001 6 391
Rogers John S. 1001001 001201 7 388
Rogers Hiram 200001 00001 4 389
Rogers Daniel 100001 000001 3 390
Rogers John 1001101 0211001 9 390
Rogers Martin 00001 001 2 390
Rogers Hiram 140001 000010001 8 391
Rutan* Saml. 000000001 001000001 3 391
Sherman Aram 000001 20001 4 388
Sinsebaugh David 2121001 010101 10 389
Smith Joshua 00010001 00000001 3 390
Snyder Wright 100001 10001 4 392
Stackhouse Benj. 00101001 0031001 8 392
Stewart Wm. 0111000001 0000000001 5 391
Stone Aaron 000001 100001 3 391
Teed/Tidd* Vanduzer 00001 20001 4 388
Teed/Tidd* John 1211101 1011001 11 392
Turk Thomas 101001 00101 5 392
Turner Peter 00010001 00101001 5 388
Turner Joseph 000001 0001 2 388
Turner Jonathan 10001 10001 4 390
Vanauken Everet 210001 012001 8 388
Vanduzer Saml. C. 0000001 0000001 2 392
Vanduzer Chs. 00001 0001 2 392
Vangorder Aaron 0210001 0012201 10 392
Vanover Wm. 000000001 010000001 3 392
Vanover Henry 211001 010001 7 392
Verbeck Isaac 200001 20001 6 392
Ware Richard 00001 10101 4 389
Warren Chrisa. 0000000001 000000001 2 390
Watkins Wm. Jr. 00001 0001 2 389
Watts Asa 000001 0000001 2 390
Wheaton Silas 03200001 111101 11 392
White Josiah* 0000001 1010001 4 392
Wolcott John R.* 00000001 310001 6 388
Wolcott Benj. 1202001 00200010001 10 389 Margaret 83
Wolcott Elizabeth 0011 01010001 5 390
Wolcott Elijah 00001 00001 2 390
Wolcott Saml. P. 20001 10001 5 390
Wolcott Silas 000001 0001 2 390
Wood Henry 00001 00001 2 390
Wood Peter 0120001 110201 9 392
Wright Jos. 210001 10001 6 388

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/15/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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