Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1840 Canton Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Adams Lewis 001101 011001 6 272
Adams John S. 00001 11001 4 272
Andrus Darwin 01002 11001 6 275
Andrus Cyrus 000000001 0001001 3 275
Andrus Norman J. 00101 0111001 6 275
Andrus Thomas 200001 002101 7 275
Andrus Mary 00011 00101001 5 278
Armstrong (Black) Zimri 001 110 3 273 See Blk Age Cat.
Avery Ebeneezer 000000001 000000001 2 279
Avery William 001001 00001 3 279
Ayres Abijah 0021101 231011 13 279
Ayres Moses 0100001 000101 4 279
Bacon Calvin 0003001 0000001 5 276
Bagley Redman 00001 1001 3 277
Baker William S. 000001 0001 2 277
Barnes Aaron B. 110001 10001 5 275
Bartlett Oliver 210001 202001 9 275
Bates John 0011001 0011001 6 278
Beardslee Charles 010001 10001 4 278
Beardslee Jacob S. 0000100001 21001 6 278
Beardslee Jared 000001 1 278
Bennet Thomas 1012301 1210001 13 276
Biddle Joseph 1100001 101001 6 274
Blakeman Asel 00001 000000001 2 272
Bloom Elisha 0011001 1010101 7 275
Bothwell Alexander 000001 000001 2 272
Bothwell James 020001 310001 8 272
Bothwell Justin 100001 020001 5 272
Boyles James 0111001 121101 10 275
Brigden William I. 11002 21001 8 277
Brown Orrin 20001 10001 5 275
Brown Solomon 00200001 00021001 7 277
Brown Stephen 10001 010001 4 279
Burdick James R. 2100001 010001 6 273
Case Ephraim 100001 100001 4 273
Case Philander 100001 12001 6 278
Case Thomas 0010001 121001 7 279
Channel George P. 00002 00001 3 275
Channel William 0001 1 278
Clark Urich 00001 0001001 3 272
Cole David R. 20001 00001 4 275
Conklin Samuel 200001 00001 4 273
Coolbaugh Benjamin 0002101 0110001 7 274
Coon Amos 001000001 00020001 5 273
Cornel James 100001 00001 3 272
Cosper Peter 01110001 01101 7 272
Crandle Elijah 202001 1002010001 10 275
Decker Simon 100001 000101 4 274
Donovan Jeremiah 11001 10001 5 276
Dunning Joseph 001100001 00000001 4 277
Eliott C.S. 110001 11001 6 272
Eliott William 100001 210001 6 274
Eliott Bradley 001001 111001 6 274
Elliott Francis S. 00001 10001 3 272
Evitt Gilbert 00001001 00000001 3 272
Fellows Thomas 001101 01001 5 275
Fellows Joseph Jr. 110001 00001 4 275
Ferguson George 110001 10001 5 279
Fitch Stephen 10001 0001 3 279
Fitch Elijah 000010001 000000001 3 279
Fitch Samuel 0101001 001001 5 279
Fitzwater Samuel 0002001 0111001 7 278
Foster …* 31 0010011 7 273
Frisbie Samuel 0020001 1100001 6 274
Fuller Goodwin 110001 100001 5 273
Gage Alexander 00001 1 277
Gage Isaac 2100001 100001 6 278
Gage Henry 000001 10001 3 278
Garret Truman 10001 10001 4 276
Gavit Stephen 00000001 00000001 2 274
Goff William M. 11001 10001 5 274
Goslin William 20001 00001 4 277
Grantier John 20001001 0000031 8 273
Grantier Eli 10001 00001 3 276
Grantier David S. 1000001 02211 8 276
Graves Simon 00100001 0001001 4 275
Gray Silas 2112001 0111001 11 274
Gray Orlando N. 00001 00001 2 274
Gray John 1111001 0010001 7 279
Greenleaf William J. 0111201 0011001 9 272
Greeno Emerson 00011001 0000101 5 272
Griffin John W. 10021 00101 6 276
Griffin Jesse 012001 111101001 10 277
Griffin Myron 000001 221001 7 278
Groves Edmund 0000001 3000001 5 275
Haight Henry 20001 20001 6 277
Hale Mason 2110001 012001 9 274
Hall (Black) Charles 001 211 5 273 See Blk Age Cat. 
Haxton Hosea 0100001 30101 7 279
Hickok Sullivan 110001 110001 6 277
Hicok Nathaniel 10001 10011 5 278
Higby William 100000001 21001 6 276
Howe Shepard 100001 000001 3 277
Hoyt Jared 00010001 0010201 6 274
Jackson Harlow 100001 10001 4 279
Jones James D. 100001 11001 5 275
Jones Samuel 00001001 00002001 5 275
Jones Andrew W. 10001 00001 3 276
Jones Horace H. 00001 00001 2 276
Jones Richard 00001 00002 3 276
Kendall Seneca 110101 00001 5 276
Kendall Silvanus 00001 00001 2 276
Kendall Sylvester 10001001 00002001 6 278
Kilmer Chester 011001 201101 8 275
Kilmore Henry 0110001 0101001 6 273
Landon Levi 120101 1200001 9 277
Landon Eldaah 110001 10001 5 278
Landon Stephen 110001 101101 7 278
Landon Levi D. 11001 10001 5 279
Lester Levi 100001 000001 3 279
Lewis Remington S. 3200001 011001 9 279
Lilly Dummer 01001 20101 6 274
Lilly* John Jr. 201001 100001 6 272
Lindley Solomon 10002 010011001 7 277
Lindley Joseph 200001 11001 6 277
Locke James 000200001 0010001 5 275
Loomis Josiah 0010101 0000100001 5 274
Loomis Asahel S. 0000101 110001 5 276
Loomis Charles 100001 01001 4 278
Lyons James 1110001 0010001 6 278
Manley George 110001 2010011001 9 273
Manley Thomas 0011001 2210001 9 275
Manley Hubbell 1101101 0211101 11 277
Manly Rosannah 1 110001 4 274
Mason James R. 200001 10001 5 274
McClelland Frederick 0113101 1000001 9 274
McNaught John 110001 11101 7 273
Metler Philip 0000000001 0000000001 2 277
Metler James 200001 01001 5 277
Miles Thomas 00011001 0011001001 7 277
Miller Hiram W. 100001 22001 7 277
Moore Samuel 0000101 00012001 6 274
Nelson James 10001 0010001 4 272
Newell Jane 01003 00110001 7 276
Newell Samuel M. 00001 20001 4 276
Ney Thomas 00001 1 273
Owen Thomas 0100201 0011101 8 272
Packard William 211001 210001 9 272
Packard Silas 2110001 112101 11 279
Palmer David 112001 0101010001 9 272
Palmer Abram 001110001 00000001 5 274
Palmer Orrin 000001 1001 3 274
Palmer Reuben T. 20001 00001 4 279
Pease Nathaniel 02210001 0100101 9 277
Peppers Stephen 000001 020101 5 273
Peppers T…./Terry* 201001 011001 7 275
Peppers William 001200001 110010001 8 277
Peters Alpheus 110001 102001 7 278
Pickard Abraham 000110001 00110001 6 277
Pratt David 0010000001 0000100001 4 273
Pratt Julius 100001 11001 5 273
Pratt Chester 111001 211001 9 273
Pratt Asa 0020001 1221201 12 274
Pratt Jonathan 1010101 12231 13 278
Randall Timothy 01010001 01001001 6 274
Randall Thomas W. 010001 000001 3 274
Randall James 00001 00001 2 274
Reynolds Ezra 1010001 0100001 5 278
Rice J.J. 00001 1 273
Richard Harlow 200001 000001 4 275
Riggs Squire L. 10001 00001 3 278
Roberts William 0131001 2200201 13 273
Roberts Samuel 111001 010001 6 273
Roberts Jacob 00001 21001 5 274
Roberts Tryon 200001001 0100101 7 278
Robinson (Black) John 1001 201 5 274 See Blk Age Cat.
Rockwell Laben 0101001 211001 8 272
Rockwell Elias 01010001 0000000101 5 272
Rockwell James 0110001 0000201 6 272
Rockwell Jacob G. 00001 1 2 273
Rockwell Samuel 0000000001 00000001 2 273
Rockwell Jeremiah 121001 101001 8 273
Rockwell Elisha 00001 20101 5 274
Rodgers R…..* 1100001 0101001 6 276
Rogers Roswell B. 00121001 00113001 11 277
Rose Job 000111 20001 6 273
Rouse John H. 10001 11001 5 275
Rundle Abraham 0111101 111101 10 279
Sellard Calvin S. 010001 21001101 8 274
Sellard James 000001 32001 7 276
Sellard Stephen D. 00010001 00100001 4 276
Sellard Enoch 000001 1 276
Sellard Oliver 010001 11001 5 276
Shepard S.C. 00001 10001 3 272
Smith Buel 211001 101001 8 272
Smith Jeremiah 0000000001 000000001 2 272
Smith William H. 11001 10001 5 273
Smith Charles 00001 0001 2 276
Smith Silas 0000101 0000001 3 277
Smith Gilbert 020001 200001 6 278
Soper Roger 000010001 000100001 4 277
Spalding Horace 00011001 0111001 7 273
Spalding William P. 01100001 0000001 4 276
Spalding Cyrus 0000000001 1 276
Spalding Andrew E. 20001 00001 4 276
Spencer Ezekiel 001100001 00001001 5 273
Stockwell David 000000001 000000001 2 276
Taber Reuben M. 00000001 0011101 5 272
Taber Nathan B. 0112101 1000101 9 276
Terry Phineas W. 011001 00001 4 278
Turner John 320001 00101 8 276
Tyler Martin 000100001 001110001 6 275
VanDyke John 0000001 0100001 3 277
VanDyke J.W. 10101 000001 4 277
Ward Eliphalet 11010001 0111001 8 272
Ward H.N. 00001 00001 2 273
Warren James 200001 01101 6 274
Warren Josiah 220001 00001 6 279
Watts John 00110001 00101001 6 276
Watts Squire 012101 1100001 8 277
Wesley Salenda 00000001 1 275
Whitehead William 0100001 31001 7 273
Wilcox Amos 001001 010001 4 272
William Alan B. 100101 002001 6 275
Williams Thomas 000100001 000100001 4 275
Williams George 00001 0001 2 275
Williams Rodrick 000101 00001 3 278
Williams Thomas 110001 10001 5 279
Wilson Irad 0222001 210101 12 272
Wilson Noah 0000000001 1 272 Noah Wilson 79
Withey Jeduthan 0001001001 000100001 5 276
Wood Bernard 11001 010001 5 273
Wood Amasa 11011 100010001 7 274
Wright Joel 21011001 01100001 9 275
Wright Joseph B. 10001 0001 3 277
Wright Jerome W. 00101 0002001 5 277
Wright Uriel 000001 000001 2 278
Wright Joel L. 00001 0001 2 278
Wright Elias 1100101 0010101 7 278
Wright Charles W. 10001 00001 3 278
Wright Charles 0001001 000001 3 278

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/30/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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