Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Burlington Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up.

Alexander Cobb 012000001 10001001 7 269
Allen Stephen A. 0001 1 267
Allen Aaron P. 011001 30001 7 268
Andrus Hiram 111011 110001 8 264
Ardway William 0010011 110001 6 270
Ayres Abner 0010001 122101 9 270
Bacon Isaiah 0001 00001 2 265
Bacon Erastus 00001001 00000001 3 270
Bailey Nehemiah 0101001 002001 6 268
Bailey John 21001 000001 5 269
Bailey Enos 00001 000001 2 269
Ballard John V. 210001 01001 6 264
Ballard John 001210001 1001101 9 265
Ballard Hoyt 0010001 0001001001 5 265
Bennet George 0121201 0011001 10 269
Blackwell John 00021001 0101201 9 265
Blakeslee John G. 00001 00001 2 266
Blakeslee Obadiah 00001 1 267
Bloom John 001001 22001000001 8 266
Bullock Benjamin 1000210001 10001 7 269
Burns Orry 1110001 011001 7 267
Calkin James 10110001 0220001 9 264
Calkin Moses 2110001 001001 7 264
Calkin Joel 00021001 0011001001 8 264
Calkin Oliver 100001 11001 5 264
Campbell Alanson 210001 010001 6 266
Campbell William 000010001 00020001 5 266
Campbell George W. 11001 10001 5 266
Campbell James 01010001 211001 8 266
Campbell Cephas 000120001 000200010001 8 267 age 97 no pension
Campbell David 00011 0001 3 267
Campbell David Jr. 110001 23001 9 267
Campbell Henry 1200001 00111001 8 267
Campbell David 0000000001 1 267 David 72
Carr Isaac 01001001 0000001 4 270
Clark John T. 000000001 100010001 4 267
Clark William 00000001 0010001 3 267
Clark Staunton 00001 00001 2 267
Clark John T.P. 1100001 012001 7 267
Clark Cephas 1201001 11111 10 268
Compton Hubbard H. 101001 001001 5 266
Connor Lydia O. 10121 0101001 8 270
Crofut Josiah 0101001 1200001 7 267
Dewitt Morgan 100001 000001 3 264
Dewitt Elizabeth 0010001 000010001 4 264
Dodd Isaac 112001 101001 8 267
Dodge Lorain 0012001 1001010001 8 266
Downing G.M. 000001 001001 3 270
Fairchild Hiram Z. 00001 10001 3 270
Fall Jacob 11001 10001 5 268
Fanning Edwin 00001 00001 2 269
Farnsworth Eliza 00221 00022001 10 264
Gamage Wilson 000101 01001 4 265
Gamage Horatio 01101 20101 7 265
Gamage John 000000001 00000001 2 265
Garrison Hezekiah 11001 11001 6 269
Gates George 00001 00001 2 268
Godard Luther 1100001 100201 7 264
Godard Ezra 0011001 0011201 8 264
Goddard Thirza* 0000011 2 270
Green Jonathan 12001 100001 6 268
Grist Joel 00001 1 270
Gustin John 0011001 0011201 8 269
Gustin Eliphalet 2100110001 00001 7 269
Haight George R. 210001 11001 7 268
Hall Amasa 00001 2001 4 268
Hall William F. 01120001 10100011 9 270
Hart Philip 0000100101 0001001 5 269
Hawkins Wakeman 1110001 210101 9 265
Haythron John 01001010001 0110001 7 270 Benj. Bosworth 85
Henry John 20000001 1000001 5 264
Henson Elisha 1011001 00000001 5 270
Highdecker Jeremiah 00001 10101 4 267
Hill George C. 210011 00001 6 266
Hilton Joseph 0100001 0020001 5 264
Hollenback Bernard 00000001 1 270
Horton Reuben 20001 10001 5 266
Horton Gilbert 001010001 00201001001 8 270
Howe John W. 20001 10001 5 265
Hunt Gilbert 210001 11001 7 268
Johnson Charles R. 010001 211001 7 268
Johnson Frederick 00001 1 270
Johnson (Black) Isaac 101 001 3 270 See Blk Age Cat. 
Kelly James 00000001 00000001 2 265
Kenny John 002100101 2301001 12 270
Ketcham Samuel 11010011 10120100001 11 264
Knapp William 00001 00001 2 266
Knapp Charles 21001 00001 5 266
Knapp William 000200001 00120001 7 268
Lane Daniel 10001 21001 6 267
Lane Isaac 0001 1 267
Lane Alexander 0000000001 000000001 2 268 Alexander Lane 78
Lane Alexander Jr. 200001 01101 6 268
Lane Zephaniah 0101001 01201 7 269
Larcum Job 1220101 1110101 12 265
Larcum Orrin L. 10002 10001 5 265
Leonard Noah 0000101 000001001 4 264
Leonard Nancy 00001 000000001 2 270
Long James 00000001 0110001 4 265
Long J.F. 120001 100001 6 265
Loomis Marcus 0000001 20001 4 268
Loveland Jeremiah 00011 10001 4 266
Luther Enoch 2014001 122001 14 269
McE….y* Washington 00001 1 266
McKean Allen 010001 000011 4 264
McKean William 011001 01001 5 265
McKean Jehiel 1000101 020001 6 265
McKean Samuel 00111001 1003001 9 265
McKean Addison 10003 01011 7 265
McKean John 00213001 00002001 10 266
McPherson Abram 20001 00001 4 264
Mead Daniel 110001 111001 7 268
Mead Cobb 000110001 00101001 6 268
Mead Harvey 00001 0001 2 268
Mead James 2000010001 11001 7 269
Mead David 00001 10001 3 269
Mead Abner 00001 00001 2 270
Mead Amos 01010001 00110001 6 270
Mean Joseph M. 211001 111001 9 268
Merry Truman 00001 000001 2 264
Miller Isaac 2111001 0110001 9 269
Mitchell William 013111 00001 8 264
Morley Justin 00001 10001 3 266
Morley Jacob 100001 100001 4 266
Morrell* Isaac 110001 122001 9 267
Morton Royal L. 10001 1001 4 267
Morton Simeon 00000001 00000001 2 269
Morton Lester 00000001 0100001 3 269
Mott Samuel 0000001 0000001 2 269
Nichols Abigail 001 0000001 2 264
Nichols Earl 0120101 021001 9 266
Nichols William 0000000001 000000001 2 266
Nichols Benjamin 10001 10001 4 266
Nichols Jonathan 010001 01 3 267
Nichols William Jr.  00000100001 01001 4 267 Jacob Scouten 85
Phelps Lewis 210001 10001 6 264
Phinney N.N. 10001 01001 4 264
Pratt Jedediah N. 00010001 0000001 3 265
Pratt Luman 10001 10001 4 265
Pratt Horace D. 210001 000001 5 270
Pratt John Jr. 300001 030001 8 270
Pratt Gilbert 01011001 0101001 7 271
Preston Isaac 000010001 0110101 6 267
Preston Mark 1000001 011201 7 270
Prouty Jeptha 20001 11001 6 264
Rathbone (Black) Abner 00101 1201 6 264 See Blk Age Cat.
Reeves Abraham 121001 111001 9 267
Renols Major 0100001 000001 3 269
Riley Henry 1000001001 021001001 8 265
Riley Major 00100001 00000001 3 265
Riley Joseph 00001 10001 3 265
Robertson Abraham 10001 0001 3 269
Robinson William R. 010001 21001 6 269
Ross John 1212001 1000101 10 266
Ross Benjamin 00001 00001 2 266
Ross David A. 10001 00001 3 266
Rundell David 110001 000001 4 268
Rundell Lorenzo 00011 00010001 4 268
Rundell Austin 000001 011101 5 268
Russel Michael 0100001 0010001 4 269
Salisbury Henry 000000001 00000001 2 270
Scott Jonathan 00010001 0010100101 6 264
Scott Zina L. 100001 01101 5 264
Scouten Henry 10001 00001 3 266
Scouten Charles 110011 10001 6 266
Shiner Even O. 0001001 0023001 8 268
Shiner Lewis 00001 1 270
Simpson William 01220001 0100001 8 266
Slater Adolphus 00001 0001 2 269
Sluyter Jonathan 00010001 000011001 5 268
Sluyter William A. 00001 00001 2 268
Sluyter Joshua 100001 100010001 5 268
Smith Asahel 10002 10001 5 266
Soper David 01100001 00021001 7 267
Soper Hezekiah 000000001 000000001 2 269
Soper Hezekiah Jr. 100001 010001 4 269
Spencer Noah B. 01112001 0001001 8 264
Sponeberger Michael 1100001 00001 4 265
Stevens William 00001001 00000001 3 264
Strope Samuel 100001 00011 4 269
Strope Alfred 00002 20001 5 269
Strope Henry 0300001 100201 8 269
Swain Isaac Jr. 0101101 0110001 7 265
Swain Isaac 001100001 001000001 5 265
Swain Andrew M. 010001 11001 5 265
Swetland Seth 00001 1001 3 266
Swetland Abigail 00021 00000001 4 270
Taylor Joseph 00001 00001 2 266
Taylor John M. 20001 10001 5 268
Taylor Thomas 00000001 0001000101 4 270
Travis Jeremiah 00120001 00001001 6 267
Travis Alyson 00001 0001001 3 267
Vosburgh J.E. 1212001 0010001 9 265
Vroman Peter J. 1012001 0220001 10 270
Ward Augustus 21001 11001 7 268
Ward Alcemas* 10001 10001 4 268
Ward Chandler 00000001 00000001 2 268
Waters Thomas 03002001 1021001 11 269
Waters Richard 00001 1001 3 270
Watkins Azariah 100001 20001 5 269
Weed S.A. 301001 01001 7 266
West Clrenzo D. 00001 1 267
West Peter B. 000001 20001 4 267
Westgate Betsey 02 00000001 3 270
Wheaton Anson W. 00001 10001 3 265
Wheeler Jonathan 100001 10001 4 264
Wheeler Timothy C. 1120001 000001 6 268
Whitman Newberry 000001 00001 2 265
Wilcox James 0011001 0100001 5 267
Wilcox Richard B. 110211 0031001 11 271
Wilhelm Henry 000111001 0001000001 6 267
Woodward Hiram 000001 002001 4 264

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/29/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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