Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1830 Census Records for Bradford County PA 
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1830 Warren Township Census

Typed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III of Oklahoma, formatted by Joyce M. Tice
* Indicates a questionable reading. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.
Abel Daniel 000001 010001 3 90
Airs Hester 1001100001 0100101 7 87
Allen Seneca 210021 00001 7 89
Allen Benajer 210001 000001 5 89
Allen Alfred 0010111 0021001001 9 89
Antisdale Anna 11111 0110001 8 85
Antisdale Phineas 11111001 2101101 12 89
Armstrong Joseph 0000100001 001000001 4 87
Arnold William 321001 110001 10 89
Arnold James 021011 10110001 9 89
Bardley William 100001 010001 4 87
Barnes Charles 010001 011001 5 86
Barney Richard 000001 32001 7 85
Billings Henry 110001 21001 7 85
Bliss William 100001 210001 6 88
Bowen James 001110001 111101 9 88
Bowen Caleb N. 000001 10001 3 88
Bowen Noah 1100001 11001 6 89
Bowin Abner 210001 11101 8 88
Bowmn William 2020201 122001 13 90
Bowing George 0104001 322001 14 88
Bradford William 101001 1220001 9 86
Brown Nathan 00000001 00000001 2 85
Brumley Jonathan 00001 000010001 3 85
Buffington William 1011101 120121 12 86
Buffington Daniel 000001 220001 6 86
Buffington Preserved 0000000001 0001000001 3 89
Buffington Calvin 010001 00001 3 89
Buffington Luther 112101 111101 11 89
Buffington Benjamin 002001 011101 7 89
Buffum Benjamin 0000001 0010001 3 87
Buffum Russell 00001 20001 4 87
Buffum Stephen 10001 00001 3 87
Bullock Samuel W. 02012001 00011001 9 88
Burbank Jacob D. 020001 101001 6 86
Burton Stephen 2220001 0021001 11 87
Capper Robert 111001 11001 7 88
Carey David A. 201001 120001 8 85
Chaffee Daniel 000001 21001 5 89
Chaffee John 200001 20001 6 89
Coburn Parley 00003001 0010101 7 87
Coburn Ebenezer 01000001 0010001 4 87
Coburn Nehemiah 000001 11001 4 87
Coburn Moses 00021001 1200001 8 87
Coburn Daniel 00001 00001 2 87
Coburn Andrew 030011 1010001 8 87
Coburn Sidney 001001 01001 4 88
Coleman James 200001 100001 5 85
Corbin J.P. 00000001 00001000001 3 86
Corbin Penuel 0200001 201002 8 86
Corbin Charles 10001 10001 4 86
Corbin Aaron 2111001 111001 10 87
Corbin Oliver 1022101 1110001 11 87
Cornwell Nathaniel P. 000010001 200010001 6 88
Crary (Mc?) Marvin M. 000001   1 85
Crary (Mc?) Samuel M. 0100001 00001 3 85
Curier John M. 1001001 221101 10 87
Darling Otis 20200001 0210001 9 88
Darling Secratas 00001001 00000001 3 88
Denison George 11011 4 89
Dewing Alexander 001001 01001 4 87
Dickerson Rogers 220001 011001 8 85
Dickerson John 020001 300101 8 85
Durham Cyrus A. 00001   1 90
Eddy John 0101001 111011 8 88
Frink Marshal 10001 10001 4 89
Gallop Joseph 10001 00001 3 90
Gates Nathaniel 0100001 1100001 5 86
Gould Cornelius 100001 10001 4 86
Hamilton Joseph 01101101 001001 7 85
Hickock David H. 101201 1100001 8 86
Hicock Asa 0001001001 000010001 5 86
Jenks Livingston 3001001 021001 9 88
Jillson Lydia 0001 001000001 3 85
Jilson Richard 100001001 10001001 6 85
Joslin Peter 1100201 012201 11 87
King Solomon 00001001 01011001 6 88
Kingsland Edward   12111001 7 89
Lewis Samuel 00001001 0010001 4 86
Manchester Henry 00001 00001 2 85
Manning George 1010001 000101 5 86
Merril Nathan 0001 000000001 2 89
Merrill Henry L. 211002 110001 9 87
Merrill Obadiah 001010001 001100001 6 87
Merrill Abel 000001 00001 2 87
Minard Samuel H. 00001 11101 5 89
Mulkey John 00001 0001 2 85
Narigon John 00001 0001 2 87
Newman Nathan 100011 310001 8 89
Newman John 0010001 0001001 4 89
Nichols Seth 200001 10001 5 86
Parmer Ephraim 000000001 00010001 3 85
Pendleton George 110001 20101 7 85
Pendleton Nathan 10001 00001 3 89
Pendleton William 000001 21001 5 89
Pierce Sidney 00001 0101 3 86
Pierce Abel 0121001 2010001 9 86
Pierce Job 020001 1000100001 6 86
Prince Abel 0000001   1 86
Prince Joseph 2d 2000001 133001 11 86
Reads William W. 10001 00001 3 89
Rogers Dickenson 00001 00000001 2 85
Rogers Philup 100011 110001 6 85
Rogers Nathaniel 000001 000001 2 85
Rogers Albazina 10101 01001 5 85
Rowland Henry 000001 110001 4 88
Sleeper Robert 001010001 000010001 5 88
Sleeper John 210001 00001 5 88
Steamburg Jonathan 000110001 00000001 4 86
Steamburg Peter 001001 220001 7 86
Sutton Robert 110001 100001 5 87
Tripp Isaac 200001 01001 5 89
Verbank Moses 010001 12001001 7 86
Vincent Edward 20001 10001 5 88
Vincent Elisha 000001   1 88
Vincent Butler 220001 000001 6 88
Vincent Timothy 00110001 00001001 5 88
Wade Lewis 000000001   1 88
Wade Lewis Jr. 113001 2200110001 13 88
Wade George 030001 200001 7 89
Wheaton John 021011 201001 9 85
Wheaton Samuel 101001 311001 9 85
Wheeler Asa 00001 00001 2 86
Whitaker Abraham 300001 110001 7 87
Whitaker Abraham 000000001 0000001 2 88
Whitaker Henery 220001 020001 8 88
Wilson Robert 1100001 111011 8 85
Woodburn Whitman 300001 00001 5 85
Woodcut Josiah 10001 00001 3 86
Young Nathan 0020001 1210001 8 87

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 8/20/98
By Joyce M. Tice