Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1830 Census Records for Bradford County PA 
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1830 Troy Township Census

Typed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III of Oklahoma, formatted by Joyce M. Tice
* Indicates a questionable reading. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.
…….bar Roswell 20002 10001 6 124
Adams Samuel 0220001 201011 10 127
Adams Jenny 10111100001 021011 11 127
Airs Andrew 00011001 00011001 6 124
Airs Moseman 00001 10001 3 124
Allyn Nathaniel 001001001 000000001 4 125
Allyn Miron 000001 02001 4 125
Allyn Samuel 011001 100001 5 125
Alvord Nathan 000000001 00002001 4 126
Avery Ebenezer 100001 00001 3 125
Avery Levi 110001 211001 8 125
Avery Jacob 0120001 200001 7 125
Avery William 1010000001 000010001 5 125
Avery Hezekiah 00001 00001 2 125
Avery Hezekiah 00110101 0010001 6 129
Ayers John 10001 00001 3 125
Babcock Nathan 00110001 1111001 8 129
Baker Conklin 0021001 0000001101 7 126
Ballard Orrin P. 110421 11001 12 127
Ballard Orrin P. (fam.)   01 (Black) 1 127
Barber John 101000001 0010010001 6 127
Barber Joseph 01112001 0001001 8 127
Barnes Ezekiel 1001201 1020001 9 125
Barnes Churchill 0010001 11011 6 128
Baxter Early 10001 10001 4 124
Baxter James 100001 100001 4 124
Baxter Joseph 00012001 0121001 9 124
Beach Jesse 112210001 011100001 12 125
Beach Jehiel 00001   1 126
Bigalow Rodercik 31111 00001 8 127
Blakeslee Ephraim 00001 10001 3 125
Bothwell James A. 00001 00001 2 129
Boyse John 00000001 00000001 2 125
Boyse Jeduthan 20001 00001 4 125
Boyse David 00011 1001 4 125
Carber Jacob 100001 010001 4 128
Case Samuel 00110001 00100001 5 124
Case Zina 000001 00001 2 124
Case Moses 0010001 0221001 8 126
Case Nathaniel 111101 0110001 8 128
Case Reuben 300001 010001 6 128
Case Elihu 2201001 0010001 8 128
Case Samuel Jr. 000001 220001 6 129
Case Abraham 122001 10101 9 129
Casper Isaac 0011 0012001 6 126
Clifton John 1110001 000101 6 124
Cole Tobias 010000001 001000001 4 124
Cummings John 0101001 110001 6 127
Dickerson James 000000001 000200001 4 125
Dobbins William S. 00001 00001 2 128
Dobins John 00011001 00200001 6 128
Dunbar Zina 10001001 0021001 7 124
Faris Jehiel 00010000001 00000001 3 125
Fitch Samuel 0100001 200001 5 128
Fitch Lewis 100001 00001 3 128
Fitch Nelson 10001 00001 3 128
Ganbrad* Peter 000001 10001 3 129
Garst Samuel 20001 00011 5 127
Gifford William 100011 00001 4 127
Godard Wesley 000012 000000001 4 129
Gregory Daniel 0011101 1110101 9 127
Hardy Timothy .* 00000001 0000001 2 129
Hart Phillip 0010001 0200001 5 126
Hawkins George 1100001 0000001 4 126
Hayden Mary 00001 000000001 2 129
Herick Almerin 0211001 101001001 9 128
Hickock Stephen 00200002 01000001 6 124
Hickok James 00112001 00003001 9 127
Hickok David N. 00001 00001 2 127
Hovey Benjamin 01001 000101 4 129
How Peter 0201001 001101 7 128
Hoyt Henry 000001 00101 3 127
Johnson Joseph 0020001 0110001 6 126
Johnson Simon 10001 10001 4 129
Kinyon Nathan T. 100001 010001 4 126
Knapp Nathaniel 020001 00111 6 127
Knight John 211001 200001 8 129
Kress Benjamin 00001 0001001 3 127
Kress George 00011 20001 5 127
Landing Joshua 000001 00001 2 126
Landon Ezra 3100001 001001 7 127
Lebaren Laura 001 011101 5 125
Long Ezra 0102301 0112001 12 126
Long Alonzo 00011 00011 4 128
Loomis Daniel 00201001 0002101 8 125
Loomis Eli 10001 00001 3 125
Lucas James 10101 21001 7 127
Manly Davis* 2012001 1110001 10 129
Marble John 0110101 1001 6 124
Merit James 121101 110001 9 124
Merit Thomas 0000000001 000000001 2 124
Metler Phillip 010010001 00001001 5 126
Moore Asa 0100001 1120101 8 126
Moore Silas 0210101 0012001 9 128
Morgan Dennis 010001 110001 5 126
Morse Israel 1110001 1110001 8 124
Morse Solomon 20310001 0222101 15 129
Mory Truman 11010001 0011201001 10 125
Muncey Alexander 2000011 00001 5 126
Newbury Elihu 010101 11011 7 128
Parmer Russel 210001 012101 9 129
Patridge* Simeon 10001 01001 4 125
Pomeroy Ebenezer 320001 001001 8 124
Pomeroy Isaac N. 022011 201001 10 127
Porter John 200001 021002 8 127
Porter Uel 20001 00001 4 127
Powell Lewis 100001 11001010001 7 124
Pratt Bryan* 12101001 01110001 10 125
Prouty Chester 0210101 010001 7 128
Reynolds Joel 000001 11101 5 129
Riley William 01 (Black)   1 129
Robb William 00000001 00012001 5 128
Rockwell Rufus 200001 100001 5 124
Rockwell Samuel 000010001 00010001 4 126
Rockwell Rufus 20001 10001 5 126
Rockwell Luther 222001 100001 9 126
Rowley Reuben 0000000001 000100001 3 129
Scott Jonathan 0110101 1012001 9 124
Scott Merit 00001 20001 4 124
Scott Jonathan 0200101 1012001 9 126
Scott Thomas 00001 20001 4 126
Shepherd Stephen 200001 000001 4 126
Shepherd Betsey 01011 0101 5 126
Simkins Joshua 111001 1020001 8 124
Smith Job 1110001 1111001 9 125
Spaulding Howard 1111001 1001001 8 129
Stephens Zena 000001 000100001 3 124
Stevens Joel 10001 10001 4 124
Stiles Johnson 111001 110101 8 126
Sweet George W. 21001 01001 6 127
Taylor Horris 00001 01001 3 127
Taylor Allen 021001 210001 8 129
Thomas Jacob 01013001 00100001 8 129
Thomas Alvin W. 21001 00001 5 129
Utter Simeon F. 011001 00011 5 128
Virgoson* Reuben B. 10001 0001 3 129
Ward Eldrick 1311001 1012001 12 124
Ward Eliphalet 0101001 300101 8 129
Wells Joseph 0000100001 000000001 3 128
White Anson 100001 00001 3 127
Wilber John 010010001 001001001 6 127
Willber Reuben 0100201 102201 10 127
Williams Joseph 00011001 00211001 8 128
Williams Hubard 00101 00001 3 128
Williams Benjamin 00001 0101 3 128
Williams Chester 222001 110001 10 128
Williams Caleb 000000001 000000001 2 128
Williams Warren 000001 200001 4 128
Williams Ansel 0110001 1101101 8 128
Williams Johnson 000001 000001 2 128
Williams David 0110101 0101001 7 129
Williams Isaac 20002 00001 5 129
Willsey Jeremiah 200001 10001 5 127
Winney Henry N 000001 21001 5 129
Wood James 10001 10001 4 126

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 9/7/98
By Joyce M. Tice