Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1830 Census Records for Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
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1830 Canton Township Census

Typed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III of Oklahoma, formatted by Joyce M. Tice
* Indicates a questionable reading. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.
Adams Joel 000001 20001 4 131
Andrews Polly 021 1010001 6 132
Andrus David 10001 00001 3 132
Andrus David 000000001 000020001 4 132
Andrus Elisha 00001 00001 2 132
Armstrong Mathew C. 110001 10011 6 135
Avery Ebenezer 00012001 00100001 6 136
Ayers Moses 001001 11001 5 137
Ayers Abijah 000010001 00100001 4 137
Ayers Abijah Jr. 1211001 111001 10 137
Ayers John 100001 221 7 137
Ayers Moses 000001 00001 2 137
Ayers Gilbert 1100001 02 5 137
Bailey Eason 1002101 0102001 9 131
Bailey James 10001 001001 4 131
Ballard Nathan 200001 011001 6 137
Bartlett Oliver Jr. 100001 11001 5 130
Bartlett Oliver 000000001 00000101 3 130
Bartlett Asa 00001 10001 3 131
Bennet Amos 231001 001201 11 131
Bennet John 100001 20001 5 131
Bennet Isaiah 1000001 100001 4 133
Blakeman Huldah   100001 2 133
Blakemore Olive 0001 00010001 3 133
Bloom Elisha 110001 111101 8 131
Brown Solomon 3011001 0212001 12 132
Case Thomas 010001 10001 4 137
Champney VanRenssellaer 20001 00001 4 136
Chesley Simon 101100001 0110001 7 137
Chesly Simon 101100001 0110001 7 137
Clark Jonathan 010001 002001 5 136
Clark Woodford 20001 00001 4 137
Clark Nathaniel 01011001 0011001 7 137
Conklin Elias 11111001 0110101 10 133
Coon Amos 1100001 0110001 6 134
Cooper Peter 1010001 1112 8 135
Corby John 00010001 0111101 7 136
Crandall Job 010001 1010001 5 131
Crandle Elijah 101001 110001 6 134
Crofford Alfred 00001 20001 4 130
Davis Samuel 110001 10001 5 133
Eaton Abel 001100100001 01210001 9 132
Elliott Gilbert 0111101 0100001 7 135
Elliott Bradley J. 100001 00001 3 136
Far John D. 2110001 011101 9 134
Ford Horris 200001 112001 8 131
Foster Abraham 02112001 0111101 12 132
Gavit Stephen 000001 0000001 2 136
Ginnings Ebenezer 100001 21001 6 136
Granatine Jacob 2001001 010101 7 134
Grantier John 0010001 001211 7 133
Grantine David 000101 22001 7 133
Gray Silas 122001 201001 10 136
Greanleaf William J. 112001 110001 8 135
Griffin Anna 0111 00100001 5 133
Griffin Myron 00001 00001 2 133
Griswold Mariah 1101 001001 5 131
Griswold Gurdon 1100001 011001 6 131
Grovener Simon 101001 010001 5 134
Grovener Edmund 000001 000012000001 5 134
Hackstone Seth 0100001 000001 3 137
Hardy Timothy 00000001 0000001 2 136
Harris Thomas 220001 1010001 8 131
Hart Phillip 0010001 0110001 5 135
Hart Ruana 1000001 10001 4 136
Hexton Hosea 000001001 30001 6 132
Hexton Russell 201001 00201 7 132
Hexton John S. 12001 1 5 132
Hicock Nathaniel Jr. 0111101 010101 8 132
Hicock Nathaniel 0000000001   1 132
Hocum Sterling 10221001 1111001 12 131
Hocum Hugh 01212001 1101001 11 131
Hocum Hyram 00001 20001 4 131
Hogelam Samuel 020001 001001 5 131
Jennings See Gennings       136
Jones Samuel 0201101 0011001 8 134
Kilbourn Ozias 01002001 1110001 8 134
Kilmer Charles 10001 21001 6 137
Kindle Seneca 01001 00001 3 130
Kindle Lucinda 00201 0012001 7 132
Landing Levi D. 120001 000001 5 132
Landing Laban 0012101 022001 10 135
Landon Stephen 000001 11001 4 136
Lareum Levi 0211001 111001 9 137
Lareum* Truman 0000001   1 131
Lewis Ritchason 200011 10001 6 135
Lindley Roswell 01001 30001 6 131
Lindley David 00012001 00100001 6 132
Lomis Seth 1000101 0001201 7 133
Loomis John 100001 2 130
Loomis George 0000111001 000100101 7 133
Loomis Asa 000101 000001 3 134
Loomis John 100001 10001 4 137
Manly Thomas 1100001 112101 9 132
Manly Sylvester 000000001   1 132
Manly Hubbil 111001 11101 8 133
McDaniel Owen 00001 00001 2 132
McIntyre William 100001 00001 3 131
Miles Thomas 1100001 110001 6 130
Moore Samuel 001001 012101 7 135
Nelson John M. 111001 10002 7 131
Newell Josiah 00001 10001 3 134
Newell Oliver 0012101 1010001 8 134
Ogden Joseph 2200001 010122001 12 130
Packard Joel 210001 120001 8 136
Packard Silas 100001 21001 6 136
Packard William 10001 00001 3 136
Palmer Nathan 300001 200001 7 136
Palmer David 20101 10001 6 136
Palmer George 110001 20001 6 136
Parkhurst Isaac 110001 21001 7 131
Parsons James 0100001 110101 6 135
Peters Alpheas 00101 11001 5 133
Porter Zoroaster 00212001 0000001 7 137
Pratt Asa 200101 211011 10 133
Pratt Jonathan 101001 222001 10 133
Pratt Ebenezer 1001001 123201 12 135
Pratt David 000010001 000000001 3 135
Rice Orrison 110001 10001 5 131
Richards Israel 000000001 000000001 2 135
Roberts William 310001 002001 8 135
Roberts Nathan 000200001 00001101 6 136
Roberts Samuel 1001 10001 4 136
Robinson Martin 1212001 101001 10 133
Rockwell Jeremiah 10001 100101 5 133
Rockwell Elias 0112001 0000001 6 135
Rockwell Samuel Jr.  200011 021201 10 135
Rockwell Labin 010001 10001 4 135
Rockwell James 100001 001001 4 135
Rogers Irvine 1000001 022001 7 133
Rogers Roswell P. 2112001 202101 13 133
Ross James 021001 200001 7 137
Ross David 00020001 00100101 6 137
Ross Dunham 10001 12001 6 137
Ross David Jr. 10001 00001 3 137
Rundle Abraham 111001 02001 7 135
Runnels Simon 310001 020001001 9 130
Runnels Austin 000001 21001 5 134
Sage Roswell 201101 10001 7 130
Saxton Benjamin Jr. 101001 10001 5 137
Saxton Benjamin 0001101 0001001 5 137
Saxton Charles H. 20001 10001 5 137
Sellard Calvin S. 00001 00001 2 133
Sellard Enoch 00001   1 134
Sellard Stephen 01002001 01100001 7 134
Shearer Joel 1000001 320001 8 134
Shepherd S…en* 00001 01010001 4 135
Sheppard Silas E. 011001 010001 5 135
Shoemaker Malachi 01101001 1211001 10 137
Shute John W. 000000101 000000001 3 135
Smiley John M. 10001 00001 3 134
Smiley Susannah 02101 0011001 7 134
Smith Elisha 20001 00001 4 133
Smith Silas 000101 000001 3 133
Smith William 001000001 000000001 3 133
Smith Jeremiah 000000001 00010001 3 135
Wmith Bud 10001 10001 4 135
Smith Nathan 10001 00001 3 135
Smith Nichols B. 0000001 111001 5 136
Smith Howard 0001 100001 3 136
Spaulding William P. 100200101 002001 8 134
Spaulding Horris 0101001 1021001 8 134
Spencer Orlando 20001 000001 4 136
Stockwell David 0000001 0000001 2 134
Stockwell Warren 10001 00001 3 134
Stone Daniel 011001001 121101 10 131
Stone Horris 220101 00002 8 132
Streeter Sylvester 222001 000001 8 133
Strickling Amos 110001 111001 7 133
Taber Nathan B. 121001 011001 8 134
Taylor Reuben 000001 121001 6 136
Tillotson Anson 010001 1101010001 7 131
Tyler Martin 000000010001 11020001 7 135
Vandyke John 0021001 110001 7 132
Vansick Joseph 0011000001 00001001 5 132
Vansick John 10001 00001 3 132
Verguson Reuben 10001 0001 3 136
Watts John 2012001 1111001 11 134
Watts Squire 300001 000001 5 134
Wheeler Seth 210001 01101 7 134
Wheeler Origen 000001 11111 6 134
White Caleb 000000001 000000001 2 137
White David 00001001 00010001 4 137
Wilcox Benjamin Jr. 00001 00001 2 131
Wilcox Isaac 101001 01001 5 131
Wilcox Samuel 131001 200011 10 133
Willcox Hesekiah 0001 00000001 2 131
Willcox Everet E. 10001 10001 4 132
Willcox Benjamin 001 02020001 6 132
Williams Roderick 00001   1 130
Williams Thomas Jr. 01001 0001 3 130
Williams Thomas 01100001 0111001 7 130
Willsey William 200001 10001 5 134
Willson Iram 020001 11001 6 133
Willson Iruan* 210001 00101 6 136
Willson Noah 00001001 00000001 3 136
Willson George 2020101 020001 9 136
Withey Jeduthan 000001001 000000001 3 135
Wood Nathan 010101 11001 6 135
Wright Elias 0012001 120001 8 132
Wright Charles 010001 00001 3 132
Wright Jerome 0001001 0211001 7 132

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 9/11/98
By Joyce M. Tice