Photo |
This is from Tioga County Cemetery Inscriptions, Vol. 2, reprinted with permission of Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd. The cemetery inscriptions were copied by Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd and William A.LADD. The first six records were copied by Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd from the Tioga County Death Records
Last Name |
First Name |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Bartle |
Emeline |
Jan.31.1859 |
19y11m14d |
d/o Andrew & Maria Bartle |
Bacon |
Elsie |
Jan.26.1877 |
29y11m14d |
w/o Oliver Bacon Jr. |
Steele |
Lois |
Nov.22.1880 |
35y5m4d |
w/o Nathan Steele |
Bartle |
Large Family Stone |
Bartle |
Marie |
Jan.24.1818 |
Oct.19.1896 |
w/o Andrew Bartle |
Bartle |
Andrew |
Couldn't locate |
Bartle |
Augustus |
Jan.29.1796 |
Oct.12.1872 |
Bartle |
Cynthia |
Sept.12.1901 |
Feb.24.1891 |
Jerls |
Lucinda |
Mar.1.1868 |
78y7m18d |
Baker |
Harvey |
Feb.18.1873 |
1y7m |
s/o Oliver & Elsie |
Wilson |
James A. |
1825 |
1860 |
Wilson |
Freddie J. |
Mar.4.1871 |
4m4d |
s/o Ira C. & Mary J. |
Wilson |
Lyman |
1861 |
10 m |
s/o Ira C. & Mary J. |
Wilson |
Mary L. |
Sept.18.1855 |
Sept.16.1877 |
d/o Ira C. & Mary J. |
Wilson |
Alanson J. |
Apr.22.1871 |
71y9m |
Wilson |
Julia |
Oct.8.1865 |
63y9m18d |
w/o A. J. |
Wilson |
Ira C. |
Aug.18.1833 |
Mar.21.1916 |
Wilson |
Mary J. |
Jun.23.1837 |
Jul.3.1912 |
w/o Ira C.
Wilson |
Freddie J. |
Aug.17.1887 |
Sept.23.1888 |
s/o F. H. & J. H. |
Wilson |
Flossie E. |
May.13.1882 |
Sept.10.1888 |
d/o F. H. & J. H. |
Wilson |
Lyman G. |
May.13.1882 |
Sept.10.1882 |
s/o G. L. & Anna Wilson |
Taylor |
All Taylor's on one stone |
Taylor |
James S. |
Apr.19.1809 |
Jan.21.1881 |
Taylor |
Emily M. |
May.6.1817 |
Feb.5.1892 |
w/o James S. |
Taylor |
Arthur L. |
Apr.6.1858 |
May.17.1858 |
Taylor |
John D. |
Sept.25.1837 |
Jun.18.1876 |
Taylor |
Andrew S. |
Sept.22.1848 |
Apr.8.1882 |
Gross |
Martha |
Apr.30.1862 |
34 |
w/o W. S. Gross |
Gross |
Julia A. |
Apr.13.1864 |
76y9m6d |
w/o Simon Gross |
Hoig |
Elizabeth |
May.30.1816 |
68y11m21d |
w/o Samuel Hoig |
Warriner |
Nancy E. |
Oct.27.1879 |
35y5m23d |
w/o C. R. Warriner |
Miller |
Rachel |
Dec.21.1872 |
62y9m14d |
w/o B. F. Miller |
Large engraved by illegible field stone |
Plumley |
Otis H. |
Mar.12.1889 |
1m16d |
s/o H. J. & N. C. Plumley |
Orr |
Thomas J. |
1842 |
1926 |
Orr |
Ruth S. |
1846 |
1925 |
w/o Thos. J. |
Orr |
Robert J. |
1867 |
1934 |
Orr |
Robert |
Mar.18.1807 |
Sept.28.1890 |
Orr |
Delia A. |
Jun.9.1808? |
Jun.30.1887 |
w/o Robert Orr |
Drake |
Andrew |
1819 |
1912 |
Bartle |
Tabatha |
Mar.2.1860 |
79y8m |
Bartle |
Tabatha |
1780 |
1860 |
Tyler |
Annis |
1801 |
1873 |
Hammond |
Elizabeth |
1797 |
1874 |
Cooley |
Susanna M. |
Jul.11.1824 |
Former w/o A. S. Hoig |
Hoig |
Alexander H. |
Aug.9.1818 |
Jun.1.1853 |
Jones |
Granville |
Jun.24.1807 |
Apr.20.1883 |
(SRGP 11533) |
Many field stones, many graves without markers |
Wellsboro Agitator – December 14, 1892
—Mr. Andrew Bartle, a prominent farmer in Delmar, died last Thursday, He was eighty-one years of age, and he had resided in Delmar for more than half a century. Mr. Bartle was a progressive farmer and a man of philosophical temperament, steadfast and of persevering industry. He was a native of Chenango county, N. Y. The funeral was held last Saturday, Rev. James A. Boyce conducting the service.
Wellsboro Agitator, Tioga, PA-- Wednesday, December 14, 1862
Stony Fork, December 12-- By the death of Andrew Bartle, Delmar loses one of her oldest and most honored citizens. In 1837 he came with his young wife from Oxford, Chenango County, NY and settled upon 100 acres of heavily-timbered land, living for a few years in a log house covered with hemlock bark. By hard and untiring labor, good management and strict economy, which was the rule in the house as well as outside, he was able to retire in his declining years from his farm and lived the rest of his life in peace and comfort in the village of Stony Fork. It is not until our friends are taken from us that we properly estimate their lives and characters. Of Mr. Bartle I may say, having known him since boyhood that he was, noted for strict integrity and honorable dealing with his neighbors. The fact that he lived to see his farm converted from a dense forest to one of the finest in Delmar is an object-lesson to the youth of our land, telling them what can be accomplished by perseverance and well-directed effort. I do not remember ever hearing Mr. Bartle speak a profane word. He was sociable and kind in his family, of whom he was justly proud. They have lost a devoted and indulgent father. He never turned the worthy poor away from his door, but the Hypocrite could find no place in his affections. Temperate in all things, of conservative but very practical views, he was a safe friend and a trusty adviser. No one knows this better than the writer. Bereft of a father at the age of seventeen, he became to us – my mother had five children—a true friend and wise counselor. In him we saw a life and character that we may all well honor by trying to live up to the standard of excellence that he set before us. J. H. Buckley
Mr. Andrew Bartle died last Thursday, at the age of 81 years, and he had resided in Delmar for more than half a century. The funeral was held last Saturday.
Mrs. Elsie Bacon
In Wellsboro, January 26, 1877, Elsie, wife of Oliver Bacon, Jr. (Tuesday, June 27, 1877, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)
BUCKLEY Cynthia Bartle
Wellsboro Agitator, Tioga, PA-- Wednesday, February 25, 1891
Mrs. Lucinda Bartles died yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Wheeler, on West Avenue. She was in her ninetieth year. Mrs. Bartles had enjoyed reasonable good health until about a week ago when she was taken ill. She was the widow of Angus Bartles, and she resided in Delmar for many years.
Wellsboro Agitator – October 26, 1904
Mrs. S. M. Cooley died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Kelley, in this borough on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Cooley, who was Susanna M. Hammond, was born at Glenn Falls, N.Y., July 11, 1824. She was three times married, her first husband being Alexander S. Hoig by whom she had five children: Marian, who died in childhood; Mrs. George Fellows, deceased; Mrs. G. W. Kelley; Mrs. O. G. Padgett, deceased, and Mr. C. W. Hoig, of Coudersport. By her second marriage, she had two children, both living: George B. Wilson, of Delmar, and Mrs. James English, of Monterey, N.Y. She afterward married Forbes Cooley, of Waverly, N.Y., who died in 1872. Besides, her children, Mrs. Cooley is survived by twelve grandchildren and six great grandchildren. She came to Delmar in 1843. Her life was one of more than ordinary usefulness. For many years she was a nurse and will be affectionately remembered by many whom she had cared for in sickness and trouble. Funeral services will be held this morning at 9 o'clock. Burial at Middleridge cemetery.
Wellsboro Gazette, Tioga, PA -- Thursday, November 13, 1913
Nathan Steele, aged 76 years of Pavo, GA, a former resident of Delmar, died last week Tuesday of Malarial fever. He is survived by one son, S. S. Steele of Delmar. Elwyn Steele of Stony Fork, a nephew of the deceased, went to Pavo last week and returned with the remains to this borough on Monday. The funeral was held from the Baptist Church at Stony Fork yesterday morning at 10 o'clock.
Wellsboro Agitator - November 4, 1896
Mrs. Maria Bartle, widow of the late Andrew Bartle, died at the home of her son-in-law, Charles Hotchkiss, at Stony Fork last Thursday at the age of 77 years, 9 months and 24 days. She had been afflected with rheumatism for the past fourteen years and was unable to walk. Her maiden name was TenBroeck and she was born in Chenango county, N.Y. Mrs. Bartle came to Delmar immediately after her marriage and the young couple settled on the farm now occupied by Thomas Orr. After 50 years of happy married life her husband died four years ago. Mrs. Bartle was the mother of eight daughters, five of whom survive her. She was an excellent woman in her family and in the neighborhood, benevolent, generous and uncomplaining under her great affliction, and she was much loved and respected. Her funeral was held Saturday, the service being conducted by Rev. James A. Boyce of this borough. Six of Mrs. Bartle's sons in law acted as bearers and the funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends and neighbors.
First Name |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Bartle |
Maria |
Oct.29.1896 |
77y9m5d |
Born Greene, Chenango County, NY d/o John & Polly (Potter) Tenbrook\ |
Steele |
Polly Abb |
May.12.1897 |
56y5m |
Born Delmar, d/o Andrew & Maria Bartle |
Jones |
Frank H. |
May.24.1897 |
30y22d |
Born Sullivan, d. Shippen Twp. |
Playfoot |
George P. |
Jan.7.1899 |
27d |
Born & died Ansonia, Pa. S/o George J. & Lillian Playfoot |
Playfoot |
Claud |
Nov.27.1901 |
2 da |
Born & died Delmar Twp. S/o George Playfoot & Lillie Simmons |
Morseman |
Jacob |
Oct.3.1902 |
67y |
Laborer-Born Vermont-died Delmar, Tioga Co., Pa of Consumption. |
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