Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Brace Family Cemetery, Springfield Township, Bradford County, PA
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The Photo at Left, taken May 11, 2000 by Joyce M. Tice, shows
the Brace Cemetery gate in a garden in NYS. 

Joyce's Search Tip - December 2007 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Bradford County Cemetery Records on the site by using the Cemeteries -Bradford button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? If you use that partition follow these steps to search just one cemetery
1. Choose Cemeteries - Bradford. 
2. Enter part of the cemetery name [ie Ballard or Berrytown] AND a surname.
3. Choose the Find ALL Words option. Then it will find just the pages with that surname in the one cemetery you indicated. 

See also - Bradford County Cemetery Addresses

See the Story of the Gate See also 1970s Listing of Brace Cemetery Obituaries for Brace Cemetery

1999 Listing of the Brace Cemetery of Springfield in Bradford County PA
NAME OF CEMETERY:  Brace Cemetery
READ BY:       Kenneth Chapman, Jr.
DATE:             June 25, 1999
TYPED BY:     Pat Raymond
LOCATION:     On a hill, on the southern end of Bentley Creek Road Rt. 08059
NOTES: Wm. S. Brace  died in 1898 cyclone (See obits #48 Joyce Tice Website) w/o Wm. S. Brace was Francis Maria Phillips d/o Judson K. Phillips
NOTE: The owner of the property took extensive care of the cemetery, then in the 1980's the gate  came up missing (See Joyce Tice Notes).  Ken Chapman talked to the owner of the land and  he was most cooperative.

Brace Wm.   Feb.10.1872 87y 16d  
Brace Polly   Nov.16.1877 88 yr w/o Wm Brace (Polly Furman)
Brace Alfred Nov.26.1819 Oct.29.1896    
Brace Eliza B. June 19.1828 Jan. 9.1894   Unreadable in 1999
Brace Wm Brace & wife       No dates - old stone
Brace John H.   Dec. 10.1870 46 yr "My Husband" - Erected by his wife Mary A. Brace
Brace Luclla Smith 1841 1919    
Brace Wm. S. 1873 1898    
Blakeslee Angeline S.   Apr.20.1852 23-6-2 w/o G. Blakeslee
Gates Harriet G.   Apr.20.1898 85 yrs Our Mother
Watkins Henry C.       Co. F 11th Pa Cav. GAR Marker
          Field Stone - Unreadable

When the early Brace Family members created this burial ground, they added a beautiful and ornate fence and gate to it to commemorate their deceased family members and to protect the burial ground. It no doubt cost them a great deal of money and required some financial sacrifices to accomplish. It stood for many years doing its duty marking and protecting the graveyard. Sometime back, in the 1980s, a local descendant of the Brace family, I do not know the person's name but the woman who now has the gate does, convinced himself that as a descendant he was entitled to do as he pleased with the gate. At that time cemetery gates of this quality would bring a high price in the antique market. He did not contact any of the other hundreds of Brace descendants whose claim was equal to his. but on his own removed the fence and gate and sold it to a dealer. Fortunately, very shortly, another Brace descendant found the gate in a local antique shop and purchased it. The dealer let her have it for considerably less than he could have made had he taken it to a larger market, because she is a Brace descendant. It now stands in her garden in New York State not terribly far fomr Bradford County. I think we all agree that it belongs where it was originally placed by the early family, but returning it would only give another opportunity to sell it. While the gate is located and preserved, the rest of the fencing is long gone and untraceable.

On May 11, 2000, I stopped in unannouned at 9:30 in the morning at the home of this woman. I had not seen nor been in contact with her for four or five years. She and her husband welcomed me and let me photograph the gate in spite of the early hour. They are as nice a pair of people as can be and well deserving of the gate. They even take it in in the winter so they don't scratch it with the snow shovel. They are taking good care of it and that is about the best we can expect when there are unscrupulous scavengers around. I think the theft is even worse considering that it was taken by a family member.  Joyce M. Tice 

2005 Update Pat took some photos for a woman who contacted me when she found the Brace Cemetery listing on the site. Following is her observation on visiting the cemetery after the intervening six years since she participated in reading it for us. (JMT)

June 2005
     Just for your info, I went to the Brace Cemetery today, and you can no longer see it from the road.  You have to know where you are going, and cannot see any monuments until you are almost at the top of the hill.  The yellow honeysuckle bushes have taken over.  I went there to take pictures for a site guest, and actually drove by it without seeing it (and I knew where it was).
             Pat  SMITH Raymond 


i did receive those Brace family cemetery pictures from Pat thanks to your help.
if you don't mind i'd love to have you post them on your site...i will send these as an attachment in a seperate email... if you can't use them them then please just disregard email....   the pictures are fairly hard to read the engravings ..but from your site  with inscriptions transcribed .... they should be fine.....what dates i did have from primary records do match what's on the headstones.
Thanks again for your help - and if you wish to include .   Maybe a big thank you again to Pat for obtaining the photo's !

lori driver

oops forgot inscriptions !

William Brace    Died Feb. 20, 1872    Aged 87 years & 16 days
Polly     his wife  Died Nov. 16 1877    Aged 88 years

lori driver 

2006 Update
Hello Joyce,

I am a friend of the folks that own the farm where the Brace Family cemetery is located.  I have been asked to send a current photo of the cemetery.  As you can see, there is quite a change from last June 2005! 

This winter, Mr. Kisner has devoted many, many hours to clearing the overgrown brush and trees at the cemetery.  He has done this to honor the final resting place of the loved ones who lie there.  (By the way, Mr. Kisner is not related to the Brace family...he is a good man just doing a good deed.)

We were absolutely thrilled to find your website with all the history and information about the cemetery.  We are especially excited (and relieved) to know that the long lost gate is in safe hands.  We knew that is had been stolen, and doubted it would ever been seen again.

Thank you once again,
Kathleen Graves


 PALMER -- Mrs. Maude (Palmer) Saunders died Monday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Palmer, in Springfield, aged 32 years. Death followed a long illness with tuberculosis. Besides her parents she leaves one sister, Miss Mertie Palmer and three young children. The funeral was held at 2 Wednesday afternoon. Interment was in the Brace cemetery.TGR 1913 {This name is not on the listing, nor are others using either of the surnames, so am not sure this is the right place. The obit may be incorrect or the name may be an alternate name for another cemetery???] Eleanor LENT Wolfe sent the following to support this.

 271 279 BROWN Daniel Head M W 71 D       NY NY NY Farmer       George G. Brother M W 58 S       PA NY NY Farm Laborer     SAUNDERS Maude Hired girl F W 27 M1 10 3 3 PA PA PA Servant       Sibyl H. Boarder F W 3 S       PA PA PA       BRACE Alfred Grandson M W 12 S       PA PA PA         Carlton Grandson M W 8 S       PA PA PA

Above shows Maude Saunders living with Daniel & George Brown as a servant.
She is suppose to be buried in Brace cemetery.  It does list a grandson Alfred Brace in this household.  Maude only 27 in 1910,  her age in1913 obit 32.
Reid Brace lived next door.

Also found  her father Reuben Palmer and mother in 1910 census Springfield with a granddaughter Mary Saunders age 8..

SMITH - Brace, Lucretia E Smith (wife of Stephen Brace) –passed away from earth to the home invisible, March 5, 1919 at the ancestral Brace homestead in Springfield, Pa. She was born Aug 11, 1841 and married on Dec 9, 1860. Her maiden name was Smith and most of her young life was passed about Springfield, her widowed mother having come from New York state into this part of Pennsylvania with her family of young children. Her wedded life in the Brace home was of the most congenial type, and after 59 years and three months passed there, her husband, her children, all her relatives and friends and the entire community in which she lived, rise up to call her blessed. Seldom does one have more friends than she, and a large concourse of people were irresistibly drawn to her funeral on the 8th at the home. The floral offerings were exquisite and abundant and the singing rendered by Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Gernert from Columbia Cross Rds was singularly beautiful and appropriate. Rev Emma E Bailey, formerly Mrs. Brace’s pastor at Springfield was called upon to render consoling word, and her heart was full of praise for the departed.  Mrs. Brace was a remarkable woman queenly, in appearance and manner, well poised, and symmetrical in character and meeting all trials and changes of life in sweet, in yielding, but triumphant spirit. For some years her heath had been failing and yet the departure was sudden, caused by inflammation connected with hernia. She said at the last, How beautiful to have all my family with me, for her children and grandchildren were all about her and as she was going she spoke the name of “Will, her youngest son, having proceeded her to the land immortal. Loving grandsons and relatives bore the beautiful body to the Brace burial plot, on the brow of the beautiful hill, near the home, in the vale below. The husband survives her and two sons: Mr. Frank Brace having occupied, with his family for many years, the home farm with his parents, and Mr. McKean Brace living near, with his family. There are four grandchildren, Kate Brace, Mrs. Martha Brace Wolfe Reid and Lon Brace, and one great grand child-Josephine Brace Wolfe. Two sisters also survive, Mrs. Sarah Bates of Auburn, Ind. and Mrs. Frances Budd of Troy, Pa.
Joyce Tip Box -- December 2007 -
If you are not navigating this Tri-Counties Site via the left and right sidebars of the Current What's New page you are doing yourself a disservice. You can get to any place on the site easily by making yourself familiar with these subject and place topics. Try them all to be as familiar with the site's 16,000 plus pages as you can. Stop groping in the dark and take the lighted path. That's also the only way you'll find the search engines for the site or have access to the necessary messages I may leave for you. Make it easy on yourself. 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 05/12/2000 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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