Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Pomeroy Brothers of Troy and Their Predecessor Businesses

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Text is taken from the obituary of Daniel Pomeroy
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POMEROY--Daniel F.
    In the death of this prominent person, our town lost a man who for many years has been one of its most active and widely known citizens.  The head of well known banking firm of POMEROY Brothers, he had business relations with men in all parts of the state, and in whatever relation he was known, he was highly and deservedly esteemed.
    D. F. POMEROY was the oldest son Col. I. N. POMEROY and was born in Genoa, Cayuga Co. NY; Feb. 27th, 1816.  The next year, Col. POMEROY removed with his family this place.  After running a woolen mill for some years, he began keeping a public house, which soon became a favorite stopping place for travelers.  Daniel was a bright, active lad, whose helpful ways often attracted the attention of persons traveling on the stage from Elmira to Williamsport, for Col. POMEROY'S house was a favorite stopping place.  One of these travelers Mr. H. W. CAMP, a merchant of Owego, NY, proposed to take the boy into his service, and accordingly when about sixteen years of age, he began the first round of the ladder, as clerk and boy of all work.  On his leaving home, his sole aquirement being a tolerable common school education, he received from his father a piece of advice which he acted upon through his life; and which we commend to all boys who are commuting life for themselves "Do Right!" It was the foundation of his success.
   He remained in the service of Mr. CAMP about four or five years, his brother Samuel being employed in another store in the same town and his brother Horace going there about the time of his return to this town.  On coming to Troy he began as a clerk for GILLETT& Cone with G. F. REDINGTON as a fellow clerk.  After about a year, Mr. REDINGTON purchased interest of one of his partners, and Mr. POMEROY remained in their employ some years.  Col. POMEROY then put up a store on the site of that now occupied by HERRICK & HOVEY, and Daniel formed a partnership with Mr. REDINGTON under the name of POMEROY& REDINGTON, and moved into it.  After awhile S. W. POMEROY joined the firm, and  HORACE POMEROY was employed as clerk.  This was about 1841.
   The firm of POMEROY&REDINGTON continued doing a large business until 1844, when Mr. REDINGTON withdrew, and Horace POMEROY was taken into the firm, which now assumed the name of S. W. and D. F. POMEROY & Co.  They rebuilt did a very large business in dry goods and groceries till 1848, when they were burned out in the great fire of that year. They rebuilt and for ten years carried on business more extensively that ever.  Again in the big fire of 1858, they were burned out, and again they rebuilt and continued business till September 1860, when they sold out to the firm of  GOODRICH,NEWBERY&PECK.  The firm for many years had kept large deposits in New York, and sold drafts on the New York banks.  This business grew to such an extent  that in 1860 they opened a banking house under the name of POMEROY Brothers.  In 1868, they erected the present beautiful bank, the interior of which was consumed by fire in 1869.
   There have been few men who have been more happy in their business relations that the firm of POMEROY Brothers, or more successful.  As a curious illustration their confidence in each other, we informed that for many the firm never kept any books of account between themselves/
   Daniel POMEROY was an unobtrusive and certain friend to the poor, never denying appeal for assistance, and his efficient kindness to those in sickness and distress was proverbial.
   Mr. POMEROY was twice married; first to Jane TYLER daughter of Francis TYLER of Athens, March 17th, 1841.  She died leaving one child, Mrs Fanny RICHARDSON, now living.  He was again married Sept. 12th, 1868, to Brunette, daughter of Hon. Dummer Lilley, of Sylvania.  He leaves her and a bright little boy to mourn the kind and loving husband and father.
   The funeral took place at the Presbyterian church in this borough, on Thursday April 11th, at two O'clock p.m. the sermon by Rev. E H. CAMP.  The text chosen was appropriate one, and one which Mr. POMEROY well illustrated in his life; " A good mane is better than great riches."
   The funeral was attended by a large concourse of people, very many of whom came to mourn sincerely for a friend lost.
   Strong, clear headed and impulsive, Mr. POMEROY was , through out his life a peacemaker, and a friend of the poor, and many a person has blessed his bounty which he gave with a generous, sympathetic hand.  He was a man who always had friends and deserved them.  Justice, kindness and helpfulness were strong points in his character and successful as he was in the accumulation of wealth, his highest success was in gaining the love and respect of his friends and acquaintances.

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