Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Knapp Store Records - Southport

This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy Sites of Joyce M. Tice

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Submitted to this site by J. Kelsey Jones

William T. Knapp Sawmill Town of Southport, Chemung County, New York
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
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List of men who hauled logs that were sawed by Hide (Hyde) perhaps about 1819.

Alverson, Lewis
Jones, Austin Sayre, Whittington
Baily, Wm P. Knapp, Larkin W. Sayre, Wm M.
Bast, G.dR. Marvin, Hector Seely, James
Gennings, Levi Marvin, Seth Sherman, George
Impson, Joseph Minier, Abraham Stage, H.
Jennings - see Gennings Nichols, Draper Walker, James
  Nickerson, Squire  

Names of creditors at William T. Knapp General Store, Town of Southport, Chemung County, New York

Most of these names appear to be in 1819.
Abijah, Benjamin Flint, Henry Metcalf, Eliphalet Smith, Darius
Abbey, John Foster, Robert Metcalf, George Smith, Daviees
Adjet, Aure Freeman, William Millard, John Smith, John
Atherton, Hiram Garnsey, Ichabod Mills, Henry Smith, Lydia
Atherton, Wm Garnsey, James Mills, Ransom Smith, Tirzah
Aylworth, Job Gillet, David Miner, Mills Spaulding & Lee
Balcame, Mary Ginnings, Levi Minwe, Abraham Spaulding, Henry
Ballard, W. W. Gould, Jonathan Moody, Moses Spencer, Samuel
Barbur, James Habe, Jonathan Mortimer, Wm Stafford, Samuel
Barns, Covell Hale, Jonathan Newton, Thadeus Stiles, Daniel
Barret, Sarlls Hall, John Nichols, Alphred Stiles, James
Barret, Wm Hamblet, Samuel Nichols, Nathan Stone, Hiram
Beels, Abraham Hayres, Jacob Odell, Gershom Stowel, Abel
Benedick, Elias Heath, Milo Olmstead, Daniel Taul, Joseph
Bennet, Caleb Hekinson, Squire Osborn, Levi Tousler, Samuel
Bennet, Samuel Hentfield, Elijah Owen, Jonathan Upson, Ezekiel
Betts, Peter Hide & Robinson Palmer, Ira Waite, Elias
Bonney, Charles Hubble, Silas Parker, Stephen Walker, David
Bott, William Huych, Andrew Parker, Tarrington Walker, James
Bradley, David Humphrey, William Parker, William Walton,
Bradley, Sturgess Jackson, Isaac Paul, James Weareing, Ephraim
Butler, Samuel Jennings - see Ginnings Peck, Weeks, Sylvester
Byron, Elihu Johnson, James Phelps, Alphred Welch, David
Carey, William Johnson, John Quimby, Stephen Welch, Jabes
Clark, Ezra Johnson, Nathaniel Rogers, Henry Welch, Tomas
Clark, Joseph Johnson, Persus Rogers, Hiram Wells, Levi
Clark, Simon Johnston, Henry Rogers, Hobert Wheaton, Benjamin
Coe, Armanda Johnston, Samuel Rogers, Robert Wheaton, Ezra
Colony, Joseph Jones, Austin Sayre, Jane Wheaton, John
Cook, Content Jones, Harvy Sayre, Whittington Wheaton, Winas
Cook, Nathaniel Jones, Joel Scofield, Gilbert Whipple, Solomon
Cranford, Alexander Judd, Benjamin Scofield, Jared White, Seth
Crippen, Reubern Kentfield, Herman Scot, Abra White, William
Crosley, Joshua Knap, Luke Scot, Isaac Wilber, Jacob
Deforest, Thomas Knealand, Oliver Seeley, James Wilbert, Soloman
Dennis, Nathan Landers, Isaah Sheppherd, William R. Wires, Closson
Dunham, Wright Lewis, Charles Simons, J. & Pool Witter, Job
Edwards, Jeremiah Loop, George   Youngs, Eliphalet
Egleston, Samuel Marvin, Hector    
Elmore, Ebenezer McQuarie, Lochlin    
Farnsworth, Molinda      

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 10/20/98
By Joyce M. Tice