Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Historic Businesses of the Tri-Counties
Bill Palmer of Troy Retires 1939
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Photo & Article sent in to Tri-Counties by Don Stanton
Note from Joyce - William F. Palmer was born 19 OCT 1869 and died 10 JUL 1947. He and wife Alice are buried in Glenwood Cemetery 
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William Palmer, One of Troy’s Oldest Business Men, Retiring
(about 1939 penciled in)

“Bill Palmer has sold his business to Jack Prutsman.”

To Elmira Sunday Telegram readers outside Bradford County that quotation may mean little but around Troy, Pa., those words, traveling quickly from the oldest graybeards to tiniest youngsters, spell important news tinged with memories and regret.

William F. Palmer is one of Troy’s oldest business men and ever since he gave up his job in a shoe factory here near the turn of the century to run a combination billiard parlor and bowling alley on Canton St., has been continually engaged in business to afford recreation and amusement to the Troy community.  He started the first movie house in Troy in 1907, giving up that business in 1918 to conduct his sporting goods store and billiard parlor on Main St. in the former First National Bank Building.

“Bill Palmer runs a nice place,” is the oft repeated statement concerning his business and may well be a proper epitome of his retirement.  Mr. Palmer has been the leading figure in the Troy Fair Association for many years and is responsible for the return of horse racing featured here.  At one time he owned and raced horses of his own.  He is a member of the Episcopal Church and for many years sang in its choir.  He is active politically and respected by his opponents as much as he is loved by his friends.

“I am going to visit my relatives and take it easy this winter and after that I’ll be doing something even if I don’t make any money.”  Bill will always be doing something, you can bet, and whatever it is, he will have a host of friends to wish him well.

Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Historic Businesses of the Tri-Counties
Walter Dewitt of Troy Retires 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
W. M. DeWitt Retires, Ends 40 Years as Banker at Troy
(Probably Elmira Star-Gazette – undated)

Troy – Walter M. DeWitt has retired as vice president of the First National Bank of Troy, terminating an affiliation of more that 40 years.
A native of Mainesburg, he came with his family to Troy in 1908.  He attended Syracuse University and was first employed by the bank in 1923.  In 1925 he transferred to the Merchants National Bank at Elmira, remaining there two years.  After acting as a bond salesman for a short period, DeWitt accepted a job in the office of the former Troy Engine and Machine Co.
In 1927 he returned to the Troy bank, where he received promotions to assistant cashier, cashier and vice president.
As a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Troy, DeWitt has served as an elder for three terms.  He was a director of the Troy Borough School Board and the Troy Joint School Board for 15 years, and recently resigned as presidents of the Bradford County School Board.
DeWitt is a member of Trojan Masonic Lodge 306, serving as treasure for 25 years, and is also affiliated with the Towanda and Williamsport Consistories. He is a past president of Group 4 of the Pennsylvania Bankers Association and a member of the executive committee.


Caption: " Walter M. DeWitt (left) receives best wishes from William Beaman 
at retirement banquet." (SRGP 76863)
A banquet attended by 75 directors and employees of the bank, their husbands, wives and guests, was held recently at the Troy Hotel honoring DeWitt.  He was presented a watch by the Board of Directors and a gift certificate by the women employees of the bank.
The feature of the evening was a huge package heavily wrapped and hauled into the hotel dining room with some difficulty.  DeWitt was invited to open the parcel, which disclosed a 10-foot sailboat for his summer activities at the DeWitt cottage on Mountain Lake.  The boat was the gift of male employees of the bank.

Tribute was paid to DeWitt’s long tenure by Richmond Bailey, Cashier and assistant trust officer of the bank, who acted as toastmaster; DeWitt’s son, Frank DeWitt, and by William Beaman, bank president.  Beaman said, in acknowledgement of DeWitt’s retirement.  “On behalf of the Board of Directors I am happy to say that we should like to haveWalter DeWitt remain with us, but our retirement system makes this a mandatory procedure.  He has been a valued and exceptional employee and officer for over 40 years.”
Mrs. DeWitt is the former Miss Elizabeth Belknap of Mansfield.  They have four children and nine grandchildren.
Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt will continue to live on High Street, summering at Mountain Lake.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Published On Tri-Counties Site On 02/20/2004
By Joyce M. Tice 
Email Joyce M. Tice