Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1877 Tioga County History
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1877 Tioga County History Table of Contents
A CHRONOLOGY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS IN THE HISTORY OF TIOGA COUNTY, FROM 1797 TO 1800—1800 TO 1810—1810 TO 1820—1820 TO1830—1830 TO 1840—1840 TO 1850—1850 TO 1860—1860 TO 1870—1870 TO THE PRESENT TIME.

Much care has been taken in the preparation of his chronology. Inquiries have been addressed to individuals in nearly all parts of the county. In some instances no reply has been received. This lack of co-operation must account for any apparent partiality shown to particular localities; for none has been intended. In a compilation of this kind it is impossible to generalize to any great extent—dates must be given with some approach to exactness. It is believed that the incidents of the early history of the county are correctly recorded. Later dates are noted here as they have been furnished by parties who are considered especially able to afford reliable information.

1787 to 1800
1787—Samuel Baker settles at Lawrenceville.
He was the first permanent settler within the county limits. He came from Connecticut, and erected a cabin on the point of land between the Tioga and Cowanesque rivers, near their junction, and just south of the New York State line. Wm. Holden resided temporarily within the present boro limits as early as 1783, however.
1791—Jesse Locey settles at Tioga.
The second settler within the county limits. He emigrated from New York and built a rude bark cabin on the present site of Tioga borough. It was destroyed by a hurricane the same year, and replaced by a log cabin.
1792—Phebe Locey, daughter of Jesse Locey, born September 12.
She was the first white child born in Tioga County.
1792—The work of cutting the Williamson road begun.
This road extended from Northumberland, Pa., to Bath, N.Y. From Lycoming Creek it crossed the mountain to the source of the Tioga River, followed the river down the valley to Painted Post, and from that point up the Conhocton valley to Bath. Robert and Benjamin Patterson, of Northunberland, Pa., had charge of the work.
1792—A camp made on the present site of Blossburg.
It was called "Peters’ Camp" after a baker of that name who built an oven there.
1792—Coal discovered at Blossburg by Robert and Benjamin Paterson
1792—A camp made between Covington and Mansfield.
Here canoes were made for use in the Tioga River; and this locality is called "Canoe Camp" to this time.
1792—A considerable accession of settlers
From this year to the year 1795, from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and other States.
1796—Lycoming County formed from Northumberland County.
Lycoming County embraced the present county of Tioga.
1796—Nathan Niles, of Connecticut, settles at Mill Creek.
1796—July 4, Gad Lamb settles at Lamb’s Creek.
1796—Benjamin Corey settles at the mouth of Corey Creek.
1796—Population of the county no more than forty or fifty persons.
There were only ten log cabins within the present county limits, and less than one hundred acres of cleared land.
1796—Emigration continues, and many settle in the Tioga Valley.
Between this time and the year 1800, among them Dr. Willard, at Tioga, and Thomas Berry, at the place now known as "Berry’s Bridge."
1800—First settlement made at Wellsboro.
1801—Rev. Caleb Boyer and family settle near Wellsboro.
Mr. Boyer is claimed by some to have done the first preaching in the county.
1802—William Wells settles near the present site of Wellsboro.
He came from Delaware.
1802—First slaves brought into the county be William Wells.
1803—A saw mill built neat Mansfield by Elihu Marvin.
1804—Tioga County taken from Lycoming County.
The county was named from the river Tioga flowing through it.
1804—Three trustees appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania.
It was their duty to receive proposals of grants of land and other property for the benefit of the county. They were John Fleming, William Wells, and William Ellis.
1804—Population of the county, 130 families—about 800 persons.
1805—First grist mill in the county built at Beecher’s Island.
1805—An act passed to encourage the killing of wolves.
1806—Eleazer Baldwin and Dr. Simeon Power settle at Lawrenceville.
1806—The Legislature authorizes the County Trustees to locate the 

seat of Justice.

1806—Wellsboro chosen County Seat by the Trustees.
1807—April 7, Thomas Berry Dies at Tioga.
Mr. Berry was one of the early settlers. He was only forty-four years of age at the time of his death.
1808—Seth Daggett settles in Jackson.
1808—Tioga and Delmar Townships taken from Lycoming.
1809—Elijah Putnam settles at Covington.
Thomas (known as General Thomas Putnam, afterwards County Treasurer) accompanied him, and was at that time eighteen or nineteen years old.
1810 to 1820
1810—Population of the county, 300 families—1687 persons.
1812—The county organized for judicial purposes.
Major George W. Merrick, a prominent member of the Tioga County bar, says that the first court was held in the log cabin of James Smith, Jr., January 11, this year, the celebrated John Bannister Gibson presiding.
1812—First school-house erected in Tioga.
1812—William Bache, Sr., settles in Wellsboro.
1812—Governor Simon Snyder appoints Daniel Lamb Justice of the

Peace in the territory now embraced by Richmond.

1814—Governor Snyder appoints Ebenezer Ripley, of Covington, Justice of the Peace.
1814—The county divided into six districts for Justices.
This was done by the county commissioners on the 14th day of October, under an act of Legislature of March 14. The divisions were as follows: 1st District, Delmar Township; Acting Justice, Daniel Kelley; No. of taxable inhabitants, 87. 2nd District, Deerfield township; no Acting Justice; No. of taxable inhabitants, 63. 3rd District, Elkland Township; Acting Justice, Dorman Bloss; No. of Taxable inhabitants, 79. 4th—5th districts, Tioga Township; Acting Justice, William Rose; No. of taxable inhabitants, 139. 6th District, Covington Township; Acting Justices, Daniel Lamb and Elijah Putnam; No. of Taxable inhabitants, 95.
1814—Total number of taxable inhabitants in the county, 463.
1814—Deerfield and Elkland taken from Delmar.
1815—February. Covington formed from Tioga.
1815—A log jail and court house built at Wellsboro.
At this time there were only five frame buildings in Wellsboro.
1815—Agitation of the subject of the establishment of an Academy.
There was a division of the inhabitants concerning the place of the location of the school
1816—Known as the "Severe Season".
Corn was three dollars a bushel at this time.
1816—February. Sullivan formed from Covington.
1816—December. Lawrence formed from Tioga and Elkland.
At this time grist and saw mills were in operation at convenient distances in the Tioga Valley.
1816—James Ford builds a mill near Elkland and residence in Lawrenceville.
At the raising of the frame of this house, which is still to be seen on the west side of Main street.
1816—Lawrence was named.
In honor of Captain Lawrence of the U.S. N.
1817—Remembered by old settlers as the "Cold Season."
1817—March 25. An Act passed locating the Academy at Wellsboro.
The following named gentlemen, residents of different parts of the county, were appointed trustees; Ambrose Millard, Daniel Lamb, William Bache, John Norris, Nathan Niles, Jr., Asa Mann, Alpheus Cheeney, John Knox, Joseph McCormick, Isaac Baker, Samuel W. Morris, Eddy Howland, Robert Tubbs, Uriah Spencer, William D. Bacon, Nathan Rowley, Jr., James Gray and Justus Dartt.
1817—The Tioga River declared a public highway.
1817—Pine Creek declared a public highway.
1820—Known as the "Dry Season"
1820—Population of the county 4,021
1820—First class formed of members of the Methodist church at Wellsboro.
1820—Thomas Dyer settles at Covington.
1820—December—Charleston Formed from Delmar.
1821—December—Westfield formed from Deerfield.
1822—September—Middlebury formed from Elkland and Delmar.
1822—Post-Office established at Spencer’s Mills.
This was the first post-office established within the present limits of Richmond. Amos Spencer was appointed P. M. The office was removed to Mansfield some time prior to 1830.
1823—Liberty formed from Covington and Delmar in February.
1823—Shippen formed from Delmar in the same month.
1823—A tannery erected at Mansfield by Chandler Mann.
1824—February—Richmond formed from Covington.
1824—The Pioneer newspaper established at Wellsboro.
Ellis and Rankin Lewis were the publishers. The Pioneer was the first newspaper in the county. 
1824—Amos Allen erects a woolen mill at Mansfield.
1824—The Presbyterian church organized at Lawrenceville.
1825—Doctor Pliny Power settles at Mansfield.
1825—Doctor Dexter Parkhurst settles in Richmond.
1825—August 11—Elijah Putnam dies at Covington, aged seventy-six.
1825—The Pioneer sold to Elisha Booth.
It was removed to Tioga and the title changed to Tioga Banner.
1825—At Blossburg, Judge Knapp builds a saw mill and an iron furnace.
1825—Joel Parkhurst comes from New Hampshire and settles at Mansfield.
1825—September. Morris formed from Delmar.
1826—February 20—Legislation for the development of the county.
A law passed authorizing a public improvement for carrying the Blossburg coal to market and incorporating the Tioga Navigation Company for the construction of a canal through the Tioga valley.
1826—Allen D. Calkins, an early settler, dies at Wellsboro.
1826—Joel Parkhurst removes to Lawrenceville.
1827—February—Brookfield formed from Westfield.
1827—August—John F. Donaldson comes to Wellsboro.
Mr. Donaldson was a printer in his earlier years, and his first labor in Tioga County was at the case in the office of.
1827—The Phoenix newspaper, established at Wellsboro.
Benjamin B. Smith was the publisher. This paper suspended after a few years—sometime prior to the year 1833.
1828—February. Rutland formed from Jackson and Sullivan.
1828—February. Chatham formed from Deerfield.
1828—Joel Parkhurst removes to Elkland.
Mr. Parkhurst engaged in mercantile pursuits. He has been honorably connected with various enterprises of importance.
1828—The records and documents stolen from the county offices.
The offices were entered in the night, near the close of the year, and all papers carried away. There was a mystery connected with this occurrence that was not solved for months. A plot was discovered, and several persons were tried on a charge of having abstracted the records; but the affair was forgotten after a time.
1828—The Tioga Banner sold to J. B. Shurtleff. Name changed to Tioga County Democrat.
1829—the County Records found concealed in a hollow log a mile from the Court House.
1829—Dr. Lewis Darling Sr., comes to Tioga county and begins the practice of medicine in Wellsboro.
1829—Further legislation for the development of the county. 
Between this time and 1838, enactments were passed changing the Tioga Navigation Company to a railroad company.
1829—First brick house erected in the county, at Osceola, by Col. Tubbs.
This, at that time novel, architectural enterprise was under the charge of Stephen Potter, then probably the only competent master-mason within the borders of the county. He emigrated from Rhode Island at a very early date, in company with his brother, Ezra Potter, now living at an advanced age in Middlebury, and Jonathan Seamans, who died a few years ago at his residence in Westfield township. These three men were among the earliest settlers of the Cowanesque valley. Mr. Potter’s services were soon in good demand throughout the gradually settling territory which now embraces Tioga County. He built the abutments of Berry’s Bridge, Tioga, and those of the bridge across the Cowanesque river, just north of the State Line at Lawrenceville, and aided in the construction of the Court House, Wellsboro, the Seymour House, Blossburg, and numerous other buildings. He also put up the first brick house in Steuben county, N. Y., at Bath. He died at Westfield, April, 1875, at the age of 87. Before coming to Pennsylvania, Mr. Potter helped to build the first cotton mill erected in the United States, at Providence, R. I. Many of the descendents of these three pioneers are living in Tioga County at the present time.
1830 TO 1840
1830—Population of the County, 7,071.
1830—February. Farmington formed from Elkland.
1830—February. Union formed from Sullivan.
1830—May. Wellsboro formed from Delmar.
1830—September 4. Daniel Holden, an early settler, dies at Mansfield.
1831—May 1—Dr. Lewis Darling, Sr., removes to Lawrenceville.
1831—May. Lawrenceville Borough formed from Lawrence.
1831—May. Covington Borough formed from Covington.
1831—The second brick dwelling in the county erected at Lawrenceville by Jas. Ford.
1831—A. C. Bush settles in Tioga.
1832—Richard C. Taylor makes a survey for a railroad through the Tioga Valley and a geological survey of the Blossburg Coal Regions.
1833—Publication of The Phenix resumed by Benj. B. Smith and Chas. Coolidge.
1833—Mark M. (Brick) Pomeroy, born at Lawrenceville.
So stated in a biography of Mr. Pomeroy published some years since and widely circulated.
1833—B. C. Wickham settles in Tioga and engages in mercantile pursuits.
1834—The Phenix passes into the hands of John F. Donaldson.
1834—The Common School Law enacted.
1834—Schools were established throughout the county.
1834—A loan for the county negotiated in Philadelphia.
Major Thomas Dyer, of Covington, at this time county Treasurer, negotiated this loan. The funds so procured were used in the construction of the new Court House. At this time county orders were worth only fifty cents on the dollar.
1835—A stone jail was county offices built at Wellsboro.
1835—The Tioga County Democrat sold to E. Pratt.
1836—A brick M.E. Church edifice erected at Lawrenceville.
This church was afterward purchased of the society by Peter Reep, Esq., and torn down. A frame edifice was subsequently erected.
1836—Dr. Wm. Willard dies at Tioga in his seventy-fifth year.
1836—A destructive flood of the Cowanesque River.
This occurred early in the summer. A swelling, crops, fences, etc, were swept away.
1837—The Tioga County Democrat sold to William Adams.
1838—March. Gaines formed from Shippen.
1838—August 26, Sunday. First Episcopal service held in the county.
This service was held in the Court House in Wellsboro, Rev. Chas. Breck officiating.
1838—The Phenix is published by Mr. Hartman.
The title was changed to the Herald. Mr. Hartman died soon after and the Herald went into the hands of Messrs. Howe & Runsey.
1838—J.P. Magill establishes a Democratic paper at Wellsboro, named The Eagle.
1838—October 30, First Episcopal parish in the county formed at Wellsboro.
1839—April 15. Corner-stone of St. Paul’s Church laid at Wellsboro.
1839—The Arbor Coal Company formed.
1839—Episcopal services first held at Mansfield.
1839—The office of Prothonotary becomes elective.
1840 to 1850
1840—Population of the county 15,498.
1840—The Blossburg and Corning Railroad constructed.
1840—The Tioga County Democrat removed to Lawrenceville. 
A half interest in this paper was sold to Hiram Beebe. James Ford, J. C. Knox, P. Damon and others, and the title changed. For about six months.
1840—The Lawrence Sentinel was published by Wm. Adams.
At the expiration of this time, Mr. Adams disposed of his half interest in the paper to J. C. Knox and retired from the printing business. The publication of the Sentinal was continued for a time, and the office was subsequently sold to parties in Troy, Bradford County, and removed to that place.
1841—Methodist Church at Tioga completed.
1841—June. Bloss formed from Covington.
1841—Seymour House erected at Blossburg.
1841—Sir Charles Lyell visits Tioga County.
This eminent English scientist visited the Blossburg Coal Region for the purpose of examining its resources and comparing them with those of England.
1841—Dr. L. Granger comes to Lawrenceville.
1841—September 12. Consecration of St. Paul’s Church, Wellsboro.
The late Bishop Onderdonk officiated.
1842—May 1. First M. E. Church of Wellsboro dedicated.
1842—May 2. Christ Church, Bossburg, chartered.
1843—February 11. Presbyterian Church organized at Wellsboro.
1843—Arbor coal Company fails and is succeeded by Wm. Mallory.
1843—The Baptist Church at Mansfield organized.
1844—Death of W. Bache, Sr., at Wellsboro.
1845—February 20—Methodist Church chartered at Mansfield. 
1845—Union Academy established at Academy Corners.
1845—Bingham Land Office located at Wellsboro.
1846—The Banner established at Wellsboro.
A Free Soil paper, William C. Webb, publisher.
1846—Senator Daniel L. Sherwood becomes speaker.
1846—A Baptist Church erected in Wellsboro.
1847—February 15—Tioga Lodge, No. 230, I. O. O. F., organized at Wellsboro.
1847—May 25. Hon. Samuel Wistar Morris dies at Wellsboro.
1847—A glass factory established at Blossburg.
The first glass ever made in Tioga County was blown in these works by Horace B. Clark.
1847—Richard Mitchell, Sr., an early settler, dies at Tioga, at the age of 78.
1847—George Hildreth publishes the Herald.
The paper had become the property of a stock Company and was Whig in politics.
1848—The Tioga and Elmira Plank Road Company incorporated.
1848—April 10. Wellsboro Encampment, No. 78, I. O. O. F., organized.
1848—Willardburg (Tioga) Academy incorporated.
The trustees were Benjamin Bentley, A.C. Bush, B. C. Wickham and William Willard.
1849—Methodist Church built at Mansfield.
1850 to 1860
1850—Population of the county 23,987.
1850—June 30. Death of Maj. Thomas Dyer, aged 68 at Covington.
1850—July 1. Friendship Lodge, No. 247, A. Y. M., chartered at Mansfield.
1850—The Charter of the Tioga and Elmira Plank Road Company repealed.
1850—The Tioga and Lawrenceville Plank Road Company chartered.
Privilege was granted in this charter to extend the road from Tioga to Wellsboro. Planks were never laid between Tioga and Lawrenceville; but the Tioga and Wellsboro Plank road became, in time, one of the most important interests in the county.
1850—The Advertiser established in Wellsboro.
This was a Whig paper. The publisher was W. D. Bailey.
1850—Elkland Borough formed from Elkland.
1850—December. Middleton Township (now Westfield, Clymer and Gaines) formed.
1851—Knoxville Borough formed from Deerfield.
1851—April 4. Death of Isaac Lounsbury at the age of 94.
Mr. Lounsbury was an early settler of Richmond.
1851—The "Ford House" (hotel and business block) built at Lawrenceville.
1851—Hon. John Magee becomes interested in the coal business at Blossburg.
Mr. Magee, with characteristic enterprise, immediately instituted many valuable improvements, and
1851—"T" Rail was laid between Corning and Blossburg.
During this year or the year following. Flat rails, commonly called "strap" or "snake head" rails, had formerly been used.
1852—February. Ward formed from Sullivan and Union.
1852—July. Death of Ambrose Millard in his 70th year.
1852—Presbyterian church completed at Tioga.
Rev. S. J. McCollough was installed pastor.
1852—A railroad built from Blossburg to Morris Run.
1853—March 17. Death of Elijah Depui, and early settler, in his 80th year.
1853—May 20. Arbon Lodge, No. 489, I. O. O. F., instituted at Blossburg.
1853—Church of St. Andrew the Apostle erected at Blossburg.
1853—The Presbyterian Church built at Blossburg.
1853—Death of Judge John Bannister Gibson.
1853—The Tioga Improvement Company mine coal at Morris Run.
1853—The Presbyterian Church at Wellsboro erected.
For about nine years previously the society had worshiped in the Court House.
1854—The Advertiser passes into the hands of Mr. M. H. Cobb.
He changes the name of the paper, and
1854—Commences the publication of the Tioga County Agitator.
1854—The formation of the Tioga county Agricultural Society occurred about this time, and the year was held
1854—The First Annual Fair at Wellsboro.
1854—Presbyterian Church at Wellsboro dedicated.
1854—A tannery constructed at Tioga by Messrs. Wells, Fish & Somers.
1854—Daniel Walker, and early settler, dies at Lawrenceville.
1854—Death of Israel Merrick at Wellsboro.
Mr. Merrick was the father of Geo. W. Merrick, Esp., of Wellsboro.
1855—February 15. The Classical Seminary organized at Mansfield.
This was under the patronage of the East Genesee Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church..
1855—An iron furnace erected at Mansfield.
1856—February. Elk formed from Delmar and Morris.
1856—Duncan S. Magee begins mining Blossburg Coal.
1856—Coal discovered at Fall Brook.
1856—Hugh Young becomes the publisher of the Agitator.
1856—A new school-house erected in Tioga.
During this year or the next. The old building was sold soon afterward to the Catholic Church.
1857—The Classical Seminary Building at Mansfield, completed, and
1857—January, opened for school purposes.
J. R. Jaques, A. M. was the first principal.
1857—February. Mansfield Borough formed from Richmond.
1857—April. Classical Seminary Building burned.
1858—February 24. Ossea Lodge, A. Y. M., instituted at Wellsboro.
1858—Clymer, formed from Westfield and Chatham.
1858—Tioga Lodge, No. 230, I. O. O. F., of Wellsboro, surrenders its charter.
Some time previous to this Wellsboro’ Encampment, No. 78, I. O. O. F. had become extinct.
1858—R. Jenkins establishes the Wellsboro Democrat.
He used the material of the old Eagle office. That paper had enjoyed a liberal support for some time; but its publication was suspended some time prior to this date.
1859—February. Mainsburg Borough formed from Sullivan.
1859—March 9. Fall Brook Coal Company incorporated.
This company was composed of John Magee, James H. Gulick, and D. S. Magee, and their successors.
1859—March 21. Cowanesque Lodge, No. 332, I. O. O. F., organized at Knoxville.
1859—August. Death of Hon. James Ford at Lawrenceville.
Mr. Ford was one of the most enterprising and prominent of the early citizens of the county. He served two terms in congress (1828-1830) and was the first member elected from Tioga county. He died at the advanced age of 76 years and 3 months.
1859—Mansfield Classical Seminary rebuilt.
1859—November 23. Re-opening of the Mansfield Classical Seminary.
At this time the building was only partially completed. Rev. J. Landreth, A. M., was the second principal.
1860 to 1870
1860—Population of the county, 31,044.
1860—February. Tioga Borough formed from Tioga.
1860—Fall Brook Coal company commence mining operations.
1860—December. Prof. E. Wildman, A.. M., succeeds Prof. Landreth as principal of the Mansfield Classical Seminary.
Prof. Landreth had offered his resignation some time in the Previous July. Under the management of Prof. Wildman the building was completed.
1861—January 12. Tioga Chapter, A. Y. M., No. 194, instituted at Wellsboro.
Companies were formed in all parts of the county, and sent to he seat of war. Tioga County may well be proud of her record in this trying time. "At the breaking out of the civil war the adult male population of the county was about six thousand. Of this number two thousand enlisted in the Federal armies. The spirit of the fathers lived in the sons. Of the number, there were lost in battle: At Fredericksburg, 19; South Mountain, 16; Antietam, 6; Gettysburg, 15; Wilderness, 18; Cold Harbor, 15; Petersburg, 47; and in thirty-five other battles of the war, 182; accidentally killed, 3; died in Union hospitals, 62; died while prisoners of war, 56. total loss during the continuance of the war, 445. twenty-two per cent of the whole number enlisted laid down their lives for their country.) These simple figures speak volumes for the loyalty of Tioga County in the war of the Rebellion."—Maj. G. W. Merrick.
1861—December. The Democrat office burned at Wellsboro.
1862—Presbyterian church burned at Blossburg.
1862—R. Jenkins, proprietor of the Democrat, procures new printing material, and
1862—Begins the publication of the Tioga County Banner.
Mr. Jenkins published the Banner only a short time, however; for he soon sold the office to come gentleman of Tioga, and it was removed to that place.
1862—March 6. Death of Thomas J. Berry, Sr., at Tioga.
Mr. Berry was one of the early settlers of the county. He was 57 at the time of his death.
1862—December. The Mansfield Classical Seminary organized as a State Normal School.
1863—The Agitator again published by M. H. Cobb.
1863—The Onondaga Salt company begin to mine coal.
These operations were prosecuted on lands leased of the Tioga Improvement Company.
1863—The Presbyterian church at Blossburg rebuilt.
1863—The new cemetery opened at Tioga.
1863—Prof. F.A. Allen becomes principal of the State Normal School in the fall.
1864—The office of the Tioga county Banner purchased by Thos. Wright.
The paper was seen back to Wellsboro. Mr. M. Allen became the editor, and he made the Banner a spirited Democratic campaign paper.
1864—August. Fall Brook formed from Ward.
1864—The Tioga Improvement Company succeeded by the Morris Run Coal Company.
1864—Wells & Johnston’s tannery burns at Tioga.
1864—Johnston and Lowell revive the tannery interests at Tioga.
1865—January 1. Beginning of the miners’ strike at Fall Brook.
1865—That Agitator published by Cobb & Van Gelder.
1865—Heavy flood of the Tioga and Cowanesque rivers.
1865—Sons of Temperance Lodge organized at Wellsboro.
1865—March 10. Arbor Lodge, No. 489, I. O. O. F., re-organized at Blossburg.
1865—May. The miners’ strike at Fall Brook ended.
1865—May 25. Death of Tilley Marvin, an early settler, aged 72.
1866—The Tioga County Banner passes into the hands of C. H. Keeler.
Mr. Keeler changed the title of the paper and
1866—Began the publication of the Herald of the Union.
1866—March 17. A Lodge of I. O. G. T. organized at Wellsboro.
1866—April 11. The Blossburg Coal Company incorporated.
1866—The Arnot mines opened by the Blossburg Coal Company.
1867—The Herald of the Union sold to the Democratic county Committee.
The name of the paper was changed to
1867—The Democrat, published by Charles Williams.
1867—January. Westfield Borough formed from Westfield.
1867—April 13. Enterprise Encampment, I. O. O. F., No. 153, organized at Blossburg.
1867—May 30. St. James Church, Mansfield, chartered.
1867—July 4. A sweeping fire at Lawrenceville.
1867—Cowanesque Lodge, No. 332, I. O. O. F., removed from Knoxville to Mansfield.
1867—Death of Rev. S. J. McCullough, at Tioga.
1867—The Mansfield Soldier’s Orphan School established.
1867—The Glass Works of Hirsch, Ely & Co. established at Blossburg.
1867—Methodist Episcopal Church organized at Blossburg.
1867—December 5. St. Thomas church, Fall Brook, chartered.
1867—December 12. Death of Moses S. Baldwin at Lawrenceville.
1867—December 25. Humphries Brewer dies at Fall Brook.
1867—December 28. Burial of Humphries Brewer.
The funeral of Mr. Brewer was perhaps more largely attended than any other that has ever taken place in Tioga county.
1868—March 19. The Baptist church organized at Wellsboro.
1868—Prof. J. T. Strait becomes principal of the State Normal School.
Owing to ill-health, he never assumed the duties of his position. At his death the acting principal,
1868—Prof. C.H. Verril became principal.
1868—A. Lodge of I. O. G. T. organized at Wellsboro.
The Sons of Temperance soon merged into this organization. Lodges were formed in most of the towns of the county, and for a time the order was in a flourishing condition throughout this portion of the State.
1868—The Tioga county Baptist Sunday-school Association formed.
1868—September 12. Laying of the corner stone of St. James Church at Mansfield.
1868—December. A very destructive fire at Lawrenceville.
1869—R. Jenkins again publishes the Democrat.
1869—An Episcopal church erected at Tioga.
1869—Dedication of the new M. E. Church at Wellsboro.
1869—Johnston & Lowell erect a tannery at Niles Valley.
1869—Duncan S. Magee dies at Weis Baden.
1869—September 3. Preliminary survey of the Lawrenceville and Wellsboro Railroad begun.
1870 to the Present Time
1870—Population of the county, 35,094.
1870—January 1. Van Gelder & Mitchell assume the publication of the Agitator.
Mr. Cobb severed his connection with the Agitator to accept a position on the editorial staff of the Philadelphia Day. He is at present cashier of the U. S. Mint at Philadelphia.
1870—January 2. Morris Run Lodge, No. 96, I. O. O. F., instituted.
1870—Hon. Butler B. Strang becomes Speaker of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania.
1870—March. H. C. Mills establishes the Valley Enterprise at Lawrenceville.
An independent paper, devoted to temperance and the news.
1870—April 8. Opening of St. James’ church, Mansfield.
1870—April 18, 19, 20. Flood of the Tioga and Cowanesque rivers.
The villages of Tioga and Lawrenceville were flooded; the flats were under water, and several bridges and sections of the railroad track were washed away.
1870—May 12. The grading of the Wellsboro and Lawrenceville R. R. begun.
1870—May 19. A fire at Lawrenceville.
1870—July 12. Death of General Thomas Putnam, aged 80 years.
1870—July 23. The I. O. O. F. at Morris Run dedicate their hall.
From this time forward, the popularity of the order in their section has been steadily increasing. Lodges meet now in nearly every town and village in the county. It has been impossible to obtain definite data from which to note in chronological order the remarkable progress of Odd Fellowship in Tioga County.
1871—January 1. P.C. Van Gelder assumes the publication of the Agitator.
1871—February 4. Railroad meeting at Elkland.
Prominent men of the Cowanesque Valley, and elsewhere, met at the backing house of J. Parkhurst & Co., for the purpose of taking steps toward the construction of a railroad from Elkland to Lawrenceville.
1871—February 9. Great fire at Tioga.
1871—February. The Lawrenceville Advertiser established by W. Drysdale.
This was a small paper (4 columns to the page) quite newsy. Its publication ceased after a time. The young publisher, who thus manifested his predilection for journalism, afterwards filled a position on the editorial staff of the New York Sun, and is at present connected with the Philadelphia Times.
1871—February 23. The M. E. Church at Lawrenceville re-dedicated by Bishop Jesse T. Peck.
1871—A destructive fire at Westfield.
1871—Blossburg formed from Bloss.
1871—March 1. Union Academy burned at Academy Corners.
1871—April 5. Re-dedication of the Presbyterian church at Lawrenceville.
Dr. Niles and other clergymen officiated.
1871—April 22. Bayor’s tannery burns at Tioga.
1871—April 28. A Fire Department organized at Blossburg.
1871—May. Rev. N. L. Reynolds becomes pastor of the Baptist church, Wellsboro.
1871—June 15. Fall Brook Lodge, I. O. O. F., No. 765, instituted.
1871—Cowanesque Valley Railroad projected.
1871—December 24. Death of James R. Wilson at his residence near Mansfield.
Mr. Wilson was for many years President of the Tioga Railroad.
1872—January 1. Barnes & Van Gelder assume the publication of the Agitator.
1872—April 7. M. E. Church dedicated at Mansfield.
1872—Wellsboro and Lawrenceville Railroad completed.
1872—May 22. Grand excursion over the W. & L. R. R.
1872—June 5. Death of Hon. Curtis Parkhurst, at Lawrenceville.
Mr. Parkhurst was one of the most influential of the early settlers of the county. He was elected to the Legislature in 1827, and represented the county one year, and in 1840 he was elected sheriff. He was a brother of Joel Parkhurst, Esq., of Elkland.
1872—H. C. Mills removes the Valley Enterprise to Mansfield.
The office was sold to the Mansfield Printing Company during this year, and Mr. Mills retired from the management of the paper. Its title was changed and 
1872—The Mansfield Advertiser was issued.
It was edited during the campaign of 1872 as a Greeley organ by Maj. Elliott. It was subsequently published by O. D. Goodenough, for a time, and afterward by Mr. D. A. Farnham. A paper was published at Mansfield, for a short time, by a Mr. Ruckman, twenty years or more ago.
1872—September. Barnes & Roy assume the publication of the Agitator.
1872—December. Hamilton formed from Bloss.
1872—The publication of the Blossburg Register was commenced by the Graves Brothers sometime during this year.
1873—The Wellsboro Democrat sold by the Democratic County Committee to Messrs. Ferguson & Schlick.
The connection of Mr. Schlick with the paper was of short duration, and Mr. Ferguson soon after assumed sole control of it.
1873—March 6. A very destructive fire at Blossburg.
1873—March 6. The Register office burned.
1873—April 12. Tioga Lodge, No. 230, I. O. O. F., reorganized at Wellsboro.
1873—April. The Blossburg Register issued, enlarged and printed from new type during this month.
The Register was published for a time by the Graves Bros., then by Graves & Doud, and now I. R. Doud is sole proprietor.
1873—April 17. The Westfield Index established by James V. Leach.
1873—Wellsboro Encampment, No. 78, I. O. O. F., reorganized.
1873—The Tioga County Express established by the Express Printing Company, Tioga.
The News, a small paper which had been published at Tioga for a year or two, by a son of the last S. J. McCullough, suspended about this time.
1873—Bush’s Park, Tioga, opened to the public.
This place has been improved and beautified from time to time. Within the few years which have elapsed since it’s opening it has grown to be one of the most popular of resorts.
1873—Prof. J. N. Fradenburgh becomes principal of the State Normal School.
1873—Death of Richard Videan at Covington.
1873—September. Trains run on the Cowanesque Valley Railroad.
1873—October 23. A destructive fire at Wellsboro.
1873—December. Death of H. S. Drake at Corning.
Mr. Drake was connected with the mining interests of Tioga County.
1873—December. Duncan formed from Delmar, Morris and Charleston.
1874—January 2. Maj. Seth Daggett dies at Tioga at the age of 84.
1874—The Wellsboro Democrat published by F. G. Churchill.
1874—R. Jenkins establishes the Press at Wellsboro.
This paper was devoted to Odd-Fellowship and the news. Its publication ceased after a few months.
1874—Hon. Butler B. Strang becomes speaker of the State Senate.
1874—March 4. Death of James Locke, an early settler, at Wellsboro.
1874—Pardon Damon, attorney, dies at his residence in Lawrenceville.
1874—April 1. Another disastrous fire at Wellsboro.
1874—Elmira State Line Railroad projected.
1874—The new School Building erected at Wellsboro.
1874—July 8. Last issue of the Westfield Index.
Mr. Leach was compelled to relinquish the cares of business on account of failing health. In the latter part of this year or in the early months of 1875, he died. Though quite young he had been for several years a member of the bar of Tioga County.
1874—D. A. Farnham, editor of the Advertiser, dies at Mansfield.
In fulfillment of Mr. Farnham’s contract with the Mansfield Printing Company, the Advertiser was published until January 1, 1875, by his brother.
1874—The Tioga water works completed.
1874—September 16, Daring robbery of the first National Bank of Wellsboro.
1874—October. Night of 11th-12th. A very destructive fire at Lawrenceville.
1874—November 11. Park Hose Company organized at Tioga.
1874—Many Granges, Patrons of Husbandry, were organized in Tioga County during this year and the following.
1875—A survey made for the "Atlas of Tioga County."
1875—Survey in Western Tioga County for the Jersey Shore and Pine Creek Railroad.
1875—The Mansfield Advertiser sold to Pratt & Goodenough.
1875—June 7. A fire at Lawrenceville.
1875—June 29. Lawrenceville again suffers from fire.
1875—July 14. Lawrence Lodge, No. 913, I. O. O. F., instituted at Lawrenceville.
1875—August 18. Death of A. J. Ross at Mansfield.
1875—Death of Judge R. G. White, at Wellsboro.
1875—September. Prof. C. H. Verrill again becomes principal of the State Normal School.
1875—September 17. A. H. Bunnell becomes the proprietor of the Tioga County Express.
It had been published by Burtis & Butterworth, A. C. Lumbard and O. S. Webster, successively, under contract with the Express Printing Company.
1875—October 20. Dedication of the Odd-Fellows’ Lodge Room at Lawrenceville.
This was one of the largest and most imposing gatherings of the order ever witnessed in the county.
1875—November 1. Opening of the Parkhurst House at Wellsboro.
1875—Tioga Lock company organized at Tioga.
1875—Erection of Crary, Garrett Horton & Co.’s tannery at Westfield.
1875—November 4. The Idea established at Westfield by O. S. Webster.
The material of the Index office was used, Mr. Webster having purchased it. The Idea is independent in politics.
1875—December. Publication of the Atlas of Tioga county b F. W. Beers & Co., N.Y.
1876—February 6. Roseville Borough formed from Rutland.
1876—April. E. M. Bixby begins the publication of the Elkland Journal.
1876—April. Erection of the "Centennial" tannery of H. S. Johnston begun at Tioga.
1876—April 12. Death of Hon. S. P. Ryon, aged 32.
Mr. Ryon was a son of the late Samuel Ryon, of Lawrenceville. At the time of his death he was representative in the Legislature from Columbia County.
1876—July 1. Opening of the Park Hotel, Tioga.
1876—July 4. County Centennial celebration at Tioga.
This was probably the largest gathering in the history of the county. It is estimated that there were not less than 15,000 persons present.
1876—Erection of a new graded school building at Nelson.
1876—A brick graded school building erected at Elkland.
1876—August 16. Dedication of the new M. E. church at Mainsburg.
1876—The Farmers’ Mutual Insurance Co. of Tioga Co. organized at Tioga.
The following-named gentlemen constitute the board of Directors of this corporation at the present time: H. S. Johnston, E. T. Bentley, D. L. Aiken, C. F. Miller, R. W. Hall, O. G. Gerould, John W. Guernsey. Its officers are: H. S. Johnston, President; B. C. Wickham, vice-President; D. L. Aiken, Treasurer; W. T. Urell, Secretary; E. T. Bentley, General Agent.
1876—September 11. Republican County convention at Lawrenceville.
1876—September 11. commencement of Teachers’ Institute, Wellsboro.
1876—Meeting of the Democratic Convention at Tioga.
1876—Laying of the third rail on the Tioga and C.C.& A. R. R.
1876—October 12. Anti-Usury Convention at Holidaytown.
1876—October 23. Completion of the Elmira State Line Railroad.
The importance of this new route can scarcely be estimated, and it is becoming more and more apparent to the business men and citizens of Tioga county with each succeeding month. It opens to the eastern townships all the benefits of railway communication with other portions of the county, and affords the producers and manufacturers of the southern, central and western townships facilities for reaching the eastern and southern markets with a directness and cheapness hitherto unknown. For a description of this line see article on "Progress and Importance of Railways in Pennsylvania."
1876—October 24. Grand opening excursion over the Elmira State Line R. R.
In celebration of it’s completion, in which a majority of the leading men of the county, and many distinguished gentlemen from abroad participated. The train ran from Elmira to Arnot and return. A sumptuous dinner was provided for the company at Bush’s Park, Tioga. Many congratulatory addresses were made, and the affair will be remembered as one of the pleasantest in the history of the county.
1876—November 7. Presidential and county election.
The names of the various local candidates elected will be found in the list of "County Officers at the present time."
1876—Serious illness of Senator-elect Chas. H. Seymour, at Tioga.
1877—January. Burning of Evan’s block, Blossburg.
1877—Mansfield Advertiser enlarged and improved.
1877—February 8. Louis J. Stothoff killed by the cars at Antrim.
1877—February 20. Township and borough elections.
1877—February 21. Mail service put on the Elmira State Line. R. R.
1877—A Farmers’ Club organized at Mansfield, A. M. Spencer, President.
1877—March 3. Burning of the Bloss Coal Company’s lumber mill.
1877—March 5-6. Celebration in many of the towns of the inauguration of President Hayes.
1877—March 8-9. Ice-floods of the Tioga and Cowanesque Rivers.
1877—March 13. Death of Myron A. Brown at Tioga Junction.
Mr. Brown was train dispatcher at this important station on the Tioga and Elmira State Line R. R.
1877—March 19. Death of Father Fletcher at Sullivan.
Humphrey Fletcher was one of the pioneers of Sullivan township. He came at an early date from the State of New York, and made for himself and family a comfortable home in what was then a wilderness. He was a soldier in the late war with Great Britain.
1877—Preparations in different localities within the county limits to bore for petroleum.
1877—The Millerton Advocate projected by A. C. Lumbard & Son.
1877—March 22. Meeting of the county Council P. of H. of Mansfield.
1877—March 29. Death of Abner Cochran Covington, aged 88.
1877—April 1. J. M. Dartt dies, at the age of 73, in Dart Settlement.
1877—April 7. Burning of Croft’s steam mill in Middlebury.
1877—April 10. Meeting of the Presbytery of Wellsboro at Mansfield.
1877—April 12. Col. Richard Gustin, of Jackson, killed by the cars at Elmira N.Y.
1877—April 15. Destructive fire in the Borough of Westfield.
This was the second sweeping fire with which Westfield has been visited within a few years. Much of the business portion of the village was destroyed.
1877—April 17. Daniel Bostwick killed by the cars at Lawrenceville.
1877—April 23-25-26-Fires at Lawrenceville.
There were three fires within the limits of the borough of Lawrenceville at the dates above given. The first burned the flouring mill of Augustus Walz, the second, a residence near the mill site, and the third the Daggett House (hotel) and a dwelling and outbuildings adjoining. A grist mill, the property of C.H.L. Ford, Esp., was burned on the same ground in 1867. It was replaced by the one above mentioned soon afterward, and the property was subsequently sold to Mr. Walz, under whose management it continued to contribute not a little to the commercial prosperity of Lawrenceville and vicinity. The Daggett House was built early in the present century by Job Geer, who also put up the first court house at Wellsboro, in the year 1815. This building was one of the pioneer hostelries of Tioga County, and with it’s destruction disappears another of the old land-marks which have served to connect the present with the days that are gone. For many years it was known as the "Geer House."
1877—April 26. A lumber mill at Antrim and a fine residence at Knoxville burned.
1877—April 26. Death of Samuel Ryon, at Lawrenceville.
The deceased was a well-known citizen of Tioga County. He was one of the sons of Judge John Ryon, the first representative in the legislature from Tioga County (elected in 1822), and its first State Senator (1824). Judge Ryon was early identified with the fortunes of "OLD TIOGA" and, with Hon. James Ford, it’s first 
Member of Congress (1828) Curtis Parkhurst, John Norris, Simeon Power, John Knox, Uriah Spencer, the Messrs. Morris and Beecher, Doctor Willard and others, was prominent among those whose energy and persevering enterprise laid the solid foundation upon which its present welfare and advancement rest, and without which they never could have existed.
1877—April. Hon. Hugh Young, of Wellsboro, appointed bank examiner for the western district of Pennsylvania.
1877—April 26. The Millerton Advocate established by A.C. &F.M. Lumbard. * 
The Advocate is a well printed sheet, filled with news and selected family reading. Under the management of the veteran editor, A.C. ("Zach") Lumbard, it will no doubt speedily assume an important position among the journals of the Northern-Tier.
1877—April. A general temperance revival in all parts of the county.
Meetings are being held in nearly every town and village. Able speakers address large audiences nightly, and hundreds of names are being subscribed to the pledge of Francis Murphy.
"OLD TIOGA!" There is not a dweller under the shadow of her hills but loves the sound of the familiar name. It is synonymous with
*That portion of this book embracing the pages devoted to "Newspapers published in Tioga County at the present time" was electrotyped before the appearance of the first issue of the Advocate; hence the omission of the mention of this new paper in that department.
"a land of peace and plenty." Every true son of her soil hears the words spoken with filial reverence. To those who have been reared beside her streams there is nothing in nature as lovely as her valleys.
"There is not in the wide world a valley so sweet
As that vale in whose bosom the bright waters meet"
Perhaps it was the thought that has found expression in these lines that impelled the pioneer seeking for a home in a strange land to pause at the confluence of the Tioga and Cowanesque rivers.
Here, less than a century ago, the first settler erected his rude cabin and began to exact from nature the fruits of toil. "OLD TIOGA" was a blooming wilderness then; the cries of the panther and the wolf resounded through her forests and the light step of the Indian had scarcely ceased to press her soil. The magical hand of advancing civilization touched her hills and valleys, and the spirit of change took possession of all. There came the sounds of the woodman’s axe; the metallic ringing of the saws cutting their way through the timber; the muffled humming of grist mills, and to-day agriculture and manufacture, and the causes of education and religion are in an advanced condition among her people. The whirring of machinery, the sounds of the hammer of the blacksmith and the saw of the mechanic, the click of the mattock in the hands of the miner, and the cheery voice of the trader may be heard on every hand. The shriek of the locomotive momentarily drowns the clatter of the mower and the thresher on six days out of every seven, and on the seventh the clangor of scores of church-bells rings out an invitation to nearly 40,000 people to worship the God that gave them liberty, prosperity and contentment.