BRADFORD REPORTER - TOWANDA, PA, JAN 3, 1884 TROY TOWNSHIP Part II This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy Site by Joyce M. Tice No Unauthorized Commercial Use May Be Made of This Material |
BRADFORD REPORTER Towanda, Pa., Jan 3, 1884
E. J. Lee, Grocer and dealer in crockery and glassware, Canton street, formerly associated with C. N. Grobs, began business for himself in 1879, keeps constantly on hand the best staple groceries, fine French and china-ware, also a large and choice stock of queens-ware and glass-ware. The best St. Louis and Minneapolis flour is constantly kept at his store, also a choice line of canned goods, confectionery, fruits, nuts, tobacco and cigars. Anything elegant in the line of holiday goods may be found in his show tables. Remember the name and place for choice articles.
Beardsley & Spalding, Dealers in hardware, tin-ware, building materials and carriage-makers, successors to L. W. Eighmey, in 1879, keep constantly on hand a choice and full supply of light and heavy hardware, a complete line of building materials, including paints, oils, brick, lath, lime, etc. Stoves of all descriptions kept to fill their spacious store, and anything in the line of choice shelf hardware is found here. They also keep carriage materials of all kinds, and manufacture carriages and sleighs of all descriptions. It is one of the most enterprising and reliable firms of Troy, remember them when you want to buy anything choice in their line.
Grumme & Klippenstein, Furniture goods, opened their store on Canton street, in July, 1883, make a specialty of draperies, long curtains, and elegant line of bed-room suits of finest make of ash, walnut, etc., together with a full line of other furniture. Sofas, chairs, and tables are kept in great variety, also an elegant line of secretaries work-cases, ward-robes and parlor suits. Their line of furniture is choice and complete.
Dobart & Porter, Harness-makers, and dealers in robes, blankets, trunks, valises, and all kinds of harness furnishing goods, Canton street, firm established in 1866. Anything fancy and durable in the line of light, heavy, single or double harness is manufactured in their shop. A full line of whips of the very best make is always found here, also trunks, valises, saddles and side saddles in great variety. Boots and shoe making is also carried on by them. Examine their stock and prices and be convinced that is the place to buy.
H. P. Long, Miller and dealer in flour, feed and grain, Canton street, successor to Maj. Ezra Long, of Long's Mills, the first regular miller in western Bradford. He was also the first landlord and merchant in this part of the county, keeping a combined house and store at what is known as Long's Mills, as early as 1812. This primitive hotel is said to have been for a time the only one between Towanda and Wellsboro. It was made a sort of rendezvous for the Masonic Order, of which Maj. Long was a member. They held a meeting at this place in 1812 and erected a sign bearing the name of Ezra Long, with Masonic emblems. It may be seen in the Troy House office in an excellent state of preservation.
L. H. Oliver, Furniture goods of all descriptions, and dealer in lumber and building materials of all kinds, Canton street, successor to his father, C. C. Oliver, who came to Troy about 45 years ago with nothing but a kit of tools, and it was indeed for a time hard scrabbling to sell enough work to buy bread. Mr. Oliver came from Elmira where he had been employed by Benjamin Vale, the original cabinet-maker of that city. We have it from good authority that Mr. O. while in his employ manufactured more furniture than was sold in Elmira. The demand for furniture increasing, Mr. Oliver began enlarging his facilities, until the business with so small beginning (including store, shops and lumber yards), now covers two acres. Mr. Oliver has one of the finest show-rooms in Northern Pennsylvania, it is of a proper width, 200 feet deep. In it may be seen elegant bed-room suits of ash and cherry, and of many other descriptions, also table in great variety, stands, chairs, and parlor suits. Anything in the line of first-class furniture is found here, and at prices so reasonable that you cannot help but buy.
The Enterprise Works Is one of the most commendable institutions in Troy. In 1873 the Enterprise Manufacturing Company was incorporated for the purpose of manufacturing and dealing in agricultural implements and machinery. A visit to their shops finds a large number of men employed in the several departments where are manufactured plows of many patterns, cultivators, harrows, stoves, road-scrapers, field-rollers, corn-hoes, the celebrated Potter powers, and many other first-class agricultural implements. Especial attention is given to the manufacture of the Potter horse and churn powers, which are constantly growing in popularity, they are truly unexcelled in simplicity of design, ease of operation and durability. They reflect much credit upon Mr. Potter the patentee who has charge of the department manufacturing them. Mr. P. is also the inventor of other useful machinery. He must be styled a benefactor of mankind. The Enterprise Company deal in lumber-wagons, hay-rakes, mowing-machines, reapers, corn-shellers and anything in the agricultural line; also repair machinery of all kinds. It is the one place in western Bradford to buy in their line. Never visit Troy without seeing them.
Lilley & Compton, Old and reliable carriage-makers are found on Center street. The firm was established in 1873. They manufacture carriages of all kinds, light and heavy wagons, sleighs and cutters. Their work is always guaranteed as they use only first-class material. They also deal in an excellent line of agricultural implements, and ready-made harness, light and heavy. For a first-class cutter or carriage gay with the fancy colors of the season remember the place to leave your order.
Geo. Weigester's Marble works, Canton street, for anything most desirable in the line of fine monuments from the popular granites, or anything choice in the line of head-stones. Remember Geo. Weigester and the popularity he has gained for his work in western Bradford. Visit his works and be convinced it is the place to leave your order.
B. P. Knapp, Undertaking, Centre street, keeps constantly on hand cloth caskets, and coffins of all descriptions., glass and metalic burial cases and caskets, shrouds in great variety and colors, head-lining, etc. He also keeps two hearses, and a very fine team. Everything is strictly first-class.
Miss M. A. Sherman, Troy five-cent store, Main street, here may be found ladies' and children's underwear, hosiery, laces, Ladies wraps, and toys in great variety, including everything from a tin whistle to the largest doll-baby; also a fine assortment of holiday goods. It is the place to leave your order.
C. E. Spalding Restaurant and boarding-house, Canton street, keeps a full line of confectionery, and bakers goods, holiday goods in great profusion, canned fruits, and everything in the eating line. Dining-room open all hours. Try the genial bachelor's excellent dinners.
Case & Buckhout, Canton street, dealers in flour, grain, feed, and provisions, and general groceries. They keep only the best in this line.
G. B. Armstrong Druggist, Canton street, has just opened business in a cosy little store. His drugs and other goods are choice and new.
Mrs. L. A. Wooster, Dress making and millinery, Main street, has had an experience of sixteen years, and is assisted by first-class help, keeps the choicest and latest styles of millinery goods, which are sold at prices unexcelled. Examine her stock and prices, and be convinced it is the place to buy.
F. H. Hoffman Coal dealer and insurance agency, Canton street, handles only the best coal and represents only the most reliable insurance companies. He is the man to see, if you would have a good fire, and at the same time be safe.
B. Bowen A popular tanning establishment on Canton street, but time cut us short so we did not have the pleasure of visiting it, as well as some plans of minor importance. (Note from JMT : This means tanning of hides of animals, not our own)
Hotels The Adams House, kept by Lem Morris, a popular and well-known hotel man to Bradford county people. Farmers' and drovers' head-quarters. Rates very low.
The Troy House A first-class hotel, large and spacious, by N. Ford, a gentleman of many years experience in the hotel business, having kept most popular houses at Muncy, Sunbury and other points. The house furnishes excellent board and fine accommodations. A hack runs to and from all trains. The house has gained a reputation unsurpassed which Mr. Ford will fully sustain. Connected with the hotel is a first-class barber shop and full suite of bath-rooms; which have recently been added by the popular proprietor, J. B. Smith. Mr. S. is a first-class tonsorial artist, and keeps only the most skillful assistants. For the best shave the town can give, we invite the public to his tonsorial parlors.
The Public School, Which is under the able management of Prof. J. T. McCollom is constantly growing in popularity and numbers. Prof. McCollom has the co-operation of a most efficient corps of teachers, who earnestly labor for the public good. A normal department is connected with the school in which actual work is done in training teachers. The greater number of the teachers of western Bradford are educated here. A fine library of over 700 volumes is also connected. This is the eleventh year of the Professor's management, and the school attendance is twenty five per cent greater than during any previous year.
The Churches The most elegant church edifice in Bradford county is the First Presbyterian church of Troy. It is certainly an ornament and credit to the place. Space only forbids a description of it. Its pastor is Rev. G. P. Sewall. The other churches and ministers are: Methodist-D. W. Smith Baptist-J. Barron French Episcopalian-E. P. Brown Catholic-M. H. Dunn Universalist-J. M. Clark
Journals The Northern Tier "Gazette", and "Register", the former edited by A. S. Hooker, a well-known and popular editor and the latter by Frank Loomis.
Attorneys Delos Rockwell, A. C. Fanning, Albert Morgan, E. B. Parson, W. E. Chilson, F. F. Drake.
Doctors, E. G. Tracy, C. F. Paine, S. W. Shepherd, W. J. Hillis, G. W. Gregory, P. S. Carpenter, Chas. Bach, Miss Belle Beach. (Note from JMT: This is Dr. R. Belle SMITH Beach of Sullivan township using the married alias. She later practiced in Waverly where she died)
Dentist R. C. Kendall
Officers Postmaster-C. F. Sayles Burgess-N. J. Manley Councilmen-Geo. L. Peck, Thos. McCabe, Delos Rockwell, H. M. Spalding, L. Bliss, S. H. Oliver. School Directors-Delos Rockwell, E. G. Tracy, John H. Grant, B. B. Mitchell, T. McCabe, Jessie Stuart Justices of the Peace-B. A. Long, N. P. Stuart Constables-A. A. Pomeroy, P. N. Barker Auditor's-W. E. Chilson, Albert Morgan, J. R. Wilbur. Judge of Election-W. E. Chilson
Secret Societies I.O. O. F., I. O. O. G. T., I. O. O. U. A. M., Patrons of Husbandry, and a Masonic Lodge. The Odd Fellows have a most elegant hall. We must also mention the fine club room by the young men of the town, in which they spend hours of recreation, and amusement. The town also afforts a fire company and engine and town hall Mr. Editor we must again ask your indulgence in relating our visits with old people. The tables and chairs, if we may call them such, were mere constructions, indeed. "They consisted of slabs split from bass-wood logs with the rounded sides down placed on legs. On the table was found but few dishes and there generally of pewter or wood." "The beadstead consisted of sticks driven into the ground, with little poles reaching from the crack between the logs, and elm bark served as bed cords. This of course contained such bedding as could be afforded, sometimes consisting of deer and bear skins. Frequently the bed was only a heap of hemlock boughs covered with a blanket or bear skin." "Babes were rocked into silence and sleep in sap troughs." "Butter was made by stirring the cream with a ladle in a wooden tray." "The cabin was illuminated, at first by blaze of the pitch pine torch stuck into the jamb of the fire-place; a little later a rag with a lighted end dropped into a cup of grease, then our modern candles, and lamps." "The farmer's plow was a sharpened piece of iron attached to a wooden mould board." "Nails were hardly known. They were at first made by blacksmiths, and cost twenty five cents per pound. "When factory cloth and calico were first introduced they cost seventy-five cents per yard, or a yard could be had for a bushel of wheat." "Clergymen were paid for their services in wheat or corn." "The "time-piece" was the "sun mark" made at some point in the cabin so as to receive the rays of the sun at different degrees. A certain point indicating dinner time." (East Troy next week)
BRADFORD REPORTER Towanda, Pa., Jan 10, 1884
East Troy The history of Troy township, proper begins with the locality described in this letter.
Nathaniel Allen the first settler located in 1793, in the place now owned by Philemon Pratt, one mile east of East Troy, on the Sugar Creek road. After remaining there a year or two, he advanced his line of pickets to the place just below East Troy, then "Allen's Corners," long after occupied by him and his descendants, surviving them as it would seem for some time, as an advance-guard upon these rugged outskirts of civilization. As a land agent under the Connecticut title he made the original surveys of a great portion of this then wilderness, extending then as far west as the Tioga river. Under the original title he became himself the owner of three townships, but together with the other original settlers,he was obliged at length to relinquish his claim, unless paying a second time for the right of soil. After the dispute between the Connecticut and Pennsylvania claimants had been decided in favor of the latter, Mr. Allen bought 1,000 acres, and made many improvements. Where the village of East Troy now is was cleared by Mr. Allen and Judge Wilber, who used to work for him. In 1820 Mr. Allen moved to what is now the premises of H. P. Lament, and on the creek opposite the house built a saw mill and grist mill which were resorted for from quite a distance. Nathaniel Allen was a man of more than ordinary intellect, and one of the leading men of his time of Northern Pennsylvania. He was appointed one of the first Justices of Bradford county and was elected County Commissioner in 1816. He was a very diligent man and gave all his extra time to work. He was born on Long Island, of English descent. He died in 1839.
Three miles east of Troy in the prosperous Sugar Creek valley, is situated the pleasant little town of East Troy. It is the centre of a quiet enterprising neighborhood, and comprises a population of 100 souls. The town affords two church edifices, and an excellent public school which is under the tutorage of M. O. Loomis, a most able gentleman, and very popular among his patrons. He has been a practical teacher and farmer for years, and, moreover, gallantly donned the blue in helping to subdue rebellious Dixie. Returning to our subject it is of peculiar interest to know that for a number of years up to 1874, East Troy was a sort of sporting ground, the place affording two hotels and a race ground. This state of things did not prove well for prosperity, and happiness of the community. East Troy was indeed, "going back" until these luxuries were abandoned. From 1874 dates the prosperity of the town. In that year J. H. Dexter opened a general store, and at once began doing a prosperous business which has continued. In his store may be found a choice line of merchandise adapted to the country trade, which is sold at prices most reasonable. He keeps at all times a superior line of boots and shoes, shelf goods in great variety, fine staple groceries, notions, school books, and anything first class found in a village store.
Ball & Rathbun General merchants; firm established Jan. 1, 1884; Mr. Rathbun buying out the interest of R. Saddler who was associated with Mr. Ball for two years, under the firm name of Saddler & Ball. Mr. B. had however, for several years previously to the organization of the latter firm been engaged in the mercantile business. In the store of Ball and Rathbun may be found a full and superior line of general merchandise, including boots and shoes, dress goods, notions, cloths, and calicoes, a choice line of staple groceries, and a great variety of miscellaneous articles. All goods are first-class which are sold at prices so reasonable that all must be made happy. The firm deals in all kinds of products for which are paid the highest market prices. With the store is connected a cooper-shop and the post-office. Mr. Ball being postmaster.
F. B. Lucas and Son Carry on blacksmithing. Their skill and pleasant faces make them many customers. A visit to their shops, will find them busy at the forge at all times. It is the place for a first-class job which is always done on time.
Fred Ruggles Wagon-maker and repairer, has a popular demand for his work which is only first-class and from the very best materials. Fred is always found wreathed in smiles.
Campbell and Son Are popular boot and shoe-makers. Their work is always done in the latest and most improved styles.
S. Kendall, Also makes boots and shoes, and does repairing. Mr. K's pleasant face and good work bring him many patrons.
R. E. Stiles Runs a chop-mill, and does an active business in that line. It is the place to buy an excellent quality of feed and chop.
Reuben Stiles Deals in all kinds of agricultural implements including mowing-machines, reapers, steam threshing machines, etc., also steam saw-mills. He handles only the most popular machinery, and sells at prices most reasonable. Any one desiring anything in his line of machinery will save money by seeing him.
The Physician of the place is Dr. F. A. Gamble, Who has a very extensive ride and is gaining much eminence as a practitioner. Dr. "Tom" as he is popularly called by his many friends, responds to his calls with a promptness and intelligence that secures the commendation of all.
Chas. Parke Is the skillful carpenter of the place, and his reputation is rapidly becoming known to the people, and he and his large force of hands are constantly rushed. During the past year they have erected many elegant houses in Western Bradford, also a large number of barns and other buildings.
Notes The first store of East Troy was kept by W. G. White in 1854. The first postmaster was Andrus Case. The Baptist church was erected in 1838, the M. E. church in 1859 or '60.
Fine Stock Among the fine stock of this locality, M. B. McDowell has a very fine Black Fox-Hamletonian colt two years old. He is 16 ½ hands high and weighs 1189 pounds. Mr. B. also has a very fine lot of Yorkshire Logs, imported, and other blooded stock.
Geo. Cole has a very fine two year old colt from the Bay Billy mares, sired by the celebrated Warwick Boy.
S. J. Freelove, has a very fine and fleet three year old Hameltonian, sired buy "Eclipse" II. Mr. F. has a great charm for wild horses, and takes delight in breaking the most vicious. He is known as the great horse-tamer. Bring on your Mustangs!
Leonard Farmer has a very fine stud Hameltonian stallion.
Job Ballard has a fine black Canadian horse, and some very fine Jersey calves. L. J. Savacool has a very fine matched driving team of six year old blacks, and as such took "took the ribbons" at the county fair last fall. It is one of the finest teams in the county. The pair weighs 1, 890 pounds.
Leonard Van Horn, one of our good square Democrats, takes the "Reporter" and is not displeased with it either.
For rendering assistance in giving the early history of Troy we wish to express our indebtedness to Reuben Stiles, Mrs. Dana Dunbar, Ira and J. V. Ballard, Ezra Loomis, D. N. Allen , of East Troy; S. W. Pomeroy, H. F. Long, of Troy and for other assistance, to Dr. F. A. Gamble, M. B. McDowell, M. O. Loomis, Jos. Ball, East Troy, Prof. J. T. McCollom, Troy.
BRADFORD REPORTER H. F. Marsh, Editor Towanda, Pa., Jan 31 1884
Among the Farmers of Troy We found T. B. Baldwin an interesting gentleman well versed in the history of his township, having lived there for sixty-two years. Mr. Baldwin is from a family having an interesting history, which will be given in connection with another township, but we must not forget to mention that his father, Vine Baldwin, was one of the early business men of Troy borough. While he was engaged in the mercantile business then Thomas used to haul goods from New York city, there being no railroads or canals at that time. Mr. Baldwin has been a successful farmer, but has now retired. Enterprise on every hand presented itself at H. W. Greeno's. He is domiciled in a cozy new home, and has fine barns and out buildings. Mr. Greeno is an excellent farmer, and gives especial attention to the rearing of sheep. His flocks consist mainly of Merinoes.
Alonzo Morse carries on farming extensively, and is one of the prosperous farmers of the township. He came into the forests forty years ago, and began carving out his farm, which is now one of beauty with its two hundred acres, and fine and spacious barns. Mr. Morse carries on dairying extensively, and gives attention to the raising of sheep, keeping the Southdowns. In blooded stock Mr. Morse has a pride in the Durhams, among which we noticed a very fine herder which took the first premium at Troy. Mr. Morse has gained a reputation for his fine calves-which are certainly worth the credit bestowed.
The cheerful faces of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Greeno gave us a hearty welcome and made our visit a most pleasant one. Mr. Greeno has a very cozy little home, and gives his time to horticulture and butchering. His collection of small fruits is very choice, and will be kept so owing to his thorough knowledge of this industry. Mr. Greeno was a member of the 7th P. V., and served faithfully until he was dismissed for disability. He was one of the first to respond to his country's call.
O. F. Peckham is an enterprising farmer, carrying on dairying quite extensively. He is working into blooded stock in the Jersey line. We went through his elegant new barn, which is a model in its arrangement. The water works is a commendable feature on his premises.
B. C. Finton is a genial old gentleman, and has a very pleasant location, something over a mile from East Troy. He has proven himself a very successful farmer, but is now about to retire from that business, and offers his farm for sale. Though aged it is evident that Mr. and Mrs. Finton are diligent students. They have read their Bible through ten times during the past four years.
Mr. N. Wood is a very enterprising and successful farmer. He is taking much pains in introducing the Jerseys into his dairy. He has one of the finest heifers of that blood that we have yet seen. His stock is choice.
We found B. Case a very pleasant gentleman and successful farmer. He has a good dairy, and gives much attention to the culture of bees.
In Samuel Thomas we found one of the most genial of men. His head is whitened by the frosts of eighty winters, but his heart is just as big and warm, as in his younger days. Mr. Thomas was born in Canada, near Montreal, his father, Jacob Thomas, having moved there from New England. He, however, lived there but a few years, when he moved to the county, and located on what is now the premises of A. H. Thomas. Mr. Thomas has proven himself a most successful farmer and dairyman, but has now retired from the cares of the farm.
The interest of our visits was not lessened when we called upon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, both old inhabitants of the township. Mrs. Scott was a daughter of Zina Dunbar, one of the early settlers of the county. Mrs. Scott recounts many interesting facts. Her memory carries her back to that date when Indians were yet seen in Bradford County. She remembers when there were but two or three buildings in the present Troy borough. She says the first school at Troy borough, which she attended, was held in the old church of the "Old Baptists," which stood where the present cemetery is now. "Old Master Porter," father of John and Ned, was the teacher. This was before the "shad school house" had been erected. "Some of the early diets were sap and bean porridge. In the former sap was boiled until it had attained a proper degree of sweetness when with it was mixed flour or corn meal." "Preserves were made by putting berries into a vessel with maple syrup." "Evans root, sage, and the spice bush were used as substitutes for tea."
Mr. and Mrs. Scott are each seventy years old, clear intellectually and very interesting in conversation. We are sorry our visit could not have been a more continued one.
We found Alonzo Thomas pleasantly domiciled in his neat home, surrounded by all the comforts of life. He is one of Troy's successful farmers and dairymen. His pride in stock is in the Durham line. Mr. Thomas has a peculiar fondness for venison, and knows just how to capture it. Last year alone he succeeded in killing twelve fine deer. Mr. Thomas was elected Prothonotary of Bradford County in 1866.
One of the most commendable points of our visit was at L. P. Williams', where we found the proprietor in his pleasant home as happy as a king. Mr. Williams has a large and prosperous farm with neat and spacious barns, and all the modern appliances for carrying on farming and dairying. His stock is large and choice, and is of the Durham line.
We noticed some very fine Durham heifers which took the first premium at both Troy and Canton. Mr. Williams has a fine dairy of twenty cows. He has always taken a great interest in agriculture, and was elected the first President of the Troy Farmers' Club, and has been one of the directors ever since its organization. Mrs. Williams put up the first firkin of butter in the vicinity, which was sold in Elmira at ten cents per pound. Where the fine farm of Mr. Williams now is was void of the least clearing, over seventy years ago, when his father came in from New York State and began battling with the huge hemlocks. Mr. Williams was born and raised on the farm which he occupies.
A. H. Thomas, President of the Troy Farmers' Club, is one of the most successful farmers of Western Bradford, and has some very excellent Durham stock. A visit with Mr. Thomas will convince you that he knows what practical farming is.
With kind hospitality and pleasant faces, we were received by Mr. and Mrs. D. Slingerland. Mr. Slingerland is an enterprising farmer, and carries on dairying extensively. He has a very fine span of fancy drivers, four years old, of the Bertrand stock. Mr. Slingerland has recently been adding valuable improvements to his home.
BRADFORD REPORTER Towanda, Pa., Feb. 7, 1884
Among the Farmers of troy Continued
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ballard are very pleasant people, and gave us a most hearty reception in their cosy new home. Mr. Ballard is a successful farmer, and gives attention to the rearing of young cattle.
W. A. Buck, with whom we spent a short but pleasant call, relates the following: "When the valley of the Susquehanna was yet new, husking bees were common. The corn would be stripped from the stalks, and brought to the log cabin, where the young men and women of the neighborhood would join in the work around a huge fire. It was understood that the gentleman finding the first red ear could kiss all the girls present. Some fearing they might be deprived of this delightful privilege, carried a red ear in their pockets."
H. R. Hickok also relates the following interesting fact: "It happened years ago when the township was yet new. Mother was busily engaged in her household duties, and my sister Clarissy, then a mere babe, lay in the cradle near the door. Then a large eagle pounced down upon the babe, and would have carried it away, despite my mother's efforts to baffle him, had his claws not torn their hold on the baby's garments." This babe is now a ripened lady; and bears the scars of this encounter.
The tannery of E. Van Dine was an interesting point in our visit. This enterprise has been established for ten years, though Mr. Van Dine has followed the tanning business, nearly all his life. Through the kindness of Mr. C. E. Van Dine we were conducted through the several departments of this establishment, and our inquisitiveness satisfied by his ready explanations. The tannery is well arranged, and has all the modern improvements. The Union Crop leather is tanned exclusively. It is so called because the tanning is from a union of liquids from hemlock and oak bark, after which the irregular pieces of the side are "cropped" or trimmed. This leather is used for the soles of sewed boots and shoes. The croppings are used in children's shoes. The establishment turns off three hundred hides a week, though it requires six months from the time of the purchase of the hide until it is converted into leather. The hides used here are of a superior quality, being purchased at the New York stock yards. Everything around the tannery is utilized. The hair is used for making clothing, carpets, and plastering, the spent tan for fuel, etc.
We found Mr. Van Dine's hands skillful workmen and "jolly good boys," well meriting that Thanksgiving turkey which they are presented by their employer every year. Mr. Van Dine has gained a reputation as a tanner, and his goods are constantly growing in popularity. We found J. H. Jewell on of the most pleasant of men. He has a cosy new home, and a neat new barn, novel in their design of architecture. Mr. Jewell gives much attention to the culture of small fruits, especially raspberries and strawberries. Mr. Jewell has a very interesting relic in the way of a table. When "Esopus", now Kingston, was burned by the British and Tories, much of their furniture was taken away by the latter, among which was the table herein mentioned. Some years after the war this table was purchased by Theodore Adriance, of one Dayton who was a Tory and acted as guide at the burning of Esopus. Mr. Adriance, Mr. Jewell's grandfather, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was one of the body guard at the execution of Major Andre. The wedding dinner of Mr. Jewell's father and mother was eaten from this table, as that of their golden wedding.
Among those of our visit Fred Boblayer deserves especial mention and credit. He came to this country from Germany, a poor boy, in 1867; but through unremitting toil, careful management, and an honest course, he has made his property and his reputation. He has a fine farm and dairy, and shows himself well skilled in his occupation.
At A. N. Maynard's we were pleasantly entertained, and found a prosperous farmer. Mr. Maynard gives much attention to the raising of fine wooled sheep. His flocks number fully two hundred. He also has a pride in young horses. We noticed no less than nine on the premises.
We found D. S. DeForest one of the most successful and prosperous farmers of Western Bradford, and happily domiciled in his neat home with all the comforts of life. Mr. DeForest carries on dairying extensively and has fine blooded stock in the Durham and Jersey line. Mr. DeForest has recently purchased the John McKean place, which has a more elegant house and outbuildings.
The tannery of B. Bowen was an interesting point in our visit. This reliable establishment was founded in 1837 by J. W. Rounds, who tanned about one hundred hides yearly. Mr. Rounds sold out to Fitch Brothers, who were succeeded by L. Bowen and R. R. Kingsley in 1845. In 1851 Mr. B. Bowen, who had been trained as a tanner in his father's tannery, took his place with Mr. Kingsley, and has since been connected with the business and has been sole proprietor since 1870. From the time of the founding of the establishment up to 1873 general tanning had been done, and the facilities constantly increased. In this year Bowen and Innes began manufacturing Union Crop leather, and continued so to do until 1879, when Mr. Innes sold his interest to Mr. Bowen. At this time the facilities had increased the business to 4,000 hides a year. In 1881 Mr. Bowen was burned out, but a few months had elapsed, however, when the old site was occupied by another building twice as spacious, and now handles 8,000 hides annually. Mr. Bowen has a finely arranged tannery, with all the modern improvements. The tannery is heated throughout by steam, and the tanning is from hemlock and oak by the new process, Everything about the tannery is utilized-the fleashings and glue pieces are sold to soap manufacturers, the hair is bailed up in bales of 150 pounds each, and shipped for various purposes, the spent tan is used for fuel, etc. Mr. Bowen himself is a very successful tanner, having entered that business at fourteen years of age. His work is strictly first class, and always sells as such. One would naturally think that the tanning business is unhealthy, but statistics show that tanners and butchers lived the longest of the tradesmen.
One of our most interesting visits was that with J. C. Strait, who recounted many entertaining reminiscences of the late rebellion. Mr. Strait was a member of the 7th P. V. C., and was in the service four years, He was in George H. Thomas' Corps, Wilson's Division. He was in a large number of battles, where, indeed, at times it was very hot, but escaped uninjured, though he had three horses shot from under him. He was with his company when it consisted of only seven men and an orderly-sergeant. Mr. Strait was twice promoted for skill and meritorious conduct, and refused a first lieutenant's commission at the close of the war. Mr. Strait is a present commander of Gustin Post, and is a gentleman whom his comrades speak of in most commendable terms. Mr. Strait is engaged in the beer bottling business at Troy, and though this notice might bring criticism upon the gentleman, we must say that he is most reliable and lives within bounds of the law. He also handles mineral waters of all kinds, and is the man to buy of should you desire to patronize his line of trade.
Among other gallant boys of the 7th P. P. V., we must mention first, J. H. Howe, who enlisted in October, 1861, and served until the war closed. He was in fully forty battles, and was wounded at Leabanon, Tennessee, when in combat with Morgan's raids. Mr. Howe was twice promoted for meritorious conduct. His record is an excellent one, and well he deserves to be held in grateful remembrance. W. R. Sims enlisted in the same company at the same time, and endured the hardships of a civil war with him. He was promoted corporal 1862, and again second lieutenant for meritorious conduct. He saw the war close.
M. W. Pierce was another member of the 7th P. V. C., who like all our noble boys, should ever be remembered. He entered in 1864, and served as corporal until the war closed.
We found M. B. McDowell a genial and hospitable gentleman, well skilled in the art of farming. Through the dint of hard work, he has succeeded in accumulating a sufficiency of this world's goods to make him happy in his old age. In connection with our pleasant visit at this point we must not forget to mention a rare treat in the musical line by W. E. Lyon of Elmira. Mr. Lyon is a young man of fine natural musical ability, and will undoubtedly attain eminence in this direction. He should be encouraged.
The last, but by no means the least interesting of our visits in Troy township, was at J. P. Hunt's. Mr. Hunt recites a very interesting history, beginning life with nothing and so successfully accumulating his fine possessions. The first time Mr. Hunt worked out he received a cow for his services seven months. He says: "That summer I made my capital because I made my reputation." In 1832 Mr. Hunt bought the improvements of Nehemiah P. Bowen, a Mormon whose log cabin was made a rendezvous for the Mormons in this locality. The improvements, however, were very limited. Through many years of unremitting toil, Mr. Hunt has succeeded in clearing up a fine and prosperous farm, and added to a pleasant mansion, suitable barns, and the proper appliances for carrying on farming. Mr. Hunt's son, John F., is associated with him in carrying on the farm. They carry a fine dairy of twenty cows. They are introducing the Durham stock. Mr. Hunt married Miss Elizabeth Dobbins, a sister of ex-Sheriff Dobbins. John F. Hunt was one of our "boys in blue" and was connected with the Army of the Potomac.
In conclusion, we would thank the farmers of Troy for their favors, and kind hospitality.
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