Tri-Counties Genealogy &
History by Joyce M. Tice
1885 Seven Counties History
- Bradford County PA
Photo by Joyce M. Tice February 1999
“HISTORY OF SEVEN COUNTIES presented by the Elmira Weekly
Gazette". It is an “Outline History of Tioga and Bradford Counties in Pennsylvania,
Chemung, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins and Schuyler in New York by TOWNSHIPS,
VILLAGES, BORO’S AND CITIES.” Written expressly for the Gazette Company,
Elmira, N. Y. Copyright 1885.From AN OUTLINE HISTORY
of Tioga and Bradford
Counties in Pennsylvania, Chemung,
Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins and Schuyler in New York by TOWNSHIPS, VILLAGES,
Sheshequin township was formed in 1820, taken
from Ulster. It is situated on the east side of the Susquehanna,
and comprises some of the finest alluvial lands in Pennsylvania.
It has become historic grounds on account of its Indian and revolutionary
history. The old Indian town of Sheshequin was situated on the west
side of the river in the present town of Ulster, but the broad and fertile
flats upon the east side now in Sheshequin, early became famous for their
productiveness. Sheshequin is bounded on the north by Athens, and
Litchfield, on the east by Rome, on the south by Wysox and the Susquehanna
river, and on the west by the Susquehanna river.
Its early settlers were Gen. Simon Spalding,
Joseph Kinney, Benjamin Cole, Col. Fordham, Col. Thomas Baldwin, Stephen
Fuller, Obediah Gore, Samuel Gore, Arnold Franklin, Col. Joseph Kingsbury,
Moses Pard, Capt. Jeremiah Shaw, Peter Snyder, Ebenezer Shaw, Daniel Brink,
Abel Newell, George Murphy, Stephen Morgan, Daniel Curtis, Henry Hine,
Ichabod Blackman, Franklin Blackman, William Ferguson, Ebenezer Franklin,
Joseph Franklin, Hugh Rippeth, Elijah Horton, William Horton, Joshua Horton,
Elijah Horton, Jr., Stephen Horton, Gilbert Horton, Joseph Tuttle, Josiah
Newell, Abel Newell, William Webber, John Newell, Joseph Salisbury, Josiah
Tuttle, Jonathan Stark, Jesse Smith, Capt. Jabez Fish, Zebulon Butler,
Captain Forbes, Harry Spaulding, Capt. Stephen Fuller, Benjamin Clark,
Jabez Sill, Elijah Towner, Enoch Towner, John Towner, Daniel Moore, William
Kennedy, Hugh Kennedy, Peter Bernard, James Bidland, Timothy Bartlett,
Samuel Bartlett, Henry Boyce, Jacob Brokaw, Ludowick Carner, Silas Carner,
Henry Cleveland, John Deitrick, Christain Brokaw, Zadoc Gillett, Freeman
Gillett, William Presher, Edward Griffin, Samuel Hoyt, Samuel Marshall,
Thomas Marshall, Josiah B. Marshall, Mathew Rogers, David E. Weed, Earl
Masten, Lockwood Curley, David Smith, Samuel K. Gore, William W. Spalding,
John C. VanSize, George Killmer, Jeremiah Killmer, James Shroes, Peter
Snyder, Christain Forbes.
--Obediah Gore opened the first store in Sheshequin,
in 1796.
--The first white settlement was made in Sheshequin,
May 3, 1783.
--Obediah Gore built the first framed house
in Sheshequin, in 1787.
--Sheshequin is an Indian name, and signifies
“the place of a rattle.”
--In 1790, three hundred Indians were encamped
on the Sheshequin flats
--Obediah Gore erected a grist mill, in 1807,
the first grist mill in Sheshequin.
--The first marriage was Mathias Hollenback
and Miss Sarah Hibbard, April 20, 1788.
--Ezra Shaw, an old pioneer in Sheshequin,
died in 1871, aged over one hundred years.
--Samuel Kinney, was the first white child
born in the present township of Sheshequin.
--Judge Gore and his father were blacksmiths.
They were the first persons to use anthracite coal.
--Great floods in the Susquehanna river in
1786, swept over the flats of Sheshequin and did great damage on the Susquehanna
--Simon Spalding, Joseph Kinney, Obediah Gore,
Samuel Gore, Captain Jeremiah Shaw, Daniel Moore, Christain Avery, were
early settlers of Sheshequin, and revolutionary soldiers.
--Col. H. L. Kinney a native of Sheshequin,
was the founder of Corpus Christi, Texas, as engaged in the Mexican war,
in 1846, and in the Maximillian war was killed at Monterey.
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