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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
History of Union Lodge No. 108
F. & A. M. Towanda PA
The Wm. Myer House - First "Lodge Room".
Old Part (at the Left) Built 1812.
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Retyped for Tri-Counties by Elaine Frey
Table of Contents of this book
Bibliographic Information for your source citations on any use of this reprinted material: HISTORY OF UNION LODGE, NO. 108, F. & A.M., TOWANDA, PA., 
CODDING, James, A History of Union Lodge No. 108, Free and Accepted Masons, Towanda, Pa. Held under a warrant from The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging. by James H. Codding, Past Master.Towanda, Pa., 1899, Reporter-Journal Printing Co., Towanda, Pa., Reprint publication on Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice, 2004,
                                           THE PETITION FOR THE WARRANT

To the Right Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania,

     The Petition of the Subscribers free and acpted Master Masons, Inhabitants of the Township of Wysox and Orwell County of Luzerne and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
     Humbly Sheweth, That we have been members of regular Lodges of free and Accepted Masons and having the prosperity of the fraternity at heart we are willing to exert our best endeavors to promote and diffuse the genuine principles of Masonry and for the conveniency of our respective dwellings and for other good reasons we are desirous of forming a new Lodge to work half the time in the Township of Wysox and the other half in the Township of Orwell to be named UNION and in consequence of this desire we pray for Letters of dispensation or a Warrant of Constitution to empower us to assemble as a legal lodge to discharge the duties of masonry in a regular and constitutional manner according to the original forms of the order and the regulations of the Grand Lodge.
     We have nominated and do recommend our worthy brother Oration Grant to be the first master Amos Mix to be the first senior warden and Ebenezer Tuttle to be the first junior warden of the said lodge and if the prayer of the petition should be granted we promise a strict conformity to all the constitutional laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge.
     Wysox Decr 9, 1806
                                                                                                   James Grant.
                                                                                                   David Scott.
                                                                                                   Wm. B. Whitney.
                                                                                                   Ebenz. B. Gregory.
                                                                                                   Abner C. Rockwell.
                                                                                                   Jas. Swartwout.
                                                                                                   Eliphalet Mason.
                                                                                                   Amos V. Mathews.
                                                                                                   Cyp. Grant.
                                                                                                   Orente Grant.
                                                                                                   Oratio Grant.
                                                                                                   Josiah Grant.
                                                                                                   Asel Johnson.
                                                                                                   Amos Mix.
                                                                                                   Ebenezer Tuttle.
                                                                                                   George Scott.
                                                                                                   Wm. B. Foster.
                                                                                                   William Myer.

                                   RECOMMENDATION BY LODGE No. 70

     “Application having been made to this Lodge by Sundry Brethren residing at Wysox and Orwell for the assistance of this Lodge in procuring them a Warrant for opening a New Lodge to be held at Wysox and Orwell alternately, therefore,
     Resolved that this Lodge do recommend the applicants to the Grand Lodge for that purpose and that the W. M. and Secty be authorized and directed to transmit a copy of the resolution to the Grand Lodge together with a recommend in Consequence thereof.
     Done at a regular Communication of Lodge No. 70 held at the Lodge room in the house of Brother Stephen Hopkins Tioga Point, December 23, A. D. 1806.  A. L. 5806.
                   Att’d                                                 Samuel Satterlee Secy.

                                         DISPENSATION TO CONSTITUTE

     Agreeagly to the above resolution we herewith transmit a Copy thereof recommending the Petitioners for the said Lodge as worthy and respectable members of the institution.  And it is our opinion that they highly merit the patronage of Grand Lodge in promotion of their laudable design.
     Feby 19. A. D. 1807.   A. L. 5807.
                                                                         Joseph Kingsbery, W. M.
     Samuel Satterlee Secy.

                                          DISPENSATION TO CONSTITUTE

WE, JAMES MILNOR Esquire, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons, in and for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Masonic Jurisdiction thereunto belonging, ---
     To our Worthy and much Respected Brother Joseph Kingsbery a Past Master Mason
Reposing the greatest confidence in your Zeal, Fervor and Constancy in the Craft, We Do by Virtue of the Powers and Authorities in us vested hereby authorize and empower you to call to your assistance a Sufficient Number of known and approved Past Master Masons to open and Constitute a New Lodge, to be held alternately in the Township of Wysox and in the Township of Orwell in the County of Luzerne in the said Commonwealth and there to proceed to the Installation of Our Worthy Brother Oration Grant, Master Elect, and other the officers of the New Lodge there to be established and constituted, to be called “Union” Lodge Number One Hundred and Eight according to the most Ancient and Honorable Custom of the Royal Craft in all Ages and amongst all Nations throughout the known World and not contrarywise.
     And make Report to us hereon endorsed of your proceedings.  This Dispensation to remain in force for Three Months from the Date hereof and no longer.
          Given under our Hand and the Seal of our Right
            Worshipful Grand Lodge at the City of Philadelphia
(seal)    this Third Day of March in the Year of our
            Lord 1807 and of Masonry 5807.
                                                                  James Milnor
     George A. Baker
          Grand Secretary.

                                                     COPY OF WARRANT

                                                James Milnor
                                                           Grand Master
                                                Fred’k Wolbert
                                                            Deputy Grand Master
Robert Lewis, Senior Grand Warden,
                           Robert Poath, Junior Grand Warden
                                             TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging in Ample Form assembled at Philadelphia, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
                Wisdom                             Strength                       Fraternity
Know Ye, that WE the said GRAND LODGE of the most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons (according to the Old Constitutions, revived by his Royal Highness Prince Edwin, at York, in the Kingdom of England, in the Year of the Christian Aera Nine Hundred Twenty and Six, and in the Year of Masonry Four Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty and Six,) by Virtue of the Powers and Authorities vested in US, DO hereby constitute and appoint our trusty and well beloved Brethren Oratio Grant Master, Amos Mix Senior Warden, and Ebenezer Tuttle Junior Warden of a Lodge, to be called “UNION LODGE” Number One Hundred and Eight to be held alternately in the Township of Wysox and the Township of Orwell, in the County of Luzerne in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or within Five Miles of the same.  AND WE DO FURTHER authorize and empower our said trusty and well-beloved Brethren Oratio Grant, Amos Mix, and Ebenezer Tuttle to admit and make Free Masons according to the most Ancient and Honorable Custom of the Royal Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout the known World, and not contrarywise.  AND WE DO FURTHER impower and appoint the said Oratio Grant, Amos Mix and Ebenezer Tuttle and their Successors to hear and determine all and singular matters and things relating to the Craft within the Jurisdiction of the said Lodge with the assistance of the members of the said Lodge.
     AND LASTLY, WE DO hereby authorize and impower our said trusty and well-beloved Brethren Oratio Grant, Amos Mix and Ebenezer Tuttle to install their Successors, and first duly elected and chosen, to whom they shall deliver this Warrant, and to invest them with all the Posers and Dignities of their Offices respectively belonging, and such Successors shall in like manner, form time to time, install their Successors &c. &c. &c.  Such Installation to be upon or near St. JOHN THE EVANGELIST’S Day, during the continuance of this Lodge for ever.  Provided always, That the said above named Brethren, and their Successors, pay due respect to this RIGHT WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE and the Ordinances thereof, otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force or Effect.
               GIVEN in open GRAND LODGE, under the Hands of our Right Worshipful
                  Grand Officers and the Seal of our Grand Lodge at Philadelphia, this Second
  (Seal)       Day of March A. D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven and of Masonry
                  Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven.
                                                                                           Thomas Armstrong,
Attest,                                                                                             Grand Treasurer
     George A. Baker
          Grand Secretary


     “Agreeably to the within dispensation and by virtue and authority of the same, convened the members of Union Lodge No. 108, at the house of Brother Amos Mix in Wysox, April 3, A.D. 1807 A. L. 5807.  Having present a sufficient number of known and approved Pass Master Masons, a Lodge was opened in due form on the three first degrees of Masonry; and after the proper precautions, proceeded, according to the most ancient and honorable custom of the royal craft in all ages and amongst all Nations throughout the known world to constitute the said Lodge, and install the officers thereof, - the same being done and proclaimed, and the proper salutations given, the Lodge was closed in harmony.
                                                          Joseph Kingsbery, W. M. Ld No. 70.”

                                                       BYE-LAWS – 1807
                                               UNION LODGE NUMBER 108,
                                             OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF

     This Lodge has power and authority to make from time to time local bye-laws and new regulations, for their own particular benefit, and the good of Masonry in general; provided always that nothing therein shall be inconsistent with the regulations of the Grand Lodge of this state, and that the ancient Land-marks be carefully preserved; and provided also that such regulations be duly proposed in writing for the consideration of all the members, and be at last duly entered, with the consent of the majority.
     The Officers of the Lodge (the senior and junior deacons and tyler only excepted) shall be elected by ballot of the majority of the members present, on the Lodge night next preceding the anniversary of St. John the Eva. In each year; and in case of vacancy by death or total absence, a new election shall take place at the next meeting of the Lodge thereafter; which election shall stand until the next annual election ensuing.
     Of behavior in the Lodge while open: at the third stroke of the Master’s gavel, there shall be general silence; and he who breaks silence without leave from chair, shall be publicly reprimanded.  Under the same penalty every brother shall keep his seat, and not move about from place to place, while the Lodge is open, except the Wardens as having more immediately the care of the Lodge.
     No brother is to speak but once to the same subject of affair, unless to explain himself or by leave of the Master.
     Every one who speaks shall rise and keep standing, addressing himself in a proper manner to the presiding officer; nor shall any presume to interrupt him under the aforesaid penalties; unless the Master find him wandering from the point in hand, and shall think fit to reduce him to order; for then the speaker shall sit down.  But after he has been set right, he may again proceed if he please.
     Whoever shall be so rude as to hiss or make any disrespectful gestures at any brother, or at what another says, or has said, eh shall be forthwith solemnly excluded the communication, and declared incapable of ever sitting again in this Lodge, till another time he publicly owns his fault, and his grace be granted.
     No motion for a new regulation, or for the continuance or alteration of an old one, shall be made, till it be first handed in writing to the presiding officer, and after it has been by him perused, the thing may be moved publicly, and then it shall be audibly read by the secretary; and if it be seconded and thirded, it must immediately be committed to the consideration of the whole assembly, that their sense may be fully heard about it; after which the question shall be put pro and con.
     If in the Lodge any member be twice called to order, at any one assembly for the transgressing these rules, and is guilty of a third offense of the same mature, the presiding officer shall peremptorily order him to quit the Lodge room for that night.
     The opinion or votes of members are to be signified by holding up of hands, that is one hand each member; which uplifted hands the Wardens are to count, unless the number of hands be so unequal as to render the counting useless.
     Nor should any other kind of division ever be admitted among freemasons.  In order to preserve harmony, counters and a balloting box shall be used when occasion requires.
     While this Lodge is open for work, no member shall hold private conversation or committees, without leave from the Master; or talk of anything foreign or impertinent to the work in hand; nor act ludicrously while the Lodge is engaged in what is serious and solemn, but every one shall pay due deference and respect to the officers and fellows of the Lodge.
     Every brother found guilty of a fault, shall stand the award of the Lodge, unless he appeals to the Grand Lodge.
     No private piques or quarrels about nations, families, religion, or politics, shall be brought within the door of this Lodge.
     When the Lodge is closed, the brethren may enjoy themselves with innocent mirth; but avoiding all excess and compulsion, both in eating and drinking, considering each other in the hours both of labor and festivity as always free.  And every brother shall be perfectly at liberty to retire when he pleases.

                                                           OF INITIATIONS

     Every person desirous of being made a freemason in this Lodge, shall be proposed by a Master Mason who is a member thereof, who shall give an account of the candidate’s name, age, quality, title, trade, place of residence, description of his person, and other necessary requisites.  Such proposal shall also be seconded by some one or more members, who likewise know something of the candidate; and such proposal shall also be made in Lodge hours at least one month before initiation; unless it shall otherwise be determined by the voice of the Lodge.  The brother who proposes a candidate shall at the same time deposit two dollars in the hands of the treasurer of the Lodge; which sum shall be forfeited to the Lodge if the candidate should not attend according to his proposal; but to be returned to him if he should not be approved or elected.  In case he be elected, he is to pay in addition to his deposit, eight dollars into the funds of the Lodge, for passing two dollars and for raising to the sublime degree of a Master Mason three dollars.
     Every candidate after having been proposed as aforesaid, and approved, shall if he request it, have the perusal of the by laws, and also the Warrant or dispensation of the Lodge, and also a list of the members thereof.
     No person shall receive more than one degree at one sitting of the Lodge, urgent necessity excepted.  And no one after receiving the first or second degree, shall be passed or raised, except he hath his lesson perfect.  Every brother after being initiated, passed or raised shall within three months after repeat their lesson in the Lodge unless it be otherwise determined by the members present.
     No visiting brother shall be admitted in the Lodge, except he be first strictly examined by a committee to be appointed by the presiding officer, who shall afterwards administer the test to such visiting brother, if he be approved by the committee, unless he is regularly avouched for by a member of the Lodge.
     This Lodge shall assemble for work once in every Lunar month, and oftener if cases of emergency require it.  There shall not be more than five new brethren made at one time, unless by dispensation of the Grand Master.
     If the Lodge be convened at the particular request, and for the purpose of doing business for the benefit of any particular brother or brethren, he or they shall defray the expense of such extra Lodge.
     At the closing of the Lodge, before the brethren retire, the steward shall make out a bill of the expense of the evening, and receive of each member his proportion thereof; until a store of necessaries shall be provided by the Lodge.  If a visiting brother should be present a second time, when a store of refreshments are provided by the Lodge, he shall pay his equal proportion with the members of the Lodge.
     The Committee of Charity of this Lodge shall consist of all the officers thereof, who are to hear all petitions, and to order such relief to distressed petitioner as their case require, and prudence direct.
     All collections, contributions, and sums of money for charitable purposes, given or belonging to the fund of this Lodge, are to be deposited in the hands of the treasurer, or such other person or persons as the Lodge may specially appoint, no part of which must be disbursed or expended on any account, without an order from the Committee of Charity, signed by the presiding officer, and countersigned by the secretary, after being approved by a majority of the committee then present, and entered in their transaction book, with the name or names of the person or persons to whom the same is given.
     If a complaint be made against a brother by another brother, and he be found guilty, he shall stand to the determination of the Committee of Charity, or the Lodge, there being in all cases a right of appeal from the Committee of Charity to the Lodge itself.  But if the accuser or complainant cannot support his charge, he shall incur such penalty as the committee shall see cause to inflict leaving their privilege of appealing to the Lodge itself.
     A book shall be kept in this Lodge to contain the bye-laws, the names of the members, with a list of all the lodges under the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and united in general communication, with the usual times and places of meetings of such lodges.



For Years Name District Composed Of
1822 to 1825 incl. Joseph Kingsbery Bradford, Tioga and Lycoming
1826 to 1836 incl. do Bradford and Tioga
1837 to 1839 incl. No appointment  
1840 to 1842 incl. Joseph Kingsbury Bradford and Tioga
1843 to 1844 incl. do Bradford, Tioga, Susquehanna and Luzerne
1845 to 1846 incl.  Samuel Huston Bradford and Tioga (The printed proceedings for 1846 add Lycoming and Clinton to the District.
1847 to 1849 incl. Henry Pettibone Luzerne, Susquehanna, Wayne, Pike and Bradford
1850 to 1852 incl. Samuel Huston Bradford, Wyoming and Susquehannal
1853 to 1854 incl. John V. Smith do
1855 Robert C. Simpson  Bradford, Tioga, Wyoming and Susquehanna
1856 to 1857 incl. George H. Bull Bradford, Wyoming and Tioga
1858 to 1860 incl. do Bradford, Wyoming, Tioga, Susquehanna and Sullivan
1861 do Bradford and Tioga
1962 to 1865 incl. Robert C. Simpson do
1866 do Bradford, Potter and Tioga
1867 John H. Dusenbury Bradford, Wyoming and Susquehanna
1968 George D. Montanye Bradford and Sullivan
1869 do Bradford, Susquehanna and Sullivan
1870 to 1871 incl. Henry B. McKean do
1872 to 1874 incl. Edward Herrick Bradford and Sullivan
1875 to 1876 incl. do Bradford, Sullivan and Wyoming
1877 to 1878 incl. James H. Codding do
1879 to 1880 incl. George E. Davis Bradford, Sullivan and Lodges Nos. 248 and 263 in Wyoming
1881 to 1882 incl. William Chamberlin do
1883 to 1898 incl. Charles E. Riggs do
1899 Lester R. Frost do


Year Senior Wardens Junior Wardens
1807 Amos Mix Ebenezer Tuttle
1808 Josiah Grant(Died in office. 

Alpheus Choate was elected May 5

William B. Whitney
1809 Rogers Fowler Theron Darling
1810 Rogers Fowler Theron Darling
1811 Rogers Fowler Asahel Johnson
1812 Asahel Johnson (became W. M. July 23,

And Eliphalet Mason was elected S.W.

Ebenezer Tuttle
1813 Eliphalet Mason Chester Gridley
1814 Eliphalet Mason Chester Gridley
1815 Asahel Johnson John Fox
1816 Lemuel Streator Burr Ridgway
1817 Lemuel Streator Burr Ridgway
1818 Hiram Mix David Olds
1819 No Record of election and every meeting

Is 1819 filled "pro tem".

William Myer
1820 William Myer David Olds
1821 Harry Morgan Adonijah Warner
1822 Burr Ridgway Adonijah Warner
1823 LEmuel C. Belden Adolphus Martin
1824 Lemuel C. Belden Arunna Wattles
1825 Arunna Wattles Elliott Whitney
1826 William Myer Arunna Wattles
1827 William Myer Arunna Wattles
1828 Arunna Wattles William Myer
1829 Arunna Wattles William Myer
1839 Samuel Huston Joseph C. Powell
1840 Samuel Huston Arunna Wattles
1841 Ethan Baldwin Harry Morgan
1842 George H. Bull William B. Foster
1843 George H. Bull Henry S. Salisbury
1844 Gordon F. Mason E. Reed Myer
1845 Edwin W. Morgan Henry S. Salisbury
1846 Henry S. Salisbury William H. Baird
1847 William H. Baird Luther H. Scott
1848 Luther H. Scott Jeremiah Culp
1849 Luther H. Scott Daniel Vandercook
1850 H. Lawrence Scott Mathew Marshall
1851 E. Hastings Mason Luther W. Tiffany
1852 Luther H. Scott Luther W. Tiffany
1853 E. O’Mera Goodrich George E. Fox
1854 George E. Fox Henry J. Madill
1855 Henry J. Madill William Lewis
1856 Henry J. Madill Henry B. McKean
1857 Henry B. McKean Paul D. Morrow
1858 George E. Fox Edward D. Payne
1859 E. Hastings Mason Edward S. Benedict
1860 Adolph H. Kingsbury Ira H. Smith
1861 W. H. Harrison Gore George D. Montanye
1862 Calvin B. Patch Chauncey S. Russell
1863 Stephen B.Tidd Henry Mercur
1864 Henry Mercur John W. Means
1865 John W. Means Patrick Phelan
1866 Patrick Phelan R. Harlan Patch
1867 R. Harlan Patch W. H. Harrison Gore
1868 William A. Peck William T. Bishop, Jr.
1869 William T. Bishop, Jr. Charles F. Cross
1870 Charles F. Cross B. Frank Voorhees
1871 Henry H. McGaw James C. Irving
1872 James C. Irving James M. Piatt
1873 James H. Codding William L. Dimock
1874 William L. Dimock J. Russ Parsels
1875 J. Russ Parsels William Chamberlin
1876 William Chamberlin Edward Walker
1877 Edward Walker Charles P. Patch
1878 Charles P. Patch Andrew J. Dowd
1879 Andres J. Dowd Clarence T. Kirby
1880 Clarence T., Kirby George W. Buck
1881 George W. Buck John McGovern
1882 John McGovern Thomas M. Buttles
1883 Thomas M. Buttles Morris E.Rosenfield
1884 Morris E.Rosenfield Allen D. Albert
1885 Allen D. Albert William F. Dittrich
1886 William F. Dittrich Edwin M. Mason
1887 Edwin M. Mason Edward O. Macfarlane
1888 Edward O. Macfarlane Samuel W. Buck
1889 Samuel W. Buck Frank C. McKee
1890 Frank C. McKee John N. Califf
1891 John N. Califf William H. Minor
1892 William H. Minor Lester R. Frost
1893 Lester R. Frost Henry C. Porter
1894 Henry C. Porter W. Henry Dodge
1895 W. Henry Dodge Herbert S. Putnam
1896 Herbert S. Putnam George B. Winter
1897 George B. Winter C. Manville Pratt
1898 C. Manville Pratt Thomas M. Stalford
1899 Thomas M. Stalford Evan M. Muir


Years (inclusive) Treasurers Secretaries
1807 Josiah Grant George Scott
1808 Asahel Johnson William Myer
1809 Asahel Johnson Alpheus Choate
1810 Cyprian Grant Ebenezer Tuttle
1811 Elisha Wyeth Eliphalet Mason
1812 Adonijah Warner Elisha Wyeth
1813 Adonijah Warner Hiram Mix
1814-1815 Adonijah Warner William Myer
1816-1817 Adonijah Warner Hiram Mix
1818 William Myer Harry Morgan
1819 Adonijah Warner Harry Morgan
1820 Stephen Wilson Harry Morgan
1821-1822 Stephen Wilson Adolphus Martin
1823 Stephen Wilson Harry Morgan
1824 Harry Morgan Hiram Mix
1825-1827 Harry Morgan Alvin Whitney
1828 Peter Allen Burr Ridgway
1839 Jesse Woodruff Sidney S. Bailey
1840 Harry Morgan Sidney S. Bailey
1841 William Myer Sidney S. Bailey
1842-1843 John F. Means Wilson Scott (Died in 1843. Bro. D. Mitchell Jr., Completed the term of office
1844 Harry Morgan Thomas B. Overton
1845 John F. Means Sidney S. Bailey
1846 John F. Means William H. Perkins
1847-1848 William Keeler, 2d  William H. Perkins
1849 Charles Reed William H. Perkins
1850 William Patrick William H. Perkins
1851-1852 E. O’Meara Goodrich William H. Perkins
1853-1854 George C. Gore William H. Perkins
1855 George C. Gore E. Hastings Mason
1856-1858 James H. Webb E. Hastings Mason
1859-1860 James H. Webb George E. Fox
1861 Allen McKean George E. Fox
1862 John A. Codding George E. Fox
1863 Edwin B. Coolbaugh George E. Fox
1864 William T. Davies Henry B. McKean
1865 Stephen B. Tidd Henry B. McKean
1866 Stephen B. Tidd William T. Bishop, Jr.
1867 William T. Bishop, Jr. John H. Kingsbury
1868 George D. Montanye Edwin B. Coolbaugh
1869 George D. Montanye Charles L. Tracy
1970 George D. Montanye George V. Myer
1871 George D. Montanye A. Delevan Harding
1872 James H. Codding George V. Myer
1873-1874 Henry H, McGaw George V. Myer
1875 Henry H. McGaw James H. Codding
1876-1877 David S. Pratt, M.D. James H. Codding
1878-1879 Clinton S. Fitch James H. Codding
1880-1899 William Chamberlin James H. Codding



PAGES 148 AND 149